[Starbreaker287] Friday, August 08, 2008 11:16:37 AM | |
I really love the chorus on Revelations and solos on Prophecy... |
[Starbreaker287] Friday, August 08, 2008 11:15:19 AM | |
I really like Prophecy, Revelations, Conquest and Nostradamus. I didn't know what to think when I heard this record at first. I knew it was a concept album, but still, I'm used to songs about futuristic, Mad Max guys riding their fucking motorcycles....... I mean, I'm sure Nostradamus would have ridden a bike if he had born later. I keep listening to it, but, I'm still confused. I would hope that for the next album, they would be more edgy like Demolition. I would love an album more in the vein of Machine Man, Subterfuge, and Metal Messiah. Heavy Metal and Hard Rock are back, this is the perfect time for Prest to capitalize. Anyhow, I love Judas Priest, I have all their albums, some are framed and are hanging on my living room walls. I will see them in Dallas and again in Houston because they have always been so good in concert. Nothing is better than Judas Priest at 50,000 WATTS!! |
[Starbreaker287] Thursday, August 07, 2008 12:20:43 PM | |
I liked it a lot better once I got fucked up and listened to it.... |
[Metallark] Sunday, July 27, 2008 7:28:51 AM | |
It bums me that most of the south has been left out from the tour. |
[Bulldawg] Saturday, July 26, 2008 8:04:15 AM | |
I'm beginning to get a little concerned.......why is there no announced Atlanta show? |
[Randy Dees] Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:52:04 PM | |
My congratulations to Priest on a MASTER PIECE!!
This album has everything one could want in variety and proves once again,why Priest is the greatest band on Earth.I absolutely LOVE every song.
I've been waiting 30 years for this album!!Yes,I'm old and yes I GET IT!
My apologies to Priest and those whom I offended a few years ago with my less than enthusiastic response to Angel of Retribution.
This album is HOW IT'S DONE!!!
[Maple Syrup] Friday, July 11, 2008 11:44:57 AM | |
I am enjoying Nostradamus. Sure, it is not your Standard British Metal album, but there are heavy songs done in a different way. I like how Rob's voice transcends you back to the old say Sad Wings or Sin after Sin days. Althought there are a few prodding songs and some of the intro stuff are a bit long, I think you have to view it as a whole epic piece. Maybe it is a bit obscure for the new Priest fan, but for the diehards it puts alot of perspective into Priest and their careers, which is literally at the sunset. They can do what the want and it is still meaningful to me after following them for 30 years. Maybe the outside world is scratching their heads and saying why did they release this? But, this JP fan is smiling and looking forward to seeing them live again in August for the 35th time. Thanks for all the years of music and the new Nostradamus JP.
MSyrup |
[Al Fresco] Friday, June 27, 2008 8:56:34 AM | |
I'm very impressed with the new Nostradamus. Believe I here a few Enya moments in there. |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Thursday, June 26, 2008 6:17:53 AM | |
LMAO! Don't worry guys, the LSD comment was a joke. Aside from doing pot once as an 18yr old at a Pink Floyd concert, I have NEVER done any drugs in my life. Alcohol doesn't count, b/c I got drunk so many times prior to meeting my wife that I lost count.
Death will come in the form of a giant kidney bean (ick!).  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Friday, June 20, 2008 11:04:25 AM) |  | DemonCat wrote: | | Nostradamus is far too intelligent of a CD to cloud up with drug/alcohol use while listening to it.
At least until you've heard it a few times. Not that I'm supporting drug/alcohol use. You wanna do this to your brain...I'm not one to preach about it. Just get to know the CD/story first. I don't want what happened to Pink Floyd's The Wall to happen to Nostradamus. I don't want to hear about how The Four Horsemen came into my room, and gave me a vision of the Apocolypse, and death will come to us all from genetically enhance watermelons or something. 
(Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, June 20, 2008 3:38:13 AM)
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
LMAO! Ahhhh...DC my friend, you kill me. I knew you'd come around soon. Nostradamus is truly a masterfull piece of songwriting and musicianship! This isn't just a heavy metal concept album...it is I dare say, something that is all encompassing!!! For those of you lurking in the shadows of the Cyber World and not feeling the pure greatness of Priest's latest release, it's like the band and everyone else here has said: keep an open mind, and listen to the damn thing 2 or 3 times before passing judgement on it!!! There is so much stuff going on in each of the songs, that listening to it via the web won't do it justice, and if you have crappy sound on your computer, you'll be irked too. I say put it in your best CD player (if it's in your car, then go cruising!), relax in your favorite chair and let the story Priest is conveying with this disc take you on a journey (anyone got some LSD?) through the life of Nostradamus.
DemonCat wrote: |
Forgive me Judas Priest for I have sinned!  What a fool I was to judge this by my pc speakers, and through the "leak" on the VH1 website...which does this CD no justice! I opened my mouth too soon, and placed my size 11 foot right into it. I now recant all previous messages that were negative about this CD, and Rob's voice.
I have now heard Nostradamus 3 times back-to-back on my sterio with headphones. I give it a whopping 10 out of 10!!!! It's an absolutely genious total package of everything Judas Priest, and Nostradame was, and will be forever more!!!
It's like a fine play telling the life of Nostradamus in a way I've never heard before. The intensity of it all as a whole has overwhelmed me, and the most ingenious part of it, was the build-up in the music from song to song 'til it reached it's climax which is the song Nostradamus which absolutely shreds!!!! Rob's still got his voice as well.
I cannot pick a favorite song from this CD, as to me it is one long song, but it obviously grew on me very quickly, and I totally am loving it!!!!
I'll rant on more about it on other threads, but it's late, and I am heading to bed with my ears ringing from the day-long musical journey that is Nostradamus.
Final note, and perhaps the most beautifully written song I've ever read/heard...Did anyone see Lost Love coming from our beloved Judas Priest? Absolutely astonishing!!!!
Goodnight everyone...Metal Love to you all from Jeff!!!!!! (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:50:46 PM)
DemonCat wrote: |
This is what I've waited 3 years for?!!!
I've tried to listen to the "leak" of Nostradamus twice now. The first time I made it to song #16, and the 2nd time...song #12. I was hoping it would get better the 2nd time, but it didn't. Rob's voice is gone down the tubes. He's singing in a very limited vocal range, and I'm afraid it will only get worse from here. The few times he tries to hit a higher note, his voice strains to reach it, and I can almost hear it crack.
I will eventually hear it all, but for now...I'm quite dissapointed that I spent money for the deluxe edition. It doesn't sound like it will be worth $42 I spent.
I hope the book, and poster are better than the cd!
I am a diehard Priest fan since 1986, and this is not how I wanted Priest to end. I want my hard-assed headbangin' Judas Priest style heavy metal back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep my fingures crossed for the next cd. |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 1:42:39 AM |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:06:10 AM |
[Eternal Betrayer] Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:41:03 AM | |
THE ANSWER - for all those still scratching their heads over the latest offering from JP is, I think, perhaps one caused by the pacing on the album.
It is, after all, very very long, with some considerable mid-paced / ballad-y numbers. My advice is to edit it down to a slimmer, meaner & faster 80mins (single disc) version.
Select the following running order on to a CDR, or ipod playlist etc, and hear a much more familiar, agressive & traditional metal-esq sounding release.
1. Dawn of creation
2. Prophecy
3. Awakening
4. Revelations
5. Sands of Time
6. Pestilence & plague
7. Death
8. Peace
9. Conquest
10. Persecution
11. Alone
12. Shadows in the flame
13. Visions
14. Calm before the storm
15. Nostradamus
16. Future of mankind
Now, I know there will be many out there screaming (for vengeance) that this is sacriledge & not how the album is intended to be listened to, but, then they are already the converted, and what we are trying to do here is get as many people on board as possible. I myself, do find the whole double disc a rather flabby affair, I'm sorry to say, and do actually prefer the above edited version which I find is a far pacier & exciting listen - much more what I was hoping for.
I see it as something similar to the cinema release versions of the Lord Of The Rings films, as opposed to their much weightier Director's cut DVDs.
As for the missing tracks, well once you've grown to love the above you can re-incert them later, or visit them individually & see how they shape up having acclimatized yourself to this new world of the metal gods.
Just trying to help. |
[DemonCat] Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:40:29 AM | |
Not to sound uncaring of others opinions, because that's not my intention. What's important to me is what I think of Nostradamus. However, if people are judging it by their cheap speakers attached to their computers(as I was at first), or an ipod...then they're not really hearing Nostradamus in all its glory. There's a whole wall of powerful sounds layered over one another that one cannot appreciate unless it's on a good sterio. I can't control others opinions, but I can sudgest they at least give it the listening it truelly deserves.
I fear my opinion wouldn't matter to them. I'm a fan who happens to think Turbo was one of their best albums, and Painkiller was one of my least favorites. Sounds assbackwards from most peoples opinions. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by JT_Small_Deadly_Space from Wednesday, June 25, 2008 6:40:30 AM) |  | JT_Small_Deadly_Space wrote: | | Glad to see you have come around DemonCat i now apologise for my middle aged comment I am very pleased that a long term fellow Priest fan has seen the light and now enjoys the power of Nostradamus. There a few on youtube who could benefit from your opinions as they don't have quite such an open mind as you and i or Darth_Painkiller for that matter. :D |  | DemonCat wrote: | | Nostradamus is far too intelligent of a CD to cloud up with drug/alcohol use while listening to it.
At least until you've heard it a few times. Not that I'm supporting drug/alcohol use. You wanna do this to your brain...I'm not one to preach about it. Just get to know the CD/story first. I don't want what happened to Pink Floyd's The Wall to happen to Nostradamus. I don't want to hear about how The Four Horsemen came into my room, and gave me a vision of the Apocolypse, and death will come to us all from genetically enhance watermelons or something. 
(Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, June 20, 2008 3:38:13 AM)
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
LMAO! Ahhhh...DC my friend, you kill me. I knew you'd come around soon. Nostradamus is truly a masterfull piece of songwriting and musicianship! This isn't just a heavy metal concept album...it is I dare say, something that is all encompassing!!! For those of you lurking in the shadows of the Cyber World and not feeling the pure greatness of Priest's latest release, it's like the band and everyone else here has said: keep an open mind, and listen to the damn thing 2 or 3 times before passing judgement on it!!! There is so much stuff going on in each of the songs, that listening to it via the web won't do it justice, and if you have crappy sound on your computer, you'll be irked too. I say put it in your best CD player (if it's in your car, then go cruising!), relax in your favorite chair and let the story Priest is conveying with this disc take you on a journey (anyone got some LSD?) through the life of Nostradamus.
DemonCat wrote: |
Forgive me Judas Priest for I have sinned!  What a fool I was to judge this by my pc speakers, and through the "leak" on the VH1 website...which does this CD no justice! I opened my mouth too soon, and placed my size 11 foot right into it. I now recant all previous messages that were negative about this CD, and Rob's voice.
I have now heard Nostradamus 3 times back-to-back on my sterio with headphones. I give it a whopping 10 out of 10!!!! It's an absolutely genious total package of everything Judas Priest, and Nostradame was, and will be forever more!!!
It's like a fine play telling the life of Nostradamus in a way I've never heard before. The intensity of it all as a whole has overwhelmed me, and the most ingenious part of it, was the build-up in the music from song to song 'til it reached it's climax which is the song Nostradamus which absolutely shreds!!!! Rob's still got his voice as well.
I cannot pick a favorite song from this CD, as to me it is one long song, but it obviously grew on me very quickly, and I totally am loving it!!!!
I'll rant on more about it on other threads, but it's late, and I am heading to bed with my ears ringing from the day-long musical journey that is Nostradamus.
Final note, and perhaps the most beautifully written song I've ever read/heard...Did anyone see Lost Love coming from our beloved Judas Priest? Absolutely astonishing!!!!
Goodnight everyone...Metal Love to you all from Jeff!!!!!! (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:50:46 PM)
DemonCat wrote: |
This is what I've waited 3 years for?!!!
I've tried to listen to the "leak" of Nostradamus twice now. The first time I made it to song #16, and the 2nd time...song #12. I was hoping it would get better the 2nd time, but it didn't. Rob's voice is gone down the tubes. He's singing in a very limited vocal range, and I'm afraid it will only get worse from here. The few times he tries to hit a higher note, his voice strains to reach it, and I can almost hear it crack.
I will eventually hear it all, but for now...I'm quite dissapointed that I spent money for the deluxe edition. It doesn't sound like it will be worth $42 I spent.
I hope the book, and poster are better than the cd!
I am a diehard Priest fan since 1986, and this is not how I wanted Priest to end. I want my hard-assed headbangin' Judas Priest style heavy metal back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep my fingures crossed for the next cd. |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 1:42:39 AM |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:06:10 AM |
[JT_Small_Deadly_Space] Wednesday, June 25, 2008 6:40:30 AM | |
Glad to see you have come around DemonCat i now apologise for my middle aged comment I am very pleased that a long term fellow Priest fan has seen the light and now enjoys the power of Nostradamus. There a few on youtube who could benefit from your opinions as they don't have quite such an open mind as you and i or Darth_Painkiller for that matter. :D [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Friday, June 20, 2008 11:04:25 AM) |  | DemonCat wrote: | | Nostradamus is far too intelligent of a CD to cloud up with drug/alcohol use while listening to it.
At least until you've heard it a few times. Not that I'm supporting drug/alcohol use. You wanna do this to your brain...I'm not one to preach about it. Just get to know the CD/story first. I don't want what happened to Pink Floyd's The Wall to happen to Nostradamus. I don't want to hear about how The Four Horsemen came into my room, and gave me a vision of the Apocolypse, and death will come to us all from genetically enhance watermelons or something. 
(Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, June 20, 2008 3:38:13 AM)
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
LMAO! Ahhhh...DC my friend, you kill me. I knew you'd come around soon. Nostradamus is truly a masterfull piece of songwriting and musicianship! This isn't just a heavy metal concept album...it is I dare say, something that is all encompassing!!! For those of you lurking in the shadows of the Cyber World and not feeling the pure greatness of Priest's latest release, it's like the band and everyone else here has said: keep an open mind, and listen to the damn thing 2 or 3 times before passing judgement on it!!! There is so much stuff going on in each of the songs, that listening to it via the web won't do it justice, and if you have crappy sound on your computer, you'll be irked too. I say put it in your best CD player (if it's in your car, then go cruising!), relax in your favorite chair and let the story Priest is conveying with this disc take you on a journey (anyone got some LSD?) through the life of Nostradamus.
DemonCat wrote: |
Forgive me Judas Priest for I have sinned!  What a fool I was to judge this by my pc speakers, and through the "leak" on the VH1 website...which does this CD no justice! I opened my mouth too soon, and placed my size 11 foot right into it. I now recant all previous messages that were negative about this CD, and Rob's voice.
I have now heard Nostradamus 3 times back-to-back on my sterio with headphones. I give it a whopping 10 out of 10!!!! It's an absolutely genious total package of everything Judas Priest, and Nostradame was, and will be forever more!!!
It's like a fine play telling the life of Nostradamus in a way I've never heard before. The intensity of it all as a whole has overwhelmed me, and the most ingenious part of it, was the build-up in the music from song to song 'til it reached it's climax which is the song Nostradamus which absolutely shreds!!!! Rob's still got his voice as well.
I cannot pick a favorite song from this CD, as to me it is one long song, but it obviously grew on me very quickly, and I totally am loving it!!!!
I'll rant on more about it on other threads, but it's late, and I am heading to bed with my ears ringing from the day-long musical journey that is Nostradamus.
Final note, and perhaps the most beautifully written song I've ever read/heard...Did anyone see Lost Love coming from our beloved Judas Priest? Absolutely astonishing!!!!
Goodnight everyone...Metal Love to you all from Jeff!!!!!! (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:50:46 PM)
DemonCat wrote: |
This is what I've waited 3 years for?!!!
I've tried to listen to the "leak" of Nostradamus twice now. The first time I made it to song #16, and the 2nd time...song #12. I was hoping it would get better the 2nd time, but it didn't. Rob's voice is gone down the tubes. He's singing in a very limited vocal range, and I'm afraid it will only get worse from here. The few times he tries to hit a higher note, his voice strains to reach it, and I can almost hear it crack.
I will eventually hear it all, but for now...I'm quite dissapointed that I spent money for the deluxe edition. It doesn't sound like it will be worth $42 I spent.
I hope the book, and poster are better than the cd!
I am a diehard Priest fan since 1986, and this is not how I wanted Priest to end. I want my hard-assed headbangin' Judas Priest style heavy metal back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep my fingures crossed for the next cd. |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 1:42:39 AM |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:06:10 AM |
[DemonCat] Friday, June 20, 2008 11:04:25 AM | |
Nostradamus is far too intelligent of a CD to cloud up with drug/alcohol use while listening to it.
At least until you've heard it a few times. Not that I'm supporting drug/alcohol use. You wanna do this to your brain...I'm not one to preach about it. Just get to know the CD/story first. I don't want what happened to Pink Floyd's The Wall to happen to Nostradamus. I don't want to hear about how The Four Horsemen came into my room, and gave me a vision of the Apocolypse, and death will come to us all from genetically enhance watermelons or something. 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, June 20, 2008 3:38:13 AM)
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
LMAO! Ahhhh...DC my friend, you kill me. I knew you'd come around soon. Nostradamus is truly a masterfull piece of songwriting and musicianship! This isn't just a heavy metal concept album...it is I dare say, something that is all encompassing!!! For those of you lurking in the shadows of the Cyber World and not feeling the pure greatness of Priest's latest release, it's like the band and everyone else here has said: keep an open mind, and listen to the damn thing 2 or 3 times before passing judgement on it!!! There is so much stuff going on in each of the songs, that listening to it via the web won't do it justice, and if you have crappy sound on your computer, you'll be irked too. I say put it in your best CD player (if it's in your car, then go cruising!), relax in your favorite chair and let the story Priest is conveying with this disc take you on a journey (anyone got some LSD?) through the life of Nostradamus.
DemonCat wrote: |
Forgive me Judas Priest for I have sinned!  What a fool I was to judge this by my pc speakers, and through the "leak" on the VH1 website...which does this CD no justice! I opened my mouth too soon, and placed my size 11 foot right into it. I now recant all previous messages that were negative about this CD, and Rob's voice.
I have now heard Nostradamus 3 times back-to-back on my sterio with headphones. I give it a whopping 10 out of 10!!!! It's an absolutely genious total package of everything Judas Priest, and Nostradame was, and will be forever more!!!
It's like a fine play telling the life of Nostradamus in a way I've never heard before. The intensity of it all as a whole has overwhelmed me, and the most ingenious part of it, was the build-up in the music from song to song 'til it reached it's climax which is the song Nostradamus which absolutely shreds!!!! Rob's still got his voice as well.
I cannot pick a favorite song from this CD, as to me it is one long song, but it obviously grew on me very quickly, and I totally am loving it!!!!
I'll rant on more about it on other threads, but it's late, and I am heading to bed with my ears ringing from the day-long musical journey that is Nostradamus.
Final note, and perhaps the most beautifully written song I've ever read/heard...Did anyone see Lost Love coming from our beloved Judas Priest? Absolutely astonishing!!!!
Goodnight everyone...Metal Love to you all from Jeff!!!!!! (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:50:46 PM)
DemonCat wrote: |
This is what I've waited 3 years for?!!!
I've tried to listen to the "leak" of Nostradamus twice now. The first time I made it to song #16, and the 2nd time...song #12. I was hoping it would get better the 2nd time, but it didn't. Rob's voice is gone down the tubes. He's singing in a very limited vocal range, and I'm afraid it will only get worse from here. The few times he tries to hit a higher note, his voice strains to reach it, and I can almost hear it crack.
I will eventually hear it all, but for now...I'm quite dissapointed that I spent money for the deluxe edition. It doesn't sound like it will be worth $42 I spent.
I hope the book, and poster are better than the cd!
I am a diehard Priest fan since 1986, and this is not how I wanted Priest to end. I want my hard-assed headbangin' Judas Priest style heavy metal back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep my fingures crossed for the next cd. |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 1:42:39 AM |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 11:06:10 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Friday, June 20, 2008 10:46:21 AM | |
LSD?!?!?? HAHAHAHAHAA!!! Oh MAN, Darth!! I think it is a great album. Just as we have all been saying for the past few weeks, it is not like anything Priest has ever done and I think that speaks volumes. Those that were looking for another Painkiller or even an AoR II are going to be disappointed.
The album is bold. It is daring. It is fresh. I like it and I understand that there are those that agree and those that do not. All the better. It really makes no difference to me because I think that Priest has really "hit the nail" with this one. A wonderful job. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, June 20, 2008 3:38:13 AM) |  | Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: | | LMAO! Ahhhh...DC my friend, you kill me. I knew you'd come around soon. Nostradamus is truly a masterfull piece of songwriting and musicianship! This isn't just a heavy metal concept album...it is I dare say, something that is all encompassing!!! For those of you lurking in the shadows of the Cyber World and not feeling the pure greatness of Priest's latest release, it's like the band and everyone else here has said: keep an open mind, and listen to the damn thing 2 or 3 times before passing judgement on it!!! There is so much stuff going on in each of the songs, that listening to it via the web won't do it justice, and if you have crappy sound on your computer, you'll be irked too. I say put it in your best CD player (if it's in your car, then go cruising!), relax in your favorite chair and let the story Priest is conveying with this disc take you on a journey (anyone got some LSD?) through the life of Nostradamus. |  | DemonCat wrote: | | Forgive me Judas Priest for I have sinned!  What a fool I was to judge this by my pc speakers, and through the "leak" on the VH1 website...which does this CD no justice! I opened my mouth too soon, and placed my size 11 foot right into it. I now recant all previous messages that were negative about this CD, and Rob's voice.
I have now heard Nostradamus 3 times back-to-back on my sterio with headphones. I give it a whopping 10 out of 10!!!! It's an absolutely genious total package of everything Judas Priest, and Nostradame was, and will be forever more!!!
It's like a fine play telling the life of Nostradamus in a way I've never heard before. The intensity of it all as a whole has overwhelmed me, and the most ingenious part of it, was the build-up in the music from song to song 'til it reached it's climax which is the song Nostradamus which absolutely shreds!!!! Rob's still got his voice as well.
I cannot pick a favorite song from this CD, as to me it is one long song, but it obviously grew on me very quickly, and I totally am loving it!!!!
I'll rant on more about it on other threads, but it's late, and I am heading to bed with my ears ringing from the day-long musical journey that is Nostradamus.
Final note, and perhaps the most beautifully written song I've ever read/heard...Did anyone see Lost Love coming from our beloved Judas Priest? Absolutely astonishing!!!!
Goodnight everyone...Metal Love to you all from Jeff!!!!!! (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:50:46 PM)
DemonCat wrote: |
This is what I've waited 3 years for?!!!
I've tried to listen to the "leak" of Nostradamus twice now. The first time I made it to song #16, and the 2nd time...song #12. I was hoping it would get better the 2nd time, but it didn't. Rob's voice is gone down the tubes. He's singing in a very limited vocal range, and I'm afraid it will only get worse from here. The few times he tries to hit a higher note, his voice strains to reach it, and I can almost hear it crack.
I will eventually hear it all, but for now...I'm quite dissapointed that I spent money for the deluxe edition. It doesn't sound like it will be worth $42 I spent.
I hope the book, and poster are better than the cd!
I am a diehard Priest fan since 1986, and this is not how I wanted Priest to end. I want my hard-assed headbangin' Judas Priest style heavy metal back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep my fingures crossed for the next cd. |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 1:42:39 AM |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Friday, June 20, 2008 3:38:13 AM | |
LMAO! Ahhhh...DC my friend, you kill me. I knew you'd come around soon. Nostradamus is truly a masterfull piece of songwriting and musicianship! This isn't just a heavy metal concept album...it is I dare say, something that is all encompassing!!! For those of you lurking in the shadows of the Cyber World and not feeling the pure greatness of Priest's latest release, it's like the band and everyone else here has said: keep an open mind, and listen to the damn thing 2 or 3 times before passing judgement on it!!! There is so much stuff going on in each of the songs, that listening to it via the web won't do it justice, and if you have crappy sound on your computer, you'll be irked too. I say put it in your best CD player (if it's in your car, then go cruising!), relax in your favorite chair and let the story Priest is conveying with this disc take you on a journey (anyone got some LSD?) through the life of Nostradamus. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Friday, June 20, 2008 1:41:54 AM) |  | DemonCat wrote: | | Forgive me Judas Priest for I have sinned!  What a fool I was to judge this by my pc speakers, and through the "leak" on the VH1 website...which does this CD no justice! I opened my mouth too soon, and placed my size 11 foot right into it. I now recant all previous messages that were negative about this CD, and Rob's voice.
I have now heard Nostradamus 3 times back-to-back on my sterio with headphones. I give it a whopping 10 out of 10!!!! It's an absolutely genious total package of everything Judas Priest, and Nostradame was, and will be forever more!!!
It's like a fine play telling the life of Nostradamus in a way I've never heard before. The intensity of it all as a whole has overwhelmed me, and the most ingenious part of it, was the build-up in the music from song to song 'til it reached it's climax which is the song Nostradamus which absolutely shreds!!!! Rob's still got his voice as well.
I cannot pick a favorite song from this CD, as to me it is one long song, but it obviously grew on me very quickly, and I totally am loving it!!!!
I'll rant on more about it on other threads, but it's late, and I am heading to bed with my ears ringing from the day-long musical journey that is Nostradamus.
Final note, and perhaps the most beautifully written song I've ever read/heard...Did anyone see Lost Love coming from our beloved Judas Priest? Absolutely astonishing!!!!
Goodnight everyone...Metal Love to you all from Jeff!!!!!! (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:50:46 PM)
DemonCat wrote: |
This is what I've waited 3 years for?!!!
I've tried to listen to the "leak" of Nostradamus twice now. The first time I made it to song #16, and the 2nd time...song #12. I was hoping it would get better the 2nd time, but it didn't. Rob's voice is gone down the tubes. He's singing in a very limited vocal range, and I'm afraid it will only get worse from here. The few times he tries to hit a higher note, his voice strains to reach it, and I can almost hear it crack.
I will eventually hear it all, but for now...I'm quite dissapointed that I spent money for the deluxe edition. It doesn't sound like it will be worth $42 I spent.
I hope the book, and poster are better than the cd!
I am a diehard Priest fan since 1986, and this is not how I wanted Priest to end. I want my hard-assed headbangin' Judas Priest style heavy metal back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep my fingures crossed for the next cd. |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 1:42:39 AM |
[JayDee Jepsen] Friday, June 20, 2008 2:01:29 AM | |
I've been pounding disk 1 through my car stereo and it's amazing!! I'm really getting in to Persecution....I think there are many songs that are radio worthy and we as fans should start requesting these songs....There's so much production and depth, anyone would b a fool not to have this cd in their collection. And the packaging (book) is fantastic! |
[DemonCat] Friday, June 20, 2008 1:41:54 AM | |
Forgive me Judas Priest for I have sinned!  What a fool I was to judge this by my pc speakers, and through the "leak" on the VH1 website...which does this CD no justice! I opened my mouth too soon, and placed my size 11 foot right into it. I now recant all previous messages that were negative about this CD, and Rob's voice.
I have now heard Nostradamus 3 times back-to-back on my sterio with headphones. I give it a whopping 10 out of 10!!!! It's an absolutely genious total package of everything Judas Priest, and Nostradame was, and will be forever more!!!
It's like a fine play telling the life of Nostradamus in a way I've never heard before. The intensity of it all as a whole has overwhelmed me, and the most ingenious part of it, was the build-up in the music from song to song 'til it reached it's climax which is the song Nostradamus which absolutely shreds!!!! Rob's still got his voice as well.
I cannot pick a favorite song from this CD, as to me it is one long song, but it obviously grew on me very quickly, and I totally am loving it!!!!
I'll rant on more about it on other threads, but it's late, and I am heading to bed with my ears ringing from the day-long musical journey that is Nostradamus.
Final note, and perhaps the most beautifully written song I've ever read/heard...Did anyone see Lost Love coming from our beloved Judas Priest? Absolutely astonishing!!!!
Goodnight everyone...Metal Love to you all from Jeff!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:50:46 PM)
DemonCat wrote: |
This is what I've waited 3 years for?!!!
I've tried to listen to the "leak" of Nostradamus twice now. The first time I made it to song #16, and the 2nd time...song #12. I was hoping it would get better the 2nd time, but it didn't. Rob's voice is gone down the tubes. He's singing in a very limited vocal range, and I'm afraid it will only get worse from here. The few times he tries to hit a higher note, his voice strains to reach it, and I can almost hear it crack.
I will eventually hear it all, but for now...I'm quite dissapointed that I spent money for the deluxe edition. It doesn't sound like it will be worth $42 I spent.
I hope the book, and poster are better than the cd!
I am a diehard Priest fan since 1986, and this is not how I wanted Priest to end. I want my hard-assed headbangin' Judas Priest style heavy metal back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep my fingures crossed for the next cd. |
Edited at: Friday, June 20, 2008 1:42:39 AM |
[spapad] Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:37:23 PM | |
Judas Priest's 'Nostradamus' Mini Review
Judas Priest's first foray into the 'concept' album has proven to be a strong success. Unlike some bands out there who get stuck into formulas and stay grounded without progression, Judas Priest have never been afraid to experiment and broaden their horizons, doing exactly what they wanted to do. Its predecessor 'Angel of Retribution' proved to be a welcome, if safe comeback with Rob Halford on vocals. A certainly solid album, with some outstanding tracks such as 'Hellrider' and 'Judas Rising' but the newly reformed band seemed to be only teasing us, allowing us to glimpse what the Priest is capable of in this day and age, and thus we get, Nostradamus.
I have listened to all tracks and found each one completely entertaining and layered with lots of depth. Three years have past since the release of Angel of Retribution, meaning the band had a lot of anticipation and excepectation from its loyal fan base. Being a long-term, die hard Priest fan, I feel the album has surpassed my expectations. The orchestra/keyboard elements in the new album only serve to enhance the storytelling. The band are shining. The opening instrumental, 'Dawn of Creation' is an ominous build-up to the atmopsheric, but absolutely rocking song, 'Prophecy' with Halford bellowing 'I Am Nostradamus.' Speaking of Halford, I feel this is one of his best vocal performances in recent times. He's adapted his voice to the concept and progressed even further musically in his career, just like the band have. Rob shows here how operatic he can stretch his voice and the absolute beauty he holds on such tracks such as 'Hope' and 'Awakening.'
Nostradamus, despite having orchestral/keyboard arrangements utilized heavily in the tracks, somehow manages to capture the pure, hard rock spirit of the band from years ago, with many of the songs sounding like a distinct bridge between rock and heavy metal; that is, if anyone believes such a genre exists. There are many people out there who just believe its all pure Rock N' Roll. And certainly having based a concept album on the prophet is both a strange and exciting idea, which I guess kept my expectations somewhat 'in the dark' as I had no idea what to expect. But it works. The story works. The lyrics work. The music works. It's definitely a masterpiece and an album that will be remembered in years to come.
In conclusion, Nostradamus is one of the best heavy metal albums to come out this year, showcasing a legendary band who are not afraid to take risks and do what THEY want to do. I applaud them for that and I cannot wait to see the album in FULL LIVE CONCERT!
"Never turn your back, ON THE RIPPER!"
By Steven King
[spapad] Tuesday, June 17, 2008 11:58:01 PM | |
Thats why I said I need to go die. I have spent my entire vacation up till after midnight with the Brits on the smoking bench and up at 5:30 am to start to plan the day for vacation. I work harder on vacation than I do all year because I must be sick or something. Vacation is a quest! A thing to be dealt with! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Tephra Rising from Tuesday, June 17, 2008 11:54:30 PM) |  | Tephra Rising wrote: | | Isn't it almost 1 am in Florida??? What are you still doing up anyway??? |
[Tephra Rising] Tuesday, June 17, 2008 11:57:04 PM | |
Well I have been staring at this computer screen all day and I think it's time for me to get away from it for a while and call it a night myself.
I enjoyed "talking" with you. Stay cool down there in Florida. G'night!!! |