[_strat_] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:34:13 AM | |
Ah, you mean like the pilgrims?
Tell me... Did you ever watch "Only fools and horses" on an American TV station? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:33:07 AM) |  | Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: | | That show is yet ANOTHER British import to the USA! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Good Morning, Freeze.
So, whats this? A cooking show with contestants, that get screamed at by some idiot-ass chef? Will you guys at the other end of the pond ever stop making sick shows? I swear, if that ever gets on our TV, theres going to be trouble... Hannah Montana was bad enough already! |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:33:07 AM | |
That show is yet ANOTHER British import to the USA! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:28:43 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Good Morning, Freeze.
So, whats this? A cooking show with contestants, that get screamed at by some idiot-ass chef? Will you guys at the other end of the pond ever stop making sick shows? I swear, if that ever gets on our TV, theres going to be trouble... Hannah Montana was bad enough already! |
[_strat_] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:28:43 AM | |
Good Morning, Freeze.
So, whats this? A cooking show with contestants, that get screamed at by some idiot-ass chef? Will you guys at the other end of the pond ever stop making sick shows? I swear, if that ever gets on our TV, theres going to be trouble... Hannah Montana was bad enough already! |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:25:14 AM | |
Morning Freeze! I know what you mean about that Hell's Kitchen chef! That s.o.b. needs a SERIOUS Attytude Adjustment! It is not cool nor funny to hear someone talk like that or treat people the way he does. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:17:08 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Good Morning! Just after 4AM here in Vegas and I have been "up" for over an hour!! Blasted back! Anyway, hope all is well. You know Becks, I have tried to watch that "Hell's Kitchen" show a couple times but I have to say, the friggin limey cook is just TOO ridiculous for me. I mean, he does NOT look all that tough and I can assure you, if he ever started screaming at me like that he would get a cast iron pan right upside his friggin melon!! HA!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously! That guy must have body guards standing off camera because that guy would get a MAJOR ass-whipping! They must only allow contestants that are wimpy or something ?? All I saw was a lot of crying and whimpering when I should have seen fists in that dude's grill!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 6:17:08 AM | |
Good Morning! Just after 4AM here in Vegas and I have been "up" for over an hour!! Blasted back! Anyway, hope all is well. You know Becks, I have tried to watch that "Hell's Kitchen" show a couple times but I have to say, the friggin limey cook is just TOO ridiculous for me. I mean, he does NOT look all that tough and I can assure you, if he ever started screaming at me like that he would get a cast iron pan right upside his friggin melon!! HA!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously! That guy must have body guards standing off camera because that guy would get a MAJOR ass-whipping! They must only allow contestants that are wimpy or something ?? All I saw was a lot of crying and whimpering when I should have seen fists in that dude's grill!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
[Becks] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 3:46:52 AM | |
Good morning Ron! Well actually good evening here LOL getting close to my bed time hehe. |
[ron h] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 3:41:19 AM | |
I hope she does Vail...she's been a good friend to me and others and it would be more than a shame if she stayed away... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:55:47 AM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Out of the many things that have occured today, I gotta say that I'm happy Mrs. Downing-Travis is back!!! Good to see you here again, MG!!!!!!!!!!! 
As for Bev coming back, I'll keep my whole opinion to myself for the sake and sanity of the Board, and simply say this: I'm sure she'll be back... |
[ron h] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 3:39:33 AM | |
Good morning fellow Metalmaniacs!!! |
[Becks] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:08:44 AM | |
Night Vail, sweet dreams  |
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:04:39 AM | |
Hiya, Becks!! I'm just taking one last peek here before going to bed (it's barely Tuesday here...heh...). After a good amount of studying and peeking in here every now and then, I'm ready to hit the hay. 'Night, Becks!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:00:34 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Hiya Vail, how are ya?? I'm currently watching Hells Kitchen LMAO watching Ramsay yell at people is very entertaining  |
[Becks] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:00:34 AM | |
Hiya Vail, how are ya?? I'm currently watching Hells Kitchen LMAO watching Ramsay yell at people is very entertaining  |
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1:55:47 AM | |
Out of the many things that have occured today, I gotta say that I'm happy Mrs. Downing-Travis is back!!! Good to see you here again, MG!!!!!!!!!!! 
As for Bev coming back, I'll keep my whole opinion to myself for the sake and sanity of the Board, and simply say this: I'm sure she'll be back... |
[mgdman] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 12:28:56 AM | |
I agree HB ! Come back Bev and join us in our
adventure through life! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Monday, March 16, 2009 10:59:34 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | alright, MG is back. now we need bev back, if we can. then we can move to peace and move forwards!!! |
[mgdman] Tuesday, March 17, 2009 12:23:14 AM | |
Welcome back MG!! Glad to see some of the guys were able to
persuade you to come back. Hope to see opn the boards soon
Keep the Faith 
MGDMAN [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:30:12 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[Head banger] Monday, March 16, 2009 10:59:34 PM | |
alright, MG is back. now we need bev back, if we can. then we can move to peace and move forwards!!! |
[Head banger] Monday, March 16, 2009 10:48:15 PM | |
I love heated seats. use them most of the time!!! but to cause pain, thats bizare! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:11:10 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Just remembered something somewhat funny. I had to take my car in to the shot today for repairs where someone hit a couple months ago, (thank god, they told me about it and didn't just drive off). Anyway, I got a rental car to drive a few days and when I got in the car the rental agent had already started it and it was warming up. When I sat down in the seat, I discovered it was heated, seemed ok at first but then it got hotter and I felt like I was sitting on a hot plate! I had no idea how to turn this feature off since no car I have ever owned has had that feature. I pulled off the road, but starting to burn reallly, and was desparate to find this button to shut this thing off. Finally found it at the bottom of the seat, It was set on the highest setting! Now I understand the saying, burns my ass like a three foot flame a little more! LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | I'll be sure to "tune in"! |  | Necroticist wrote: | | where u should all be....www.wildradio.net - am in last stages of setting up - u would all love it there...request based station, play some darn fine tunes....i'll be up soon - just need to re-install trax to comp |
[Necroticist] Monday, March 16, 2009 10:35:11 PM | |
Am gonna have to leave....wife knows where i store the gun....lol - catch u all tommorow - tc. |
[spapad] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:33:38 PM | |
See ya later Becks! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, March 16, 2009 8:27:42 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Thanks Spa, I hope the husbo can sort out what he needs to with the minimal of fuss LMAO!
Right off to do dishes, will be back later!  |  | spapad wrote: | | Hope it works out for ya Becks! |  | Becks wrote: | | Cheers Spa! I hope I get it too LOL.
I just emailed him and said if he can, print off the client number application form and get a photocopy of your passport and fax it to FedEx at the number provided. I told him if it won't work he needs to ring me to get it sorted. LOL blimmin pain in the bum. |  | spapad wrote: | | I hope you get the job Becks!
Can your husband scan his passport I.D. portion and have it signed by a millitary boss who bore witness to the copy? Worth a shot! |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:27:42 PM | |
Thanks Spa, I hope the husbo can sort out what he needs to with the minimal of fuss LMAO!
Right off to do dishes, will be back later!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, March 16, 2009 8:24:11 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Hope it works out for ya Becks! |  | Becks wrote: | | Cheers Spa! I hope I get it too LOL.
I just emailed him and said if he can, print off the client number application form and get a photocopy of your passport and fax it to FedEx at the number provided. I told him if it won't work he needs to ring me to get it sorted. LOL blimmin pain in the bum. |  | spapad wrote: | | I hope you get the job Becks!
Can your husband scan his passport I.D. portion and have it signed by a millitary boss who bore witness to the copy? Worth a shot! |
[adrianaec_88] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:24:37 PM | |
wow $2 for a week, go you! lmao! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, March 16, 2009 8:22:00 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Doing great Adri had a very productive day, go me! LMAO. Actually about to go do the dishes then off to the library to get some DVDs out, $2 per DVD for a week, sweeeeeeet. |
[spapad] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:24:11 PM | |
Hope it works out for ya Becks! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, March 16, 2009 8:08:05 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Cheers Spa! I hope I get it too LOL.
I just emailed him and said if he can, print off the client number application form and get a photocopy of your passport and fax it to FedEx at the number provided. I told him if it won't work he needs to ring me to get it sorted. LOL blimmin pain in the bum. |  | spapad wrote: | | I hope you get the job Becks!
Can your husband scan his passport I.D. portion and have it signed by a millitary boss who bore witness to the copy? Worth a shot! |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:22:00 PM | |
Doing great Adri had a very productive day, go me! LMAO. Actually about to go do the dishes then off to the library to get some DVDs out, $2 per DVD for a week, sweeeeeeet. |
[adrianaec_88] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:14:34 PM | |
I second, Bev where are you?
How is the metal family doing ?   [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, March 16, 2009 8:03:07 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | That said, I now REALLY want Bev back. This site really suffers without you, my friend. No one can claim to have held the Priest torch higher. Your dedication to us and this site goes uncontested as you are in a category far above most "regular" members. I know how easy it would be for you to simply walk away. However, it would be to our collective detriment.
I miss you already, Auntie B. Don't let any shitdisturber(s) undermine how much you mean to people like me. Un abrazo.... |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:12:40 PM | |
I agree, come back Bev!!!!  |
[spapad] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:11:19 PM | |
Bev, I second that, and feel you both should be here in Metal Peace! Why not! You are missed my dear! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, March 16, 2009 8:03:07 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | That said, I now REALLY want Bev back. This site really suffers without you, my friend. No one can claim to have held the Priest torch higher. Your dedication to us and this site goes uncontested as you are in a category far above most "regular" members. I know how easy it would be for you to simply walk away. However, it would be to our collective detriment.
I miss you already, Auntie B. Don't let any shitdisturber(s) undermine how much you mean to people like me. Un abrazo.... |
[momo] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:09:11 PM | |
I second that! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, March 16, 2009 8:03:07 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | That said, I now REALLY want Bev back. This site really suffers without you, my friend. No one can claim to have held the Priest torch higher. Your dedication to us and this site goes uncontested as you are in a category far above most "regular" members. I know how easy it would be for you to simply walk away. However, it would be to our collective detriment.
I miss you already, Auntie B. Don't let any shitdisturber(s) undermine how much you mean to people like me. Un abrazo.... |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:08:05 PM | |
Cheers Spa! I hope I get it too LOL.
I just emailed him and said if he can, print off the client number application form and get a photocopy of your passport and fax it to FedEx at the number provided. I told him if it won't work he needs to ring me to get it sorted. LOL blimmin pain in the bum. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, March 16, 2009 8:04:57 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | I hope you get the job Becks!
Can your husband scan his passport I.D. portion and have it signed by a millitary boss who bore witness to the copy? Worth a shot! |
[spapad] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:04:57 PM | |
I hope you get the job Becks!
Can your husband scan his passport I.D. portion and have it signed by a millitary boss who bore witness to the copy? Worth a shot! |
[ron h] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:03:42 PM | |
MG~...YOU ROCK!!!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:36:31 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thank you.. I cannot tell you how much I really really missed you all of you guys!!!
Christ Your Family.. ( better than Family) LOL ... You are the Metal Maniac Family!!!!!!!! |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Good to see you, MG! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[guidogodoy] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:03:07 PM | |
That said, I now REALLY want Bev back. This site really suffers without you, my friend. No one can claim to have held the Priest torch higher. Your dedication to us and this site goes uncontested as you are in a category far above most "regular" members. I know how easy it would be for you to simply walk away. However, it would be to our collective detriment.
I miss you already, Auntie B. Don't let any shitdisturber(s) undermine how much you mean to people like me. Un abrazo.... |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 8:00:59 PM | |
Job search is coming along slowly, I had an interview last week and a veterinary pathology lab, so I am waiting to hear back from that, fingers crossed!
GAH just had a phone call from FedEx, my husband bought an electronic drum kit from the US to replace his crappy Rock Band one (it's cool cos it's a real drum kit too, fun!) - because it's worth over a certain amount he needs a customs shipping code to bring it in to the country (neither of us knew about this). He needs to apply for it, which includes a copy of his passport. Here in lies the big problem - both he and his passport are in Afghanistan what to do what to do LOL.
[spapad] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:51:32 PM | |
Becks wallpaper! LOL I don't think your here that much! Hows the job search going dear? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:47:22 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Ooooh I want a SFV shirt too! A female style one LOL. I'll find one eventually 
As Spa says keep us on your regular haunt list!
I just realised that I'm here pretty much all the time, I'll be a part of the wallpaper soon LMAO! What happens when one is still looking for work and is home alone LOL. Edited at: Monday, March 16, 2009 7:48:17 PM |
[Necroticist] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:48:00 PM | |
Wouldn't be the same without ya... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:41:14 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | My Necro...
I missed you too I feel that from not beign on here that much and then just walking away... I missed out on so much... I love you Guys.. |  | Necroticist wrote: | | WB MG - missed ya already... |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thank you.. I cannot tell you how much I really really missed you all of you guys!!!
Christ Your Family.. ( better than Family) LOL ... You are the Metal Maniac Family!!!!!!!! |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Good to see you, MG! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:47:22 PM | |
Ooooh I want a SFV shirt too! A female style one LOL. I'll find one eventually 
As Spa says keep us on your regular haunt list!
I just realised that I'm here pretty much all the time, I'll be a part of the wallpaper soon LMAO! What happens when one is still looking for work and is home alone LOL. Edited at: Monday, March 16, 2009 7:48:17 PM |
[spapad] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:43:40 PM | |
Keep us on your regular Haunts list dear! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:41:14 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | My Necro...
I missed you too I feel that from not beign on here that much and then just walking away... I missed out on so much... I love you Guys.. |  | Necroticist wrote: | | WB MG - missed ya already... |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thank you.. I cannot tell you how much I really really missed you all of you guys!!!
Christ Your Family.. ( better than Family) LOL ... You are the Metal Maniac Family!!!!!!!! |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Good to see you, MG! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:43:23 PM | |
 ... Thanks.. Iam gonna cry... I need my Screaming for Veng t-shirt.. to wipe my tears...
Seriousley... I sleep in those things.,,LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:41:30 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | I am sure the feeling is mutual for all of us MG. You're a valued member of the metal maniac family   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thank you.. I cannot tell you how much I really really missed you all of you guys!!!
Christ Your Family.. ( better than Family) LOL ... You are the Metal Maniac Family!!!!!!!! |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Good to see you, MG! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:41:30 PM | |
I am sure the feeling is mutual for all of us MG. You're a valued member of the metal maniac family   [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:36:31 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thank you.. I cannot tell you how much I really really missed you all of you guys!!!
Christ Your Family.. ( better than Family) LOL ... You are the Metal Maniac Family!!!!!!!! |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Good to see you, MG! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:41:14 PM | |
My Necro...
I missed you too I feel that from not beign on here that much and then just walking away... I missed out on so much... I love you Guys.. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:38:57 PM) |  | Necroticist wrote: | | WB MG - missed ya already... |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thank you.. I cannot tell you how much I really really missed you all of you guys!!!
Christ Your Family.. ( better than Family) LOL ... You are the Metal Maniac Family!!!!!!!! |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Good to see you, MG! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[Necroticist] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:38:57 PM | |
WB MG - missed ya already... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:36:31 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thank you.. I cannot tell you how much I really really missed you all of you guys!!!
Christ Your Family.. ( better than Family) LOL ... You are the Metal Maniac Family!!!!!!!! |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Good to see you, MG! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:36:31 PM | |
Thank you.. I cannot tell you how much I really really missed you all of you guys!!!
Christ Your Family.. ( better than Family) LOL ... You are the Metal Maniac Family!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:33:52 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Good to see you, MG! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[spapad] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:36:11 PM | |
Nice to have you back! Good to know the family caught you when you stumbled. Always good to have friends. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:30:12 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[momo] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:35:03 PM | |
Welcome back! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:34:15 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Thanks Becks and Spapad, and everyone.. I cannot Promise I will be here much.. But I will try..
Hugs MG~ |  | Becks wrote: | | That's great to hear MG  |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:34:15 PM | |
Thanks Becks and Spapad, and everyone.. I cannot Promise I will be here much.. But I will try..
Hugs MG~ [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:31:25 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | That's great to hear MG  |
[guidogodoy] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:33:52 PM | |
Good to see you, MG! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:30:12 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:31:25 PM | |
That's great to hear MG  |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:30:12 PM | |
Yes for some reason a couple of wonderful guys... echem echemm...... Have given me the courage and the confidence to come back out here..... I must say Iam a sucker, for these Priest guys out here..LOL...
Darth, J.D. Freeze, Soy, Ron, and Guido, just to name a few, that I have talked to.. LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:25:30 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[spapad] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:25:30 PM | |
Wonderful MG~! So happy for you! I hope they come round close to me sometime! Great news, and so glad to see you! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:18:00 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[Becks] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:18:38 PM | |
Man I want to be there too! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Monday, March 16, 2009 7:18:00 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:18:00 PM | |
Out there is a concert waiting to be rocked.. if you think Ill let it go.... Well................
ST Paul MN.. Harriet Island!!!!!!!!! 30th British Steel Anniv... Concert,,,, Iam there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG~ Peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it get any better than this..... WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO... |
[Necroticist] Monday, March 16, 2009 7:16:59 PM | |
I can fix cars - again - hate being in this country...feel like i'm missing out... |