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What are youo listening rigt now?
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About music we are listening at this particulary time

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[Necroticist] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 3:31:50 AM 
Rebellion - Shakespeare's Macbeth: A Tragedy In Steel  CD
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:12:20 AM 
Embed disabled...what the fook? LOL!!

MEAN MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:07:19 AM 
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:37:35 AM 
"Well I'd pop a cap in Sancho...." I need a Hanna.
[Necroticist] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:36:58 AM 
St. Vitus - Children Of Doom (COD)     CD
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:28:33 AM 
Oh, I am onboard. Trouble - Phychotic Reaction

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:13:21 AM)
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:24:12 AM 
Into the Fit-Fight

Bear treason!!!
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:17:24 AM 
THIEVES!!!!! (damn... not loud enough)...LIARS!!!!!!

[Necroticist] Tuesday, August 25, 2009 12:13:21 AM 
Trouble - The Skull  CD
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, August 24, 2009 11:44:32 PM 
[Cooper Ryback] Monday, August 24, 2009 11:29:33 PM 
[Cooper Ryback] Monday, August 24, 2009 11:01:28 PM 
[spapad] Monday, August 24, 2009 10:18:43 PM 
Nice Choice!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, August 24, 2009 9:54:46 PM)
[guidogodoy] Monday, August 24, 2009 9:54:46 PM 
Disturbed - Down with the Sickness
[Necroticist] Monday, August 24, 2009 6:33:46 PM 
Alestorm - Discography...and all demos...all kindsa shit...
[Necroticist] Monday, August 24, 2009 4:20:35 PM 
Forest Stream - The Crown Of Winter  CD
[Henrich 1] Monday, August 24, 2009 1:13:07 PM 
deciver priest
[sadwingsofdestiny51] Monday, August 24, 2009 12:58:47 PM 
Alone - Judas Priest
[K2M] Monday, August 24, 2009 12:38:07 PM 
Loving You Is Murder       LIZZYBORDEN
[Deep Freeze] Monday, August 24, 2009 12:11:33 PM 
PAINKILLER- Hells Salvation
[Painkiller87] Monday, August 24, 2009 12:09:10 PM 

Ahh an old favorite I haven't heard in a while.

Children of Bodom - In Your Face


[Painkiller87] Monday, August 24, 2009 12:03:23 PM 
Just havin' a laugh and some fun here with some pirate metal from Scotland!
Alestorm - Keelhauled
[Necroticist] Monday, August 24, 2009 11:34:23 AM 
sHEAVY - Electric Sleep  CD  (Canadian stoner-metal....singer is Ozzy re-born)
[Necroticist] Monday, August 24, 2009 10:50:39 AM 
Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro  CD
[Painkiller87] Monday, August 24, 2009 9:56:31 AM 
Waking up to the Priest live! Prophecy!
[hellrider 31038] Monday, August 24, 2009 12:35:21 AM 
remember i went to goodwill one time looking at the albums and found pectect condition album cover only missing the bought it and cut the sides open and hung it on my [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, August 24, 2009 12:22:09 AM)
Edited at: Monday, August 24, 2009 12:40:46 AM
[hellrider 31038] Monday, August 24, 2009 12:35:20 AM 
another JUDAS PRIEST HEAVY METAL MASTERPIECE FROM ANOTHER JUDAS PRIEST HEAVY METAL MASTERPIECE.hey the 8 track tape (priceless treasure to me) also besides all the other
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, August 24, 2009 12:22:09 AM)
[guidogodoy] Monday, August 24, 2009 12:22:09 AM 
[spapad] Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:27:40 PM 
I didn't like him either as he kept saying "Get Down" and at one time a blonde woman actually came out to tell me to get down!
I still got back up! We were "Breakin the Law!" LOL

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:23:58 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:23:58 PM 
At least there are a lot of shots of that big bald bastard who made me get off the chairs during VOC! HAAAAA!!!!!
[guidogodoy] Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:21:18 PM 
Hey, I jumped seats on Freeze. Fair is fair! LOL!!!
[spapad] Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:15:54 PM 
I think I actually saw us for a brief second! But you have to remember how many they let pile into the front row! I was there but I felt bad about being there without you my friend! I couldn't have stayed all night there with out you. I know, stupid, foolish! but just the way I am! LOL
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:08:09 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:08:09 PM 
That is our side!!! Where the hell are we?!?!? I say I am a head banging up and down.....
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, August 23, 2009 2:28:15 PM)
[spapad] Sunday, August 23, 2009 2:42:52 PM 
[spapad] Sunday, August 23, 2009 2:28:15 PM 
Taking a walk down memory lane! LOL

[spapad] Sunday, August 23, 2009 2:15:14 PM 
[spapad] Sunday, August 23, 2009 2:01:13 PM 
[gordi] Sunday, August 23, 2009 1:46:24 PM 
metal works!disc2 screaming for vengeance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[spapad] Sunday, August 23, 2009 1:41:53 PM 
[blackshadow] Sunday, August 23, 2009 6:05:32 AM 
People Are People - Depeche Mode

(Not rock, but appropriate for my mood :) )
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:38:10 AM 
Now at the finish line...

'Til the Livin' End-Dokken

Cool guitar solo!!!
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:32:36 AM 
Will the Sun Rise-Dokken

Very nice!!!
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:16:14 AM 

It's Not Love-Dokken

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:12:12 AM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:12:12 AM 
As did many an ex- of mine! LOL!!

Lightning Strikes Again!!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:03:08 AM)
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:10:49 AM 
Lightnin' Strikes Again-Dokken

Edited at: Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:30:54 AM
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:03:08 AM 
If money permits, I'll get my grubby little hands on that album soon. 

In My Dreams-Dokken...again!! I love this song!!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, August 22, 2009 11:59:57 PM)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, August 22, 2009 11:59:57 PM 
You MUST have "Back for the Attack"
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, August 22, 2009 11:58:08 PM 
In My Dreams-Dokken
[guidogodoy] Saturday, August 22, 2009 11:54:15 PM 
Oooooooaaaaooooo..I'm not with you for love!
[guidogodoy] Saturday, August 22, 2009 11:50:39 PM 
One of my favs of all time.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, August 22, 2009 11:49:02 PM)
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