[Head banger] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:08:14 AM | |
I think he is actualy on loan for the winter while MLS is off. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:43:25 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!! You see?? I had NO idea he had left the states! It was all a marketing ploy, NOT a true sports move. The guy was supposed to bring soccer (HA!) to the forefront here in the US but, as with ALL that have tried previously, he failed and now he has crawled back to his Euro fans where he will be appreciated.
SOCCER is NOT a sport! BWWWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | ? But hes gone back to Europe. I think I heard he plays in Italy now...
In any case, it really isnt about his skills as a football (stop using that stupid "soccer" word, damn you! ) player. He and his Spice Girl wife are just... Well, celebrities. Nobody is quite sure why are they so big (cause she is nothing special, and he is not even close to being the best player for years), but they are, so we just have to deal with them...
Oh, and why arent moms and kids real sport fans? If they like real football, they are better sport fans than you... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh, we do strat! The media really work hard at trying to legitimize that guy. FORTUNATELY, he is just like those that came before him...ZERO. Soccer is just NOT interesting to the American sports fan. Moms and kids maybe, but not true sports fans. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[_strat_] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:55:43 AM | |
And so you shall... From below... For in Allians arena in Munich you shall be buried, so you can eternaly watch real football... Now, begone, for I have to leave. good bye! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:53:14 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAY!!! I shall not leave! You must hear my words of defiance! I shun ALL that is soccer! Even the ball is goofy..all those stupid spots! And you cannot even use your hands??!?!?! BAH!!! I would rather watch GRASS grow!! HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! If there ever was a valid reason to hate the US... Its you!!! Begone, satan of gridirion, demon of lame sports!!! Begone!!! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!! You see?? I had NO idea he had left the states! It was all a marketing ploy, NOT a true sports move. The guy was supposed to bring soccer (HA!) to the forefront here in the US but, as with ALL that have tried previously, he failed and now he has crawled back to his Euro fans where he will be appreciated.
SOCCER is NOT a sport! BWWWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | ? But hes gone back to Europe. I think I heard he plays in Italy now...
In any case, it really isnt about his skills as a football (stop using that stupid "soccer" word, damn you! ) player. He and his Spice Girl wife are just... Well, celebrities. Nobody is quite sure why are they so big (cause she is nothing special, and he is not even close to being the best player for years), but they are, so we just have to deal with them...
Oh, and why arent moms and kids real sport fans? If they like real football, they are better sport fans than you... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh, we do strat! The media really work hard at trying to legitimize that guy. FORTUNATELY, he is just like those that came before him...ZERO. Soccer is just NOT interesting to the American sports fan. Moms and kids maybe, but not true sports fans. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:53:14 AM | |
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAY!!! I shall not leave! You must hear my words of defiance! I shun ALL that is soccer! Even the ball is goofy..all those stupid spots! And you cannot even use your hands??!?!?! BAH!!! I would rather watch GRASS grow!! HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:49:24 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! If there ever was a valid reason to hate the US... Its you!!! Begone, satan of gridirion, demon of lame sports!!! Begone!!! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!! You see?? I had NO idea he had left the states! It was all a marketing ploy, NOT a true sports move. The guy was supposed to bring soccer (HA!) to the forefront here in the US but, as with ALL that have tried previously, he failed and now he has crawled back to his Euro fans where he will be appreciated.
SOCCER is NOT a sport! BWWWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | ? But hes gone back to Europe. I think I heard he plays in Italy now...
In any case, it really isnt about his skills as a football (stop using that stupid "soccer" word, damn you! ) player. He and his Spice Girl wife are just... Well, celebrities. Nobody is quite sure why are they so big (cause she is nothing special, and he is not even close to being the best player for years), but they are, so we just have to deal with them...
Oh, and why arent moms and kids real sport fans? If they like real football, they are better sport fans than you... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh, we do strat! The media really work hard at trying to legitimize that guy. FORTUNATELY, he is just like those that came before him...ZERO. Soccer is just NOT interesting to the American sports fan. Moms and kids maybe, but not true sports fans. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Bev] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:52:50 AM | |
Six in one, half-dozen in another. George Carlin was only one man, and yet some believe his passing didn't get enough coverage? Tough decisions, I s'pose.
I'll leave you to your rant, then. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:48:34 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | You know Bev, as with anything else, it has its place. If people are that interested and will pay to read the stuff, good for them. Capitalism at its finest. I really do understand that there are millions of people that eat this up. They love to read every detail about some celebrity's life. Whatever. Of course, they could certainly concentrate on more "empowering" endeavors, but they will not. So be it. MY complaint is the over-the-top coverage of ONE kid's death. He was NOTHING special to me and I am NOT alone. The Travoltas may feel differently and I get that but the kid is just another kid to me. |  | Bev wrote: | | I never liked being force fed anything. So I'll just have to keep my subscriptions to Popular Science, Ode, and things that are important to me. I find it empowering (sorry, can't think of a better word) to think for myself! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh I agree, Bev. The average person seems to eat this crap up and beg for more. Look at the proliferation of these Hollywood gossip magazines! The damn things cost five bucks a piece and they sell like crazy every Friday. I know because the Princess insists that I get her three or four of them every week! Seriously, there is some sick fascination there that I just do not understand. |  | Bev wrote: | | Think it has something to do with sales, capitolism, etc. ; ) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Let's be clear. NOT about a child dying! About the sensationalism of all this. |  | Bev wrote: | | I am trying to imagine you are actually pissed off about this! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[_strat_] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:49:24 AM | |
ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! If there ever was a valid reason to hate the US... Its you!!! Begone, satan of gridirion, demon of lame sports!!! Begone!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:43:25 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!! You see?? I had NO idea he had left the states! It was all a marketing ploy, NOT a true sports move. The guy was supposed to bring soccer (HA!) to the forefront here in the US but, as with ALL that have tried previously, he failed and now he has crawled back to his Euro fans where he will be appreciated.
SOCCER is NOT a sport! BWWWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | ? But hes gone back to Europe. I think I heard he plays in Italy now...
In any case, it really isnt about his skills as a football (stop using that stupid "soccer" word, damn you! ) player. He and his Spice Girl wife are just... Well, celebrities. Nobody is quite sure why are they so big (cause she is nothing special, and he is not even close to being the best player for years), but they are, so we just have to deal with them...
Oh, and why arent moms and kids real sport fans? If they like real football, they are better sport fans than you... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh, we do strat! The media really work hard at trying to legitimize that guy. FORTUNATELY, he is just like those that came before him...ZERO. Soccer is just NOT interesting to the American sports fan. Moms and kids maybe, but not true sports fans. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:48:34 AM | |
You know Bev, as with anything else, it has its place. If people are that interested and will pay to read the stuff, good for them. Capitalism at its finest. I really do understand that there are millions of people that eat this up. They love to read every detail about some celebrity's life. Whatever. Of course, they could certainly concentrate on more "empowering" endeavors, but they will not. So be it. MY complaint is the over-the-top coverage of ONE kid's death. He was NOTHING special to me and I am NOT alone. The Travoltas may feel differently and I get that but the kid is just another kid to me. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:42:38 AM) |  | Bev wrote: | | I never liked being force fed anything. So I'll just have to keep my subscriptions to Popular Science, Ode, and things that are important to me. I find it empowering (sorry, can't think of a better word) to think for myself! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh I agree, Bev. The average person seems to eat this crap up and beg for more. Look at the proliferation of these Hollywood gossip magazines! The damn things cost five bucks a piece and they sell like crazy every Friday. I know because the Princess insists that I get her three or four of them every week! Seriously, there is some sick fascination there that I just do not understand. |  | Bev wrote: | | Think it has something to do with sales, capitolism, etc. ; ) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Let's be clear. NOT about a child dying! About the sensationalism of all this. |  | Bev wrote: | | I am trying to imagine you are actually pissed off about this! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:43:25 AM | |
HA!!!!!!!!!!! You see?? I had NO idea he had left the states! It was all a marketing ploy, NOT a true sports move. The guy was supposed to bring soccer (HA!) to the forefront here in the US but, as with ALL that have tried previously, he failed and now he has crawled back to his Euro fans where he will be appreciated.
SOCCER is NOT a sport! BWWWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:37:24 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | ? But hes gone back to Europe. I think I heard he plays in Italy now...
In any case, it really isnt about his skills as a football (stop using that stupid "soccer" word, damn you! ) player. He and his Spice Girl wife are just... Well, celebrities. Nobody is quite sure why are they so big (cause she is nothing special, and he is not even close to being the best player for years), but they are, so we just have to deal with them...
Oh, and why arent moms and kids real sport fans? If they like real football, they are better sport fans than you... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh, we do strat! The media really work hard at trying to legitimize that guy. FORTUNATELY, he is just like those that came before him...ZERO. Soccer is just NOT interesting to the American sports fan. Moms and kids maybe, but not true sports fans. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Bev] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:42:38 AM | |
I never liked being force fed anything. So I'll just have to keep my subscriptions to Popular Science, Ode, and things that are important to me. I find it empowering (sorry, can't think of a better word) to think for myself! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:38:41 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh I agree, Bev. The average person seems to eat this crap up and beg for more. Look at the proliferation of these Hollywood gossip magazines! The damn things cost five bucks a piece and they sell like crazy every Friday. I know because the Princess insists that I get her three or four of them every week! Seriously, there is some sick fascination there that I just do not understand. |  | Bev wrote: | | Think it has something to do with sales, capitolism, etc. ; ) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Let's be clear. NOT about a child dying! About the sensationalism of all this. |  | Bev wrote: | | I am trying to imagine you are actually pissed off about this! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:38:41 AM | |
Oh I agree, Bev. The average person seems to eat this crap up and beg for more. Look at the proliferation of these Hollywood gossip magazines! The damn things cost five bucks a piece and they sell like crazy every Friday. I know because the Princess insists that I get her three or four of them every week! Seriously, there is some sick fascination there that I just do not understand. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:32:43 AM) |  | Bev wrote: | | Think it has something to do with sales, capitolism, etc. ; ) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Let's be clear. NOT about a child dying! About the sensationalism of all this. |  | Bev wrote: | | I am trying to imagine you are actually pissed off about this! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[_strat_] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:37:24 AM | |
? But hes gone back to Europe. I think I heard he plays in Italy now...
In any case, it really isnt about his skills as a football (stop using that stupid "soccer" word, damn you! ) player. He and his Spice Girl wife are just... Well, celebrities. Nobody is quite sure why are they so big (cause she is nothing special, and he is not even close to being the best player for years), but they are, so we just have to deal with them...
Oh, and why arent moms and kids real sport fans? If they like real football, they are better sport fans than you... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:32:00 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Oh, we do strat! The media really work hard at trying to legitimize that guy. FORTUNATELY, he is just like those that came before him...ZERO. Soccer is just NOT interesting to the American sports fan. Moms and kids maybe, but not true sports fans. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Bev] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:32:43 AM | |
Think it has something to do with sales, capitolism, etc. ; ) [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:26:35 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Let's be clear. NOT about a child dying! About the sensationalism of all this. |  | Bev wrote: | | I am trying to imagine you are actually pissed off about this! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Head banger] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:32:08 AM | |
I am sure if i had the extended chanel package i would have a chanel just for that, i might now.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:27:23 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:32:00 AM | |
Oh, we do strat! The media really work hard at trying to legitimize that guy. FORTUNATELY, he is just like those that came before him...ZERO. Soccer is just NOT interesting to the American sports fan. Moms and kids maybe, but not true sports fans. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:27:23 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[_strat_] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:27:23 AM | |
Be glad that real football is not so popular with you guys... If it were, you would hear all about Beckhams make up on the TV! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:25:52 AM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:26:35 AM | |
Let's be clear. NOT about a child dying! About the sensationalism of all this. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:21:28 AM) |  | Bev wrote: | | I am trying to imagine you are actually pissed off about this! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Head banger] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:25:52 AM | |
I think it shows just how interested we are with ceebrity, rather than real things. some NFL guy was arested again last night, driving drunk
their must be something of real importance going on. but we dont see news on it. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:01:42 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[_strat_] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:25:22 AM | |
Oh, I so agree... I actualy remember that this story was out on the same day as the Israeli offensive in Gaza... And even on our news it got more attention!!! One kid dies, and just because he happened to be the son of a moviestar, we have to hear all about it... Oh, and of course, CNN Europe went on about it for half an hour at least... I mean, one, ONE kid died. How big a story can you make out of it? And at the same time, there are much more serious events going on in the middle East... No, that doesnt get into breaking news, because that would actualy make sense, and people would actualy want to hear about it! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:01:42 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Bev] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:21:28 AM | |
I am trying to imagine you are actually pissed off about this! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:01:42 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:01:42 AM | |
OK, I can stay silent NO longer! I realize I am setting myself up for more accusations of insensitivity and selfishness but this MUST be said;
WHAT THE HELL is SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT about Jett Travolta?!?!?!?!?!??
For the love of all that is holy!! WHY is this crap splattered all over the news and TV?? Specials on this kid and his "tragic' death!! SO FREAKIN WHAT??? Kids die EVERYDAY! Lots of them. All just as meaningful to their families as this kid was to Vinnie Barbarino!!!... WHY is it that this particular child is SO friggin relevant to the earth that we need hours and HOURS of coverage on him?? Was he closing in on a cure for cancer?? Was he involved in peace negotiations in the Middle East? Did he discover a formula that will fix the US financial crisis? NO!!!! He was the son of an actor. Nothing more. His death is no more meaningful than any other child's. They are all extremely tragic, as are most passings.
I had to endure TWO hours of news last night with this kid as the "top story", then the Princess watches some Hollywood insider show that dedicated another hour and a half to him! Every commercial break went something like this, "When we return, more on this tragic loss. We will talk with the Travolta's dog to get his take, then we have an exclusive with a guy that was peeing at a gas station five blocks from the scene.." AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!
I understand that John Travolta is a movie star. I actually like the guy. Great actor. But as far as I am concerned, his kid is no more important than anyone else's and all this sensationalism over it is sickening. |
[Head banger] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:49:24 PM | |
apparently quite hard.
LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by adrianaec_88 from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:39:41 PM) |  | adrianaec_88 wrote: | | Waited a long time already, and there's not even one picture from Southamerican tour in the Photo section  , who the hell is in charge of that? they went to Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.... you can't find hundreds and hundreds of pics of the States tour, you can also find Australia, Canada, Asia and Europe.... and not even one of any of the four countries they visited in 2008 tour, not even one pic of the 8 shows they've given here it's ridiculous.... aren't southamerican fans that important too? yes, I'm pissed off... And by the way... the person that is in charge of Priest management, it's NOT Columbia, it's Colombia.....and you could at least spell right Buenos Aires in the tour section.. how hard can it be? Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:40:57 PM |