[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Friday, June 05, 2009 9:02:33 PM | |
Well goodnite... Good luck Guido on your hockey!
Nite Metal Family.
MG~ |
[Becks] Friday, June 05, 2009 4:54:08 PM | |
Morning everyone!
LOL Justin, if only it was that easy. I've been sick for the last 2 weeks, still running my own snot factory here, it's awful. I'm sick to death of being sick! LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Justin Kenny from Friday, June 05, 2009 12:17:23 PM) |  | Justin Kenny wrote: | | The moral to all of this? As my grandmother always used to say: "...don't get sick." |
[Justin Kenny] Friday, June 05, 2009 12:17:23 PM | |
The moral to all of this? As my grandmother always used to say: "...don't get sick." |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, June 05, 2009 11:27:15 AM | |
I don't really see MT's getting the credit we deserve because we are never seen by the public. The only lab people that the public sees are the phlebotomists. Unfortunately, a lot of people believe that the phlebs are the ones running the tests too. And the tests, well, you just stick the tube in the instrument and walk over to the printer and report the result - what's so hard about that? LMAO. Yeah, right... no interpretation necessary. Doesn't help when TV shows like ER cut us down. In Micro, we still laugh about the episode when George Clooney gets pissed at the lab for not testing the spinal fluid for Cryptococcus and does the india ink himself and finds it in the first field!!! RIGHT!! Most docs can't even USE a microscope!
And don't even get me started on ER blaming the lab for stuff. One time the ER tried to blame us for not having the Group A Strep done on this patient and it was collected over an hour ago and she screams at me, "What's wrong with you down there?" Told her I can't run a test on a specimen that I don't have! Well, then suddenly the swab is HAND DELIVERED to us from ER and I was told that it was laying on the patients table the whole time. When the RN tried to blame the lab, the parents said, "Are you talking about that throat swab right there?" There are just too many stories just like that.
MT's did have a nice write up recently as the unsung heroes due to the Swine Flu "outbreak". I'll forward it to you if you want. Maybe if we get more exposer like that, then things will change! I really enjoy my job and am very proud of what I do because I know that without us, doctors couldn't make the correct diagnosis. It's just frustrating when you are treated like you don't know anything even though you have a bachelors degree. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Metallark from Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:08:03 PM) |  | Metallark wrote: | | A small world....cool to see other med techs about on this site. Now if we can just get the medical profession to give us our due as professionals instead of tagging us as support services. Hah!... a song title....MT Meltdown (lol).
Whoops! Wrong thread. I need to go to "something pissing you off thread"....eeeeeh! |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[scorpion01] Friday, June 05, 2009 9:04:07 AM | |
[Head banger] Friday, June 05, 2009 7:26:12 AM | |
Happy Friday one and all! |
[ron h] Friday, June 05, 2009 7:03:59 AM | |
Good morning/Day to everyone in Priestland...and Jane, if your out there...Happy Birthday!!!   Edited at: Friday, June 05, 2009 7:04:46 AM |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:17:29 PM | |
It is a real problem here in rural America. First is that there really ARE no doctors (last time I was really sick it took two weeks to get an appt) and the local hospital is just really small and slow. No great backup in terms of doctors and those few that do work at the local hospital are not "top of the line" by a longshot. Anything beyond a bandaid and they usually just try to stabilize and medivac the person out to Memphis or Nashville. That meningitis case was just one of many and, sadly, will hurt an already crippled hospital (no pun intended) as the parents are probably going to win a substantial amount of $.
Like you said, Becks, had they diagnosed her with flu, I think people would have more compassion but to leave her waiting for hours and then come up with the diagnosis that she is insane is, well, insane. |
[spapad] Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:54:20 PM | |
You know, I understand that ER's are sometimes overwhelmed, but in that case they need to call people in instead of looking at us all like cattle they don't really care about. I know there are alot of medicaid cases that come to the ER because the mom or dad wont take off work to take the child to a regular Dr. and those cases backlog the ER, but to let someone die from misdiagnoses because you cant be bothered or the attending Dr. can't be bothered to call for the appropriate tests is insane! WTF! A child comes into the ER with no past history and an acute altered mental status! That should call for a CT and spinal tap if she has fever! INSANE! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:11:33 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Sadly, I can vouch for THAT one. ERs do, indeed, suck! Slower than frozen molasses.
Local one I just visited is being sued now because of a girl who showed up with meningitis. They made her wait forever and a day and then mis-diagnosed her as psychotic. Gave her some meds and strapped her to a bed where she died. Sad. |  | spapad wrote: | | Labs have to be run in a rather expediant matter. Otherwise the sample is comprimised.
The ER's are notorisiously slow. Unless you have a serious injury your going to sit in the waiting room half the day and then lay on an exam table for about 5 more hours.
I once had a friend who stuck his hand through a window with serious cuts and he waited in the emergency room for 12 hours with his hand soaking in Betadine.
I put my arm through a window on a fall one time and I was seen pretty quick and sewed up quick because one of my cuts was very close to a major artery.
Go figure. I was not bleeding to death, but my cuts were bad. 44 stiches to put me back together, but I was in probably in less pain than others in the ER. Glad they worked on me quick, but I think about people who die in the ER waiting room because they failed to convince the triage nurse of the seriousness of their condition.
ER's suck. |  | Metallark wrote: | | Yes! Also, when you are in the ER (for god knows how long) watch the docs blame lab for the long wait. I had a family member in the ER a few months back. I had some friends in the lab and they clued me in my wife's lab tests were all ok. Two hours later I listened to the doc state they were still waiting on the labs.
The rule of thumb is 95% of labs ordered in ER are back within 60 t0 90 minutes. 75% are between 45-60 minutes. Occasionally there are exceptions but for the most part that holds true. If they tell you otherwise they are feeding you a line of dung. We bust our asses to get those to ER so don't believe a word. It's the standard of care. Edited at: Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:30:28 PM |
[Becks] Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:43:27 PM | |
That is very sad, Guido. Meningitis is far to often misdiagnosed, usually as the flu, never heard of anyone being misdiagnosed as psychotic! That's an enormous mistake. How awful for her family. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:11:33 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Sadly, I can vouch for THAT one. ERs do, indeed, suck! Slower than frozen molasses.
Local one I just visited is being sued now because of a girl who showed up with meningitis. They made her wait forever and a day and then mis-diagnosed her as psychotic. Gave her some meds and strapped her to a bed where she died. Sad. |  | spapad wrote: | | Labs have to be run in a rather expediant matter. Otherwise the sample is comprimised.
The ER's are notorisiously slow. Unless you have a serious injury your going to sit in the waiting room half the day and then lay on an exam table for about 5 more hours.
I once had a friend who stuck his hand through a window with serious cuts and he waited in the emergency room for 12 hours with his hand soaking in Betadine.
I put my arm through a window on a fall one time and I was seen pretty quick and sewed up quick because one of my cuts was very close to a major artery.
Go figure. I was not bleeding to death, but my cuts were bad. 44 stiches to put me back together, but I was in probably in less pain than others in the ER. Glad they worked on me quick, but I think about people who die in the ER waiting room because they failed to convince the triage nurse of the seriousness of their condition.
ER's suck. |  | Metallark wrote: | | Yes! Also, when you are in the ER (for god knows how long) watch the docs blame lab for the long wait. I had a family member in the ER a few months back. I had some friends in the lab and they clued me in my wife's lab tests were all ok. Two hours later I listened to the doc state they were still waiting on the labs.
The rule of thumb is 95% of labs ordered in ER are back within 60 t0 90 minutes. 75% are between 45-60 minutes. Occasionally there are exceptions but for the most part that holds true. If they tell you otherwise they are feeding you a line of dung. We bust our asses to get those to ER so don't believe a word. It's the standard of care. Edited at: Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:30:28 PM |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:11:33 PM | |
Sadly, I can vouch for THAT one. ERs do, indeed, suck! Slower than frozen molasses.
Local one I just visited is being sued now because of a girl who showed up with meningitis. They made her wait forever and a day and then mis-diagnosed her as psychotic. Gave her some meds and strapped her to a bed where she died. Sad. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:06:21 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Labs have to be run in a rather expediant matter. Otherwise the sample is comprimised.
The ER's are notorisiously slow. Unless you have a serious injury your going to sit in the waiting room half the day and then lay on an exam table for about 5 more hours.
I once had a friend who stuck his hand through a window with serious cuts and he waited in the emergency room for 12 hours with his hand soaking in Betadine.
I put my arm through a window on a fall one time and I was seen pretty quick and sewed up quick because one of my cuts was very close to a major artery.
Go figure. I was not bleeding to death, but my cuts were bad. 44 stiches to put me back together, but I was in probably in less pain than others in the ER. Glad they worked on me quick, but I think about people who die in the ER waiting room because they failed to convince the triage nurse of the seriousness of their condition.
ER's suck. |  | Metallark wrote: | | Yes! Also, when you are in the ER (for god knows how long) watch the docs blame lab for the long wait. I had a family member in the ER a few months back. I had some friends in the lab and they clued me in my wife's lab tests were all ok. Two hours later I listened to the doc state they were still waiting on the labs.
The rule of thumb is 95% of labs ordered in ER are back within 60 t0 90 minutes. 75% are between 45-60 minutes. Occasionally there are exceptions but for the most part that holds true. If they tell you otherwise they are feeding you a line of dung. We bust our asses to get those to ER so don't believe a word. It's the standard of care. Edited at: Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:30:28 PM |
[spapad] Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:06:21 PM | |
Labs have to be run in a rather expediant matter. Otherwise the sample is comprimised.
The ER's are notorisiously slow. Unless you have a serious injury your going to sit in the waiting room half the day and then lay on an exam table for about 5 more hours.
I once had a friend who stuck his hand through a window with serious cuts and he waited in the emergency room for 12 hours with his hand soaking in Betadine.
I put my arm through a window on a fall one time and I was seen pretty quick and sewed up quick because one of my cuts was very close to a major artery.
Go figure. I was not bleeding to death, but my cuts were bad. 44 stiches to put me back together, but I was in probably in less pain than others in the ER. Glad they worked on me quick, but I think about people who die in the ER waiting room because they failed to convince the triage nurse of the seriousness of their condition.
ER's suck. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Metallark from Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:26:29 PM) |  | Metallark wrote: | | Yes! Also, when you are in the ER (for god knows how long) watch the docs blame lab for the long wait. I had a family member in the ER a few months back. I had some friends in the lab and they clued me in my wife's lab tests were all ok. Two hours later I listened to the doc state they were still waiting on the labs.
The rule of thumb is 95% of labs ordered in ER are back within 60 t0 90 minutes. 75% are between 45-60 minutes. Occasionally there are exceptions but for the most part that holds true. If they tell you otherwise they are feeding you a line of dung. We bust our asses to get those to ER so don't believe a word. It's the standard of care. Edited at: Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:30:28 PM |
[spapad] Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:57:14 PM | |
Enjoy what is left of Harper's Island because it is on the chopping block for next season, along with, shudder the thougt, "My Name is Earl", I really liked that show! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:12:24 PM) |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | Yes and then the DR charges 60.00 every 20 minutes,,,, Geesh,,
Well Iam off to Ice the knee, and watch Harpers Island have a great nite everyone.
MG~ |  | spapad wrote: | | If we didn't have med lab people who would conduct all the proper tests for the Dr. to read? Surely NOT the Dr. he does as little as possible. LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | I agree with you Metallark, it's about time those who work in the lab part of the medical field get the recognition they deserve! Even at uni the people studying med lab science get put down by those who get into dental/medical/pharmacy school. It's not right. |  | Metallark wrote: | | Becks...My earlier comments were directed at the lack of recognition for MT's and lab professionals. There seems to be a focus on other medical disciplines. I' was only saying we should have our turn too.
Lab work is very rewarding and worth pursuing. It is not a lame dream. It is a great one. Like I said I have been doing it for 18 years and have no regrets. It is a fact that 80% of all treatments and diagnoses are based on lab results. We make a difference. It's what keeps me going. Your positive outlook and enthusiasm will drive your success.
Here's to seeing you live your dream and best of luck.
|  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Metallark and HRMG, yeah trying to get in to the lab field, it's hard to break in to though which sucks, even with a degree etc. I'm trying though cos it's what I really want to do, and I don't want to give up on my dream (may sound like a lame dream but it's honestly what I want). Waiting to hear back from the lab manager, if I don't hear back by this afternoon I will call him LOL! Really trying to put myself out there for this job so yeah  |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[Metallark] Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:26:29 PM | |
Yes! Also, when you are in the ER (for god knows how long) watch the docs blame lab for the long wait. I had a family member in the ER a few months back. I had some friends in the lab and they clued me in my wife's lab tests were all ok. Two hours later I listened to the doc state they were still waiting on the labs.
The rule of thumb is 95% of labs ordered in ER are back within 60 t0 90 minutes. 75% are between 45-60 minutes. Occasionally there are exceptions but for the most part that holds true. If they tell you otherwise they are feeding you a line of dung. We bust our asses to get those to ER so don't believe a word. It's the standard of care. Edited at: Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:30:28 PM |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:12:24 PM | |
Yes and then the DR charges 60.00 every 20 minutes,,,, Geesh,,
Well Iam off to Ice the knee, and watch Harpers Island have a great nite everyone.
MG~ [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Thursday, June 04, 2009 7:45:44 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | If we didn't have med lab people who would conduct all the proper tests for the Dr. to read? Surely NOT the Dr. he does as little as possible. LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | I agree with you Metallark, it's about time those who work in the lab part of the medical field get the recognition they deserve! Even at uni the people studying med lab science get put down by those who get into dental/medical/pharmacy school. It's not right. |  | Metallark wrote: | | Becks...My earlier comments were directed at the lack of recognition for MT's and lab professionals. There seems to be a focus on other medical disciplines. I' was only saying we should have our turn too.
Lab work is very rewarding and worth pursuing. It is not a lame dream. It is a great one. Like I said I have been doing it for 18 years and have no regrets. It is a fact that 80% of all treatments and diagnoses are based on lab results. We make a difference. It's what keeps me going. Your positive outlook and enthusiasm will drive your success.
Here's to seeing you live your dream and best of luck.
|  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Metallark and HRMG, yeah trying to get in to the lab field, it's hard to break in to though which sucks, even with a degree etc. I'm trying though cos it's what I really want to do, and I don't want to give up on my dream (may sound like a lame dream but it's honestly what I want). Waiting to hear back from the lab manager, if I don't hear back by this afternoon I will call him LOL! Really trying to put myself out there for this job so yeah  |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[spapad] Thursday, June 04, 2009 7:45:44 PM | |
If we didn't have med lab people who would conduct all the proper tests for the Dr. to read? Surely NOT the Dr. he does as little as possible. LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, June 04, 2009 7:22:17 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | I agree with you Metallark, it's about time those who work in the lab part of the medical field get the recognition they deserve! Even at uni the people studying med lab science get put down by those who get into dental/medical/pharmacy school. It's not right. |  | Metallark wrote: | | Becks...My earlier comments were directed at the lack of recognition for MT's and lab professionals. There seems to be a focus on other medical disciplines. I' was only saying we should have our turn too.
Lab work is very rewarding and worth pursuing. It is not a lame dream. It is a great one. Like I said I have been doing it for 18 years and have no regrets. It is a fact that 80% of all treatments and diagnoses are based on lab results. We make a difference. It's what keeps me going. Your positive outlook and enthusiasm will drive your success.
Here's to seeing you live your dream and best of luck.
|  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Metallark and HRMG, yeah trying to get in to the lab field, it's hard to break in to though which sucks, even with a degree etc. I'm trying though cos it's what I really want to do, and I don't want to give up on my dream (may sound like a lame dream but it's honestly what I want). Waiting to hear back from the lab manager, if I don't hear back by this afternoon I will call him LOL! Really trying to put myself out there for this job so yeah  |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[Becks] Thursday, June 04, 2009 7:22:17 PM | |
I agree with you Metallark, it's about time those who work in the lab part of the medical field get the recognition they deserve! Even at uni the people studying med lab science get put down by those who get into dental/medical/pharmacy school. It's not right. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Metallark from Thursday, June 04, 2009 6:20:10 PM) |  | Metallark wrote: | | Becks...My earlier comments were directed at the lack of recognition for MT's and lab professionals. There seems to be a focus on other medical disciplines. I' was only saying we should have our turn too.
Lab work is very rewarding and worth pursuing. It is not a lame dream. It is a great one. Like I said I have been doing it for 18 years and have no regrets. It is a fact that 80% of all treatments and diagnoses are based on lab results. We make a difference. It's what keeps me going. Your positive outlook and enthusiasm will drive your success.
Here's to seeing you live your dream and best of luck.
|  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Metallark and HRMG, yeah trying to get in to the lab field, it's hard to break in to though which sucks, even with a degree etc. I'm trying though cos it's what I really want to do, and I don't want to give up on my dream (may sound like a lame dream but it's honestly what I want). Waiting to hear back from the lab manager, if I don't hear back by this afternoon I will call him LOL! Really trying to put myself out there for this job so yeah  |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[Metallark] Thursday, June 04, 2009 6:20:10 PM | |
Becks...My earlier comments were directed at the lack of recognition for MT's and lab professionals. There seems to be a focus on other medical disciplines. I' was only saying we should have our turn too.
Lab work is very rewarding and worth pursuing. It is not a lame dream. It is a great one. Like I said I have been doing it for 18 years and have no regrets. It is a fact that 80% of all treatments and diagnoses are based on lab results. We make a difference. It's what keeps me going. Your positive outlook and enthusiasm will drive your success.
Here's to seeing you live your dream and best of luck.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:11:45 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Metallark and HRMG, yeah trying to get in to the lab field, it's hard to break in to though which sucks, even with a degree etc. I'm trying though cos it's what I really want to do, and I don't want to give up on my dream (may sound like a lame dream but it's honestly what I want). Waiting to hear back from the lab manager, if I don't hear back by this afternoon I will call him LOL! Really trying to put myself out there for this job so yeah  |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:15:30 PM | |
GOOOOOOOOOOD Afternoon, Priesties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So very good to see so many hanging about at this hour! Also loving the rash of photo postings!! It is always cool to see the folks we befriend! |
[Becks] Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:14:20 PM | |
Hope it goes well Ron!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:10:33 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Well...another little Metalhead is about to graduate, so I must be on my way...Check in later!!!   |
[Becks] Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:11:45 PM | |
LOL Metallark and HRMG, yeah trying to get in to the lab field, it's hard to break in to though which sucks, even with a degree etc. I'm trying though cos it's what I really want to do, and I don't want to give up on my dream (may sound like a lame dream but it's honestly what I want). Waiting to hear back from the lab manager, if I don't hear back by this afternoon I will call him LOL! Really trying to put myself out there for this job so yeah  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:50:56 AM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[ron h] Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:10:33 PM | |
Well...another little Metalhead is about to graduate, so I must be on my way...Check in later!!!   |
[Metallark] Thursday, June 04, 2009 5:08:03 PM | |
A small world....cool to see other med techs about on this site. Now if we can just get the medical profession to give us our due as professionals instead of tagging us as support services. Hah!... a song title....MT Meltdown (lol).
Whoops! Wrong thread. I need to go to "something pissing you off thread"....eeeeeh! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:50:56 AM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:54:18 PM | |
Ha! My mater is a Prof of Med Tech! Wayne State Univ, there, HRMG! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:50:56 AM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[scorpion01] Thursday, June 04, 2009 12:43:00 PM | |
SOLAR ANGELS JUST CAME ON MY COMPUTER. REMEMBER WHEN THEY OPENED THE SHOW WITH IT? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by DelivererofEvil from Thursday, June 04, 2009 12:18:54 PM) |  | DelivererofEvil wrote: | | Greetings one and all at the JP family!
Recently I got a hold of the Evening Star Single from '78.
Forget all about Beyond the Realms of Death in 2005. It was good.
Beyond the Realms of Death live in 1978 is the missing song on Unleashed in the East!
Oh yeah, can you notice the free time coming back?  |
[DelivererofEvil] Thursday, June 04, 2009 12:18:54 PM | |
Greetings one and all at the JP family!
Recently I got a hold of the Evening Star Single from '78.
Forget all about Beyond the Realms of Death in 2005. It was good.
Beyond the Realms of Death live in 1978 is the missing song on Unleashed in the East!
Oh yeah, can you notice the free time coming back?  |
[ron h] Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:54:54 AM | |
Just popped in to post that actor David Carradine was found dead in Bangkok...R.I.P.  |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:50:56 AM | |
Wow, it's a small world! I've been a med tech for 16 years. Worked most of them in micro. Then when we started doing PCR, I moved to the molecular lab to do infectious disease testing. I get to do lots of cool new stuff and help companies validate their new tests. It makes this lab rat VERY happy !
Good luck on the job hunt Becks!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Metallark from Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:39:36 AM) |  | Metallark wrote: | | So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[scorpion01] Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:33:46 AM | |
THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO HAVE THE OPPERTUNITY TO ENJOY THE SONGS. THEY ARE GREAT. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:56:51 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Friends,
Please allow me another moment to offer my sincere thanks once again!! As you may recall, I posted "Between the Hammer and the Anvil" yesterday on Acid Planet for everyone to enjoy and it received 22 listens in one twenty four hour period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is more than many songs receive in months! INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the kind of support that makes us all so very happy and gives us confidence that the new album will be well received!!! Thanks to one and all. There is more to come VERY soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
[Head banger] Thursday, June 04, 2009 9:26:27 AM | |
thats awesome. good job [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:56:51 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Friends,
Please allow me another moment to offer my sincere thanks once again!! As you may recall, I posted "Between the Hammer and the Anvil" yesterday on Acid Planet for everyone to enjoy and it received 22 listens in one twenty four hour period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is more than many songs receive in months! INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the kind of support that makes us all so very happy and gives us confidence that the new album will be well received!!! Thanks to one and all. There is more to come VERY soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:56:51 AM | |
Please allow me another moment to offer my sincere thanks once again!! As you may recall, I posted "Between the Hammer and the Anvil" yesterday on Acid Planet for everyone to enjoy and it received 22 listens in one twenty four hour period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is more than many songs receive in months! INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the kind of support that makes us all so very happy and gives us confidence that the new album will be well received!!! Thanks to one and all. There is more to come VERY soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
[Head banger] Thursday, June 04, 2009 7:19:36 AM | |
I owe I owe its off to work I go. or at least to get ready for work. |
[Metallark] Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:39:36 AM | |
So your a lab rat too?
I've been a med tech for 18 years....(aka...mad scientist) lol [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 10:52:21 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[Becks] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 10:52:21 PM | |
LOL only thing I've been kidnapped by is job hunting LOL! A fixed term (maternity leave) job in the microbiology lab where I work has come up so I've emailed the manager asking to meet him etc. I'm trying to put myself out there as much as possible - all I want is a chance to do what I really want to do - practical science work!
Oh man I sound like a nerd LMAO! |
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 10:18:07 PM | |
OH! its terrible..maybe they were all kidnapped...its deserted..lol.. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 9:18:15 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Has everyone been kidnapped? Was there a Priest site terror strike I was not informed of? Echochochochochochochochocho! |
[spapad] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 9:18:15 PM | |
Has everyone been kidnapped? Was there a Priest site terror strike I was not informed of? Echochochochochochochochocho! |
[spapad] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 7:05:22 PM | |
DF, that Mix is excellent! Can't wait to hear the whole thing!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 11:28:06 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | |
As we get closer to the release of Forged Steel I am drawn to remember so many wonderful moments that went into BOTH of these recordings. The joy and happiness that I personally received from all of this is truly a gift that I will forever cherish. As a small token of my appreciation, I have uploaded one song from the new album so that you all can take a listen and know what is coming!!!! I do hope you enjoy it as much as we did when we played it!! Thank you all!!!!!
[ron h] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 6:35:47 PM | |
Thanks for the heads up HRMG...just voted, at about 5.5 stars...  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 2:34:43 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Vote for Priest to get their own star in the Birmingham Walk of Stars!! Priest only has 5 stars out of 10 and Duran Duran has 9 1/2 stars. Come on metal heads, vote the Priest in!
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 6:12:32 PM | |
[Becks] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:56:51 PM | |
LOL I voted too, yay!
Morning everyone! Another beautiful day here. Not much going on though LOL! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 3:17:50 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | That was my reaction too!! Duran Duran??? YUCK! I also nominated Rob for his own star.
I'm doing good. Been busy with end of school stuff for the boys. Last day is tomorrow and then we can all sleep in!!
Hope you are doing well. That's awesome that your family is there doing your garage (and other stuff too maybe!) I could use a little landscaping help myself, the weeds are already starting to take over and it's barely gotten warm yet! |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | Ewwwwww Duran Duran,,,,, Gawd..... Thats pathetic. Iam going to vote,,
LOL Hi HRMG.. how are you?
Hugs MG~ |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Vote for Priest to get their own star in the Birmingham Walk of Stars!! Priest only has 5 stars out of 10 and Duran Duran has 9 1/2 stars. Come on metal heads, vote the Priest in!
[_strat_] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:45:17 PM | |
IDK... Half an hour? We will see... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:44:03 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | when is that? |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Good evening!!! First of all, congrats to Freeze and da crew, and thanks for another great link!
That said, I wont be around long today... Its already late, and I have to get up early tomorrow, to turn in a portfolio... So get me while Im hot! |
[Head banger] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:44:03 PM | |
when is that? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:40:40 PM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Good evening!!! First of all, congrats to Freeze and da crew, and thanks for another great link!
That said, I wont be around long today... Its already late, and I have to get up early tomorrow, to turn in a portfolio... So get me while Im hot! |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:42:59 PM | |
Yeah Iam listening to it again...... 
Hi Strat!!!! Good nite strat!!! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:40:40 PM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Good evening!!! First of all, congrats to Freeze and da crew, and thanks for another great link!
That said, I wont be around long today... Its already late, and I have to get up early tomorrow, to turn in a portfolio... So get me while Im hot! |
[_strat_] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:42:46 PM | |
You said it again... Im thinking of a way to hire him to sing at your house. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:40:47 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | nope, no one said rick |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Rick? Did someone say Rick? |  | Head banger wrote: | | awesome. is that you or Rick? |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | |
As we get closer to the release of Forged Steel I am drawn to remember so many wonderful moments that went into BOTH of these recordings. The joy and happiness that I personally received from all of this is truly a gift that I will forever cherish. As a small token of my appreciation, I have uploaded one song from the new album so that you all can take a listen and know what is coming!!!! I do hope you enjoy it as much as we did when we played it!! Thank you all!!!!!
[Head banger] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:40:47 PM | |
nope, no one said rick [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:38:39 PM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Rick? Did someone say Rick? |  | Head banger wrote: | | awesome. is that you or Rick? |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | |
As we get closer to the release of Forged Steel I am drawn to remember so many wonderful moments that went into BOTH of these recordings. The joy and happiness that I personally received from all of this is truly a gift that I will forever cherish. As a small token of my appreciation, I have uploaded one song from the new album so that you all can take a listen and know what is coming!!!! I do hope you enjoy it as much as we did when we played it!! Thank you all!!!!!
[_strat_] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:40:40 PM | |
Good evening!!! First of all, congrats to Freeze and da crew, and thanks for another great link!
That said, I wont be around long today... Its already late, and I have to get up early tomorrow, to turn in a portfolio... So get me while Im hot! |
[_strat_] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:38:39 PM | |
Rick? Did someone say Rick? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:28:42 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | awesome. is that you or Rick? |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | |
As we get closer to the release of Forged Steel I am drawn to remember so many wonderful moments that went into BOTH of these recordings. The joy and happiness that I personally received from all of this is truly a gift that I will forever cherish. As a small token of my appreciation, I have uploaded one song from the new album so that you all can take a listen and know what is coming!!!! I do hope you enjoy it as much as we did when we played it!! Thank you all!!!!!
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:37:25 PM | |
Ha They didnt like the garden I did so they re-did they whole thing... Its about 3ft deep 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long.. I was like Huh????? Now Iam expected to plant more stuff... Gotta love family.. I got some herbs too
I bought dill, rosemary, thyme, and garden chives.... YUMMY,,, those are the ones I like to cook with the most.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 3:17:50 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | That was my reaction too!! Duran Duran??? YUCK! I also nominated Rob for his own star.
I'm doing good. Been busy with end of school stuff for the boys. Last day is tomorrow and then we can all sleep in!!
Hope you are doing well. That's awesome that your family is there doing your garage (and other stuff too maybe!) I could use a little landscaping help myself, the weeds are already starting to take over and it's barely gotten warm yet! |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | Ewwwwww Duran Duran,,,,, Gawd..... Thats pathetic. Iam going to vote,,
LOL Hi HRMG.. how are you?
Hugs MG~ |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Vote for Priest to get their own star in the Birmingham Walk of Stars!! Priest only has 5 stars out of 10 and Duran Duran has 9 1/2 stars. Come on metal heads, vote the Priest in!
[Head banger] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 4:28:42 PM | |
awesome. is that you or Rick? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 11:28:06 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | |
As we get closer to the release of Forged Steel I am drawn to remember so many wonderful moments that went into BOTH of these recordings. The joy and happiness that I personally received from all of this is truly a gift that I will forever cherish. As a small token of my appreciation, I have uploaded one song from the new album so that you all can take a listen and know what is coming!!!! I do hope you enjoy it as much as we did when we played it!! Thank you all!!!!!
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Wednesday, June 03, 2009 3:17:50 PM | |
That was my reaction too!! Duran Duran??? YUCK! I also nominated Rob for his own star.
I'm doing good. Been busy with end of school stuff for the boys. Last day is tomorrow and then we can all sleep in!!
Hope you are doing well. That's awesome that your family is there doing your garage (and other stuff too maybe!) I could use a little landscaping help myself, the weeds are already starting to take over and it's barely gotten warm yet! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ from Wednesday, June 03, 2009 2:39:02 PM) |  | ~ MG_Metalgoddess~ wrote: | | Ewwwwww Duran Duran,,,,, Gawd..... Thats pathetic. Iam going to vote,,
LOL Hi HRMG.. how are you?
Hugs MG~ |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Vote for Priest to get their own star in the Birmingham Walk of Stars!! Priest only has 5 stars out of 10 and Duran Duran has 9 1/2 stars. Come on metal heads, vote the Priest in!