[Necroticist] Thursday, August 13, 2009 6:12:31 AM
The Meads Of Asphodel- Metatron & The Red Gleaming Serpent (don''t even try..lol)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Thursday, August 13, 2009 5:57:59 AM
Rusted from the Rain/Billy Talent
Know these guys...cool to chat with..my fav Canadian band...
(Dissect me until my blood runs down into the drain...My bitter heart is pumping oil into my veins..luv those lyrics..lol)Enjoy..
[Bev] Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:49:10 AM
Held out as long as I could - But I just have to share Enjoy!
[Necroticist] Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:05:18 AM
Anvil - Worth The Weight CD
[metalmaz] Thursday, August 13, 2009 1:29:20 AM
Eagle Has Landed (part 1) Saxon
[Coyote Bongwater] Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:34:13 AM
the sound of no one being on here but me!!! XD
[Coyote Bongwater] Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:01:22 AM
if i were king-queensryche [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Coyote Bongwater from Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:57:18 PM)
Coyote Bongwater wrote:
nailed to the gun, fight
Coyote Bongwater wrote:
we're not gonna take it twisted sister
[Coyote Bongwater] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:57:18 PM
nailed to the gun, fight [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Coyote Bongwater from Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:53:12 PM)
Coyote Bongwater wrote:
we're not gonna take it twisted sister
[Coyote Bongwater] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:53:12 PM
we're not gonna take it twisted sister
[Coyote Bongwater] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:45:58 PM
panama... van halen
[Coyote Bongwater] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:39:54 PM
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 4:56:14 PM
Net radio - i got lazy...
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 11:55:12 AM
The Meads Of Asphodel - A Baptism In The Warm Piss Of Slaughtered Children
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:38:41 AM
Dark Funeral - Teach Children To Worship Satan E.P.
[Painkiller87] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 9:45:21 AM
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:57:27 AM
Styx - Equinox CD
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:28:36 AM
The whole Ring cycle is my fave ever....over 30 hours worth...as Joey from Manowar stated - is the Heavy Metal of opera.. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by LadyBathory9 from Wednesday, August 12, 2009 6:46:20 AM)
LadyBathory9 wrote:
Thanx again..i also luv Opera Playwrights..so enjoy this one i found on Wagner..
Necroticist wrote:
Try Wagner Lady...
Status Quo - PileDriver CD (also nostalgia)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 6:46:20 AM
Thanx again..i also luv Opera Playwrights..so enjoy this one i found on Wagner..
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:57:49 AM
I'm waiting on a promo mate - if i get it...and be assured it will be way before the release date...i'll find a way of passing it on [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Necroticist from Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:04:15 AM)
Necroticist wrote:
Try Wagner Lady...
Status Quo - PileDriver CD (also nostalgia)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:43:13 AM
Hey Necro.....I'm not sure if you saw it or not but I posted this just for you .....This is Immortal's new album cover....not sure if the Immortal logo will be on the cover or not
but it comes in standard jewel case as well as every format...the album is called "All Shall Fall" and will be out September 25th! I agree...I am gagging for new Immortal!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Necroticist from Wednesday, August 12, 2009 4:24:11 AM)
Necroticist wrote:
Boston - Party
JD - i am gagging for the new CD - been promised a promo - will let u know (Immortal)
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:04:15 AM
Try Wagner Lady...
Status Quo - PileDriver CD (also nostalgia)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 4:59:37 AM
My 3 fav Tenors and my fav song from Pucini ..Nessum Dorma..so enjoy a change of music today..am in the mood of opera..the music of the soul i think..
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 4:24:11 AM
Boston - Party
JD - i am gagging for the new CD - been promised a promo - will let u know (Immortal)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 4:21:23 AM
Sorry man - i DID fly off the handle....but anything threatens my family...u know the score..ain't you ex-forces too? if i rem right - i have an incredibly short fuse i'm afraid, god help anyone on the receiving end....i hate that part of me....but when unleashed...am a nightmare. Is all good now...son has been checked by the best..sore in the back - shock wore off - he'll be OK.
Phantom A6 wrote:
Hi Steve,
was comin' very late online today. Hmm... more tonight!!
I have backread all your messages about the accident of your son.
And all comments too.
First I want you to know that I'm happy about your son is ok.
My best wishes for his health to him and the family.
I understand your first reaction 'Cause I'm a father too!!
But like DF said, no-one of us all is online permanently!!
It's good there comin' an apologize because of all the words
they're fallen here.
This board is really peaceful since the last two weeks.
No Darryn, No Norman, no other fucktards. We don't need bullshit like this.
We are a family, a real family and no-one ignore one of the family,
because of a case like this!!
Greetings to your son, your wife and to the rest of yours.
Hope you all are ok now!!
Peace have to rule this place!! Peace and love and nothing else!!
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:28:02 PM
[Necroticist] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:56:27 AM
Sorry man - i DID fly off the handle....but anything threatens my family...u know the score..ain't you ex-forces too? if i rem right - i have an incredibly short fuse i'm afraid, god help anyone on the receiving end....i hate that part of me....but when unleashed...am a nightmare. Is all good now...son has been checked by the best..sore in the back - shock wore off - he'll be OK. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:26:03 PM)
Phantom A6 wrote:
Hi Steve,
was comin' very late online today. Hmm... more tonight!!
I have backread all your messages about the accident of your son.
And all comments too.
First I want you to know that I'm happy about your son is ok.
My best wishes for his health to him and the family.
I understand your first reaction 'Cause I'm a father too!!
But like DF said, no-one of us all is online permanently!!
It's good there comin' an apologize because of all the words
they're fallen here.
This board is really peaceful since the last two weeks.
No Darryn, No Norman, no other fucktards. We don't need bullshit like this.
We are a family, a real family and no-one ignore one of the family,
because of a case like this!!
Greetings to your son, your wife and to the rest of yours.
Hope you all are ok now!!
Peace have to rule this place!! Peace and love and nothing else!!
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:28:02 PM
[devils_child] Wednesday, August 12, 2009 2:20:38 AM
Afterlife - Testament...
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 9:43:15 PM
Screaming for Vengeance-Judas Priest
[Coyotee Bongwater] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:51:56 PM
a dishwasher
[Phantom A6] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:26:03 PM
Hi Steve,
was comin' very late online today. Hmm... more tonight!!
I have backread all your messages about the accident of your son.
And all comments too.
First I want you to know that I'm happy about your son is ok.
My best wishes for his health to him and the family.
I understand your first reaction 'Cause I'm a father too!!
But like DF said, no-one of us all is online permanently!!
It's good there comin' an apologize because of all the words
they're fallen here.
This board is really peaceful since the last two weeks.
No Darryn, No Norman, no other fucktards. We don't need bullshit like this.
We are a family, a real family and no-one ignore one of the family,
because of a case like this!!
Greetings to your son, your wife and to the rest of yours.
Hope you all are ok now!!
Peace have to rule this place!! Peace and love and nothing else!!
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:28:02 PM
[Necroticist] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:20:30 PM
DF and others - i issue a formal apology - i jumped off on one - i am sorry - but my son acared the hell outta me - i had bike accidents before...he's lucky to be alive...yes i jumped at ppl - and i am so sorry - i just vented..
[ron h] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:03:07 PM
Don't feel bad...I PM Necro before and after the accident and no response...but I'm still here for you mate [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:58:48 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
What the HELL is going on around here??!?!? JEEZ, I take a day "off" and all hell breaks loose??? Steve, I sent you a PM earlier asking what was up and received NOTHING. Am I to assume that I am somehow included in your list of "losers" and scum???? Not too sure WHAT it is I did....... I finally took a minute to back read, as it were, and I am STILL confused. There was an accident, but he is OK and you went ballistic on the membership. That is all I gleaned from what I read. Still do not understand why you have not responded to me. You DO realize that you are like 19 hours ahead of us here in the States, right??? Not much hope of getting a reaction here when I am asleep...
Now I come here and JD is going crazy, too!!??!?!? COME ON YOU GUYS!!!! Look, you are both my FRIENDS (at least I think so..) Why on earth is this happening??? We don't need cyber-trolls to destroy our tranquility, we ar doing it ALL on our own!?!?!?!?!? This absolutely MUST end. NOW.
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:58:48 PM
What the HELL is going on around here??!?!? JEEZ, I take a day "off" and all hell breaks loose??? Steve, I sent you a PM earlier asking what was up and received NOTHING. Am I to assume that I am somehow included in your list of "losers" and scum???? Not too sure WHAT it is I did....... I finally took a minute to back read, as it were, and I am STILL confused. There was an accident, but he is OK and you went ballistic on the membership. That is all I gleaned from what I read. Still do not understand why you have not responded to me. You DO realize that you are like 19 hours ahead of us here in the States, right??? Not much hope of getting a reaction here when I am asleep...
Now I come here and JD is going crazy, too!!??!?!? COME ON YOU GUYS!!!! Look, you are both my FRIENDS (at least I think so..) Why on earth is this happening??? We don't need cyber-trolls to destroy our tranquility, we ar doing it ALL on our own!?!?!?!?!? This absolutely MUST end. NOW.
[Bev] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:58:06 PM
LOL ... too funny JD! That's so like you. Go for it man ... Because in the grand scheme of my little world it doesn't really matter what you believe. Cheers!
No. Headbanger DID NOT try to let me know at all. I don't know where Head Banger came in to all of this anyways. I'm not really sure who YOU really are so.......
Bev wrote:
Then that's on you not me. I believe HB tried to let you know it was me that sent it. You chose not to open it. End of story ... the past is the past.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
I never opened that E-mail at all...I deleated it. I will NEVER open an e-mail unless I know who it really is.
Bev wrote:
Darryn was replying to an email you sent to him, he copied me and he tried to copy it to Mike (DeepFreeze), but the email address was an old one. I tried to send it to you so that you would know he was sharing emails with others.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
First off,I am the ONLY one at this forum that has EVER apologized for my actions,THE ONLY ONE. Where is the other's apologies? Nowhere.
So what you are saying to me is simply "not valid". Sorry Bev. And how did you get my e-mail address anyways? I NEVER gave it to YOU,so wtf Bev?
Are you going to say that you never e-mailed me? If not,then somebody is posing as YOU.
(Quoting Message by Bev from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 4:45:29 PM)
Bev wrote:
Not everyone reacts the same in real life JD ... There was a time not so long ago when some didn't understand some of your behavior either. Pretty much the folks that know Necro understand and accept him, just as those who know you, understand and accept you.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:35:43 PM Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:41:40 PM
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:01:22 PM Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:01:50 PM
[spapad] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:57:59 PM
Can we please not start this old argument again! Come on guys! Let's stop the blame game all around please?!!
It hurts me to watch good friends tear into one another, and I am refering to both instances.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:54:57 PM
No. Headbanger DID NOT try to let me know at all. I don't know where Head Banger came in to all of this anyways. I'm not really sure who YOU really are so....... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Bev from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:52:31 PM)
Bev wrote:
Then that's on you not me. I believe HB tried to let you know it was me that sent it. You chose not to open it. End of story ... the past is the past.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
I never opened that E-mail at all...I deleated it. I will NEVER open an e-mail unless I know who it really is.
Bev wrote:
Darryn was replying to an email you sent to him, he copied me and he tried to copy it to Mike (DeepFreeze), but the email address was an old one. I tried to send it to you so that you would know he was sharing emails with others.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
First off,I am the ONLY one at this forum that has EVER apologized for my actions,THE ONLY ONE. Where is the other's apologies? Nowhere.
So what you are saying to me is simply "not valid". Sorry Bev. And how did you get my e-mail address anyways? I NEVER gave it to YOU,so wtf Bev?
Are you going to say that you never e-mailed me? If not,then somebody is posing as YOU.
(Quoting Message by Bev from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 4:45:29 PM)
Bev wrote:
Not everyone reacts the same in real life JD ... There was a time not so long ago when some didn't understand some of your behavior either. Pretty much the folks that know Necro understand and accept him, just as those who know you, understand and accept you.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:35:43 PM Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:41:40 PM
[Bev] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:52:31 PM
Then that's on you not me. I believe HB tried to let you know it was me that sent it. You chose not to open it. End of story ... the past is the past. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:51:17 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
I never opened that E-mail at all...I deleated it. I will NEVER open an e-mail unless I know who it really is.
Bev wrote:
Darryn was replying to an email you sent to him, he copied me and he tried to copy it to Mike (DeepFreeze), but the email address was an old one. I tried to send it to you so that you would know he was sharing emails with others.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
First off,I am the ONLY one at this forum that has EVER apologized for my actions,THE ONLY ONE. Where is the other's apologies? Nowhere.
So what you are saying to me is simply "not valid". Sorry Bev. And how did you get my e-mail address anyways? I NEVER gave it to YOU,so wtf Bev?
Are you going to say that you never e-mailed me? If not,then somebody is posing as YOU.
(Quoting Message by Bev from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 4:45:29 PM)
Bev wrote:
Not everyone reacts the same in real life JD ... There was a time not so long ago when some didn't understand some of your behavior either. Pretty much the folks that know Necro understand and accept him, just as those who know you, understand and accept you.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:35:43 PM Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:41:40 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:51:17 PM
I never opened that E-mail at all...I deleated it. I will NEVER open an e-mail unless I know who it really is. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Bev from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:48:57 PM)
Bev wrote:
Darryn was replying to an email you sent to him, he copied me and he tried to copy it to Mike (DeepFreeze), but the email address was an old one. I tried to send it to you so that you would know he was sharing emails with others.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
First off,I am the ONLY one at this forum that has EVER apologized for my actions,THE ONLY ONE. Where is the other's apologies? Nowhere.
So what you are saying to me is simply "not valid". Sorry Bev. And how did you get my e-mail address anyways? I NEVER gave it to YOU,so wtf Bev?
Are you going to say that you never e-mailed me? If not,then somebody is posing as YOU.
(Quoting Message by Bev from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 4:45:29 PM)
Bev wrote:
Not everyone reacts the same in real life JD ... There was a time not so long ago when some didn't understand some of your behavior either. Pretty much the folks that know Necro understand and accept him, just as those who know you, understand and accept you.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:35:43 PM Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:41:40 PM
[paorcamp] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:51:05 PM
I don't have time to read what's been going on but stay necro...I don't think it's ok that you leave...even if we don't talk to each other I got used to read your posts...and a little problem is not enough to throw you out...
lost love...the next one is my favorite of that album..and I think the only one that is worthy...PERSECUTION!!!! I still like the album...but is not something I listen to frequently...
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:49:43 PM
I just "edited" my post Necroticist as I saw your apology.....you have to understand that when you jump in and call everybody names there is no way to understand what is goiing on with you.
And I am just the kind of person that doesn't take well at being told to fuck off for no reason. But not to worry...this shit happes all the time. Now lets drop this petty bullshit and start over alright?
I hope your son is doing ok...and I am deeply sorry about his accident Necroticist.
..and ur comments are noted....why don't we have a vote on it...if in 2 days ppl consider me worthless...yes - i will leave...deal?
PPL - plz comment...
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Necroticist..if I were standing right in front of you face to face..I would kick your ass so far up between your shoulders you wouldn't be able to shit for at least a year.You know it,and I know it.(Dweeb).
You are the "scum" and you are the one who jumped in here and told all of us to FUCK OFF and called everybody bastards. So why don't you take your whining little ass out of here for GOOD.
I'm sick to death of losers like you who spew forth bullshit and expect everybody else to kiss your ass....well FUCK OFF and die Necroticist,you are a worthless member in here and always will be,
You are a fucking prick with nothing good to add here at this forum so why don't you just pack up your things and move the fuck out of here.....stupid dumb mother fucker anyways.
You owe the entire forum an apology....so don't give one and make yourself look even more like a whining dumbfuck that you really are you egotistical self centered son of a bitch asshole.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:09:11 PM)
Necroticist wrote:
Just fuck off and i hope ur kids die too u ass kissing whining motherfucker - all u care about on here is status - realise there's a world apart from a keyboard..ur nothing to me but scum...u dare diss my family? Ha - say it to my face b4 i rip it off....now stand the hell back man....u won't like it..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:44:16 PM
[Bev] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:48:57 PM
Darryn was replying to an email you sent to him, he copied me and he tried to copy it to Mike (DeepFreeze), but the email address was an old one. I tried to send it to you so that you would know he was sharing emails with others.
First off,I am the ONLY one at this forum that has EVER apologized for my actions,THE ONLY ONE. Where is the other's apologies? Nowhere.
So what you are saying to me is simply "not valid". Sorry Bev. And how did you get my e-mail address anyways? I NEVER gave it to YOU,so wtf Bev?
Are you going to say that you never e-mailed me? If not,then somebody is posing as YOU.
(Quoting Message by Bev from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 4:45:29 PM)
Bev wrote:
Not everyone reacts the same in real life JD ... There was a time not so long ago when some didn't understand some of your behavior either. Pretty much the folks that know Necro understand and accept him, just as those who know you, understand and accept you.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:35:43 PM Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:41:40 PM
[Necroticist] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:45:41 PM
..and ur comments are noted....why don't we have a vote on it...if in 2 days ppl consider me worthless...yes - i will leave...deal?
LOL! Necroticist..if I were standing right in front of you face to face..I would kick your ass so far up between your shoulders you wouldn't be able to shit for at least a year.You know it,and I know it.(Dweeb).
You are the "scum" and you are the one who jumped in here and told all of us to FUCK OFF and called everybody bastards. So why don't you take your whining little ass out of here for GOOD.
I'm sick to death of losers like you who spew forth bullshit and expect everybody else to kiss your ass....well FUCK OFF and die Necroticist,you are a worthless member in here and always will be,
You are a fucking prick with nothing good to add here at this forum so why don't you just pack up your things and move the fuck out of here.....stupid dumb mother fucker anyways.
You owe the entire forum an apology....so don't give one and make yourself look even more like a whining dumbfuck that you really are you egotistical self centered son of a bitch asshole.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:09:11 PM)
Necroticist wrote:
Just fuck off and i hope ur kids die too u ass kissing whining motherfucker - all u care about on here is status - realise there's a world apart from a keyboard..ur nothing to me but scum...u dare diss my family? Ha - say it to my face b4 i rip it off....now stand the hell back man....u won't like it..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:44:16 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:35:14 PM
Necroticist....just calm down and take a chill pill....everything will be cool...you just "lost it" a little and I can understand why.No worries. Lets start over ok?
Just fuck off and i hope ur kids die too u ass kissing whining motherfucker - all u care about on here is status - realise there's a world apart from a keyboard..ur nothing to me but scum...u dare diss my family? Ha - say it to my face b4 i rip it off....now stand the hell back man....u won't like it..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:44:16 PM Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:46:27 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:32:14 PM
First off,I am the ONLY one at this forum that has EVER apologized for my actions,THE ONLY ONE. Where is the other's apologies? Nowhere.
So what you are saying to me is simply "not valid". Sorry Bev. And how did you get my e-mail address anyways? I NEVER gave it to YOU,so wtf Bev?
Are you going to say that you never e-mailed me? If not,then somebody is posing as YOU.
Not everyone reacts the same in real life JD ... There was a time not so long ago when some didn't understand some of your behavior either. Pretty much the folks that know Necro understand and accept him, just as those who know you, understand and accept you.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...
Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:35:43 PM Edited at: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:41:40 PM
[Bev] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:26:47 PM
[Bev] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:22:51 PM
[Bev] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:16:24 PM
[Bev] Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:13:07 PM
Find some music for the occasion, k?! Bury the words, man, please ; ) It's understandable you're upset ... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Necroticist from Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:09:11 PM)
Necroticist wrote:
Just fuck off and i hope ur kids die too u ass kissing whining motherfucker - all u care about on here is status - realise there's a world apart from a keyboard..ur nothing to me but scum...u dare diss my family? Ha - say it to my face b4 i rip it off....now stand the hell back man....u won't like it..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
You need to "GROW THE FUCK UP". My mother died and did I come here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF?
When one of my friends was stabbed to death......did I come in here and tell everybody to FUCK OFF? No,I didn't.
So you back the fuck off,sit the fuck down,and shut the fuck up.
Black_Widow wrote:
and u'd feel the same if your son almost died? grow up you fool.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Ahh get the fuck out of here and shut your fucking whining mouth necroticist,ya fuckin drama queen. LOL!
Necroticist wrote:
..the sound of a Necro departing....fuck u all amd the ppl that matter know where i am...u bastards...