[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:45:52 PM | |
Fab review Vail! So glad you sat through Popweasel and not me!. Other than that, I pretty much agree with all you said. Whitesnake was very good and Judas Priest, Litterally, gave the performance of a lifetime! Not in all the times I've seen them had they sounded THAT GOOD! I was blown away!
Tell me? Can you talk today? If you can, you did not yell loud enough! LOL
Did you say ear plugs?! WTF!! That's half the fun!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:19:48 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
Good evening, ladies and gents of the Noticeboard. Just got back from Concord a few hours ago. Here is my review of the concert last night.
I got to the Pavilion about an hour before the gates opened, so I was one of the first to go in once they opened. Bought a British Steel shirt that was actually in my size (YES!!!) and the Razor Blade necklace. I placed the pendant in the same ball chain necklace from where my JP dog tag was hanging. Cost me quite a good amount of money, but I was happy regardless. 
The actual venue (seats and lawn area) is smaller than the one I went to last year, but it was still breath taking when I saw it. It had a huge roof over most of the seating area. Almost got scared though when I asked a worker of the venue where my seats were at. He told me it was a seat right on KK’s side. Not that I wouldn’t like sitting in front of KK, but the seating chart in the venue’s website said that I was supposed to be on Glenn’s side. I sat down for a bit and looked at the rest of the seats. I asked another worker, and he pointed to a seat on Glenn’s side. That area had the section number that matched the one on my ticket. I was relieved and took my seat. It was a good seat, but I was sitting right in front of a series of subwoofers that were suspended in mid-air by large cables. I got a little nervous for my hearing, so I went to a booth and bought some earplugs (hey, at least I'm being smart about it!! I want my hearing to last). Then I came back, and I watched Popevil perform, instead of doing what I planned on doing during their set (which was to hang out outside the seating area).
Popevil was actually not too bad. They were energetic and moved around quite a bit. The singer is pretty good, but he reminded me too much of a rapper (must have been the huge sunglasses he wore). The bassist was quite a spazz (heheh), moving from one side of the stage to another, playing the bass like there was no tomorrow.  Not bad overall…8/10.
Whitesnake came on a few minutes after Popevil finished, and they played some great, hard-rocking jams. David Coverdale had a nice British accent when he talked (not as nice as Rob’s though…  ). Doug Aldrich was HOT, ladies!! I love the way he played his Les Paul!! He reminded me of KK, so in random times I yelled “KK!!!!!!!!!!!” on accident (What?!? He had the same cute smile!!).
I’ve read in other reviews that David was struggling to hit the high notes. Last night it didn’t sound as though he was struggling. Sounded really good, to be honest. I also liked the little guitar solo face-off between Doug and the other guitarist (forgot the name) as well as the drum solo done by the drummer (as you can probably tell by now, my knowledge on the band is still almost nil). The keyboardist was cool, too. I yelled and waved at him and he smiled back (ha!!!). Overall, fun and entertaining band…9/10.
After Whitesnake were done, the crew was hanging up the curtain that had the scenery of the British Steel factory. Set-up for JP took the longest time, but I’m not complaining, especially when the loud booms and clashes of a steel factory at work began. They were loud enough to make the ground shake!! Against the basic rules of common sense, I removed my earplugs to take in the noise. It felt good. Not only that, but I moved myself a few more seats into the center so I won’t get the full blast of the subwoofers. When the curtain fell during the start of Rapid Fire, I was screaming like a banshee (and my throat hurts like hell right now. Hard to swallow!!). Not only because JP was on stage, but they looked like GIANTS!!! They were so much closer to us than the other bands, so they looked like they were larger than life. Hell, they ARE!!!!!!!!!!! Their music was SO LOUD and perfect and I was headbanging away, and jumping and screaming everytime Glenn came close, trying to get his attention. Those red pants were so nice and tight close (and so were his guitars...and his BUM!!!!! Holy crap!!!! I wanted to pinch it!!!!!!!). Even saw a peek of his tummy when he bent back while playing, AND he got crazy with the tremolo bar during Freewheel Burning like he usually did during Hell Bent for Leather. It was Heaven.  One of my favorite moments with him was when we were all singing Living After Midnight, and when Rob sings “I took the city ‘bout 1 am, LOADED!”, Glenn would mouth “What??” and we would all yell “LOADED!” and he would give us a nod of approval. Someone up front was giving him air kisses, and he give an air kiss back to our section. Made my heart skip a beat, even though that kiss was for everyone. 
Rob’s voice, I gotta say, was perfect. That’s it. PERFECT!! He nailed those screams so well its hard to believe!!! His singing in Victim of Changes is a great example (THE LAST SCREAM!!), and The Ripper, and Hell Patrol, and Freewheel Burning!! His screams were powerful, controlled, and strong enough to go through one’s body. Couldn’t help but let out a scream of my own after he hit those notes. He’s still got it, ladies and gents!! He’s still got it.
He was also moving everywhere at once, more so than last year. He was playing air guitar and pointing to everyone in the audience, and he was especially active during “You Don’t Have to be Old to be Wise”. Oh! And he was wearing leather pants last night…or maybe they’re chaps… 
Ian was awesome, playing his Bass and he was smiling quite a lot. KK was too far from me too see him at all times, but he did great during his Victim of Changes solo (from what I was able to hear). And Scottie…his drumming still makes my ribcage vibrate. He did a great job with Rapid Fire and Freewheel Burning. Loved it when he twirled his drumsticks right in front of him. At the end of the show, he was nice enough to give one of his drumsticks to a wheelchair-bound fan who was at the edge of the first row, and Glenn and Ian followed suit and gave him their picks. Hats off to you, Scottie, Glenn and Ian!! Alas, no guitar pick or drumstick for me. I was a little sad when they bowed and left. Goodbye and thank you so much, Judas Priest!! We’ll meet again!! Someday...hmmmm....Nostra tour, anyone? 
Overall, I enjoyed watching Judas Priest immensely. All five members had so much energy and they looked as though they were having a great time as well. Freewheel Burning, Steeler, Living After Midnight, Victim of Changes, The Rage, Metal Gods, Hell Patrol….ah, heck, the whole thing, was fantastic!! LASER SHOW, ANYONE?!? Overall rating: 11/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Oh, yeah!!! I've got PICS!!!! Cameras were allowed into the venue, so I brought mine and took alot of pics. I shall post them later. Until then, hope you all enjoyed this review, because I had a great time. This concert will definitely be one to remember for a long time. It's been great seeing you, Judas Priest!! Come back to California soon!!
Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:29:58 PM |
Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:48:59 PM Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:50:03 PM |
[Becks] Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:31:02 PM | |
Holy shit Vail, AWESOME review!!!!!!!!!! It sounds like you had a blast - as if we expected anything less!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:19:48 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Good evening, ladies and gents of the Noticeboard. Just got back from Concord a few hours ago. Here is my review of the concert last night.
I got to the Pavilion about an hour before the gates opened, so I was one of the first to go in once they opened. Bought a British Steel shirt that was actually in my size (YES!!!) and the Razor Blade necklace. I placed the pendant in the same ball chain necklace from where my JP dog tag was hanging. Cost me quite a good amount of money, but I was happy regardless. 
The actual venue (seats and lawn area) is smaller than the one I went to last year, but it was still breath taking when I saw it. It had a huge roof over most of the seating area. Almost got scared though when I asked a worker of the venue where my seats were at. He told me it was a seat right on KK’s side. Not that I wouldn’t like sitting in front of KK, but the seating chart in the venue’s website said that I was supposed to be on Glenn’s side. I sat down for a bit and looked at the rest of the seats. I asked another worker, and he pointed to a seat on Glenn’s side. That area had the section number that matched the one on my ticket. I was relieved and took my seat. It was a good seat, but I was sitting right in front of a series of subwoofers that were suspended in mid-air by large cables. I got a little nervous for my hearing, so I went to a booth and bought some earplugs (hey, at least I'm being smart about it!! I want my hearing to last). Then I came back, and I watched Popevil perform, instead of doing what I planned on doing during their set (which was to hang out outside the seating area).
Popevil was actually not too bad. They were energetic and moved around quite a bit. The singer is pretty good, but he reminded me too much of a rapper (must have been the huge sunglasses he wore). The bassist was quite a spazz (heheh), moving from one side of the stage to another, playing the bass like there was no tomorrow.  Not bad overall…8/10.
Whitesnake came on a few minutes after Popevil finished, and they played some great, hard-rocking jams. David Coverdale had a nice British accent when he talked (not as nice as Rob’s though…  ). Doug Aldrich was HOT, ladies!! I love the way he played his Les Paul!! He reminded me of KK, so in random times I yelled “KK!!!!!!!!!!!” on accident (What?!? He had the same cute smile!!).
I’ve read in other reviews that David was struggling to hit the high notes. Last night it didn’t sound as though he was struggling. Sounded really good, to be honest. I also liked the little guitar solo face-off between Doug and the other guitarist (forgot the name) as well as the drum solo done by the drummer (as you can probably tell by now, my knowledge on the band is still almost nil). The keyboardist was cool, too. I yelled and waved at him and he smiled back (ha!!!). Overall, fun and entertaining band…9/10.
After Whitesnake were done, the crew was hanging up the curtain that had the scenery of the British Steel factory. Set-up for JP took the longest time, but I’m not complaining, especially when the loud booms and clashes of a steel factory at work began. They were loud enough to make the ground shake!! Against the basic rules of common sense, I removed my earplugs to take in the noise. It felt good. Not only that, but I moved myself a few more seats into the center so I won’t get the full blast of the subwoofers. When the curtain fell during the start of Rapid Fire, I was screaming like a banshee (and my throat hurts like hell right now. Hard to swallow!!). Not only because JP was on stage, but they looked like GIANTS!!! They were so much closer to us than the other bands, so they looked like they were larger than life. Hell, they ARE!!!!!!!!!!! Their music was SO LOUD and perfect and I was headbanging away, and jumping and screaming everytime Glenn came close, trying to get his attention. Those red pants were so nice and tight close (and so were his guitars...and his BUM!!!!! Holy crap!!!! I wanted to pinch it!!!!!!!). Even saw a peek of his tummy when he bent back while playing, AND he got crazy with the tremolo bar during Freewheel Burning like he usually did during Hell Bent for Leather. It was Heaven.  One of my favorite moments with him was when we were all singing Living After Midnight, and when Rob sings “I took the city ‘bout 1 am, LOADED!”, Glenn would mouth “What??” and we would all yell “LOADED!” and he would give us a nod of approval. Someone up front was giving him air kisses, and he give an air kiss back to our section. Made my heart skip a beat, even though that kiss was for everyone. 
Rob’s voice, I gotta say, was perfect. That’s it. PERFECT!! He nailed those screams so well its hard to believe!!! His singing in Victim of Changes is a great example (THE LAST SCREAM!!), and The Ripper, and Hell Patrol, and Freewheel Burning!! His screams were powerful, controlled, and strong enough to go through one’s body. Couldn’t help but let out a scream of my own after he hit those notes. He’s still got it, ladies and gents!! He’s still got it.
He was also moving everywhere at once, more so than last year. He was playing air guitar and pointing to everyone in the audience, and he was especially active during “You Don’t Have to be Old to be Wise”. Oh! And he was wearing leather pants last night…or maybe they’re chaps… 
Ian was awesome, playing his Bass and he was smiling quite a lot. KK was too far from me too see him at all times, but he did great during his Victim of Changes solo (from what I was able to hear). And Scottie…his drumming still makes my ribcage vibrate. He did a great job with Rapid Fire and Freewheel Burning. Loved it when he twirled his drumsticks right in front of him. At the end of the show, he was nice enough to give one of his drumsticks to a wheelchair-bound fan who was at the edge of the first row, and Glenn and Ian followed suit and gave him their picks. Hats off to you, Scottie, Glenn and Ian!! Alas, no guitar pick or drumstick for me. I was a little sad when they bowed and left. Goodbye and thank you so much, Judas Priest!! We’ll meet again!! Someday...hmmmm....Nostra tour, anyone? 
Overall, I enjoyed watching Judas Priest immensely. All five members had so much energy and they looked as though they were having a great time as well. Freewheel Burning, Steeler, Living After Midnight, Victim of Changes, The Rage, Metal Gods, Hell Patrol….ah, heck, the whole thing, was fantastic!! LASER SHOW, ANYONE?!? Overall rating: 11/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Oh, yeah!!! I've got PICS!!!! Cameras were allowed into the venue, so I brought mine and took alot of pics. I shall post them later. Until then, hope you all enjoyed this review, because I had a great time. This concert will definitely be one to remember for a long time. It's been great seeing you, Judas Priest!! Come back to California soon!! Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:29:58 PM |
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:19:48 PM | |
Good evening, ladies and gents of the Noticeboard. Just got back from Concord a few hours ago. Here is my review of the concert last night.
I got to the Pavilion about an hour before the gates opened, so I was one of the first to go in once they opened. Bought a British Steel shirt that was actually in my size (YES!!!) and the Razor Blade necklace. I placed the pendant in the same ball chain necklace from where my JP dog tag was hanging. Cost me quite a good amount of money, but I was happy regardless. 
The actual venue (seats and lawn area) is smaller than the one I went to last year, but it was still breath taking when I saw it. It had a huge roof over most of the seating area. Almost got scared though when I asked a worker of the venue where my seats were at. He told me it was a seat right on KK’s side. Not that I wouldn’t like sitting in front of KK, but the seating chart in the venue’s website said that I was supposed to be on Glenn’s side. I sat down for a bit and looked at the rest of the seats. I asked another worker, and he pointed to a seat on Glenn’s side. That area had the section number that matched the one on my ticket. I was relieved and took my seat. It was a good seat, but I was sitting right in front of a series of subwoofers that were suspended in mid-air by large cables. I got a little nervous for my hearing, so I went to a booth and bought some earplugs (hey, at least I'm being smart about it!! I want my hearing to last). Then I came back, and I watched Popevil perform, instead of doing what I planned on doing during their set (which was to hang out outside the seating area).
Popevil was actually not too bad. They were energetic and moved around quite a bit. The singer is pretty good, but he reminded me too much of a rapper (must have been the huge sunglasses he wore). The bassist was quite a spazz (heheh), moving from one side of the stage to another, playing the bass like there was no tomorrow.  Not bad overall…8/10.
Whitesnake came on a few minutes after Popevil finished, and they played some great, hard-rocking jams. David Coverdale had a nice British accent when he talked (not as nice as Rob’s though…  ). Doug Aldrich was HOT, ladies!! I love the way he played his Les Paul!! He reminded me of KK, so in random times I yelled “KK!!!!!!!!!!!” on accident (What?!? He had the same cute smile!!).
I’ve read in other reviews that David was struggling to hit the high notes. Last night it didn’t sound as though he was struggling. Sounded really good, to be honest. I also liked the little guitar solo face-off between Doug and the other guitarist (forgot the name) as well as the drum solo done by the drummer (as you can probably tell by now, my knowledge on the band is still almost nil). The keyboardist was cool, too. I yelled and waved at him and he smiled back (ha!!!). Overall, fun and entertaining band…9/10.
After Whitesnake were done, the crew was hanging up the curtain that had the scenery of the British Steel factory. Set-up for JP took the longest time, but I’m not complaining, especially when the loud booms and clashes of a steel factory at work began. They were loud enough to make the ground shake!! Against the basic rules of common sense, I removed my earplugs to take in the noise. It felt good. Not only that, but I moved myself a few more seats into the center so I won’t get the full blast of the subwoofers. When the curtain fell during the start of Rapid Fire, I was screaming like a banshee (and my throat hurts like hell right now. Hard to swallow!!). Not only because JP was on stage, but they looked like GIANTS!!! They were so much closer to us than the other bands, so they looked like they were larger than life. Hell, they ARE!!!!!!!!!!! Their music was SO LOUD and perfect and I was headbanging away, and jumping and screaming everytime Glenn came close, trying to get his attention. Those red pants were so nice and tight close (and so were his guitars...and his BUM!!!!! Holy crap!!!! I wanted to pinch it!!!!!!!). Even saw a peek of his tummy when he bent back while playing, AND he got crazy with the tremolo bar during Freewheel Burning like he usually did during Hell Bent for Leather. It was Heaven.  One of my favorite moments with him was when we were all singing Living After Midnight, and when Rob sings “I took the city ‘bout 1 am, LOADED!”, Glenn would mouth “What??” and we would all yell “LOADED!” and he would give us a nod of approval. Someone up front was giving him air kisses, and he give an air kiss back to our section. Made my heart skip a beat, even though that kiss was for everyone. 
Rob’s voice, I gotta say, was perfect. That’s it. PERFECT!! He nailed those screams so well its hard to believe!!! His singing in Victim of Changes is a great example (THE LAST SCREAM!!), and The Ripper, and Hell Patrol, and Freewheel Burning!! His screams were powerful, controlled, and strong enough to go through one’s body. Couldn’t help but let out a scream of my own after he hit those notes. He’s still got it, ladies and gents!! He’s still got it.
He was also moving everywhere at once, more so than last year. He was playing air guitar and pointing to everyone in the audience, and he was especially active during “You Don’t Have to be Old to be Wise”. Oh! And he was wearing leather pants last night…or maybe they’re chaps… 
Ian was awesome, playing his Bass and he was smiling quite a lot. KK was too far from me too see him at all times, but he did great during his Victim of Changes solo (from what I was able to hear). And Scottie…his drumming still makes my ribcage vibrate. He did a great job with Rapid Fire and Freewheel Burning. Loved it when he twirled his drumsticks right in front of him. At the end of the show, he was nice enough to give one of his drumsticks to a wheelchair-bound fan who was at the edge of the first row, and Glenn and Ian followed suit and gave him their picks. Hats off to you, Scottie, Glenn and Ian!! Alas, no guitar pick or drumstick for me. I was a little sad when they bowed and left. Goodbye and thank you so much, Judas Priest!! We’ll meet again!! Someday...hmmmm....Nostra tour, anyone? 
Overall, I enjoyed watching Judas Priest immensely. All five members had so much energy and they looked as though they were having a great time as well. Freewheel Burning, Steeler, Living After Midnight, Victim of Changes, The Rage, Metal Gods, Hell Patrol….ah, heck, the whole thing, was fantastic!! LASER SHOW, ANYONE?!? Overall rating: 11/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Oh, yeah!!! I've got PICS!!!! Cameras were allowed into the venue, so I brought mine and took alot of pics. I shall post them later. Until then, hope you all enjoyed this review, because I had a great time. This concert will definitely be one to remember for a long time. It's been great seeing you, Judas Priest!! Come back to California soon!! Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:29:58 PM |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 6:00:22 PM | |
I thought to keep it for being tough, but even though it still works, I have decided to take it back and get a Cannon. I have owned Cannons for years and the functions never change! I need familiarity! I hated that camera! I didn't have a clue what to do with it! I didn't take my former Cannon as I paid 250.00 for it a few years back, but it's only 4.5 megapixels and does not do night shots well at all unless it's timed exposure. This happy snap I got would nto cooperate with me at all, or I would not cooperate with it! LOL
Next time round, I shall be Cannon Ready! The new one will be 10.5 mpixels so I think I can keep it for a few years.
LOL, I'd have done better to load my old Cannon 35 mm with film and take pics with it! It would have done a better job! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:51:30 PM) |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:51:30 PM | |
Hey Spa! Glad you enjoyed them!! We bought that camera for the Metal Masters tour but didn't get very good pictures because we didn't know what to set it on. Not to mention they didn't allow cameras at DTE then and the security girl kept yelling at us. It took us a couple of concerts to figure it out - so I KNOW what you mean! yours must be a pretty well designed camera though if it survived its little trip in the toilet!! LOL! I've dropped a few things in the drink and NONE of them ever survived! Nothing worse than that big PLOP sound that shouldn't be happening! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:33:41 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Hey HRMG,.......... bows! I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your photos and videos as well! What a blessing! I took a new camera with me to my show, oh, what a big mistake! LOL
(Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:15:14 PM)
So glad to hear that the fever broke and things have started to ease up. Poor little girl (and mommy too!). I hope you all get some much needed rest tonight and that Zoey will be up and running around like usual in no time!
joedraper wrote: |
Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last. |
Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:37:20 PM |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:33:41 PM | |
Hey HRMG,.......... bows! I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your photos and videos as well! What a blessing! I took a new camera with me to my show, oh, what a big mistake! LOL
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:15:14 PM)
So glad to hear that the fever broke and things have started to ease up. Poor little girl (and mommy too!). I hope you all get some much needed rest tonight and that Zoey will be up and running around like usual in no time!
joedraper wrote: |
Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last. |
Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:37:20 PM |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:15:14 PM | |
So glad to hear that the fever broke and things have started to ease up. Poor little girl (and mommy too!). I hope you all get some much needed rest tonight and that Zoey will be up and running around like usual in no time!
HUGS! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by joedraper from Saturday, August 01, 2009 1:07:52 PM) |  | joedraper wrote: | | Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last.
[Becks] Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:07:53 PM | |
Right, off in to town for a bit, I shall return later  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:05:19 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Still waiting for J.D. to tell us how to operate the machine! LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Necro. Carnage eh... lol. |  | Necroticist wrote: | | Is no good - i want carnage....the Katana is at the ready...lol |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:05:19 PM | |
Still waiting for J.D. to tell us how to operate the machine! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:59:48 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Necro. Carnage eh... lol. |  | Necroticist wrote: | | Is no good - i want carnage....the Katana is at the ready...lol |
[Becks] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:59:48 PM | |
LOL Necro. Carnage eh... lol. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:54:34 PM) |  | Necroticist wrote: | | Is no good - i want carnage....the Katana is at the ready...lol |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:58:42 PM | |
LOL to Saturday Carnage! Go on Necro!.........chop some heads! Have at it! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:54:34 PM) |  | Necroticist wrote: | | Is no good - i want carnage....the Katana is at the ready...lol |
[Necroticist] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:54:34 PM | |
Is no good - i want carnage....the Katana is at the ready...lol |
[Becks] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:53:21 PM | |
They should do I have all my fingers crossed that they do anyways LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:51:17 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | I'm cleaning house, watching an Andy Griffith marrathon, and passing by the computer! LOL
Good luck with the jewrly getting through customs without some stupid person taking the package apart to Investigate! Hope, when they discover it's not real they box it back up and let it pass. LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | Heya Spa! How are you? |  | spapad wrote: | | Hiya Becks! |  | Becks wrote: | | Morning everyone! Typical winters day here, pissing down, LOL! Off in to town shortly cos I need to sort out mircosoft office on my computer lol.
Sorry to hear Zoey has been unwell Joe! Hopefully the tummy bug goes away soon and she can go back to normal! |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:51:17 PM | |
I'm cleaning house, watching an Andy Griffith marrathon, and passing by the computer! LOL
Good luck with the jewrly getting through customs without some stupid person taking the package apart to Investigate! Hope, when they discover it's not real they box it back up and let it pass. LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:47:52 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Heya Spa! How are you? |  | spapad wrote: | | Hiya Becks! |  | Becks wrote: | | Morning everyone! Typical winters day here, pissing down, LOL! Off in to town shortly cos I need to sort out mircosoft office on my computer lol.
Sorry to hear Zoey has been unwell Joe! Hopefully the tummy bug goes away soon and she can go back to normal! |
[Becks] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:47:52 PM | |
Heya Spa! How are you? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:47:01 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Hiya Becks! |  | Becks wrote: | | Morning everyone! Typical winters day here, pissing down, LOL! Off in to town shortly cos I need to sort out mircosoft office on my computer lol.
Sorry to hear Zoey has been unwell Joe! Hopefully the tummy bug goes away soon and she can go back to normal! |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:47:01 PM | |
Hiya Becks! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:33:57 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Morning everyone! Typical winters day here, pissing down, LOL! Off in to town shortly cos I need to sort out mircosoft office on my computer lol.
Sorry to hear Zoey has been unwell Joe! Hopefully the tummy bug goes away soon and she can go back to normal! |
[Becks] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:33:57 PM | |
Morning everyone! Typical winters day here, pissing down, LOL! Off in to town shortly cos I need to sort out mircosoft office on my computer lol.
Sorry to hear Zoey has been unwell Joe! Hopefully the tummy bug goes away soon and she can go back to normal! |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:27:59 PM | |
HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:25:53 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Chealse, walk with me, chealse talk with me, chealse kiss my mouth! I just need a UniForm! HA!! |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:25:53 PM | |
Chealse, walk with me, chealse talk with me, chealse kiss my mouth! I just need a UniForm! HA!! |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:16:40 PM | |
I'm there, commercial is on! I think I need some Hydroxytone! BAAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:06:01 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | E.T. Bass episode on right now! TV Land!!!! |  | spapad wrote: | | Hopefully by monday she will up for getting out of the house and back to her friends! I remember those early years. I was calling in at work alot due to illness with my child, but you can't ignore what a child needs. We didn't have insurance back then so it was really tuff when she got sick.
She'll probably get up tomorrow right as rain! They have that recoop ability we seem to lack as we get older! HA! |  | joedraper wrote: | | Yeah, it's been a rough one. Year before was her brother (oh the joys of having two kids so close together in age lol). Not a cool time. She's always been so small and to see her ill is just heart breaking. I'm hoping by Monday she'll want to go to school. She hates being home from play group so if she wants to go it'll be a good sign. |  | spapad wrote: | | hey Joe! Glad to hear your girl is feeling better. Poor kid has been through the ringer this season. |  | joedraper wrote: | | Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last.
[guidogodoy] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:06:01 PM | |
E.T. Bass episode on right now! TV Land!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:59:53 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Hopefully by monday she will up for getting out of the house and back to her friends! I remember those early years. I was calling in at work alot due to illness with my child, but you can't ignore what a child needs. We didn't have insurance back then so it was really tuff when she got sick.
She'll probably get up tomorrow right as rain! They have that recoop ability we seem to lack as we get older! HA! |  | joedraper wrote: | | Yeah, it's been a rough one. Year before was her brother (oh the joys of having two kids so close together in age lol). Not a cool time. She's always been so small and to see her ill is just heart breaking. I'm hoping by Monday she'll want to go to school. She hates being home from play group so if she wants to go it'll be a good sign. |  | spapad wrote: | | hey Joe! Glad to hear your girl is feeling better. Poor kid has been through the ringer this season. |  | joedraper wrote: | | Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last.
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:59:53 PM | |
Hopefully by monday she will up for getting out of the house and back to her friends! I remember those early years. I was calling in at work alot due to illness with my child, but you can't ignore what a child needs. We didn't have insurance back then so it was really tuff when she got sick.
She'll probably get up tomorrow right as rain! They have that recoop ability we seem to lack as we get older! HA! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by joedraper from Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:54:26 PM) |  | joedraper wrote: | | Yeah, it's been a rough one. Year before was her brother (oh the joys of having two kids so close together in age lol). Not a cool time. She's always been so small and to see her ill is just heart breaking. I'm hoping by Monday she'll want to go to school. She hates being home from play group so if she wants to go it'll be a good sign. |  | spapad wrote: | | hey Joe! Glad to hear your girl is feeling better. Poor kid has been through the ringer this season. |  | joedraper wrote: | | Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last.
[joedraper] Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:54:26 PM | |
Yeah, it's been a rough one. Year before was her brother (oh the joys of having two kids so close together in age lol). Not a cool time. She's always been so small and to see her ill is just heart breaking. I'm hoping by Monday she'll want to go to school. She hates being home from play group so if she wants to go it'll be a good sign. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, August 01, 2009 2:50:53 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | hey Joe! Glad to hear your girl is feeling better. Poor kid has been through the ringer this season. |  | joedraper wrote: | | Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last.
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 2:50:53 PM | |
hey Joe! Glad to hear your girl is feeling better. Poor kid has been through the ringer this season. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by joedraper from Saturday, August 01, 2009 1:07:52 PM) |  | joedraper wrote: | | Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last.
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, August 01, 2009 2:17:41 PM | |
cool.sounds like a cool interesting job.sandblasting must allright to.yeah that vvas cool of them not to lay you off [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:12:21 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Hey Hellrider....I'm doing both kinda....I basically shop for jobs throughout the shelves and throw what I want into the cart! lol! And then I go into the sand blast room
and I stand at a machine looking through glass and arms in sleeves with gloves,foot on pedal and I grab a nozzle thats conected to a hose and sand blast parts
in a steel basket. Then when I'm finished I fill out paperwork,scan these jobs on the computer to thier designated areas and then find something else to do..ect..
So I guess I'm standing in one place half the night I'm there. When the company picks back up business...I will be put back to my original area wich is "Shot Peen".
Over there,I am not at a machine,I'm loading parts onto a huge cast steel wheel and a bedroom wall sized steel door and shut the wheel inside the machine..
and I operate the RPMs on a control panel but look at paper work to see how high the RPMs I need to hit to achieve the designated intensities.
I can't wait until I get back to Shot Peen...thats where I've been for the last 13 years untill last September when things got really slow and then I was
put back into sand blast but at least I didn't get laid off!! They told me they will put me back into Shot Peen when the work comes in no problem
so I'll just have to tough it out...but I'm not whining about it,I'm glad to be working....its gravy anyways!!
|  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | hey commander.are you moving around at your job or are you in the same spot. |
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, August 01, 2009 1:08:33 PM | |
HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you aint gonna "shot peen" nobody!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, the AC/DC concert is NOT going to happen! GA on the entire floor=NO FREEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrgghh!!! Ah well, will just have to enjoy Priest all the more! |
[joedraper] Saturday, August 01, 2009 1:07:52 PM | |
Hey there Familia!
It's been a rough few days here. Zoey has had a really nasty tummy bug, less than a week from a nasty ear infection. And let me tell you, that little girl is a bear when she's ill!
I have felt so sorry for her. She's been puking 'n pooping since thursday and today being saturday she has started to ease up (thank God!)
She and I spent thursday in the emergency room only to be told that she probably had some viral infection! Ha! that doctor made easy money out of me because she clearly has a tummy bug. She had a mean fever and today is the first time that it has broken.
I'm tired as hell but glad that she's getting better at last.
[Necroticist] Saturday, August 01, 2009 12:01:37 PM | |
I think i better log off and reformat - things ain't working right...sorry (will teach me to build my own comp) BBL |
[Head banger] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:56:20 AM | |
in reality its probably only one guy. ok, must do work now. damn it.
necro, feel free to join in [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:31:22 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Damn, phone call!
Sounds like a good deal, HB, and of course I have a number of JP.Com members in mind as targets. Hell, I jest wants to shot peen a something (someone! LOL).
Pictures of that thing, J.D. we demand pictures!!! (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:16:18 AM)
Head banger wrote: |
well, here is the deal then. you shot peen someones head off, I will sandblast someones head off. then we trade.
Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:38:37 AM |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:31:22 AM | |
Damn, phone call!
Sounds like a good deal, HB, and of course I have a number of JP.Com members in mind as targets. Hell, I jest wants to shot peen a something (someone! LOL).
Pictures of that thing, J.D. we demand pictures!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:16:18 AM)
Head banger wrote: |
well, here is the deal then. you shot peen someones head off, I will sandblast someones head off. then we trade.
Edited at: Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:38:37 AM |
[Necroticist] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:24:52 AM | |
Hang on....there's carnage and u left me out? No fair...lol |
[Bev] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:22:55 AM | |
[Head banger] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:21:43 AM | |
yeah, yet he was one of the smarter ones. wait for the next one. have to sign out of here and into work email
later all [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:18:04 AM) |  | Bev wrote: | | That's worse than ... Tulsa needing a geography lession! |  | Head banger wrote: | | a few dozen people at work. check your email in a few. |
[Bev] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:18:04 AM | |
That's worse than ... Tulsa needing a geography lession! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:16:44 AM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | a few dozen people at work. check your email in a few. |
[Head banger] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:16:44 AM | |
[Head banger] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:16:18 AM | |
well, here is the deal then. you shot peen someones head off, I will sandblast someones head off. then we trade. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:06:53 AM) |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:15:39 AM | |
J.D. take a picture of this contraption so we can figure out how to operate it, or would you care to do the honors yourself?! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:12:21 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Hey Hellrider....I'm doing both kinda....I basically shop for jobs throughout the shelves and throw what I want into the cart! lol! And then I go into the sand blast room
and I stand at a machine looking through glass and arms in sleeves with gloves,foot on pedal and I grab a nozzle thats conected to a hose and sand blast parts
in a steel basket. Then when I'm finished I fill out paperwork,scan these jobs on the computer to thier designated areas and then find something else to do..ect..
So I guess I'm standing in one place half the night I'm there. When the company picks back up business...I will be put back to my original area wich is "Shot Peen".
Over there,I am not at a machine,I'm loading parts onto a huge cast steel wheel and a bedroom wall sized steel door and shut the wheel inside the machine..
and I operate the RPMs on a control panel but look at paper work to see how high the RPMs I need to hit to achieve the designated intensities.
I can't wait until I get back to Shot Peen...thats where I've been for the last 13 years untill last September when things got really slow and then I was
put back into sand blast but at least I didn't get laid off!! They told me they will put me back into Shot Peen when the work comes in no problem
so I'll just have to tough it out...but I'm not whining about it,I'm glad to be working....its gravy anyways!!
|  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | hey commander.are you moving around at your job or are you in the same spot. |
[Bev] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:11:44 AM | |
No kiddin' ... I say, "BRING IT!!!"  |
[spapad] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:10:45 AM | |
Nothing like a good round of Saturday morning Carnage! HA!!  |
[Bev] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:08:11 AM | |
[Bev] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:07:43 AM | |
You've obviously got some in mind ... care to share?! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:04:59 AM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | hey JD. if I send you a couple of people, can you toss them into the machine, tell them they need to count the sand and sandblast their heads off?
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Hey Hellrider....I'm doing both kinda....I basically shop for jobs throughout the shelves and throw what I want into the cart! lol! And then I go into the sand blast room
and I stand at a machine looking through glass and arms in sleeves with gloves,foot on pedal and I grab a nozzle thats conected to a hose and sand blast parts
in a steel basket. Then when I'm finished I fill out paperwork,scan these jobs on the computer to thier designated areas and then find something else to do..ect..
So I guess I'm standing in one place half the night I'm there. When the company picks back up business...I will be put back to my original area wich is "Shot Peen".
Over there,I am not at a machine,I'm loading parts onto a huge cast steel wheel and a bedroom wall sized steel door and shut the wheel inside the machine..
and I operate the RPMs on a control panel but look at paper work to see how high the RPMs I need to hit to achieve the designated intensities.
I can't wait until I get back to Shot Peen...thats where I've been for the last 13 years untill last September when things got really slow and then I was
put back into sand blast but at least I didn't get laid off!! They told me they will put me back into Shot Peen when the work comes in no problem
so I'll just have to tough it out...but I'm not whining about it,I'm glad to be working....its gravy anyways!!
|  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | hey commander.are you moving around at your job or are you in the same spot. |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:06:53 AM | |
[Head banger] Saturday, August 01, 2009 11:04:59 AM | |
hey JD. if I send you a couple of people, can you toss them into the machine, tell them they need to count the sand and sandblast their heads off?
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:12:21 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Hey Hellrider....I'm doing both kinda....I basically shop for jobs throughout the shelves and throw what I want into the cart! lol! And then I go into the sand blast room
and I stand at a machine looking through glass and arms in sleeves with gloves,foot on pedal and I grab a nozzle thats conected to a hose and sand blast parts
in a steel basket. Then when I'm finished I fill out paperwork,scan these jobs on the computer to thier designated areas and then find something else to do..ect..
So I guess I'm standing in one place half the night I'm there. When the company picks back up business...I will be put back to my original area wich is "Shot Peen".
Over there,I am not at a machine,I'm loading parts onto a huge cast steel wheel and a bedroom wall sized steel door and shut the wheel inside the machine..
and I operate the RPMs on a control panel but look at paper work to see how high the RPMs I need to hit to achieve the designated intensities.
I can't wait until I get back to Shot Peen...thats where I've been for the last 13 years untill last September when things got really slow and then I was
put back into sand blast but at least I didn't get laid off!! They told me they will put me back into Shot Peen when the work comes in no problem
so I'll just have to tough it out...but I'm not whining about it,I'm glad to be working....its gravy anyways!!
|  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | hey commander.are you moving around at your job or are you in the same spot. |
[Bev] Saturday, August 01, 2009 10:55:28 AM | |
Have a great Saturday JP.com  |
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:52:50 AM | |
A wonderful Saturday to you!!!!! Yet again it is HOT here in Vegas. Looking forward to another fine day of baseball and fun! have a dinner obligation this evening but, apart from that, should be relatively quite on the front! Only one week left before the mighty Priest invade Vegas!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Getting more excited everyday. AC/DC tix go on sale here at 10 this morning so I might check THAT one out , too. Really depends on what they are charging!!!! |
[ron h] Saturday, August 01, 2009 7:45:26 AM | |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:19:19 AM | |
Man, you have a job that I would LOVE to try...or at least see. Is it dirty? Think you can get Mike Rowe over to do a segment on it?
I'd love to "shot peen" a few people I know. THAT would certainly dirty it up some. LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:12:21 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Hey Hellrider....I'm doing both kinda....I basically shop for jobs throughout the shelves and throw what I want into the cart! lol! And then I go into the sand blast room
and I stand at a machine looking through glass and arms in sleeves with gloves,foot on pedal and I grab a nozzle thats conected to a hose and sand blast parts
in a steel basket. Then when I'm finished I fill out paperwork,scan these jobs on the computer to thier designated areas and then find something else to do..ect..
So I guess I'm standing in one place half the night I'm there. When the company picks back up business...I will be put back to my original area wich is "Shot Peen".
Over there,I am not at a machine,I'm loading parts onto a huge cast steel wheel and a bedroom wall sized steel door and shut the wheel inside the machine..
and I operate the RPMs on a control panel but look at paper work to see how high the RPMs I need to hit to achieve the designated intensities.
I can't wait until I get back to Shot Peen...thats where I've been for the last 13 years untill last September when things got really slow and then I was
put back into sand blast but at least I didn't get laid off!! They told me they will put me back into Shot Peen when the work comes in no problem
so I'll just have to tough it out...but I'm not whining about it,I'm glad to be working....its gravy anyways!!
|  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | hey commander.are you moving around at your job or are you in the same spot. |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:12:21 AM | |
Hey Hellrider....I'm doing both kinda....I basically shop for jobs throughout the shelves and throw what I want into the cart! lol! And then I go into the sand blast room
and I stand at a machine looking through glass and arms in sleeves with gloves,foot on pedal and I grab a nozzle thats conected to a hose and sand blast parts
in a steel basket. Then when I'm finished I fill out paperwork,scan these jobs on the computer to thier designated areas and then find something else to do..ect..
So I guess I'm standing in one place half the night I'm there. When the company picks back up business...I will be put back to my original area wich is "Shot Peen".
Over there,I am not at a machine,I'm loading parts onto a huge cast steel wheel and a bedroom wall sized steel door and shut the wheel inside the machine..
and I operate the RPMs on a control panel but look at paper work to see how high the RPMs I need to hit to achieve the designated intensities.
I can't wait until I get back to Shot Peen...thats where I've been for the last 13 years untill last September when things got really slow and then I was
put back into sand blast but at least I didn't get laid off!! They told me they will put me back into Shot Peen when the work comes in no problem
so I'll just have to tough it out...but I'm not whining about it,I'm glad to be working....its gravy anyways!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Friday, July 31, 2009 6:21:07 PM) |  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | hey commander.are you moving around at your job or are you in the same spot. |
[Becks] Friday, July 31, 2009 10:16:53 PM | |
Have a great weekend MG!
Right, just popping in to say HELLO! LOL! I really need to go sort myself out for hockey - and it's just started raining again damnit! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Friday, July 31, 2009 8:02:50 PM) |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | Have a Nice weekend everyone!
MG~ |
[spapad] Friday, July 31, 2009 9:04:47 PM | |
You have a nice weekend as well MG! Not too long till AC/DC now! I hope you have the best show! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Friday, July 31, 2009 8:02:50 PM) |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | Have a Nice weekend everyone!
MG~ |