[hellrider 31038] Friday, October 08, 2010 8:19:50 PM | |
GO BUY THE CD SUPPORT THE METAL GOD YOU CHEAPSKATE. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Friday, October 08, 2010 7:28:13 PM) |  | Brian_Evans wrote: | | This is only the forth track I've heard from Made of Metal and I have to say this is really cool. Sounds like it came right off of Stained Class to me. So far this sounds like a pretty good classic metal cd by Halford.
Hey hellrider, keep posting these vids. man. lmao
(Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Friday, October 08, 2010 7:04:35 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote: |
Edited at: Friday, October 08, 2010 7:29:34 PM |
[Brian_Evans] Friday, October 08, 2010 7:28:13 PM | |
This is only the forth track I've heard from Made of Metal and I have to say this is really cool. Sounds like it came right off of Stained Class to me. So far this sounds like a pretty good classic metal cd by Halford.
Hey hellrider, keep posting these vids. man. lmao
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Friday, October 08, 2010 7:04:35 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote: |
Edited at: Friday, October 08, 2010 7:29:34 PM |
[hellrider 31038] Friday, October 08, 2010 7:04:35 PM | |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, August 26, 2010 8:51:56 PM | |
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Thursday, August 26, 2010 8:34:16 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | According to the video. Balls must need to breath or something with the way that judge was loosening the clothes. Who knew, that was the key?! |
[spapad] Thursday, August 26, 2010 8:34:16 PM | |
According to the video. Balls must need to breath or something with the way that judge was loosening the clothes. Who knew, that was the key?! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, August 26, 2010 7:54:25 PM) |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, August 26, 2010 7:54:25 PM | |
[guidogodoy] Friday, August 20, 2010 7:01:58 PM | |
[Zomby] Friday, August 20, 2010 8:35:23 AM | |
your all brain surgeons as far as im concerned i dont how to do anything like that |
[Head banger] Friday, August 20, 2010 6:34:04 AM | |
I just watched it on FB. no idea how to share it here. I did hit share, but that is sharing it on FB. not a bad thing, but doesnt help here. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, August 20, 2010 6:27:27 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Actually, there IS more on FACEBOOK now! Problem is, I don't know how to "share" it so I cannot post it here. If anyone that is a FB'er wants to go to my Profile and lift it, you are welcome to post it here for all to see!!!! Great footage! The people that did the video are top notch! Managed to capture some of the energy that is our live show!!!! |
[Deep Freeze] Friday, August 20, 2010 6:27:27 AM | |
Actually, there IS more on FACEBOOK now! Problem is, I don't know how to "share" it so I cannot post it here. If anyone that is a FB'er wants to go to my Profile and lift it, you are welcome to post it here for all to see!!!! Great footage! The people that did the video are top notch! Managed to capture some of the energy that is our live show!!!! |
[Head banger] Friday, August 20, 2010 6:18:42 AM | |
Hey. I finaly got to watch this, and thats some good stuff. hope you do end up posting more. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:52:21 AM) |
[Deep Freeze] Friday, August 20, 2010 5:35:32 AM | |
Thank you, one and all. I know I have not been around here much lately and it is not all because of the losers. I have been incredibly busy as we work towards taking a giant leap forward with this act. This video is really part of a promotional package that we are utilizing to sell the whole show. We had it professionally done (as you can tell) and there is another act involved. The whole thing is really very complicated and I am not one to really explain it so I will just say that it is a lot of work. The NICE thing is that I LOVE it so.
The DVD will be delivered today. It is quite likely that there will be other songs added to YouTube for viewing. I will let you all know. Should this "take off" in the direction we believe it will, I may very will be performing in a place near some of YOU in the future! Nothing like a "tour" but just some other venues. We shall see. You all know I am far too OLD to consider anything too drastic!!! HA!!!!!!!!!
I have to admit, the MIRAGE hotel and that BB KING club were just remarkable. The place was awesome. The sound was amazing and there were people dancing and yelling and I even got to walk through the hotel dressed up in my "rockstar costume"...HAAAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA!!!!! The looks I got were great! Had more than a couple of CLEARLY drunk "hotties" ask if I was "famous or something"...? (*snicker*) The Princess, as always, took it all in stride. She really is so proud. It gives me a very warm feeling to see her smile.., no BEAM, when I perform! THAT is something you just cannot buy!
Its just too bad that I did not stay with this thirty years ago when I was more physically able. No regrets! Onward and upward!!!! |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, August 20, 2010 2:16:22 AM | |
[Becks] Friday, August 20, 2010 1:02:56 AM | |
[jimmyjames] Friday, August 20, 2010 12:34:52 AM | |
No worries man. Good to see you guys in action at last. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, August 19, 2010 2:16:28 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | A sincere thank you, jj!!! I have NO friggin idea how to do it that way!! MUCH better!!! |
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, August 19, 2010 2:16:28 PM | |
A sincere thank you, jj!!! I have NO friggin idea how to do it that way!! MUCH better!!! |
[jimmyjames] Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:37:52 PM | |
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:52:21 AM | |
[Cooper Ryback] Sunday, July 11, 2010 8:23:35 PM | |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, June 21, 2010 1:41:36 PM | |
Ha ha! You don't need t.p.,just buy some used Judas Priest cd booklets because that about sums it up how much you give a shit about this band the rest of us care about lol!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Brian_Evans from Monday, June 21, 2010 7:54:49 AM) |  | Brian_Evans wrote: | | That autograph would be great! I could use it ASAP...i'm out of t.p. right now. lol! Edited at: Monday, June 21, 2010 7:56:06 AM |