[guidogodoy] Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:45:27 AM | |
You know, I think HE even looks sad.
Probably because papa was yelling at the tv half the night...lol!!!
 [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:38:03 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Dogs are good at consoling, so happy and eager to please  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Ah, thanks to you too, my friend.
At least I have Calvin here to console me in my misery......happy little fluffball..... |  | Becks wrote: | | Awww that sucks that MSU lost Guido. My commiserations. |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Ah, thanks Spa. Just blinking through the tears to catch up on my reading here.
Lost from the very start. UGLY game that heretofore go unmentioned. Just NO stopping UNC this year but, hey, #2 is better than I would have ever hoped.
Nice to see MSU play in Detroit, as I always said. Wish they had put on more of a SHOW but nice showing just the same. |  | spapad wrote: | | Now I'm off! Guid! Your team will kick their ass off next year!  |
[Becks] Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:38:03 AM | |
Dogs are good at consoling, so happy and eager to please  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:34:44 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Ah, thanks to you too, my friend.
At least I have Calvin here to console me in my misery......happy little fluffball..... |  | Becks wrote: | | Awww that sucks that MSU lost Guido. My commiserations. |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Ah, thanks Spa. Just blinking through the tears to catch up on my reading here.
Lost from the very start. UGLY game that heretofore go unmentioned. Just NO stopping UNC this year but, hey, #2 is better than I would have ever hoped.
Nice to see MSU play in Detroit, as I always said. Wish they had put on more of a SHOW but nice showing just the same. |  | spapad wrote: | | Now I'm off! Guid! Your team will kick their ass off next year!  |
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:34:44 AM | |
Ah, thanks to you too, my friend.
At least I have Calvin here to console me in my misery......happy little fluffball..... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:32:09 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Awww that sucks that MSU lost Guido. My commiserations. |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Ah, thanks Spa. Just blinking through the tears to catch up on my reading here.
Lost from the very start. UGLY game that heretofore go unmentioned. Just NO stopping UNC this year but, hey, #2 is better than I would have ever hoped.
Nice to see MSU play in Detroit, as I always said. Wish they had put on more of a SHOW but nice showing just the same. |  | spapad wrote: | | Now I'm off! Guid! Your team will kick their ass off next year!  |
[Becks] Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:32:09 AM | |
Awww that sucks that MSU lost Guido. My commiserations. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:04:46 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Ah, thanks Spa. Just blinking through the tears to catch up on my reading here.
Lost from the very start. UGLY game that heretofore go unmentioned. Just NO stopping UNC this year but, hey, #2 is better than I would have ever hoped.
Nice to see MSU play in Detroit, as I always said. Wish they had put on more of a SHOW but nice showing just the same. |  | spapad wrote: | | Now I'm off! Guid! Your team will kick their ass off next year!  |
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:04:46 AM | |
Ah, thanks Spa. Just blinking through the tears to catch up on my reading here.
Lost from the very start. UGLY game that heretofore go unmentioned. Just NO stopping UNC this year but, hey, #2 is better than I would have ever hoped.
Nice to see MSU play in Detroit, as I always said. Wish they had put on more of a SHOW but nice showing just the same. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, April 06, 2009 11:57:53 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Now I'm off! Guid! Your team will kick their ass off next year!  |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:58:39 PM | |
Haha! How about posting a pic of a MSU Spartan? Ah, well...either way, great job, Spapad!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, April 06, 2009 11:55:17 PM)
spapad wrote: |
I'm Pissed, I wanted to paint a whole block green and It wont let me! Damn Board!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Just learned How!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Monday, April 06, 2009 11:46:27 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
Edited at: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:55:58 PM |
Edited at: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:59:56 PM |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:57:53 PM | |
Now I'm off! Guid! Your team will kick their ass off next year!  |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:55:17 PM | |
I'm Pissed, I wanted to paint a whole block green and It wont let me! Damn Board!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Just learned How!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Monday, April 06, 2009 11:46:27 PM)
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
Edited at: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:55:58 PM |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:49:25 PM | |
Yup! Still #1, regardless of what appeared on the score board tonight!!! 
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:46:27 PM | |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:44:22 PM | |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:42:17 PM | |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:39:39 PM | |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:34:38 PM | |
One last thing, I got it, time to paint it green!
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:32:55 PM | |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:29:37 PM | |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:26:50 PM | |
Goodnight, Spapad!! Have sinful dreams of Rob tonight!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, April 06, 2009 11:25:09 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | That's going to happen to me in a couple days if I don't resign-up! Love ya Vail! I think I'm off for the night!
Sorry once again, my dear friend Guid! |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | |  |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:25:09 PM | |
That's going to happen to me in a couple days if I don't resign-up! Love ya Vail! I think I'm off for the night!
Sorry once again, my dear friend Guid! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Monday, April 06, 2009 11:16:38 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | |  |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:16:38 PM | |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:13:21 PM | |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:04:17 PM | |
Sorry Guid! So sorry! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Monday, April 06, 2009 11:02:00 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Yes, they did. |  | spapad wrote: | | Vail, did they lose? I don't watch only get reports. |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Guido!! MSU is still #1 in my book!!!!!!  |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 11:02:00 PM | |
Yes, they did. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, April 06, 2009 10:59:50 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Vail, did they lose? I don't watch only get reports. |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Guido!! MSU is still #1 in my book!!!!!!  |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 10:59:50 PM | |
Vail, did they lose? I don't watch only get reports. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Monday, April 06, 2009 10:58:37 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Guido!! MSU is still #1 in my book!!!!!!  |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 10:58:37 PM | |
Guido!! MSU is still #1 in my book!!!!!!  |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 10:00:29 PM | |
Night HB! Have pleasant dreams of JP concerts! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Monday, April 06, 2009 9:54:30 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | thaks, same to you
night |  | spapad wrote: | | Your the best in My book my friend! Who love's ya baby!? (play the Kojak song) LOL You know it! |  | Head banger wrote: | | of course it is. I said it and I am the best, right!! HA! |  | spapad wrote: | | So true HB, so true. |  | Head banger wrote: | | no human should totaly trust another either.
the no scorekeeping was highlited for a reason, right? scorekeeping is a great tool to decide who deserves trust. trust, once broken can almost never be fixed.
and your right, blind trust does enable those who are not trustworthy.
chose who you trust carefully, because on the net its much harder to learn who is worthy of that special gift. |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thought for the day..
Its about Trust..
'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth shown by someone or something over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so your focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life. Trust breeds confidence and conviction.
No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.
Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.
Some keys to building trust :
1. Communicate. Say accurately what you are doing, and don't assume others 'just know'. Also helpful : suggest some way they can help out.
2. Do what you've communicated. Nothing is more important to building trust than actions which match the words, non-verbal cues, and stated reasons. (I mean, actions that don't have to have 'spin' to make them seem like they match.
3. No scorekeeping. The game of tit-for-tat does not create a sense of trust. Quit reminding others of what they did wrong in the past. Focus on what's happening now.
4. Look in the mirror.
Are you giving other people reason to distrust you? Were you acting this same way in a past instance where you were shown unworthy of trust?
5. Repetition. Each time you act in a trustworthy manner, you earn more trust. After a while, the trust starts adding up. Be thorough about it : build trust in every matter, big or small.
6. Show trust. People who are trusted are more likely to trust. Most people actually are trustworthy in most matters most of the time. Trust them, and the trust may spread. (That doesn't mean blind trust, which is a way to become an untrustworthy person's enabler.)
MG~ |
[Head banger] Monday, April 06, 2009 9:54:30 PM | |
thaks, same to you
night [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, April 06, 2009 9:48:38 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Your the best in My book my friend! Who love's ya baby!? (play the Kojak song) LOL You know it! |  | Head banger wrote: | | of course it is. I said it and I am the best, right!! HA! |  | spapad wrote: | | So true HB, so true. |  | Head banger wrote: | | no human should totaly trust another either.
the no scorekeeping was highlited for a reason, right? scorekeeping is a great tool to decide who deserves trust. trust, once broken can almost never be fixed.
and your right, blind trust does enable those who are not trustworthy.
chose who you trust carefully, because on the net its much harder to learn who is worthy of that special gift. |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thought for the day..
Its about Trust..
'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth shown by someone or something over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so your focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life. Trust breeds confidence and conviction.
No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.
Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.
Some keys to building trust :
1. Communicate. Say accurately what you are doing, and don't assume others 'just know'. Also helpful : suggest some way they can help out.
2. Do what you've communicated. Nothing is more important to building trust than actions which match the words, non-verbal cues, and stated reasons. (I mean, actions that don't have to have 'spin' to make them seem like they match.
3. No scorekeeping. The game of tit-for-tat does not create a sense of trust. Quit reminding others of what they did wrong in the past. Focus on what's happening now.
4. Look in the mirror.
Are you giving other people reason to distrust you? Were you acting this same way in a past instance where you were shown unworthy of trust?
5. Repetition. Each time you act in a trustworthy manner, you earn more trust. After a while, the trust starts adding up. Be thorough about it : build trust in every matter, big or small.
6. Show trust. People who are trusted are more likely to trust. Most people actually are trustworthy in most matters most of the time. Trust them, and the trust may spread. (That doesn't mean blind trust, which is a way to become an untrustworthy person's enabler.)
MG~ |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 9:48:38 PM | |
Your the best in My book my friend! Who love's ya baby!? (play the Kojak song) LOL You know it! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Monday, April 06, 2009 9:24:22 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | of course it is. I said it and I am the best, right!! HA! |  | spapad wrote: | | So true HB, so true. |  | Head banger wrote: | | no human should totaly trust another either.
the no scorekeeping was highlited for a reason, right? scorekeeping is a great tool to decide who deserves trust. trust, once broken can almost never be fixed.
and your right, blind trust does enable those who are not trustworthy.
chose who you trust carefully, because on the net its much harder to learn who is worthy of that special gift. |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thought for the day..
Its about Trust..
'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth shown by someone or something over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so your focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life. Trust breeds confidence and conviction.
No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.
Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.
Some keys to building trust :
1. Communicate. Say accurately what you are doing, and don't assume others 'just know'. Also helpful : suggest some way they can help out.
2. Do what you've communicated. Nothing is more important to building trust than actions which match the words, non-verbal cues, and stated reasons. (I mean, actions that don't have to have 'spin' to make them seem like they match.
3. No scorekeeping. The game of tit-for-tat does not create a sense of trust. Quit reminding others of what they did wrong in the past. Focus on what's happening now.
4. Look in the mirror.
Are you giving other people reason to distrust you? Were you acting this same way in a past instance where you were shown unworthy of trust?
5. Repetition. Each time you act in a trustworthy manner, you earn more trust. After a while, the trust starts adding up. Be thorough about it : build trust in every matter, big or small.
6. Show trust. People who are trusted are more likely to trust. Most people actually are trustworthy in most matters most of the time. Trust them, and the trust may spread. (That doesn't mean blind trust, which is a way to become an untrustworthy person's enabler.)
MG~ |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, April 06, 2009 9:37:56 PM | |
Go, Michigan State U (hope I'm not too late)!!!  |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 9:24:22 PM | |
[Head banger] Monday, April 06, 2009 9:24:22 PM | |
of course it is. I said it and I am the best, right!! HA! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, April 06, 2009 9:21:40 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | So true HB, so true. |  | Head banger wrote: | | no human should totaly trust another either.
the no scorekeeping was highlited for a reason, right? scorekeeping is a great tool to decide who deserves trust. trust, once broken can almost never be fixed.
and your right, blind trust does enable those who are not trustworthy.
chose who you trust carefully, because on the net its much harder to learn who is worthy of that special gift. |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thought for the day..
Its about Trust..
'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth shown by someone or something over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so your focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life. Trust breeds confidence and conviction.
No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.
Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.
Some keys to building trust :
1. Communicate. Say accurately what you are doing, and don't assume others 'just know'. Also helpful : suggest some way they can help out.
2. Do what you've communicated. Nothing is more important to building trust than actions which match the words, non-verbal cues, and stated reasons. (I mean, actions that don't have to have 'spin' to make them seem like they match.
3. No scorekeeping. The game of tit-for-tat does not create a sense of trust. Quit reminding others of what they did wrong in the past. Focus on what's happening now.
4. Look in the mirror.
Are you giving other people reason to distrust you? Were you acting this same way in a past instance where you were shown unworthy of trust?
5. Repetition. Each time you act in a trustworthy manner, you earn more trust. After a while, the trust starts adding up. Be thorough about it : build trust in every matter, big or small.
6. Show trust. People who are trusted are more likely to trust. Most people actually are trustworthy in most matters most of the time. Trust them, and the trust may spread. (That doesn't mean blind trust, which is a way to become an untrustworthy person's enabler.)
MG~ |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 9:21:40 PM | |
So true HB, so true. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Monday, April 06, 2009 9:09:06 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | no human should totaly trust another either.
the no scorekeeping was highlited for a reason, right? scorekeeping is a great tool to decide who deserves trust. trust, once broken can almost never be fixed.
and your right, blind trust does enable those who are not trustworthy.
chose who you trust carefully, because on the net its much harder to learn who is worthy of that special gift. |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thought for the day..
Its about Trust..
'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth shown by someone or something over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so your focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life. Trust breeds confidence and conviction.
No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.
Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.
Some keys to building trust :
1. Communicate. Say accurately what you are doing, and don't assume others 'just know'. Also helpful : suggest some way they can help out.
2. Do what you've communicated. Nothing is more important to building trust than actions which match the words, non-verbal cues, and stated reasons. (I mean, actions that don't have to have 'spin' to make them seem like they match.
3. No scorekeeping. The game of tit-for-tat does not create a sense of trust. Quit reminding others of what they did wrong in the past. Focus on what's happening now.
4. Look in the mirror.
Are you giving other people reason to distrust you? Were you acting this same way in a past instance where you were shown unworthy of trust?
5. Repetition. Each time you act in a trustworthy manner, you earn more trust. After a while, the trust starts adding up. Be thorough about it : build trust in every matter, big or small.
6. Show trust. People who are trusted are more likely to trust. Most people actually are trustworthy in most matters most of the time. Trust them, and the trust may spread. (That doesn't mean blind trust, which is a way to become an untrustworthy person's enabler.)
MG~ |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 9:20:34 PM | |
[Head banger] Monday, April 06, 2009 9:09:06 PM | |
no human should totaly trust another either.
the no scorekeeping was highlited for a reason, right? scorekeeping is a great tool to decide who deserves trust. trust, once broken can almost never be fixed.
and your right, blind trust does enable those who are not trustworthy.
chose who you trust carefully, because on the net its much harder to learn who is worthy of that special gift. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, April 06, 2009 3:59:05 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thought for the day..
Its about Trust..
'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth shown by someone or something over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so your focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life. Trust breeds confidence and conviction.
No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.
Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.
Some keys to building trust :
1. Communicate. Say accurately what you are doing, and don't assume others 'just know'. Also helpful : suggest some way they can help out.
2. Do what you've communicated. Nothing is more important to building trust than actions which match the words, non-verbal cues, and stated reasons. (I mean, actions that don't have to have 'spin' to make them seem like they match.
3. No scorekeeping. The game of tit-for-tat does not create a sense of trust. Quit reminding others of what they did wrong in the past. Focus on what's happening now.
4. Look in the mirror.
Are you giving other people reason to distrust you? Were you acting this same way in a past instance where you were shown unworthy of trust?
5. Repetition. Each time you act in a trustworthy manner, you earn more trust. After a while, the trust starts adding up. Be thorough about it : build trust in every matter, big or small.
6. Show trust. People who are trusted are more likely to trust. Most people actually are trustworthy in most matters most of the time. Trust them, and the trust may spread. (That doesn't mean blind trust, which is a way to become an untrustworthy person's enabler.)
MG~ |
[Becks] Monday, April 06, 2009 8:38:43 PM | |
Go Michigan State!!!! Woohoo Guidos team! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, April 06, 2009 8:33:23 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | WHAT?!? How can you people be talking about anything else....there is a GAME going on!!
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 8:37:47 PM | |
OK, I know it's not your fight song! But a little support here I am giving! Go Guid's TEAM!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, April 06, 2009 8:33:23 PM)
guidogodoy wrote: |
WHAT?!? How can you people be talking about anything else....there is a GAME going on!!

Edited at: Monday, April 06, 2009 8:38:09 PM Edited at: Monday, April 06, 2009 8:38:44 PM |
[guidogodoy] Monday, April 06, 2009 8:33:23 PM | |
WHAT?!? How can you people be talking about anything else....there is a GAME going on!!
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 8:13:55 PM | |
I've got enough protection on this thing that it's like fort Knox, but still all that mess does slow it down some. I'll take the slower speed to losing all my valuable information. Hope she gets it sorted soon! DC! We miss you even if only for a day! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, April 06, 2009 8:08:13 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Ah that's right! LOL my brain is like a sieve somtimes. Hopefully she can get rid of the virus ok - I had a terrible one on my computer last year that was horrid to get rid of. Blimmin viruses. |  | spapad wrote: | | Can't imagine a better way to celebrate! Last night DC was on shortly and said she had computer virus alerts, and I have not seen her since. Hope she get's that squared away. Would like to see here back soon! |
[Becks] Monday, April 06, 2009 8:08:13 PM | |
Ah that's right! LOL my brain is like a sieve somtimes. Hopefully she can get rid of the virus ok - I had a terrible one on my computer last year that was horrid to get rid of. Blimmin viruses. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, April 06, 2009 8:05:36 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Can't imagine a better way to celebrate! Last night DC was on shortly and said she had computer virus alerts, and I have not seen her since. Hope she get's that squared away. Would like to see here back soon! |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 8:05:36 PM | |
Can't imagine a better way to celebrate! Last night DC was on shortly and said she had computer virus alerts, and I have not seen her since. Hope she get's that squared away. Would like to see here back soon! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, April 06, 2009 8:02:28 PM) |
[Becks] Monday, April 06, 2009 8:02:28 PM | |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 7:59:52 PM | |
Becks! That is awesome news! So glad you got it! And like you say, it's a foot in the door! That's what counts! Putting on my Party hat just for you! LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, April 06, 2009 7:53:06 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Hiya Necro! Glad to see you back!
Hmmm wonder where DC is, haven't seen her for a bit.
I just got called about the job I've been testing for. I was successful, YAY!!!!!! They're going to contact my referees and then contact me again. I'm so pleased. It's measly hours but it's SOMETHING and it's a foot in the door at what is arguably the biggest dairy company in the world. YAY! |
[Necroticist] Monday, April 06, 2009 7:55:54 PM | |
TY - and well done! Hope it all works out. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, April 06, 2009 7:53:06 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Hiya Necro! Glad to see you back!
Hmmm wonder where DC is, haven't seen her for a bit.
I just got called about the job I've been testing for. I was successful, YAY!!!!!! They're going to contact my referees and then contact me again. I'm so pleased. It's measly hours but it's SOMETHING and it's a foot in the door at what is arguably the biggest dairy company in the world. YAY! |
[Becks] Monday, April 06, 2009 7:53:06 PM | |
Hiya Necro! Glad to see you back!
Hmmm wonder where DC is, haven't seen her for a bit.
I just got called about the job I've been testing for. I was successful, YAY!!!!!! They're going to contact my referees and then contact me again. I'm so pleased. It's measly hours but it's SOMETHING and it's a foot in the door at what is arguably the biggest dairy company in the world. YAY! |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 6:24:19 PM | |
Goodnight D.O.E.! Have a good one! sleep that is! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by DelivererofEvil from Monday, April 06, 2009 6:19:33 PM) |  | DelivererofEvil wrote: | | Time for me to go and get some sleep, otherwise the construction workers revamping the flat above mine will wake me up at 9 am and I won't have slept enough to make through the day without being cranky, ehehehe
Good night Defenders! |
[DelivererofEvil] Monday, April 06, 2009 6:19:33 PM | |
Time for me to go and get some sleep, otherwise the construction workers revamping the flat above mine will wake me up at 9 am and I won't have slept enough to make through the day without being cranky, ehehehe
Good night Defenders! |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 6:19:20 PM | |
Wonderful to see you Necro! Glad to have you back my friend! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, April 06, 2009 6:15:09 PM) |  | Necroticist wrote: | | Hi all - Soz i been gone a while (comp died). Long story, but still installing progs etc...chat soon. Missed ya loads! L8R. |
[Necroticist] Monday, April 06, 2009 6:15:09 PM | |
Hi all - Soz i been gone a while (comp died). Long story, but still installing progs etc...chat soon. Missed ya loads! L8R. |
[spapad] Monday, April 06, 2009 6:15:03 PM | |
When Priest came through last year if you didn't go to the venue to buy the tickets or Live nation, you were going to pay exhorbitant amounts! Up to over $1,000.00 US dollars! I couldn't believe people would even trust these sites! Scary business!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Monday, April 06, 2009 5:30:55 PM) |
[Head banger] Monday, April 06, 2009 5:45:43 PM | |
when its ticketbastards own scalpers, I think its even worse! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, April 06, 2009 5:34:10 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | OMG yes, Hugo Weavings voice is awesome, and very sexy LOL!
HB - grrrr scalpers make me mad, or resellers or whatever you want to call them. |  | DelivererofEvil wrote: | | Not to mention that Hugo Weaving lending his voice to V was the perfect choice, he's got THE voice for it! |  | Becks wrote: | | Soy, you MUST see it! It's fantastic, one of my favourite movies. I haven't read the comic DoE, but I have heard it's great! I find the messages in the story very relevant too. That and the action scenes are awesome  |  | DelivererofEvil wrote: | | Beautiful comic it was and perfectly put into film!
It isn't just another chaotic comic adaption, the Wachowsky brothers cared to preserve all the philosophy embedded into the original story! Very humanistic even though that message is channeled through a path of hate. |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Soy! I value integrity very highly also. One of my favourite quotes (from the movie V for Vendetta) is Our integrity sells for so little, but it's all that we really have. It is the very last inch of us, but within that inch, we are free. |  | Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN wrote: | | THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES, TO ME ANYWAY,THAT I LOOK FOR IN THOSE I MIGHT LIKE TO TRY AND BECOME FRIENDS WITH IS LOYALTY AND INTEGRITY ...AND HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED HOW SO MANY PRETEND TO HAVE IT,BUT ACTUALLY DON'T?.....
BLOOOOODY HUMANS! .... |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thought for the day..
Its about Trust..
'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth shown by someone or something over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so your focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life. Trust breeds confidence and conviction.
No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.
Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.
Some keys to building trust :
1. Communicate. Say accurately what you are doing, and don't assume others 'just know'. Also helpful : suggest some way they can help out.
2. Do what you've communicated. Nothing is more important to building trust than actions which match the words, non-verbal cues, and stated reasons. (I mean, actions that don't have to have 'spin' to make them seem like they match.
3. No scorekeeping. The game of tit-for-tat does not create a sense of trust. Quit reminding others of what they did wrong in the past. Focus on what's happening now.
4. Look in the mirror.
Are you giving other people reason to distrust you? Were you acting this same way in a past instance where you were shown unworthy of trust?
5. Repetition. Each time you act in a trustworthy manner, you earn more trust. After a while, the trust starts adding up. Be thorough about it : build trust in every matter, big or small.
6. Show trust. People who are trusted are more likely to trust. Most people actually are trustworthy in most matters most of the time. Trust them, and the trust may spread. (That doesn't mean blind trust, which is a way to become an untrustworthy person's enabler.)
MG~ |
[Becks] Monday, April 06, 2009 5:34:10 PM | |
OMG yes, Hugo Weavings voice is awesome, and very sexy LOL!
HB - grrrr scalpers make me mad, or resellers or whatever you want to call them. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by DelivererofEvil from Monday, April 06, 2009 5:29:53 PM) |  | DelivererofEvil wrote: | | Not to mention that Hugo Weaving lending his voice to V was the perfect choice, he's got THE voice for it! |  | Becks wrote: | | Soy, you MUST see it! It's fantastic, one of my favourite movies. I haven't read the comic DoE, but I have heard it's great! I find the messages in the story very relevant too. That and the action scenes are awesome  |  | DelivererofEvil wrote: | | Beautiful comic it was and perfectly put into film!
It isn't just another chaotic comic adaption, the Wachowsky brothers cared to preserve all the philosophy embedded into the original story! Very humanistic even though that message is channeled through a path of hate. |  | Becks wrote: | | LOL Soy! I value integrity very highly also. One of my favourite quotes (from the movie V for Vendetta) is Our integrity sells for so little, but it's all that we really have. It is the very last inch of us, but within that inch, we are free. |  | Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN wrote: | | THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES, TO ME ANYWAY,THAT I LOOK FOR IN THOSE I MIGHT LIKE TO TRY AND BECOME FRIENDS WITH IS LOYALTY AND INTEGRITY ...AND HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED HOW SO MANY PRETEND TO HAVE IT,BUT ACTUALLY DON'T?.....
BLOOOOODY HUMANS! .... |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thought for the day..
Its about Trust..
'Trust' indicates a depth and a sense of assurance that is based on strong but not logically-conclusive evidence, or based on the character, ability, or truth shown by someone or something over time or across situations. Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so your focus can be on other matters because that matter is taken care of. It becomes easier to simply enjoy life. Trust breeds confidence and conviction.
No human is totally trustworthy.
No human is totally untrustworthy.
No human can always trust themselves.
No human is totally trusting of any one other person.
Trust is a risk. We leave ourselves open for loss. Betrayal of trust hurts so much because the lost sense of security multiplies the damage.
Some keys to building trust :
1. Communicate. Say accurately what you are doing, and don't assume others 'just know'. Also helpful : suggest some way they can help out.
2. Do what you've communicated. Nothing is more important to building trust than actions which match the words, non-verbal cues, and stated reasons. (I mean, actions that don't have to have 'spin' to make them seem like they match.
3. No scorekeeping. The game of tit-for-tat does not create a sense of trust. Quit reminding others of what they did wrong in the past. Focus on what's happening now.
4. Look in the mirror.
Are you giving other people reason to distrust you? Were you acting this same way in a past instance where you were shown unworthy of trust?
5. Repetition. Each time you act in a trustworthy manner, you earn more trust. After a while, the trust starts adding up. Be thorough about it : build trust in every matter, big or small.
6. Show trust. People who are trusted are more likely to trust. Most people actually are trustworthy in most matters most of the time. Trust them, and the trust may spread. (That doesn't mean blind trust, which is a way to become an untrustworthy person's enabler.)
MG~ |