[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:11:30 PM | |
Hi Becks,,, Yes I have company and they snore like a frieght train,, Iam crabby and havent slept well all week, esp in the hotel room when they were 6 feet away in the other bed.... OMG!!!! LOL
But My brother leaves tomorrow nite so things will be back to normal for a little while, then I have more company coming for 3 weeks,, for a 50th wedding Aniv party and the Icelandic festivel here in Gimili.... Then I will finally gain my sanity back,, before the AC/DC concert ,,,, ahhhhh Malcolm... LOL I will need it by then a good hard rock out again!!!
We have dinner at my aunts house tonight she says 6 oclock, that usualy mean we at close to 7pm,, LOL
Gitts love those relatives....
Be back later....
Hugs MG~ [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:07:18 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Morning everyone! A crappy day here weather wise, but not much was intended for today anwyays so I am happy to hang around the house LOL! Hope you're all well! |
[Becks] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:07:18 PM | |
Morning everyone! A crappy day here weather wise, but not much was intended for today anwyays so I am happy to hang around the house LOL! Hope you're all well! |
[joedraper] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:33:26 PM | |
Hello metallians...
Wow what a weekend. Busy as hell including a vicious fall of the bike. In one piece but a few bruises and some road rash to show for it. I'm so glad everyone is having a great time at the shows. Nice to get some feedback lol.
I've got a house full of strangers who don't speak my language so it's going to be a very, very long night
Wish me luck.. please. |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:53:13 AM | |
Good day to all in the metal land Family!!!
I still have company at my house... until tomorrow nite...
I miss you guys.. Hugs MG~ |
[scorpion01] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:20:46 AM | |
When the day is over,
I like to ease my mind
By jucin' up my system,
With the beat of a heavy kind
I smack a bottle open,
I crank the hi-fi high
I'm in-a seventh heaven
Ooh I can touch the sky
I'm in love, so in love
And I can't stop talking 'bout my rock forever |
[Necroticist] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:52:52 AM | |
now THAT has impressed me (shame about the naff denim waistcoat tho...lol) [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Monday, July 06, 2009 9:22:33 PM) |
[pip] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:12:17 AM | |
Well I'm only an LPN--never had the money to go on to RN school but I'm very happy at what I do--you would not believe how many *old folks * are just dropped off & the only time their families visit is on weekends & holidays--it just breaks my heart & now we expanded the rehab center--so we get young people too--car accidents--strokes --you name it we got it --it is such a rush to see someone be able to go back home or know you helped an elderly person just by holding their hand as their dying---not just anyone can do it so I'm glad to say I can--thanks --we aren't told when we're appreciated so it's nice to hear it being said [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Monday, July 06, 2009 11:37:09 AM) |
[ron h] Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:23:53 AM | |
Good morning folks, hope ya'll have a great day!!  
[Becks] Monday, July 06, 2009 9:34:53 PM | |
Awesome MG, thanks for those vids! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Monday, July 06, 2009 9:25:09 PM) |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | You got another thing coming from the taste of MN. LOL |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, July 06, 2009 9:31:38 PM | |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, July 06, 2009 9:25:09 PM | |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, July 06, 2009 9:22:33 PM | |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, July 06, 2009 9:16:38 PM | |
Exactly the same set list posted .. opening with Rapid fire ect...
I loved the show If anyone has douts about going... I SAY GO SEE THEM!!!! YOU WILL ENJOY IT!!!
I will post some more pics tomorrow,.,, I have company until WED NITE... So I have been very busy... Then I have company coming in again for the Icelandic festival here in a few weeks... GAWD.... Maybe I should ditch everyone and fly out to another show...LOL
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Metallark from Monday, July 06, 2009 7:24:36 PM) |  | Metallark wrote: | | MG... What was the setlist in MN? |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iam finally home.. LOL....
The concert was awesome... There were No backstage facilities, so the band was left no-passes to send up, so I didnt see the guys, But Kenny Knew Paperflowers and I were going to the MN show,, so he sent Us 2 front row tickets... Hehehehehe,, for his girls.... hes a sweetheart..
I took lots of pics I will also post mine... Jeanines are awesome..
Hugs MG~ |
[Necroticist] Monday, July 06, 2009 9:08:47 PM | |
am sorry - ben treated like a complete c*nt all night - i need to get outta here.....maybe see ya soon..have a nice life |
[Metallark] Monday, July 06, 2009 7:24:36 PM | |
MG... What was the setlist in MN? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Sunday, July 05, 2009 4:10:46 PM) |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iam finally home.. LOL....
The concert was awesome... There were No backstage facilities, so the band was left no-passes to send up, so I didnt see the guys, But Kenny Knew Paperflowers and I were going to the MN show,, so he sent Us 2 front row tickets... Hehehehehe,, for his girls.... hes a sweetheart..
I took lots of pics I will also post mine... Jeanines are awesome..
Hugs MG~ |
[Becks] Monday, July 06, 2009 3:22:44 PM | |
Morning everyone! Busy day ahead here, I have lots to do around the house - not that I really want to LOL! |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, July 06, 2009 11:37:09 AM | |
[scorpion01] Monday, July 06, 2009 10:30:39 AM | |
VACATIONS ARE GREAT AND NECESSARY, BUT I AGREE AFTER A WEEK OR SO, IT FEELS GOOD TO GET BACK HOME. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Monday, July 06, 2009 8:21:37 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | SCORP!!!! Great to see you, my friend! Thank you for the warm welcome home! It is so nice to come back to good friends. Helluva day ahead for me! Absolutely NO food in the house and much to do. Ah yessssssss....good to be home. HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | scorpion01 wrote: | | GOOD MORNING EVERYONE AND WELCOME BACK FREEZE!
[Necroticist] Monday, July 06, 2009 10:19:00 AM | |
good (good?) day ppl...hope u are all having a far better day than i am....i wish u all well |
[Deep Freeze] Monday, July 06, 2009 8:21:37 AM | |
SCORP!!!! Great to see you, my friend! Thank you for the warm welcome home! It is so nice to come back to good friends. Helluva day ahead for me! Absolutely NO food in the house and much to do. Ah yessssssss....good to be home. HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by scorpion01 from Monday, July 06, 2009 8:19:28 AM) |  | scorpion01 wrote: | | GOOD MORNING EVERYONE AND WELCOME BACK FREEZE!
[scorpion01] Monday, July 06, 2009 8:19:28 AM | |
[pip] Monday, July 06, 2009 4:53:21 AM | |
Nope--I have Sundays & Monday nights off - my first nursing home I did 3 months of 3-11 shift --I was only 19 & I so hated it !!--then when I got married I did 4 years of day shift & it was 4 years too long --having to set an alarm clock for 5 am --well that's just not for me --so I did 10 more years there on my beloved night shift & then got this COUNTY nursing home job--with so much more better benefits --I can actually retire in 11 more years & just sit in my rocker on the front porch & wait while the mailman brings me my monthly check (while listening to Judas Priest )
but the county nursing kinda lets you pick your days off--you have to work every other weekend but I wanted to work Tues -Saturday because I'm a big wrestling fan & a big football fan--so I made a deal with them to have every Sunday night ( football & PPV wrestling ) & Monday nights off ( Monday night Raw & MOnday night Football ) so it's all good --I just can't sleep--I am used to it --I'd better be --after 20 plus years--there would be something wrong with me if I wasn't used to it !!---lol But I understand it's not for every one [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Monday, July 06, 2009 4:44:24 AM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
I did it for 3 years and never truly got used to it...the wife and kids paid the biggest price though...are you off this week??
pip wrote: |
I should've known !! 
the only reason I'm up is because I can't sleep but then again being on the graveyard shift for 20 plus years my inner time clock is totally screwed up--right now I should be passing meds & checking blood sugars--lol
ronhartsell wrote: |
This early on a Monday...definately work related
pip wrote: |
Good Morning Ron--up for work or just couldn't sleep either ??
ronhartsell wrote: |
Good morning Metalians 
Edited at: Monday, July 06, 2009 4:55:06 AM |
[ron h] Monday, July 06, 2009 4:44:24 AM | |
I did it for 3 years and never truly got used to it...the wife and kids paid the biggest price though...are you off this week?? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by pip from Monday, July 06, 2009 4:37:40 AM) |  | pip wrote: | | I should've known !! 
the only reason I'm up is because I can't sleep but then again being on the graveyard shift for 20 plus years my inner time clock is totally screwed up--right now I should be passing meds & checking blood sugars--lol |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | This early on a Monday...definately work related  |  | pip wrote: | | Good Morning Ron--up for work or just couldn't sleep either ?? |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Good morning Metalians 
[pip] Monday, July 06, 2009 4:43:00 AM | |
FYI--today VH1 starts the 100 concerts in 100 days--to be at 11am & repeated at 11 pm--am not sure who's up 1st but I plan to watch all 100 concerts
Also tonight starts The VH1 Great Debate--1st up is John Travolta--was he sexier/cuter in Grease or Saturday Night Fever--my vote is Saturday Night Fever but it'll be interesting to see what VH1 has to say
Saturday Night Fever had all those Bee Gees song & I still on occasion listen to them |
[pip] Monday, July 06, 2009 4:37:40 AM | |
I should've known !! 
the only reason I'm up is because I can't sleep but then again being on the graveyard shift for 20 plus years my inner time clock is totally screwed up--right now I should be passing meds & checking blood sugars--lol [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Monday, July 06, 2009 4:34:58 AM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | This early on a Monday...definately work related  |  | pip wrote: | | Good Morning Ron--up for work or just couldn't sleep either ?? |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Good morning Metalians 
[ron h] Monday, July 06, 2009 4:34:58 AM | |
This early on a Monday...definately work related  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by pip from Monday, July 06, 2009 4:26:50 AM) |  | pip wrote: | | Good Morning Ron--up for work or just couldn't sleep either ?? |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Good morning Metalians 
[pip] Monday, July 06, 2009 4:26:50 AM | |
Good Morning Ron--up for work or just couldn't sleep either ?? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Monday, July 06, 2009 4:09:04 AM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Good morning Metalians 
[ron h] Monday, July 06, 2009 4:09:04 AM | |
[pip] Monday, July 06, 2009 3:15:47 AM | |
WELCOME BACK DEEP FREEZE !!!--you were missed
am glad you had such a great time but it's like you said--there's no place like home & your very own bed [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, July 05, 2009 8:29:07 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Home at last!!!!!! DEAD tired and sore as all get out!!! I have NO strength to post pics tonight. Perhaps tomorrow sometime!??!! Hope everyone has a great evening! I know I will since I will be back in my OWN bed!!! One of the best parts of vacation!!!......;coming home!
Have a good night all...and AGAIN, WELL DONE Ron!!! (You know why!!) |
[spapad] Sunday, July 05, 2009 8:31:46 PM | |
Night DF, and much love to you and your's. Take a vacation from that vacation before Guid wears you out! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, July 05, 2009 8:29:07 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Home at last!!!!!! DEAD tired and sore as all get out!!! I have NO strength to post pics tonight. Perhaps tomorrow sometime!??!! Hope everyone has a great evening! I know I will since I will be back in my OWN bed!!! One of the best parts of vacation!!!......;coming home!
Have a good night all...and AGAIN, WELL DONE Ron!!! (You know why!!) |
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, July 05, 2009 8:29:07 PM | |
Home at last!!!!!! DEAD tired and sore as all get out!!! I have NO strength to post pics tonight. Perhaps tomorrow sometime!??!! Hope everyone has a great evening! I know I will since I will be back in my OWN bed!!! One of the best parts of vacation!!!......;coming home!
Have a good night all...and AGAIN, WELL DONE Ron!!! (You know why!!) |
[Becks] Sunday, July 05, 2009 5:35:16 PM | |
Awww MG. To be fair, it is one main ass wipe with many 'personas', as we all know 
Not much happening here today, got work later.
Oooh Jimmy was that the announcement on The Rock this morning??? Cool! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Sunday, July 05, 2009 4:34:59 PM) |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | Well after doing some back reading, I see we still have asswipes galore out here on the board.. Gesh...
I prob wont be on that much from here on out... I dont care for the childish behaivior.. Its a shame.. this place used to be a fun site!! |
[jimmyjames] Sunday, July 05, 2009 4:38:55 PM | |
Alice Cooper coming to NZ in September. Great way to start the week. Might listen to some Alice now... |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Sunday, July 05, 2009 4:34:59 PM | |
Well after doing some back reading, I see we still have asswipes galore out here on the board.. Gesh...
I prob wont be on that much from here on out... I dont care for the childish behaivior.. Its a shame.. this place used to be a fun site!! |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Sunday, July 05, 2009 4:10:46 PM | |
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iam finally home.. LOL....
The concert was awesome... There were No backstage facilities, so the band was left no-passes to send up, so I didnt see the guys, But Kenny Knew Paperflowers and I were going to the MN show,, so he sent Us 2 front row tickets... Hehehehehe,, for his girls.... hes a sweetheart..
I took lots of pics I will also post mine... Jeanines are awesome..
Hugs MG~ |
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, July 05, 2009 9:40:26 AM | |
Yes! A beautiful Sunday to you all!!!!!!!! GREAT celebration last night after a wonderful time at the ballpark! Got to see Manny "Keep That Syringe Away From ME" Ramirez launch one out his very first at bat!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT stuff! Tons of fireworks and a whole bunch of pics last night! I will have to wait to share them until I get home....time to pack and say "good bye" to a gorgeous place!!!!!!!!!! |
[ron h] Sunday, July 05, 2009 7:23:00 AM | |
[spapad] Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:16:00 AM | |
Sianara and all that stuff! LOL Night Becks! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:13:16 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Hahaha so true!
Right, I have to head off, time to sort out the dishes before dinner lol. Have a good night Spa! Catch you later!  |  | spapad wrote: | | Patience, they say it's a virtue but mostimes, I find it to be a pain in the ass!  |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL I guess that's true. They will come to NZ, I'm keeping the faith that they will Patience Becks! LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | Well, you know if each member, who regulary posts, pitched in five dollars you might have oh 500.00 dollars which would be no where near to cost! Now if each member pitched in 10.00 you may get a plane ticket there. LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | I looked in to it myself too, waaaay too expensive for us to afford unfortunately. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for them to come to me! |  | spapad wrote: | | Then consider it done! Afterall I don't see Mr. Banker out here drumming up the money to go to Tokyo! I'm firing him tomorrow!
HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | Oh wow that would be amazing!!! |  | spapad wrote: | | If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[Becks] Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:13:16 AM | |
Hahaha so true!
Right, I have to head off, time to sort out the dishes before dinner lol. Have a good night Spa! Catch you later!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:11:17 AM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Patience, they say it's a virtue but mostimes, I find it to be a pain in the ass!  |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL I guess that's true. They will come to NZ, I'm keeping the faith that they will Patience Becks! LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | Well, you know if each member, who regulary posts, pitched in five dollars you might have oh 500.00 dollars which would be no where near to cost! Now if each member pitched in 10.00 you may get a plane ticket there. LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | I looked in to it myself too, waaaay too expensive for us to afford unfortunately. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for them to come to me! |  | spapad wrote: | | Then consider it done! Afterall I don't see Mr. Banker out here drumming up the money to go to Tokyo! I'm firing him tomorrow!
HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | Oh wow that would be amazing!!! |  | spapad wrote: | | If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[spapad] Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:11:17 AM | |
Patience, they say it's a virtue but mostimes, I find it to be a pain in the ass!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:09:17 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL I guess that's true. They will come to NZ, I'm keeping the faith that they will Patience Becks! LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | Well, you know if each member, who regulary posts, pitched in five dollars you might have oh 500.00 dollars which would be no where near to cost! Now if each member pitched in 10.00 you may get a plane ticket there. LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | I looked in to it myself too, waaaay too expensive for us to afford unfortunately. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for them to come to me! |  | spapad wrote: | | Then consider it done! Afterall I don't see Mr. Banker out here drumming up the money to go to Tokyo! I'm firing him tomorrow!
HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | Oh wow that would be amazing!!! |  | spapad wrote: | | If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[Becks] Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:09:17 AM | |
LOL I guess that's true. They will come to NZ, I'm keeping the faith that they will Patience Becks! LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:06:39 AM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Well, you know if each member, who regulary posts, pitched in five dollars you might have oh 500.00 dollars which would be no where near to cost! Now if each member pitched in 10.00 you may get a plane ticket there. LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | I looked in to it myself too, waaaay too expensive for us to afford unfortunately. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for them to come to me! |  | spapad wrote: | | Then consider it done! Afterall I don't see Mr. Banker out here drumming up the money to go to Tokyo! I'm firing him tomorrow!
HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | Oh wow that would be amazing!!! |  | spapad wrote: | | If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[spapad] Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:06:39 AM | |
Well, you know if each member, who regulary posts, pitched in five dollars you might have oh 500.00 dollars which would be no where near to cost! Now if each member pitched in 10.00 you may get a plane ticket there. LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:02:44 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | I looked in to it myself too, waaaay too expensive for us to afford unfortunately. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for them to come to me! |  | spapad wrote: | | Then consider it done! Afterall I don't see Mr. Banker out here drumming up the money to go to Tokyo! I'm firing him tomorrow!
HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | Oh wow that would be amazing!!! |  | spapad wrote: | | If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[Becks] Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:02:44 AM | |
I looked in to it myself too, waaaay too expensive for us to afford unfortunately. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for them to come to me! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:00:55 AM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Then consider it done! Afterall I don't see Mr. Banker out here drumming up the money to go to Tokyo! I'm firing him tomorrow!
HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | Oh wow that would be amazing!!! |  | spapad wrote: | | If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[spapad] Sunday, July 05, 2009 12:00:55 AM | |
Then consider it done! Afterall I don't see Mr. Banker out here drumming up the money to go to Tokyo! I'm firing him tomorrow!
HA!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:58:43 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Oh wow that would be amazing!!! |  | spapad wrote: | | If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[Becks] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:58:43 PM | |
Oh wow that would be amazing!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:56:05 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[spapad] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:56:05 PM | |
If you want, I'll pick you up one and send it to you! Every gal should have her own JP razor blade necklace! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:51:52 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[Becks] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:51:52 PM | |
Awesome! A JP razor blade necklace would kick ass! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:47:29 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[spapad] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:47:29 PM | |
Ha! I just found out today, wonderful news, I'll be able to replace my JP razor blade necklace my sis threw away so many hears ago, god bless the older she devil! HA!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:38:08 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[Becks] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:38:08 PM | |
LOL! I know many dogs like that, especially my Mums labrador, she's got a big bark on her, but that's all there is, no bite involved at all LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:32:26 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |
[spapad] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:32:26 PM | |
HA!!! Boy wouldn't I be screwed in that department! Lucy is no watch dog, she might lick a criminal to death! HA!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:28:27 PM)
Becks wrote: |
Yeah he is, he's very loyal and affectionate, with just the right amount of goofiness to make him very lovable he's a good watch dog too, which is a plus when I am on my own so often
spapad wrote: |
Buddy has made it clear! He's not a fighter, he's not a lover, he's just Buddy! LOL He sounds like a very good dog.
Becks wrote: |
Buddy is a big softy really LOL! His doggy friend in the last camp we lived in, she used to hold him down by the scruff, he was completely submissive, which he thought was just fabulous LOL!
spapad wrote: |
Sounds as though he was a bit intimidated! LOL All my dogs including my male dogs have been bossy types. Only Max was easier to control, than the ladies I've owned. They do have such bitchy attitudes! HA!!!
Becks wrote: |
Hahaha! I think that must be a female trait in general LMAO. Our dog got harassed big time by my father in laws female british bulldog last weekend, she must have smelt funny to him cos he's never encountered an un-fixed bitch before, she got right up in his face showing off and all sorts and he hadn't a clue what to do LOL!
spapad wrote: |
She has no old bite scars on her so I guess she's just decided she's the shit! LOL Bossy, sassy, little Gal! Take's after her dear old Mum! HA!!
Becks wrote: |
Wow, wonder if she has had trouble with other dogs in the past? Our dog just always wants to play, unless he encounters a bossy dog then he's normally like WTF? LOL!
spapad wrote: |
At one time this lady came through walking two Cocker Spaniels and you should have seen the hackles go up on Lucy, she hates other dogs! She pissed and moaned about those dogs for a half hour after that. She was straining so hard on her leash to get to them that when she barked it sounded like some little dog insted of the deep bark she normally has.
Becks wrote: |
Haha what a sweetie she must be! I love affectionate dogs, and it never ceases to amaze how even the most poorly treated dog will still come to a human for love. They really are amazing animals.
spapad wrote: |
The fireworks were put off by the county but the church there owns the park, so they have this big shit kicking bluegrass gospel fest, which I cant stand then followed by the holly rollers, and then fireworks, but my daughter likes to go there to see some of her friends so, I essentially tuned out the majority of the night! LOL Lucy kept me on my toes as well, if she could have gotten loose she would have charge through that park and jumped on and kissed anyone who even looked at her. One man called her to him and she went right over and crawled up in his lap! She loves kids too and they were everywhere and she was getting lots of attention.
Becks wrote: |
Ah I'm the same during big sermons, I switch off and wait for the real action to begin! LOL!
Edited at: Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:34:17 PM |