Well Craig...at least you've posted it in the right thread this time! lol! Just kidding with you guy....no worries.! lol! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Craig Wagenhoffer from Sunday, July 26, 2009 3:49:08 PM)
Craig Wagenhoffer wrote:
Leatherwolf - Street Ready (1989)
[Craig Wagenhoffer] Sunday, July 26, 2009 3:49:08 PM
Leatherwolf - Street Ready (1989)
[sadwingsofdestiny51] Sunday, July 26, 2009 3:19:19 PM
Fire It Up - Black Label Society
[Necroticist] Sunday, July 26, 2009 1:07:20 PM
Similar - i do odd hours..been a lil busy lately, but i get in when i can. Tomorrow is all mine...hehe - i only do every other monday. Nice lie in ...but her ladyship is gonna drag me shopping (help...)
Good to see ya :) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:55:14 PM)
spapad wrote:
Hello Necro! Long time no see! I'm always at work when your here.
Necroticist wrote:
Well - amazing dinner is over...feelin' lazy...not favouring Net radio of any kind...=
Reverend Bizarre - Discography (Yes i have em all :D )
Should last 24 hours or so....
[spapad] Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:55:14 PM
Hello Necro! Long time no see! I'm always at work when your here. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Necroticist from Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:50:05 PM)
Necroticist wrote:
Well - amazing dinner is over...feelin' lazy...not favouring Net radio of any kind...=
Reverend Bizarre - Discography (Yes i have em all :D )
Should last 24 hours or so....
[Necroticist] Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:50:05 PM
Well - amazing dinner is over...feelin' lazy...not favouring Net radio of any kind...=
Reverend Bizarre - Discography (Yes i have em all :D )
Should last 24 hours or so....
[Lidija] Sunday, July 26, 2009 11:24:09 AM
Good morning "guys" (already evening here)! I've heard this cover yesterday for the first time, Gosh, this guy have the voice!
[Necroticist] Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:56:30 AM
Rebellion - The History Of The Vikings Vols. I - III (3CD's)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Sunday, July 26, 2009 7:02:30 AM
When Humanity is Cancer /Aanal Nathrakh
[Necroticist] Sunday, July 26, 2009 6:29:03 AM
Spiritus Mortis - The Rotting Trophy
[Necroticist] Sunday, July 26, 2009 5:44:34 AM
Swallow The Sun - Solitude (Candlemass Cover)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, July 26, 2009 5:20:58 AM
Carpathian Forest track title: "Carpathian Forest" I've always liked this song...
reminds me of the old days in black metal not to mention it reeks of Celtic Frost!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, July 25, 2009 6:58:55 PM
DARKTHRONE - Graveyard Slut 2006
[Michel 1988] Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:57:30 PM
Mysteria - Edguy
[Craig Wagenhoffer] Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:00:08 PM
Warrant - The Rack
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:55:29 PM
Dead Girl are easy/ The 69 Eyes...
Here the video of it...on you tube,of course..hehe..
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, July 25, 2009 12:09:48 PM
the voice in my head telling me i have to go on the roof to fix that piece off aluminum sticking up.FUCK FUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK i am afraid of heights
[Necroticist] Saturday, July 25, 2009 11:43:02 AM
The 69 Eyes - Dead Girls Are Easy
[Necroticist] Saturday, July 25, 2009 9:15:44 AM
Rebellion - The Clans Are Marching E.P.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:27:33 AM
PENTAGRAM - Live Free And Burn 1994
This album "Be ForeWarned" reeks of Black Sabbath but as a tribute and a head nod to show respect...
But man this record has very well written "quality" songs of 70's style hard rock.......
Bobby Liebling's vocals are supurb!!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:21:48 AM
Hey Ron....Still life is an excellent track man...I remember when Piece Of Mind came out in 1983...I was transfixed on "Flight Of Icarus"!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Friday, July 24, 2009 7:25:12 PM)
ronhartsell wrote:
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:18:55 AM
Hey Sinner....I don't think anyone in the band did anything else...but I'm not sure.....yeah they were never really big....they have a couple of other albums out but that one "Raging Steel" is the best
in my opinion. 1987....Not saying that it is a brilliant album but there are no bad songs on it and they all sound cool...I never heard of these guys till this year believe it or not I don't know how they
got passed me from back in the day. I got this CD from Readstream Records.
I was a little disapointed with the twlight of the thunder gods..
Oden on our side was amazing from begining to end.. I kinda think there were a few filler songs on the newest.. Still a great cd though.
I do have to say in the video the singer Johan Born (? i think) is not aging that well.. LOL!!
Have you seen wrath of the norseman, the dvd.
They are a great live band and I think the dvd captures that..
I have seen them 4 or 5 times and awaiting the next! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Friday, July 24, 2009 2:29:42 PM)
Painkiller87 wrote:
Your welcome. Yes, Victorious March is an excellent tune. My favorites are from each album:
Once Sent from the Golden Hall: Ride for Vengeance
The Avenger: North Sea Storm
Fate of Norns: The Pursuit of Vikings
Versus the World: Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
With Oden On Our Side: Cry of the Black Birds
Twilight of the Thunder God: Live for the Kill
Sinner Rider wrote:
The crusher is the worst... in my opinion anyway..
Ahhh.. One sent from the golden hall.. the victorious march..
... i seriously think the riff forces me to head bang!
That is sweet I have never seen the video before, thank you!
Love Amon Amarth, I have all the albums except "The Crusher".
Sinner Rider wrote:
The best song off that album!
Painkiller87 wrote:
Guardians of Asgaard - Amon Amarth Edited at: Friday, July 24, 2009 2:09:26 PM
[Painkiller87] Friday, July 24, 2009 2:29:42 PM
Your welcome. Yes, Victorious March is an excellent tune. My favorites are from each album:
Once Sent from the Golden Hall: Ride for Vengeance
The Avenger: North Sea Storm
Fate of Norns: The Pursuit of Vikings
Versus the World: Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
With Oden On Our Side: Cry of the Black Birds
Twilight of the Thunder God: Live for the Kill [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Friday, July 24, 2009 2:22:52 PM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
The crusher is the worst... in my opinion anyway..
Ahhh.. One sent from the golden hall.. the victorious march..
... i seriously think the riff forces me to head bang!
That is sweet I have never seen the video before, thank you!
Love Amon Amarth, I have all the albums except "The Crusher".
Sinner Rider wrote:
The best song off that album!
Painkiller87 wrote:
Guardians of Asgaard - Amon Amarth Edited at: Friday, July 24, 2009 2:09:26 PM
[Sinner Rider] Friday, July 24, 2009 2:22:52 PM
The crusher is the worst... in my opinion anyway..
Ahhh.. One sent from the golden hall.. the victorious march..
... i seriously think the riff forces me to head bang!
That is sweet I have never seen the video before, thank you! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Friday, July 24, 2009 2:14:20 PM)
Love Amon Amarth, I have all the albums except "The Crusher". [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Friday, July 24, 2009 2:11:39 PM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
The best song off that album!
Painkiller87 wrote:
Guardians of Asgaard - Amon Amarth Edited at: Friday, July 24, 2009 2:09:26 PM
I saw King Diamond at the North Gate Theater in Chicago back in the day, I think he was touring in support of 'Them'...Fantastic show I really liked how he pulled it off as a Metal Opera (it's the only way I can describe it)...His vocals were off the chart!!! Throw in some 'Abigail' and it was an awesome experience!!!!!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Hellrider...it was at The Moore Theater down town Seattle back in 1986! That picture is a random picture from that tour"Fatal Portrait" and that is how I remember it.
Total awsome show. King Diamond is an excellent showman...even if you don't like his songs,his presence and stage show is an incredible atmosphere!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Sinner...it was totally awsome....Fatal Portrait 1986 concert...here is a picture from that tour...I didn't take the photo but that was what it looked like!
It was killer because all the material he had was Mercyful Fate and the new album "Fatal Portrait". Total elite and I'm glad I got to be a part of it back then!
When I was at the Puppet Master show in 2005....as I mentioned I met Andy...and during an encore when the lights were bright and lit up the place..I was hanging over the rail
with a Judas Iscariot shirt on that sticks out like a sore thumb and Andy put his arm around the King and pointed at me saying something to King Diamond and then they
both gave me a thumbs up!!! It was awsome!!! Great show!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Andy LaRoche is awesome! He is been producing a ton of new stuff too.. he promotes a ton bans now as well.
I can't seem to think of any off the top of my head besides prophanity..... still thinking nothing comin...
dammit....... it will come to me.
yep i think it was 05 when he came around.. he had the graveyard scene on the stage.. I think it was right before he released Abigail 2. Man I wish I could have seem fatal portrait. That had to have been insane.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....I saw the Puppet Master tour ....the album came out in 2003 but I saw the King in 2005 but they were still supporting "The Puppet Master" album.
I got to meet Andy LaRoque(King's original and long time guitarist!) that day before the show and he is an awsome individual to say the least!! He talked
to me for almost a half an hour!!! He said I was one of the most passionate metalheads he has ever met!!!! LOL! That was an honor coming from Andy!!!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Ohh that is great. I just seen the king a few years back when he released the puppet master. It was awesome! He is such a great performer, and the cross bone microphone.... nice.
I do love teasing the bible freaks.. however it took a bad turn one time at a Marilyn Manson when my own mom was one of the protesters... OOPPSS... I don't think I ever ran so fast to get threw the doors and away from her in my life. Gotta love those classic memories.. I was once again forced the church school after that!
Oh yeah I was one of those kids,... the ones that looked like the came from a funeral everyday.. the funny thing is I just bought his new cd (MM).. I'm still a fan...
Sounds like the dude with the multiple names has some issues... its making think of the south park episode about the warcraft games..
fuckin hilarious.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Yeah Sinner Rider...just look at this guy...he can be Soylentgreen4U one minute....Nicholas Fivepennies the next,all to try and get to J.D.......and yes its a obsessive compulsive disorder.lol! I know.........what a dork.
And yeah...Venom's Black metal album rules!!!! I love Venom....always have. And hey.....I bought Fatal Portrait 1986 when it came out.....the day it came out actually! And I saw the Fatal Portait show in Seattle Washington
at the Moore Theater down town and it was excellent!!!! I mentioned a while back that when we went to that show....there were christian bible thumpers outside of the Moore handing out booklets of chrisianity begging us
not to go in there to see pure evil!! lol! We all were decked out in bullet belts,black leather jackets,upsidedown crosses,spikes,studs,...ect..ect....smoking bowls laughing our asses off and just wadded up the booklets and
threw them at the christians shouting "HAIL SATAN"!! LOL!! What else would we do back then? We were 16 years old for christ's sake ya know? lol! Good times Sinner!!! Good times!! LOL!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Alright you sold me.. I'm on the look out for cd. Is it sad to say the my fav venom is black metal.. the most popuar.. Hhahaha... Have you heard the solo stuff from Cronos... its actually awesome.
I'm not worried about the five pennies dude.. its takes a lot to offend me. LOL! However he does seem to be taking it a bit far. you would think someome wouldn't care so much or give so much effort... it seems a bit odd.
I freaking love king diamond, Fatal Portrait... "the lake" still gives me goosebumps..
I believe his biggest influence was Halford. The king redoes the ripper, and besides golden earring priest is the only other band I have ever heard him cover. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:46:04 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey thats cool Sinner Rider......if you get a chance...pick up "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" ...it is a masterpiece of black metal. That album is one of the most Darkest albums I have ever heard.
And back in the day in the early 80's...the term "black metal" was created by Venom....but the extreme underground labeled heavy satanic music "black metal" as this was a new title at the time.
Mercyful Fate with King Diamond's true Satanic beliefs as he is a real LaVeyian Satanist,his use of corpse paint painting a grim satanic image and his lyrics about satanism mixed with
Mercyful Fate's heavy metal music....it was well accepted as "black metal" back then.......when King quit Mercyful Fate and created his solo "King Diamond" band...they were no longer black metal
and were then "heavy metal" and to this day King Diamond plays heavy metal. King's image and lyrics in Mercyful Fate were HUGE in influencing the up-coming Norwegian black metal bands.
And this Nicholas Fivepennies "dork" is Darryn Heloffs.....("DUH") in disguise...so don't listen to ANYTHING he has to say...it is simply "verbal vomit"...nothing more...he is a childish moron.
Darryn thinks if he posts pictures of childish clown black metal bands it will somehow upset me....("oooh noooo man") what am I possibly going to do? How can I go on now? LOL!!!
...like what am I going to do now?? My world is comimg to an end because Darryn posted a clown cheesy black metal band.....or better yet.....he is calling the entire black metal scene "cheesy"...
oooohhh no no no no no ?? LOFL!!! What a fucking dork this guy really is Sinner Rider!! lol! Back when Mayhem,Darkthrone,Emperor and Immortal were first coming out I was listening to them....
Nicholas Fivepennies was listening to Pearl Jam and Ugly Kid Joe calling it "metal". Can you believe this guy? Calling it "metal" Is Ugly Kid Joe and Pearl Jam "metal" to you Sinner Rider?
So to you Nicholas Darryn Fivepennies.....I have to ask...."is this all you got guy"? Is that it? LOMFL!!! HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking crack my ass up.....(as I am rolling my eyes back)..."what a geek".
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:21:10 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I did check if I had that one.. nope. I will pick it up if I can ever find it around here..I may have to order it. We used to have a metal store, 2 of them actually but they have been shut down.. and no one has ever reopened. I can always go to a best buy or something but most black metal is hard to find. Varg is a fag.. I'm sure something will happened to him eventually.. the scene was sooo hardcore that there must be some insane fans out there still in the mix.
The thing that ticked me off was him using the viking culture and mixed it with the nazi shit. It was a disgrace...
I never was huge into Mayhem, I always liked them but wasn't a huge fan. So I really never invested much into all there albums.. I got into Emperor a ton more.. However Mayhem derserves the respect of creating the entire scene...
I met Hellhammer twice, he took quite an interest me. I literly walked away from him into the womens bathroom because he freaked me out so bad.. That was the only person who has ever been able to do that to me. The guy is seriously a mental case. As is Glenn Benton. I can't stress that enough. I also meet Dark Funeral who also were just freakin weird.. they guys live in a castle and I will vouche that they do not clean them selves.. They stunk like shit and patcholi.... But they were fun to have a drink with. They were actually really good live..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....Aarseth took pictures of Dead's body and was going to use it on one of Mayhem's albums....after he died...they did use it on "Dawn Of The Blackhearts" wich was basically "Live In Leipzig"1990
with a few bonus tracks of cover songs from Venom,Celtic Frost and Bathory on it. I'd bet that Hellhammer is a trip in person. I sure do not like what he has done to Mayhem though.
I feel like he should of layed the band to rest after tthe death of Aarseth,but obviously he had other plans. It is just not Mayhem without Euronymous. Just doesn't sound right to me.
And yeah....I heard that Varg is released from prison this year....he is getting out early. Hopefully one looney out of his mind black metal freak in Norway will kill that mother fucker!!!!
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to hear that Varg was murdered. Serves him right. I do remember reading some things back then...that there are some people in norway
that want him DEAD! lol!! That guy is a fucking retard that ruined the core of the black metal scene....him and his stupid fucking "Nazi" bullshit he was trying to push on everybody back then..
None of the other bands like "Darkthrone,Immortal,Emperor" were interested in "Nazi and Hitler" bullshit....and he was headed in that direction.....SAD. We will see what happens to that loser soon.
Yeah....check out "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" (The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan)....its a masterpiece and as I've said...to me...its the best black metal album of all time from the second wave of black metal artists.
Sinner Rider wrote:
Honestly I don't think I have that cd... I do know that story however it has been a long time since I though of it.. beside me finding the lords of chaos book...
Didn't Euronymous take pictures of dead's body or something odd like that...
I will have to take a picture of the crazy old tshirt we have from mayhem and venom..originals...
I have to say.. The scariest musican i have ever meet is Hellhammer... he is seriously fuckin odd...
just words cant decribe.. I also think that Varg is out of prision isn't he? Last I heard it was soon?.....
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Oystein Aarseth aka "Euronymous" "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" 1993
Hey Sinner Rider......Mayhem was created by Oystein Aarseth in 1986 with Mayhem's demo "Pure Fucking Armageddon"....then thier debut LP 1987 "Death Crush"....
But they played a black/death/thrash metal kinda style....but when vocalist "Dead" joined the band in 1988....they moved into the realm of "black metal"....................
And around 1989...they had written almost all of the songs that would be later found on the "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" album released in 1994...............
In 1991 vocalist "Dead" shot and killed himself....and never got to record his vocals for the album...."Attila" from Hungary band "Tormentor" did the vocals
and in 93' Aarseth was murdered by Varg Vikerness of Burzum. So any Mayhem albums after De Mysteriis is not "real" Mayhem in my opinion.
But this album even though it was not released to the public yet...had a HUGE influence on the other black metal bands in the scene because all of
those bands got to listen to those tracks while they were being recorded and Mayhem had demo tapes with other raw versions of it..........
Aarseth was very slow at recording material and its a shame that he is dead...He is the Godfather of modern day black metal.........
Venom is the Godfather of ALL black metal.....bands of the 1980's like Venom,Bathory,Hellhamer,Mercyful Fate....were the black metal
veterans....but Mayhem took the torch and continued black metal but with thier own stamp on it..."Norwegian" black metal......
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is the BEST black metal album of all time (in the realm of the second wave of black metal)I wouldn't recomend listening to any Mayhem albums except this one......this album is a must have situation for all black metal fans!!
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:56:28 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
Holy shit.. okay here are the bands I can think of off the top of my head.. This is challenge as I don't listen to black metal as much as I used too.. some of these I'm sure are dusty...
Black Funeral
Celtic Frost
cradle of Filth
Dark Funeral
Finntroll (?)....not really but dammit I love this band
Goat Whore
God Dethroned
hate Eternal
Lord Belial
Old Mans child
Opera IX
Thyrfing (newer is more heavier)
Many are questionable... but that is me draggin my brain through my cd collection 30 miles away.. I'm sure that I have also mis-spelled many..
I hate Varg.. Burzum sucks. I actually bough two a long time ago. Mayhem is terrible too.. but they deserve respect. I can't find myself actually putting Mayhem even in my cd player anymore. Have you heard there newer stuff?? I haven't...
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah...Lords Of Chaos...I got that book when it came out.....it has some interesting stuff in there,but some shit aint true what Varg Vikernes states in the book.....god I hate that guy and I hate Burzum.
I never could understand what Aarseth saw in his music? Not sure,but it sucks. I hope some black metal freak kid guns him down when he is released from prison!!! Avenge Euronymous!!!!!
Yeah...I know who Borknager and God Dethroned are...and Old Man's Child as well........I never got into any of those bands...but I know who they are.Everybody has flavors they like within black metal.
My favorites: "Some bands I list,I only like the first or first couple albums from them...and then anything after those..I don't care for"..so I just put "(old)" by it.
There are 36 bands here : Pure black metal....any bands I didn't list I consider either black/death ...death metal or black thrash.....
Venom(old) Behemoth(first 2 albums)
Mercyful Fate(old) Dark Funeral(Secrets album only)
Hellhamer Enthroned(with Sabathan)
Celtic Frost(old) Infernum(with Darken)
Bathory(old) Summoning(Lugburz album)
Possessed Judas Iscariot(Heaven In Flames LP & To Embrace....LP)
Mayhem(old)... Pest(Finland)Hail the black metal wolves album
Mortuary Drape Naer mataron(old)
Darkthrone Weltmacht
Von Ezurate
Marduk(old) Satanic Warmaster(old)
Immortal Godless North
Emperor(old) Cult Of Daath
Gorgoroth(old) Temple Of Baal
Carpathian Forest(old) Graven
Satyricon(old) Sargeist
Graveland Gosforth
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:30:57 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I just had garage sale and had to go through all my crap that I haven't seen in years.. I just dusted off the book Lords of Chaos. I dove head first into black metal, actually before I ever really learned about a ton of 80's bands.
One band that is still producing ablums that is good is old mans child.. But my personal fav not really so much Black Metal... ?not sure what to call them,.. Is Borknagar.. Everything that band has is awesome.
Have you heard of God Dethroned they are acutaly touring soon in my neck of the woods.. I will be there with bells.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah me too....I first got into black metal in 1983 when I heard Venom's At War With Satan album......the term "black metal" as a genre and scene was also back in the early days when Venom created "black metal" and the album title...but
in magazines and through word of mouth from Venom themselves...everything "satanic" in metal back then was considered "black metal"......Venom...Mercyful Fate....Slayer....Bathory...Hellhammer...Celtic Frost....
I didn't discovernorwegianblack metal untill 1994....late late 94' maybe...I know I heard Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in early 1995 and then Emperor,Darkthrone,Immortal,Gorgoroth..ect..
This was due to the death of Oystein Aarseth AKA "Euronymous"......after he was murdered in the summer of 1993......Norwegian black metal hit metal magazines like Karrang,Metal Edge,ect.....
.....then the rest of the world got a look at true underground black metal......whats bewtter than 18 year old kids slapping on war paint spikes and blood singing 'hail Satan" at the top of thier lungs???!!!!!! LOL!
The scene has killed itself within the late 90's till now I think.......I don't think black metal was meant to have so many bands...and they just repeat themselves by copying Darkthrone's style ...ect.....
I remember back in late 94' when almost everybody I knew had not heard of norwegian black metal......and now its pretty much a house hold name......
Not saying I won't give any new bands a chance at a listen...but nothing seems to grab my attention these days because either the bands are afraid to do
something different....or they do something SO DIFFERENT that its too far the other way...ect.... I think that the genre was not designed for an over crowded
black metal scene.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, July 20, 2009 4:21:42 PM)
Edited at: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:59:50 PM
Necroticist wrote:
Am crazy on Black Metal mate...have been for decades, since Emperor were in with the cassette trading scene...hehe. Am expecting great things from 'All Shall Fall'....the last one set a kinda standard...if they can beat that....wow!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey you like Immortal as well Necroticist....very cool......and,well...Immortal can look corny sometimes compared to the other bands in the scene in the early 90's....
Abbath is an excellent showman and an excellent black metal song writter with his riffs..ect.... I've liked Immortal since around 1994 or 95' somewhere around that era....
the band " I " Betwwen Two Worlds is "ok"...I never thought is was brilliant or anything...but ok....
Hey...the new Immortal album will be out in October and is called " All Shall Fall".
Necroticist wrote:
Emperor - In The Wordless Chamber
(nothing corny about Immortal mate...wait til the new CD is out....)
Edited at: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:36:29 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:20:24 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:47:30 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:21:12 PM
[Vaillant 3.0] Friday, July 24, 2009 8:20:43 AM
Night Comes Down-Judas Priest
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Friday, July 24, 2009 6:20:13 AM
Wake up Time!! If that doesnt wake up no one..Notin will...LOL..
[ron h] Friday, July 24, 2009 5:40:47 AM
I saw King Diamond at the North Gate Theater in Chicago back in the day, I think he was touring in support of 'Them'...Fantastic show I really liked how he pulled it off as a Metal Opera (it's the only way I can describe it)...His vocals were off the chart!!! Throw in some 'Abigail' and it was an awesome experience!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, July 24, 2009 5:08:28 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Hellrider...it was at The Moore Theater down town Seattle back in 1986! That picture is a random picture from that tour"Fatal Portrait" and that is how I remember it.
Total awsome show. King Diamond is an excellent showman...even if you don't like his songs,his presence and stage show is an incredible atmosphere!!
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Sinner...it was totally awsome....Fatal Portrait 1986 concert...here is a picture from that tour...I didn't take the photo but that was what it looked like!
It was killer because all the material he had was Mercyful Fate and the new album "Fatal Portrait". Total elite and I'm glad I got to be a part of it back then!
When I was at the Puppet Master show in 2005....as I mentioned I met Andy...and during an encore when the lights were bright and lit up the place..I was hanging over the rail
with a Judas Iscariot shirt on that sticks out like a sore thumb and Andy put his arm around the King and pointed at me saying something to King Diamond and then they
both gave me a thumbs up!!! It was awsome!!! Great show!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Andy LaRoche is awesome! He is been producing a ton of new stuff too.. he promotes a ton bans now as well.
I can't seem to think of any off the top of my head besides prophanity..... still thinking nothing comin...
dammit....... it will come to me.
yep i think it was 05 when he came around.. he had the graveyard scene on the stage.. I think it was right before he released Abigail 2. Man I wish I could have seem fatal portrait. That had to have been insane.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....I saw the Puppet Master tour ....the album came out in 2003 but I saw the King in 2005 but they were still supporting "The Puppet Master" album.
I got to meet Andy LaRoque(King's original and long time guitarist!) that day before the show and he is an awsome individual to say the least!! He talked
to me for almost a half an hour!!! He said I was one of the most passionate metalheads he has ever met!!!! LOL! That was an honor coming from Andy!!!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Ohh that is great. I just seen the king a few years back when he released the puppet master. It was awesome! He is such a great performer, and the cross bone microphone.... nice.
I do love teasing the bible freaks.. however it took a bad turn one time at a Marilyn Manson when my own mom was one of the protesters... OOPPSS... I don't think I ever ran so fast to get threw the doors and away from her in my life. Gotta love those classic memories.. I was once again forced the church school after that!
Oh yeah I was one of those kids,... the ones that looked like the came from a funeral everyday.. the funny thing is I just bought his new cd (MM).. I'm still a fan...
Sounds like the dude with the multiple names has some issues... its making think of the south park episode about the warcraft games..
fuckin hilarious.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Yeah Sinner Rider...just look at this guy...he can be Soylentgreen4U one minute....Nicholas Fivepennies the next,all to try and get to J.D.......and yes its a obsessive compulsive disorder.lol! I know.........what a dork.
And yeah...Venom's Black metal album rules!!!! I love Venom....always have. And hey.....I bought Fatal Portrait 1986 when it came out.....the day it came out actually! And I saw the Fatal Portait show in Seattle Washington
at the Moore Theater down town and it was excellent!!!! I mentioned a while back that when we went to that show....there were christian bible thumpers outside of the Moore handing out booklets of chrisianity begging us
not to go in there to see pure evil!! lol! We all were decked out in bullet belts,black leather jackets,upsidedown crosses,spikes,studs,...ect..ect....smoking bowls laughing our asses off and just wadded up the booklets and
threw them at the christians shouting "HAIL SATAN"!! LOL!! What else would we do back then? We were 16 years old for christ's sake ya know? lol! Good times Sinner!!! Good times!! LOL!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Alright you sold me.. I'm on the look out for cd. Is it sad to say the my fav venom is black metal.. the most popuar.. Hhahaha... Have you heard the solo stuff from Cronos... its actually awesome.
I'm not worried about the five pennies dude.. its takes a lot to offend me. LOL! However he does seem to be taking it a bit far. you would think someome wouldn't care so much or give so much effort... it seems a bit odd.
I freaking love king diamond, Fatal Portrait... "the lake" still gives me goosebumps..
I believe his biggest influence was Halford. The king redoes the ripper, and besides golden earring priest is the only other band I have ever heard him cover. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:46:04 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey thats cool Sinner Rider......if you get a chance...pick up "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" ...it is a masterpiece of black metal. That album is one of the most Darkest albums I have ever heard.
And back in the day in the early 80's...the term "black metal" was created by Venom....but the extreme underground labeled heavy satanic music "black metal" as this was a new title at the time.
Mercyful Fate with King Diamond's true Satanic beliefs as he is a real LaVeyian Satanist,his use of corpse paint painting a grim satanic image and his lyrics about satanism mixed with
Mercyful Fate's heavy metal music....it was well accepted as "black metal" back then.......when King quit Mercyful Fate and created his solo "King Diamond" band...they were no longer black metal
and were then "heavy metal" and to this day King Diamond plays heavy metal. King's image and lyrics in Mercyful Fate were HUGE in influencing the up-coming Norwegian black metal bands.
And this Nicholas Fivepennies "dork" is Darryn Heloffs.....("DUH") in disguise...so don't listen to ANYTHING he has to say...it is simply "verbal vomit"...nothing more...he is a childish moron.
Darryn thinks if he posts pictures of childish clown black metal bands it will somehow upset me....("oooh noooo man") what am I possibly going to do? How can I go on now? LOL!!!
...like what am I going to do now?? My world is comimg to an end because Darryn posted a clown cheesy black metal band.....or better yet.....he is calling the entire black metal scene "cheesy"...
oooohhh no no no no no ?? LOFL!!! What a fucking dork this guy really is Sinner Rider!! lol! Back when Mayhem,Darkthrone,Emperor and Immortal were first coming out I was listening to them....
Nicholas Fivepennies was listening to Pearl Jam and Ugly Kid Joe calling it "metal". Can you believe this guy? Calling it "metal" Is Ugly Kid Joe and Pearl Jam "metal" to you Sinner Rider?
So to you Nicholas Darryn Fivepennies.....I have to ask...."is this all you got guy"? Is that it? LOMFL!!! HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking crack my ass up.....(as I am rolling my eyes back)..."what a geek".
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:21:10 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I did check if I had that one.. nope. I will pick it up if I can ever find it around here..I may have to order it. We used to have a metal store, 2 of them actually but they have been shut down.. and no one has ever reopened. I can always go to a best buy or something but most black metal is hard to find. Varg is a fag.. I'm sure something will happened to him eventually.. the scene was sooo hardcore that there must be some insane fans out there still in the mix.
The thing that ticked me off was him using the viking culture and mixed it with the nazi shit. It was a disgrace...
I never was huge into Mayhem, I always liked them but wasn't a huge fan. So I really never invested much into all there albums.. I got into Emperor a ton more.. However Mayhem derserves the respect of creating the entire scene...
I met Hellhammer twice, he took quite an interest me. I literly walked away from him into the womens bathroom because he freaked me out so bad.. That was the only person who has ever been able to do that to me. The guy is seriously a mental case. As is Glenn Benton. I can't stress that enough. I also meet Dark Funeral who also were just freakin weird.. they guys live in a castle and I will vouche that they do not clean them selves.. They stunk like shit and patcholi.... But they were fun to have a drink with. They were actually really good live..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....Aarseth took pictures of Dead's body and was going to use it on one of Mayhem's albums....after he died...they did use it on "Dawn Of The Blackhearts" wich was basically "Live In Leipzig"1990
with a few bonus tracks of cover songs from Venom,Celtic Frost and Bathory on it. I'd bet that Hellhammer is a trip in person. I sure do not like what he has done to Mayhem though.
I feel like he should of layed the band to rest after tthe death of Aarseth,but obviously he had other plans. It is just not Mayhem without Euronymous. Just doesn't sound right to me.
And yeah....I heard that Varg is released from prison this year....he is getting out early. Hopefully one looney out of his mind black metal freak in Norway will kill that mother fucker!!!!
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to hear that Varg was murdered. Serves him right. I do remember reading some things back then...that there are some people in norway
that want him DEAD! lol!! That guy is a fucking retard that ruined the core of the black metal scene....him and his stupid fucking "Nazi" bullshit he was trying to push on everybody back then..
None of the other bands like "Darkthrone,Immortal,Emperor" were interested in "Nazi and Hitler" bullshit....and he was headed in that direction.....SAD. We will see what happens to that loser soon.
Yeah....check out "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" (The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan)....its a masterpiece and as I've said...to me...its the best black metal album of all time from the second wave of black metal artists.
Sinner Rider wrote:
Honestly I don't think I have that cd... I do know that story however it has been a long time since I though of it.. beside me finding the lords of chaos book...
Didn't Euronymous take pictures of dead's body or something odd like that...
I will have to take a picture of the crazy old tshirt we have from mayhem and venom..originals...
I have to say.. The scariest musican i have ever meet is Hellhammer... he is seriously fuckin odd...
just words cant decribe.. I also think that Varg is out of prision isn't he? Last I heard it was soon?.....
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Oystein Aarseth aka "Euronymous" "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" 1993
Hey Sinner Rider......Mayhem was created by Oystein Aarseth in 1986 with Mayhem's demo "Pure Fucking Armageddon"....then thier debut LP 1987 "Death Crush"....
But they played a black/death/thrash metal kinda style....but when vocalist "Dead" joined the band in 1988....they moved into the realm of "black metal"....................
And around 1989...they had written almost all of the songs that would be later found on the "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" album released in 1994...............
In 1991 vocalist "Dead" shot and killed himself....and never got to record his vocals for the album...."Attila" from Hungary band "Tormentor" did the vocals
and in 93' Aarseth was murdered by Varg Vikerness of Burzum. So any Mayhem albums after De Mysteriis is not "real" Mayhem in my opinion.
But this album even though it was not released to the public yet...had a HUGE influence on the other black metal bands in the scene because all of
those bands got to listen to those tracks while they were being recorded and Mayhem had demo tapes with other raw versions of it..........
Aarseth was very slow at recording material and its a shame that he is dead...He is the Godfather of modern day black metal.........
Venom is the Godfather of ALL black metal.....bands of the 1980's like Venom,Bathory,Hellhamer,Mercyful Fate....were the black metal
veterans....but Mayhem took the torch and continued black metal but with thier own stamp on it..."Norwegian" black metal......
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is the BEST black metal album of all time (in the realm of the second wave of black metal)I wouldn't recomend listening to any Mayhem albums except this one......this album is a must have situation for all black metal fans!!
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:56:28 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
Holy shit.. okay here are the bands I can think of off the top of my head.. This is challenge as I don't listen to black metal as much as I used too.. some of these I'm sure are dusty...
Black Funeral
Celtic Frost
cradle of Filth
Dark Funeral
Finntroll (?)....not really but dammit I love this band
Goat Whore
God Dethroned
hate Eternal
Lord Belial
Old Mans child
Opera IX
Thyrfing (newer is more heavier)
Many are questionable... but that is me draggin my brain through my cd collection 30 miles away.. I'm sure that I have also mis-spelled many..
I hate Varg.. Burzum sucks. I actually bough two a long time ago. Mayhem is terrible too.. but they deserve respect. I can't find myself actually putting Mayhem even in my cd player anymore. Have you heard there newer stuff?? I haven't...
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah...Lords Of Chaos...I got that book when it came out.....it has some interesting stuff in there,but some shit aint true what Varg Vikernes states in the book.....god I hate that guy and I hate Burzum.
I never could understand what Aarseth saw in his music? Not sure,but it sucks. I hope some black metal freak kid guns him down when he is released from prison!!! Avenge Euronymous!!!!!
Yeah...I know who Borknager and God Dethroned are...and Old Man's Child as well........I never got into any of those bands...but I know who they are.Everybody has flavors they like within black metal.
My favorites: "Some bands I list,I only like the first or first couple albums from them...and then anything after those..I don't care for"..so I just put "(old)" by it.
There are 36 bands here : Pure black metal....any bands I didn't list I consider either black/death ...death metal or black thrash.....
Venom(old) Behemoth(first 2 albums)
Mercyful Fate(old) Dark Funeral(Secrets album only)
Hellhamer Enthroned(with Sabathan)
Celtic Frost(old) Infernum(with Darken)
Bathory(old) Summoning(Lugburz album)
Possessed Judas Iscariot(Heaven In Flames LP & To Embrace....LP)
Mayhem(old)... Pest(Finland)Hail the black metal wolves album
Mortuary Drape Naer mataron(old)
Darkthrone Weltmacht
Von Ezurate
Marduk(old) Satanic Warmaster(old)
Immortal Godless North
Emperor(old) Cult Of Daath
Gorgoroth(old) Temple Of Baal
Carpathian Forest(old) Graven
Satyricon(old) Sargeist
Graveland Gosforth
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:30:57 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I just had garage sale and had to go through all my crap that I haven't seen in years.. I just dusted off the book Lords of Chaos. I dove head first into black metal, actually before I ever really learned about a ton of 80's bands.
One band that is still producing ablums that is good is old mans child.. But my personal fav not really so much Black Metal... ?not sure what to call them,.. Is Borknagar.. Everything that band has is awesome.
Have you heard of God Dethroned they are acutaly touring soon in my neck of the woods.. I will be there with bells.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah me too....I first got into black metal in 1983 when I heard Venom's At War With Satan album......the term "black metal" as a genre and scene was also back in the early days when Venom created "black metal" and the album title...but
in magazines and through word of mouth from Venom themselves...everything "satanic" in metal back then was considered "black metal"......Venom...Mercyful Fate....Slayer....Bathory...Hellhammer...Celtic Frost....
I didn't discovernorwegianblack metal untill 1994....late late 94' maybe...I know I heard Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in early 1995 and then Emperor,Darkthrone,Immortal,Gorgoroth..ect..
This was due to the death of Oystein Aarseth AKA "Euronymous"......after he was murdered in the summer of 1993......Norwegian black metal hit metal magazines like Karrang,Metal Edge,ect.....
.....then the rest of the world got a look at true underground black metal......whats bewtter than 18 year old kids slapping on war paint spikes and blood singing 'hail Satan" at the top of thier lungs???!!!!!! LOL!
The scene has killed itself within the late 90's till now I think.......I don't think black metal was meant to have so many bands...and they just repeat themselves by copying Darkthrone's style ...ect.....
I remember back in late 94' when almost everybody I knew had not heard of norwegian black metal......and now its pretty much a house hold name......
Not saying I won't give any new bands a chance at a listen...but nothing seems to grab my attention these days because either the bands are afraid to do
something different....or they do something SO DIFFERENT that its too far the other way...ect.... I think that the genre was not designed for an over crowded
black metal scene.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, July 20, 2009 4:21:42 PM)
Edited at: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:59:50 PM
Necroticist wrote:
Am crazy on Black Metal mate...have been for decades, since Emperor were in with the cassette trading scene...hehe. Am expecting great things from 'All Shall Fall'....the last one set a kinda standard...if they can beat that....wow!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey you like Immortal as well Necroticist....very cool......and,well...Immortal can look corny sometimes compared to the other bands in the scene in the early 90's....
Abbath is an excellent showman and an excellent black metal song writter with his riffs..ect.... I've liked Immortal since around 1994 or 95' somewhere around that era....
the band " I " Betwwen Two Worlds is "ok"...I never thought is was brilliant or anything...but ok....
Hey...the new Immortal album will be out in October and is called " All Shall Fall".
Necroticist wrote:
Emperor - In The Wordless Chamber
(nothing corny about Immortal mate...wait til the new CD is out....)
Edited at: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:36:29 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:20:24 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:47:30 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:21:12 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, July 24, 2009 5:08:28 AM
Yeah Hellrider...it was at The Moore Theater down town Seattle back in 1986! That picture is a random picture from that tour"Fatal Portrait" and that is how I remember it.
Total awsome show. King Diamond is an excellent showman...even if you don't like his songs,his presence and stage show is an incredible atmosphere!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:32:49 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Sinner...it was totally awsome....Fatal Portrait 1986 concert...here is a picture from that tour...I didn't take the photo but that was what it looked like!
It was killer because all the material he had was Mercyful Fate and the new album "Fatal Portrait". Total elite and I'm glad I got to be a part of it back then!
When I was at the Puppet Master show in 2005....as I mentioned I met Andy...and during an encore when the lights were bright and lit up the place..I was hanging over the rail
with a Judas Iscariot shirt on that sticks out like a sore thumb and Andy put his arm around the King and pointed at me saying something to King Diamond and then they
both gave me a thumbs up!!! It was awsome!!! Great show!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Andy LaRoche is awesome! He is been producing a ton of new stuff too.. he promotes a ton bans now as well.
I can't seem to think of any off the top of my head besides prophanity..... still thinking nothing comin...
dammit....... it will come to me.
yep i think it was 05 when he came around.. he had the graveyard scene on the stage.. I think it was right before he released Abigail 2. Man I wish I could have seem fatal portrait. That had to have been insane.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....I saw the Puppet Master tour ....the album came out in 2003 but I saw the King in 2005 but they were still supporting "The Puppet Master" album.
I got to meet Andy LaRoque(King's original and long time guitarist!) that day before the show and he is an awsome individual to say the least!! He talked
to me for almost a half an hour!!! He said I was one of the most passionate metalheads he has ever met!!!! LOL! That was an honor coming from Andy!!!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Ohh that is great. I just seen the king a few years back when he released the puppet master. It was awesome! He is such a great performer, and the cross bone microphone.... nice.
I do love teasing the bible freaks.. however it took a bad turn one time at a Marilyn Manson when my own mom was one of the protesters... OOPPSS... I don't think I ever ran so fast to get threw the doors and away from her in my life. Gotta love those classic memories.. I was once again forced the church school after that!
Oh yeah I was one of those kids,... the ones that looked like the came from a funeral everyday.. the funny thing is I just bought his new cd (MM).. I'm still a fan...
Sounds like the dude with the multiple names has some issues... its making think of the south park episode about the warcraft games..
fuckin hilarious.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Yeah Sinner Rider...just look at this guy...he can be Soylentgreen4U one minute....Nicholas Fivepennies the next,all to try and get to J.D.......and yes its a obsessive compulsive disorder.lol! I know.........what a dork.
And yeah...Venom's Black metal album rules!!!! I love Venom....always have. And hey.....I bought Fatal Portrait 1986 when it came out.....the day it came out actually! And I saw the Fatal Portait show in Seattle Washington
at the Moore Theater down town and it was excellent!!!! I mentioned a while back that when we went to that show....there were christian bible thumpers outside of the Moore handing out booklets of chrisianity begging us
not to go in there to see pure evil!! lol! We all were decked out in bullet belts,black leather jackets,upsidedown crosses,spikes,studs,...ect..ect....smoking bowls laughing our asses off and just wadded up the booklets and
threw them at the christians shouting "HAIL SATAN"!! LOL!! What else would we do back then? We were 16 years old for christ's sake ya know? lol! Good times Sinner!!! Good times!! LOL!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Alright you sold me.. I'm on the look out for cd. Is it sad to say the my fav venom is black metal.. the most popuar.. Hhahaha... Have you heard the solo stuff from Cronos... its actually awesome.
I'm not worried about the five pennies dude.. its takes a lot to offend me. LOL! However he does seem to be taking it a bit far. you would think someome wouldn't care so much or give so much effort... it seems a bit odd.
I freaking love king diamond, Fatal Portrait... "the lake" still gives me goosebumps..
I believe his biggest influence was Halford. The king redoes the ripper, and besides golden earring priest is the only other band I have ever heard him cover. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:46:04 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey thats cool Sinner Rider......if you get a chance...pick up "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" ...it is a masterpiece of black metal. That album is one of the most Darkest albums I have ever heard.
And back in the day in the early 80's...the term "black metal" was created by Venom....but the extreme underground labeled heavy satanic music "black metal" as this was a new title at the time.
Mercyful Fate with King Diamond's true Satanic beliefs as he is a real LaVeyian Satanist,his use of corpse paint painting a grim satanic image and his lyrics about satanism mixed with
Mercyful Fate's heavy metal music....it was well accepted as "black metal" back then.......when King quit Mercyful Fate and created his solo "King Diamond" band...they were no longer black metal
and were then "heavy metal" and to this day King Diamond plays heavy metal. King's image and lyrics in Mercyful Fate were HUGE in influencing the up-coming Norwegian black metal bands.
And this Nicholas Fivepennies "dork" is Darryn Heloffs.....("DUH") in disguise...so don't listen to ANYTHING he has to say...it is simply "verbal vomit"...nothing more...he is a childish moron.
Darryn thinks if he posts pictures of childish clown black metal bands it will somehow upset me....("oooh noooo man") what am I possibly going to do? How can I go on now? LOL!!!
...like what am I going to do now?? My world is comimg to an end because Darryn posted a clown cheesy black metal band.....or better yet.....he is calling the entire black metal scene "cheesy"...
oooohhh no no no no no ?? LOFL!!! What a fucking dork this guy really is Sinner Rider!! lol! Back when Mayhem,Darkthrone,Emperor and Immortal were first coming out I was listening to them....
Nicholas Fivepennies was listening to Pearl Jam and Ugly Kid Joe calling it "metal". Can you believe this guy? Calling it "metal" Is Ugly Kid Joe and Pearl Jam "metal" to you Sinner Rider?
So to you Nicholas Darryn Fivepennies.....I have to ask...."is this all you got guy"? Is that it? LOMFL!!! HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking crack my ass up.....(as I am rolling my eyes back)..."what a geek".
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:21:10 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I did check if I had that one.. nope. I will pick it up if I can ever find it around here..I may have to order it. We used to have a metal store, 2 of them actually but they have been shut down.. and no one has ever reopened. I can always go to a best buy or something but most black metal is hard to find. Varg is a fag.. I'm sure something will happened to him eventually.. the scene was sooo hardcore that there must be some insane fans out there still in the mix.
The thing that ticked me off was him using the viking culture and mixed it with the nazi shit. It was a disgrace...
I never was huge into Mayhem, I always liked them but wasn't a huge fan. So I really never invested much into all there albums.. I got into Emperor a ton more.. However Mayhem derserves the respect of creating the entire scene...
I met Hellhammer twice, he took quite an interest me. I literly walked away from him into the womens bathroom because he freaked me out so bad.. That was the only person who has ever been able to do that to me. The guy is seriously a mental case. As is Glenn Benton. I can't stress that enough. I also meet Dark Funeral who also were just freakin weird.. they guys live in a castle and I will vouche that they do not clean them selves.. They stunk like shit and patcholi.... But they were fun to have a drink with. They were actually really good live..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....Aarseth took pictures of Dead's body and was going to use it on one of Mayhem's albums....after he died...they did use it on "Dawn Of The Blackhearts" wich was basically "Live In Leipzig"1990
with a few bonus tracks of cover songs from Venom,Celtic Frost and Bathory on it. I'd bet that Hellhammer is a trip in person. I sure do not like what he has done to Mayhem though.
I feel like he should of layed the band to rest after tthe death of Aarseth,but obviously he had other plans. It is just not Mayhem without Euronymous. Just doesn't sound right to me.
And yeah....I heard that Varg is released from prison this year....he is getting out early. Hopefully one looney out of his mind black metal freak in Norway will kill that mother fucker!!!!
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to hear that Varg was murdered. Serves him right. I do remember reading some things back then...that there are some people in norway
that want him DEAD! lol!! That guy is a fucking retard that ruined the core of the black metal scene....him and his stupid fucking "Nazi" bullshit he was trying to push on everybody back then..
None of the other bands like "Darkthrone,Immortal,Emperor" were interested in "Nazi and Hitler" bullshit....and he was headed in that direction.....SAD. We will see what happens to that loser soon.
Yeah....check out "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" (The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan)....its a masterpiece and as I've said...to me...its the best black metal album of all time from the second wave of black metal artists.
Sinner Rider wrote:
Honestly I don't think I have that cd... I do know that story however it has been a long time since I though of it.. beside me finding the lords of chaos book...
Didn't Euronymous take pictures of dead's body or something odd like that...
I will have to take a picture of the crazy old tshirt we have from mayhem and venom..originals...
I have to say.. The scariest musican i have ever meet is Hellhammer... he is seriously fuckin odd...
just words cant decribe.. I also think that Varg is out of prision isn't he? Last I heard it was soon?.....
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Oystein Aarseth aka "Euronymous" "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" 1993
Hey Sinner Rider......Mayhem was created by Oystein Aarseth in 1986 with Mayhem's demo "Pure Fucking Armageddon"....then thier debut LP 1987 "Death Crush"....
But they played a black/death/thrash metal kinda style....but when vocalist "Dead" joined the band in 1988....they moved into the realm of "black metal"....................
And around 1989...they had written almost all of the songs that would be later found on the "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" album released in 1994...............
In 1991 vocalist "Dead" shot and killed himself....and never got to record his vocals for the album...."Attila" from Hungary band "Tormentor" did the vocals
and in 93' Aarseth was murdered by Varg Vikerness of Burzum. So any Mayhem albums after De Mysteriis is not "real" Mayhem in my opinion.
But this album even though it was not released to the public yet...had a HUGE influence on the other black metal bands in the scene because all of
those bands got to listen to those tracks while they were being recorded and Mayhem had demo tapes with other raw versions of it..........
Aarseth was very slow at recording material and its a shame that he is dead...He is the Godfather of modern day black metal.........
Venom is the Godfather of ALL black metal.....bands of the 1980's like Venom,Bathory,Hellhamer,Mercyful Fate....were the black metal
veterans....but Mayhem took the torch and continued black metal but with thier own stamp on it..."Norwegian" black metal......
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is the BEST black metal album of all time (in the realm of the second wave of black metal)I wouldn't recomend listening to any Mayhem albums except this one......this album is a must have situation for all black metal fans!!
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:56:28 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
Holy shit.. okay here are the bands I can think of off the top of my head.. This is challenge as I don't listen to black metal as much as I used too.. some of these I'm sure are dusty...
Black Funeral
Celtic Frost
cradle of Filth
Dark Funeral
Finntroll (?)....not really but dammit I love this band
Goat Whore
God Dethroned
hate Eternal
Lord Belial
Old Mans child
Opera IX
Thyrfing (newer is more heavier)
Many are questionable... but that is me draggin my brain through my cd collection 30 miles away.. I'm sure that I have also mis-spelled many..
I hate Varg.. Burzum sucks. I actually bough two a long time ago. Mayhem is terrible too.. but they deserve respect. I can't find myself actually putting Mayhem even in my cd player anymore. Have you heard there newer stuff?? I haven't...
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah...Lords Of Chaos...I got that book when it came out.....it has some interesting stuff in there,but some shit aint true what Varg Vikernes states in the book.....god I hate that guy and I hate Burzum.
I never could understand what Aarseth saw in his music? Not sure,but it sucks. I hope some black metal freak kid guns him down when he is released from prison!!! Avenge Euronymous!!!!!
Yeah...I know who Borknager and God Dethroned are...and Old Man's Child as well........I never got into any of those bands...but I know who they are.Everybody has flavors they like within black metal.
My favorites: "Some bands I list,I only like the first or first couple albums from them...and then anything after those..I don't care for"..so I just put "(old)" by it.
There are 36 bands here : Pure black metal....any bands I didn't list I consider either black/death ...death metal or black thrash.....
Venom(old) Behemoth(first 2 albums)
Mercyful Fate(old) Dark Funeral(Secrets album only)
Hellhamer Enthroned(with Sabathan)
Celtic Frost(old) Infernum(with Darken)
Bathory(old) Summoning(Lugburz album)
Possessed Judas Iscariot(Heaven In Flames LP & To Embrace....LP)
Mayhem(old)... Pest(Finland)Hail the black metal wolves album
Mortuary Drape Naer mataron(old)
Darkthrone Weltmacht
Von Ezurate
Marduk(old) Satanic Warmaster(old)
Immortal Godless North
Emperor(old) Cult Of Daath
Gorgoroth(old) Temple Of Baal
Carpathian Forest(old) Graven
Satyricon(old) Sargeist
Graveland Gosforth
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:30:57 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I just had garage sale and had to go through all my crap that I haven't seen in years.. I just dusted off the book Lords of Chaos. I dove head first into black metal, actually before I ever really learned about a ton of 80's bands.
One band that is still producing ablums that is good is old mans child.. But my personal fav not really so much Black Metal... ?not sure what to call them,.. Is Borknagar.. Everything that band has is awesome.
Have you heard of God Dethroned they are acutaly touring soon in my neck of the woods.. I will be there with bells.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah me too....I first got into black metal in 1983 when I heard Venom's At War With Satan album......the term "black metal" as a genre and scene was also back in the early days when Venom created "black metal" and the album title...but
in magazines and through word of mouth from Venom themselves...everything "satanic" in metal back then was considered "black metal"......Venom...Mercyful Fate....Slayer....Bathory...Hellhammer...Celtic Frost....
I didn't discovernorwegianblack metal untill 1994....late late 94' maybe...I know I heard Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in early 1995 and then Emperor,Darkthrone,Immortal,Gorgoroth..ect..
This was due to the death of Oystein Aarseth AKA "Euronymous"......after he was murdered in the summer of 1993......Norwegian black metal hit metal magazines like Karrang,Metal Edge,ect.....
.....then the rest of the world got a look at true underground black metal......whats bewtter than 18 year old kids slapping on war paint spikes and blood singing 'hail Satan" at the top of thier lungs???!!!!!! LOL!
The scene has killed itself within the late 90's till now I think.......I don't think black metal was meant to have so many bands...and they just repeat themselves by copying Darkthrone's style ...ect.....
I remember back in late 94' when almost everybody I knew had not heard of norwegian black metal......and now its pretty much a house hold name......
Not saying I won't give any new bands a chance at a listen...but nothing seems to grab my attention these days because either the bands are afraid to do
something different....or they do something SO DIFFERENT that its too far the other way...ect.... I think that the genre was not designed for an over crowded
black metal scene.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, July 20, 2009 4:21:42 PM)
Edited at: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:59:50 PM
Necroticist wrote:
Am crazy on Black Metal mate...have been for decades, since Emperor were in with the cassette trading scene...hehe. Am expecting great things from 'All Shall Fall'....the last one set a kinda standard...if they can beat that....wow!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey you like Immortal as well Necroticist....very cool......and,well...Immortal can look corny sometimes compared to the other bands in the scene in the early 90's....
Abbath is an excellent showman and an excellent black metal song writter with his riffs..ect.... I've liked Immortal since around 1994 or 95' somewhere around that era....
the band " I " Betwwen Two Worlds is "ok"...I never thought is was brilliant or anything...but ok....
Hey...the new Immortal album will be out in October and is called " All Shall Fall".
Necroticist wrote:
Emperor - In The Wordless Chamber
(nothing corny about Immortal mate...wait til the new CD is out....)
Edited at: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:36:29 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:20:24 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:47:30 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:21:12 PM
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:32:49 PM
hey J.D DIAMAND THY COOOOMMMMMMMMAAAAANNNNNDDDDDEEEERRRRRRRRRR.was the show at a club [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:31:02 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Sinner...it was totally awsome....Fatal Portrait 1986 concert...here is a picture from that tour...I didn't take the photo but that was what it looked like!
It was killer because all the material he had was Mercyful Fate and the new album "Fatal Portrait". Total elite and I'm glad I got to be a part of it back then!
When I was at the Puppet Master show in 2005....as I mentioned I met Andy...and during an encore when the lights were bright and lit up the place..I was hanging over the rail
with a Judas Iscariot shirt on that sticks out like a sore thumb and Andy put his arm around the King and pointed at me saying something to King Diamond and then they
both gave me a thumbs up!!! It was awsome!!! Great show!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Andy LaRoche is awesome! He is been producing a ton of new stuff too.. he promotes a ton bans now as well.
I can't seem to think of any off the top of my head besides prophanity..... still thinking nothing comin...
dammit....... it will come to me.
yep i think it was 05 when he came around.. he had the graveyard scene on the stage.. I think it was right before he released Abigail 2. Man I wish I could have seem fatal portrait. That had to have been insane.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....I saw the Puppet Master tour ....the album came out in 2003 but I saw the King in 2005 but they were still supporting "The Puppet Master" album.
I got to meet Andy LaRoque(King's original and long time guitarist!) that day before the show and he is an awsome individual to say the least!! He talked
to me for almost a half an hour!!! He said I was one of the most passionate metalheads he has ever met!!!! LOL! That was an honor coming from Andy!!!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Ohh that is great. I just seen the king a few years back when he released the puppet master. It was awesome! He is such a great performer, and the cross bone microphone.... nice.
I do love teasing the bible freaks.. however it took a bad turn one time at a Marilyn Manson when my own mom was one of the protesters... OOPPSS... I don't think I ever ran so fast to get threw the doors and away from her in my life. Gotta love those classic memories.. I was once again forced the church school after that!
Oh yeah I was one of those kids,... the ones that looked like the came from a funeral everyday.. the funny thing is I just bought his new cd (MM).. I'm still a fan...
Sounds like the dude with the multiple names has some issues... its making think of the south park episode about the warcraft games..
fuckin hilarious.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Yeah Sinner Rider...just look at this guy...he can be Soylentgreen4U one minute....Nicholas Fivepennies the next,all to try and get to J.D.......and yes its a obsessive compulsive disorder.lol! I know.........what a dork.
And yeah...Venom's Black metal album rules!!!! I love Venom....always have. And hey.....I bought Fatal Portrait 1986 when it came out.....the day it came out actually! And I saw the Fatal Portait show in Seattle Washington
at the Moore Theater down town and it was excellent!!!! I mentioned a while back that when we went to that show....there were christian bible thumpers outside of the Moore handing out booklets of chrisianity begging us
not to go in there to see pure evil!! lol! We all were decked out in bullet belts,black leather jackets,upsidedown crosses,spikes,studs,...ect..ect....smoking bowls laughing our asses off and just wadded up the booklets and
threw them at the christians shouting "HAIL SATAN"!! LOL!! What else would we do back then? We were 16 years old for christ's sake ya know? lol! Good times Sinner!!! Good times!! LOL!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Alright you sold me.. I'm on the look out for cd. Is it sad to say the my fav venom is black metal.. the most popuar.. Hhahaha... Have you heard the solo stuff from Cronos... its actually awesome.
I'm not worried about the five pennies dude.. its takes a lot to offend me. LOL! However he does seem to be taking it a bit far. you would think someome wouldn't care so much or give so much effort... it seems a bit odd.
I freaking love king diamond, Fatal Portrait... "the lake" still gives me goosebumps..
I believe his biggest influence was Halford. The king redoes the ripper, and besides golden earring priest is the only other band I have ever heard him cover. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:46:04 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey thats cool Sinner Rider......if you get a chance...pick up "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" ...it is a masterpiece of black metal. That album is one of the most Darkest albums I have ever heard.
And back in the day in the early 80's...the term "black metal" was created by Venom....but the extreme underground labeled heavy satanic music "black metal" as this was a new title at the time.
Mercyful Fate with King Diamond's true Satanic beliefs as he is a real LaVeyian Satanist,his use of corpse paint painting a grim satanic image and his lyrics about satanism mixed with
Mercyful Fate's heavy metal music....it was well accepted as "black metal" back then.......when King quit Mercyful Fate and created his solo "King Diamond" band...they were no longer black metal
and were then "heavy metal" and to this day King Diamond plays heavy metal. King's image and lyrics in Mercyful Fate were HUGE in influencing the up-coming Norwegian black metal bands.
And this Nicholas Fivepennies "dork" is Darryn Heloffs.....("DUH") in disguise...so don't listen to ANYTHING he has to say...it is simply "verbal vomit"...nothing more...he is a childish moron.
Darryn thinks if he posts pictures of childish clown black metal bands it will somehow upset me....("oooh noooo man") what am I possibly going to do? How can I go on now? LOL!!!
...like what am I going to do now?? My world is comimg to an end because Darryn posted a clown cheesy black metal band.....or better yet.....he is calling the entire black metal scene "cheesy"...
oooohhh no no no no no ?? LOFL!!! What a fucking dork this guy really is Sinner Rider!! lol! Back when Mayhem,Darkthrone,Emperor and Immortal were first coming out I was listening to them....
Nicholas Fivepennies was listening to Pearl Jam and Ugly Kid Joe calling it "metal". Can you believe this guy? Calling it "metal" Is Ugly Kid Joe and Pearl Jam "metal" to you Sinner Rider?
So to you Nicholas Darryn Fivepennies.....I have to ask...."is this all you got guy"? Is that it? LOMFL!!! HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking crack my ass up.....(as I am rolling my eyes back)..."what a geek".
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:21:10 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I did check if I had that one.. nope. I will pick it up if I can ever find it around here..I may have to order it. We used to have a metal store, 2 of them actually but they have been shut down.. and no one has ever reopened. I can always go to a best buy or something but most black metal is hard to find. Varg is a fag.. I'm sure something will happened to him eventually.. the scene was sooo hardcore that there must be some insane fans out there still in the mix.
The thing that ticked me off was him using the viking culture and mixed it with the nazi shit. It was a disgrace...
I never was huge into Mayhem, I always liked them but wasn't a huge fan. So I really never invested much into all there albums.. I got into Emperor a ton more.. However Mayhem derserves the respect of creating the entire scene...
I met Hellhammer twice, he took quite an interest me. I literly walked away from him into the womens bathroom because he freaked me out so bad.. That was the only person who has ever been able to do that to me. The guy is seriously a mental case. As is Glenn Benton. I can't stress that enough. I also meet Dark Funeral who also were just freakin weird.. they guys live in a castle and I will vouche that they do not clean them selves.. They stunk like shit and patcholi.... But they were fun to have a drink with. They were actually really good live..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....Aarseth took pictures of Dead's body and was going to use it on one of Mayhem's albums....after he died...they did use it on "Dawn Of The Blackhearts" wich was basically "Live In Leipzig"1990
with a few bonus tracks of cover songs from Venom,Celtic Frost and Bathory on it. I'd bet that Hellhammer is a trip in person. I sure do not like what he has done to Mayhem though.
I feel like he should of layed the band to rest after tthe death of Aarseth,but obviously he had other plans. It is just not Mayhem without Euronymous. Just doesn't sound right to me.
And yeah....I heard that Varg is released from prison this year....he is getting out early. Hopefully one looney out of his mind black metal freak in Norway will kill that mother fucker!!!!
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to hear that Varg was murdered. Serves him right. I do remember reading some things back then...that there are some people in norway
that want him DEAD! lol!! That guy is a fucking retard that ruined the core of the black metal scene....him and his stupid fucking "Nazi" bullshit he was trying to push on everybody back then..
None of the other bands like "Darkthrone,Immortal,Emperor" were interested in "Nazi and Hitler" bullshit....and he was headed in that direction.....SAD. We will see what happens to that loser soon.
Yeah....check out "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" (The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan)....its a masterpiece and as I've said...to me...its the best black metal album of all time from the second wave of black metal artists.
Sinner Rider wrote:
Honestly I don't think I have that cd... I do know that story however it has been a long time since I though of it.. beside me finding the lords of chaos book...
Didn't Euronymous take pictures of dead's body or something odd like that...
I will have to take a picture of the crazy old tshirt we have from mayhem and venom..originals...
I have to say.. The scariest musican i have ever meet is Hellhammer... he is seriously fuckin odd...
just words cant decribe.. I also think that Varg is out of prision isn't he? Last I heard it was soon?.....
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Oystein Aarseth aka "Euronymous" "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" 1993
Hey Sinner Rider......Mayhem was created by Oystein Aarseth in 1986 with Mayhem's demo "Pure Fucking Armageddon"....then thier debut LP 1987 "Death Crush"....
But they played a black/death/thrash metal kinda style....but when vocalist "Dead" joined the band in 1988....they moved into the realm of "black metal"....................
And around 1989...they had written almost all of the songs that would be later found on the "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" album released in 1994...............
In 1991 vocalist "Dead" shot and killed himself....and never got to record his vocals for the album...."Attila" from Hungary band "Tormentor" did the vocals
and in 93' Aarseth was murdered by Varg Vikerness of Burzum. So any Mayhem albums after De Mysteriis is not "real" Mayhem in my opinion.
But this album even though it was not released to the public yet...had a HUGE influence on the other black metal bands in the scene because all of
those bands got to listen to those tracks while they were being recorded and Mayhem had demo tapes with other raw versions of it..........
Aarseth was very slow at recording material and its a shame that he is dead...He is the Godfather of modern day black metal.........
Venom is the Godfather of ALL black metal.....bands of the 1980's like Venom,Bathory,Hellhamer,Mercyful Fate....were the black metal
veterans....but Mayhem took the torch and continued black metal but with thier own stamp on it..."Norwegian" black metal......
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is the BEST black metal album of all time (in the realm of the second wave of black metal)I wouldn't recomend listening to any Mayhem albums except this one......this album is a must have situation for all black metal fans!!
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:56:28 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
Holy shit.. okay here are the bands I can think of off the top of my head.. This is challenge as I don't listen to black metal as much as I used too.. some of these I'm sure are dusty...
Black Funeral
Celtic Frost
cradle of Filth
Dark Funeral
Finntroll (?)....not really but dammit I love this band
Goat Whore
God Dethroned
hate Eternal
Lord Belial
Old Mans child
Opera IX
Thyrfing (newer is more heavier)
Many are questionable... but that is me draggin my brain through my cd collection 30 miles away.. I'm sure that I have also mis-spelled many..
I hate Varg.. Burzum sucks. I actually bough two a long time ago. Mayhem is terrible too.. but they deserve respect. I can't find myself actually putting Mayhem even in my cd player anymore. Have you heard there newer stuff?? I haven't...
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah...Lords Of Chaos...I got that book when it came out.....it has some interesting stuff in there,but some shit aint true what Varg Vikernes states in the book.....god I hate that guy and I hate Burzum.
I never could understand what Aarseth saw in his music? Not sure,but it sucks. I hope some black metal freak kid guns him down when he is released from prison!!! Avenge Euronymous!!!!!
Yeah...I know who Borknager and God Dethroned are...and Old Man's Child as well........I never got into any of those bands...but I know who they are.Everybody has flavors they like within black metal.
My favorites: "Some bands I list,I only like the first or first couple albums from them...and then anything after those..I don't care for"..so I just put "(old)" by it.
There are 36 bands here : Pure black metal....any bands I didn't list I consider either black/death ...death metal or black thrash.....
Venom(old) Behemoth(first 2 albums)
Mercyful Fate(old) Dark Funeral(Secrets album only)
Hellhamer Enthroned(with Sabathan)
Celtic Frost(old) Infernum(with Darken)
Bathory(old) Summoning(Lugburz album)
Possessed Judas Iscariot(Heaven In Flames LP & To Embrace....LP)
Mayhem(old)... Pest(Finland)Hail the black metal wolves album
Mortuary Drape Naer mataron(old)
Darkthrone Weltmacht
Von Ezurate
Marduk(old) Satanic Warmaster(old)
Immortal Godless North
Emperor(old) Cult Of Daath
Gorgoroth(old) Temple Of Baal
Carpathian Forest(old) Graven
Satyricon(old) Sargeist
Graveland Gosforth
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:30:57 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I just had garage sale and had to go through all my crap that I haven't seen in years.. I just dusted off the book Lords of Chaos. I dove head first into black metal, actually before I ever really learned about a ton of 80's bands.
One band that is still producing ablums that is good is old mans child.. But my personal fav not really so much Black Metal... ?not sure what to call them,.. Is Borknagar.. Everything that band has is awesome.
Have you heard of God Dethroned they are acutaly touring soon in my neck of the woods.. I will be there with bells.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah me too....I first got into black metal in 1983 when I heard Venom's At War With Satan album......the term "black metal" as a genre and scene was also back in the early days when Venom created "black metal" and the album title...but
in magazines and through word of mouth from Venom themselves...everything "satanic" in metal back then was considered "black metal"......Venom...Mercyful Fate....Slayer....Bathory...Hellhammer...Celtic Frost....
I didn't discovernorwegianblack metal untill 1994....late late 94' maybe...I know I heard Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in early 1995 and then Emperor,Darkthrone,Immortal,Gorgoroth..ect..
This was due to the death of Oystein Aarseth AKA "Euronymous"......after he was murdered in the summer of 1993......Norwegian black metal hit metal magazines like Karrang,Metal Edge,ect.....
.....then the rest of the world got a look at true underground black metal......whats bewtter than 18 year old kids slapping on war paint spikes and blood singing 'hail Satan" at the top of thier lungs???!!!!!! LOL!
The scene has killed itself within the late 90's till now I think.......I don't think black metal was meant to have so many bands...and they just repeat themselves by copying Darkthrone's style ...ect.....
I remember back in late 94' when almost everybody I knew had not heard of norwegian black metal......and now its pretty much a house hold name......
Not saying I won't give any new bands a chance at a listen...but nothing seems to grab my attention these days because either the bands are afraid to do
something different....or they do something SO DIFFERENT that its too far the other way...ect.... I think that the genre was not designed for an over crowded
black metal scene.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, July 20, 2009 4:21:42 PM)
Edited at: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:59:50 PM
Necroticist wrote:
Am crazy on Black Metal mate...have been for decades, since Emperor were in with the cassette trading scene...hehe. Am expecting great things from 'All Shall Fall'....the last one set a kinda standard...if they can beat that....wow!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey you like Immortal as well Necroticist....very cool......and,well...Immortal can look corny sometimes compared to the other bands in the scene in the early 90's....
Abbath is an excellent showman and an excellent black metal song writter with his riffs..ect.... I've liked Immortal since around 1994 or 95' somewhere around that era....
the band " I " Betwwen Two Worlds is "ok"...I never thought is was brilliant or anything...but ok....
Hey...the new Immortal album will be out in October and is called " All Shall Fall".
Necroticist wrote:
Emperor - In The Wordless Chamber
(nothing corny about Immortal mate...wait til the new CD is out....)
Edited at: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:36:29 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:20:24 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:47:30 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:21:12 PM
[ron h] Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:16:01 PM
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:13:48 PM
ronhartsell wrote:
[ron h] Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:56:29 PM
[ron h] Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:45:58 PM
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Thursday, July 23, 2009 7:17:00 PM
Why would you have shit your Pants Darryn???? Iam suprised you reckonized that his penis is sticking out of his pants..... SINCE YOU DONT HAVE ONE....... [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Nicholas Fivepennies from Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:22:07 PM)
Nicholas Fivepennies wrote:
This is the singer of the Norwegian black metal band "Taake". I almost shit my pants when I first saw this picture. Like I said: clown material!
[Sinner Rider] Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:08:49 PM
That is why I had rebuy the remastered verison once i heard that song..
I never knew where the hell it came from though...
LOL! Hell yeah!! I do like some songs on "The Eye" and Conspiricy albums too. I didn't care for Abigail 2 either!!!
The song "The Lake" was not originally on the Fatal Portrait album...it was on a picture disc...but later they put it on
Fatal Portrait as a bonus track.Great song tough!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Ahhhh! The EYE!
The first abigail!.. Conpirsacy is great too!
Really you don't "them"? I haven't really listened to Abigail 2 much.. didn't really care for it.
That song "the lake" _ Fate Portrait... its just one of those songs that has fuckin power.. desert plains as well from the metal gods.
That picture is great.. I'm stealing that for my screen saver!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah it was totally awsome to say the least!!!!! Long Live The King!!! His back is fucked up right now and has been....but he is getting better and soon will tour again!
He should have a new album out next year I think. I am not a fan of all his albums....he has 12 or 13 studio albums and I have 3 of them.
Fatal Portrait,Voodoo and The Puppet Master.....those 3 albums to me are his best.
Sinner Rider wrote:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That is great! I just hear the king!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Sinner...it was totally awsome....Fatal Portrait 1986 concert...here is a picture from that tour...I didn't take the photo but that was what it looked like!
It was killer because all the material he had was Mercyful Fate and the new album "Fatal Portrait". Total elite and I'm glad I got to be a part of it back then!
When I was at the Puppet Master show in 2005....as I mentioned I met Andy...and during an encore when the lights were bright and lit up the place..I was hanging over the rail
with a Judas Iscariot shirt on that sticks out like a sore thumb and Andy put his arm around the King and pointed at me saying something to King Diamond and then they
both gave me a thumbs up!!! It was awsome!!! Great show!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Andy LaRoche is awesome! He is been producing a ton of new stuff too.. he promotes a ton bans now as well.
I can't seem to think of any off the top of my head besides prophanity..... still thinking nothing comin...
dammit....... it will come to me.
yep i think it was 05 when he came around.. he had the graveyard scene on the stage.. I think it was right before he released Abigail 2. Man I wish I could have seem fatal portrait. That had to have been insane.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....I saw the Puppet Master tour ....the album came out in 2003 but I saw the King in 2005 but they were still supporting "The Puppet Master" album.
I got to meet Andy LaRoque(King's original and long time guitarist!) that day before the show and he is an awsome individual to say the least!! He talked
to me for almost a half an hour!!! He said I was one of the most passionate metalheads he has ever met!!!! LOL! That was an honor coming from Andy!!!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Ohh that is great. I just seen the king a few years back when he released the puppet master. It was awesome! He is such a great performer, and the cross bone microphone.... nice.
I do love teasing the bible freaks.. however it took a bad turn one time at a Marilyn Manson when my own mom was one of the protesters... OOPPSS... I don't think I ever ran so fast to get threw the doors and away from her in my life. Gotta love those classic memories.. I was once again forced the church school after that!
Oh yeah I was one of those kids,... the ones that looked like the came from a funeral everyday.. the funny thing is I just bought his new cd (MM).. I'm still a fan...
Sounds like the dude with the multiple names has some issues... its making think of the south park episode about the warcraft games..
fuckin hilarious.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Yeah Sinner Rider...just look at this guy...he can be Soylentgreen4U one minute....Nicholas Fivepennies the next,all to try and get to J.D.......and yes its a obsessive compulsive disorder.lol! I know.........what a dork.
And yeah...Venom's Black metal album rules!!!! I love Venom....always have. And hey.....I bought Fatal Portrait 1986 when it came out.....the day it came out actually! And I saw the Fatal Portait show in Seattle Washington
at the Moore Theater down town and it was excellent!!!! I mentioned a while back that when we went to that show....there were christian bible thumpers outside of the Moore handing out booklets of chrisianity begging us
not to go in there to see pure evil!! lol! We all were decked out in bullet belts,black leather jackets,upsidedown crosses,spikes,studs,...ect..ect....smoking bowls laughing our asses off and just wadded up the booklets and
threw them at the christians shouting "HAIL SATAN"!! LOL!! What else would we do back then? We were 16 years old for christ's sake ya know? lol! Good times Sinner!!! Good times!! LOL!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Alright you sold me.. I'm on the look out for cd. Is it sad to say the my fav venom is black metal.. the most popuar.. Hhahaha... Have you heard the solo stuff from Cronos... its actually awesome.
I'm not worried about the five pennies dude.. its takes a lot to offend me. LOL! However he does seem to be taking it a bit far. you would think someome wouldn't care so much or give so much effort... it seems a bit odd.
I freaking love king diamond, Fatal Portrait... "the lake" still gives me goosebumps..
I believe his biggest influence was Halford. The king redoes the ripper, and besides golden earring priest is the only other band I have ever heard him cover. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:46:04 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey thats cool Sinner Rider......if you get a chance...pick up "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" ...it is a masterpiece of black metal. That album is one of the most Darkest albums I have ever heard.
And back in the day in the early 80's...the term "black metal" was created by Venom....but the extreme underground labeled heavy satanic music "black metal" as this was a new title at the time.
Mercyful Fate with King Diamond's true Satanic beliefs as he is a real LaVeyian Satanist,his use of corpse paint painting a grim satanic image and his lyrics about satanism mixed with
Mercyful Fate's heavy metal music....it was well accepted as "black metal" back then.......when King quit Mercyful Fate and created his solo "King Diamond" band...they were no longer black metal
and were then "heavy metal" and to this day King Diamond plays heavy metal. King's image and lyrics in Mercyful Fate were HUGE in influencing the up-coming Norwegian black metal bands.
And this Nicholas Fivepennies "dork" is Darryn Heloffs.....("DUH") in disguise...so don't listen to ANYTHING he has to say...it is simply "verbal vomit"...nothing more...he is a childish moron.
Darryn thinks if he posts pictures of childish clown black metal bands it will somehow upset me....("oooh noooo man") what am I possibly going to do? How can I go on now? LOL!!!
...like what am I going to do now?? My world is comimg to an end because Darryn posted a clown cheesy black metal band.....or better yet.....he is calling the entire black metal scene "cheesy"...
oooohhh no no no no no ?? LOFL!!! What a fucking dork this guy really is Sinner Rider!! lol! Back when Mayhem,Darkthrone,Emperor and Immortal were first coming out I was listening to them....
Nicholas Fivepennies was listening to Pearl Jam and Ugly Kid Joe calling it "metal". Can you believe this guy? Calling it "metal" Is Ugly Kid Joe and Pearl Jam "metal" to you Sinner Rider?
So to you Nicholas Darryn Fivepennies.....I have to ask...."is this all you got guy"? Is that it? LOMFL!!! HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking crack my ass up.....(as I am rolling my eyes back)..."what a geek".
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:21:10 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I did check if I had that one.. nope. I will pick it up if I can ever find it around here..I may have to order it. We used to have a metal store, 2 of them actually but they have been shut down.. and no one has ever reopened. I can always go to a best buy or something but most black metal is hard to find. Varg is a fag.. I'm sure something will happened to him eventually.. the scene was sooo hardcore that there must be some insane fans out there still in the mix.
The thing that ticked me off was him using the viking culture and mixed it with the nazi shit. It was a disgrace...
I never was huge into Mayhem, I always liked them but wasn't a huge fan. So I really never invested much into all there albums.. I got into Emperor a ton more.. However Mayhem derserves the respect of creating the entire scene...
I met Hellhammer twice, he took quite an interest me. I literly walked away from him into the womens bathroom because he freaked me out so bad.. That was the only person who has ever been able to do that to me. The guy is seriously a mental case. As is Glenn Benton. I can't stress that enough. I also meet Dark Funeral who also were just freakin weird.. they guys live in a castle and I will vouche that they do not clean them selves.. They stunk like shit and patcholi.... But they were fun to have a drink with. They were actually really good live..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....Aarseth took pictures of Dead's body and was going to use it on one of Mayhem's albums....after he died...they did use it on "Dawn Of The Blackhearts" wich was basically "Live In Leipzig"1990
with a few bonus tracks of cover songs from Venom,Celtic Frost and Bathory on it. I'd bet that Hellhammer is a trip in person. I sure do not like what he has done to Mayhem though.
I feel like he should of layed the band to rest after tthe death of Aarseth,but obviously he had other plans. It is just not Mayhem without Euronymous. Just doesn't sound right to me.
And yeah....I heard that Varg is released from prison this year....he is getting out early. Hopefully one looney out of his mind black metal freak in Norway will kill that mother fucker!!!!
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to hear that Varg was murdered. Serves him right. I do remember reading some things back then...that there are some people in norway
that want him DEAD! lol!! That guy is a fucking retard that ruined the core of the black metal scene....him and his stupid fucking "Nazi" bullshit he was trying to push on everybody back then..
None of the other bands like "Darkthrone,Immortal,Emperor" were interested in "Nazi and Hitler" bullshit....and he was headed in that direction.....SAD. We will see what happens to that loser soon.
Yeah....check out "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" (The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan)....its a masterpiece and as I've said...to me...its the best black metal album of all time from the second wave of black metal artists.
Sinner Rider wrote:
Honestly I don't think I have that cd... I do know that story however it has been a long time since I though of it.. beside me finding the lords of chaos book...
Didn't Euronymous take pictures of dead's body or something odd like that...
I will have to take a picture of the crazy old tshirt we have from mayhem and venom..originals...
I have to say.. The scariest musican i have ever meet is Hellhammer... he is seriously fuckin odd...
just words cant decribe.. I also think that Varg is out of prision isn't he? Last I heard it was soon?.....
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Oystein Aarseth aka "Euronymous" "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" 1993
Hey Sinner Rider......Mayhem was created by Oystein Aarseth in 1986 with Mayhem's demo "Pure Fucking Armageddon"....then thier debut LP 1987 "Death Crush"....
But they played a black/death/thrash metal kinda style....but when vocalist "Dead" joined the band in 1988....they moved into the realm of "black metal"....................
And around 1989...they had written almost all of the songs that would be later found on the "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" album released in 1994...............
In 1991 vocalist "Dead" shot and killed himself....and never got to record his vocals for the album...."Attila" from Hungary band "Tormentor" did the vocals
and in 93' Aarseth was murdered by Varg Vikerness of Burzum. So any Mayhem albums after De Mysteriis is not "real" Mayhem in my opinion.
But this album even though it was not released to the public yet...had a HUGE influence on the other black metal bands in the scene because all of
those bands got to listen to those tracks while they were being recorded and Mayhem had demo tapes with other raw versions of it..........
Aarseth was very slow at recording material and its a shame that he is dead...He is the Godfather of modern day black metal.........
Venom is the Godfather of ALL black metal.....bands of the 1980's like Venom,Bathory,Hellhamer,Mercyful Fate....were the black metal
veterans....but Mayhem took the torch and continued black metal but with thier own stamp on it..."Norwegian" black metal......
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is the BEST black metal album of all time (in the realm of the second wave of black metal)I wouldn't recomend listening to any Mayhem albums except this one......this album is a must have situation for all black metal fans!!
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:56:28 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
Holy shit.. okay here are the bands I can think of off the top of my head.. This is challenge as I don't listen to black metal as much as I used too.. some of these I'm sure are dusty...
Black Funeral
Celtic Frost
cradle of Filth
Dark Funeral
Finntroll (?)....not really but dammit I love this band
Goat Whore
God Dethroned
hate Eternal
Lord Belial
Old Mans child
Opera IX
Thyrfing (newer is more heavier)
Many are questionable... but that is me draggin my brain through my cd collection 30 miles away.. I'm sure that I have also mis-spelled many..
I hate Varg.. Burzum sucks. I actually bough two a long time ago. Mayhem is terrible too.. but they deserve respect. I can't find myself actually putting Mayhem even in my cd player anymore. Have you heard there newer stuff?? I haven't...
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah...Lords Of Chaos...I got that book when it came out.....it has some interesting stuff in there,but some shit aint true what Varg Vikernes states in the book.....god I hate that guy and I hate Burzum.
I never could understand what Aarseth saw in his music? Not sure,but it sucks. I hope some black metal freak kid guns him down when he is released from prison!!! Avenge Euronymous!!!!!
Yeah...I know who Borknager and God Dethroned are...and Old Man's Child as well........I never got into any of those bands...but I know who they are.Everybody has flavors they like within black metal.
My favorites: "Some bands I list,I only like the first or first couple albums from them...and then anything after those..I don't care for"..so I just put "(old)" by it.
There are 36 bands here : Pure black metal....any bands I didn't list I consider either black/death ...death metal or black thrash.....
Venom(old) Behemoth(first 2 albums)
Mercyful Fate(old) Dark Funeral(Secrets album only)
Hellhamer Enthroned(with Sabathan)
Celtic Frost(old) Infernum(with Darken)
Bathory(old) Summoning(Lugburz album)
Possessed Judas Iscariot(Heaven In Flames LP & To Embrace....LP)
Mayhem(old)... Pest(Finland)Hail the black metal wolves album
Mortuary Drape Naer mataron(old)
Darkthrone Weltmacht
Von Ezurate
Marduk(old) Satanic Warmaster(old)
Immortal Godless North
Emperor(old) Cult Of Daath
Gorgoroth(old) Temple Of Baal
Carpathian Forest(old) Graven
Satyricon(old) Sargeist
Graveland Gosforth
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:30:57 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I just had garage sale and had to go through all my crap that I haven't seen in years.. I just dusted off the book Lords of Chaos. I dove head first into black metal, actually before I ever really learned about a ton of 80's bands.
One band that is still producing ablums that is good is old mans child.. But my personal fav not really so much Black Metal... ?not sure what to call them,.. Is Borknagar.. Everything that band has is awesome.
Have you heard of God Dethroned they are acutaly touring soon in my neck of the woods.. I will be there with bells.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah me too....I first got into black metal in 1983 when I heard Venom's At War With Satan album......the term "black metal" as a genre and scene was also back in the early days when Venom created "black metal" and the album title...but
in magazines and through word of mouth from Venom themselves...everything "satanic" in metal back then was considered "black metal"......Venom...Mercyful Fate....Slayer....Bathory...Hellhammer...Celtic Frost....
I didn't discovernorwegianblack metal untill 1994....late late 94' maybe...I know I heard Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in early 1995 and then Emperor,Darkthrone,Immortal,Gorgoroth..ect..
This was due to the death of Oystein Aarseth AKA "Euronymous"......after he was murdered in the summer of 1993......Norwegian black metal hit metal magazines like Karrang,Metal Edge,ect.....
.....then the rest of the world got a look at true underground black metal......whats bewtter than 18 year old kids slapping on war paint spikes and blood singing 'hail Satan" at the top of thier lungs???!!!!!! LOL!
The scene has killed itself within the late 90's till now I think.......I don't think black metal was meant to have so many bands...and they just repeat themselves by copying Darkthrone's style ...ect.....
I remember back in late 94' when almost everybody I knew had not heard of norwegian black metal......and now its pretty much a house hold name......
Not saying I won't give any new bands a chance at a listen...but nothing seems to grab my attention these days because either the bands are afraid to do
something different....or they do something SO DIFFERENT that its too far the other way...ect.... I think that the genre was not designed for an over crowded
black metal scene.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, July 20, 2009 4:21:42 PM)
Edited at: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:59:50 PM
Necroticist wrote:
Am crazy on Black Metal mate...have been for decades, since Emperor were in with the cassette trading scene...hehe. Am expecting great things from 'All Shall Fall'....the last one set a kinda standard...if they can beat that....wow!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey you like Immortal as well Necroticist....very cool......and,well...Immortal can look corny sometimes compared to the other bands in the scene in the early 90's....
Abbath is an excellent showman and an excellent black metal song writter with his riffs..ect.... I've liked Immortal since around 1994 or 95' somewhere around that era....
the band " I " Betwwen Two Worlds is "ok"...I never thought is was brilliant or anything...but ok....
Hey...the new Immortal album will be out in October and is called " All Shall Fall".
Necroticist wrote:
Emperor - In The Wordless Chamber
(nothing corny about Immortal mate...wait til the new CD is out....)
Edited at: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:36:29 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:20:24 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:47:30 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:21:12 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:00:27 PM
LOL! Hell yeah!! I do like some songs on "The Eye" and Conspiricy albums too. I didn't care for Abigail 2 either!!!
The song "The Lake" was not originally on the Fatal Portrait album...it was on a picture disc...but later they put it on
Really you don't "them"? I haven't really listened to Abigail 2 much.. didn't really care for it.
That song "the lake" _ Fate Portrait... its just one of those songs that has fuckin power.. desert plains as well from the metal gods.
That picture is great.. I'm stealing that for my screen saver!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah it was totally awsome to say the least!!!!! Long Live The King!!! His back is fucked up right now and has been....but he is getting better and soon will tour again!
He should have a new album out next year I think. I am not a fan of all his albums....he has 12 or 13 studio albums and I have 3 of them.
Fatal Portrait,Voodoo and The Puppet Master.....those 3 albums to me are his best.
Sinner Rider wrote:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That is great! I just hear the king!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Sinner...it was totally awsome....Fatal Portrait 1986 concert...here is a picture from that tour...I didn't take the photo but that was what it looked like!
It was killer because all the material he had was Mercyful Fate and the new album "Fatal Portrait". Total elite and I'm glad I got to be a part of it back then!
When I was at the Puppet Master show in 2005....as I mentioned I met Andy...and during an encore when the lights were bright and lit up the place..I was hanging over the rail
with a Judas Iscariot shirt on that sticks out like a sore thumb and Andy put his arm around the King and pointed at me saying something to King Diamond and then they
both gave me a thumbs up!!! It was awsome!!! Great show!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Andy LaRoche is awesome! He is been producing a ton of new stuff too.. he promotes a ton bans now as well.
I can't seem to think of any off the top of my head besides prophanity..... still thinking nothing comin...
dammit....... it will come to me.
yep i think it was 05 when he came around.. he had the graveyard scene on the stage.. I think it was right before he released Abigail 2. Man I wish I could have seem fatal portrait. That had to have been insane.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....I saw the Puppet Master tour ....the album came out in 2003 but I saw the King in 2005 but they were still supporting "The Puppet Master" album.
I got to meet Andy LaRoque(King's original and long time guitarist!) that day before the show and he is an awsome individual to say the least!! He talked
to me for almost a half an hour!!! He said I was one of the most passionate metalheads he has ever met!!!! LOL! That was an honor coming from Andy!!!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Ohh that is great. I just seen the king a few years back when he released the puppet master. It was awesome! He is such a great performer, and the cross bone microphone.... nice.
I do love teasing the bible freaks.. however it took a bad turn one time at a Marilyn Manson when my own mom was one of the protesters... OOPPSS... I don't think I ever ran so fast to get threw the doors and away from her in my life. Gotta love those classic memories.. I was once again forced the church school after that!
Oh yeah I was one of those kids,... the ones that looked like the came from a funeral everyday.. the funny thing is I just bought his new cd (MM).. I'm still a fan...
Sounds like the dude with the multiple names has some issues... its making think of the south park episode about the warcraft games..
fuckin hilarious.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Yeah Sinner Rider...just look at this guy...he can be Soylentgreen4U one minute....Nicholas Fivepennies the next,all to try and get to J.D.......and yes its a obsessive compulsive disorder.lol! I know.........what a dork.
And yeah...Venom's Black metal album rules!!!! I love Venom....always have. And hey.....I bought Fatal Portrait 1986 when it came out.....the day it came out actually! And I saw the Fatal Portait show in Seattle Washington
at the Moore Theater down town and it was excellent!!!! I mentioned a while back that when we went to that show....there were christian bible thumpers outside of the Moore handing out booklets of chrisianity begging us
not to go in there to see pure evil!! lol! We all were decked out in bullet belts,black leather jackets,upsidedown crosses,spikes,studs,...ect..ect....smoking bowls laughing our asses off and just wadded up the booklets and
threw them at the christians shouting "HAIL SATAN"!! LOL!! What else would we do back then? We were 16 years old for christ's sake ya know? lol! Good times Sinner!!! Good times!! LOL!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Alright you sold me.. I'm on the look out for cd. Is it sad to say the my fav venom is black metal.. the most popuar.. Hhahaha... Have you heard the solo stuff from Cronos... its actually awesome.
I'm not worried about the five pennies dude.. its takes a lot to offend me. LOL! However he does seem to be taking it a bit far. you would think someome wouldn't care so much or give so much effort... it seems a bit odd.
I freaking love king diamond, Fatal Portrait... "the lake" still gives me goosebumps..
I believe his biggest influence was Halford. The king redoes the ripper, and besides golden earring priest is the only other band I have ever heard him cover. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:46:04 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey thats cool Sinner Rider......if you get a chance...pick up "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" ...it is a masterpiece of black metal. That album is one of the most Darkest albums I have ever heard.
And back in the day in the early 80's...the term "black metal" was created by Venom....but the extreme underground labeled heavy satanic music "black metal" as this was a new title at the time.
Mercyful Fate with King Diamond's true Satanic beliefs as he is a real LaVeyian Satanist,his use of corpse paint painting a grim satanic image and his lyrics about satanism mixed with
Mercyful Fate's heavy metal music....it was well accepted as "black metal" back then.......when King quit Mercyful Fate and created his solo "King Diamond" band...they were no longer black metal
and were then "heavy metal" and to this day King Diamond plays heavy metal. King's image and lyrics in Mercyful Fate were HUGE in influencing the up-coming Norwegian black metal bands.
And this Nicholas Fivepennies "dork" is Darryn Heloffs.....("DUH") in disguise...so don't listen to ANYTHING he has to say...it is simply "verbal vomit"...nothing more...he is a childish moron.
Darryn thinks if he posts pictures of childish clown black metal bands it will somehow upset me....("oooh noooo man") what am I possibly going to do? How can I go on now? LOL!!!
...like what am I going to do now?? My world is comimg to an end because Darryn posted a clown cheesy black metal band.....or better yet.....he is calling the entire black metal scene "cheesy"...
oooohhh no no no no no ?? LOFL!!! What a fucking dork this guy really is Sinner Rider!! lol! Back when Mayhem,Darkthrone,Emperor and Immortal were first coming out I was listening to them....
Nicholas Fivepennies was listening to Pearl Jam and Ugly Kid Joe calling it "metal". Can you believe this guy? Calling it "metal" Is Ugly Kid Joe and Pearl Jam "metal" to you Sinner Rider?
So to you Nicholas Darryn Fivepennies.....I have to ask...."is this all you got guy"? Is that it? LOMFL!!! HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking crack my ass up.....(as I am rolling my eyes back)..."what a geek".
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:21:10 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I did check if I had that one.. nope. I will pick it up if I can ever find it around here..I may have to order it. We used to have a metal store, 2 of them actually but they have been shut down.. and no one has ever reopened. I can always go to a best buy or something but most black metal is hard to find. Varg is a fag.. I'm sure something will happened to him eventually.. the scene was sooo hardcore that there must be some insane fans out there still in the mix.
The thing that ticked me off was him using the viking culture and mixed it with the nazi shit. It was a disgrace...
I never was huge into Mayhem, I always liked them but wasn't a huge fan. So I really never invested much into all there albums.. I got into Emperor a ton more.. However Mayhem derserves the respect of creating the entire scene...
I met Hellhammer twice, he took quite an interest me. I literly walked away from him into the womens bathroom because he freaked me out so bad.. That was the only person who has ever been able to do that to me. The guy is seriously a mental case. As is Glenn Benton. I can't stress that enough. I also meet Dark Funeral who also were just freakin weird.. they guys live in a castle and I will vouche that they do not clean them selves.. They stunk like shit and patcholi.... But they were fun to have a drink with. They were actually really good live..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....Aarseth took pictures of Dead's body and was going to use it on one of Mayhem's albums....after he died...they did use it on "Dawn Of The Blackhearts" wich was basically "Live In Leipzig"1990
with a few bonus tracks of cover songs from Venom,Celtic Frost and Bathory on it. I'd bet that Hellhammer is a trip in person. I sure do not like what he has done to Mayhem though.
I feel like he should of layed the band to rest after tthe death of Aarseth,but obviously he had other plans. It is just not Mayhem without Euronymous. Just doesn't sound right to me.
And yeah....I heard that Varg is released from prison this year....he is getting out early. Hopefully one looney out of his mind black metal freak in Norway will kill that mother fucker!!!!
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to hear that Varg was murdered. Serves him right. I do remember reading some things back then...that there are some people in norway
that want him DEAD! lol!! That guy is a fucking retard that ruined the core of the black metal scene....him and his stupid fucking "Nazi" bullshit he was trying to push on everybody back then..
None of the other bands like "Darkthrone,Immortal,Emperor" were interested in "Nazi and Hitler" bullshit....and he was headed in that direction.....SAD. We will see what happens to that loser soon.
Yeah....check out "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" (The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan)....its a masterpiece and as I've said...to me...its the best black metal album of all time from the second wave of black metal artists.
Sinner Rider wrote:
Honestly I don't think I have that cd... I do know that story however it has been a long time since I though of it.. beside me finding the lords of chaos book...
Didn't Euronymous take pictures of dead's body or something odd like that...
I will have to take a picture of the crazy old tshirt we have from mayhem and venom..originals...
I have to say.. The scariest musican i have ever meet is Hellhammer... he is seriously fuckin odd...
just words cant decribe.. I also think that Varg is out of prision isn't he? Last I heard it was soon?.....
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Oystein Aarseth aka "Euronymous" "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" 1993
Hey Sinner Rider......Mayhem was created by Oystein Aarseth in 1986 with Mayhem's demo "Pure Fucking Armageddon"....then thier debut LP 1987 "Death Crush"....
But they played a black/death/thrash metal kinda style....but when vocalist "Dead" joined the band in 1988....they moved into the realm of "black metal"....................
And around 1989...they had written almost all of the songs that would be later found on the "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" album released in 1994...............
In 1991 vocalist "Dead" shot and killed himself....and never got to record his vocals for the album...."Attila" from Hungary band "Tormentor" did the vocals
and in 93' Aarseth was murdered by Varg Vikerness of Burzum. So any Mayhem albums after De Mysteriis is not "real" Mayhem in my opinion.
But this album even though it was not released to the public yet...had a HUGE influence on the other black metal bands in the scene because all of
those bands got to listen to those tracks while they were being recorded and Mayhem had demo tapes with other raw versions of it..........
Aarseth was very slow at recording material and its a shame that he is dead...He is the Godfather of modern day black metal.........
Venom is the Godfather of ALL black metal.....bands of the 1980's like Venom,Bathory,Hellhamer,Mercyful Fate....were the black metal
veterans....but Mayhem took the torch and continued black metal but with thier own stamp on it..."Norwegian" black metal......
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is the BEST black metal album of all time (in the realm of the second wave of black metal)I wouldn't recomend listening to any Mayhem albums except this one......this album is a must have situation for all black metal fans!!
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:56:28 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
Holy shit.. okay here are the bands I can think of off the top of my head.. This is challenge as I don't listen to black metal as much as I used too.. some of these I'm sure are dusty...
Black Funeral
Celtic Frost
cradle of Filth
Dark Funeral
Finntroll (?)....not really but dammit I love this band
Goat Whore
God Dethroned
hate Eternal
Lord Belial
Old Mans child
Opera IX
Thyrfing (newer is more heavier)
Many are questionable... but that is me draggin my brain through my cd collection 30 miles away.. I'm sure that I have also mis-spelled many..
I hate Varg.. Burzum sucks. I actually bough two a long time ago. Mayhem is terrible too.. but they deserve respect. I can't find myself actually putting Mayhem even in my cd player anymore. Have you heard there newer stuff?? I haven't...
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah...Lords Of Chaos...I got that book when it came out.....it has some interesting stuff in there,but some shit aint true what Varg Vikernes states in the book.....god I hate that guy and I hate Burzum.
I never could understand what Aarseth saw in his music? Not sure,but it sucks. I hope some black metal freak kid guns him down when he is released from prison!!! Avenge Euronymous!!!!!
Yeah...I know who Borknager and God Dethroned are...and Old Man's Child as well........I never got into any of those bands...but I know who they are.Everybody has flavors they like within black metal.
My favorites: "Some bands I list,I only like the first or first couple albums from them...and then anything after those..I don't care for"..so I just put "(old)" by it.
There are 36 bands here : Pure black metal....any bands I didn't list I consider either black/death ...death metal or black thrash.....
Venom(old) Behemoth(first 2 albums)
Mercyful Fate(old) Dark Funeral(Secrets album only)
Hellhamer Enthroned(with Sabathan)
Celtic Frost(old) Infernum(with Darken)
Bathory(old) Summoning(Lugburz album)
Possessed Judas Iscariot(Heaven In Flames LP & To Embrace....LP)
Mayhem(old)... Pest(Finland)Hail the black metal wolves album
Mortuary Drape Naer mataron(old)
Darkthrone Weltmacht
Von Ezurate
Marduk(old) Satanic Warmaster(old)
Immortal Godless North
Emperor(old) Cult Of Daath
Gorgoroth(old) Temple Of Baal
Carpathian Forest(old) Graven
Satyricon(old) Sargeist
Graveland Gosforth
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:30:57 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I just had garage sale and had to go through all my crap that I haven't seen in years.. I just dusted off the book Lords of Chaos. I dove head first into black metal, actually before I ever really learned about a ton of 80's bands.
One band that is still producing ablums that is good is old mans child.. But my personal fav not really so much Black Metal... ?not sure what to call them,.. Is Borknagar.. Everything that band has is awesome.
Have you heard of God Dethroned they are acutaly touring soon in my neck of the woods.. I will be there with bells.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah me too....I first got into black metal in 1983 when I heard Venom's At War With Satan album......the term "black metal" as a genre and scene was also back in the early days when Venom created "black metal" and the album title...but
in magazines and through word of mouth from Venom themselves...everything "satanic" in metal back then was considered "black metal"......Venom...Mercyful Fate....Slayer....Bathory...Hellhammer...Celtic Frost....
I didn't discovernorwegianblack metal untill 1994....late late 94' maybe...I know I heard Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in early 1995 and then Emperor,Darkthrone,Immortal,Gorgoroth..ect..
This was due to the death of Oystein Aarseth AKA "Euronymous"......after he was murdered in the summer of 1993......Norwegian black metal hit metal magazines like Karrang,Metal Edge,ect.....
.....then the rest of the world got a look at true underground black metal......whats bewtter than 18 year old kids slapping on war paint spikes and blood singing 'hail Satan" at the top of thier lungs???!!!!!! LOL!
The scene has killed itself within the late 90's till now I think.......I don't think black metal was meant to have so many bands...and they just repeat themselves by copying Darkthrone's style ...ect.....
I remember back in late 94' when almost everybody I knew had not heard of norwegian black metal......and now its pretty much a house hold name......
Not saying I won't give any new bands a chance at a listen...but nothing seems to grab my attention these days because either the bands are afraid to do
something different....or they do something SO DIFFERENT that its too far the other way...ect.... I think that the genre was not designed for an over crowded
black metal scene.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, July 20, 2009 4:21:42 PM)
Edited at: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:59:50 PM
Necroticist wrote:
Am crazy on Black Metal mate...have been for decades, since Emperor were in with the cassette trading scene...hehe. Am expecting great things from 'All Shall Fall'....the last one set a kinda standard...if they can beat that....wow!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey you like Immortal as well Necroticist....very cool......and,well...Immortal can look corny sometimes compared to the other bands in the scene in the early 90's....
Abbath is an excellent showman and an excellent black metal song writter with his riffs..ect.... I've liked Immortal since around 1994 or 95' somewhere around that era....
the band " I " Betwwen Two Worlds is "ok"...I never thought is was brilliant or anything...but ok....
Hey...the new Immortal album will be out in October and is called " All Shall Fall".
Necroticist wrote:
Emperor - In The Wordless Chamber
(nothing corny about Immortal mate...wait til the new CD is out....)
Edited at: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:36:29 PM
Edited at: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:20:24 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:47:30 PM
Edited at: Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:21:12 PM
[Sinner Rider] Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:47:48 PM
Ahhhh! The EYE!
The first abigail!.. Conpirsacy is great too!
Really you don't "them"? I haven't really listened to Abigail 2 much.. didn't really care for it.
That song "the lake" _ Fate Portrait... its just one of those songs that has fuckin power.. desert plains as well from the metal gods.
That picture is great.. I'm stealing that for my screen saver! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:37:26 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah it was totally awsome to say the least!!!!! Long Live The King!!! His back is fucked up right now and has been....but he is getting better and soon will tour again!
He should have a new album out next year I think. I am not a fan of all his albums....he has 12 or 13 studio albums and I have 3 of them.
Fatal Portrait,Voodoo and The Puppet Master.....those 3 albums to me are his best.
Sinner Rider wrote:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That is great! I just hear the king!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah Sinner...it was totally awsome....Fatal Portrait 1986 concert...here is a picture from that tour...I didn't take the photo but that was what it looked like!
It was killer because all the material he had was Mercyful Fate and the new album "Fatal Portrait". Total elite and I'm glad I got to be a part of it back then!
When I was at the Puppet Master show in 2005....as I mentioned I met Andy...and during an encore when the lights were bright and lit up the place..I was hanging over the rail
with a Judas Iscariot shirt on that sticks out like a sore thumb and Andy put his arm around the King and pointed at me saying something to King Diamond and then they
both gave me a thumbs up!!! It was awsome!!! Great show!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Andy LaRoche is awesome! He is been producing a ton of new stuff too.. he promotes a ton bans now as well.
I can't seem to think of any off the top of my head besides prophanity..... still thinking nothing comin...
dammit....... it will come to me.
yep i think it was 05 when he came around.. he had the graveyard scene on the stage.. I think it was right before he released Abigail 2. Man I wish I could have seem fatal portrait. That had to have been insane.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....I saw the Puppet Master tour ....the album came out in 2003 but I saw the King in 2005 but they were still supporting "The Puppet Master" album.
I got to meet Andy LaRoque(King's original and long time guitarist!) that day before the show and he is an awsome individual to say the least!! He talked
to me for almost a half an hour!!! He said I was one of the most passionate metalheads he has ever met!!!! LOL! That was an honor coming from Andy!!!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Ohh that is great. I just seen the king a few years back when he released the puppet master. It was awesome! He is such a great performer, and the cross bone microphone.... nice.
I do love teasing the bible freaks.. however it took a bad turn one time at a Marilyn Manson when my own mom was one of the protesters... OOPPSS... I don't think I ever ran so fast to get threw the doors and away from her in my life. Gotta love those classic memories.. I was once again forced the church school after that!
Oh yeah I was one of those kids,... the ones that looked like the came from a funeral everyday.. the funny thing is I just bought his new cd (MM).. I'm still a fan...
Sounds like the dude with the multiple names has some issues... its making think of the south park episode about the warcraft games..
fuckin hilarious.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Yeah Sinner Rider...just look at this guy...he can be Soylentgreen4U one minute....Nicholas Fivepennies the next,all to try and get to J.D.......and yes its a obsessive compulsive disorder.lol! I know.........what a dork.
And yeah...Venom's Black metal album rules!!!! I love Venom....always have. And hey.....I bought Fatal Portrait 1986 when it came out.....the day it came out actually! And I saw the Fatal Portait show in Seattle Washington
at the Moore Theater down town and it was excellent!!!! I mentioned a while back that when we went to that show....there were christian bible thumpers outside of the Moore handing out booklets of chrisianity begging us
not to go in there to see pure evil!! lol! We all were decked out in bullet belts,black leather jackets,upsidedown crosses,spikes,studs,...ect..ect....smoking bowls laughing our asses off and just wadded up the booklets and
threw them at the christians shouting "HAIL SATAN"!! LOL!! What else would we do back then? We were 16 years old for christ's sake ya know? lol! Good times Sinner!!! Good times!! LOL!!
Sinner Rider wrote:
Alright you sold me.. I'm on the look out for cd. Is it sad to say the my fav venom is black metal.. the most popuar.. Hhahaha... Have you heard the solo stuff from Cronos... its actually awesome.
I'm not worried about the five pennies dude.. its takes a lot to offend me. LOL! However he does seem to be taking it a bit far. you would think someome wouldn't care so much or give so much effort... it seems a bit odd.
I freaking love king diamond, Fatal Portrait... "the lake" still gives me goosebumps..
I believe his biggest influence was Halford. The king redoes the ripper, and besides golden earring priest is the only other band I have ever heard him cover. (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:46:04 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey thats cool Sinner Rider......if you get a chance...pick up "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" ...it is a masterpiece of black metal. That album is one of the most Darkest albums I have ever heard.
And back in the day in the early 80's...the term "black metal" was created by Venom....but the extreme underground labeled heavy satanic music "black metal" as this was a new title at the time.
Mercyful Fate with King Diamond's true Satanic beliefs as he is a real LaVeyian Satanist,his use of corpse paint painting a grim satanic image and his lyrics about satanism mixed with
Mercyful Fate's heavy metal music....it was well accepted as "black metal" back then.......when King quit Mercyful Fate and created his solo "King Diamond" band...they were no longer black metal
and were then "heavy metal" and to this day King Diamond plays heavy metal. King's image and lyrics in Mercyful Fate were HUGE in influencing the up-coming Norwegian black metal bands.
And this Nicholas Fivepennies "dork" is Darryn Heloffs.....("DUH") in disguise...so don't listen to ANYTHING he has to say...it is simply "verbal vomit"...nothing more...he is a childish moron.
Darryn thinks if he posts pictures of childish clown black metal bands it will somehow upset me....("oooh noooo man") what am I possibly going to do? How can I go on now? LOL!!!
...like what am I going to do now?? My world is comimg to an end because Darryn posted a clown cheesy black metal band.....or better yet.....he is calling the entire black metal scene "cheesy"...
oooohhh no no no no no ?? LOFL!!! What a fucking dork this guy really is Sinner Rider!! lol! Back when Mayhem,Darkthrone,Emperor and Immortal were first coming out I was listening to them....
Nicholas Fivepennies was listening to Pearl Jam and Ugly Kid Joe calling it "metal". Can you believe this guy? Calling it "metal" Is Ugly Kid Joe and Pearl Jam "metal" to you Sinner Rider?
So to you Nicholas Darryn Fivepennies.....I have to ask...."is this all you got guy"? Is that it? LOMFL!!! HAHAHAHAHA! You fucking crack my ass up.....(as I am rolling my eyes back)..."what a geek".
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:21:10 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I did check if I had that one.. nope. I will pick it up if I can ever find it around here..I may have to order it. We used to have a metal store, 2 of them actually but they have been shut down.. and no one has ever reopened. I can always go to a best buy or something but most black metal is hard to find. Varg is a fag.. I'm sure something will happened to him eventually.. the scene was sooo hardcore that there must be some insane fans out there still in the mix.
The thing that ticked me off was him using the viking culture and mixed it with the nazi shit. It was a disgrace...
I never was huge into Mayhem, I always liked them but wasn't a huge fan. So I really never invested much into all there albums.. I got into Emperor a ton more.. However Mayhem derserves the respect of creating the entire scene...
I met Hellhammer twice, he took quite an interest me. I literly walked away from him into the womens bathroom because he freaked me out so bad.. That was the only person who has ever been able to do that to me. The guy is seriously a mental case. As is Glenn Benton. I can't stress that enough. I also meet Dark Funeral who also were just freakin weird.. they guys live in a castle and I will vouche that they do not clean them selves.. They stunk like shit and patcholi.... But they were fun to have a drink with. They were actually really good live..
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah....Aarseth took pictures of Dead's body and was going to use it on one of Mayhem's albums....after he died...they did use it on "Dawn Of The Blackhearts" wich was basically "Live In Leipzig"1990
with a few bonus tracks of cover songs from Venom,Celtic Frost and Bathory on it. I'd bet that Hellhammer is a trip in person. I sure do not like what he has done to Mayhem though.
I feel like he should of layed the band to rest after tthe death of Aarseth,but obviously he had other plans. It is just not Mayhem without Euronymous. Just doesn't sound right to me.
And yeah....I heard that Varg is released from prison this year....he is getting out early. Hopefully one looney out of his mind black metal freak in Norway will kill that mother fucker!!!!
It wouldn't bother me in the slightest to hear that Varg was murdered. Serves him right. I do remember reading some things back then...that there are some people in norway
that want him DEAD! lol!! That guy is a fucking retard that ruined the core of the black metal scene....him and his stupid fucking "Nazi" bullshit he was trying to push on everybody back then..
None of the other bands like "Darkthrone,Immortal,Emperor" were interested in "Nazi and Hitler" bullshit....and he was headed in that direction.....SAD. We will see what happens to that loser soon.
Yeah....check out "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" (The Secret Rites Of Lord Satan)....its a masterpiece and as I've said...to me...its the best black metal album of all time from the second wave of black metal artists.
Sinner Rider wrote:
Honestly I don't think I have that cd... I do know that story however it has been a long time since I though of it.. beside me finding the lords of chaos book...
Didn't Euronymous take pictures of dead's body or something odd like that...
I will have to take a picture of the crazy old tshirt we have from mayhem and venom..originals...
I have to say.. The scariest musican i have ever meet is Hellhammer... he is seriously fuckin odd...
just words cant decribe.. I also think that Varg is out of prision isn't he? Last I heard it was soon?.....
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Oystein Aarseth aka "Euronymous" "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" 1993
Hey Sinner Rider......Mayhem was created by Oystein Aarseth in 1986 with Mayhem's demo "Pure Fucking Armageddon"....then thier debut LP 1987 "Death Crush"....
But they played a black/death/thrash metal kinda style....but when vocalist "Dead" joined the band in 1988....they moved into the realm of "black metal"....................
And around 1989...they had written almost all of the songs that would be later found on the "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" album released in 1994...............
In 1991 vocalist "Dead" shot and killed himself....and never got to record his vocals for the album...."Attila" from Hungary band "Tormentor" did the vocals
and in 93' Aarseth was murdered by Varg Vikerness of Burzum. So any Mayhem albums after De Mysteriis is not "real" Mayhem in my opinion.
But this album even though it was not released to the public yet...had a HUGE influence on the other black metal bands in the scene because all of
those bands got to listen to those tracks while they were being recorded and Mayhem had demo tapes with other raw versions of it..........
Aarseth was very slow at recording material and its a shame that he is dead...He is the Godfather of modern day black metal.........
Venom is the Godfather of ALL black metal.....bands of the 1980's like Venom,Bathory,Hellhamer,Mercyful Fate....were the black metal
veterans....but Mayhem took the torch and continued black metal but with thier own stamp on it..."Norwegian" black metal......
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is the BEST black metal album of all time (in the realm of the second wave of black metal)I wouldn't recomend listening to any Mayhem albums except this one......this album is a must have situation for all black metal fans!!
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Wednesday, July 22, 2009 8:56:28 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
Holy shit.. okay here are the bands I can think of off the top of my head.. This is challenge as I don't listen to black metal as much as I used too.. some of these I'm sure are dusty...
Black Funeral
Celtic Frost
cradle of Filth
Dark Funeral
Finntroll (?)....not really but dammit I love this band
Goat Whore
God Dethroned
hate Eternal
Lord Belial
Old Mans child
Opera IX
Thyrfing (newer is more heavier)
Many are questionable... but that is me draggin my brain through my cd collection 30 miles away.. I'm sure that I have also mis-spelled many..
I hate Varg.. Burzum sucks. I actually bough two a long time ago. Mayhem is terrible too.. but they deserve respect. I can't find myself actually putting Mayhem even in my cd player anymore. Have you heard there newer stuff?? I haven't...
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! Yeah...Lords Of Chaos...I got that book when it came out.....it has some interesting stuff in there,but some shit aint true what Varg Vikernes states in the book.....god I hate that guy and I hate Burzum.
I never could understand what Aarseth saw in his music? Not sure,but it sucks. I hope some black metal freak kid guns him down when he is released from prison!!! Avenge Euronymous!!!!!
Yeah...I know who Borknager and God Dethroned are...and Old Man's Child as well........I never got into any of those bands...but I know who they are.Everybody has flavors they like within black metal.
My favorites: "Some bands I list,I only like the first or first couple albums from them...and then anything after those..I don't care for"..so I just put "(old)" by it.
There are 36 bands here : Pure black metal....any bands I didn't list I consider either black/death ...death metal or black thrash.....
Venom(old) Behemoth(first 2 albums)
Mercyful Fate(old) Dark Funeral(Secrets album only)
Hellhamer Enthroned(with Sabathan)
Celtic Frost(old) Infernum(with Darken)
Bathory(old) Summoning(Lugburz album)
Possessed Judas Iscariot(Heaven In Flames LP & To Embrace....LP)
Mayhem(old)... Pest(Finland)Hail the black metal wolves album
Mortuary Drape Naer mataron(old)
Darkthrone Weltmacht
Von Ezurate
Marduk(old) Satanic Warmaster(old)
Immortal Godless North
Emperor(old) Cult Of Daath
Gorgoroth(old) Temple Of Baal
Carpathian Forest(old) Graven
Satyricon(old) Sargeist
Graveland Gosforth
(Quoting Message by Sinner Rider from Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:30:57 AM)
Sinner Rider wrote:
I just had garage sale and had to go through all my crap that I haven't seen in years.. I just dusted off the book Lords of Chaos. I dove head first into black metal, actually before I ever really learned about a ton of 80's bands.
One band that is still producing ablums that is good is old mans child.. But my personal fav not really so much Black Metal... ?not sure what to call them,.. Is Borknagar.. Everything that band has is awesome.
Have you heard of God Dethroned they are acutaly touring soon in my neck of the woods.. I will be there with bells.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah me too....I first got into black metal in 1983 when I heard Venom's At War With Satan album......the term "black metal" as a genre and scene was also back in the early days when Venom created "black metal" and the album title...but
in magazines and through word of mouth from Venom themselves...everything "satanic" in metal back then was considered "black metal"......Venom...Mercyful Fate....Slayer....Bathory...Hellhammer...Celtic Frost....
I didn't discovernorwegianblack metal untill 1994....late late 94' maybe...I know I heard Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in early 1995 and then Emperor,Darkthrone,Immortal,Gorgoroth..ect..
This was due to the death of Oystein Aarseth AKA "Euronymous"......after he was murdered in the summer of 1993......Norwegian black metal hit metal magazines like Karrang,Metal Edge,ect.....
.....then the rest of the world got a look at true underground black metal......whats bewtter than 18 year old kids slapping on war paint spikes and blood singing 'hail Satan" at the top of thier lungs???!!!!!! LOL!
The scene has killed itself within the late 90's till now I think.......I don't think black metal was meant to have so many bands...and they just repeat themselves by copying Darkthrone's style ...ect.....
I remember back in late 94' when almost everybody I knew had not heard of norwegian black metal......and now its pretty much a house hold name......
Not saying I won't give any new bands a chance at a listen...but nothing seems to grab my attention these days because either the bands are afraid to do
something different....or they do something SO DIFFERENT that its too far the other way...ect.... I think that the genre was not designed for an over crowded
black metal scene.
(Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, July 20, 2009 4:21:42 PM)
Edited at: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:59:50 PM
Necroticist wrote:
Am crazy on Black Metal mate...have been for decades, since Emperor were in with the cassette trading scene...hehe. Am expecting great things from 'All Shall Fall'....the last one set a kinda standard...if they can beat that....wow!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Hey you like Immortal as well Necroticist....very cool......and,well...Immortal can look corny sometimes compared to the other bands in the scene in the early 90's....
Abbath is an excellent showman and an excellent black metal song writter with his riffs..ect.... I've liked Immortal since around 1994 or 95' somewhere around that era....
the band " I " Betwwen Two Worlds is "ok"...I never thought is was brilliant or anything...but ok....
Hey...the new Immortal album will be out in October and is called " All Shall Fall".
Necroticist wrote:
Emperor - In The Wordless Chamber
(nothing corny about Immortal mate...wait til the new CD is out....)