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[spapad] Monday, January 11, 2010 9:06:36 PM
Thanks Hellrider for the info on the car battery saver. I think I may go get one if the temps continue being as ugly as they have been. I really don't see the end of this winter mess anytime soon. You must be frozen up in Canada! I really don't think I could take that kind of cold in the negatives durring the days. Saw an e post from Alaska today. -44 degrees during the daytime. Burrrrrrr! Sends chils through me just thinking about it! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, January 10, 2010 11:31:44 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey Spapad reason i asked is because my mom had the same problem with her car untill i bought her this baby for christmas last year
not enough power in the battery to start the car or the battery goes dead just hook this thing right up to the battery terminals .its been used quite a bit and has never failed.not to expensive this one was on sale.might want to keep it in mind.
spapad wrote:
Thanks for asking Hellrider, it's been stuborn to start but it really does much better than the factory batteries I'm used to. Tomorrow is suppose to be up to 33 degrees! Should be feeling like Sunny Palm Beach after the past few weeks! I Can't wait! (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:07:10 AM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey Spapad are you still having problems with your car battery.
spapad wrote:
Cant say that I noticed the members count being on 0 Vail. But then again maybe I was just too cold to notice! I dread this month's power bill! Should shock my socks off!
Ron, glad to hear that other than the hospital acquired pneumonia you Dad is doing well. Hospitials are truely the worst places to be sick! Can pick up staff in two days at one of them. Yuck. Much prayers to him feeling better soon.
DF, glad to see you found your way here today! Hope that means you got your PC conflicts taken care of!
We are having a heat party here today in coldasslandia! The temp topped out at 28 F!!! Almost enough to melt something, but not quite!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey ron this is the heeeeellllllllrrrrrriiiiiidddddeeeeerrrrrrrr.sorry to hear about your dad..he is in my prayers for a complete and quick recovery.
ron h wrote:
Morning / day Metalheads
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:14:08 PM
[spapad] Monday, January 11, 2010 9:02:23 PM
She's a bit shaken from the wreck. May take her a little while to feel comfortable driving. She'll be ok though. I had a nasty car wreak when I was young and for months when I drove past the place it happened my pulse would race and I would grip the wheel like it was all between be and doom! It's a shocking thing sometimes, but we all move past it. I still go past that spot each day on the way home and never think about it. Her confidence is hurt worse than anything. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, January 11, 2010 3:23:08 PM)
Becks wrote:
Welcome back Guido! Hope you had a great time!
Just talking to my mother in law on the phone, finding out the details about Craigs sisters car crash on sunday night - she crashed her car and it's written off, thankfully she and her boyfriend are ok. Poor thing is feeling sorry for herself though, which is understandable.
guidogodoy wrote:
Well good morning peeps! Man is it cold here. LOL!
Yeah, I just got back, Vail. Overall, a nice little trip. República Dominicana, St. Thomas, British Virgin Isles (BVI) and the Bahamas. I got limited news on the boat but saw that the majority of the country is gripped in a cold spell. I'll spare the membership from pics of me peeling from too much sun. JP cross pics to come, though, in the pics of you thread.
I love cruises because you meet people from all over the world. My favorite? A woman from South Africa. Made me think of you, JoeD, every time she spoke as I have had limited contact with the accent prior to meeting her. Too cool. Never got a chance to ask about her tastes in music, but still...
Ok, a few pics to come once I unpack a bit. Until then, a big "happy birthday" to those friends that I missed. Know that I was thinking of you! HAAAAA!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, Guido!! Are you back from your trip? How did it go? Did you have fun? Let us know!!
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, January 11, 2010 4:41:22 PM
Those are some great pics, especially the first one!!
Welcome back!! Good to hear it all went well. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, January 11, 2010 11:41:08 AM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Well good morning peeps! Man is it cold here. LOL!
Yeah, I just got back, Vail. Overall, a nice little trip. República Dominicana, St. Thomas, British Virgin Isles (BVI) and the Bahamas. I got limited news on the boat but saw that the majority of the country is gripped in a cold spell. I'll spare the membership from pics of me peeling from too much sun. JP cross pics to come, though, in the pics of you thread.
I love cruises because you meet people from all over the world. My favorite? A woman from South Africa. Made me think of you, JoeD, every time she spoke as I have had limited contact with the accent prior to meeting her. Too cool. Never got a chance to ask about her tastes in music, but still...
Ok, a few pics to come once I unpack a bit. Until then, a big "happy birthday" to those friends that I missed. Know that I was thinking of you! HAAAAA!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, Guido!! Are you back from your trip? How did it go? Did you have fun? Let us know!!
[Becks] Monday, January 11, 2010 3:23:08 PM
Welcome back Guido! Hope you had a great time!
Just talking to my mother in law on the phone, finding out the details about Craigs sisters car crash on sunday night - she crashed her car and it's written off, thankfully she and her boyfriend are ok. Poor thing is feeling sorry for herself though, which is understandable. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, January 11, 2010 11:41:08 AM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Well good morning peeps! Man is it cold here. LOL!
Yeah, I just got back, Vail. Overall, a nice little trip. República Dominicana, St. Thomas, British Virgin Isles (BVI) and the Bahamas. I got limited news on the boat but saw that the majority of the country is gripped in a cold spell. I'll spare the membership from pics of me peeling from too much sun. JP cross pics to come, though, in the pics of you thread.
I love cruises because you meet people from all over the world. My favorite? A woman from South Africa. Made me think of you, JoeD, every time she spoke as I have had limited contact with the accent prior to meeting her. Too cool. Never got a chance to ask about her tastes in music, but still...
Ok, a few pics to come once I unpack a bit. Until then, a big "happy birthday" to those friends that I missed. Know that I was thinking of you! HAAAAA!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, Guido!! Are you back from your trip? How did it go? Did you have fun? Let us know!!
Well good morning peeps! Man is it cold here. LOL!
Yeah, I just got back, Vail. Overall, a nice little trip. República Dominicana, St. Thomas, British Virgin Isles (BVI) and the Bahamas. I got limited news on the boat but saw that the majority of the country is gripped in a cold spell. I'll spare the membership from pics of me peeling from too much sun. JP cross pics to come, though, in the pics of you thread.
I love cruises because you meet people from all over the world. My favorite? A woman from South Africa. Made me think of you, JoeD, every time she spoke as I have had limited contact with the accent prior to meeting her. Too cool. Never got a chance to ask about her tastes in music, but still...
Ok, a few pics to come once I unpack a bit. Until then, a big "happy birthday" to those friends that I missed. Know that I was thinking of you! HAAAAA!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, Guido!! Are you back from your trip? How did it go? Did you have fun? Let us know!!
[guidogodoy] Monday, January 11, 2010 11:41:08 AM
Well good morning peeps! Man is it cold here. LOL!
Yeah, I just got back, Vail. Overall, a nice little trip. República Dominicana, St. Thomas, British Virgin Isles (BVI) and the Bahamas. I got limited news on the boat but saw that the majority of the country is gripped in a cold spell. I'll spare the membership from pics of me peeling from too much sun. JP cross pics to come, though, in the pics of you thread.
I love cruises because you meet people from all over the world. My favorite? A woman from South Africa. Made me think of you, JoeD, every time she spoke as I have had limited contact with the accent prior to meeting her. Too cool. Never got a chance to ask about her tastes in music, but still...
Ok, a few pics to come once I unpack a bit. Until then, a big "happy birthday" to those friends that I missed. Know that I was thinking of you! HAAAAA! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:44:15 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Hey, Guido!! Are you back from your trip? How did it go? Did you have fun? Let us know!!
[guardian angel] Monday, January 11, 2010 9:06:07 AM
Are your kids full time? That was my big eye opener. All this "free time"! I think it's great that your kids ran in without a second thought. At least you know they'll be ok, and they didn't go crying and clinging to your leg. Don't worry, they still need you! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by joedraper from Monday, January 11, 2010 2:39:37 AM)
joedraper wrote:
Good morning peeps!
It's Monday morning, my kids are back at school and I feel a little lonely (crazy, I know lol)
They're just growing up way too fast for my liking. They started their first day at their new schoo. This is more of a preprimary than a play school so now the structure really begins. The teachers are very big on teaching them independance etc so they ask that we just drop them at the door, kiss them goodbye and then leave. No walking in with them, carrying their backpacks for them or even carrying the kid into school.. which is pretty much what I did at their old school lol. So this morning, we get to school, they grab their backpacks, barely notice I'm there waiting for my kiss and are clampering into the school all full of wonder and excitement.. Had to steal a kiss on their cheeks as they rushed past me lol.
Omg! I've turned into one of those mothers who cope less with new school changes than the children do lol.
[joedraper] Monday, January 11, 2010 2:39:37 AM
Good morning peeps!
It's Monday morning, my kids are back at school and I feel a little lonely (crazy, I know lol)
They're just growing up way too fast for my liking. They started their first day at their new schoo. This is more of a preprimary than a play school so now the structure really begins. The teachers are very big on teaching them independance etc so they ask that we just drop them at the door, kiss them goodbye and then leave. No walking in with them, carrying their backpacks for them or even carrying the kid into school.. which is pretty much what I did at their old school lol. So this morning, we get to school, they grab their backpacks, barely notice I'm there waiting for my kiss and are clampering into the school all full of wonder and excitement.. Had to steal a kiss on their cheeks as they rushed past me lol.
Omg! I've turned into one of those mothers who cope less with new school changes than the children do lol.
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, January 10, 2010 11:31:44 PM
hey Spapad reason i asked is because my mom had the same problem with her car untill i bought her this baby for christmas last year
not enough power in the battery to start the car or the battery goes dead just hook this thing right up to the battery terminals .its been used quite a bit and has never failed.not to expensive this one was on sale.might want to keep it in mind.
Thanks for asking Hellrider, it's been stuborn to start but it really does much better than the factory batteries I'm used to. Tomorrow is suppose to be up to 33 degrees! Should be feeling like Sunny Palm Beach after the past few weeks! I Can't wait! (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:07:10 AM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey Spapad are you still having problems with your car battery.
spapad wrote:
Cant say that I noticed the members count being on 0 Vail. But then again maybe I was just too cold to notice! I dread this month's power bill! Should shock my socks off!
Ron, glad to hear that other than the hospital acquired pneumonia you Dad is doing well. Hospitials are truely the worst places to be sick! Can pick up staff in two days at one of them. Yuck. Much prayers to him feeling better soon.
DF, glad to see you found your way here today! Hope that means you got your PC conflicts taken care of!
We are having a heat party here today in coldasslandia! The temp topped out at 28 F!!! Almost enough to melt something, but not quite!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey ron this is the heeeeellllllllrrrrrriiiiiidddddeeeeerrrrrrrr.sorry to hear about your dad..he is in my prayers for a complete and quick recovery.
ron h wrote:
Morning / day Metalheads
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:14:08 PM
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:44:15 PM
Hey, Guido!! Are you back from your trip? How did it go? Did you have fun? Let us know!!
[spapad] Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:12:34 PM
Thanks for asking Hellrider, it's been stuborn to start but it really does much better than the factory batteries I'm used to. Tomorrow is suppose to be up to 33 degrees! Should be feeling like Sunny Palm Beach after the past few weeks! I Can't wait! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:07:10 AM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey Spapad are you still having problems with your car battery.
spapad wrote:
Cant say that I noticed the members count being on 0 Vail. But then again maybe I was just too cold to notice! I dread this month's power bill! Should shock my socks off!
Ron, glad to hear that other than the hospital acquired pneumonia you Dad is doing well. Hospitials are truely the worst places to be sick! Can pick up staff in two days at one of them. Yuck. Much prayers to him feeling better soon.
DF, glad to see you found your way here today! Hope that means you got your PC conflicts taken care of!
We are having a heat party here today in coldasslandia! The temp topped out at 28 F!!! Almost enough to melt something, but not quite!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey ron this is the heeeeellllllllrrrrrriiiiiidddddeeeeerrrrrrrr.sorry to hear about your dad..he is in my prayers for a complete and quick recovery.
ron h wrote:
Morning / day Metalheads
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
Edited at: Sunday, January 10, 2010 8:14:08 PM
[Becks] Sunday, January 10, 2010 2:16:06 PM
Morning everyone! The start of another week here, back to work for me too, although it's hardly work when you're only there for an hour and a half LOL! I hope everyone has had a great weekend!
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, January 10, 2010 12:18:00 PM
Good morning, ladies and gents of the Noticeboard.
Today is Sunday, but tomorrow will be Monday. Oh, the horror...the horror!!
[Head banger] Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:07:31 AM
Ron Sorry to hear about your Dad. Best wishes to you and your family.
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:32:33 AM
Happy Sunday to you all!! Looking forward to a quiet day. Watch a little football and generally be lazy, which is actually what I do best. HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:07:10 AM
hey Spapad are you still having problems with your car battery. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, January 09, 2010 9:05:05 PM)
spapad wrote:
Cant say that I noticed the members count being on 0 Vail. But then again maybe I was just too cold to notice! I dread this month's power bill! Should shock my socks off!
Ron, glad to hear that other than the hospital acquired pneumonia you Dad is doing well. Hospitials are truely the worst places to be sick! Can pick up staff in two days at one of them. Yuck. Much prayers to him feeling better soon.
DF, glad to see you found your way here today! Hope that means you got your PC conflicts taken care of!
We are having a heat party here today in coldasslandia! The temp topped out at 28 F!!! Almost enough to melt something, but not quite!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey ron this is the heeeeellllllllrrrrrriiiiiidddddeeeeerrrrrrrr.sorry to hear about your dad..he is in my prayers for a complete and quick recovery.
ron h wrote:
Morning / day Metalheads
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
[spapad] Saturday, January 09, 2010 9:05:05 PM
Cant say that I noticed the members count being on 0 Vail. But then again maybe I was just too cold to notice! I dread this month's power bill! Should shock my socks off!
Ron, glad to hear that other than the hospital acquired pneumonia you Dad is doing well. Hospitials are truely the worst places to be sick! Can pick up staff in two days at one of them. Yuck. Much prayers to him feeling better soon.
DF, glad to see you found your way here today! Hope that means you got your PC conflicts taken care of!
We are having a heat party here today in coldasslandia! The temp topped out at 28 F!!! Almost enough to melt something, but not quite! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Saturday, January 09, 2010 12:26:10 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey ron this is the heeeeellllllllrrrrrriiiiiidddddeeeeerrrrrrrr.sorry to hear about your dad..he is in my prayers for a complete and quick recovery.
ron h wrote:
Morning / day Metalheads
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, January 09, 2010 2:59:46 PM
Howdy all. I have been unable to access the Board for a period and I am still dealing with some strange goings on here on my laptop so I will likely not hang around today BUT...
Wanted to say "Hello" to you and see what is happening. Ron, VERY sorry to hear it, my friend. Please know I am rooting for him. Hang tough, man. I do know how it is. Justin, always great to see you back on the Board. Wish you would not be such a stranger!
Well, I am off to see what I can do about this diabolic device.
[Becks] Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:26:37 PM
Heya Ron, sorry to hear your dad has been unwell, I hope he starts getting better soon! I agree about it feeling good to get back to 'normal' after the silly season, it does indeed bring a sense of security to things. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:19:00 AM)
ron h wrote:
Morning / day Metalheads
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, January 09, 2010 12:26:10 PM
hey ron this is the heeeeellllllllrrrrrriiiiiidddddeeeeerrrrrrrr.sorry to hear about your dad..he is in my prayers for a complete and quick recovery. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:19:00 AM)
ron h wrote:
Morning / day Metalheads
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, January 09, 2010 12:13:04 PM
Hiya, Ronny!! Good to see you again!!!
Yup, things have been quiet around here. A good thing considering all the crapola that occured in the past few months. Hope your dad recovers quickly!!
Has anyone noticed how the "members online" thing is now always at 0? I wonder why?
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
[ron h] Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:19:00 AM
Morning / day Metalheads
Thought I'd take a moment to catch up on some back-reading of the goings ons here...looks like things have been a little quiet around here.
Got the first week back to work under my belt and I couldn't be happier!! There's something about getting back into the swing of things that brings a sense of security back to things. A little something I hadn't shared with my friends here but I feel more comfortable doing so now is that on New Years Eve my Dad had surgery to remove one of his kidney's due to cancer. It's been a battle for him and the family as this is just the latest in a series of "removals" he's had to go through because of the big "C"...but he is recovering fine, albeit slowly. Unfortunately he picked up pneumonia while there and it's slowing things down a bit...reminds me of why I hate hospitals...go to one and your almost guaranteed to catch something!!
Anyway, we got about a foot of snow over last day and a half and now are expecting frigid snowman or angels for me yet!!!
Hope everyone's doing fine and am looking forward to a great year and some wonderful changes in the upcoming months!!!! Take care all!! Edited at: Saturday, January 09, 2010 5:20:55 AM
[Becks] Friday, January 08, 2010 6:23:30 PM
Heya Justin Kenny, great to hear from you! Glad to hear you're doing good! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Justin Kenny from Friday, January 08, 2010 4:35:06 PM)
Justin Kenny wrote:
Hey all....long time--no!! Just haven't had a whole lotta things to say/talk about day to day stuff is so predictably INANE that it just doesn't warrant sharing. I haven't squired a whole lot of new music (apart from Queensryche's "American Soldier" and Heaven & Hell's "The Devil You Know"...both of which are brilliant)...and...well....I'm making this post (in part) out of sheer frustrated boredom.
For starters, to any/all who know me here, Happy New Year/Decade to all of you!!! And yes...this greeting goes to all of those here that I don't know of course (didn't wanna seem selective...though, my history here has proven that it doesn't necessarily HURT to be as such). I hope this past holiday season was a pleasant one for all of you, whether you observe it or not. God knows the start to winter has been quite kickin' to say the least...areas of the world not ordinarily renowned for seeing such bitter cold/snow are probably reeling right now, and for those of you who like orange juice; given the shots I'd seen of various orange groves in Lakeland FL. recently, ya might wanna downgrade to quart containers....this bitter snap is gonna certainly affect the crop output.
Man...I can't feckin' WAIT for January 18th....this is when I start a new run package at work that'll break the monotony of what I've been doing for the past 5.5 months. This kid doesn't tolerate routine very well (never did)...and what I do is just that....routine as a mutherfucker. I'll be doing a slightly more varied package of bus routes, most of which have been recently refined and streamlined (which is meant to facilitate things considerably). I'm SO done with the one I've been doing....I mean...literally...put a fork in this kid....juices should be clear....LOL!!! I'm grateful I'm employed, don't get me wrong...but JEEEEZ-UZZZ.....sometimes even for all of my gratitude, there's just certain things I deal with that...well...I could do without. Like people who insist on bringing their bicycles out and loading 'em on the bike racks on the front of all of our buses. This is fine and all when the weather is relatively decent, and when you consider that most of this area is uphill climbs for all 4 points of the does stand to reason...
...but when it's some 20 degrees, WITH a wind chill....AND BLOWING SNOW!!!??? FFS...don't these asshats watch 'The Weather Channel!!???' o_O I don't even like having to WALK fast in elements such as these!! I'm gonna ride a goddamn BICYCLE in it!??? Yeh....MIGHT happen...hold your breath...g'head...see if it does.... least it's quiet...the college kids are still home/abroad for the holidays for the most part...when they all come back is when my schedule changes and I get to see some different necks of the 'woods' for a little while....then, long about March or so, I'll be bitching about how burned out I am on it...LMAO!!!!
...vicious cycles boys 'n out for 'em.....meanwhile...take care of yourselves....salud....
[Justin Kenny] Friday, January 08, 2010 4:35:06 PM
Hey all....long time--no!! Just haven't had a whole lotta things to say/talk about day to day stuff is so predictably INANE that it just doesn't warrant sharing. I haven't squired a whole lot of new music (apart from Queensryche's "American Soldier" and Heaven & Hell's "The Devil You Know"...both of which are brilliant)...and...well....I'm making this post (in part) out of sheer frustrated boredom.
For starters, to any/all who know me here, Happy New Year/Decade to all of you!!! And yes...this greeting goes to all of those here that I don't know of course (didn't wanna seem selective...though, my history here has proven that it doesn't necessarily HURT to be as such). I hope this past holiday season was a pleasant one for all of you, whether you observe it or not. God knows the start to winter has been quite kickin' to say the least...areas of the world not ordinarily renowned for seeing such bitter cold/snow are probably reeling right now, and for those of you who like orange juice; given the shots I'd seen of various orange groves in Lakeland FL. recently, ya might wanna downgrade to quart containers....this bitter snap is gonna certainly affect the crop output.
Man...I can't feckin' WAIT for January 18th....this is when I start a new run package at work that'll break the monotony of what I've been doing for the past 5.5 months. This kid doesn't tolerate routine very well (never did)...and what I do is just that....routine as a mutherfucker. I'll be doing a slightly more varied package of bus routes, most of which have been recently refined and streamlined (which is meant to facilitate things considerably). I'm SO done with the one I've been doing....I mean...literally...put a fork in this kid....juices should be clear....LOL!!! I'm grateful I'm employed, don't get me wrong...but JEEEEZ-UZZZ.....sometimes even for all of my gratitude, there's just certain things I deal with that...well...I could do without. Like people who insist on bringing their bicycles out and loading 'em on the bike racks on the front of all of our buses. This is fine and all when the weather is relatively decent, and when you consider that most of this area is uphill climbs for all 4 points of the does stand to reason...
...but when it's some 20 degrees, WITH a wind chill....AND BLOWING SNOW!!!??? FFS...don't these asshats watch 'The Weather Channel!!???' o_O I don't even like having to WALK fast in elements such as these!! I'm gonna ride a goddamn BICYCLE in it!??? Yeh....MIGHT happen...hold your breath...g'head...see if it does.... least it's quiet...the college kids are still home/abroad for the holidays for the most part...when they all come back is when my schedule changes and I get to see some different necks of the 'woods' for a little while....then, long about March or so, I'll be bitching about how burned out I am on it...LMAO!!!!
...vicious cycles boys 'n out for 'em.....meanwhile...take care of yourselves....salud....
[Vaillant 3.0] Friday, January 08, 2010 10:18:42 AM
TGIF, ladies and germs of the Noticeboard!!!
[Head banger] Thursday, January 07, 2010 7:24:16 PM
I awoke to -26C. all the locations that I do business with were colder, so that made me feel.... well not realy any better. this sucks [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by kiamat from Thursday, January 07, 2010 4:47:58 PM)
kiamat wrote:
(It always seems strange when I read something like this; it still being thursday evening here).
The last few days/weeks leading up to a big gig are always the most exciting, I hope the anticipation never exceeds the result- though it's AC/DC so I bet you'll have a great time Becks.
Our cat is quite vocally disgusted about the weather- I can't blame her, especially after a weather station 10 minutes down the road apparently recorded -18C (?!) last night making us slightly colder than Moscow. Currently I am watching the frost form on the inside of the window pane. Hope others out there are enjoying better weather!
Becks wrote:
Hello everyone, friday has come once againn. Less than 3 weeks now till AC/DC, can't wait!
[spapad] Thursday, January 07, 2010 6:36:37 PM
Never mind, it appears the link crapped out so I'll just cut and paste.
and never mind again as it is now working. Oi Veh! Edited at: Thursday, January 07, 2010 6:37:49 PM
[spapad] Thursday, January 07, 2010 6:32:32 PM
This should go on the Art page, but it's the best 8 minute break from life you can take. It's phenominal!
Edited at: Thursday, January 07, 2010 6:34:39 PM
[Becks] Thursday, January 07, 2010 5:35:20 PM
Ahhh my sister was telling me this morning (she lives in London) that parts of the UK have been colder than Moscow, and that this is the coldest winter the UK has had in 30 years. I hope you and your family are staying warm and safe! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by kiamat from Thursday, January 07, 2010 4:47:58 PM)
kiamat wrote:
(It always seems strange when I read something like this; it still being thursday evening here).
The last few days/weeks leading up to a big gig are always the most exciting, I hope the anticipation never exceeds the result- though it's AC/DC so I bet you'll have a great time Becks.
Our cat is quite vocally disgusted about the weather- I can't blame her, especially after a weather station 10 minutes down the road apparently recorded -18C (?!) last night making us slightly colder than Moscow. Currently I am watching the frost form on the inside of the window pane. Hope others out there are enjoying better weather!
Becks wrote:
Hello everyone, friday has come once againn. Less than 3 weeks now till AC/DC, can't wait!
[kiamat] Thursday, January 07, 2010 4:47:58 PM
(It always seems strange when I read something like this; it still being thursday evening here).
The last few days/weeks leading up to a big gig are always the most exciting, I hope the anticipation never exceeds the result- though it's AC/DC so I bet you'll have a great time Becks.
Our cat is quite vocally disgusted about the weather- I can't blame her, especially after a weather station 10 minutes down the road apparently recorded -18C (?!) last night making us slightly colder than Moscow. Currently I am watching the frost form on the inside of the window pane. Hope others out there are enjoying better weather!
Hello everyone, friday has come once againn. Less than 3 weeks now till AC/DC, can't wait!
[Becks] Thursday, January 07, 2010 2:36:17 PM
Hello everyone, friday has come once againn. Less than 3 weeks now till AC/DC, can't wait!
[joedraper] Thursday, January 07, 2010 5:22:56 AM
Lol that cat looks like it knows that it's going to have the crap taken out of it by every other cat in the 'hood lol. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 06, 2010 5:47:29 PM)
Becks wrote:
LOL! Awww kitty. Well, you probably could find kitty booties, they make all sorts of animal clothing these days
Actually, here ya go LOL!!!
Necroticist wrote:
Oh it's cold is dancing about like a fairy on the (wonder if i should look online for lil boots....hehe).
Becks wrote:
Helllooooooo everyone! Over half way through another week, and another day closer to going back to work (albeit bugger all work) for me. I hope everyone is having a good week and that everyone who is in an area that is experiencing crazy winter weather is keeping safe!
[Becks] Wednesday, January 06, 2010 11:09:30 PM
LOL yeah my cats would probably go bananas if I tried that [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:56:29 PM)
spapad wrote:
Becks, from my young experience of putting some tape on all of a cat's feet, they freak out! How could they ever wear booties??
Becks wrote:
LOL! Awww kitty. Well, you probably could find kitty booties, they make all sorts of animal clothing these days
Actually, here ya go LOL!!!
Necroticist wrote:
Oh it's cold is dancing about like a fairy on the (wonder if i should look online for lil boots....hehe).
Becks wrote:
Helllooooooo everyone! Over half way through another week, and another day closer to going back to work (albeit bugger all work) for me. I hope everyone is having a good week and that everyone who is in an area that is experiencing crazy winter weather is keeping safe!
[spapad] Wednesday, January 06, 2010 10:56:29 PM
Becks, from my young experience of putting some tape on all of a cat's feet, they freak out! How could they ever wear booties?? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 06, 2010 5:47:29 PM)
Becks wrote:
LOL! Awww kitty. Well, you probably could find kitty booties, they make all sorts of animal clothing these days
Actually, here ya go LOL!!!
Necroticist wrote:
Oh it's cold is dancing about like a fairy on the (wonder if i should look online for lil boots....hehe).
Becks wrote:
Helllooooooo everyone! Over half way through another week, and another day closer to going back to work (albeit bugger all work) for me. I hope everyone is having a good week and that everyone who is in an area that is experiencing crazy winter weather is keeping safe!
[guardian angel] Wednesday, January 06, 2010 9:09:40 PM
Those kitty booties look hilarious! The cat doesn't look too impressed though. I got an email photo of an extremely angry and wet looking cat, and the caption says something like "This cat is gonna f*ck somebody up". I believed it! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 06, 2010 5:47:29 PM)
Becks wrote:
LOL! Awww kitty. Well, you probably could find kitty booties, they make all sorts of animal clothing these days
Actually, here ya go LOL!!!
Necroticist wrote:
Oh it's cold is dancing about like a fairy on the (wonder if i should look online for lil boots....hehe).
Becks wrote:
Helllooooooo everyone! Over half way through another week, and another day closer to going back to work (albeit bugger all work) for me. I hope everyone is having a good week and that everyone who is in an area that is experiencing crazy winter weather is keeping safe!
[Becks] Wednesday, January 06, 2010 5:47:29 PM
LOL! Awww kitty. Well, you probably could find kitty booties, they make all sorts of animal clothing these days
Actually, here ya go LOL!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Necroticist from Wednesday, January 06, 2010 4:52:23 PM)
Necroticist wrote:
Oh it's cold is dancing about like a fairy on the (wonder if i should look online for lil boots....hehe).
Becks wrote:
Helllooooooo everyone! Over half way through another week, and another day closer to going back to work (albeit bugger all work) for me. I hope everyone is having a good week and that everyone who is in an area that is experiencing crazy winter weather is keeping safe!
[Necroticist] Wednesday, January 06, 2010 4:52:23 PM
Oh it's cold is dancing about like a fairy on the (wonder if i should look online for lil boots....hehe). [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, January 06, 2010 4:46:12 PM)
Becks wrote:
Helllooooooo everyone! Over half way through another week, and another day closer to going back to work (albeit bugger all work) for me. I hope everyone is having a good week and that everyone who is in an area that is experiencing crazy winter weather is keeping safe!
[Becks] Wednesday, January 06, 2010 4:46:12 PM
Helllooooooo everyone! Over half way through another week, and another day closer to going back to work (albeit bugger all work) for me. I hope everyone is having a good week and that everyone who is in an area that is experiencing crazy winter weather is keeping safe!
[spapad] Tuesday, January 05, 2010 10:36:07 PM
Greetings from Coldasslandia! The car is still going, wish I could say I had as much enthusiasm as it's weak crank over in the mornings. lol
[hellrider 31038] Tuesday, January 05, 2010 6:06:42 PM
[Becks] Tuesday, January 05, 2010 4:11:57 PM
Yeah it was a great day Joe, the Pompeii exhibit we went to was fantastic.
Sorry to hear you have a throat infection, nasty! Hopefully your meds start working soon, a sore throat is nasty business! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by joedraper from Tuesday, January 05, 2010 3:38:11 PM)
joedraper wrote:
Hi Becks! Welcome back did you have a nice time in Wellington? I've got a throat infection that is hurting like hell! Swollen epiglotus so it feels like I've got an inflated boxing bag in the back of my mouth. I hope the meds kick in soon because this is no fun at all!
Steve! Sorry I missed you in chat I'm not firing on all cylinders thanks to this infection.
Becks wrote:
Wow sounds like wild winter weather up there Kiamat! I hope it calms down soon.
kiamat wrote:
I don't think anything is getting back to normal over here, we've just seen our biggest snowfall yet, the whole of England has ground to a halt- my old school has closed for two days!- (never happened while I was there) and we have spent the day building an igloo- so a great start to our week but not to a lot of other people's!
Becks wrote:
Hiya everyone! We just got home from Wellington, our capital city a 2 hour drive away, we went to the national museum and saw an exhibit on Pompeii - it was very very good! I'm glad it's a new week, everything is getting back to normal after the holiday season. I hope everyone has had a great start to their week!
[joedraper] Tuesday, January 05, 2010 3:38:11 PM
Hi Becks! Welcome back did you have a nice time in Wellington? I've got a throat infection that is hurting like hell! Swollen epiglotus so it feels like I've got an inflated boxing bag in the back of my mouth. I hope the meds kick in soon because this is no fun at all!
Steve! Sorry I missed you in chat I'm not firing on all cylinders thanks to this infection.
Wow sounds like wild winter weather up there Kiamat! I hope it calms down soon.
kiamat wrote:
I don't think anything is getting back to normal over here, we've just seen our biggest snowfall yet, the whole of England has ground to a halt- my old school has closed for two days!- (never happened while I was there) and we have spent the day building an igloo- so a great start to our week but not to a lot of other people's!
Becks wrote:
Hiya everyone! We just got home from Wellington, our capital city a 2 hour drive away, we went to the national museum and saw an exhibit on Pompeii - it was very very good! I'm glad it's a new week, everything is getting back to normal after the holiday season. I hope everyone has had a great start to their week!
[Becks] Tuesday, January 05, 2010 2:33:40 PM
Wow sounds like wild winter weather up there Kiamat! I hope it calms down soon. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by kiamat from Tuesday, January 05, 2010 9:40:21 AM)
kiamat wrote:
I don't think anything is getting back to normal over here, we've just seen our biggest snowfall yet, the whole of England has ground to a halt- my old school has closed for two days!- (never happened while I was there) and we have spent the day building an igloo- so a great start to our week but not to a lot of other people's!
Becks wrote:
Hiya everyone! We just got home from Wellington, our capital city a 2 hour drive away, we went to the national museum and saw an exhibit on Pompeii - it was very very good! I'm glad it's a new week, everything is getting back to normal after the holiday season. I hope everyone has had a great start to their week!
[Necroticist] Tuesday, January 05, 2010 2:19:10 PM
I sure hear ya the worst we had in a few years. Cold? ..the brass monkeys flew to Florida... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by kiamat from Tuesday, January 05, 2010 9:40:21 AM)
kiamat wrote:
I don't think anything is getting back to normal over here, we've just seen our biggest snowfall yet, the whole of England has ground to a halt- my old school has closed for two days!- (never happened while I was there) and we have spent the day building an igloo- so a great start to our week but not to a lot of other people's!
Becks wrote:
Hiya everyone! We just got home from Wellington, our capital city a 2 hour drive away, we went to the national museum and saw an exhibit on Pompeii - it was very very good! I'm glad it's a new week, everything is getting back to normal after the holiday season. I hope everyone has had a great start to their week!
[kiamat] Tuesday, January 05, 2010 9:40:21 AM
I don't think anything is getting back to normal over here, we've just seen our biggest snowfall yet, the whole of England has ground to a halt- my old school has closed for two days!- (never happened while I was there) and we have spent the day building an igloo- so a great start to our week but not to a lot of other people's! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, January 04, 2010 8:55:53 PM)
Becks wrote:
Hiya everyone! We just got home from Wellington, our capital city a 2 hour drive away, we went to the national museum and saw an exhibit on Pompeii - it was very very good! I'm glad it's a new week, everything is getting back to normal after the holiday season. I hope everyone has had a great start to their week!
[Becks] Monday, January 04, 2010 8:55:53 PM
Hiya everyone! We just got home from Wellington, our capital city a 2 hour drive away, we went to the national museum and saw an exhibit on Pompeii - it was very very good! I'm glad it's a new week, everything is getting back to normal after the holiday season. I hope everyone has had a great start to their week!
[guardian angel] Monday, January 04, 2010 5:39:36 PM
Happy metal new year to you all! It's nice to see people are sounding generally happy. That's cool! As for those complaining about the weather, I would really like to feel bad for you, but here at home in the Great White North, it has warmed up to 3.2'F. Warmed up. That's right. It was frightfully frigid between Christmas and New Year, around the -18'F range, without the windchill. BRRRRRRRRR!!! I feel cold just talking about it, and I'm sitting here in long underwear. And I doubt I would survive without my block heater and interior car warmer. It cuts the chill in the van a bit, and keeps my Priest CDs working.
[Deep Freeze] Monday, January 04, 2010 7:50:29 AM
Good Morning, all! So, it would appear that we all made it through yet another year! Great to see you all here on the "other side". So, once again we find ourselves attempting to "get back in the swing", as it were. I read Ron's comments with great amusement. Ron, my friend, I do "get" what you are saying. I recall with fondness those days! I know it would seem odd but I do remember returning to the "grind" and getting back to work. How I miss it.
I have a good feeling about this year. I cannot say why exactly. Just a feeling. It's going to be hard to top the amazing year I had in '09 but I suppose we'll see. More good times and great music ahead! Let's get this party started.
[Head banger] Monday, January 04, 2010 7:24:08 AM
the headlight thing sounds bogus to me. something to gently warm the battery would help but.... unless you buy an electric wrap for it and remember/find locations to plug it in.... dunno. my last car I bought used, replaced the battery after 4 years. maybe I was just lucky. 11 miles should be enough to recharge it fully, I would think. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, January 03, 2010 10:20:51 PM)
spapad wrote:
Drive about 11 miles to work each day. I was surprised the battery did make it through the night and it's going to get even colder tonight. But so far it's just slow. Is it true if you turn your headlights on for 30 seconds before cold cranking a car it will activate the battery and give you a better start on extremely cold days? I'm really shocked by this battery as most cars I've owned I've had to replace the battery in 2 1/2 o to 3 years. Go Honda!!! lol
Head banger wrote:
if its only in the teens your battery should have given you more than three years. do you do mostly short trips (less than 10 miles)?
spapad wrote:
Daily report from my part of the world! You might know it,....... it's called Damn Coldia!!! Nice bits of snow comming down temp is dropping into the teens maybe singles tonight, and I noticed my battery protested when starting earlier today. Sad news for my battery and likely my purse! (Well,..... if I carried one ot those damn contraptions!)
I can fast see tomorrow with the whine and click of a battery that has been defeated by the cold. I'll keep my fingers crossed it does not happen, but who am I kidding. Almost 3 years on a factory battery!!! HB!!! You know it's going to die!!! lol Sleep well everyone, and think murderous thougthts fo Guid on his Sunny island!!! I'm about ready to form a I hate you, you sunny bastard fan club! LMAO!!! Edited at: Saturday, January 02, 2010 10:52:49 PM
[ron h] Monday, January 04, 2010 4:09:53 AM
Morning fellow Metalheads
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I am glad it's Monday and am even happier to be going back to work after 11 days off!!! No, I'm not ill (lol), just ready to get back into the groove of things and am looking forward to happier times ahead!! Have a great week everyone!!