[CountessErzebethBathory9] Friday, April 17, 2009 10:05:53 PM | |
HI! Everyone ,,Whats up!! Decide to not let NO ROTTEN TOMATOES
get the better of me...So, I guess i'm BACK... |
[Becks] Friday, April 17, 2009 10:01:42 PM | |
Haha it's all good Spa, I have tonnes of pics on there, including one of me wearing a Nessie hat which is not very flattering LOL! I think I put that one in there, haha. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:56:24 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Well, OK add me girls and I'll make a point to stop in from time to time. Right now all I talk to is old farts and they bore the shit out of me. Never say anything interesting at all. Make me wanna puke, Oh Damn! I just realized you'll see picks of me in Highschool! LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | Oooh if you find Spa I'll add too! hehehe. I love facebook haha.
Just chatting to the husbo on there actually  |  | devils_child wrote: | | You've told me your real name... I'm just going to have to check the spelling of your last name |
[devils_child] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:57:45 PM | |
Well you can see pictures of me and Becks... LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:56:24 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Well, OK add me girls and I'll make a point to stop in from time to time. Right now all I talk to is old farts and they bore the shit out of me. Never say anything interesting at all. Make me wanna puke, Oh Damn! I just realized you'll see picks of me in Highschool! LOL |  | Becks wrote: | | Oooh if you find Spa I'll add too! hehehe. I love facebook haha.
Just chatting to the husbo on there actually  |  | devils_child wrote: | | You've told me your real name... I'm just going to have to check the spelling of your last name |
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:56:24 PM | |
Well, OK add me girls and I'll make a point to stop in from time to time. Right now all I talk to is old farts and they bore the shit out of me. Never say anything interesting at all. Make me wanna puke, Oh Damn! I just realized you'll see picks of me in Highschool! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:53:56 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Oooh if you find Spa I'll add too! hehehe. I love facebook haha.
Just chatting to the husbo on there actually  |  | devils_child wrote: | | You've told me your real name... I'm just going to have to check the spelling of your last name |
[devils_child] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:55:01 PM | |
I have tonnes of fun over there... LOL. Mostly cos I got 2 of the sinful gals on my list. A few of the gals from the Q and a few girls who love Steve just as much as I do.. haha, So i still get up to the same tricks over there. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:47:51 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | I don't know why, and maybe because I'm regalled to the "old farts" section, I'm just really bored there. |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hahaha, Last night Jules picked her 5 sexiest celebrities.. A long debate soon ensued, So funny!! I have met some awesome people through the groups over there. |
[Becks] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:53:56 PM | |
Oooh if you find Spa I'll add too! hehehe. I love facebook haha.
Just chatting to the husbo on there actually  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:48:08 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | You've told me your real name... I'm just going to have to check the spelling of your last name |
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:49:26 PM | |
Yes, It is very long and incumbersome isn't it! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:48:08 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | You've told me your real name... I'm just going to have to check the spelling of your last name |
[devils_child] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:48:08 PM | |
You've told me your real name... I'm just going to have to check the spelling of your last name [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:45:29 PM) |
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:47:51 PM | |
I don't know why, and maybe because I'm regalled to the "old farts" section, I'm just really bored there. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:44:08 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hahaha, Last night Jules picked her 5 sexiest celebrities.. A long debate soon ensued, So funny!! I have met some awesome people through the groups over there. |
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:45:29 PM | |
[devils_child] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:44:08 PM | |
Hahaha, Last night Jules picked her 5 sexiest celebrities.. A long debate soon ensued, So funny!! I have met some awesome people through the groups over there. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:42:28 PM) |
[devils_child] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:42:59 PM | |
You do!.... awesome. I'll see if i can find ya! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:42:21 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Fabulous DC! I wont leave this board for a few Fu*ktards! I have a facebook account, you can PM me if you want it, but I'm rarely ever there. Don't care a fig for it. I like right her just fine! |  | devils_child wrote: | | Gah, I'm so sick of the trash on this board.... Everyone nice get a facebook account and we can mess around there. At least on that you can ban people from harassing you or making snide comments.
So, how is everyone? |
[Becks] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:42:28 PM | |
Heya DC! I'm good, you? Yeah facebook is fun LOL I do too many stupid quizes on there haha. I did the 'What movie is your life?' quiz, I got Dumb And Dumber   [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:39:27 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Gah, I'm so sick of the trash on this board.... Everyone nice get a facebook account and we can mess around there. At least on that you can ban people from harassing you or making snide comments.
So, how is everyone? |
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:42:21 PM | |
Fabulous DC! I wont leave this board for a few Fu*ktards! I have a facebook account, you can PM me if you want it, but I'm rarely ever there. Don't care a fig for it. I like right her just fine! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:39:27 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Gah, I'm so sick of the trash on this board.... Everyone nice get a facebook account and we can mess around there. At least on that you can ban people from harassing you or making snide comments.
So, how is everyone? |
[Becks] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:41:16 PM | |
Very very true, the Priest family is awesome very well said, I totally agree and feel the same  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:38:21 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | I wholeheatedly agree Becks, Friends is what comming here is about, and Our love for Priest! I have many friends here I would not enjoy loosing at all.
Friends that have been messed with just like me and are still above the garbage, and new friends I meet every now and again and just adore such as yourself, Adri, DC, what would we do without you Girls! Nothing Like the Priest Family as MG~ So elloquently puts it. |  | Becks wrote: | | So true, Spa. No matter where people go in life, there will be those annoying pests around, pissing others off cos they think it's fun. I like to focus on the friends I have, it's a far more positive and pleasant occupation than being an annoyance  |  | spapad wrote: | | DF, why would I leave when I have so many good friends here, like you said, just a couple members who are a thorn in our backsides but no biggy. They always go away eventually. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Thank you. It is so very true. Believe me, there are still a couple members here that I would NOT miss in the slightest should they decide to "move on" but all are welcome . For all those "great" members that have decided to leave us, there are MORE that have stayed and I am grateful. |  | mgdman wrote: | | Well said Freeze! I agree with you 100%. We all take what we want from here
and it does make you think. Whatever the topic was good or bad and you grow
from the exchanges whether you know it or not.
Onward and Upward friends.... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[devils_child] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:39:27 PM | |
Gah, I'm so sick of the trash on this board.... Everyone nice get a facebook account and we can mess around there. At least on that you can ban people from harassing you or making snide comments.
So, how is everyone? |
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:38:21 PM | |
I wholeheatedly agree Becks, Friends is what comming here is about, and Our love for Priest! I have many friends here I would not enjoy loosing at all.
Friends that have been messed with just like me and are still above the garbage, and new friends I meet every now and again and just adore such as yourself, Adri, DC, what would we do without you Girls! Nothing Like the Priest Family as MG~ So elloquently puts it. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:33:39 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | So true, Spa. No matter where people go in life, there will be those annoying pests around, pissing others off cos they think it's fun. I like to focus on the friends I have, it's a far more positive and pleasant occupation than being an annoyance  |  | spapad wrote: | | DF, why would I leave when I have so many good friends here, like you said, just a couple members who are a thorn in our backsides but no biggy. They always go away eventually. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Thank you. It is so very true. Believe me, there are still a couple members here that I would NOT miss in the slightest should they decide to "move on" but all are welcome . For all those "great" members that have decided to leave us, there are MORE that have stayed and I am grateful. |  | mgdman wrote: | | Well said Freeze! I agree with you 100%. We all take what we want from here
and it does make you think. Whatever the topic was good or bad and you grow
from the exchanges whether you know it or not.
Onward and Upward friends.... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[Becks] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:33:39 PM | |
So true, Spa. No matter where people go in life, there will be those annoying pests around, pissing others off cos they think it's fun. I like to focus on the friends I have, it's a far more positive and pleasant occupation than being an annoyance  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, April 17, 2009 9:27:50 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | DF, why would I leave when I have so many good friends here, like you said, just a couple members who are a thorn in our backsides but no biggy. They always go away eventually. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Thank you. It is so very true. Believe me, there are still a couple members here that I would NOT miss in the slightest should they decide to "move on" but all are welcome . For all those "great" members that have decided to leave us, there are MORE that have stayed and I am grateful. |  | mgdman wrote: | | Well said Freeze! I agree with you 100%. We all take what we want from here
and it does make you think. Whatever the topic was good or bad and you grow
from the exchanges whether you know it or not.
Onward and Upward friends.... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:27:50 PM | |
DF, why would I leave when I have so many good friends here, like you said, just a couple members who are a thorn in our backsides but no biggy. They always go away eventually. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, April 17, 2009 8:54:56 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Thank you. It is so very true. Believe me, there are still a couple members here that I would NOT miss in the slightest should they decide to "move on" but all are welcome . For all those "great" members that have decided to leave us, there are MORE that have stayed and I am grateful. |  | mgdman wrote: | | Well said Freeze! I agree with you 100%. We all take what we want from here
and it does make you think. Whatever the topic was good or bad and you grow
from the exchanges whether you know it or not.
Onward and Upward friends.... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[Becks] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:20:15 PM | |
Hope everyone is well! I'm sitting around, watching the comedy channel and surfing the net LOL! |
[paorcamp] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:07:32 PM | |
....you rule!!!!that was great [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, April 17, 2009 7:16:47 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[mgdman] Friday, April 17, 2009 8:59:26 PM | |
Your Welcome [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, April 17, 2009 8:54:56 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Thank you. It is so very true. Believe me, there are still a couple members here that I would NOT miss in the slightest should they decide to "move on" but all are welcome . For all those "great" members that have decided to leave us, there are MORE that have stayed and I am grateful. |  | mgdman wrote: | | Well said Freeze! I agree with you 100%. We all take what we want from here
and it does make you think. Whatever the topic was good or bad and you grow
from the exchanges whether you know it or not.
Onward and Upward friends.... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[Deep Freeze] Friday, April 17, 2009 8:54:56 PM | |
Thank you. It is so very true. Believe me, there are still a couple members here that I would NOT miss in the slightest should they decide to "move on" but all are welcome . For all those "great" members that have decided to leave us, there are MORE that have stayed and I am grateful. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by mgdman from Friday, April 17, 2009 8:49:31 PM) |  | mgdman wrote: | | Well said Freeze! I agree with you 100%. We all take what we want from here
and it does make you think. Whatever the topic was good or bad and you grow
from the exchanges whether you know it or not.
Onward and Upward friends.... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[Painkiller87] Friday, April 17, 2009 8:54:32 PM | |
Ahhh, finally the weekend is upon us! An excellent day and week of work and all is good. Now to settle down with the Priest..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hxBNJyeRhg Edited at: Friday, April 17, 2009 8:55:09 PM |
[mgdman] Friday, April 17, 2009 8:49:31 PM | |
Well said Freeze! I agree with you 100%. We all take what we want from here
and it does make you think. Whatever the topic was good or bad and you grow
from the exchanges whether you know it or not.
Onward and Upward friends.... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, April 17, 2009 7:16:47 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 8:05:32 PM | |
Exactly how I feel Darth! Exactly! United!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Friday, April 17, 2009 7:59:29 PM) |  | Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: | | Well said Freeze. I know I've been staying away from posting on the board like I used to, mostly b/c I don't want to involve myself with the Brothers Fucktard. However, I realized something just now...if I leave or if I create a new ID, those assholes win. Screw that and screw them!!!! As much as I dislike their unnecessary and pitiful rantings, they are a cancer to a site I like and I enjoy coming there and chatting with all of you. I for one do not think any of us should allow these cretins to win or gain some type of advantage. Just my thoughts. Thank you for posting that my friend. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[Phantom A6] Friday, April 17, 2009 8:01:24 PM | |
Now you want to know to all other members that I have created the account with the number:
"The worthless warrior"
1st: I want you to know that I have send all details to Murray!!
2nd: I want you to know that I go with all this informations to the German police!!
You have make a big mistake sucker, 'Cause our laws are stronger!! |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Friday, April 17, 2009 7:59:29 PM | |
Well said Freeze. I know I've been staying away from posting on the board like I used to, mostly b/c I don't want to involve myself with the Brothers Fucktard. However, I realized something just now...if I leave or if I create a new ID, those assholes win. Screw that and screw them!!!! As much as I dislike their unnecessary and pitiful rantings, they are a cancer to a site I like and I enjoy coming there and chatting with all of you. I for one do not think any of us should allow these cretins to win or gain some type of advantage. Just my thoughts. Thank you for posting that my friend. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, April 17, 2009 7:16:47 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Friday, April 17, 2009 7:11:43 PM | |
Well this day was long and boring, I sat at the hospital all day, got up @ 4am to drive my relative in, he had hernia surgery. We had to be there at 6:45am to check in, and then wait all day in recovery, finally got home about an hour ago.. Iam going to watch the great outdoors!! and go to bed,, Long day...
Well I see Ralph and Potsy are still on the board! LMAO .. was nice it looks like for a few minutes today..LOL
Take it easy enjoy the nite.,.. Talk to you all tomorrow.
Hugs to you all MG~ |
[spapad] Friday, April 17, 2009 5:54:14 PM | |
Wow PK! I didn't even know they had a word record for that kind of thing! Ha!!! He's rocker that's for certain! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Friday, April 17, 2009 5:05:06 PM)
Edited at: Friday, April 17, 2009 5:54:48 PM |
[Painkiller87] Friday, April 17, 2009 5:05:06 PM | |
[Becks] Friday, April 17, 2009 4:36:50 PM | |
Well said Freeze.
Morning everyone! A lovely saturday here, not sure what I will get up to today LOL!
How is everyone? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, April 17, 2009 7:16:47 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[_strat_] Friday, April 17, 2009 9:45:00 AM | |
Evolve? So you believe Darwin? Conservapedia wont have much good to say about you.
Well, goofy aside, the least I can say is that youre right and I agree. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, April 17, 2009 7:39:57 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Epidermal pigmentation aside, I said we all evolve or fade away. Whether or not I like it is irrelevant....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Aha!!!! You like change? Maybe you just accept it? Maybe you can believe in it?... IDK... Looks like a certain well-taned man has made quite an impression on you recently. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[Deep Freeze] Friday, April 17, 2009 7:39:57 AM | |
Epidermal pigmentation aside, I said we all evolve or fade away. Whether or not I like it is irrelevant....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Friday, April 17, 2009 7:33:11 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Aha!!!! You like change? Maybe you just accept it? Maybe you can believe in it?... IDK... Looks like a certain well-taned man has made quite an impression on you recently. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[Head banger] Friday, April 17, 2009 7:39:09 AM | |
like the phrase paper tiger, means someone who is pretending to be a gangster. (or tiger) play tough, but not [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Friday, April 17, 2009 5:34:35 AM) |  | Phantom A6 wrote: | | "Paper gangster". In German it makes sense. Means a gangster not in real just written on a piece of paper. |  | Becks wrote: | | LMAO Soy! Boney M or Cyndi Lauper have nothing on the horrible stupidness that is Lady GaGa. I heard some song going on about a 'paper ganster' several times - WTF is a paper gangster?!  |  | Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN wrote: | | HELLO ....WHAT?,NO CYNDI LAUPER IN HER CAR?...OR HOW ABOUT "NIGHTFLIGHT TO VENUS" BY BONEY M.?... ....RASPUTIN!...HE WAS A BAD DUDE!....OR JUST MISUNDERSTOOD... |  | Becks wrote: | | Hiya Soy! I heard about a South American winning but didn't realise it was an Argentinian, cool!
Argh I just remembered something I was gonna say LMAO! Here's a new version of HELL for a metal head - being driven around in my mums car while she blasts her new Lady GaGa CD my ears were assaulted quote viciously LMAO! |
[_strat_] Friday, April 17, 2009 7:33:11 AM | |
Aha!!!! You like change? Maybe you just accept it? Maybe you can believe in it?... IDK... Looks like a certain well-taned man has made quite an impression on you recently. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, April 17, 2009 7:16:47 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[Deep Freeze] Friday, April 17, 2009 7:16:47 AM | |
Good Morning. Looks as though Murray has, as usual, taken care of business and removed a tumor. Well done, as always. You know, there has been a lot of chatter here lately about behavior and what is or is not acceptable. I am always supportive of discourse and I wanted to take a moment to speak on a serious note to all of you.
Over the last couple of years, this Board has seen many changes. As we all know, change is a constant in our world. Those that find they are unable to adapt to change inevitably will succumb to its dynamic. Such is life. We all evolve or we fade away. There have been a lot of very good and very bad members that have "moved on" and are no longer with us. That is a fact. But, more importantly, we have a lot of members that remain. I choose not to lament the loss of those which no longer join us but to embrace those that do.
It is my belief that each and every member offers us something. Even those that choose a path of discord. From them we all learn to support one another and the bonds of friendship are strengthened. From those that differ in opinion, we learn alternate points of view. Certainly I do not always agree with everything that is said here but I find that I am much better for the exchanges. Our lives are enriched through the diversity we have here and that means a lot. In my case, many of you shared in a dark point of my life some time ago. You were there from the beginning and there when I emerged from the other side. I will always be thankful that you were there.
Regardless of one's political affiliation, socio-economic situation, religious beliefs or personal views, each and every one of us on this Board share a common interest...Judas Priest. Through this band, we have come together. Through our friendships, we have stayed. For all the talk and griping and accusations and snipes, we stay. And we all make friends. I often lay in bed at night and, as I drift off to sleep, I actually think of you. I picture those I have never seen and try to imagine what you look like. I can see those I have met and I imagine hanging out and talking. I recall those that have made personal efforts to spend time with me. And I smile. Sometimes, I wonder what you're doing at that moment. Are you sleeping? Are you sharing with family? Working? Listening to some Priest? HA!!!!!!
We can say what we will about some of the behavior here. As much as I have always tried to show grace and manners I realize that I am human and I get caught up in the silliness just as anyone else can. We can declare our disgust and leave. We can take shots at one another. We can complain about those that are no longer part of our group. All of this we can do. But we can also share in the unique and widely varied personalities that make up OUR Board today. That's right, OUR Board. It is ours. Yours and mine. We keep coming here because we care. We defend because we care. We argue because we care. We laugh because we care. Most importantly of all........we care.
[_strat_] Friday, April 17, 2009 7:03:19 AM | |
Lol... Well, I wasnt even an idea when they were on the scene. But, they have one or two songs that I can listen to. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Friday, April 17, 2009 5:32:47 AM) |  | Phantom A6 wrote: | | Boney M!! I was in school (6th grade) as they're coming up!! |
[_strat_] Friday, April 17, 2009 7:02:31 AM | |
[Phantom A6] Friday, April 17, 2009 6:32:45 AM | |
Hey Scooter!!
You're banned again!! And thats twice!!
-100 for "Angel of retribution Mach 2"
-100 for "Tyrantrebel"!!
Good job Murray!! Thanx!! You rock!! 
[Phantom A6] Friday, April 17, 2009 5:34:35 AM | |
"Paper gangster". In German it makes sense. Means a gangster not in real just written on a piece of paper. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:45:22 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | LMAO Soy! Boney M or Cyndi Lauper have nothing on the horrible stupidness that is Lady GaGa. I heard some song going on about a 'paper ganster' several times - WTF is a paper gangster?!  |  | Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN wrote: | | HELLO ....WHAT?,NO CYNDI LAUPER IN HER CAR?...OR HOW ABOUT "NIGHTFLIGHT TO VENUS" BY BONEY M.?... ....RASPUTIN!...HE WAS A BAD DUDE!....OR JUST MISUNDERSTOOD... |  | Becks wrote: | | Hiya Soy! I heard about a South American winning but didn't realise it was an Argentinian, cool!
Argh I just remembered something I was gonna say LMAO! Here's a new version of HELL for a metal head - being driven around in my mums car while she blasts her new Lady GaGa CD my ears were assaulted quote viciously LMAO! |
[Phantom A6] Friday, April 17, 2009 5:32:47 AM | |
[Phantom A6] Friday, April 17, 2009 5:30:37 AM | |
I have watched a tv show here in Germany she was in.
After her performance starts an interview and she's talking like a little child 'Cause no-one have told her what she have to say!! Totally Gaga!! Every second row was "Oh, I love Germany."!! Go back where you come from, little bitch!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:45:22 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | LMAO Soy! Boney M or Cyndi Lauper have nothing on the horrible stupidness that is Lady GaGa. I heard some song going on about a 'paper ganster' several times - WTF is a paper gangster?!  |  | Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN wrote: | | HELLO ....WHAT?,NO CYNDI LAUPER IN HER CAR?...OR HOW ABOUT "NIGHTFLIGHT TO VENUS" BY BONEY M.?... ....RASPUTIN!...HE WAS A BAD DUDE!....OR JUST MISUNDERSTOOD... |  | Becks wrote: | | Hiya Soy! I heard about a South American winning but didn't realise it was an Argentinian, cool!
Argh I just remembered something I was gonna say LMAO! Here's a new version of HELL for a metal head - being driven around in my mums car while she blasts her new Lady GaGa CD my ears were assaulted quote viciously LMAO! |
[_strat_] Friday, April 17, 2009 2:19:13 AM | |
[Becks] Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:45:22 PM | |
LMAO Soy! Boney M or Cyndi Lauper have nothing on the horrible stupidness that is Lady GaGa. I heard some song going on about a 'paper ganster' several times - WTF is a paper gangster?!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN from Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:41:34 PM) |  | Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN wrote: | | HELLO ....WHAT?,NO CYNDI LAUPER IN HER CAR?...OR HOW ABOUT "NIGHTFLIGHT TO VENUS" BY BONEY M.?... ....RASPUTIN!...HE WAS A BAD DUDE!....OR JUST MISUNDERSTOOD... |  | Becks wrote: | | Hiya Soy! I heard about a South American winning but didn't realise it was an Argentinian, cool!
Argh I just remembered something I was gonna say LMAO! Here's a new version of HELL for a metal head - being driven around in my mums car while she blasts her new Lady GaGa CD my ears were assaulted quote viciously LMAO! |
[Soylentgreen4u] Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:41:34 PM | |
HELLO ....WHAT?,NO CYNDI LAUPER IN HER CAR?...OR HOW ABOUT "NIGHTFLIGHT TO VENUS" BY BONEY M.?... ....RASPUTIN!...HE WAS A BAD DUDE!....OR JUST MISUNDERSTOOD... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:22:40 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Hiya Soy! I heard about a South American winning but didn't realise it was an Argentinian, cool!
Argh I just remembered something I was gonna say LMAO! Here's a new version of HELL for a metal head - being driven around in my mums car while she blasts her new Lady GaGa CD my ears were assaulted quote viciously LMAO! |
[adrianaec_88] Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:28:44 PM | |
[Becks] Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:22:40 PM | |
Hiya Soy! I heard about a South American winning but didn't realise it was an Argentinian, cool!
Argh I just remembered something I was gonna say LMAO! Here's a new version of HELL for a metal head - being driven around in my mums car while she blasts her new Lady GaGa CD my ears were assaulted quote viciously LMAO! |
[Soylentgreen4u] Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:19:42 PM | |
[adrianaec_88] Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:53:51 PM | |