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[_strat_] Friday, March 13, 2009 10:40:31 AM 
I never said I wouldnt resist, did I? And you forgot, Im still a god. So, if you want those front row tickets to an afterlife of your choosing, you better start being nice to me.   [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, March 13, 2009 8:59:39 AM)
Edited at: Friday, March 13, 2009 10:41:15 AM
[Head banger] Friday, March 13, 2009 10:33:38 AM 
your right DF, you cant see into anyone else.  there were shit disturbers.  people do change though.  if anyone wanted to go back to when I started, I sure was different.  much more combative.  heck the whole board has changed.  when I started people were waiting for Priest_Hammer to get to 2000 posts.  if I read right, Vail just chalenged me in a race to 20,000.  P_H had been here for years then, no one else was in four figures.
the point....  people change, the world changes, the board changes.  
JD used to be different.  I used to be different.  heck.  JD and I got into it once, he chalenged me to a fight, and I pm'd him directions.  now its a 16 hour drive, so we havent met.
Darryn used to post here.  he created a shit disturber account.  thats a fact, he admited to it.  I forget what, but there were other people in on it.  it was dumb.  his old acount keeps changing names.  does that prove anything?  not about any other account.  perhaps some of us have the ability to get to someones pc to see who they realy are, but most dont.  we have to take the account at face value.  I would count lots of members of this board as friends.  only 2 have met me, only a few have spoken to me in email, and I think three have spoken to me by phone.  none of us realy know eachother well.  trying to figure out who is who is a waste of time.  you are your profile.  

you are your profile.  no more.  no less
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, March 13, 2009 8:25:38 AM)
[Locked _and _Loaded [Banned]] Friday, March 13, 2009 10:13:31 AM 
[Head banger] Friday, March 13, 2009 9:36:10 AM 
supose I could post my bank account, bu what are you all going to do with my 8Cents?
[ron h] Friday, March 13, 2009 9:01:32 AM 

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, March 13, 2009 8:59:39 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Friday, March 13, 2009 8:59:39 AM 
BWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! So now you speak for "everyone"?? HA!!!!!!!!!! And just saying it over an over will make it so?? Excellent!!!  
Send me money..Send me money.. Send me money..Send me money........... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Friday, March 13, 2009 8:56:47 AM)
[_strat_] Friday, March 13, 2009 8:56:47 AM 
I am just one guy. I have NO control over ANY of you.

You might want to stop saying that so often. It makes us think that you actualy are in control of us. You know, the US government says there is nothing in Area 51... Everyone automaticaly thinks there is... UFOs? God bless you sir, no, them are weather baloons... Same here. I know you control all of us, and I have just proven it with my usual infailable logic.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, March 13, 2009 8:25:38 AM)
[Necroticist] Friday, March 13, 2009 8:34:17 AM 
I have that effect on most ppl...wait til u know me better - i get
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Friday, March 13, 2009 7:40:09 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Friday, March 13, 2009 8:25:38 AM 

Well now, it could very well be that a "lecture" is exactly what is needed in this instance? Clearly something should be said and I think that, for the most part, Ron, JD and Darth said it.

What on earth is wrong with you guys??? Look, I know there have been moments when we have been less than our best. Happens to everyone. Why in the world would otherwise intelligent, caring people become so vicious?? There have been "personal" moments for just about every member of this Board, myself included. I have read PMs that have saddened me, confused me and angered me. I know that there have been some "in-fights" that have really boiled down to misunderstanding.

I have always promoted "family" here. That is what I stand for and what I insist upon from all regular members. All families argue. This is NOT "Leave it to Beaver". Having said this, I still expect a level of maturity and decency from everyone. Now, does that mean I always get it? Of course not. I am just one guy. I have NO control over ANY of you. I will say this, you know I am right. In your hearts, you know that what I am saying is right

My sisters, please look inside yourselves. You know the truth about YOU. You cannot see inside another and, therefore, you must take each other at face value. Trust. As difficult as it may be, you must have trust in one another or there is NO way you can be a part of a family! Same goes for the guys! We are brothers here and, as such, we must have a level of trust. I am not asking that we all exchange bank account numbers...I am asking that we all care.

Edited at: Friday, March 13, 2009 8:48:17 AM
[ron h] Friday, March 13, 2009 7:40:09 AM 
you crack me up
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Friday, March 13, 2009 7:33:23 AM)
[Necroticist] Friday, March 13, 2009 7:33:23 AM 
You hold it down, i'll fuck it...oops - did i really say that? lol (i hear ya tho) :)
[Head banger] Friday, March 13, 2009 7:28:59 AM 
Fuck it, lets move on.
[Necroticist] Friday, March 13, 2009 6:16:36 AM 
aw...did i miss an argument? behave ppl...or i'll flick peanuts at ya...hehe
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Friday, March 13, 2009 6:07:20 AM 

LOL...J.D., I don't think DF lectures anyone either, but it has been mentioned in the past (even by him) that he sometimes "lectures".   It was more of a (flat) joke than anything else.  

Both you and Ron just made a couple of great points.   The board is a reflection of it's members as a whole.  No one single person will bring it down.  We are all here b/c we love Judas Priest, and we love Metal.  We are here to commune with others like us who have those two shared interests.   

MG & Bev:
I have enjoyed your friendship and agree with both Ron and J.D., that you both really need to drop this, apologize to each other, and move on.  Let's all just have a good time and hang out...isn't that what this site is about?  Both of you have PM'd me in the past asking me if I think we would miss you if you left or stated that you decided to stop posting in here b/c of whatever issues you have.  Please, I implore both of you to take whatever time is necessary and reflect on all of this and decide if you can move forward as a member of this site.  Both of you are wonderful people to talk to and it's very sad to all of us here to see this occur.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, March 13, 2009 5:02:37 AM)
[ron h] Friday, March 13, 2009 5:49:19 AM 
You know what I find funny?  After back-reading this morning, I couldn't find a single 'outside' event that started all this, just presumptions.  

Bev, Soy and MG~ are all friends of mine.  You want to know how I know this?  Well, it's NOT because I have their little icons under 'friends of mine', it's because when I have posted some dumbass remarks (and I know I've done it!!), they just let me be and up to this moment continue to not disrespect me or call me out...showing maturity that maybe my posts didn't deserve.  And they're not the only ones I look at as 'real' friends (as 'real' as you can get here, anyway)...the list goes on.  We're ALL prone to 'moments', and as the adults we claim to be, we get past them.

I would hate for any of them to leave the Board as a result of this. were one of the first real ppl to reach out to're a class act and a stand-up guy!!!  I will forever be greatful to you for this!!

MG~...once I got to know you, I found you to be funny, caring and honest with me...I have always enjoyed your posts, and even though I may disagree with some of your opinions about the U.S. (lol), my time on the Board has been enlightened by your presence!!!  (and man would I like to have a few drinks and listen to some of your stories...awesome!!!)

Bev...I've known you the least of you three, you've been nothing but respectful and friendly to me...I understand that things have happened in the past...I wasn't here for that, but I've got to know you since then and you know I consider you a friend (and always will, no matter).

Everyone of you has brought something special to this place, and I wish the new folks who join get the same chance to feel welcome and wanted as I have been, and I try to do the same as well as many others...but we're like that because of you!!!!!!  I believe this Board is a reflection of the regular members, not the idiots...PLEASE, let's drop this and move on.

I'm sorry, truly sorry for adding my two cents...but I love and respect you all!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, March 13, 2009 5:02:37 AM 
... "And I really don't want to have to call Freeze and drag him on here to lecture us."   Hey,thats why I'm here Darth!! If Freeze is called upon,than all of you won't be "lectured" if you will,I don't think that Freeze Lectures anybody...he is the master of words of wisdom and that is the truth.  

This is not that big of deal,Bev and don't have anything to "clear up" at all.Everything has already been said here.  Just have a good time,hang out and let bygones be bygones. Metal Godess....if this site upsets you so much,than as I've posted below...maybe you should begin to think about if this is the right place for you to be??
I hope that it is because I dig your posts and everybody else does too,but if your so unhappy than we'd rather see you comfortable even if that means you do not post here often or at all for that sake.I hope not,but it's your decision....maybe take some time...even overnight/a week/a month..whatever it takes to figure this out,nobody will scorn you for that,not at all.We'd rather see you here,but not if you are so incredibly unhappy. Right on Metal godess,you are awsome and we will respect your decisions.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, March 13, 2009 4:46:52 AM)
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Friday, March 13, 2009 4:46:52 AM 

Well put, J.D.!!!  I registered at the Q, but never received any confirmation of it.

And like I said earlier, I think Bev is a good person and I like her.  Yes, like a few of us....she is an emotional person.  MG and I are like that as well.  That wasn't my point though.  I found it just as interesting as Soy did that she jumped right in and said what she did to Soy's initial post.  I have read rumours about such nonsense before, but reading Bev's interchange with Soy leads me to believe that she's got a guilty conscienious and it's regarding what he said.  Maybe I'm wrong (and I hope I am) but until everyone involved comes clean, people are going to just ass-u-me otherwise.

Bev and MG...if you both are reading this.  Please post and let's clear the air once and for all about all of this.  I think it's well past the time for that to have occurred.  And I really don't want to have to call Freeze and drag him on here to lecture us.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, March 13, 2009 4:27:28 AM)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, March 13, 2009 4:43:31 AM 
What ever happened to "Greg Carpenter"???   Greg was cool,and was an asset to this site! I think he joined a band and was playing some shows...hummm not sure but I often wonder about him.Greg...if your out there...drop me a PM!!!
[_strat_] Friday, March 13, 2009 4:32:19 AM 
Nah, not the evil Strat. Thats me! Im evil... I was refering to that Big Jack/War Machine/Blood red skies, ect. asshole that was banned a while ago.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, March 13, 2009 4:26:08 AM)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, March 13, 2009 4:27:28 AM 
I hear ya Darth,(lol!)but I don't think that it makes "us" or "the rest of us" look "foolish" to others who would like to join the site. As I've said....go over to the Halford "Q" and stay will see the same things from time to time over there...actually if ya want to know the's worse over there than here overall.But the Halford Q is an awsome place to post and hang out,I don't hang out there.....I only have been there a couple of times just to see enough,thats it but it is a worthy site.It just proves that there is B.S. everywhere you go.
I remember when I logged onto the Mercyful Fate site 4 years ago...and a member posted a thread of the hair band "White Lion"(yuk! lol!) and alls I said was that I did'nt like "White Lion" and I posted a picture of "Boy George" and compared it to White Lion....the web master "banned my account"!!! Just for that? HA HA HA! That brings back funny memories!!  But it proves that bull shit happens not just here,but everywhere.

 Let the people that want to purposely cause B.S. do thier thing,you don't have to respond to them.What ticks them off,is if you "do not reply" to thier posts.
I think Bev is an emotional person and that is not a bad thing,that is a "good" thing here.It just proves that we are all different in many ways and some people get fired up more than others. So be it,but understand what you are posting before you post.  Bev is a great member here just like all the rest.

So if somebody logs onto this site and is thinking about joining in,then don't let posts such as below discourage you,there are a number of veteran members here that will back you up and support you the whole way man.I'm one of them.  It's ok to have a difference of opinion,but as I've said those who are upset by being here,maybe you have to ask yourselves "is this the right place for you to be"..

I hope that it is,it is for me but again,everybody is entitled to thier own opinion...even thier own opinion about if this site is the right place for them. If these members keep logging onto this site and alls they do is get in an argument,then maybe it's time they asked themselves "is this the right place for me to relax and enjoy myself"???  If not,then thats ok too. Never the less,we will be glad that we got to meet them,and look forwards to meeting the newest member!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, March 13, 2009 4:03:49 AM)
Edited at: Friday, March 13, 2009 4:31:25 AM
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