Coming from the north, I was absolutely freaked out when I first heard of such things around here. Not only that but my house was (still is to a great degree) FILLED with them. There are all sorts of horror stories of people who had one drop onto their faces while sleeping, etc. I know a guy who now has a lazy eye because of it. Almost lost his vision altogether.
For a while, I tipped out all shoes before putting them on as recommended but, with time, just grew out of all that nonsense. I have a company come by to spray for them quarterly and put down glueboards but that is about it. Kinda like swine flu. What can you do, eh? (watch, tonight I get bitten AND contract the disease....oh yeah, and I can't even drive myself to the hospital...still on drive restriction because of the seizures..LOL!).
On THAT happy note, I am off. 11pm and "Intervention" is starting. Nice to see shows about people more screwed up than yourself to make you happier. HA! G'night all!
Becks wrote:
Well done Hellrider!
EWWW that spider sounds gross Guido! I loathe spiders so much. We're lucky here, maybe 2 breeds of venomous spider which hang around in driftwood at very particular beaches (so you're very unlikely to run in to them). But we do have a spider called the white tail which travelled over here from Australia (THANKS! LOL) which gets germs on its fangs so when it bites it can cause necritising of the flesh, blegh! Horrible things. We don't have snakes either, YAY! LOL! It's coming up roses for wusses like me LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Arachniphobe, eh? Oh, you'd LOVE it here in venemous brown recluse spider-landia!
I used to just trap them and let them outside before I learned what those little buggers did to a person. YIKES! Talk about a nasty little devil.
Becks wrote:
I've never liked PETA to be honest for the reason that they bring new meaning to the word extreme, LOL!
They would hate me then cos I kill every spider I come across LOL! The joys of being an arachniphobe.
spapad wrote:
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit!
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[_strat_] Tuesday, June 23, 2009 12:07:47 AM
Oh, dont talk to me about PETA.... I dont mind that they are so vocal (even when they are being ridiculous), or that they want me to eat nothing but vegetables (like that is possible)... But the videos that they put on the internet... I actualy threw up when I saw one of them, and never even considered giving it another go. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 10:20:30 PM)
spapad wrote:
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit!
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 11:14:11 PM
Blegh to spiders LOL!
Goodnight Guido! Sleep well! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 11:04:12 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Coming from the north, I was absolutely freaked out when I first heard of such things around here. Not only that but my house was (still is to a great degree) FILLED with them. There are all sorts of horror stories of people who had one drop onto their faces while sleeping, etc. I know a guy who now has a lazy eye because of it. Almost lost his vision altogether.
For a while, I tipped out all shoes before putting them on as recommended but, with time, just grew out of all that nonsense. I have a company come by to spray for them quarterly and put down glueboards but that is about it. Kinda like swine flu. What can you do, eh? (watch, tonight I get bitten AND contract the disease....oh yeah, and I can't even drive myself to the hospital...still on drive restriction because of the seizures..LOL!).
On THAT happy note, I am off. 11pm and "Intervention" is starting. Nice to see shows about people more screwed up than yourself to make you happier. HA! G'night all!
Becks wrote:
Well done Hellrider!
EWWW that spider sounds gross Guido! I loathe spiders so much. We're lucky here, maybe 2 breeds of venomous spider which hang around in driftwood at very particular beaches (so you're very unlikely to run in to them). But we do have a spider called the white tail which travelled over here from Australia (THANKS! LOL) which gets germs on its fangs so when it bites it can cause necritising of the flesh, blegh! Horrible things. We don't have snakes either, YAY! LOL! It's coming up roses for wusses like me LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Arachniphobe, eh? Oh, you'd LOVE it here in venemous brown recluse spider-landia!
I used to just trap them and let them outside before I learned what those little buggers did to a person. YIKES! Talk about a nasty little devil.
Becks wrote:
I've never liked PETA to be honest for the reason that they bring new meaning to the word extreme, LOL!
They would hate me then cos I kill every spider I come across LOL! The joys of being an arachniphobe.
spapad wrote:
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit!
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 11:04:12 PM
Coming from the north, I was absolutely freaked out when I first heard of such things around here. Not only that but my house was (still is to a great degree) FILLED with them. There are all sorts of horror stories of people who had one drop onto their faces while sleeping, etc. I know a guy who now has a lazy eye because of it. Almost lost his vision altogether.
For a while, I tipped out all shoes before putting them on as recommended but, with time, just grew out of all that nonsense. I have a company come by to spray for them quarterly and put down glueboards but that is about it. Kinda like swine flu. What can you do, eh? (watch, tonight I get bitten AND contract the disease....oh yeah, and I can't even drive myself to the hospital...still on drive restriction because of the seizures..LOL!).
On THAT happy note, I am off. 11pm and "Intervention" is starting. Nice to see shows about people more screwed up than yourself to make you happier. HA! G'night all! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 22, 2009 10:50:46 PM)
Becks wrote:
Well done Hellrider!
EWWW that spider sounds gross Guido! I loathe spiders so much. We're lucky here, maybe 2 breeds of venomous spider which hang around in driftwood at very particular beaches (so you're very unlikely to run in to them). But we do have a spider called the white tail which travelled over here from Australia (THANKS! LOL) which gets germs on its fangs so when it bites it can cause necritising of the flesh, blegh! Horrible things. We don't have snakes either, YAY! LOL! It's coming up roses for wusses like me LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Arachniphobe, eh? Oh, you'd LOVE it here in venemous brown recluse spider-landia!
I used to just trap them and let them outside before I learned what those little buggers did to a person. YIKES! Talk about a nasty little devil.
Becks wrote:
I've never liked PETA to be honest for the reason that they bring new meaning to the word extreme, LOL!
They would hate me then cos I kill every spider I come across LOL! The joys of being an arachniphobe.
spapad wrote:
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit!
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:50:46 PM
Well done Hellrider!
EWWW that spider sounds gross Guido! I loathe spiders so much. We're lucky here, maybe 2 breeds of venomous spider which hang around in driftwood at very particular beaches (so you're very unlikely to run in to them). But we do have a spider called the white tail which travelled over here from Australia (THANKS! LOL) which gets germs on its fangs so when it bites it can cause necritising of the flesh, blegh! Horrible things. We don't have snakes either, YAY! LOL! It's coming up roses for wusses like me LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 10:37:10 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Arachniphobe, eh? Oh, you'd LOVE it here in venemous brown recluse spider-landia!
I used to just trap them and let them outside before I learned what those little buggers did to a person. YIKES! Talk about a nasty little devil.
Becks wrote:
I've never liked PETA to be honest for the reason that they bring new meaning to the word extreme, LOL!
They would hate me then cos I kill every spider I come across LOL! The joys of being an arachniphobe.
spapad wrote:
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit!
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[hellrider 31038] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:37:43 PM
BTW, ALL go congratulate HR on his first You Tube Post! Awesome job! Proud of him!
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:37:10 PM
Arachniphobe, eh? Oh, you'd LOVE it here in venomous brown recluse spider-landia!
I used to just trap them and let them outside before I learned what those little buggers did to a person. YIKES! Talk about a nasty little devil. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 22, 2009 10:25:06 PM)
Becks wrote:
I've never liked PETA to be honest for the reason that they bring new meaning to the word extreme, LOL!
They would hate me then cos I kill every spider I come across LOL! The joys of being an arachniphobe.
spapad wrote:
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit!
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
Edited at: Monday, June 22, 2009 10:53:39 PM
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:34:46 PM
BTW, ALL go congratulate HR on his first You Tube Post! Awesome job! Proud of him!
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:31:16 PM
I hope he keeps on killing pestky insects! That's why we have all the bug spary! So pathetic these people are that they woud cry out in the name of
an insect that only lives a short while anyway and I'm certain they are not RARE!
I've never liked PETA to be honest for the reason that they bring new meaning to the word extreme, LOL!
They would hate me then cos I kill every spider I come across LOL! The joys of being an arachniphobe.
spapad wrote:
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit!
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:25:06 PM
I've never liked PETA to be honest for the reason that they bring new meaning to the word extreme, LOL!
They would hate me then cos I kill every spider I come across LOL! The joys of being an arachniphobe. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 10:20:30 PM)
spapad wrote:
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit!
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:21:06 PM
HA! Really? I saw the oh-so-newsworthy coverage of our Pres killing a fly but missed PETA's stand against such abuse.
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:20:30 PM
PETA has just gone so extremist it's rediculous! There is no way every person in the PETA foundation has never killed their share of flies! Bullshit! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 22, 2009 10:16:48 PM)
Becks wrote:
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO.
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:16:48 PM
LMAO I heard about PETA going off about him killing a fly. It's a fuckin fly! LMAO! Like you said, who likes flies? Well, PETA by the sounds of it, LMAO. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 10:15:11 PM)
spapad wrote:
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:15:11 PM
She is very happy at home and VERY vocal about it! LOL Thank you hellrider!
Guid, I agree with you. Animal abusers should belong at the pit of hell along with Dahmer, Manson, etc.
The one thing I saw from PETA recently was abusing Pres. Obama for killing a fly. Who likes flies? And How many Billion of them are there!
One gone wont be missed! HAAAA!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Monday, June 22, 2009 10:05:05 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:12:55 PM
I agree Guido. How could anyone hurt the sweet little cat that just jumped in to my lap, or the doggy snoozing next to me. I just don't get it.
Heya Hellrider! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:59:59 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Yup. Were it up to me, animal abusers would reside in one of the innermost circles of Dante's Hell!
Becks wrote:
Poor doggies! I can't understand people who abuse animals like that, they ought to be abused themselves, scumbags. Our dog was a bit funny when we first adopted him. We'd go to tell him off for something, and he'd cower and piss himself it wouldn't be a forceful telling off either, just a 'No Buddy!' but it would scare him soooo much. We think he was beaten by his previous owner. He's such a sweet affectionate dog, it breaks my heart to think anyone would ever beat him.
guidogodoy wrote:
Broken ear? Ugh!
Calvin had such a lump on his head when I got him. Bleeding and everything. Can't help but think it was a human who did the damage.
spapad wrote:
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her.
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[hellrider 31038] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:05:05 PM
lol.great shot she looks very happy and right at [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:30:35 PM)
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:59:59 PM
Yup. Were it up to me, animal abusers would reside in one of the innermost circles of Dante's Hell! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:58:09 PM)
Becks wrote:
Poor doggies! I can't understand people who abuse animals like that, they ought to be abused themselves, scumbags. Our dog was a bit funny when we first adopted him. We'd go to tell him off for something, and he'd cower and piss himself it wouldn't be a forceful telling off either, just a 'No Buddy!' but it would scare him soooo much. We think he was beaten by his previous owner. He's such a sweet affectionate dog, it breaks my heart to think anyone would ever beat him.
guidogodoy wrote:
Broken ear? Ugh!
Calvin had such a lump on his head when I got him. Bleeding and everything. Can't help but think it was a human who did the damage.
spapad wrote:
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her.
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:59:15 PM
Becks, you got a wild man for a cat! LOL
No her ear is broken. There must have been a ligment cut because she can never hold that ear right it it was bleeding when she came home.
Poor Kiddo had a rough way to go in life just like Calvin, but she will never suffer for a second again. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:50:37 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Broken ear? Ugh!
Calvin had such a lump on his head when I got him. Bleeding and everything. Can't help but think it was a human who did the damage.
spapad wrote:
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her.
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:58:09 PM
Poor doggies! I can't understand people who abuse animals like that, they ought to be abused themselves, scumbags. Our dog was a bit funny when we first adopted him. We'd go to tell him off for something, and he'd cower and piss himself it wouldn't be a forceful telling off either, just a 'No Buddy!' but it would scare him soooo much. We think he was beaten by his previous owner. He's such a sweet affectionate dog, it breaks my heart to think anyone would ever beat him. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:50:37 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Broken ear? Ugh!
Calvin had such a lump on his head when I got him. Bleeding and everything. Can't help but think it was a human who did the damage.
spapad wrote:
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her.
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:50:37 PM
Broken ear? Ugh!
Calvin had such a lump on his head when I got him. Bleeding and everything. Can't help but think it was a human who did the damage. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:44:12 PM)
spapad wrote:
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her.
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:50:07 PM
He has taken to running around like an idiot lately, trying to hide in kitchen cupboards LOL! He's so funny. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:48:39 PM)
spapad wrote:
Oh no baby! Waddn't me! LOL
Becks wrote:
Hmmm, well eating cords is not a funny naughty habit LOL. Thankfully our dog never did that. Our cats are naughty as. Our burmese boy decided to do some 'renovations' (at our old house). I'd hear ripping noises and sure enough, I'd see him ripping wallpaper off the wall looking at me like 'wasn't me!', with the end of the wallpaper still in his mouth
spapad wrote:
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her.
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
Hmmm, well eating cords is not a funny naughty habit LOL. Thankfully our dog never did that. Our cats are naughty as. Our burmese boy decided to do some 'renovations' (at our old house). I'd hear ripping noises and sure enough, I'd see him ripping wallpaper off the wall looking at me like 'wasn't me!', with the end of the wallpaper still in his mouth
spapad wrote:
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her.
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:46:28 PM
Hmmm, well eating cords is not a funny naughty habit LOL. Thankfully our dog never did that. Our cats are naughty as. Our burmese boy decided to do some 'renovations' (at our old house). I'd hear ripping noises and sure enough, I'd see him ripping wallpaper off the wall looking at me like 'wasn't me!', with the end of the wallpaper still in his mouth [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:44:12 PM)
spapad wrote:
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her.
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:44:12 PM
I personally got over it being entertaining after the first few cords I have to replace. An Ipod cord, a Yamaha piano cord, and now my cell phone cord.
I find NO humor in it now! HA!! Little Mischiefmaker!
She's taken up talking to me when I come home now. She follows through the house making little Pronounced AAA, AA AHs! I wish I knew what she meant.
Probably, where the hell have you been! LOL
Guid, One of her ears is broken. It has never laid right and had blood comming from it when I got her. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:37:35 PM)
Becks wrote:
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL!
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:37:35 PM
Hehehe Spa, a doggy has to have a bit of naughty in it I reckon, makes for great entertainment I reckon! LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:30:35 PM)
spapad wrote:
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:33:47 PM
Thanks. I'll tell him (but I am sure he already knows it!). I lost power for a bit today as well. Hmmm...must be catchy.
Spa. Lucy's ears look more like Nina's. Don't seem as floppy as Calvin's.
We just had a random power cut for no apparent reason. Now the colour on the tv is all stuffed up, and I suck at trying to fix things like that. I've tried but it's not working, BAH HUMBUG lol!
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:33:11 PM
Well I hope Lucy does too as I just had to splice my cell phone wire to get it to charge my phone again. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:26:53 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Nope. Outgrew that phase. Typing and eating cords are now Kiko's duties.
spapad wrote:
No, but she does seem to enjoy typing on the computer and eating cords! LOL
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:30:35 PM
She moved in a became the Queen! LOL She's good, but just a little bit naughty! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:23:12 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:29:25 PM
Awww Calvin is so cute!
We just had a random power cut for no apparent reason. Now the colour on the tv is all stuffed up, and I suck at trying to fix things like that. I've tried but it's not working, BAH HUMBUG lol!
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:26:53 PM
Nope. Outgrew that phase. Typing and eating cords are now Kiko's duties. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:24:32 PM)
spapad wrote:
No, but she does seem to enjoy typing on the computer and eating cords! LOL
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:24:32 PM
No, but she does seem to enjoy typing on the computer and eating cords! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:23:12 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
spapad wrote:
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:23:12 PM
You got that right! And I bet Lucy works all your guitar pedals too...erm...wait....
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too.
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:13:26 PM
I'm convinced they are twins once removed or of the same mut parentage we know nothing of!
Lucy Weighs exactly 36.5 pounds now, she's so close to Calvin is scary! And then there's the looks! Bet Calvin turns his head alot when you talk to him too. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 9:10:04 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:10:04 PM
Lunar landscape it is...friggin' moon dog! I am really surprised he hasn't dug up a phone line or electrical cable or something.
At least the damage is somewhat contained by the electric fence.
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:06:40 PM
Nah. I think Calvin wants to go to the moon. Why else would he dig craters? He obviously wants his territory to look like the lunar landscape. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 8:58:45 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
You wouldn't ask if you saw the reckless manner in which I handle my riding mower. The obvious answer? YES! Good thing I have one of those seat cutoffs. One of these days I am going to bounce right off that sucker hitting a damn dog crater.
I think Calvin is digging his way to China...
spapad wrote:
Dont tell me that mister! I warned you not to cut off vital body parts and told you to get a John Deer! what more do you need, a roll cage!?
guidogodoy wrote:
Ok, got most of the front lawn done but this group has let me down by missing the obvious warning:
"Guido, if you cut off your legs mowing the lawn...don't come running to me!" HAAA!!!!!
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:05:59 PM
Guid, are you going to need your own EXTREME Lawn mowing channel with judges and all! Like a sport? HA!
Oh, you should see the undersid of my porch! Lucy must fancy herself to be Indiana Jones! The pot holes under there. And a few I've got to dodge on my walk path, little cuss. Must get some dirt and fill them in so she can dig them right out again! HA!!
I Still have the big circular tie out with the dog house, but being that Lucy fears anything closed in and there is no shade save the house I fear to put her out there. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 8:58:45 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
You wouldn't ask if you saw the reckless manner in which I handle my riding mower. The obvious answer? YES! Good thing I have one of those seat cutoffs. One of these days I am going to bounce right off that sucker hitting a damn dog crater.
I think Calvin is digging his way to China...
spapad wrote:
Dont tell me that mister! I warned you not to cut off vital body parts and told you to get a John Deer! what more do you need, a roll cage!?
guidogodoy wrote:
Ok, got most of the front lawn done but this group has let me down by missing the obvious warning:
"Guido, if you cut off your legs mowing the lawn...don't come running to me!" HAAA!!!!!
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 8:58:45 PM
You wouldn't ask if you saw the reckless manner in which I handle my riding mower. The obvious answer? YES! Good thing I have one of those seat cutoffs. One of these days I am going to bounce right off that sucker hitting a damn dog crater.
I think Calvin is digging his way to China... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, June 22, 2009 8:54:07 PM)
spapad wrote:
Dont tell me that mister! I warned you not to cut off vital body parts and told you to get a John Deer! what more do you need, a roll cage!?
guidogodoy wrote:
Ok, got most of the front lawn done but this group has let me down by missing the obvious warning:
"Guido, if you cut off your legs mowing the lawn...don't come running to me!" HAAA!!!!!
[spapad] Monday, June 22, 2009 8:54:07 PM
Dont tell me that mister! I warned you not to cut off vital body parts and told you to get a John Deer! what more do you need, a roll cage!? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, June 22, 2009 8:50:22 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Ok, got most of the front lawn done but this group has let me down by missing the obvious warning:
"Guido, if you cut off your legs mowing the lawn...don't come running to me!" HAAA!!!!!
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 22, 2009 8:50:22 PM
Ok, got most of the front lawn done but this group has let me down by missing the obvious warning:
"Guido, if you cut off your legs mowing the lawn...don't come running to me!" HAAA!!!!!
[Metallark] Monday, June 22, 2009 7:55:57 PM
Keep the faith HRMG. Many miraculous things happen that even the best of them can't explain.
Know you'll be in the thoughts of your JP friends. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Monday, June 22, 2009 5:18:23 PM)
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. You know something Becks, that is TOTALLY how I felt even though they told us she had no chance - that she was IN there but couldn't find a way to let us know. I could see it in her eyes. I kept saying, she is still there but the doctors told us that "The part that makes your mom your mom is gone." I'm so glad that they were WRONG!!
She woke up after 8 days to my cell phone going off with "Breakin' The Law"! She lifted her hand and I took it and she put it on her chest and looked at me. I knew that she recognized me, even though the docs said she didn't. So yes, PRIEST is excellent therapy - even for my mom!! It's so funny to me how my parents know me by that one song - every time I mention Judas Priest, my 81 year old father starts singing, "Breakin' the Law, Breakin' the Law!" Cracks me right up!
Hugs to all!!
Becks wrote:
Morning everyone! About to head out for a run, even though I don't really want to, I should. Blimmin cold out too grrr lol.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, HRMG It sounds like she is doing alright though, especially considering you've been told she won't do something, then she can. I watched Oprah once (usually blegh!) and it had a lady on there who'd had a massive stroke - she said the thing people need to remember which people who've had strokes is, I'm in here, come and find me. I hope she keeps coming along well, keep us posted on her progress! And I agree, Priest is FANTASTIC therapy! hehehe!
Wow, I've been off the board for 2 1/2 weeks and what do I see? Stalkers and jerks posting nude pictures of their ex's??? WTF? All I have to say is - KARMA! May you get what you deserve!!
My mom had a large stroke the beginning of June. I was running back and forth to the hospital for the first 10 days. We didn't think she was going to make it. The doctors told us that she was gone even if she did wake up again. Something told me that they were wrong.... Then 8 days later, she woke up and tried to talk!! She is able to swallow (something they said she would NOT be able to do), so she is able to eat. She is trying to talk, but the words aren't coming quite yet. They are starting therapy and we are hoping for the best.
Just taking it day by day and staying positive. Listening to Priest on the way to and from the hospital helps me through. Only 3 weeks until we see them in Cleveland and Detroit and then FRONT ROW in Cincinnati!! - God I can't wait!! Edited at: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:25:22 PM
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, June 22, 2009 5:18:23 PM
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. You know something Becks, that is TOTALLY how I felt even though they told us she had no chance - that she was IN there but couldn't find a way to let us know. I could see it in her eyes. I kept saying, she is still there but the doctors told us that "The part that makes your mom your mom is gone." I'm so glad that they were WRONG!!
She woke up after 8 days to my cell phone going off with "Breakin' The Law"! She lifted her hand and I took it and she put it on her chest and looked at me. I knew that she recognized me, even though the docs said she didn't. So yes, PRIEST is excellent therapy - even for my mom!! It's so funny to me how my parents know me by that one song - every time I mention Judas Priest, my 81 year old father starts singing, "Breakin' the Law, Breakin' the Law!" Cracks me right up!
Morning everyone! About to head out for a run, even though I don't really want to, I should. Blimmin cold out too grrr lol.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, HRMG It sounds like she is doing alright though, especially considering you've been told she won't do something, then she can. I watched Oprah once (usually blegh!) and it had a lady on there who'd had a massive stroke - she said the thing people need to remember which people who've had strokes is, I'm in here, come and find me. I hope she keeps coming along well, keep us posted on her progress! And I agree, Priest is FANTASTIC therapy! hehehe!
Wow, I've been off the board for 2 1/2 weeks and what do I see? Stalkers and jerks posting nude pictures of their ex's??? WTF? All I have to say is - KARMA! May you get what you deserve!!
My mom had a large stroke the beginning of June. I was running back and forth to the hospital for the first 10 days. We didn't think she was going to make it. The doctors told us that she was gone even if she did wake up again. Something told me that they were wrong.... Then 8 days later, she woke up and tried to talk!! She is able to swallow (something they said she would NOT be able to do), so she is able to eat. She is trying to talk, but the words aren't coming quite yet. They are starting therapy and we are hoping for the best.
Just taking it day by day and staying positive. Listening to Priest on the way to and from the hospital helps me through. Only 3 weeks until we see them in Cleveland and Detroit and then FRONT ROW in Cincinnati!! - God I can't wait!! Edited at: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:25:22 PM
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, June 22, 2009 4:58:15 PM
HRMG.. My best wishes for you and your family... I understand what you must feel,, My mom was diag with breast cancer right before thanksgiving, and endured chemo and radiation all winter.... The road to recovery can be long and hard sometimes... But its worth the fight!!!!
Wow, I've been off the board for 2 1/2 weeks and what do I see? Stalkers and jerks posting nude pictures of their ex's??? WTF? All I have to say is - KARMA! May you get what you deserve!!
My mom had a large stroke the beginning of June. I was running back and forth to the hospital for the first 10 days. We didn't think she was going to make it. The doctors told us that she was gone even if she did wake up again. Something told me that they were wrong.... Then 8 days later, she woke up and tried to talk!! She is able to swallow (something they said she would NOT be able to do), so she is able to eat. She is trying to talk, but the words aren't coming quite yet. They are starting therapy and we are hoping for the best.
Just taking it day by day and staying positive. Listening to Priest on the way to and from the hospital helps me through. Only 3 weeks until we see them in Cleveland and Detroit and then FRONT ROW in Cincinnati!! - God I can't wait!! Edited at: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:25:22 PM
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Monday, June 22, 2009 4:50:18 PM
Hoping ur mom will get better...And, ur right staying positive its the best way...with Judas Priest even better..
Wow, I've been off the board for 2 1/2 weeks and what do I see? Stalkers and jerks posting nude pictures of their ex's??? WTF? All I have to say is - KARMA! May you get what you deserve!!
My mom had a large stroke the beginning of June. I was running back and forth to the hospital for the first 10 days. We didn't think she was going to make it. The doctors told us that she was gone even if she did wake up again. Something told me that they were wrong.... Then 8 days later, she woke up and tried to talk!! She is able to swallow (something they said she would NOT be able to do), so she is able to eat. She is trying to talk, but the words aren't coming quite yet. They are starting therapy and we are hoping for the best.
Just taking it day by day and staying positive. Listening to Priest on the way to and from the hospital helps me through. Only 3 weeks until we see them in Cleveland and Detroit and then FRONT ROW in Cincinnati!! - God I can't wait!! Edited at: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:25:22 PM
[Becks] Monday, June 22, 2009 4:40:36 PM
Morning everyone! About to head out for a run, even though I don't really want to, I should. Blimmin cold out too grrr lol.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, HRMG It sounds like she is doing alright though, especially considering you've been told she won't do something, then she can. I watched Oprah once (usually blegh!) and it had a lady on there who'd had a massive stroke - she said the thing people need to remember which people who've had strokes is, I'm in here, come and find me. I hope she keeps coming along well, keep us posted on her progress! And I agree, Priest is FANTASTIC therapy! hehehe! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Monday, June 22, 2009 2:23:09 PM)
Wow, I've been off the board for 2 1/2 weeks and what do I see? Stalkers and jerks posting nude pictures of their ex's??? WTF? All I have to say is - KARMA! May you get what you deserve!!
My mom had a large stroke the beginning of June. I was running back and forth to the hospital for the first 10 days. We didn't think she was going to make it. The doctors told us that she was gone even if she did wake up again. Something told me that they were wrong.... Then 8 days later, she woke up and tried to talk!! She is able to swallow (something they said she would NOT be able to do), so she is able to eat. She is trying to talk, but the words aren't coming quite yet. They are starting therapy and we are hoping for the best.
Just taking it day by day and staying positive. Listening to Priest on the way to and from the hospital helps me through. Only 3 weeks until we see them in Cleveland and Detroit and then FRONT ROW in Cincinnati!! - God I can't wait!! Edited at: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:25:22 PM
[ron h] Monday, June 22, 2009 2:54:05 PM
That's sad and wonderful news at the same time HRMG!!!! I hope everything works out for the best for you and your family!! I have to agree with you that Priests' music is great therapy!! Please keep us informed of the good news with your Mom!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Monday, June 22, 2009 2:23:09 PM)
Wow, I've been off the board for 2 1/2 weeks and what do I see? Stalkers and jerks posting nude pictures of their ex's??? WTF? All I have to say is - KARMA! May you get what you deserve!!
My mom had a large stroke the beginning of June. I was running back and forth to the hospital for the first 10 days. We didn't think she was going to make it. The doctors told us that she was gone even if she did wake up again. Something told me that they were wrong.... Then 8 days later, she woke up and tried to talk!! She is able to swallow (something they said she would NOT be able to do), so she is able to eat. She is trying to talk, but the words aren't coming quite yet. They are starting therapy and we are hoping for the best.
Just taking it day by day and staying positive. Listening to Priest on the way to and from the hospital helps me through. Only 3 weeks until we see them in Cleveland and Detroit and then FRONT ROW in Cincinnati!! - God I can't wait!! Edited at: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:25:22 PM
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, June 22, 2009 2:23:09 PM
Wow, I've been off the board for 2 1/2 weeks and what do I see? Stalkers and jerks posting nude pictures of their ex's??? WTF? All I have to say is - KARMA! May you get what you deserve!!
My mom had a large stroke the beginning of June. I was running back and forth to the hospital for the first 10 days. We didn't think she was going to make it. The doctors told us that she was gone even if she did wake up again. Something told me that they were wrong.... Then 8 days later, she woke up and tried to talk!! She is able to swallow (something they said she would NOT be able to do), so she is able to eat. She is trying to talk, but the words aren't coming quite yet. They are starting therapy and we are hoping for the best.
Just taking it day by day and staying positive. Listening to Priest on the way to and from the hospital helps me through. Only 3 weeks until we see them in Cleveland and Detroit and then FRONT ROW in Cincinnati!! - God I can't wait!! Edited at: Monday, June 22, 2009 2:25:22 PM
[joedraper] Monday, June 22, 2009 12:11:43 PM
Hello to all in Priestville..
How is everybody? I'm just sneaking on before dinner to say hi. My stuff finally got here today (except for my sticks still waiting for those) lol but finally the metronome that I wanted and a really cool stand so I'm in mild drumming heaven at the moment lol.
Other than that, typical monday for me. We were about to go out on the bike today and as we were getting kitted up, there was a cloud burst so we aborted the idea. I'm missing the bike like crazy.. guess I'll have to put my excess energy into drumming and spinning classes ha haha haha
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, June 22, 2009 10:00:11 AM
Well Iam off for a bit... I have to much crap to do today, esp this morn since I got up late,,, ( AS usual) haha
Talk to you all later.,,,
Have a great day.. MG~
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:42:11 AM
Well heres what I feel about today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[scorpion01] Monday, June 22, 2009 9:27:03 AM
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, June 22, 2009 8:56:23 AM
LOL Good Morn Metal maniacs,,,,
Angus In a speedo???? Did I miss One.... hehehehehehehe
Thats Lady B's man.... Now If I could get Malcolm In a speedo... Now we on to something!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well Its Monday again!!!!!!!! A crappy sucky rainey day here,,, I once again shut my alarm clock off,, instead of hiting snooze..
I second that. Frankly, I always thought that his schoolboy uniform showed too much of his legs...
ronhartsell wrote:
Angus in speedos at 5:23 am???uuuuggggghhhh!!! Way to early for me (not that there would ever be a good time for that and
Good morning everyone!!! Monday blah blah blah
[_strat_] Monday, June 22, 2009 8:48:05 AM
I second that. Frankly, I always thought that his schoolboy uniform showed too much of his legs... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Monday, June 22, 2009 5:24:22 AM)
ronhartsell wrote:
Angus in speedos at 5:23 am???uuuuggggghhhh!!! Way to early for me (not that there would ever be a good time for that and
Good morning everyone!!! Monday blah blah blah
[_strat_] Monday, June 22, 2009 8:47:19 AM
Well, Ive just been through the recent shit in the Thong thread for newbies... Added my reports to those of others...
Frankly, I dont know what to make of it all. Doctor Who has been around for a while, and even though he wasnt ever the sharpest knife in the drawer (hell, he was probably a spoon), Id still never think that he would do something like that... In any case, heres hoping for a quick ban. If for nothing else, at least those pics will be deleted.
[ron h] Monday, June 22, 2009 5:24:22 AM
Angus in speedos at 5:23 am???uuuuggggghhhh!!! Way to early for me (not that there would ever be a good time for that and
Good morning everyone!!! Monday blah blah blah
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:05:23 PM
Not as cool as Sweaty Angus In his Speedo's LMAO.,. Now Dammitt why cant that attitude ware off on MAL..
Just 1 thats it...LOL thats All Iam asking for.... Maybe someday I will get a private shot hehehehehe ( I wish) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by LadyBathory9 from Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:02:33 PM)
LadyBathory9 wrote:
Thats a cool Pic!!! MG...
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:02:33 PM
I just think its horrible that you once shared a intimate moment with someone, and when things dont work out they turn around and post it for the world to see... Its disrespectful.... Which Is why i would never agree to do anything like that with anyone.. you just cant trust Pigs like this anymore..
Becks wrote:
Very good, Michael. I clicked offensive as soon as he posted them last night (my time)
Phantom A6 wrote:
A lot of members have clicked the offensive button!! Me too!!
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
OMG I cannot believe what I saw in the THong newbie thread,, I checked the notice board and had not logged in..I have those topics on ignore..LOL
I hope Murray deletes those pictures,, They are very disrespectful,
How would this girl feel if she knew her x was posting her pics on a community web site??? I believe you can sued for that ,, desimation of character.. If it was me I would be in jail for murder cause Id kill the bastard/fucktard..
Anywase onward... to my great day~
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:32:21 PM
I just think its horrible that you once shared a intimate moment with someone, and when things dont work out they turn around and post it for the world to see... Its disrespectful.... Which Is why i would never agree to do anything like that with anyone.. you just cant trust Pigs like this anymore..
Becks wrote:
Very good, Michael. I clicked offensive as soon as he posted them last night (my time)
Phantom A6 wrote:
A lot of members have clicked the offensive button!! Me too!!
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
OMG I cannot believe what I saw in the THong newbie thread,, I checked the notice board and had not logged in..I have those topics on ignore..LOL
I hope Murray deletes those pictures,, They are very disrespectful,
How would this girl feel if she knew her x was posting her pics on a community web site??? I believe you can sued for that ,, desimation of character.. If it was me I would be in jail for murder cause Id kill the bastard/fucktard..
I just think its horrible that you once shared a intimate moment with someone, and when things dont work out they turn around and post it for the world to see... Its disrespectful.... Which Is why i would never agree to do anything like that with anyone.. you just cant trust Pigs like this anymore..
Becks wrote:
Very good, Michael. I clicked offensive as soon as he posted them last night (my time)
Phantom A6 wrote:
A lot of members have clicked the offensive button!! Me too!!
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
OMG I cannot believe what I saw in the THong newbie thread,, I checked the notice board and had not logged in..I have those topics on ignore..LOL
I hope Murray deletes those pictures,, They are very disrespectful,
How would this girl feel if she knew her x was posting her pics on a community web site??? I believe you can sued for that ,, desimation of character.. If it was me I would be in jail for murder cause Id kill the bastard/fucktard..
Anywase onward... to my great day~
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:29:34 PM
Well sorry,, for the Rant guys.
I just think its horrible that you once shared a intimate moment with someone, and when things dont work out they turn around and post it for the world to see... Its disrespectful.... Which Is why i would never agree to do anything like that with anyone.. you just cant trust Pigs like this anymore..
Very good, Michael. I clicked offensive as soon as he posted them last night (my time)
Phantom A6 wrote:
A lot of members have clicked the offensive button!! Me too!!
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
OMG I cannot believe what I saw in the THong newbie thread,, I checked the notice board and had not logged in..I have those topics on ignore..LOL
I hope Murray deletes those pictures,, They are very disrespectful,
How would this girl feel if she knew her x was posting her pics on a community web site??? I believe you can sued for that ,, desimation of character.. If it was me I would be in jail for murder cause Id kill the bastard/fucktard..
Anywase onward... to my great day~
[Phantom A6] Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:28:31 PM
I have discovered them today 'Cause I haved a lot of
computer problems here since friday. Now I have fixed them
and then I have see the pics. He's an idiot!! I think Murray banned him completely for that. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:24:35 PM)
Becks wrote:
Very good, Michael. I clicked offensive as soon as he posted them last night (my time)
Phantom A6 wrote:
A lot of members have clicked the offensive button!! Me too!!
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
OMG I cannot believe what I saw in the THong newbie thread,, I checked the notice board and had not logged in..I have those topics on ignore..LOL
I hope Murray deletes those pictures,, They are very disrespectful,
How would this girl feel if she knew her x was posting her pics on a community web site??? I believe you can sued for that ,, desimation of character.. If it was me I would be in jail for murder cause Id kill the bastard/fucktard..
Anywase onward... to my great day~
[Becks] Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:24:35 PM
Very good, Michael. I clicked offensive as soon as he posted them last night (my time) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:22:29 PM)
Phantom A6 wrote:
A lot of members have clicked the offensive button!! Me too!!
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
OMG I cannot believe what I saw in the THong newbie thread,, I checked the notice board and had not logged in..I have those topics on ignore..LOL
I hope Murray deletes those pictures,, They are very disrespectful,
How would this girl feel if she knew her x was posting her pics on a community web site??? I believe you can sued for that ,, desimation of character.. If it was me I would be in jail for murder cause Id kill the bastard/fucktard..
Anywase onward... to my great day~
[Phantom A6] Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:22:29 PM
A lot of members have clicked the offensive button!! Me too!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:20:54 PM)
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
OMG I cannot believe what I saw in the THong newbie thread,, I checked the notice board and had not logged in..I have those topics on ignore..LOL
I hope Murray deletes those pictures,, They are very disrespectful,
How would this girl feel if she knew her x was posting her pics on a community web site??? I believe you can sued for that ,, desimation of character.. If it was me I would be in jail for murder cause Id kill the bastard/fucktard..
Anywase onward... to my great day~
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Sunday, June 21, 2009 5:20:54 PM
OMG I cannot believe what I saw in the THong newbie thread,, I checked the notice board and had not logged in..I have those topics on ignore..LOL
I hope Murray deletes those pictures,, They are very disrespectful,
How would this girl feel if she knew her x was posting her pics on a community web site??? I believe you can sued for that ,, desimation of character.. If it was me I would be in jail for murder cause Id kill the bastard/fucktard..
Anywase onward... to my great day~
[Becks] Sunday, June 21, 2009 4:43:01 PM
Goodmorning everyone! A nothing day here, may do some house work this afternoon LOL!
Awww Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there! Fathers Day is in September here, but hell, who needs a certain day to make a Dad feel great eh? LOL! All these Dad poems have brought a tear to my eye too. Sending hugs to those of you who's Fathers are no longer with us.
[pip] Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:18:32 AM
this is for the Priest fans who have lost their dads:
I never got the chance to say I love you
I never got the chance to say I'll miss you
Nobody told me you were going to die
It hurts that I never said Goodbye.
Wherever you are.please talk to me
Show yourself to me & let me see
I know that can't happen no matter how much I try
All I wanted to do was say Goodbye
I hope that you are happy wherever you are
I carry you in my heart no matter how far
To the Heavens above, I wish I could fly
Only to give you a hug--a kiss & a warm Goodbye
I will remember you each day that I live
You were such a good person with so much to give
Such a privilege to have known you , no one can deny
I just wished I had said Goodbye
I will keep with me the good times that we shared
I want you to know just how much I really cared
Til we meet again, on God I must rely
I love you --I miss you -- And for now,Goodbye
[pip] Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:06:16 AM
Thank you sooooo much Lady B--I have lots of Father's & Mother's poems but I like this one the best !! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by LadyBathory9 from Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:17:23 AM)
LadyBathory9 wrote:
To All Fathers!!!
Before I was myself you made me, me
With love and patience, discipline and tears,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,
Allowing me to sail upon my sea,
Though well within the headlands of your fears.
Before I was myself you made me, me
With dreams enough of what I was to be
And hopes that would be sculpted by the years,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,
Relinquishing your powers gradually
To let me shape myself among my peers.
Before I was myself you made me, me,
And being good and wise, you gracefully
As dancers when the last sweet cadence nears
Bit by bit stepped back to set me free.
For love inspires learning naturally:
The mind assents to what the heart reveres.
And so it was through love you made me, me
By slowly stepping back to set me free.
Edited at: Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:18:15 AM
[spapad] Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:52:23 AM
Happy Fathers Day to All Our Metal Dads
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:25:16 AM
[Phantom A6] Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:19:47 AM
Happy Father's Day to all daddys here on the board!!
Edited at: Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:20:30 AM Edited at: Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:22:02 AM
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:17:28 AM
I want to wish each and every father among us a very, very Happy Father's Day! Please take the day, relax and enjoy what you truly have earned!
[Head banger] Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:57:34 AM
Happy Fathers Day.
[joedraper] Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:52:53 AM
Happy father's day to all the daddys on the board
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:17:23 AM
To All Fathers!!!
Before I was myself you made me, me
With love and patience, discipline and tears,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,
Allowing me to sail upon my sea,
Though well within the headlands of your fears.
Before I was myself you made me, me
With dreams enough of what I was to be
And hopes that would be sculpted by the years,
Then bit by bit stepped back to set me free,
Relinquishing your powers gradually
To let me shape myself among my peers.
Before I was myself you made me, me,
And being good and wise, you gracefully
As dancers when the last sweet cadence nears
Bit by bit stepped back to set me free.
For love inspires learning naturally:
The mind assents to what the heart reveres.
And so it was through love you made me, me
By slowly stepping back to set me free.
Edited at: Sunday, June 21, 2009 7:18:15 AM
[ron h] Sunday, June 21, 2009 4:59:44 AM
Good morning Board...having a rough time sleeping right now so I figured I catch up on e-mails and such. Thanks Pip!! I. too, would like to wish all the dad's out there a happy Father's Day as well!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by pip from Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:47:48 AM)
They actually sold scooby snacks when I was a kid --kinda like a gummy bear but I remember dear ol' dad buying them for me --now I buy Cartman's cheesy poofs !!
Becks wrote:
LOL zoinks!!!!! Yeah Shaggy was awesome haha. I always wanted scooby snacks when I was a kid LMAO!
pip wrote:
Hiya Becks !!--I didn't like Scrappy Doo at all
but I had a crush on Shaggy---yeah I know having a crush on a cartoon character is stupid but he liked to eat just as much as I did so all I have to say for myself is ---ZOINKS !!!----lol
Becks wrote:
Heya Pip! LOL Scooby Doo was a fave of mine too, although Scrappy Doo was a bit of a pain in the arse when he came in to the fold LOL!
pip wrote:
I do 5 loads of laundry--vacuum--dishes--wash the windows & steam clean the carpets & I come back on this website & you guys are no longer talking about drinking but Fave childhood tv shows ??
Wow--what did I miss ??
For me it was Speed Racer---Scooby Doo---Captain Kangaroo( I loved Mr Greenjeans !! )----I loved Freddie The Frog & Henrietta Hippo from New Zoo Review & there was 1 more that I liked to watch but the name escapes me--all I remember is that Michael Lembeck ( think that's his name) was 1 of the main characters & he later married Julie from 1 Day At A Time---oh & I can't forget Jimmy from HR Pufnstuff--gotta love a boy who has a talking flute in his pocket !!!
plus the Flintstones--I named my 1st dog Barney after Barney Rubble
And Sigmund & The Seamonsters !!--there was just to many !!-
but my absolute favorites were Speed Racer & Scooby Doo--they sure don't make 'em like that anymore !!
[pip] Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:55:37 AM
They actually sold scooby snacks when I was a kid --kinda like a gummy bear but I remember dear ol' dad buying them for me --now I buy Cartman's cheesy poofs !! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:53:00 AM)
Becks wrote:
LOL zoinks!!!!! Yeah Shaggy was awesome haha. I always wanted scooby snacks when I was a kid LMAO!
pip wrote:
Hiya Becks !!--I didn't like Scrappy Doo at all
but I had a crush on Shaggy---yeah I know having a crush on a cartoon character is stupid but he liked to eat just as much as I did so all I have to say for myself is ---ZOINKS !!!----lol
Becks wrote:
Heya Pip! LOL Scooby Doo was a fave of mine too, although Scrappy Doo was a bit of a pain in the arse when he came in to the fold LOL!
pip wrote:
I do 5 loads of laundry--vacuum--dishes--wash the windows & steam clean the carpets & I come back on this website & you guys are no longer talking about drinking but Fave childhood tv shows ??
Wow--what did I miss ??
For me it was Speed Racer---Scooby Doo---Captain Kangaroo( I loved Mr Greenjeans !! )----I loved Freddie The Frog & Henrietta Hippo from New Zoo Review & there was 1 more that I liked to watch but the name escapes me--all I remember is that Michael Lembeck ( think that's his name) was 1 of the main characters & he later married Julie from 1 Day At A Time---oh & I can't forget Jimmy from HR Pufnstuff--gotta love a boy who has a talking flute in his pocket !!!
plus the Flintstones--I named my 1st dog Barney after Barney Rubble
And Sigmund & The Seamonsters !!--there was just to many !!-
but my absolute favorites were Speed Racer & Scooby Doo--they sure don't make 'em like that anymore !!
[Becks] Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:53:00 AM
LOL zoinks!!!!! Yeah Shaggy was awesome haha. I always wanted scooby snacks when I was a kid LMAO! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by pip from Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:51:20 AM)
pip wrote:
Hiya Becks !!--I didn't like Scrappy Doo at all
but I had a crush on Shaggy---yeah I know having a crush on a cartoon character is stupid but he liked to eat just as much as I did so all I have to say for myself is ---ZOINKS !!!----lol
Becks wrote:
Heya Pip! LOL Scooby Doo was a fave of mine too, although Scrappy Doo was a bit of a pain in the arse when he came in to the fold LOL!
pip wrote:
I do 5 loads of laundry--vacuum--dishes--wash the windows & steam clean the carpets & I come back on this website & you guys are no longer talking about drinking but Fave childhood tv shows ??
Wow--what did I miss ??
For me it was Speed Racer---Scooby Doo---Captain Kangaroo( I loved Mr Greenjeans !! )----I loved Freddie The Frog & Henrietta Hippo from New Zoo Review & there was 1 more that I liked to watch but the name escapes me--all I remember is that Michael Lembeck ( think that's his name) was 1 of the main characters & he later married Julie from 1 Day At A Time---oh & I can't forget Jimmy from HR Pufnstuff--gotta love a boy who has a talking flute in his pocket !!!
plus the Flintstones--I named my 1st dog Barney after Barney Rubble
And Sigmund & The Seamonsters !!--there was just to many !!-
but my absolute favorites were Speed Racer & Scooby Doo--they sure don't make 'em like that anymore !!
[pip] Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:51:20 AM
Hiya Becks !!--I didn't like Scrappy Doo at all
but I had a crush on Shaggy---yeah I know having a crush on a cartoon character is stupid but he liked to eat just as much as I did so all I have to say for myself is ---ZOINKS !!!----lol [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:47:15 AM)
Becks wrote:
Heya Pip! LOL Scooby Doo was a fave of mine too, although Scrappy Doo was a bit of a pain in the arse when he came in to the fold LOL!
pip wrote:
I do 5 loads of laundry--vacuum--dishes--wash the windows & steam clean the carpets & I come back on this website & you guys are no longer talking about drinking but Fave childhood tv shows ??
Wow--what did I miss ??
For me it was Speed Racer---Scooby Doo---Captain Kangaroo( I loved Mr Greenjeans !! )----I loved Freddie The Frog & Henrietta Hippo from New Zoo Review & there was 1 more that I liked to watch but the name escapes me--all I remember is that Michael Lembeck ( think that's his name) was 1 of the main characters & he later married Julie from 1 Day At A Time---oh & I can't forget Jimmy from HR Pufnstuff--gotta love a boy who has a talking flute in his pocket !!!
plus the Flintstones--I named my 1st dog Barney after Barney Rubble
And Sigmund & The Seamonsters !!--there was just to many !!-
but my absolute favorites were Speed Racer & Scooby Doo--they sure don't make 'em like that anymore !!
[pip] Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:47:48 AM
HAPPY PAPPY'S DAY to all the dads
[Becks] Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:47:15 AM
Heya Pip! LOL Scooby Doo was a fave of mine too, although Scrappy Doo was a bit of a pain in the arse when he came in to the fold LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by pip from Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:41:23 AM)
pip wrote:
I do 5 loads of laundry--vacuum--dishes--wash the windows & steam clean the carpets & I come back on this website & you guys are no longer talking about drinking but Fave childhood tv shows ??
Wow--what did I miss ??
For me it was Speed Racer---Scooby Doo---Captain Kangaroo( I loved Mr Greenjeans !! )----I loved Freddie The Frog & Henrietta Hippo from New Zoo Review & there was 1 more that I liked to watch but the name escapes me--all I remember is that Michael Lembeck ( think that's his name) was 1 of the main characters & he later married Julie from 1 Day At A Time---oh & I can't forget Jimmy from HR Pufnstuff--gotta love a boy who has a talking flute in his pocket !!!
plus the Flintstones--I named my 1st dog Barney after Barney Rubble
And Sigmund & The Seamonsters !!--there was just to many !!-
but my absolute favorites were Speed Racer & Scooby Doo--they sure don't make 'em like that anymore !!
[pip] Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:41:23 AM
I do 5 loads of laundry--vacuum--dishes--wash the windows & steam clean the carpets & I come back on this website & you guys are no longer talking about drinking but Fave childhood tv shows ??
Wow--what did I miss ??
For me it was Speed Racer---Scooby Doo---Captain Kangaroo( I loved Mr Greenjeans !! )----I loved Freddie The Frog & Henrietta Hippo from New Zoo Review & there was 1 more that I liked to watch but the name escapes me--all I remember is that Michael Lembeck ( think that's his name) was 1 of the main characters & he later married Julie from 1 Day At A Time---oh & I can't forget Jimmy from HR Pufnstuff--gotta love a boy who has a talking flute in his pocket !!!
plus the Flintstones--I named my 1st dog Barney after Barney Rubble
And Sigmund & The Seamonsters !!--there was just to many !!-
but my absolute favorites were Speed Racer & Scooby Doo--they sure don't make 'em like that anymore !!
[ron h] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:45:46 PM
I would literally run home from school so I wouldn't miss it...came on just before Banana Splits!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:43:58 PM)
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
LOL... Well Iam wide awake... So I mid-aswell stay up/here...
I liked Speed racer!!!
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:43:58 PM
LOL... Well Iam wide awake... So I mid-aswell stay up/here...
I liked Speed racer!!!
[Becks] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:42:21 PM
LMAO Speed Racer! Ahhhh that brings back memories, my younger cousin used to LOVE that show haha. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:34:36 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
My favorite childhood show was...
[ron h] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:38:34 PM
Well, what was your favorite childhood show?? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:37:16 PM)
spapad wrote:
Now, your even creeping me out! HA!!!
ronhartsell wrote:
My favorite childhood show was...
[spapad] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:37:16 PM
Now, your even creeping me out! HA!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:34:36 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
My favorite childhood show was...
[ron h] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:34:36 PM
My favorite childhood show was...
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:29:56 PM
GOOD LORD... I guess I need to be stoned to watch this.... LMAO
[spapad] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:26:25 PM
Maybe I need to take my Aricept, so I can remember back to the craddle. LOL
[spapad] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:25:04 PM
OOooopps! Now I've given MG more cause for a pause!LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:23:37 PM)
~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote:
OKAY RON,, you are starting to get me a little worried here.... LMAO
ronhartsell wrote:
Did you know that Mr. Dingle the Postman was played by a young Chuck Woolery, who went on to host Love Connection and Scrabble??
spapad wrote:
HA!!!! never thought they would have videos! Where is HR Puffinstuff! HA!!
ronhartsell wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
Where's "Doug" and "Emmy Jo"...??? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[spapad] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:23:53 PM
I most certainly did not know such a thing! I remember him, He orgianlly hosted The Newly Wed show!
Did you know that Mr. Dingle the Postman was played by a young Chuck Woolery, who went on to host Love Connection and Scrabble??
spapad wrote:
HA!!!! never thought they would have videos! Where is HR Puffinstuff! HA!!
ronhartsell wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
Where's "Doug" and "Emmy Jo"...??? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:23:37 PM
OKAY RON,, you are starting to get me a little worried here.... LMAO [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:20:57 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
Did you know that Mr. Dingle the Postman was played by a young Chuck Woolery, who went on to host Love Connection and Scrabble??
spapad wrote:
HA!!!! never thought they would have videos! Where is HR Puffinstuff! HA!!
ronhartsell wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
Where's "Doug" and "Emmy Jo"...??? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ron h] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:20:57 PM
Did you know that Mr. Dingle the Postman was played by a young Chuck Woolery, who went on to host Love Connection and Scrabble?? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:15:52 PM)
spapad wrote:
HA!!!! never thought they would have videos! Where is HR Puffinstuff! HA!!
ronhartsell wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
Where's "Doug" and "Emmy Jo"...??? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Becks] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:20:02 PM
See ya Freeze, have fun watching the Dodgers!
LOL Spa, if I ever find JP pyjamas I'd probably crack up laughing LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:06:07 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
Well, it is DODGER time!!! I am off for the night!! Have a GREAT evening and I will see you all tomorrow!!!!!!!
Well, it is DODGER time!!! I am off for the night!! Have a GREAT evening and I will see you all tomorrow!!!!!!!
[spapad] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:17:00 PM
Order me some while your at it! If you find 'em! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:10:29 PM)
Becks wrote:
Hiya everyone! Home from shopping, I got new pyjamas, yay! LOL! Oh man, I just thought, JP pyjamas would be the best
[spapad] Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:15:52 PM
HA!!!! never thought they would have videos! Where is HR Puffinstuff! HA!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Saturday, June 20, 2009 8:00:57 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
Where's "Doug" and "Emmy Jo"...??? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!