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British Steel album & 30th Anniversary Tour
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album opinions & live performances


[Sinner Rider] Wednesday, July 08, 2009 9:12:16 AM 
LOL!! I got cha not too many people wear it...  Hey its not comfortable either!  

I worked at a Biker Bar for the past 3 years, I ended up purchasing more then I will ever need.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, July 08, 2009 9:03:05 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, July 08, 2009 9:03:05 AM 
HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!  Well my dear, apart from a jacket I am a bit "light" on the leather! Not too sure I would pull off that kind of look anyway! HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I think I will try to be a bit more "understated".
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:57:43 AM)
[Sinner Rider] Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:57:43 AM 
I had planned to sport all leather....
THANK GOD I DIDNT.. I'm pretty sure I would have been passed out from heat exhaustion besides the stage.. Cotton is the way to go in the extreme heat.. I"m savin the leather for the winter.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:48:52 AM)
[Sinner Rider] Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:55:38 AM 
Good Morning LadyBathory! And thank you!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by LadyBathory9 from Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:48:36 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:48:52 AM 

Oh, to those that will be at the Detroit show;  the weather says thunder storms!!!! Is this an outdoor gig??? Temps are supposed to be 80 during the day and high 60's at night! SOUNDS like "shorts" and t-shirt weather to me, but what do I know..........?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:41:16 AM)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:48:36 AM 
HI! Sinner Rider...AWESOME!!! They always look good!!
And by the way i luv ur tatoo that u had on ur arm...COOL!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:41:16 AM)
[Sinner Rider] Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:41:16 AM 

check this out.. This was at the show... Portapotty

[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:12:41 AM 
OK Guido, HRMG, et al.......  ONE week from today we DO this!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have NO idea what to bring clothes-wise!! Is it hot? Is it cold? I mean, summer in Vegas is an easy call. Go naked.... HAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!  Now, as I am sure there will be children, elderly and those with taste at our gig, I will refrain from any nudity.
[Rebel 06] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:17:53 PM 
The light's heat sounds BRUTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
I don't know how they can stand it in all that leather??????????????? The must have the Antarctic blowing up from the stage?? I am glad you did not pass out.

Well, I am heading home, talk to you guys tomorrow :)
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:07:34 PM 
I have more but they are a little farther away from the stage, I originally had 10th row,  until we got the 1st row tics..LOL

I went back to 10th row right before the Oncore's.. I thought I was going to faint I was so overheated, and I needed to get something to drink,, 

My neighbors would flip out... LOL
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Rebel 06 from Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:05:14 PM)
[Rebel 06] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:05:14 PM 
That is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is tough the outdoor gig in the summer. Thank God this one is indoors for  us!!!!!!!!! Lat year was a bitch!! It is 100 to 110 in Dallas in Aug
I think your neighbors would love you for putting that in your front yard LOL!!!! This make me so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks
[Sinner Rider] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:03:04 PM 
I was waiting to melt.. those solar lights were awesome.. but my GOD did they radiate heat! Holy shit...That is what kept some people away from me... Like I said I looked like I took a dip in a pool.... Long hair and heat and head banging.. people tend to stay away a bit.. Atleast I cleared a space.. however maybe not in such a good way..

I have more pics at home on my laptop! I will add them.. I have a great one of you MG!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:47:13 PM)
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:55:50 PM 
Heres the stage at nite,,,  The hell with those stupid little solar lights.. 

 I want one of those huge lighted priest signs for the front lawn.. LMAO  Do you think my neighbors will mind.... ??  buahhhhhhh
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:47:13 PM 
Sure we were hot and sweaty,,,  LMAO,... in all our pics.... sweating it out at the priest show...hehehehe was worth it. 

It was damm humid out there... I thought for sure it was going to rain,, it never did though,

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:57:14 AM)
[Rebel 06] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:25:58 PM 
I know, I am exteremly boring now, minus the occassional JP concert.  I am too old to hang like I used to and do not have the time. I get up at 5:45am to be able to be ready for work and get Savannah up at 6:30 & get her some food in her belly and ready to go. It takes me an hour to get to work, I get home 6 6:30, pick her up, have dinner, homework & man it is ready for her to go to bed.
I must admit after my little angle face is a sleep I have a couple glasses of wine. I don't sleep well.
Actually, that makes this all the more exciting!!!!  I have booked out hotel, so I can drink & we can take a cab. She also loves the fancy hotels.
I kind of feel bad for her because things are not cool like they used to be. Even when she gets to be as old as British Steele I will have to pray some freak does not get her. Young girls can't just run around like we used to :(
[Sinner Rider] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 2:55:04 PM 

oh my those were the days.. now days I have a few beers here and there but that is about it. 

That was 8 years ago.. I wish I was that spunky.. now I"m boring. Dammit! How did that happen...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Rebel 06 from Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:36:19 PM)
[british.steel] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 2:41:52 PM 

My favorite from turbo is Reckless, its soo underrated! turbo is really not that bad!

and im glad your daughter will see Living after midnight finally lol

oh, and A touch of Evil live is on      its really good. and it officially comes out July14 the day im going to see priest!!!!

[Rebel 06] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 1:05:23 PM 
MGSorry, I forgot to include you on the message below. I go Aug 13th, if you still need anything, let me know and I'll pick it up. :)
[Rebel 06] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:36:19 PM 
SRYou are my kind of girl. I used to buy beer at a 7 11 down the street in 8th grade on Thurs nite while my parents were out, hide it on the side of the house. Get up Fri 5 am & put it in a cooler with ice way in the back of my closet. My friends (5 of us) would walk home to my house, have my parents hold my calls because we were having a group metting & then go to parties & stuff.
I also had a fake ID all through highschool.  Good times!!!!!!!!
Maple syrupI really don't like nor listen to anything after Turbo  (no offence to all the fans out there, including my buddy British Steel) I am siked to hear D& R  and Victim.  I think I am on my own here but would like to here a little Parental Guidance and Private property(mostly because my daughter loves them). It does in fact seem like a very short set. However, I will take what I can get and although my dream concert would be a replay of the Judas Priest Live show( I was 3rd row) I will take this with a huge smile & am grateful my daughter will get to enjoy the classics.
[Sinner Rider] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:16:19 PM 
Nice! That will show em! LOL!!!... Mt first time seeing them was actually at a small venue. I had to use a fake id to get in to the show since it was 18+ and I was 16.. Whooo,, it worked but I thought I was going to pee my pants. The ID said i was 21.. Which was quit the gap in age, but it worked! Great Times! :)
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Tuesday, July 07, 2009 10:02:10 AM)
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