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What would you ask or say to Judas Priest?
 This Topic was created by [johnnybastard                                                                                       ] Messages per page: [20] 50 100 
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What would you ask or say to Judas Priest if you ever got to meet them? If you already met them, please tell us what it was like!!!!

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[hellrider 31038] Thursday, January 26, 2012 7:19:24 PM 
[artistikway] Wednesday, January 11, 2012 4:15:47 AM 
Sorry, but it urge!
How can I communicate with the management of "Judas Priest"? It's about them show in Kiev, Ukraine.Can you help me with this?
Mt e-mail" [email protected]
Thank you,
with the best regards - Denis Ziuz
manager of "PYRO-SHOW"(Kiev, Ukraine) 
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