[kitty12] Thursday, January 08, 2009 12:26:40 PM | |
Thank you. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Jeanine from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:57:35 PM) |  | Jeanine wrote: | | Happy New Year Kitty12! |  | kitty12 wrote: | | Happy New Year to everyone. I hope this finds all of you in a good space. Take Care and be good to yourself.  Edited at: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:53:41 PM |
[scorpion01] Thursday, January 08, 2009 8:23:51 AM | |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:26:33 PM | |
LOL sky he is on a cruise ship.............. OMG GUIDO.. stay away from the edges of the boat,,, LOL
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by SkyRideR from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:53:10 PM) |  | SkyRideR wrote: | | SAY "HI" TO BROTHER SAMMY FOR ME, and don't indulge in too much of the quality tequila!!!  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Greetings and salutations from beautiful San Clemente, CA!
Just a quick drop-in to say that I am sorry to have not had the annual countdown with all of you but wish one and all a very Merry New Year! <===Haaaa! Eddie Murphy, "Trading Places!" Gotta love it.
Off to ride a big boat to grab that tequila with Sammy on Monday where I'll certainly have no internet as I am a cheapskate! Hey, Sammy shows up I gotta buy the round, right?! I believe that is the rule.
Much metal love and all the best for 2009, my friends. |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:18:07 PM | |
We watched it too... It was soo sad... I give that man a whole hell of alot of credit!!!!!!
whatever he is doing.. I hope he keeps doing it.. For himself and his family...  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Jeanine from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:57:35 PM) |  | Jeanine wrote: | | Happy New Year Kitty12! |  | kitty12 wrote: | | Happy New Year to everyone. I hope this finds all of you in a good space. Take Care and be good to yourself.  Edited at: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:53:41 PM |
[Jeanine] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:59:11 PM | |
I just wanted to get this off of my chest.....I love Patrick Swayze, I just think he has the best attitude. I just watched Barbara Walters interview with him. Just amazing. |
[Jeanine] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 9:57:35 PM | |
Happy New Year Kitty12! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by kitty12 from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:53:13 PM) |  | kitty12 wrote: | | Happy New Year to everyone. I hope this finds all of you in a good space. Take Care and be good to yourself.  Edited at: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:53:41 PM |
[kitty12] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:53:13 PM | |
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope this finds all of you in a good space. Take Care and be good to yourself.  Edited at: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:53:41 PM |
[Head banger] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:11:59 PM | |
there are also jokes about the smartest, most successful member of the family.... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:01:27 PM) |  | Bev wrote: | | If I'm always gonna be a part of a MetalFamily, can I at least be the illegitimate, step-child. of someone's cousin twice removed so I can be the butt of jokes and fodder for gossip when the family gathers during festival, please?! LOL
[spapad] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:11:18 PM | |
Posted my vote! Thanks Adri! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by adrianaec_88 from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:56 PM) |  | adrianaec_88 wrote: | | JP.COM VOTE FOR PRIEST 
I think we should vote. It's Birmingham Walk of Stars. The first one being honoured was Ozzy Osbourne, and Tony Iommi has his star too (among others of course).
Some pics 
"The Birmingham Walk of Stars, Broad Street, honours those people who have made a significant contribution in the categories of music, television, film, radio, theatre, sport, business and literacy"some info on wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birmingham_Walk_of_Stars
vote!!! Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:28:15 PM |
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:04:51 PM | |
just voted. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by adrianaec_88 from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:56 PM) |  | adrianaec_88 wrote: | | JP.COM VOTE FOR PRIEST 
I think we should vote. It's Birmingham Walk of Stars. The first one being honoured was Ozzy Osbourne, and Tony Iommi has his star too (among others of course).
Some pics 
"The Birmingham Walk of Stars, Broad Street, honours those people who have made a significant contribution in the categories of music, television, film, radio, theatre, sport, business and literacy"some info on wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birmingham_Walk_of_Stars
vote!!! Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:28:15 PM |
[spapad] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:00:36 PM | |
You never left the hearts of the Metal Family!
LOL I'm 44 years old and still sit at the "kids table" during big family gatherings. Still alot of older folk than me about and besides, I'm pretty sure the kids are giving me better conversation about music and concerts and college life. At least I don't have to hear the recounts of the lastest bout of stomach flu or something even more mundane. LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:01:27 PM) |  | Bev wrote: | | If I'm always gonna be a part of a MetalFamily, can I at least be the illegitimate, step-child. of someone's cousin twice removed so I can be the butt of jokes and fodder for gossip when the family gathers during festival, please?! LOL
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:50:04 PM | |
HI VAill!! Just popped in to say hello...
Bye MG~ |
[Vaillant 3.0] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:48:50 PM | |
Heheh...I could say it in German, too!! But it would sound too much like the s word in English.  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:45:28 PM) |  | Bev wrote: | | You said "poo" |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Hmmm....if you're going to be the illegitimate step-child of the Metal Family, then I'll be the family dog!! So I can eat scraps from the table and be put outside to poo and sleep in the doghouse!! Arf, arf!!  |  | Bev wrote: | | If I'm always gonna be a part of a MetalFamily, can I at least be the illegitimate, step-child. of someone's cousin twice removed so I can be the butt of jokes and fodder for gossip when the family gathers during festival, please?! LOL
[Bev] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:45:28 PM | |
You said "poo" [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:14:00 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Hmmm....if you're going to be the illegitimate step-child of the Metal Family, then I'll be the family dog!! So I can eat scraps from the table and be put outside to poo and sleep in the doghouse!! Arf, arf!!  |  | Bev wrote: | | If I'm always gonna be a part of a MetalFamily, can I at least be the illegitimate, step-child. of someone's cousin twice removed so I can be the butt of jokes and fodder for gossip when the family gathers during festival, please?! LOL
[Vaillant 3.0] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:14:00 PM | |
Hmmm....if you're going to be the illegitimate step-child of the Metal Family, then I'll be the family dog!! So I can eat scraps from the table and be put outside to poo and sleep in the doghouse!! Arf, arf!!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:01:27 PM) |  | Bev wrote: | | If I'm always gonna be a part of a MetalFamily, can I at least be the illegitimate, step-child. of someone's cousin twice removed so I can be the butt of jokes and fodder for gossip when the family gathers during festival, please?! LOL
[Bev] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 6:01:27 PM | |
If I'm always gonna be a part of a MetalFamily, can I at least be the illegitimate, step-child. of someone's cousin twice removed so I can be the butt of jokes and fodder for gossip when the family gathers during festival, please?! LOL
[_strat_] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 4:06:26 PM | |
Well, not HALF of the day... A bit of a dramatic overreaction from me... But I do get on whenever I get the chance. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:35:58 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | huh wonder what thats like? |  | _strat_ wrote: | | AHA!!! Using the school computer for non-educational purposes! Shame on you young man! (said the one that spends half of the work day on the internet...) |  | Bazooka Joe wrote: | | Hey everybody, just stopping in to say high. Can't say anything else though haha, class is over in a couple minutes. |
[SkyRideR] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:53:10 PM | |
SAY "HI" TO BROTHER SAMMY FOR ME, and don't indulge in too much of the quality tequila!!!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, January 04, 2009 3:24:15 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Greetings and salutations from beautiful San Clemente, CA!
Just a quick drop-in to say that I am sorry to have not had the annual countdown with all of you but wish one and all a very Merry New Year! <===Haaaa! Eddie Murphy, "Trading Places!" Gotta love it.
Off to ride a big boat to grab that tequila with Sammy on Monday where I'll certainly have no internet as I am a cheapskate! Hey, Sammy shows up I gotta buy the round, right?! I believe that is the rule.
Much metal love and all the best for 2009, my friends. |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:25:04 PM | |
Good Day, Ron. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:23:06 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Wow!! At least they were honest and didn't stick you!! Must have been a Priest Fan!!! Sorry I don't have time to hang out, glad you were on while I was, miss chatting with you!! Talk to you soon DF!! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | All quiet. Had a bad New Year's Eve as some idiot hit my car (while parked) and ran but they came clean and gave me their insurance info. I am in a rental for now. That is about it for excitement in MY life....HA!!!!!!!!! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Hi DF, how are things with you and yours? |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | RON!! Nice to see you again!! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | What's up fellow Metalheads??? Happy New Year to everyone, hope all's in good health!! |
[ron h] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:23:06 PM | |
Wow!! At least they were honest and didn't stick you!! Must have been a Priest Fan!!! Sorry I don't have time to hang out, glad you were on while I was, miss chatting with you!! Talk to you soon DF!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:07:37 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | All quiet. Had a bad New Year's Eve as some idiot hit my car (while parked) and ran but they came clean and gave me their insurance info. I am in a rental for now. That is about it for excitement in MY life....HA!!!!!!!!! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Hi DF, how are things with you and yours? |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | RON!! Nice to see you again!! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | What's up fellow Metalheads??? Happy New Year to everyone, hope all's in good health!! |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:07:37 PM | |
All quiet. Had a bad New Year's Eve as some idiot hit my car (while parked) and ran but they came clean and gave me their insurance info. I am in a rental for now. That is about it for excitement in MY life....HA!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:03:48 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Hi DF, how are things with you and yours? |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | RON!! Nice to see you again!! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | What's up fellow Metalheads??? Happy New Year to everyone, hope all's in good health!! |
[ron h] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:03:48 PM | |
Hi DF, how are things with you and yours? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:02:06 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | RON!! Nice to see you again!! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | What's up fellow Metalheads??? Happy New Year to everyone, hope all's in good health!! |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:02:06 PM | |
RON!! Nice to see you again!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:59:54 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | What's up fellow Metalheads??? Happy New Year to everyone, hope all's in good health!! |
[ron h] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:59:54 PM | |
What's up fellow Metalheads??? Happy New Year to everyone, hope all's in good health!! |
[Head banger] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:35:58 PM | |
huh wonder what thats like? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 1:09:38 PM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | AHA!!! Using the school computer for non-educational purposes! Shame on you young man! (said the one that spends half of the work day on the internet...) |  | Bazooka Joe wrote: | | Hey everybody, just stopping in to say high. Can't say anything else though haha, class is over in a couple minutes. |
[_strat_] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 1:09:38 PM | |
AHA!!! Using the school computer for non-educational purposes! Shame on you young man! (said the one that spends half of the work day on the internet...) [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bazooka Joe from Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:39:54 AM) |  | Bazooka Joe wrote: | | Hey everybody, just stopping in to say high. Can't say anything else though haha, class is over in a couple minutes. |
[Bazookajoe_666] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:39:54 AM | |
Hey everybody, just stopping in to say high. Can't say anything else though haha, class is over in a couple minutes. |
[Bev] Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:56:41 AM | |
Enjoy the day Metal Guys & Dolls.
I'm off to take care of some business before I return to classes next Monday. (crossing fingers I make it through this final semester ... sane!!!! ) |
[adrianaec_88] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:56 PM | |
I think we should vote. It's Birmingham Walk of Stars. The first one being honoured was Ozzy Osbourne, and Tony Iommi has his star too (among others of course).
Some pics 
"The Birmingham Walk of Stars, Broad Street, honours those people who have made a significant contribution in the categories of music, television, film, radio, theatre, sport, business and literacy"some info on wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birmingham_Walk_of_Stars
vote!!! Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:28:15 PM |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 5:09:08 PM | |
I will be posting some Vintage priest pics in the sinful thread.. Before Halford was in the band.. If any one wants to see them.. and you may have seen them before but here I go...LOL |
[K2M] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:30:11 PM | |
METAL !!!! |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 3:08:16 PM | |
I would like to wish B-Joe a very happy and metal birthday...........
Also Its Malcolm Youngs Birthday today!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALCOLM.... 

[Justin Kenny] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 9:55:52 AM | |
Hi ya MG!!! (Cripes...we need us a smiley that waves....)
Well...in another 40 minutes or so, I'm gonna be embarking on yet another training excursion involving an addition made to one of our existing routes....it goes into a whole other county. I went through it already, but it was the direction taken during the AM routes....the PM routes go the OPPOSITE direction, and I didn't want to do it wrong (as I'm doing the PM route)....it's not painfully difficult, but I will be driving it when it's dark, and the routes take on a whole different perspective at night. I hope they go the OTHER way today....else, I'm gonna have to take extra notes than I did the first time. Gonna have to squire me a left-right diagram too...just to be sure. I'm only doing it 3 days this week and 3 days the next before our new bids take effect....might have to avoid picking anything with the route 20 on it (the route that's had this new county addition)....these roads that cut through Burdett and Watkins Glen are murder in winter! |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 9:49:28 AM | |
Good Morn/Afternoon.. to all of my metal Family...
Happy Tuesday!
HUgs M~ |
[scorpion01] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:53:16 AM | |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:53:10 AM | |
Good Day, strat! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:51:24 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | LOL... Well, you are wise... A little bit. Maybe I will pay you that transatlantic cruise that I was talking about earlier after all! And with a little luck, the Somalian pirates will "intervene"... My evil side is showing again...
Ok, the shift is over, Im going home. See you later! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have known! I am not so wise afterall......HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | If you think its kind... I said it mainly because you said that wisdom comes with age
But... Thank you, nice to hear that. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Why, thank you so much. How very kind of you to say. I must admit, I have never come across a young man of your intelligence. You are, by far, one of the most intelligent young people I have ever known. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | True. You are the wisest person I have ever met. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!! *ouch* Well, it is good to see that wisdom DOES come with age.......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | No, its just that Im getting more like you... As in Im getting older. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[_strat_] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:51:24 AM | |
LOL... Well, you are wise... A little bit. Maybe I will pay you that transatlantic cruise that I was talking about earlier after all! And with a little luck, the Somalian pirates will "intervene"... My evil side is showing again...
Ok, the shift is over, Im going home. See you later! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:47:59 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have known! I am not so wise afterall......HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | If you think its kind... I said it mainly because you said that wisdom comes with age
But... Thank you, nice to hear that. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Why, thank you so much. How very kind of you to say. I must admit, I have never come across a young man of your intelligence. You are, by far, one of the most intelligent young people I have ever known. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | True. You are the wisest person I have ever met. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!! *ouch* Well, it is good to see that wisdom DOES come with age.......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | No, its just that Im getting more like you... As in Im getting older. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:47:59 AM | |
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have known! I am not so wise afterall......HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:44:23 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | If you think its kind... I said it mainly because you said that wisdom comes with age
But... Thank you, nice to hear that. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Why, thank you so much. How very kind of you to say. I must admit, I have never come across a young man of your intelligence. You are, by far, one of the most intelligent young people I have ever known. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | True. You are the wisest person I have ever met. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!! *ouch* Well, it is good to see that wisdom DOES come with age.......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | No, its just that Im getting more like you... As in Im getting older. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[_strat_] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:44:23 AM | |
If you think its kind... I said it mainly because you said that wisdom comes with age
But... Thank you, nice to hear that. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:42:10 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Why, thank you so much. How very kind of you to say. I must admit, I have never come across a young man of your intelligence. You are, by far, one of the most intelligent young people I have ever known. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | True. You are the wisest person I have ever met. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!! *ouch* Well, it is good to see that wisdom DOES come with age.......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | No, its just that Im getting more like you... As in Im getting older. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:42:10 AM | |
Why, thank you so much. How very kind of you to say. I must admit, I have never come across a young man of your intelligence. You are, by far, one of the most intelligent young people I have ever known. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:39:35 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | True. You are the wisest person I have ever met. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!! *ouch* Well, it is good to see that wisdom DOES come with age.......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | No, its just that Im getting more like you... As in Im getting older. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[_strat_] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:39:35 AM | |
True. You are the wisest person I have ever met. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:37:31 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!! *ouch* Well, it is good to see that wisdom DOES come with age.......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | No, its just that Im getting more like you... As in Im getting older. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:37:31 AM | |
HA!!!!!!!!!! *ouch* Well, it is good to see that wisdom DOES come with age.......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:35:12 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | No, its just that Im getting more like you... As in Im getting older. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[_strat_] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:35:12 AM | |
No, its just that Im getting more like you... As in Im getting older. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:32:26 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:32:26 AM | |
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither can I!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!!! Looks like I have finally had an impact on you!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:30:27 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[_strat_] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:30:27 AM | |
Well, that was the day before, I guess it hadnt melted overnight... IDK, anyway, closing down schools for snow is bullshit.
I cant believe that I just said that... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:28:23 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:28:23 AM | |
That's my point! The day they actually closed them, there was NO SNOW! The day before, we got a few inches but nothing too exciting. People here cannot drive worth a crap so it was far worse than it would be in a place where there are not so many morons. Much ado about nothing, I can assure you. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:25:20 AM) |  | _strat_ wrote: | | Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[_strat_] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:25:20 AM | |
Well, dont get me wrong, it was a five second clip, not a 10 min breaking news with guesting experts...
Now, just wondering... When they closed the schools... How much snow was there? I remeber when I was in primary school, there were winters when we had up to a meter. The school wasnt closed for it not once. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:21:21 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:21:21 AM | |
It's funny but people do not realize just how cold it really gets in the desert. We are known more for our incredible summer heat but it gets very chilly here in the winter. We do not get much in the way of precipitation but we do get occasional storms. Usually thunderstorms in summer. Anyway, when it gets cold, we do see some snow but it is rare. We had a big storm come through just before Christmas and had a big snow. Everybody went crazy! They were acting like it was some major event! They even had the nerve to CLOSE the friggin schools!!!! The funny part is, the day they closed them, it was CLEAR and SUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Just a stupid publicity stunt to keep us "in the news". I suppose I should not be surprised that you heard about it.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:22:10 AM |
[_strat_] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:14:10 AM | |
I see... That is a lot of damage... Tho 5000$ still seems too much. But since the insurance company covers it... Its ok. It would be nice if people would chill out when they are driving, tho. Specialy in this weather.
Btw. Vegas was on our news the other day. Supposedly, you guys havent had snow in decades, or what? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:07:10 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
(Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:07:10 AM | |
From what I can tell, she took the corner in front of my house a bit too fast and rear-ended it! Mashed in the driver's side taillight and rear quarter panel! The trunk was a bit buckled as well. Then she took off! By the time I noticed it, there was no one around! She hit it so hard my car was turned nearly sideways!!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by _strat_ from Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:02:27 AM)
_strat_ wrote: |
Umm... On second thought, keep it. On the house. The way you are you would probably want to go with a luxury ship instead of a plane...
Seriously tho, its nice to hear that that particular incident turned out allright. 5000$.... What on earth did she do to your car?
Deep Freeze wrote: |
In my eyes?? Hadn't realized I left the webcam on....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to deliver the cash. Can you get me a ticket to your beautiful country and perhaps a suite at a local FIVE STAR hotel? (There are some things I simply must have...) HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_strat_ wrote: |
You lie... I can see it in your eyes... You will deliver the CASH yourself. And you WILL call me Godfather.
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Thank you all. It was a bit of a surprise to say the least. I mean, it happened on New Year's Eve! According to her insurance company, she called it in the next day but I did not see any notes on the car over the weekend. In any event, I am grateful. The shop called me yesterday afternoon and said the repairs will take about two weeks and run almost $5,000 !!! YIKES! The Princess is already in "love" with the rental we have ( A little SUV) so I am getting heat about buying her one! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um...strat...the check's in the mail...HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!! |
Edited at: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:08:05 AM |