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What are youo listening rigt now?
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About music we are listening at this particulary time

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[jimmyjames] Sunday, July 05, 2009 4:01:10 PM 
Light In The Black - Rainbow.
[sadwingsofdestiny51] Sunday, July 05, 2009 11:41:04 AM 

Halford - Night Fall

[Phantom A6] Sunday, July 05, 2009 8:42:26 AM 

W.A.S.P. - "WASP"

[Necroticist] Sunday, July 05, 2009 7:01:36 AM 
Lake Of Tears - Headstones  CD
[Necroticist] Sunday, July 05, 2009 5:37:33 AM 

How Like A Winter - Beyond My Grey Wake  CD

[Necroticist] Sunday, July 05, 2009 4:38:22 AM 
Dark Princess - Without You  CD
[spapad] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:21:00 PM 
Goodnight B.S. pleasant Priest dreams!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by british.steel from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:15:08 PM)
[british.steel] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:15:08 PM 
yeah true, well i listend to some of the songs on youtube, and i liked them a little. so i finally bought the album, gave it a few listens all the way through and i love it. The song future of manking is a very epic ending to it. i just love the way the synth ,makes the songs sound very big and epic. believe it or not, painkiller took me a couple of listens to enjoy, especially victim of changes.... 

it was nice chatting with you spapad but i gotta hit the hay. Happy 4th of july..well 5th now i guess. lol

[spapad] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:11:12 PM 
That album does take more than one listen to fall in love with, it takes many because there is just SO MUCH there, you could not possibly listen to it one time and apprieciate it for what it is.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by british.steel from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:08:41 PM)
[british.steel] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:08:41 PM 
The downfall of priest? wow. But i can see how the album drags in some places, mostly in the prelude songs like Dawn of Creation leading up to Prophecy. but i think it builds up intensity and when the riff hits, its very powerful. Alot of ppl that i know say they hate it...but they have only heard an I tunes sample of a song or two, i hate that.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:02:58 PM)
[jimmyjames] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:08:40 PM 
I said there are a few good songs on it, lyrically I just find the whole album borderline ridiculous, the part you just quoted i find extemely pretentious, why not just say it in English? Basically it's never an album I feel like listening to.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by british.steel from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:01:59 PM)
[jimmyjames] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:08:02 PM 
I said there are a few good songs on it, lyrically I just find the whole album borderline ridiculous, the part you just quoted i find extemely pretentious, why not just say it in English? Basically it's never an album I feel like listening to.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by british.steel from Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:01:59 PM)
[spapad] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:02:58 PM 

There is nothing wrong with that album, it does drag in some places but it's truely a well composed effort. If you want to know all about the Nos, thing just go read Any Nos thread here, there are those who love it, those who dispise it, and those in between. I don't know it the thread is still alive or not but when the Album first came out they posted a thread called "Nostradamus, the downfall of Priest"
So opionions very and will probably be long debated over many years.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by british.steel from Saturday, July 04, 2009 10:52:38 PM)
[british.steel] Saturday, July 04, 2009 11:01:59 PM 
yeah people always say its boring, but whats boring about the songs Prophecy? Future of Mankind? Visions? Nostradamus? Pestilence and Plague? and i think the lyrics are pretty good, they work well with the songs. okay some of the lyrics could be better but they are very creative...who else would think of writing this..

Pestilence and Plague
Nella tentanzione (into temptation)
cercando la gloria (in search of glory)
ll Prezzoda Pagare (the price we pay)
E'la Caduta dell'uomo (the fall of man)

i think thats brilliant!!!!!!!
[jimmyjames] Saturday, July 04, 2009 10:56:16 PM 
Mainly because it's quite boring. There's a few good songs but on the whole it's pretty average. For me the lyrics are the worst part about it.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by british.steel from Saturday, July 04, 2009 10:52:38 PM)
[british.steel] Saturday, July 04, 2009 10:52:38 PM 
im officially hooked on the Nostradamus album, why dont people like it??!?!? lol
[jimmyjames] Saturday, July 04, 2009 10:46:06 PM 
On Your Feet Or On Your Knees - Motorhead.
[jimmyjames] Saturday, July 04, 2009 10:03:12 PM 
Zombie Eaters - Faith No More.
[Necroticist] Saturday, July 04, 2009 8:28:49 PM 
Nothing - cos i'm heading out so much on my fooked...sorry, but see u tomorrow.
[Necroticist] Saturday, July 04, 2009 2:59:11 PM 
Net radio cos it's way..WAY too hot to bother here....
[Necroticist] Saturday, July 04, 2009 8:24:50 AM 
Nick Harper - Double Life  CD
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Saturday, July 04, 2009 6:32:58 AM 
Pain/ Three Days Grace
great video and the words are to ponder about...

[Matts458] Friday, July 03, 2009 7:13:28 PM 
Perfect Water- Blue Oyster Cult
[spapad] Friday, July 03, 2009 6:18:55 PM 

I like that too, but you know I would rather have heard alone or Death this year for the tour. Like the stones say, you cant always get what you want!

Silent Screams,          Halford

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Friday, July 03, 2009 6:15:02 PM)
[ron h] Friday, July 03, 2009 6:15:02 PM 
lol...You are not Alone!!!  There are others I like, but I love the wailing guitar...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, July 03, 2009 6:10:37 PM)
[spapad] Friday, July 03, 2009 6:10:37 PM 
And mine as well, as you could see from my posts earlier back. When I was listening to the album I would get to that song, and just keep hitting repeat.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Friday, July 03, 2009 6:05:09 PM)
[ron h] Friday, July 03, 2009 6:05:09 PM 
My favorite song off Nos...
[mgdman] Friday, July 03, 2009 5:55:32 PM 
Alone   The Mighty Priest  
[Becks] Friday, July 03, 2009 5:53:35 PM 
From the MIlwaukee Priest show, 2/7/09, You Don't Have To Be Old To Be Wise
I have to say, Rob is in top form here! Fantastic performance by the band as a whole! Makes me wish I could see a show even more LOL!
[sadwingsofdestiny51] Friday, July 03, 2009 4:59:32 PM 


[Necroticist] Friday, July 03, 2009 11:32:09 AM 
Nightwish - Wishmaster   CD
[sadwingsofdestiny51] Friday, July 03, 2009 11:18:37 AM 
PANTERA - Cemetary Gates
[Rebel 06] Friday, July 03, 2009 11:14:12 AM 
Diamonds & Rust

F Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Necroticist] Friday, July 03, 2009 10:05:41 AM 
Draconian - The Burning Halo  CD  (last one i
[Necroticist] Friday, July 03, 2009 8:38:26 AM 
Draconian - Arcane Rain Fell  CD   (must be about time i changed....)
[Necroticist] Friday, July 03, 2009 8:21:24 AM 
I guess i'm lucky - have all the demo's and the song that didn't make the last CD - bloody awesome band!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by LadyBathory9 from Friday, July 03, 2009 8:19:04 AM)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Friday, July 03, 2009 8:19:04 AM 
It grieves my Heart/ Draconian
Luv this song...her voice is awesome..
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Friday, July 03, 2009 8:09:24 AM 
U think next song will be Draconian..thanx..

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Friday, July 03, 2009 8:07:34 AM)
[Necroticist] Friday, July 03, 2009 8:07:34 AM 
Draconian - Where Lovers Mourn  CD  (methinks LadyB would love them..)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Friday, July 03, 2009 8:02:39 AM 

I luv this gothic version of this song...

[Necroticist] Friday, July 03, 2009 7:38:17 AM 
Draconian - Dark Oceans We Cry  CD/demo   (am so into them today....)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Friday, July 03, 2009 7:29:28 AM 
Paradise Lost...I luv them and this song...

[pip] Friday, July 03, 2009 6:50:41 AM 

L.O.V.E. Machine--Wasp    

Go Blackie Lawless Go !! ----had such a crush on him when I was a teen!!

[Necroticist] Friday, July 03, 2009 6:33:17 AM 
Draconian - The Closed Eyes Of Paradise  CD/Demo
[Lessy] Friday, July 03, 2009 6:29:45 AM 
[Necroticist] Friday, July 03, 2009 4:58:15 AM 
Draconian - Turning Season Within CD (yes again...)
[spapad] Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:46:10 PM 
[Necroticist] Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:15:55 PM 
nada - and am leaving here - at least til i calm down..have fun all.
[Necroticist] Thursday, July 02, 2009 6:53:02 PM 
net radio - am just too bloody hot to play my own stuff....
[spapad] Thursday, July 02, 2009 6:30:48 PM 
Top Urban Dictionary term for this word is as below: Second one is what Necro said! :

SOD 287 up, 41 downlove it hate it
The meaning 'sodomite' is a little old fashioned. More typically it's used as a softer form of 'fool', 'idiot', or 'bastard'.
He's a daft old sod, but you've got to love him.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, July 02, 2009 4:58:26 PM)
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