Well, he does perform shirtless on the Live in London DVD, and that pic you've got there could very well be a still photo from it. Can't remember which song it was, but it was near the end, so probably United or Living After Midnight. (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:18:02 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
I've collected these pics from the Internet over the years, and from tons of places. All you have to do is look around and you just might find something that's drool-inducing.
Pictures of shirtless KK are, believe it of not, very hard to find. Methinks he is more shy about being shirtless than Glenn.
velvet_liselle wrote:
Thanks, Vaillant.
So my "theory" about being played is kind of correct, and I'm completely normal to react the way I do.
Shirtless Glenn is absolutely delicious <mrrrrr>
Where do you take all these pics from?
Can I get shirtless KK too?
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Great questions! I like to think of it this way: we may be moved to insanity through their music and solos, but since they are the masters of their music, they are even more moved into insanity, borderline ecstasy. The result comes out in the way they show it (through their face and their body movements) and in the way they play their guitars...with alot of love. It's enough to make their guitars scream and shout. It makes us gals wish we were the guitars...
Now then...here's a shirtless Glenn for your sinful dreams, liselle. Enjoy!
velvet_liselle wrote:
What is it with guitarists that they usually provoke so much lust in women? Is it something about playing the guitar in a virtuoso way that we start to imagine what such a guy can do with a woman's body? Could they play us as masterfully as their guitars?
My God, such thoughts really turn me on. Imagining Glenn or KK (I wouldnt refuse him either) doing this kind of stuff to me... gets me all too excited <an icon wiht a bucket of cold water on my head now>
Btw, does anybody know why Glenn deosn't appear shirltless anymore? KK does show a bit more of himself on those hot leather vests (it's such a pity he gave up:((( )
Edited at: Saturday, April 30, 2011 5:11:01 PM
[spapad] Saturday, April 30, 2011 5:13:59 PM
Probably Scott can rollerskate better than KK who seems to have a white knuckled grip on whomever he's next to in these shots. lol
[Nupe The Ripper] Saturday, April 30, 2011 5:10:29 PM
Well, he does perform shirtless on the Live in London DVD, and that pic you've got there could very well be a still photo from it. Can't remember which song it was, but it was near the end, so probably United or Living After Midnight. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:18:02 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
I've collected these pics from the Internet over the years, and from tons of places. All you have to do is look around and you just might find something that's drool-inducing.
Pictures of shirtless KK are, believe it of not, very hard to find. Methinks he is more shy about being shirtless than Glenn.
velvet_liselle wrote:
Thanks, Vaillant.
So my "theory" about being played is kind of correct, and I'm completely normal to react the way I do.
Shirtless Glenn is absolutely delicious <mrrrrr>
Where do you take all these pics from?
Can I get shirtless KK too?
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Great questions! I like to think of it this way: we may be moved to insanity through their music and solos, but since they are the masters of their music, they are even more moved into insanity, borderline ecstasy. The result comes out in the way they show it (through their face and their body movements) and in the way they play their guitars...with alot of love. It's enough to make their guitars scream and shout. It makes us gals wish we were the guitars...
Now then...here's a shirtless Glenn for your sinful dreams, liselle. Enjoy!
velvet_liselle wrote:
What is it with guitarists that they usually provoke so much lust in women? Is it something about playing the guitar in a virtuoso way that we start to imagine what such a guy can do with a woman's body? Could they play us as masterfully as their guitars?
My God, such thoughts really turn me on. Imagining Glenn or KK (I wouldnt refuse him either) doing this kind of stuff to me... gets me all too excited <an icon wiht a bucket of cold water on my head now>
Btw, does anybody know why Glenn deosn't appear shirltless anymore? KK does show a bit more of himself on those hot leather vests (it's such a pity he gave up:((( )
Edited at: Saturday, April 30, 2011 5:11:01 PM
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:43:54 PM
Hmmm...I wonder if Scottie can rollerskate?
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:34:39 PM
Silly snapshot time!!
[spapad] Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:31:42 PM
Did someone mention roller skates?? ; )
Looks like KK and Glenn are roller skate virgins here. lol
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, April 30, 2011 4:18:02 PM
I've collected these pics from the Internet over the years, and from tons of places. All you have to do is look around and you just might find something that's drool-inducing.
Pictures of shirtless KK are, believe it of not, very hard to find. Methinks he is more shy about being shirtless than Glenn.
Thanks, Vaillant.
So my "theory" about being played is kind of correct, and I'm completely normal to react the way I do.
Shirtless Glenn is absolutely delicious <mrrrrr>
Where do you take all these pics from?
Can I get shirtless KK too?
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Great questions! I like to think of it this way: we may be moved to insanity through their music and solos, but since they are the masters of their music, they are even more moved into insanity, borderline ecstasy. The result comes out in the way they show it (through their face and their body movements) and in the way they play their guitars...with alot of love. It's enough to make their guitars scream and shout. It makes us gals wish we were the guitars...
Now then...here's a shirtless Glenn for your sinful dreams, liselle. Enjoy!
velvet_liselle wrote:
What is it with guitarists that they usually provoke so much lust in women? Is it something about playing the guitar in a virtuoso way that we start to imagine what such a guy can do with a woman's body? Could they play us as masterfully as their guitars?
My God, such thoughts really turn me on. Imagining Glenn or KK (I wouldnt refuse him either) doing this kind of stuff to me... gets me all too excited <an icon wiht a bucket of cold water on my head now>
Btw, does anybody know why Glenn deosn't appear shirltless anymore? KK does show a bit more of himself on those hot leather vests (it's such a pity he gave up:((( )
[velvet_liselle] Saturday, April 30, 2011 9:07:47 AM
Thanks, Vaillant.
So my "theory" about being played is kind of correct, and I'm completely normal to react the way I do.
Shirtless Glenn is absolutely delicious <mrrrrr>
Where do you take all these pics from?
Great questions! I like to think of it this way: we may be moved to insanity through their music and solos, but since they are the masters of their music, they are even more moved into insanity, borderline ecstasy. The result comes out in the way they show it (through their face and their body movements) and in the way they play their guitars...with alot of love. It's enough to make their guitars scream and shout. It makes us gals wish we were the guitars...
Now then...here's a shirtless Glenn for your sinful dreams, liselle. Enjoy!
velvet_liselle wrote:
What is it with guitarists that they usually provoke so much lust in women? Is it something about playing the guitar in a virtuoso way that we start to imagine what such a guy can do with a woman's body? Could they play us as masterfully as their guitars?
My God, such thoughts really turn me on. Imagining Glenn or KK (I wouldnt refuse him either) doing this kind of stuff to me... gets me all too excited <an icon wiht a bucket of cold water on my head now>
Btw, does anybody know why Glenn deosn't appear shirltless anymore? KK does show a bit more of himself on those hot leather vests (it's such a pity he gave up:((( )
[thekissofjudas] Saturday, April 30, 2011 7:57:26 AM
Metal is enough to be high ;) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Nupe The Ripper from Saturday, April 30, 2011 7:53:13 AM)
Nupe The Ripper wrote:
Haha, everyone looks like they're high on something
\~AuntieB~/ wrote:
One I believe you've posted before MS. The early days ... daze What were they thinkin'? I know. Let's go roller skating! Someone else can take it from here \m/ Cheers!
[Nupe The Ripper] Saturday, April 30, 2011 7:53:13 AM
Haha, everyone looks like they're high on something
One I believe you've posted before MS. The early days ... daze What were they thinkin'? I know. Let's go roller skating! Someone else can take it from here \m/ Cheers!
[thekissofjudas] Saturday, April 30, 2011 7:17:31 AM
Few respercT, lot of fun. LOVE IT! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by \~AuntieB~/ from Saturday, April 30, 2011 7:08:31 AM)
\~AuntieB~/ wrote:
One I believe you've posted before MS. The early days ... daze What were they thinkin'? I know. Let's go roller skating! Someone else can take it from here \m/ Cheers!
[\~AuntieB~/] Saturday, April 30, 2011 7:08:31 AM
One I believe you've posted before MS. The early days ... daze What were they thinkin'? I know. Let's go roller skating! Someone else can take it from here \m/ Cheers!
[\~AuntieB~/] Saturday, April 30, 2011 7:03:46 AM
Donington, the inaugural show : ) lol ... no wonder they love playing festivals!!!
[\~AuntieB~/] Saturday, April 30, 2011 7:00:54 AM
... another one from that same show.
[\~AuntieB~/] Saturday, April 30, 2011 6:58:15 AM
This one if from the show in Vegas the year a few of us got together at the Palms ...
[\~AuntieB~/] Saturday, April 30, 2011 6:54:55 AM
These can be found in the JP photo library \m/ Some of my recent favs ... : )
[\~AuntieB~/] Saturday, April 30, 2011 6:50:31 AM
[\~AuntieB~/] Saturday, April 30, 2011 6:46:25 AM
\m/ Thanks for resurrecting this thread MS : ) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Maple Syrup from Saturday, April 30, 2011 12:59:34 AM)
Maple Syrup wrote:
For the Sinful Jr: - Defenders 84. MpleSyrp Edited at: Saturday, April 30, 2011 1:00:43 AM
[Maple Syrup] Saturday, April 30, 2011 12:59:34 AM
For the Sinful Jr: - Defenders 84. MpleSyrp Edited at: Saturday, April 30, 2011 1:00:43 AM
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, April 30, 2011 12:23:00 AM
Great questions! I like to think of it this way: we may be moved to insanity through their music and solos, but since they are the masters of their music, they are even more moved into insanity, borderline ecstasy. The result comes out in the way they show it (through their face and their body movements) and in the way they play their guitars...with alot of love. It's enough to make their guitars scream and shout. It makes us gals wish we were the guitars...
Now then...here's a shirtless Glenn for your sinful dreams, liselle. Enjoy!
What is it with guitarists that they usually provoke so much lust in women? Is it something about playing the guitar in a virtuoso way that we start to imagine what such a guy can do with a woman's body? Could they play us as masterfully as their guitars?
My God, such thoughts really turn me on. Imagining Glenn or KK (I wouldnt refuse him either) doing this kind of stuff to me... gets me all too excited <an icon wiht a bucket of cold water on my head now>
Btw, does anybody know why Glenn deosn't appear shirltless anymore? KK does show a bit more of himself on those hot leather vests (it's such a pity he gave up:((( )
[velvet_liselle] Friday, April 29, 2011 7:47:46 PM
What is it with guitarists that they usually provoke so much lust in women? Is it something about playing the guitar in a virtuoso way that we start to imagine what such a guy can do with a woman's body? Could they play us as masterfully as their guitars?
My God, such thoughts really turn me on. Imagining Glenn or KK (I wouldnt refuse him either) doing this kind of stuff to me... gets me all too excited <an icon wiht a bucket of cold water on my head now>
Btw, does anybody know why Glenn deosn't appear shirltless anymore? KK does show a bit more of himself on those hot leather vests (it's such a pity he gave up:((( )
[guidogodoy] Friday, April 29, 2011 7:18:44 PM
Ah, crap. Sorry. Re-read that one. No shirtless. Mediocre dreams from me, then! LOL!
[guidogodoy] Friday, April 29, 2011 7:16:24 PM
Sure! Always glad to help out another fan....sweet dreams.
Could I have some more shirtless pics of Glenn or KK before I go to bed? Just to feed my nighttime fantasies?
[velvet_liselle] Friday, April 29, 2011 7:08:44 PM
Could I have some more shirtless pics of Glenn or KK before I go to bed? Just to feed my nighttime fantasies?
[velvet_liselle] Friday, April 29, 2011 5:44:53 AM
oooh <orgasm> I'd like to put my hands on this chest.. ... and not only there...
I wonder, why he doesn't go shirtless or at least in those scanty leather vests anymore at gigs... Does he think he's too old for that? Hells fire, no!!!. He's so smoking hot, I could be his daughter but I definitely wouldn't say no to him. He would just have to beckon... Just the thought that he could do the same to me as he does to his guitar gets me sooo randy... I'd like to be played like this [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Nupe The Ripper from Friday, April 29, 2011 5:23:50 AM)
[the highway terror] Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:46:39 PM
great shots thanks for the post !!
[Zomby] Friday, September 24, 2010 8:38:27 AM
hi i like these pictures and you know i love motorcycles
[Melissa Kaileigh] Friday, May 28, 2010 6:42:47 AM
[JellyDevils] Wednesday, May 26, 2010 8:11:20 AM
las guitarras que usa KK son taaaan hermosas (L) ojala hubiera aprendido a tocar de niña ... (por cierto, en breve empiezo con las clases porq, si bien mi viejo es profesor de piano, detesta dar clases ...)
[Melissa Kaileigh] Wednesday, May 26, 2010 6:56:11 AM
Well ... I finally could scann the program that gave me inside Luna Park ... it's a great thing to have ... I have it in a big "box of memories" with some other things that also means a lot to me...
[JellyDevils] Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:37:06 AM
Well ... I finally could scann the program that gave me inside Luna Park ... it's a great thing to have ... I have it in a big "box of memories" with some other things that also means a lot to me...
ohhh! i can comment priest pics here ... great !!!
maybe tomorrow I'll be able to scann the flyer of the Judas Priest Show here in argentna ... it was the Saturday 08 of November of 2008 ...
it's a bit wrinkled because it was a hot nigth and because that show was a massacre \m/ ... my boyfriend came home with a sprained ankle ... it was really odd to find him outside the Luna Park walking in one foot ... hahhaha xD
[JellyDevils] Thursday, May 06, 2010 12:06:44 PM
ohhh! i can comment priest pics here ... great !!!
maybe tomorrow I'll be able to scann the flyer of the Judas Priest Show here in argentna ... it was the Saturday 08 of November of 2008 ...
it's a bit wrinkled because it was a hot nigth and because that show was a massacre \m/ ... my boyfriend came home with a sprained ankle ... it was really odd to find him outside the Luna Park walking in one foot ... hahhaha xD
[acolyte55] Wednesday, May 05, 2010 12:44:06 PM
it is for members to look at pictures of judas priest , it is based on a point system ,you can only post in the introductions for new members site until you earn enough respect points before you move on to the general discussion areas! hope this helps you cheers
[JellyDevils] Wednesday, May 05, 2010 6:32:22 AM
I don't understand quite well what's this topic about ...
i mean, i have to make an efford to read in engish and there are sooo many banned posts ...
i'm from argentina ... hello i'm using my free/boring hours at the office
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, April 10, 2010 4:39:53 PM
"Fuck police scrutiny" they can't do shit Budred....Bullet In The Head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Budred from Saturday, April 10, 2010 3:28:31 AM)
Budred wrote:
J.D., I agree with what you said but be careful man. Because of recent suicides due
to cyber attacks you may open yourself up to police scrutiny. I left a post in another
thread suggesting an unkindly act so believe me, I support you. Just be careful. Peace!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You ugly fat whinning "C * # * " you only wish you could look as good as spa,you'll never be accepted here so do me a favor: Pick up a gun or buy one and shoot yourself in the head.
Do this world a favor,in your case suicide is the only way out bitch.
xnecro'sgirl a.k.a sweet angelic wrote:
[Budred] Saturday, April 10, 2010 3:28:31 AM
J.D., I agree with what you said but be careful man. Because of recent suicides due
to cyber attacks you may open yourself up to police scrutiny. I left a post in another
thread suggesting an unkindly act so believe me, I support you. Just be careful. Peace! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, April 10, 2010 3:16:14 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You ugly fat whinning "C * # * " you only wish you could look as good as spa,you'll never be accepted here so do me a favor: Pick up a gun or buy one and shoot yourself in the head.
Do this world a favor,in your case suicide is the only way out bitch.
xnecro'sgirl a.k.a sweet angelic wrote:
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, April 10, 2010 3:16:14 AM
[This message has been banned]
[spapad] Friday, April 09, 2010 11:03:55 PM
Yeah Baby that's me, including body! Someting you can't say. HA!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by xnecro'sgirl a.k.a sweet angelic from Friday, April 09, 2010 10:14:41 PM)
xnecro'sgirl a.k.a sweet angelic wrote:
[xnecro'sgirl a.k.a sweet angelic] Friday, April 09, 2010 10:14:41 PM
[This message has been banned]
[xnecro'sgirl a.k.a sweet angelic] Sunday, April 04, 2010 7:02:04 AM
[This message has been banned]
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Monday, February 08, 2010 1:27:00 PM
[This message has been banned]
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Friday, February 05, 2010 9:08:24 AM
[This message has been banned]
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:13:00 AM