I'm not speaking for Freeze hellrider,but the retared fuckin geek from Winnipeg who is afraid of me is the idiot to ignore,we all know its him but we just refer to whatever account he is using at the time,in this case its the Brian Evans name he ripped off and is claiming the odds to have the same name blah blah blah bullshit,hes not as smart as he thinks he is.
well thats good apparently you would not ignore me for certain reasons that are not true,.you would feel very foolish.(save yourself from a very embarasing situation) if you ever met me.no offence intended.just saying it like it is. (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, March 07, 2010 11:54:27 AM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!! Well 'Rider, I will not TELL you or anyone else what to do or whom to ignore. You are free to make your own decisions. I suppose I was merely pointing out the obvious. You I would not ignore, of course.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
Ron (et al) you are wasting your time with this person. Mr. "Evans" is not a "serious" anything. He is yet another cyber-troll whose sole mission here is to create discord.
He stole another member's name, has been confrontational at every opportunity, purposely created this Thread to antagonize and continues to look for ANY reason to make trouble. He is NOT a "fan" of anything but stupidity. You will not get a serious response from him because he has none. Clearly, he does not know music. He wants you all to get angry and fall into his trap of moronic web-battles. This is why I have simply avoided a lot of discussion in this Thread. It is exactly what he wants.
If he is ignored long enough, he will eventually do the same things as others before him have done. He will make a comment that will give Murray cause to remove him and that will be the end of it. Until then, continuing to engage him only serves to foster his idiocy. You cannot have a "serious" or intelligent conversation with a person that has neither. He does not even have enough creativity to create his own name!!! (Oh, lest I forget, there is more than one Brian Evans in the world, right?? Especially here on this Board! HA!!!)
Edited at: Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:59:20 PM
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:43:03 PM
well thats good apparently you would not ignore me for certain reasons that are not true,.you would feel very foolish.(save yourself from a very embarasing situation) if you ever met me.no offence intended.just saying it like it is. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, March 07, 2010 11:54:27 AM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!! Well 'Rider, I will not TELL you or anyone else what to do or whom to ignore. You are free to make your own decisions. I suppose I was merely pointing out the obvious. You I would not ignore, of course.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
Ron (et al) you are wasting your time with this person. Mr. "Evans" is not a "serious" anything. He is yet another cyber-troll whose sole mission here is to create discord.
He stole another member's name, has been confrontational at every opportunity, purposely created this Thread to antagonize and continues to look for ANY reason to make trouble. He is NOT a "fan" of anything but stupidity. You will not get a serious response from him because he has none. Clearly, he does not know music. He wants you all to get angry and fall into his trap of moronic web-battles. This is why I have simply avoided a lot of discussion in this Thread. It is exactly what he wants.
If he is ignored long enough, he will eventually do the same things as others before him have done. He will make a comment that will give Murray cause to remove him and that will be the end of it. Until then, continuing to engage him only serves to foster his idiocy. You cannot have a "serious" or intelligent conversation with a person that has neither. He does not even have enough creativity to create his own name!!! (Oh, lest I forget, there is more than one Brian Evans in the world, right?? Especially here on this Board! HA!!!)
Edited at: Sunday, March 07, 2010 4:59:20 PM
[Becks] Sunday, March 07, 2010 12:44:01 PM
JUDAS PRIEST - THE BEST METAL BAND IN THE WORLD. This song is just one of many that kicks every Iron Maiden song in the nuts!
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, March 07, 2010 11:54:27 AM
HA!!!!!!!!!!!! Well 'Rider, I will not TELL you or anyone else what to do or whom to ignore. You are free to make your own decisions. I suppose I was merely pointing out the obvious. You I would not ignore, of course. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, March 07, 2010 10:57:42 AM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
Ron (et al) you are wasting your time with this person. Mr. "Evans" is not a "serious" anything. He is yet another cyber-troll whose sole mission here is to create discord.
He stole another member's name, has been confrontational at every opportunity, purposely created this Thread to antagonize and continues to look for ANY reason to make trouble. He is NOT a "fan" of anything but stupidity. You will not get a serious response from him because he has none. Clearly, he does not know music. He wants you all to get angry and fall into his trap of moronic web-battles. This is why I have simply avoided a lot of discussion in this Thread. It is exactly what he wants.
If he is ignored long enough, he will eventually do the same things as others before him have done. He will make a comment that will give Murray cause to remove him and that will be the end of it. Until then, continuing to engage him only serves to foster his idiocy. You cannot have a "serious" or intelligent conversation with a person that has neither. He does not even have enough creativity to create his own name!!! (Oh, lest I forget, there is more than one Brian Evans in the world, right?? Especially here on this Board! HA!!!)
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, March 07, 2010 11:22:49 AM
JUDAS PRIEST - THE BEST METAL BAND IN THE WORLD. This song is just one of many that kicks every Iron Maiden song in the nuts!
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, March 07, 2010 11:13:29 AM
JUDAS PRIEST - THE BEST METAL BAND IN THE WORLD. This song is just one of many that kicks every Iron Maiden song in the nuts!
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, March 07, 2010 10:57:42 AM
Deep Freeze wrote:
Ron (et al) you are wasting your time with this person. Mr. "Evans" is not a "serious" anything. He is yet another cyber-troll whose sole mission here is to create discord.
He stole another member's name, has been confrontational at every opportunity, purposely created this Thread to antagonize and continues to look for ANY reason to make trouble. He is NOT a "fan" of anything but stupidity. You will not get a serious response from him because he has none. Clearly, he does not know music. He wants you all to get angry and fall into his trap of moronic web-battles. This is why I have simply avoided a lot of discussion in this Thread. It is exactly what he wants.
If he is ignored long enough, he will eventually do the same things as others before him have done. He will make a comment that will give Murray cause to remove him and that will be the end of it. Until then, continuing to engage him only serves to foster his idiocy. You cannot have a "serious" or intelligent conversation with a person that has neither. He does not even have enough creativity to create his own name!!! (Oh, lest I forget, there is more than one Brian Evans in the world, right?? Especially here on this Board! HA!!!)
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, March 07, 2010 8:04:53 AM
Ron (et al) you are wasting your time with this person. Mr. "Evans" is not a "serious" anything. He is yet another cyber-troll whose sole mission here is to create discord.
He stole another member's name, has been confrontational at every opportunity, purposely created this Thread to antagonize and continues to look for ANY reason to make trouble. He is NOT a "fan" of anything but stupidity. You will not get a serious response from him because he has none. Clearly, he does not know music. He wants you all to get angry and fall into his trap of moronic web-battles. This is why I have simply avoided a lot of discussion in this Thread. It is exactly what he wants.
If he is ignored long enough, he will eventually do the same things as others before him have done. He will make a comment that will give Murray cause to remove him and that will be the end of it. Until then, continuing to engage him only serves to foster his idiocy. You cannot have a "serious" or intelligent conversation with a person that has neither. He does not even have enough creativity to create his own name!!! (Oh, lest I forget, there is more than one Brian Evans in the world, right?? Especially here on this Board! HA!!!)
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:07:00 PM
Spa, you have to control the plane ya know. Unlike regular ones, this virtual plane will go in a straight line until it runs out of fuel. Besides, forcing the plane to crash is much more fun. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, March 06, 2010 2:25:36 PM)
spapad wrote:
I did absolutely nothing to control the plane and the damn thing took two minutes to crash!
guidogodoy wrote:
I've been playing it for weeks. Can't say that I haven't squished a Mexican or three with a speaker at the start!
Becks wrote:
What the heck? LOL! That's super random, haha. I crashed straight away, oh dear.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, ladies and gents!! Check it out!! It's Flight 666...the game!! Now you can crash Iron Maiden's airplane all you want!!!
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, March 06, 2010 5:35:59 PM
i took it into space past those clouds then got it coming strait down then pressed on the arrow pointing up for more speed.lol [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, March 06, 2010 2:25:36 PM)
spapad wrote:
I did absolutely nothing to control the plane and the damn thing took two minutes to crash!
guidogodoy wrote:
I've been playing it for weeks. Can't say that I haven't squished a Mexican or three with a speaker at the start!
Becks wrote:
What the heck? LOL! That's super random, haha. I crashed straight away, oh dear.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, ladies and gents!! Check it out!! It's Flight 666...the game!! Now you can crash Iron Maiden's airplane all you want!!!
I did absolutely nothing to control the plane and the damn thing took two minutes to crash! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:17:16 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
I've been playing it for weeks. Can't say that I haven't squished a Mexican or three with a speaker at the start!
Becks wrote:
What the heck? LOL! That's super random, haha. I crashed straight away, oh dear.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, ladies and gents!! Check it out!! It's Flight 666...the game!! Now you can crash Iron Maiden's airplane all you want!!!
I've been playing it for weeks. Can't say that I haven't squished a Mexican or three with a speaker at the start! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:50:16 AM)
Becks wrote:
What the heck? LOL! That's super random, haha. I crashed straight away, oh dear.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, ladies and gents!! Check it out!! It's Flight 666...the game!! Now you can crash Iron Maiden's airplane all you want!!!
What the heck? LOL! That's super random, haha. I crashed straight away, oh dear. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:12:17 AM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, ladies and gents!! Check it out!! It's Flight 666...the game!! Now you can crash Iron Maiden's airplane all you want!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:22:10 AM
Why certainly Ron! First off as you know my good friend Judas Priest are my FAVORITE band and they are the best heavy metal band and the best "band over all genres" in the world!!!! I like Saxon they are my #2 fav.heavy metal band but they do not compare next to the mighty Judas Priest and thats not a slag,its just the "TRUTH".
My favorite Priest albums:
British Steel - I know this one some people are tired of but its just the classic songs on this that make it hard to beat.
Sad Wings Of Destiny - This one is a classic too and is hailed as one of the best also because of its flawless song writting.
Painkiller -- Hellrider's favorite album(lol!) and rightfully so it was hard putting British Steel and Sad Wings before it but ya know...(lol!)
Screaming For Vengeance - Totally awsome album too but I didn't care for Take These Chains or Fever that much but over all the album is awsome!!
Angel Of Retribution - My 5th favorite Priest album,I know that Lochness sucks but I actually like Revolution and Worth Fighting For and was hard to put after Screaming For Vengeance.
Defenders Of The Faith - I know many would put this album as #2 or #3 but Angel Of Retribution beats it in my opinion,I didn't like "Night Comes Down" at all but the rest is cool.
Stained Class - This album is awsome,I manage to like every song but the albums before this I listed just seem to beat Stained Class,even if there are songs on those other LPs I don't like.
Hell Bent For Leather - Excellent record except for "Burnin' Up(yuk) and Before The Dawn...not to keen on Evil Fantasies either but the rest of the album is awsome.
Sin After Sin - A classic album,very dark too,didn't like the song "Here Come The Tears",the other material I like but the quality of songs are not as strong as the above,but still cool.
Rocka Rolla - I know many would put this album next to last but not me,its a groovy 70's classic in my opinion! lol! Very hard to explain why this album beats Point Of Entry.
Point Of Entry - An album with some classics like Headin' Out To The Highway,Hot Rockin,Turing Circles,Desert Plains,Solar Angels,but the other 5 tracks are blah lol!
Ram It Down - This album is like Point of Entry alot,5 songs that are cool and 5 songs that are not(sorry Ron,I know your gonna kill me for this one haha) but its still got Rob!!
Jugulator - This album is without Rob I know,but its still got some heavy shit on here,I didn't like "Death Row" or Burn In Hell,Abductors either but the rest I like,they are ok.
Nostradamus - I know there are those who would put this LP up with the rest but blah,I can't stand it except for 3 songs,the rest I just can't take sorry guys lol!
Demolition - I hate this album except for 3 tracks on it,the first 3 and the rest are shit lol!!! Very poor song writting and are lame!! lol!!
Turbo - Judas Priest's worst album of all time,the only track on this album that is cool is "Reckless" the rest are shit!! lol!
There ya go Ron,now lets see if that Iron Maiden "fan-boy" has any opinions of each Iron Maiden album...fucking fanboy!!! lol!!
I think everyone deserves a fair shot, this is his. Even I am curious to read his critiques. Who knows, he might even get me to start listening to new Maiden, something I haven't done in a very very long time. They're gonna be in Chicago this year, let's see if he can 'sell' me into a couple of tix...
spapad wrote:
See Ron, one line, and not even on subject. LMAO!
ron h wrote:
Brian, your response has absolutely nothing to do with my request...not that you have to participate. As opiniated as you are and being such the rabid fan, I would think this would be right up your alley...at the very least a great opportunity to showcase yourself...to let folks know you know what you're talking about and that you're opinions are in fact valid. I'm sure you didn't create this thread for the negative back and forth that's been going on, so let's do what you intended this thread for...let's read your critiqe of your fave and least fave Maiden albums!!
Brian_Evans wrote:
Diamond can critique all he wants in his Saxon thread or another thread besides this one.
ron h wrote:
I think the best way to see who's who and what's what is to have J.D. critique his fave and least fave Priest albums and Brian do the same for Maiden.
...truth and complete honestyWILL prevail!!!! We know BS when we read it, so let's see what you're made of guy's!!!
(My money's on J.D.!!!)
Ok, Brian...put up or shut up!!!!
Edited at: Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:28:06 AM
[spapad] Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:48:42 AM
Guid asked him a long time ago to do exactly what your asking. He's not going to do it. He's not here to be a real fan of anything. He's also just another hollow account. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:47:06 AM)
ron h wrote:
I think everyone deserves a fair shot, this is his. Even I am curious to read his critiques. Who knows, he might even get me to start listening to new Maiden, something I haven't done in a very very long time. They're gonna be in Chicago this year, let's see if he can 'sell' me into a couple of tix...
spapad wrote:
See Ron, one line, and not even on subject. LMAO!
ron h wrote:
Brian, your response has absolutely nothing to do with my request...not that you have to participate. As opiniated as you are and being such the rabid fan, I would think this would be right up your alley...at the very least a great opportunity to showcase yourself...to let folks know you know what you're talking about and that you're opinions are in fact valid. I'm sure you didn't create this thread for the negative back and forth that's been going on, so let's do what you intended this thread for...let's read your critiqe of your fave and least fave Maiden albums!!
Brian_Evans wrote:
Diamond can critique all he wants in his Saxon thread or another thread besides this one.
ron h wrote:
I think the best way to see who's who and what's what is to have J.D. critique his fave and least fave Priest albums and Brian do the same for Maiden.
...truth and complete honestyWILL prevail!!!! We know BS when we read it, so let's see what you're made of guy's!!!
(My money's on J.D.!!!)
Ok, Brian...put up or shut up!!!!
[ron h] Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:47:06 AM
I think everyone deserves a fair shot, this is his. Even I am curious to read his critiques. Who knows, he might even get me to start listening to new Maiden, something I haven't done in a very very long time. They're gonna be in Chicago this year, let's see if he can 'sell' me into a couple of tix... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:40:26 AM)
spapad wrote:
See Ron, one line, and not even on subject. LMAO!
ron h wrote:
Brian, your response has absolutely nothing to do with my request...not that you have to participate. As opiniated as you are and being such the rabid fan, I would think this would be right up your alley...at the very least a great opportunity to showcase yourself...to let folks know you know what you're talking about and that you're opinions are in fact valid. I'm sure you didn't create this thread for the negative back and forth that's been going on, so let's do what you intended this thread for...let's read your critiqe of your fave and least fave Maiden albums!!
Brian_Evans wrote:
Diamond can critique all he wants in his Saxon thread or another thread besides this one.
ron h wrote:
I think the best way to see who's who and what's what is to have J.D. critique his fave and least fave Priest albums and Brian do the same for Maiden.
...truth and complete honestyWILL prevail!!!! We know BS when we read it, so let's see what you're made of guy's!!!
(My money's on J.D.!!!)
Ok, Brian...put up or shut up!!!!
[spapad] Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:40:26 AM
See Ron, one line, and not even on subject. LMAO! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:05:53 AM)
ron h wrote:
Brian, your response has absolutely nothing to do with my request...not that you have to participate. As opiniated as you are and being such the rabid fan, I would think this would be right up your alley...at the very least a great opportunity to showcase yourself...to let folks know you know what you're talking about and that you're opinions are in fact valid. I'm sure you didn't create this thread for the negative back and forth that's been going on, so let's do what you intended this thread for...let's read your critiqe of your fave and least fave Maiden albums!!
Brian_Evans wrote:
Diamond can critique all he wants in his Saxon thread or another thread besides this one.
ron h wrote:
I think the best way to see who's who and what's what is to have J.D. critique his fave and least fave Priest albums and Brian do the same for Maiden.
...truth and complete honestyWILL prevail!!!! We know BS when we read it, so let's see what you're made of guy's!!!
(My money's on J.D.!!!)
Ok, Brian...put up or shut up!!!!
[ron h] Saturday, March 06, 2010 10:05:53 AM
Brian, your response has absolutely nothing to do with my request...not that you have to participate. As opiniated as you are and being such the rabid fan, I would think this would be right up your alley...at the very least a great opportunity to showcase yourself...to let folks know you know what you're talking about and that you're opinions are in fact valid. I'm sure you didn't create this thread for the negative back and forth that's been going on, so let's do what you intended this thread for...let's read your critiqe of your fave and least fave Maiden albums!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:54:13 AM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
Diamond can critique all he wants in his Saxon thread or another thread besides this one.
ron h wrote:
I think the best way to see who's who and what's what is to have J.D. critique his fave and least fave Priest albums and Brian do the same for Maiden.
...truth and complete honestyWILL prevail!!!! We know BS when we read it, so let's see what you're made of guy's!!!
(My money's on J.D.!!!)
Ok, Brian...put up or shut up!!!!
[Brian_Evans] Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:54:13 AM
Diamond can critique all he wants in his Saxon thread or another thread besides this one. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:13:08 AM)
ron h wrote:
I think the best way to see who's who and what's what is to have J.D. critique his fave and least fave Priest albums and Brian do the same for Maiden.
...truth and complete honestyWILL prevail!!!! We know BS when we read it, so let's see what you're made of guy's!!!
(My money's on J.D.!!!)
Ok, Brian...put up or shut up!!!!
[spapad] Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:52:50 AM
I hope we have enough space for J.D.'s detailed critiques of two albums. But for certain it will be honest and very objective.
As for Brian. Just takes one line. "I like everything Iron Maiden does because I'm an a$$clown fanboy" [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:13:08 AM)
ron h wrote:
I think the best way to see who's who and what's what is to have J.D. critique his fave and least fave Priest albums and Brian do the same for Maiden.
...truth and complete honestyWILL prevail!!!! We know BS when we read it, so let's see what you're made of guy's!!!
(My money's on J.D.!!!)
Ok, Brian...put up or shut up!!!!
[ron h] Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:13:08 AM
I think the best way to see who's who and what's what is to have J.D. critique his fave and least fave Priest albums and Brian do the same for Maiden.
...truth and complete honestyWILL prevail!!!! We know BS when we read it, so let's see what you're made of guy's!!!
(My money's on J.D.!!!)
Ok, Brian...put up or shut up!!!!
[spapad] Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:10:27 AM
Stay out of this thread???...............Why should I?.............It's not like it was EVER intended to be a "serious" place for discussion of Anything. Retitile the thread "The Joke's on YOU!"
[Brian_Evans] Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:00:46 AM
Spapad wrote "The fact you think that looks good tells me you are a person would would accept anything."
OK spapad!!! Now, would would you please stay out of this thread. Bahaha!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, March 05, 2010 9:35:09 PM) Edited at: Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:06:22 AM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, March 06, 2010 1:19:00 AM
"Every post you make I'll be there to make your experience here at JP.com as unpleasant as I possible can, and theres NOTHING you can do to stop me so keep showing up....we'll see who's still standing when the smoke clears,and it takes time for the smoke to clear,trust me ...when it does you will not be here."
Is this some kind of lame attempt at a threat? Whatever. I'll still be here when all this "smoke" you keep talking about clears. If you ask me its just a bunch of hot air comming from you instead of smoke. This thread is just as good as your Saxon thread or even better and I don't need compliments or approval from someone else to keep it going. I haven't see anyone laughing except you and your posse of friends which doesn't bother me at all so what else to you have? Nothing...so just keep showing up caus it won't stop this thread. Good luck. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, March 05, 2010 12:52:16 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
spapad wrote in the Saxon thread: "J.D. I like the Saxon fan page, because you have NEVER once coated all they do with sugar. You are a fan and critic. It's always a good source of all that is Saxon. Of course, you already know that!"
You will never get a compliment for this thread as I have by others in the Saxon thread because of your "fanboyism",people are laughing at you ,I like you being here because it shows a ballance of other people's wisdom with your "stupidity",it gives them something to laugh at. If you want to spend time at a forum where nobody wants you here,that alone shows your ignorance and it shows you have no friends.Pathetic.
Every post you make I'll be there to make your experience here at JP.com as unpleasant as I possible can, and theres NOTHING you can do to stop me so keep showing up....we'll see who's still standing when the smoke clears,and it takes time for the smoke to clear,trust me ...when it does you will not be here. Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:54:27 PM
Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 4:58:41 PM
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:12:17 AM
Hey, ladies and gents!! Check it out!! It's Flight 666...the game!! Now you can crash Iron Maiden's airplane all you want!!!
The fact you think that looks good tells me you are a person would would accept anything. They could put Eddie looking like "Pinkachou" and you would eat it up like it was the best thing ever. HA! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Friday, March 05, 2010 7:05:54 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
IRON MAIDEN are pleased to announce that their forthcoming new studio album will be called 'THE FINAL FRONTIER', and is expected be released late summer of this year.
The announcement comes with news of a North American Tour with Very Special Guests Dream Theater to open in Dallas, Texas, on 9th June and finish in Washington D.C. on 20th July, making it Maiden's most extensive North American tour in many years.
Following these shows in USA and Canada The Final Frontier World Tour will travel back to Europe for a few selected major festival and stadium shows with the band planning to continue to many other countries in 2011 (full currently confirmed dates below).
The full Live Nation North America press release for the North American Tour is posted here.
An exclusive pre-sale allowing members of the IRON MAIDEN fan club first access to tickets to the North American Maiden Shows will be made available two days prior to them being available to the public.
Tickets for the Canadian shows will go on sale to the public on Saturday 13th March at 10am PST (10am EST for Toronto and 12 noon EST Montreal). Exclusive first access to the tickets will be available to IM fan club members on Wednesday 10th March at 10am PST through to Thursday 11th March at 6pm PST (EST for Toronto).
Regretfully due to technical reasons an exclusive Pre-Sale in Montreal is not possible.
Tickets for the US Shows will go on sale to the public on Saturday 20th March at 10am EST. Exclusive first access to the tickets will be available to IM fan club members on Wednesday 17th March at 10am EST through to Thursday 18th March at 6pm EST
As IRON MAIDEN are actively dedicated to ensuring their fans always have access to the best possible tickets at the fairest possible price, without being subject to scalping for good seats, so many North American shows will operate, at least in part, a paperless ticket policy: More information on Ticketmaster Paperless Ticketing can be found here
To give IRON MAIDEN fan club members a privileged insight to their touring world, IMTV will return to www.ironmaiden.com to cover THE FINAL FRONTIER WORLD TOUR. This exclusive footage includes regular video from the live shows, touring, band interviews, insights into our crew and what they do and much much more. The website will also feature exclusive tour diaries, exclusive photographs and anything else that helps the fans get a real insight into the dynamics of a big tour.
**THE FINAL FRONTIER 2010 NORTH AMERICAN TOUR** With Very Special Guests Dream Theater
Wed 09
Fri 11
Sat 12
Mon 14
Wed 16
Thu 17
Sat 19
Sun 20
Tue 22
Thu 24
Sat 26
Tue 29
Wed 30
Dallas, TX - Superpages.com Center
Houston, TX - Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
San Antonio, TX - AT&T Center
Denver, CO - Comfort Dental Amphitheatre
Albuquerque, NM - The Pavilion
Phoenix, AZ - Cricket Wireless Pavilion
San Bernardino, CA - San Manuel Amphitheatre
Concord, CA - Sleep Train Pavilion
Auburn, WA - White River Amphitheatre
Vancouver, BC - GM Place
Edmonton, AB - Rexall Place
Saskatoon, SK - Credit Union Center
Winnipeg, MB - MTS Center +
+Dream Theater will not be performing in Winnipeg
Sat 03
Wed 07
Sun 11
Mon 12
Wed 14
Thu 15
Sat 17
Sun 18
Tue 20
Toronto, ON - Molson Amphitheatre
Montreal, QC - Bell Centre
Holmdel, NJ - PNC
New York, NY - Madison Square Garden
Pittsburgh, PA - First Niagara Pavilion
Cleveland, OH - Blossom Music Center
Detroit, MI - DTE Energy Music Theatre
Chicago, IL - First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
Washington D.C. - Jiffy Lube Live
July 30 -Aug 1
Thur 05
Sat 07
Sun 08
Wed 11
UK - Knebworth Sonisphere Festival
Germany - Wacken Festival
Sweden - Stockholm Stora Skuggan Sonisphere Festival
Finland - Helsinki Pori's Kirjurinluoto Sonisphere Festival
Norway- Bergen Bergenhus Festning - Koengen
Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 7:32:55 PM
Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 9:37:09 PM
[acolyte55] Friday, March 05, 2010 9:25:38 PM
gonna put together a road trip for the vancouver show
[Brian_Evans] Friday, March 05, 2010 7:59:51 PM
This is heavy metal.
[Brian_Evans] Friday, March 05, 2010 7:11:41 PM
Looks pretty sick!!!! to me!!! I hope that is the new album cover. It screams Iron Maiden style heavy metal. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Friday, March 05, 2010 7:05:54 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
AND NORTH AMERICAN TOUR Read full details here
[Brian_Evans] Friday, March 05, 2010 7:05:54 PM
IRON MAIDEN are pleased to announce that their forthcoming new studio album will be called 'THE FINAL FRONTIER', and is expected be released late summer of this year.
The announcement comes with news of a North American Tour with Very Special Guests Dream Theater to open in Dallas, Texas, on 9th June and finish in Washington D.C. on 20th July, making it Maiden's most extensive North American tour in many years.
Following these shows in USA and Canada The Final Frontier World Tour will travel back to Europe for a few selected major festival and stadium shows with the band planning to continue to many other countries in 2011 (full currently confirmed dates below).
The full Live Nation North America press release for the North American Tour is posted here.
An exclusive pre-sale allowing members of the IRON MAIDEN fan club first access to tickets to the North American Maiden Shows will be made available two days prior to them being available to the public.
Tickets for the Canadian shows will go on sale to the public on Saturday 13th March at 10am PST (10am EST for Toronto and 12 noon EST Montreal). Exclusive first access to the tickets will be available to IM fan club members on Wednesday 10th March at 10am PST through to Thursday 11th March at 6pm PST (EST for Toronto).
Regretfully due to technical reasons an exclusive Pre-Sale in Montreal is not possible.
Tickets for the US Shows will go on sale to the public on Saturday 20th March at 10am EST. Exclusive first access to the tickets will be available to IM fan club members on Wednesday 17th March at 10am EST through to Thursday 18th March at 6pm EST
As IRON MAIDEN are actively dedicated to ensuring their fans always have access to the best possible tickets at the fairest possible price, without being subject to scalping for good seats, so many North American shows will operate, at least in part, a paperless ticket policy: More information on Ticketmaster Paperless Ticketing can be found here
To give IRON MAIDEN fan club members a privileged insight to their touring world, IMTV will return to www.ironmaiden.com to cover THE FINAL FRONTIER WORLD TOUR. This exclusive footage includes regular video from the live shows, touring, band interviews, insights into our crew and what they do and much much more. The website will also feature exclusive tour diaries, exclusive photographs and anything else that helps the fans get a real insight into the dynamics of a big tour.
**THE FINAL FRONTIER 2010 NORTH AMERICAN TOUR** With Very Special Guests Dream Theater
Wed 09
Fri 11
Sat 12
Mon 14
Wed 16
Thu 17
Sat 19
Sun 20
Tue 22
Thu 24
Sat 26
Tue 29
Wed 30
Dallas, TX - Superpages.com Center
Houston, TX - Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
San Antonio, TX - AT&T Center
Denver, CO - Comfort Dental Amphitheatre
Albuquerque, NM - The Pavilion
Phoenix, AZ - Cricket Wireless Pavilion
San Bernardino, CA - San Manuel Amphitheatre
Concord, CA - Sleep Train Pavilion
Auburn, WA - White River Amphitheatre
Vancouver, BC - GM Place
Edmonton, AB - Rexall Place
Saskatoon, SK - Credit Union Center
Winnipeg, MB - MTS Center +
+Dream Theater will not be performing in Winnipeg
Sat 03
Wed 07
Sun 11
Mon 12
Wed 14
Thu 15
Sat 17
Sun 18
Tue 20
Toronto, ON - Molson Amphitheatre
Montreal, QC - Bell Centre
Holmdel, NJ - PNC
New York, NY - Madison Square Garden
Pittsburgh, PA - First Niagara Pavilion
Cleveland, OH - Blossom Music Center
Detroit, MI - DTE Energy Music Theatre
Chicago, IL - First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
Washington D.C. - Jiffy Lube Live
July 30 -Aug 1
Thur 05
Sat 07
Sun 08
Wed 11
UK - Knebworth Sonisphere Festival
Germany - Wacken Festival
Sweden - Stockholm Stora Skuggan Sonisphere Festival
Finland - Helsinki Pori's Kirjurinluoto Sonisphere Festival
Norway- Bergen Bergenhus Festning - Koengen
Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 7:32:55 PM
[spapad] Friday, March 05, 2010 5:38:20 PM
Brian,.............this is Jesus, you know, the big G's son. STOP PLAYING WITH YOURSELF!!! Now get a grip of yourself, not literally, and go do something with your life! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Friday, March 05, 2010 4:58:18 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
"Every post you make I'll be there to make your experience here at JP.com as unpleasant as I possible can, and theres NOTHING you can do to stop me so keep showing up....we'll see who's still standing when the smoke clears,and it takes time for the smoke to clear,trust me ...when it does you will not be here."
Is this some kind of lame attempt at a threat? Whatever. I'll still be here when all this "smoke" you keep talking about clears. If you ask me its just a bunch of hot air comming from you instead of smoke. This thread is just as good as your Saxon thread or even better and I don't need compliments or approval from someone else to keep it going. I haven't see anyone laughing except you and your posse of friends which doesn't bother me at all so what else to you have? Nothing...so just keep showing up caus it won't stop this thread. Good luck. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, March 05, 2010 12:52:16 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
spapad wrote in the Saxon thread: "J.D. I like the Saxon fan page, because you have NEVER once coated all they do with sugar. You are a fan and critic. It's always a good source of all that is Saxon. Of course, you already know that!"
You will never get a compliment for this thread as I have by others in the Saxon thread because of your "fanboyism",people are laughing at you ,I like you being here because it shows a ballance of other people's wisdom with your "stupidity",it gives them something to laugh at. If you want to spend time at a forum where nobody wants you here,that alone shows your ignorance and it shows you have no friends.Pathetic.
Every post you make I'll be there to make your experience here at JP.com as unpleasant as I possible can, and theres NOTHING you can do to stop me so keep showing up....we'll see who's still standing when the smoke clears,and it takes time for the smoke to clear,trust me ...when it does you will not be here. Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:54:27 PM
Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 4:58:41 PM
[Brian_Evans] Friday, March 05, 2010 4:58:18 PM
"Every post you make I'll be there to make your experience here at JP.com as unpleasant as I possible can, and theres NOTHING you can do to stop me so keep showing up....we'll see who's still standing when the smoke clears,and it takes time for the smoke to clear,trust me ...when it does you will not be here."
Is this some kind of lame attempt at a threat? Whatever. I'll still be here when all this "smoke" you keep talking about clears. If you ask me its just a bunch of hot air comming from you instead of smoke. This thread is just as good as your Saxon thread or even better and I don't need compliments or approval from someone else to keep it going. I haven't see anyone laughing except you and your posse of friends which doesn't bother me at all so what else to you have? Nothing...so just keep showing up caus it won't stop this thread. Good luck. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, March 05, 2010 12:52:16 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
spapad wrote in the Saxon thread: "J.D. I like the Saxon fan page, because you have NEVER once coated all they do with sugar. You are a fan and critic. It's always a good source of all that is Saxon. Of course, you already know that!"
You will never get a compliment for this thread as I have by others in the Saxon thread because of your "fanboyism",people are laughing at you ,I like you being here because it shows a ballance of other people's wisdom with your "stupidity",it gives them something to laugh at. If you want to spend time at a forum where nobody wants you here,that alone shows your ignorance and it shows you have no friends.Pathetic.
Every post you make I'll be there to make your experience here at JP.com as unpleasant as I possible can, and theres NOTHING you can do to stop me so keep showing up....we'll see who's still standing when the smoke clears,and it takes time for the smoke to clear,trust me ...when it does you will not be here. Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:54:27 PM
Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 4:58:41 PM
[spapad] Friday, March 05, 2010 3:39:25 PM
Speaking of blatant rippoffs! I wonder how if feels to get sued by not one but three Movie franchises?
No Eddie to be found at all in that picture. More like the marriage of 3 very well know characters.
Oh that pic is just friggin' horrible. What is it supposed to represent? The bifurcation of Man? Of Death? Of the Terminator?! Bleah. Don't like it as a picture much less a cover in the least. My two pence.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is not a terrible picture,its cool in my opinion but NOT for a new Iron Maiden album cover? If this is it,then its a turn off...where is the real picture of the real Eddie? There may be more to the album cover but if this is it then this next to Fear Of The Dark has to be the worst Iron Maiden album cover of all time,it looks like the Predator,not Eddie...wtf?? And not to thrilled about the album title either I mean "The Final Frontier" they could of come up with something better than this for the sake of god,I googled the title name and "Keel" popped up! lol!
Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 3:45:07 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, March 05, 2010 3:20:44 PM
lol! Well the picture itself is not a bad picture,sure I've seen better but if it was an Exciter album cover or a band like that it wouldn't be bad but for what is expected of Iron Maiden it is an UTTER LETDOWN. We all love to see killer album covers of "EDDIE" not what is shown so far on the Final Frontier picture.
I'm hoping that maybe Ediide is in the album cover along with this creature thing whatever it may be,maybe this is a trick to make us think that Eddie is not on the cover who knows but if this is the actual album cover then I think it will be the worst Iron Maiden album cover of all time.
I remember getting into Iron Maiden in 1982 I was 12 years old I saw the Run To The Hills video,when I saw that video I went out and bought all thier albums wich was of course Iron Maiden,Killers,Maiden Japan and The Number Of The Beast and from then till now the worst album cover is Fear Of The Dark because that doesn't look like Eddie,so I sure hope "Eddie" is on this new album cover somewhere and like I said if it isn't then its definately the worst album cover by Maiden along with fear of the dark. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Friday, March 05, 2010 2:56:18 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Oh that pic is just friggin' horrible. What is it supposed to represent? The bifurcation of Man? Of Death? Of the Terminator?! Bleah. Don't like it as a picture much less a cover in the least. My two pence.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is not a terrible picture,its cool in my opinion but NOT for a new Iron Maiden album cover? If this is it,then its a turn off...where is the real picture of the real Eddie? There may be more to the album cover but if this is it then this next to Fear Of The Dark has to be the worst Iron Maiden album cover of all time,it looks like the Predator,not Eddie...wtf?? And not to thrilled about the album title either I mean "The Final Frontier" they could of come up with something better than this for the sake of god,I googled the title name and "Keel" popped up! lol!
[guidogodoy] Friday, March 05, 2010 2:56:18 PM
Oh that pic is just friggin' horrible. What is it supposed to represent? The bifurcation of Man? Of Death? Of the Terminator?! Bleah. Don't like it as a picture much less a cover in the least. My two pence. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, March 05, 2010 11:22:13 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is not a terrible picture,its cool in my opinion but NOT for a new Iron Maiden album cover? If this is it,then its a turn off...where is the real picture of the real Eddie? There may be more to the album cover but if this is it then this next to Fear Of The Dark has to be the worst Iron Maiden album cover of all time,it looks like the Predator,not Eddie...wtf?? And not to thrilled about the album title either I mean "The Final Frontier" they could of come up with something better than this for the sake of god,I googled the title name and "Keel" popped up! lol!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, March 05, 2010 12:52:16 PM
spapad wrote in the Saxon thread: "J.D. I like the Saxon fan page, because you have NEVER once coated all they do with sugar. You are a fan and critic. It's always a good source of all that is Saxon. Of course, you already know that!"
You will never get a compliment for this thread as I have by others in the Saxon thread because of your "fanboyism",people are laughing at you ,I like you being here because it shows a ballance of other people's wisdom with your "stupidity",it gives them something to laugh at. If you want to spend time at a forum where nobody wants you here,that alone shows your ignorance and it shows you have no friends.Pathetic.
Every post you make I'll be there to make your experience here at JP.com as unpleasant as I possible can, and theres NOTHING you can do to stop me so keep showing up....we'll see who's still standing when the smoke clears,and it takes time for the smoke to clear,trust me ...when it does you will not be here. Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:54:27 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, March 05, 2010 12:26:32 PM
Nope,I will NOT stay out of this thread as I am a "real" Iron Maiden fan,not "fanboy". And its not only me who thinks the picture sucks for an Iron Maiden "Eddie" picture.I'm stuck in the 80's? I liked 2006 album cover "A Matter Of Life And Death"...one of Maiden's best album covers in my opinion,but this new one SUCKS because its not Eddie.
And the album title? SUCKS. I'm not going anywhere guy,I'm here to stay and it doesn't "bother" me that your here,I'm glad your here because it shows the rest of the forum your "stupidity".I "LOVE" to argue,its no sweat off my balls and I'm here to stay in this shitty Iron Maiden thread,theres NOTHING you can do to stop me. Maiden "SUCKS".
You're just stuck in the 80's man. If they want to progress the look of Eddie then so be it. Like I said before man if they released the first five cd's over and over and over you would keep buying it over and over and be happy with the sameo old thing. Now stay out of this thread because its for real metal Maiden fans not someone just trying to bash all the time.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is not a terrible picture,its cool in my opinion but NOT for a new Iron Maiden album cover? If this is it,then its a turn off...where is the real picture of the real Eddie? There may be more to the album cover but if this is it then this next to Fear Of The Dark has to be the worst Iron Maiden album cover of all time,it looks like the Predator,not Eddie...wtf?? And not to thrilled about the album title either I mean "The Final Frontier" they could of come up with something better than this for the sake of god,I googled the title name and "Keel" popped up! lol!
Edited at: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:44:10 PM
[Brian_Evans] Friday, March 05, 2010 12:02:06 PM
You're just stuck in the 80's man. If they want to progress the look of Eddie then so be it. Like I said before man if they released the first five cd's over and over and over you would keep buying it over and over and be happy with the sameo old thing. Now stay out of this thread because its for real metal Maiden fans not someone just trying to bash all the time. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, March 05, 2010 11:22:13 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is not a terrible picture,its cool in my opinion but NOT for a new Iron Maiden album cover? If this is it,then its a turn off...where is the real picture of the real Eddie? There may be more to the album cover but if this is it then this next to Fear Of The Dark has to be the worst Iron Maiden album cover of all time,it looks like the Predator,not Eddie...wtf?? And not to thrilled about the album title either I mean "The Final Frontier" they could of come up with something better than this for the sake of god,I googled the title name and "Keel" popped up! lol!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, March 05, 2010 11:24:08 AM
I googled the name "The Final Frontier" and Keel popped up hahaha!!! Couldn't of Iron Maiden come up with thier own album title instead of ripping off a shitty hair band's album name? LOL!!! KEEL hahahaha [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, March 05, 2010 11:22:13 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
This is not a terrible picture,its cool in my opinion but NOT for a new Iron Maiden album cover? If this is it,then its a turn off...where is the real picture of the real Eddie? There may be more to the album cover but if this is it then this next to Fear Of The Dark has to be the worst Iron Maiden album cover of all time,it looks like the Predator,not Eddie...wtf?? And not to thrilled about the album title either I mean "The Final Frontier" they could of come up with something better than this for the sake of god,I googled the title name and "Keel" popped up! lol!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, March 05, 2010 11:22:13 AM
This is not a terrible picture,its cool in my opinion but NOT for a new Iron Maiden album cover? If this is it,then its a turn off...where is the real picture of the real Eddie? There may be more to the album cover but if this is it then this next to Fear Of The Dark has to be the worst Iron Maiden album cover of all time,it looks like the Predator,not Eddie...wtf?? And not to thrilled about the album title either I mean "The Final Frontier" they could of come up with something better than this for the sake of god,I googled the title name and "Keel" popped up! lol!
[Brian_Evans] Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:22:34 PM
[Brian_Evans] Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:14:04 PM
[Brian_Evans] Saturday, February 27, 2010 9:31:50 AM
Bruce Dickinson
[Brian_Evans] Saturday, February 27, 2010 9:30:41 AM
Nicko McBrain
[Brian_Evans] Saturday, February 27, 2010 9:28:30 AM
Janick Gers
[Brian_Evans] Saturday, February 27, 2010 9:26:19 AM
Dave Murray
[Brian_Evans] Saturday, February 27, 2010 8:37:03 AM
Steve Harris
[Brian_Evans] Saturday, February 27, 2010 8:34:56 AM
Adrian Smith
[Brian_Evans] Friday, February 26, 2010 11:59:06 AM
Classic Iron Maiden
[Brian_Evans] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:59:28 PM
[Brian_Evans] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:53:57 PM
[hellrider 31038] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:43:17 PM
that giant doll makes them look like midgets.lol [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:23:10 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
more classic eddie!
[hellrider 31038] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:31:24 PM
SOMEBODY PASS ME A CAN OF SPRAY PAINT. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:09:02 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
Heading out for another sold out show!
[hellrider 31038] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:26:25 PM
guidogodoy wrote:
[hellrider 31038] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:22:09 PM
HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YEEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHH GUIDO. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, February 22, 2010 9:08:26 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:08:33 PM
[Brian_Evans] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:39:21 AM
Excellent Jimmy! Bruce and the band sound great there!
Edited at: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:42:35 AM
[jimmyjames] Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:42:14 AM
This is Maiden doing Revelations in Brisbane, Australia in 2008. I was at this show. It was unbelievable.
[Becks] Monday, February 22, 2010 10:45:02 PM
Oh man, now he's talking to himself, he must be 100% delusional. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Monday, February 22, 2010 9:14:39 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
No, not really!! lol!
Brian_Evans wrote:
Brian_Evans wrote:
OK! Thats it!!!!! You win!!!!! I'm out of here!!!!!!!
[guidogodoy] Monday, February 22, 2010 9:39:48 PM
[guidogodoy] Monday, February 22, 2010 9:36:50 PM
[guidogodoy] Monday, February 22, 2010 9:35:28 PM
[guidogodoy] Monday, February 22, 2010 9:25:00 PM
[guidogodoy] Monday, February 22, 2010 9:20:50 PM
[guidogodoy] Monday, February 22, 2010 9:18:02 PM
[Brian_Evans] Monday, February 22, 2010 9:14:39 PM
[Brian_Evans] Monday, February 22, 2010 8:01:48 PM
I guess thats makes you the Punch Line. lol! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, February 22, 2010 7:58:22 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
LOL!!!! I Started a Joke and it was you!
Brian_Evans wrote:
Should have known you listened to W.A.S.P. lol!
guidogodoy wrote:
"Donig" (Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Monday, February 22, 2010 7:46:17 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
I haven't done anything but create an Iron Maiden thread and a Soutern Rock thread. Shame on me for doing that! So what if I have the same name as that other guy. Big deal! Deep Freeze??? Hmmmmm...did you make that up all by yourself?????? If this thread is so lame then what are you donig in here?
Deep Freeze wrote:
I can just about guarantee you are wasting your time, Bud. When Murray comes in here, sees yet ANOTHER cyber-troll that has stolen another person's name, created a lame Thread, been reported multiple times AND spent the majority of his short life here starting trouble, he will go where those before him have. His ilk are all too familiar and VERY short-lived.
Edited at: Monday, February 22, 2010 7:49:43 PM
[Becks] Monday, February 22, 2010 8:00:43 PM
LOL! Abba is horrible, about as horrible as this thread, LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, February 22, 2010 7:58:22 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
LOL!!!! I Started a Joke and it was you!
Brian_Evans wrote:
Should have known you listened to W.A.S.P. lol!
guidogodoy wrote:
"Donig" (Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Monday, February 22, 2010 7:46:17 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
I haven't done anything but create an Iron Maiden thread and a Soutern Rock thread. Shame on me for doing that! So what if I have the same name as that other guy. Big deal! Deep Freeze??? Hmmmmm...did you make that up all by yourself?????? If this thread is so lame then what are you donig in here?
Deep Freeze wrote:
I can just about guarantee you are wasting your time, Bud. When Murray comes in here, sees yet ANOTHER cyber-troll that has stolen another person's name, created a lame Thread, been reported multiple times AND spent the majority of his short life here starting trouble, he will go where those before him have. His ilk are all too familiar and VERY short-lived.
"Donig" (Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Monday, February 22, 2010 7:46:17 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
I haven't done anything but create an Iron Maiden thread and a Soutern Rock thread. Shame on me for doing that! So what if I have the same name as that other guy. Big deal! Deep Freeze??? Hmmmmm...did you make that up all by yourself?????? If this thread is so lame then what are you donig in here?
Deep Freeze wrote:
I can just about guarantee you are wasting your time, Bud. When Murray comes in here, sees yet ANOTHER cyber-troll that has stolen another person's name, created a lame Thread, been reported multiple times AND spent the majority of his short life here starting trouble, he will go where those before him have. His ilk are all too familiar and VERY short-lived.
Edited at: Monday, February 22, 2010 7:49:43 PM
[Brian_Evans] Monday, February 22, 2010 7:55:11 PM
Should have known you listened to W.A.S.P. lol! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, February 22, 2010 7:48:56 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
"Donig" (Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Monday, February 22, 2010 7:46:17 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
I haven't done anything but create an Iron Maiden thread and a Soutern Rock thread. Shame on me for doing that! So what if I have the same name as that other guy. Big deal! Deep Freeze??? Hmmmmm...did you make that up all by yourself?????? If this thread is so lame then what are you donig in here?
Deep Freeze wrote:
I can just about guarantee you are wasting your time, Bud. When Murray comes in here, sees yet ANOTHER cyber-troll that has stolen another person's name, created a lame Thread, been reported multiple times AND spent the majority of his short life here starting trouble, he will go where those before him have. His ilk are all too familiar and VERY short-lived.
I haven't done anything but create an Iron Maiden thread and a Soutern Rock thread. Shame on me for doing that! So what if I have the same name as that other guy. Big deal! Deep Freeze??? Hmmmmm...did you make that up all by yourself?????? If this thread is so lame then what are you donig in here?
Deep Freeze wrote:
I can just about guarantee you are wasting your time, Bud. When Murray comes in here, sees yet ANOTHER cyber-troll that has stolen another person's name, created a lame Thread, been reported multiple times AND spent the majority of his short life here starting trouble, he will go where those before him have. His ilk are all too familiar and VERY short-lived.
Edited at: Monday, February 22, 2010 7:49:43 PM
[Brian_Evans] Monday, February 22, 2010 7:46:17 PM
I haven't done anything but create an Iron Maiden thread and a Soutern Rock thread. Shame on me for doing that! So what if I have the same name as that other guy. Big deal! Deep Freeze??? Hmmmmm...did you make that up all by yourself?????? lol! If this thread is so lame then what are you doing in here? fuddy-duddy! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Monday, February 22, 2010 7:17:13 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
I can just about guarantee you are wasting your time, Bud. When Murray comes in here, sees yet ANOTHER cyber-troll that has stolen another person's name, created a lame Thread, been reported multiple times AND spent the majority of his short life here starting trouble, he will go where those before him have. His ilk are all too familiar and VERY short-lived.
Edited at: Monday, February 22, 2010 8:05:42 PM
[Deep Freeze] Monday, February 22, 2010 7:17:13 PM
I can just about guarantee you are wasting your time, Bud. When Murray comes in here, sees yet ANOTHER cyber-troll that has stolen another person's name, created a lame Thread, been reported multiple times AND spent the majority of his short life here starting trouble, he will go where those before him have. His ilk are all too familiar and VERY short-lived.
[Budred] Monday, February 22, 2010 5:13:40 PM
Response to PM.
Brian, I'm putting this here for the world to see. I'm not stabbing you in the back, I'm stating how I feel.
I said out in the open for all to see that I did not want to be two faced to you by jumping in with everyone else
when asked to post pet pictures in your thread. I thought you were getting pummeled and I felt bad for you.
I left you pm's telling you this. My last pm to you suggested trying to ignore these guys and maybe things will change.
Then I read your comments last night and more today. Now I believe you are not on the defense but actually attacking.
I started doing what you are and quickly realized that was not the way to go. I apologized, started chilling and WOW,
did things change. If you truly want to be here and do not want to cause trouble then think about chilling. Stop responding
to criticism with criticism. Post your Maiden comments and respond back to like minded people. That would prove that
you're not trying to antagonize people and then they may leave you alone. If this does not sound like my first post to you
it's because I'm starting to see things differently. If I was stabbing you in the back I would be joining in on the feeding
frenzy but I'm not.
Edited at: Monday, February 22, 2010 5:26:07 PM Edited at: Monday, February 22, 2010 5:27:40 PM
[Brian_Evans] Monday, February 22, 2010 4:56:36 PM
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, February 22, 2010 4:39:46 PM
If I pull your other one, I'm afraid what might happen! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I just LOVE it when we say that! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
guidogodoy wrote:
I'd like to discuss Maiden. Do they suck or WHAT!? LOL!!!!!
Almost as bad as the ass who champions their cause. "Another Brian." Pffffth. Yeah, pull the other one.
Brian_Evans wrote:
Like I said before man, discuss Iron Maiden or head to the pet thread, isn't that where all your friends hang out?
Deep Freeze wrote:
MORE brilliance!!! No wonder you have to use someone else's name.
Edited at: Monday, February 22, 2010 4:48:26 PM
[guidogodoy] Monday, February 22, 2010 4:30:09 PM
I'd like to discuss Maiden. Do they suck or WHAT!? LOL!!!!!
Almost as bad as the ass who champions their cause. "Another Brian." Pffffth. Yeah, pull the other one. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Monday, February 22, 2010 4:27:24 PM)
Brian_Evans wrote:
Like I said before man, discuss Iron Maiden or head to the pet thread, isn't that where all your friends hang out?
Deep Freeze wrote:
MORE brilliance!!! No wonder you have to use someone else's name.
[Brian_Evans] Monday, February 22, 2010 4:27:24 PM
Like I said before man, discuss Iron Maiden or head to the pet thread, isn't that where all your friends hang out? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Monday, February 22, 2010 4:22:41 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
MORE brilliance!!! No wonder you have to use someone else's name.
[Deep Freeze] Monday, February 22, 2010 4:22:41 PM
MORE brilliance!!! No wonder you have to use someone else's name.
[Brian_Evans] Monday, February 22, 2010 4:21:18 PM
I think you need to lose some weight man! Try swimming around in the water there, that will help.
Have you ever considered that their might be more than one person named Brian Evens? Jeez! Now this is Iron Maiden discussion so discuss or move on to the pet thread man.
guidogodoy wrote:
Uhhhh...someone who I called out on first post saying he stole another member's name? Yeah, YOU madame are busted, a loser and pathetic.
Brian_Evans wrote:
guidogodoy wrote:
Friggin' poser!
Brian_Evans wrote:
I'm still standing. Looks like you're starting to limp! Ha!