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What are youo listening rigt now?
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About music we are listening at this particulary time

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[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, May 19, 2013 11:00:29 PM 
Listening to nothing in particular...

Waitaminute. I hear a plane zooming by! Must be heading toward LAX. I also hear a dog barking somewhere in the distance. Aaaaand...that's about it.

PS: Who the fuck are "Rob and the Boys"? Some second-rate garage rock band? Should I check them out on "utube"?
[guidogodoy] Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:36:23 PM 
HA! When it comes to an obnoxious ass like yourself, I am sure they'll make an exception.
Respect the true JP fans and post a vid or a link, shitdisturber.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:01:22 PM)
[i flick my boogers] Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:04:38 PM 
 Rob breakin that Law---------------->
[i flick my boogers] Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:01:22 PM 
 I doubt if Rob and the Boys appreciate you dissing other fans on their website. no?

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, May 19, 2013 4:26:26 PM)
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, May 19, 2013 7:41:53 PM 
[guidogodoy] Sunday, May 19, 2013 4:57:20 PM 
...and they vanish like a fart in the wind.

[guidogodoy] Sunday, May 19, 2013 4:26:26 PM 
YOU at least keep on topic. Just being a complete ass in not maklng a link or embedding a vid. Jerk. Let me give you some badly needed help.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Sunday, May 19, 2013 4:04:49 PM)
[i flick my boogers] Sunday, May 19, 2013 4:04:49 PM 
Judas Priest  heavy metal friends forever----------------------->> !!

Rob and the boys rockin Forever--------------------->>

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:45:06 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:55:29 PM 
WHO are your "friends?" Me, myself and I is what I see. Back from vacation and seeing the way you have been blathering on the site makes me sick.
You are not a fan. You are a loon.
Now, while you've actually quoted me properly (enhorabuena), please take that next step and stay on topic. Move any convo you want over to the "Blah."

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:45:06 PM)
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:45:06 PM 
 Boogi and my friends are other persons, realize this! great wonderful persons!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:41:19 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:41:19 PM 
You are off-topic and quoting the wrong person again.
I don't think that you'd have as many problems here if you tried to give the respect that you demand from others.
Oh yeah, QUIT THE FUCKING SPAM!! Just for you with subtitles so you can understand how your "higher emotions" affect us.

ps. Amazing coincidence how "Boogers" always seems to pop up right when you write.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:27:49 PM)
Edited at: Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:42:13 PM
[i flick my boogers] Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:34:08 PM 
 Hey Trixi. jst ignore the negative comments and enjoy this heavy matal site of Rob and thw Boys.
I'm sure that Rob and the boys appreciate all your wonderful comments, videos, pictures, videos and everything else you post on this site.
I'm sure they recognise your a true fan of judas priest heavy metal alll the way.

Rob and the Boys takin it All The Way for Trixi--------------------->
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:30:10 PM 
 I will miss also my created topics and the messages and pictures and videos, as well..
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:27:49 PM)
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 3:27:49 PM 
 I won´t lose you and your wonderful messages, like Judas Priest K. K. Downing, Tania and Boogi, it´s a very emotional moment for me, I will love you forever like Judas Priest! You are still my friends, I need you, I won´t miss my  topics and this sides, please I will stay with you together in harmony on this side, help me...I can´t stand this anymore...
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Priestgirl_1 from Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:52:32 PM)
[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:52:32 PM 
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:50:20 PM 
Geoff Tate - Helpless - with lyrics

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:38:31 PM)
[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:42:35 PM 

[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:38:31 PM 
Music video by Alice Cooper performing Poison. (C) 1989 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:10:17 PM)
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:10:17 PM 
  I wrote a letter about the last concert on my topic: only for really true fans and a letter about the tribute of Kenny: on the topic of K. K. Downing.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:43:14 PM)
[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:06:37 PM 
[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:05:44 PM 
 And for info,your lill threath doesnt bother me at all go cry to your buddies...
[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 2:04:14 PM 
  I can´t stand this mobbing anymore, I´m not welcome to some people, I will write only on my topics, or I will eventually leave this fan page, I will miss you my friends, and the lovely messages of you Boogi, I love you Boogi, I love you all, I have never ever so really ... (I can´t find a word for it) friends!!! I think I must leave now, but I make only troubles, I don´t know why, but the others, they didn´t accept me as fan and as friend, I wanted only write you back, the Priest girl doesn´t want this ( she sent me a private message, I don´t know why?  I don´t want to anger somebody, I wanted only to write about my suggestions, opinions and about my feelings to Judas Priest! You are always in my heart, I will miss you, I love you all, your friend forever, Trixie

Why dont you write so we could all read it,why in black? and for your info missy,i ask you on a private message this:

If you have something to tell me,why dont you ask
me now? i post songs and you think its always about you and your friends? Pffftttt! GET A FUCKING LIFE WEIRDO!!!!!

you can read it on the What pissing me off thread,so dont be  a lill baby and be all innocent,ok? just answer my question ..

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:21:12 PM)
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:43:14 PM 
Boogi, you gave me such wonderful feelings with your messages!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Sunday, May 19, 2013 11:01:24 AM)
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:22:00 PM 
Song from Queensryche's new album "Frequency Unknown"

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:21:12 PM)
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:21:12 PM 
 I can´t stand this mobbing anymore, I´m not welcome to some people, I will write only on my topics, or I will eventually leave this fan page, I will miss you my friends, and the lovely messages of you Boogi, I love you Boogi, I love you all, I have never ever so really ... (I can´t find a word for it) friends!!! I think I must leave now, but I make only troubles, I don´t know why, but the others, they didn´t accept me as fan and as friend, I wanted only write you back, the Priest girl doesn´t want this ( she sent me a private message, I don´t know why?  I don´t want to anger somebody, I wanted only to write about my suggestions, opinions and about my feelings to Judas Priest! You are always in my heart, I will miss you, I love you all, your friend forever, Trixie


  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Sunday, May 19, 2013 11:01:24 AM)
[i flick my boogers] Sunday, May 19, 2013 11:01:24 AM 
 Yes Trixi, Jeffs voice can do that to you. ------------->He's amazing!!------------------------->
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 8:29:32 AM)
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:38:23 AM 
Alice Cooper - Hey stoopid HQ

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Priestgirl_1 from Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:35:22 AM)
[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:35:22 AM 
[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:31:08 AM 
 Wheres my Cat Scratch Fever video i post???? ODD!!!!!
[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:06:36 AM 

[Priestgirl_1] Sunday, May 19, 2013 8:34:23 AM 
I have got me  some hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest feeeeeeeeeeelings tooooooooooo 

[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 8:29:32 AM 
 I´m hypnotized now by this song Silent Lucidity, in every heartbeat of mine, this song goes through and through my soul, the break is so awesome... I can´t believe it...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, May 19, 2013 8:11:05 AM)
[Trixi] Sunday, May 19, 2013 8:11:05 AM 
 That´s right Boogi!!! We have the same feelings, I´ve never heard such a beautiful music, I´m now so much enthusiastic, I have tears in my eyes; I´ve never ever felt so wonderful feelings, all about me is disabled in this magic moment, It´s like a meditation now, I feeling like flying without drugs only with music, I´m trembling now and I can´t get enough now from this song Silent Lucidity, I must buy it, Thank you for sending this song!

I have absolutely your meaning and you have a really good taste about music!

Enjoy, we are still high of Judas Priest and such beautiful songs! We get the strongest feelings, we are special fans and we have the ability to enjoy really good music with highest feelings! Keep your great and wonderful feelings, they are very valuable!

Scream out for the Priest! Love they and your favourite music with all your love, go crazy like Rob Halford, for us lives only this wonderful kind of music, we don´t see any negative message anymore, it´s fantastic to write to you, listen your song of Geoff Tate with goose pumps on my skin, the break of this song is just amazing, I´m now in another world, it´s great, every day I go to sleep with such beautiful music in my ears.

You have the ability; you can feel this deeply in your heart, enjoy every scream, grumble, high note of Rob Halford in his music, every movement, sight in his video, every centimetre of his pictures!!!

Rob and you are someone special; we feel these feelings, through the screen, all good music through and through our bodies! Let your feelings flow and write so wonderful messages and send so wonderful videos again!!! Your best friend, Trixie

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Saturday, May 18, 2013 1:51:28 PM)
[i flick my boogers] Saturday, May 18, 2013 1:51:28 PM 
 Jeff Tates Queesnryche
Jet city womwn
watch on utube-------------->>
[i flick my boogers] Saturday, May 18, 2013 11:27:01 AM 
 Such a beautiful song.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Saturday, May 18, 2013 11:19:05 AM)
[i flick my boogers] Saturday, May 18, 2013 11:19:05 AM 
 Jeff Tates Queensryche
Silent Lucity
check it out on utube-------------->>
[Trixi] Friday, May 17, 2013 3:42:46 PM 
The official Steam video. Directed by Stephen R. Johnson.
[Trixi] Friday, May 17, 2013 3:39:25 PM 
The official Digging In The Dirt video. Directed and Produced by John Downer
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, May 15, 2013 6:16:56 PM 


[i flick my boogers] Monday, May 13, 2013 1:57:53 PM 
 Some heads are gonna roll.
rob's voice sounding macho heavy metal as ever here.
glenn and KK backing him up with power guitars.

[Tania2194AD] Monday, May 13, 2013 10:54:11 AM 
 PRIMAL FEAR - Formula one
[Brian_Evans] Sunday, May 12, 2013 9:07:57 AM 
 Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills
[Trixi] Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:39:17 AM 
 Rob goes high on Desert Plains 1982, on Desert Plains, I´m really confused, when I see the videos.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:03:42 AM)
[Trixi] Saturday, May 11, 2013 5:03:42 AM 
 Rob danced and flirted so sweet and awesome, in every video with the band, Kenny bends backwards, Rob conducted the guitars and Rob shakes his head and his hips very sexy, he sings very hard and very British, Heavy Metal is born in Great Britain, I like the accent of Birmingham, it´s so awesome!!!!!

The compositions brings every real fan in ecstasy, I not a fan of Rob Halford, I do adore him!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:29:21 AM)
[Trixi] Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:29:21 AM 

 Let your feelings floooooooooooowww, Boogi! Yes I´m really a huuuuuuugeee fan! Come on, go ahead, go crazy and write all your feelings to this side, I appreciate this, you don´t have to think about the others, they don´t understand us, you can be very proud of you, because you are able to get so wonderful feelings to
Rob and Kenny, on Heading out to the Highway, he screams : "Are you high? You wanna make me higher! Are you high? HHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGHHHH........We need no drugs, we need only Judas Priest!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rob said: What does it mean; my body is coming all night long? 

We don´t need Viagra, we need only Heavy Metal!!!!!!!!!!!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Saturday, May 11, 2013 12:44:31 AM)
[i flick my boogers] Saturday, May 11, 2013 12:44:31 AM 
Burning up
Rob is so metal 
Glenn and KK backing him up with heavy guitars.
[i flick my boogers] Saturday, May 11, 2013 12:34:57 AM 
 Thanks for the wonderful videos and comments Trixi. Your a true fan.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, May 10, 2013 5:59:02 AM)
[Trixi] Friday, May 10, 2013 6:32:46 AM 
 He has sometimes a very raw and hard voice and on the other side his voice is very clear and very soft, the opposites are unique!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, May 10, 2013 6:13:56 AM)
[Trixi] Friday, May 10, 2013 6:13:56 AM 
Evertime a highlight, to see this video!
Judas Priest (US Festival 1983) [02]. Riding on the Wind
Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance 2012 30th Anniversary [01]. Electric Eye {Blocked by YouTube} [02]. Riding on the Wind [03]. Heading Out to the Highway ...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, May 10, 2013 6:12:54 AM)
[Trixi] Friday, May 10, 2013 6:12:54 AM 
The Metal God, who gives so much feelings!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, May 10, 2013 5:59:02 AM)
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