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Something that left an impression, line in a movie,book, song lyric,quote, etc. (think about it)

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[.] Friday, September 11, 2009 9:19:35 PM 
I'm talking about normal people. There are no normal people in the Bible Belt. They wouldn't know what religion is even if it hit them on the head with a hammer. When the dregs of Europe left for the American Continent, they settled where you live and where I lived: The Belt Buckle. The vast wasteland between the two coasts goes beyong cultural; It's a humanitarian wasteland. The countryside should be looked at differently from the rest because the isolation creates ideal conditions for disaster.

There are predators everywhere: the police, the church, the synagogue, the school. It's not the religion that says to rape or to mistreat animals and the police code surely doesn't say you can rape and mistreat animals; the fault lies with sheer human stupidity, ignorance and meanness, and only society with the strength in numbers can overcome and control the number of cases of abuse. In many cases, we're left wondering just how deep is the rot.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Friday, September 11, 2009 8:12:29 PM)
[Head banger] Friday, September 11, 2009 8:51:39 PM 
we have to be responsible for ourselfs, and our actions.  if we say that a supernatural entity, a church, or even our neibour is responsible for wether we are good or evil we alow people an excuse to do evil.  This, IMO is why you see evil pervading religious organizations, be it the crusades, radical muslim terrorists, child molesting priests, church run schools for natives, whatever.  there are lots of people who are religious who do good things, but lots who do significant evil.  

DF, if the story of Jesus is a lot for you, what is the story of mohamed anyway, all I know is he was a profet who followed jesus in cronology.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Where AmI from Friday, September 11, 2009 5:02:01 PM)
[guidogodoy] Friday, September 11, 2009 8:12:29 PM 
Sorry, I couldn't be more opposed. Having just seen a pastor's son turn out to be a serial rapist, another's mow down the fence to his own FATHER'S Church and the supposed "good Church goers" her mistreat animals (MY biggie) around here in the south just makes me cringe.

Serial rapist just caught here really brings it home. Baptist. Went to Church (notice the caps..I am not against it) regularly but can still rape young women and make her parents watch?!? I live in the "Bible Belt" yet there is no Humane Society?!? Remeber a bit back when a supposed "animal rescue" place was found to have been shooting animals in the head and getting rid of them in a mass ditch?! Yet another "good Christian." Went to Bible study and everything every Wed night.

Makes me sick, personally. "Most of the time" they are good. You could appy that to the population in general. I guess my true beef is with hyprocricy.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Where AmI from Friday, September 11, 2009 5:02:01 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Friday, September 11, 2009 6:33:01 PM 
Deep Freeze, I don’t understand this targeting of Jesus all the time

Hmm. Well, if you feel as though I am "targeting" I will tell you that I am not. I use this Christian belief merely in an illustrative effort. As for what he did or did not do and how it actually affected people of the time, I was not there and also I do not "get" the whole relationship between his alleged adventures and attaining deity status so I will defer to your obvious expertise. If I use "Mohammed" in future discussions, I do hope it will be accepted in the spirit in which I intend? 

I do not accept that we are molded by others. I just do not. Environment and circumstance are all related to our character. Just as a gardener must cultivate his plot, so must man cultivate the garden of his mind, weeding out useless, wrong and impure thought so that he may realize the fruits of goodness and right thinking. By understanding we are the master of our souls and directors of our lives, we discover WITHIN ourselves the laws of thought and how the mind works to shape circumstance and destiny. 

As I mentioned earlier, thought and character are ONE and outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to one's inner state. EVERY man is where he is by the Law of his being. The thought which is built into his character have brought him there, not by chance but by the result of a law which cannot err. As the progessive and evolving being, man is where he is that he may LEARN and grow and as he learns the spiritual lesson which circumstance contains for him, it passes and gives way to new circumstance.

The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, my dear. That which it loves and also that which it fears. It reaches the height of cherished aspirations and falls to the level of unchastened desire. In short, good thought bears good fruit and bad thoughts bad fruit. The outer world shapes itself to the inner world of thought. As the reaper of our own harvest, we learn both by suffering and bliss.

[.] Friday, September 11, 2009 5:02:01 PM 

On occasion we do things that contradict our principles and beliefs, so we need to forgive ourselves and others a little more, not as a religious command, but as a way to go through life without tearing our hair out in desperation and crawling around others seeking easy laughs or inventing revenge. Can’t be forgiving all the time, can’t turn the other cheek all the time but you can’t let the negative outweigh what is positive, which is a lot.

I tend to believe that a normal person who feels strongly enough to follow his/hers religious beliefs in practice, most of the time, keeps strong social ties and feels  more strongly the responsibility to society – hardly the weak minded individual that is usually portrayed.  Hospitals and international aid organizations are securely rooted in religious beliefs, and they were kick started by religious organizations, but they’re hardly thumping their bibles at those whom they are assisting. They’re far too busy for that, I assume. They’re not weak and definitely not stupid.

In this day and age, I think it requires more courage because of the instant labeling of bigot, pedophile, church rat, etc.  That’s just on the Catholic side of things.

I used to think how corny, bigoted and antiquated it was to witness church processions in little villages out in the country. It’s because I was not aware of just how deeply the procession served to unite the locals, to have fun and party, and how it served the purpose of reaffirming their cultural identity in the process. Now I see a 500 year-old statue of a Virgin or a Jesus - and it is part of a heritage, it’s not just a statue to pray to, it’s not simply an idol to worship and it’s not an antique at a museum, removed from the human context that created it. Realization of the fact doesn’t make me want to get down on my knees and pray, but rather, to respect and admire it.

Deep Freeze, I don’t understand this targeting of Jesus all the time, especially when he had good things to say and abided by his principles to a fault. Obviously in his day, his actions resonated strongly enough for people all over the Roman Empire to listen and convert to his teachings and those of his immediate followers (the Bible has no direct writings from Jesus) - despite extreme hardship. What’s fair is fair and let’s give credit where it’s due.

We don’t make ourselves; we are a product of our society and society is ruled by principles rooted in the belief of the Supernatural. How Good or Evil we become depends on how we are treated by others and, witnessing the actions of those around us, we set our own course of action by the values of the society we live in.

[Deep Freeze] Friday, September 11, 2009 7:45:33 AM 
Its funny because I grew up in a very religious environment. I get what it is MOST of them are trying to accomplish and it is very much as Where is saying; doing something positive. I hold no particular affinity to Christians or any other group but I have noticed that most of them are good people that simply want to live good lives and believe in something more than themselves. Of course, there are those that are simply zealots and can be incredibly annoying but, for the most part, I have never been "harmed" by any of them.

To me, it is a very noble thing that a person chooses to live a certain lifestyle that lends itself to a higher calling and a more "charitable" mentality. I see nothing wrong with wanting to be "good". It is those that live in direct contradiction to their alleged "beliefs" that really bother me and there is NO shortage of those! Unfortunately, it is the few (as usual) that ruin it for the many. Same as anything else. Additionally, they make their whole belief system so damn confusing that it is nearly impossible to fully understand. The whole story of Jesus is a great example of a "WTF" moment, for me. I suppose there are those that would argue that there is nothing confusing at all about it but it remains far too intricate for my liking. 

In any event, I find myself returning again to the original comments...I truly believe we are great OR evil by virtue of what we make ourselves, not be some supernatural force.
[Head banger] Friday, September 11, 2009 7:06:50 AM 
well thats good for you I guess.  the issue tends to lead itself to polarization when you generalize, the one on one details are different.  I know good religious people, and  bad ones.  personaly if they use religion as a guide for life, then thats good, if they use it to control the way others behave toward them thats bad.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Where AmI from Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:52:58 PM)
[.] Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:52:58 PM 
Not to say I'm not aware of the fact you mentioned, Headbanger, simply stated that in my personal experience those with a religious background of some sort have never harmed me in any way and, in fact, were extremely helpful when I was in some rough situations.

Why polarize the issue of religions? It's not a "Either/Or" situation. Different people have different experiences and mine with religion tend to be very positive. Both muslim and christian (catholic and protestant).
Edited at: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:53:17 PM
[Head banger] Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:04:43 PM 
are there also not lowlifes using religion to justify the evil that they do to others.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Where AmI from Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:45:25 PM)
[.] Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:45:25 PM 
Funny, I never related religion with evil exclusively and looking back at people I met, the ones with some religious background were the ones who acted upon their principles the most. Though the principles and morals are sometimes too high to achieve 100%, 100% of the time, it's nice to know many people strive to be the best they can be at something positive. There are way too many lowlifes taking religions apart to justify their absolute selfishness and to justify harming others for me to take their side and be harmed by them in turn.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:57:57 PM)
[Head banger] Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:17:11 PM 
you know I find that the weak tend to look for someone to blame for their situation.  those people tend to be more likely to be heavily into organized religion

it gives them direction, and excuses at the same time.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:55:18 PM)
[Head banger] Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:08:27 PM 
damn that sounds good.

no king crab recently.  had a nice rack of lamb for dinner.  perfect!!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:43:27 PM)
[guidogodoy] Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:40:47 PM 
You're only making it worse on youself....

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:23:28 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:23:28 PM 
Makin it worse?????? How could it be any worse???? Jehova Jehova
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:14:54 PM)
[guidogodoy] Thursday, September 10, 2009 7:14:54 PM 
What of the Snake Handlers?!?!   BLASPHEMER!!!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:55:18 PM)
[Becks] Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:57:57 PM 
I agree with you Freeze. I am basically a Christian I guess you could say, but at the end of the day, all religions boil down to basically the same concepts, being a good person and living a good life etc. I could care less if everyone believes in God or whatever deity, it's called free will and if we were all the same and believed the same stuff, the world wouldn't be a very interesting place, LOL!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:55:18 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:55:18 PM 
You know Ron, Christians, Jews, Buddhists,'s all the same to me. It is really not a matter of what particular religion one follows. The whole point , for me, is that people just do not  seem to want to accept that they can be good (or bad) simply because they are. No invisible man in the sky..No supernatural forces of any kind. I am glad that you acknowledge that one should take responsibility for ones actions. That is important.
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:35:47 PM 
[ron h] Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:35:41 PM 
Even in the world of Christianity, free will  is not interfered with by God.  To credit God for ones own shortcomings or great achievements in life is, to me, not taking responsibility for one's self.  I make my bed and I lie in it. 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:39:03 AM)
[.] Thursday, September 10, 2009 5:59:48 PM 
Yeah, what a souvenir.
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