One way to follow a wonderfully relaxing weekend would be to say, "Cheers to a (insert your own adjective here - lol) MetalMonday" 'Guess it's back to the grind, eh MetalHeads?!
[ron h] Monday, September 28, 2009 6:40:43 AM
Good morning/afternoon fellow Priest fans
Not for me, Bev...the weekend refuses to leave me and I'm gonna let it win I'm hangin' out for a few then I'm gonna catch up on a little sleep!!
One way to follow a wonderfully relaxing weekend would be to say, "Cheers to a (insert your own adjective here - lol) MetalMonday" 'Guess it's back to the grind, eh MetalHeads?!
Edited at: Monday, September 28, 2009 6:41:44 AM
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Monday, September 28, 2009 6:24:57 AM
Good Morning to All!! Enjoy Ur day!! I know i will..
[kiamat] Monday, September 28, 2009 5:35:16 AM
Oh indeed, I have my first lecture today. Very exciting! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Bev from Monday, September 28, 2009 4:42:36 AM)
Bev wrote:
One way to follow a wonderfully relaxing weekend would be to say, "Cheers to a (insert your own adjective here - lol) MetalMonday" 'Guess it's back to the grind, eh MetalHeads?!
[Bev] Monday, September 28, 2009 4:42:36 AM
One way to follow a wonderfully relaxing weekend would be to say, "Cheers to a (insert your own adjective here - lol) MetalMonday" 'Guess it's back to the grind, eh MetalHeads?!
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, September 27, 2009 6:35:44 PM
HELL YEAH my friend i hope you feel alot better now [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, September 27, 2009 4:35:37 PM)
Becks wrote:
Awesome stuff Hellrider, hell yeah!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Becks wrote:
Morning everyone! My body clock is all out of sorts cos we put our clocks forward overnight on saturday/sunday, so I got up later than I wanted but I must have needed the sleep lol!
Sounds awesome Freeze! great stuff!
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you as well, my friend!!!! Yes, I agree! Time to crank up some mad Rock! We are working diligently, I can assure you. Some of the very BEST music I have ever written, actually. I am anxious to get it out there for you to hear!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[Becks] Sunday, September 27, 2009 4:35:37 PM
Awesome stuff Hellrider, hell yeah! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, September 27, 2009 4:25:04 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Becks wrote:
Morning everyone! My body clock is all out of sorts cos we put our clocks forward overnight on saturday/sunday, so I got up later than I wanted but I must have needed the sleep lol!
Sounds awesome Freeze! great stuff!
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you as well, my friend!!!! Yes, I agree! Time to crank up some mad Rock! We are working diligently, I can assure you. Some of the very BEST music I have ever written, actually. I am anxious to get it out there for you to hear!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, September 27, 2009 4:30:11 PM
yes you did.if you think i was going to forget about that YOU,VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMIN MY GOOD [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:45:41 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
I believe I promised you passes to my first gig sometime ago, did I not? Well, I will see to it that you get them!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you as well, my friend!!!! Yes, I agree! Time to crank up some mad Rock! We are working diligently, I can assure you. Some of the very BEST music I have ever written, actually. I am anxious to get it out there for you to hear!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, September 27, 2009 4:25:04 PM
hey becks sounds to me like you need SOME JUDAS PRIEST HEAVY MEEETTT TTTTAAALLLL ALL GUNS BLAZING MY FRIEND CRANK IT LOUDER THAN HELL [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, September 27, 2009 3:30:14 PM)
Becks wrote:
Morning everyone! My body clock is all out of sorts cos we put our clocks forward overnight on saturday/sunday, so I got up later than I wanted but I must have needed the sleep lol!
Sounds awesome Freeze! great stuff!
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you as well, my friend!!!! Yes, I agree! Time to crank up some mad Rock! We are working diligently, I can assure you. Some of the very BEST music I have ever written, actually. I am anxious to get it out there for you to hear!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[Becks] Sunday, September 27, 2009 3:30:14 PM
Morning everyone! My body clock is all out of sorts cos we put our clocks forward overnight on saturday/sunday, so I got up later than I wanted but I must have needed the sleep lol!
Sounds awesome Freeze! great stuff! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:31:39 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you as well, my friend!!!! Yes, I agree! Time to crank up some mad Rock! We are working diligently, I can assure you. Some of the very BEST music I have ever written, actually. I am anxious to get it out there for you to hear!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:45:41 PM
I believe I promised you passes to my first gig sometime ago, did I not? Well, I will see to it that you get them!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:43:21 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you as well, my friend!!!! Yes, I agree! Time to crank up some mad Rock! We are working diligently, I can assure you. Some of the very BEST music I have ever written, actually. I am anxious to get it out there for you to hear!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:43:21 PM
HELL YEAH MY GOOD FRIEND BRING IT ON [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:31:39 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you as well, my friend!!!! Yes, I agree! Time to crank up some mad Rock! We are working diligently, I can assure you. Some of the very BEST music I have ever written, actually. I am anxious to get it out there for you to hear!!!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:31:39 PM
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you as well, my friend!!!! Yes, I agree! Time to crank up some mad Rock! We are working diligently, I can assure you. Some of the very BEST music I have ever written, actually. I am anxious to get it out there for you to hear!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:28:51 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:28:51 PM
hey freeze nice to see you.hey BRING ON SOME HARD CORE ,TOTAL RUSH OF POWER,SCREAMING HEAVY MEEETTTT TTTTAAAALLLLL.HELL YEAH [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:24:41 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know!
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, September 27, 2009 12:24:41 PM
I am well, my dear! Thank you. Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, especially when I was still working. I love Sundays! I have a full slate of sports to watch and usually do something special for dinner. I have a nice pork loin and some fresh vegetables ready for the crock pot!! Should be tasty!
The new "project" is not really so much a project as an actual act. Johnn and I (Hells Salvation project) joined an established act and we are currently writing and doing all the things you do in preparation for an album and live show. All very exciting and time consuming but....well, I have A LOT of time! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we have something worth hearing, I will let you know! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by joedraper from Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:25:12 AM)
joedraper wrote:
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze?
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[joedraper] Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:25:12 AM
A splendid Sunday indeed!
How are you my good friend? Well, our Sunday is just about complete, drifting into the evening here in deepest, darkest Africa lol.
This is a wonderful time of year! It's been a tad on the cold side today but weather never gets me down, I'm usually just so sickeningly happy to be alive lol.
Today, I'm learning how to microwave food and for it to still come out sort of edible lol.
What's the new project going to be Freeze? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:14:58 AM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:14:58 AM
GOOOOOD Morning!!!!!!!!!! Sunday at last!! All geared up for a great day. Dodgers early and, of course, football. My boys in Blue assured themselves a post season spot last night with a victory over Pittsburgh so all is well in Freezeville. Still working diligently on the new music and the Princess is starting to get excited for the holidays. Great time of year, I think!
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:23:54 PM
yeah Becks that was awesome.i felt a sudden RUSH of JUDAS PRIEST HEAVY MEEETTT TTTAAALLLL .HELL YEAH [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 26, 2009 9:04:55 PM)
Becks wrote:
Awesome Hellrider, hell yeah
hellrider 31038 wrote:
cool this morning went for a bicycle ride stopped off at the gas station on my way back and some guy yell something priest at me then we raised our fist.HELL YEAH
[Becks] Saturday, September 26, 2009 9:04:55 PM
Awesome Hellrider, hell yeah [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:38:29 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
cool this morning went for a bicycle ride stopped off at the gas station on my way back and some guy yell something priest at me then we raised our fist.HELL YEAH
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:38:29 PM
cool this morning went for a bicycle ride stopped off at the gas station on my way back and some guy yell something priest at me then we raised our fist.HELL YEAH
[Becks] Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:08:56 PM
Haha yeah, considering NZ as we know it isn't even 200 years old! LOL!
Catch you later Vail! I'm off too, got some stuff to do in town lol. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:08:02 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Yup. Pretty hard to find a 15th century castle in the US, or a 14th century cathedral in New Zealand....
Well, gotta get off and finish that homework so I won't have to worry about it tomorrow. CYA later, Beckies!!
Becks wrote:
Well I have my fingers crossed that your lifelong dream will be realised! Europe is amazing, you'll love it. SO much history which us young countries just don't have.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
If all goes as planned, my life-long dream, while maybe brief, will come true. I'll be studying and testing my fledgling German along with some classmates.
Becks wrote:
Yep, she was there for a few days. Oooh that would be cool if you could do that! How exciting!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
She's been to Berlin?!? LUCKY!!!! I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!!! I'm already looking up study abroad programs for next summer!!!!!! Hopefully it won't cost too much to study in Germany for a bit.
Hi Spa!!
Becks wrote:
Yeah having to hunt through writing to find references is a painstaking process isn't it! Ooooh your German paper sounds good! My sister is super fascinated by Germany and German history, especially WWII. She's been to Berlin and Munich (lucky lol).
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
The grades on my lit. papers are good, but it's painstaking work to look for evidence to back up a thesis.
I'm actually looking forward to my German class, though. The main subject is post- WWII writers and their work.
Becks wrote:
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:08:02 PM
Yup. Pretty hard to find a 15th century castle in the US, or a 14th century cathedral in New Zealand....
Well, gotta get off and finish that homework so I won't have to worry about it tomorrow. CYA later, Beckies!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:01:55 PM)
Becks wrote:
Well I have my fingers crossed that your lifelong dream will be realised! Europe is amazing, you'll love it. SO much history which us young countries just don't have.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
If all goes as planned, my life-long dream, while maybe brief, will come true. I'll be studying and testing my fledgling German along with some classmates.
Becks wrote:
Yep, she was there for a few days. Oooh that would be cool if you could do that! How exciting!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
She's been to Berlin?!? LUCKY!!!! I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!!! I'm already looking up study abroad programs for next summer!!!!!! Hopefully it won't cost too much to study in Germany for a bit.
Hi Spa!!
Becks wrote:
Yeah having to hunt through writing to find references is a painstaking process isn't it! Ooooh your German paper sounds good! My sister is super fascinated by Germany and German history, especially WWII. She's been to Berlin and Munich (lucky lol).
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
The grades on my lit. papers are good, but it's painstaking work to look for evidence to back up a thesis.
I'm actually looking forward to my German class, though. The main subject is post- WWII writers and their work.
Becks wrote:
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
Well I have my fingers crossed that your lifelong dream will be realised! Europe is amazing, you'll love it. SO much history which us young countries just don't have. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:00:05 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
If all goes as planned, my life-long dream, while maybe brief, will come true. I'll be studying and testing my fledgling German along with some classmates.
Becks wrote:
Yep, she was there for a few days. Oooh that would be cool if you could do that! How exciting!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
She's been to Berlin?!? LUCKY!!!! I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!!! I'm already looking up study abroad programs for next summer!!!!!! Hopefully it won't cost too much to study in Germany for a bit.
Hi Spa!!
Becks wrote:
Yeah having to hunt through writing to find references is a painstaking process isn't it! Ooooh your German paper sounds good! My sister is super fascinated by Germany and German history, especially WWII. She's been to Berlin and Munich (lucky lol).
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
The grades on my lit. papers are good, but it's painstaking work to look for evidence to back up a thesis.
I'm actually looking forward to my German class, though. The main subject is post- WWII writers and their work.
Becks wrote:
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:00:05 PM
If all goes as planned, my life-long dream, while maybe brief, will come true. I'll be studying and testing my fledgling German along with some classmates. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:55:48 PM)
Becks wrote:
Yep, she was there for a few days. Oooh that would be cool if you could do that! How exciting!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
She's been to Berlin?!? LUCKY!!!! I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!!! I'm already looking up study abroad programs for next summer!!!!!! Hopefully it won't cost too much to study in Germany for a bit.
Hi Spa!!
Becks wrote:
Yeah having to hunt through writing to find references is a painstaking process isn't it! Ooooh your German paper sounds good! My sister is super fascinated by Germany and German history, especially WWII. She's been to Berlin and Munich (lucky lol).
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
The grades on my lit. papers are good, but it's painstaking work to look for evidence to back up a thesis.
I'm actually looking forward to my German class, though. The main subject is post- WWII writers and their work.
Becks wrote:
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
Yep, she was there for a few days. Oooh that would be cool if you could do that! How exciting! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:54:03 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
She's been to Berlin?!? LUCKY!!!! I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!!! I'm already looking up study abroad programs for next summer!!!!!! Hopefully it won't cost too much to study in Germany for a bit.
Hi Spa!!
Becks wrote:
Yeah having to hunt through writing to find references is a painstaking process isn't it! Ooooh your German paper sounds good! My sister is super fascinated by Germany and German history, especially WWII. She's been to Berlin and Munich (lucky lol).
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
The grades on my lit. papers are good, but it's painstaking work to look for evidence to back up a thesis.
I'm actually looking forward to my German class, though. The main subject is post- WWII writers and their work.
Becks wrote:
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:54:03 PM
She's been to Berlin?!? LUCKY!!!! I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!!! I'm already looking up study abroad programs for next summer!!!!!! Hopefully it won't cost too much to study in Germany for a bit.
Yeah having to hunt through writing to find references is a painstaking process isn't it! Ooooh your German paper sounds good! My sister is super fascinated by Germany and German history, especially WWII. She's been to Berlin and Munich (lucky lol).
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
The grades on my lit. papers are good, but it's painstaking work to look for evidence to back up a thesis.
I'm actually looking forward to my German class, though. The main subject is post- WWII writers and their work.
Becks wrote:
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
Yeah having to hunt through writing to find references is a painstaking process isn't it! Ooooh your German paper sounds good! My sister is super fascinated by Germany and German history, especially WWII. She's been to Berlin and Munich (lucky lol). [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:48:19 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
The grades on my lit. papers are good, but it's painstaking work to look for evidence to back up a thesis.
I'm actually looking forward to my German class, though. The main subject is post- WWII writers and their work.
Becks wrote:
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:48:19 PM
The grades on my lit. papers are good, but it's painstaking work to look for evidence to back up a thesis.
I'm actually looking forward to my German class, though. The main subject is post- WWII writers and their work. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:37:59 PM)
Becks wrote:
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
Can't help you sorry Spa LOL! Don't play mafia wars. I play treasure mania LMAO! Digging for treasure hehe. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:45:47 PM)
spapad wrote:
Oh, someone tell me please, please, how I can get more points quicker to kill more thugs in Mafia Wars! HA!!!
[spapad] Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:45:47 PM
Oh, someone tell me please, please, how I can get more points quicker to kill more thugs in Mafia Wars! HA!!!
[Becks] Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:37:59 PM
Wow you're going to be busy then! Literature classes are alright, I remember in one literature paper I had a tutor who thought he was the shit and knew it all when HELLO it's a very subjective thing. It comes down to interpretation. Hopefully you find literature interesting, along with all your other classes! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:35:55 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda.
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:35:55 PM
Other than squeezing in German with my Math and Weather classes, I've taken a history class, a horticulture class, geology classes and a couple of literature classes. Doing lit. papers are a weakness of mine, but I strive to improve...kinda. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:26:57 PM)
Becks wrote:
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
Ahh cool. Linguistics should be interesting. Ah I miss uni sometimes LOL! I had so much fun. I was a nerd though, science major here haha. With the occasional arts paper thrown in, romantic literature (romantic period, not mills and boon lol), design and stuff like that. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:22:46 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge.
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:22:46 PM
Actually, yes. I'm taking a linguistics class just to see what the heck it is that linguists do (and learn). Only had one class so far, so it's too early to judge. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:17:49 PM)
Becks wrote:
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
Damn homework! You taking interesting courses? Oh yay arts and crafts fair, I love that sort of thing LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:15:32 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out.
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:15:32 PM
Not much, except I have homework to finish (DAMN IT!!). Yesterday I went to an arts and crafts fair and made a cool clay sculpture. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:09:44 PM)
Becks wrote:
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you?
Not too much Vail. Another weekend is ending, noooooooo! LOL! What's new with you? [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:08:24 PM)
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:28:16 PM
He looks harmless at the moment....but if he tries to attack, we can do what Odysseus did: we can get him drunk, wait for him to pass out, and then poke him in the eye with a hot stick. After that, we make a run for it! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by _strat_ from Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:10:03 PM)
_strat_ wrote:
Yup. A real one-eyed monster.
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Strat, he's been a cyclops for a very long time. Here's proof of his "one-eyedness".
_strat_ wrote:
I can understand green, but since when is Guido a cyclops?
spapad wrote:
Listen up real good and loud like Grandama's ear horn! I got a really BIG sling shot and a big rock with your name on it!
I figgured to take you out with it last night out yonder on your patch of road, but I just couldn't fire on a folk who wears pretty pink bunny slippers ta take the trash out in!
So, I'm Gunnin' fer ya Hatfield! I'm gonna launch my book at 'cha when I'm through educatin' myself! I've got a 6th grade education, I'm gonna be a Brain Surgeon!! Best get ready for an Ass Load of buckshot!
I'z commin' for to take out your window next, with Ernest T as My Wingman! Huhahahahahahhahahaha! Ain't heard the last of me! LOL
guidogodoy wrote:
Y'alls a McCoy? Why I's a HATFIELD on my great granpappy's side!
Take yer book suggestion and give 'er a shove where the sun don't shine! Never met a McCoy what could read nohow.
spapad wrote:
Oh, that one! Manifest WHAT?! LOL Great way to declare land free for robbing. My Great, Great, Great, somewhere around there was Joseph the Huggonaut Hare, Goggle it, you'll find him. We was a refugee from France percecuted by religion; his family left. He wound out here in This area of the middle of nowhere with a second wife and he was known as an Indian Marauder. Fate paid the family back a couple marriages down the line with his decendants and Gave a beautiful Cherokee birde to My Great Great Grandfather McCoy (yes related to Those McCoys) and her quarter blood daughter married my Grandfather! So in a way the indians won, in a very small way over my Great's' wrong doing. Didn't say it was by much, but I little retribution was paid. My Great Grand was very beutiful too and had the most beautiful head of hair her whole life! Glad to resemble her.
Can pick up arrow heads on my land just by tilling the soil.
Just passin through on the way to bed! The Book is good! I highly recommend Dan Brown's new one! Night Blaher's!
guidogodoy wrote:
One of the most controvertial ones....shows how we could kick out/ kill native americans! They rarely played this one....."manifest destiny." (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:38:51 PM)
Becks wrote:
See ya Spa, enjoy your book!
LOL Guido, that ones funny, look at the King! LOL! I learnt lots from that too - well I had a general idea about settlement of America, but songs help me learn LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Wanna know how all those around Spa and I were indoctrinated back in the day? This is how we got our country!
Becks wrote:
Those videos are cool! Now I know what the 19th ammendment is about and what year women got the vote in the USA! LOL!
spapad wrote:
Great stuff every kid should watch!
guidogodoy wrote:
Edited at: Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:53:33 PM
[_strat_] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:10:03 PM
Yup. A real one-eyed monster. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:48:01 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
Strat, he's been a cyclops for a very long time. Here's proof of his "one-eyedness".
_strat_ wrote:
I can understand green, but since when is Guido a cyclops?
spapad wrote:
Listen up real good and loud like Grandama's ear horn! I got a really BIG sling shot and a big rock with your name on it!
I figgured to take you out with it last night out yonder on your patch of road, but I just couldn't fire on a folk who wears pretty pink bunny slippers ta take the trash out in!
So, I'm Gunnin' fer ya Hatfield! I'm gonna launch my book at 'cha when I'm through educatin' myself! I've got a 6th grade education, I'm gonna be a Brain Surgeon!! Best get ready for an Ass Load of buckshot!
I'z commin' for to take out your window next, with Ernest T as My Wingman! Huhahahahahahhahahaha! Ain't heard the last of me! LOL
guidogodoy wrote:
Y'alls a McCoy? Why I's a HATFIELD on my great granpappy's side!
Take yer book suggestion and give 'er a shove where the sun don't shine! Never met a McCoy what could read nohow.
spapad wrote:
Oh, that one! Manifest WHAT?! LOL Great way to declare land free for robbing. My Great, Great, Great, somewhere around there was Joseph the Huggonaut Hare, Goggle it, you'll find him. We was a refugee from France percecuted by religion; his family left. He wound out here in This area of the middle of nowhere with a second wife and he was known as an Indian Marauder. Fate paid the family back a couple marriages down the line with his decendants and Gave a beautiful Cherokee birde to My Great Great Grandfather McCoy (yes related to Those McCoys) and her quarter blood daughter married my Grandfather! So in a way the indians won, in a very small way over my Great's' wrong doing. Didn't say it was by much, but I little retribution was paid. My Great Grand was very beutiful too and had the most beautiful head of hair her whole life! Glad to resemble her.
Can pick up arrow heads on my land just by tilling the soil.
Just passin through on the way to bed! The Book is good! I highly recommend Dan Brown's new one! Night Blaher's!
guidogodoy wrote:
One of the most controvertial ones....shows how we could kick out/ kill native americans! They rarely played this one....."manifest destiny." (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:38:51 PM)
Becks wrote:
See ya Spa, enjoy your book!
LOL Guido, that ones funny, look at the King! LOL! I learnt lots from that too - well I had a general idea about settlement of America, but songs help me learn LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Wanna know how all those around Spa and I were indoctrinated back in the day? This is how we got our country!
Becks wrote:
Those videos are cool! Now I know what the 19th ammendment is about and what year women got the vote in the USA! LOL!
spapad wrote:
Great stuff every kid should watch!
guidogodoy wrote:
Edited at: Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:53:33 PM
[_strat_] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:09:27 PM
Lol... Yeah, I sure hope so... Then again, its simple, and it tells what its supposed to.
I can understand green, but since when is Guido a cyclops?
spapad wrote:
Listen up real good and loud like Grandama's ear horn! I got a really BIG sling shot and a big rock with your name on it!
I figgured to take you out with it last night out yonder on your patch of road, but I just couldn't fire on a folk who wears pretty pink bunny slippers ta take the trash out in!
So, I'm Gunnin' fer ya Hatfield! I'm gonna launch my book at 'cha when I'm through educatin' myself! I've got a 6th grade education, I'm gonna be a Brain Surgeon!! Best get ready for an Ass Load of buckshot!
I'z commin' for to take out your window next, with Ernest T as My Wingman! Huhahahahahahhahahaha! Ain't heard the last of me! LOL
guidogodoy wrote:
Y'alls a McCoy? Why I's a HATFIELD on my great granpappy's side!
Take yer book suggestion and give 'er a shove where the sun don't shine! Never met a McCoy what could read nohow.
spapad wrote:
Oh, that one! Manifest WHAT?! LOL Great way to declare land free for robbing. My Great, Great, Great, somewhere around there was Joseph the Huggonaut Hare, Goggle it, you'll find him. We was a refugee from France percecuted by religion; his family left. He wound out here in This area of the middle of nowhere with a second wife and he was known as an Indian Marauder. Fate paid the family back a couple marriages down the line with his decendants and Gave a beautiful Cherokee birde to My Great Great Grandfather McCoy (yes related to Those McCoys) and her quarter blood daughter married my Grandfather! So in a way the indians won, in a very small way over my Great's' wrong doing. Didn't say it was by much, but I little retribution was paid. My Great Grand was very beutiful too and had the most beautiful head of hair her whole life! Glad to resemble her.
Can pick up arrow heads on my land just by tilling the soil.
Just passin through on the way to bed! The Book is good! I highly recommend Dan Brown's new one! Night Blaher's!
guidogodoy wrote:
One of the most controvertial ones....shows how we could kick out/ kill native americans! They rarely played this one....."manifest destiny." (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:38:51 PM)
Becks wrote:
See ya Spa, enjoy your book!
LOL Guido, that ones funny, look at the King! LOL! I learnt lots from that too - well I had a general idea about settlement of America, but songs help me learn LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Wanna know how all those around Spa and I were indoctrinated back in the day? This is how we got our country!
Becks wrote:
Those videos are cool! Now I know what the 19th ammendment is about and what year women got the vote in the USA! LOL!
spapad wrote:
Great stuff every kid should watch!
guidogodoy wrote:
Edited at: Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:53:33 PM
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:09:09 PM
AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:04:04 PM)
Strat, he's been a cyclops for a very long time. Here's proof of his "one-eyedness".
_strat_ wrote:
I can understand green, but since when is Guido a cyclops?
spapad wrote:
Listen up real good and loud like Grandama's ear horn! I got a really BIG sling shot and a big rock with your name on it!
I figgured to take you out with it last night out yonder on your patch of road, but I just couldn't fire on a folk who wears pretty pink bunny slippers ta take the trash out in!
So, I'm Gunnin' fer ya Hatfield! I'm gonna launch my book at 'cha when I'm through educatin' myself! I've got a 6th grade education, I'm gonna be a Brain Surgeon!! Best get ready for an Ass Load of buckshot!
I'z commin' for to take out your window next, with Ernest T as My Wingman! Huhahahahahahhahahaha! Ain't heard the last of me! LOL
guidogodoy wrote:
Y'alls a McCoy? Why I's a HATFIELD on my great granpappy's side!
Take yer book suggestion and give 'er a shove where the sun don't shine! Never met a McCoy what could read nohow.
spapad wrote:
Oh, that one! Manifest WHAT?! LOL Great way to declare land free for robbing. My Great, Great, Great, somewhere around there was Joseph the Huggonaut Hare, Goggle it, you'll find him. We was a refugee from France percecuted by religion; his family left. He wound out here in This area of the middle of nowhere with a second wife and he was known as an Indian Marauder. Fate paid the family back a couple marriages down the line with his decendants and Gave a beautiful Cherokee birde to My Great Great Grandfather McCoy (yes related to Those McCoys) and her quarter blood daughter married my Grandfather! So in a way the indians won, in a very small way over my Great's' wrong doing. Didn't say it was by much, but I little retribution was paid. My Great Grand was very beutiful too and had the most beautiful head of hair her whole life! Glad to resemble her.
Can pick up arrow heads on my land just by tilling the soil.
Just passin through on the way to bed! The Book is good! I highly recommend Dan Brown's new one! Night Blaher's!
guidogodoy wrote:
One of the most controvertial ones....shows how we could kick out/ kill native americans! They rarely played this one....."manifest destiny." (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:38:51 PM)
Becks wrote:
See ya Spa, enjoy your book!
LOL Guido, that ones funny, look at the King! LOL! I learnt lots from that too - well I had a general idea about settlement of America, but songs help me learn LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Wanna know how all those around Spa and I were indoctrinated back in the day? This is how we got our country!
Becks wrote:
Those videos are cool! Now I know what the 19th ammendment is about and what year women got the vote in the USA! LOL!
spapad wrote:
Great stuff every kid should watch!
guidogodoy wrote:
Edited at: Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:53:33 PM
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:48:01 PM
Strat, he's been a cyclops for a very long time. Here's proof of his "one-eyedness".
I can understand green, but since when is Guido a cyclops?
spapad wrote:
Listen up real good and loud like Grandama's ear horn! I got a really BIG sling shot and a big rock with your name on it!
I figgured to take you out with it last night out yonder on your patch of road, but I just couldn't fire on a folk who wears pretty pink bunny slippers ta take the trash out in!
So, I'm Gunnin' fer ya Hatfield! I'm gonna launch my book at 'cha when I'm through educatin' myself! I've got a 6th grade education, I'm gonna be a Brain Surgeon!! Best get ready for an Ass Load of buckshot!
I'z commin' for to take out your window next, with Ernest T as My Wingman! Huhahahahahahhahahaha! Ain't heard the last of me! LOL
guidogodoy wrote:
Y'alls a McCoy? Why I's a HATFIELD on my great granpappy's side!
Take yer book suggestion and give 'er a shove where the sun don't shine! Never met a McCoy what could read nohow.
spapad wrote:
Oh, that one! Manifest WHAT?! LOL Great way to declare land free for robbing. My Great, Great, Great, somewhere around there was Joseph the Huggonaut Hare, Goggle it, you'll find him. We was a refugee from France percecuted by religion; his family left. He wound out here in This area of the middle of nowhere with a second wife and he was known as an Indian Marauder. Fate paid the family back a couple marriages down the line with his decendants and Gave a beautiful Cherokee birde to My Great Great Grandfather McCoy (yes related to Those McCoys) and her quarter blood daughter married my Grandfather! So in a way the indians won, in a very small way over my Great's' wrong doing. Didn't say it was by much, but I little retribution was paid. My Great Grand was very beutiful too and had the most beautiful head of hair her whole life! Glad to resemble her.
Can pick up arrow heads on my land just by tilling the soil.
Just passin through on the way to bed! The Book is good! I highly recommend Dan Brown's new one! Night Blaher's!
guidogodoy wrote:
One of the most controvertial ones....shows how we could kick out/ kill native americans! They rarely played this one....."manifest destiny." (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:38:51 PM)
Becks wrote:
See ya Spa, enjoy your book!
LOL Guido, that ones funny, look at the King! LOL! I learnt lots from that too - well I had a general idea about settlement of America, but songs help me learn LOL!
guidogodoy wrote:
Wanna know how all those around Spa and I were indoctrinated back in the day? This is how we got our country!
Becks wrote:
Those videos are cool! Now I know what the 19th ammendment is about and what year women got the vote in the USA! LOL!
spapad wrote:
Great stuff every kid should watch!
guidogodoy wrote:
Edited at: Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:53:33 PM