[guidogodoy] Friday, December 26, 2008 11:59:43 AM
AAARGH! What an atrocity!! Like stuffing a Pinto's engine into a Ferrari! LOL!!!
Are you dual booting? Running Parallels or wipe the drive altogether? Me? I am trying to go the opposite way and hack my way into getting OSX onto an Acer Aspire One. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by paperflowers from Friday, December 26, 2008 9:46:02 AM)
paperflowers wrote:
Merry Christmas, guys!! Hey guido, this is my first login with Vista on the Macbook .
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Friday, December 26, 2008 11:20:21 AM
FMQB: Judas Priest Still Plotting Nostradamus Road Show
Ever since the two-disc "Metal Opera" Nostradamus came out in June, Judas Priest has been planning to do an elaborate stage show where they play the album in its entirety. That idea is still something the band is "absolutely committed" to, but it likely won't happen until later in 2009.
"We talk about it constantly, and that's what we're going to do at the end of the world tour sometime next year," singer Rob Halford recently told FMQB. "At the back end of the summer, we're going to wind up the regular tour. Then we'll go straight into production for the Nostradamus show and we'll probably do a DVD to go along with that. We'll more than likely launch it in London or somewhere in the U.K., because that's our home base. Then we'll see what happens. My gut feeling tells me that once it's been delivered, everybody will want to see it and feel it live, and that might entail taking it to a lot of places around the planet. It's going to be great. It's something we've been looking forward to doing for a long time after actually making the record itself. The next step is to perform it in its entirety, which we've never done before."
In the meantime, Judas Priest is enjoying two Grammy nominations for the album. They are up for Best Hard Rock Performance for the track "Visions," and Best Metal Performance for the song "Nostradamus." Additionally, Halford just released the new Live At Rock In Rio III DVD from his former band, Halford, via his own label: Metal God Entertainment. In addition to putting out his own archive releases from his former groups like Halford and Fight, he will be looking to sign new talent to Metal God in the future.
"We're still in the early stages of becoming solid and secure, but the word is out throughout the music industry about what we can do and what we've achieved so far," says Halford of his label. "We work with really talented people out of the office in Phoenix. We have a wonderful team at Distribution that works with us for these releases, so we've got all that locked in. On top of that, there is a constant love and flow and need for all things heavy metal. At some point we're going to open the doors for bands to submit their demos. Then we'll look at what we can do to help the new metal talent get into the world."
Despite having other irons in the fire, Halford insists that Priest will always be his main priority. Even after more than 30 years together, their passion for the band has not diminished.
"I just love doing it. It's the best feeling in the world," he says. "To get into a writing huddle, or to be in the dressing room with Priest as we get ready to go on stage – we're still driven by that feeling of wanting to get out of bed and do that everyday. It doesn't diminish. We're still hungry, we're still full of ideas. We're still full of the energy and motivation that the fans give us. That's the main factor – without that devotion from the fans, there would be no reason to do it. Musicians do what they do essentially for the self-pleasure, but you need to be able to take it to the main level of sharing it with everybody else, and we're able to do that consistently."
Corny no you need a life! Nothing better to do than think of switching words for a web site PATHETIC!
spapad wrote:
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[Head banger] Thursday, December 25, 2008 6:17:27 PM
merrry christmas to all, even our resident fuckhead.
[spapad] Thursday, December 25, 2008 4:36:12 PM
Jimmy, I give you props for "big toast machine" and MALAKA! Your so right! Got to go eat dinner now, see ya. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, December 25, 2008 4:33:59 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! That is just TOO funny!! "Big Toast Machine!"
Off to a party but I gotta give you props for that one!
jimmy7 wrote:
Judas Toast wrote:
tattle tale!
he he he heeeeeeeee !!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
_strat_ wrote:
Agreed, and it also has to be said that he has at least two accounts. Big jack and War machine. Well, Ive reported both as offensive. Lets just wait and see. Im sure we wont have to wait long.
Deep Freeze wrote:
pathetic (adj) : pitifully inferior or inadequate. Marked by melancholy or sorrow
Now then, having more accurately defined the word, shall we look more closely at the behavior before we use it? Writing a poem is pathetic?? AH! Such a sage you are, lawn dwarf! Perhaps an examination of behavior is really in order?? I should think being a coward that preys on women online while hiding behind a computer is a much more fitting description of pathetic, no? Of course , to completely understand what I am saying would require at least minimal intelligence and some sort of education and I fear we are not dealing with such a person at this point. One should always truly understand the meaning of the words one chooses to use in a public forum, lest one find himself being ridiculed. I assume you are used to that, though. Wonderful laughing at you, lawn dwarf. How proud your parents must be!
Big Jack wrote:
Corny no you need a life! Nothing better to do than think of switching words for a web site PATHETIC!
spapad wrote:
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[guidogodoy] Thursday, December 25, 2008 4:33:59 PM
HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! That is just TOO funny!! "Big Toast Machine!"
Off to a party but I gotta give you props for that one! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmy7 from Thursday, December 25, 2008 4:28:26 PM)
jimmy7 wrote:
Judas Toast wrote:
tattle tale!
he he he heeeeeeeee !!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
_strat_ wrote:
Agreed, and it also has to be said that he has at least two accounts. Big jack and War machine. Well, Ive reported both as offensive. Lets just wait and see. Im sure we wont have to wait long.
Deep Freeze wrote:
pathetic (adj) : pitifully inferior or inadequate. Marked by melancholy or sorrow
Now then, having more accurately defined the word, shall we look more closely at the behavior before we use it? Writing a poem is pathetic?? AH! Such a sage you are, lawn dwarf! Perhaps an examination of behavior is really in order?? I should think being a coward that preys on women online while hiding behind a computer is a much more fitting description of pathetic, no? Of course , to completely understand what I am saying would require at least minimal intelligence and some sort of education and I fear we are not dealing with such a person at this point. One should always truly understand the meaning of the words one chooses to use in a public forum, lest one find himself being ridiculed. I assume you are used to that, though. Wonderful laughing at you, lawn dwarf. How proud your parents must be!
Big Jack wrote:
Corny no you need a life! Nothing better to do than think of switching words for a web site PATHETIC!
spapad wrote:
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[jimmy7] Thursday, December 25, 2008 4:28:26 PM
IS THIS YOUR NEW NAME??????WHY DONT YOU COMBINE ALL OF THEM AND MAKE A NEW ONE LIKE.........SUCH AS BIG TOAST MACHINE??????????IT SUITES YOU PERFECTLY.............ΜALAKA!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Judas Toast from Thursday, December 25, 2008 3:54:53 PM)
Judas Toast wrote:
tattle tale!
he he he heeeeeeeee !!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
_strat_ wrote:
Agreed, and it also has to be said that he has at least two accounts. Big jack and War machine. Well, Ive reported both as offensive. Lets just wait and see. Im sure we wont have to wait long.
Deep Freeze wrote:
pathetic (adj) : pitifully inferior or inadequate. Marked by melancholy or sorrow
Now then, having more accurately defined the word, shall we look more closely at the behavior before we use it? Writing a poem is pathetic?? AH! Such a sage you are, lawn dwarf! Perhaps an examination of behavior is really in order?? I should think being a coward that preys on women online while hiding behind a computer is a much more fitting description of pathetic, no? Of course , to completely understand what I am saying would require at least minimal intelligence and some sort of education and I fear we are not dealing with such a person at this point. One should always truly understand the meaning of the words one chooses to use in a public forum, lest one find himself being ridiculed. I assume you are used to that, though. Wonderful laughing at you, lawn dwarf. How proud your parents must be!
Big Jack wrote:
Corny no you need a life! Nothing better to do than think of switching words for a web site PATHETIC!
spapad wrote:
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[_strat_] Thursday, December 25, 2008 4:17:26 PM
Oh, if it isnt my former impersonator! Merry Christmas and fuck off. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Judas Toast from Thursday, December 25, 2008 3:54:53 PM)
Judas Toast wrote:
tattle tale!
he he he heeeeeeeee !!!
Merry Christmas everyone!
_strat_ wrote:
Agreed, and it also has to be said that he has at least two accounts. Big jack and War machine. Well, Ive reported both as offensive. Lets just wait and see. Im sure we wont have to wait long.
Deep Freeze wrote:
pathetic (adj) : pitifully inferior or inadequate. Marked by melancholy or sorrow
Now then, having more accurately defined the word, shall we look more closely at the behavior before we use it? Writing a poem is pathetic?? AH! Such a sage you are, lawn dwarf! Perhaps an examination of behavior is really in order?? I should think being a coward that preys on women online while hiding behind a computer is a much more fitting description of pathetic, no? Of course , to completely understand what I am saying would require at least minimal intelligence and some sort of education and I fear we are not dealing with such a person at this point. One should always truly understand the meaning of the words one chooses to use in a public forum, lest one find himself being ridiculed. I assume you are used to that, though. Wonderful laughing at you, lawn dwarf. How proud your parents must be!
Big Jack wrote:
Corny no you need a life! Nothing better to do than think of switching words for a web site PATHETIC!
spapad wrote:
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[Locked _and _Loaded [Banned]] Thursday, December 25, 2008 3:54:53 PM
Agreed, and it also has to be said that he has at least two accounts. Big jack and War machine. Well, Ive reported both as offensive. Lets just wait and see. Im sure we wont have to wait long.
Deep Freeze wrote:
pathetic (adj) : pitifully inferior or inadequate. Marked by melancholy or sorrow
Now then, having more accurately defined the word, shall we look more closely at the behavior before we use it? Writing a poem is pathetic?? AH! Such a sage you are, lawn dwarf! Perhaps an examination of behavior is really in order?? I should think being a coward that preys on women online while hiding behind a computer is a much more fitting description of pathetic, no? Of course , to completely understand what I am saying would require at least minimal intelligence and some sort of education and I fear we are not dealing with such a person at this point. One should always truly understand the meaning of the words one chooses to use in a public forum, lest one find himself being ridiculed. I assume you are used to that, though. Wonderful laughing at you, lawn dwarf. How proud your parents must be!
Big Jack wrote:
Corny no you need a life! Nothing better to do than think of switching words for a web site PATHETIC!
spapad wrote:
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[_strat_] Thursday, December 25, 2008 3:43:20 PM
Agreed, and it also has to be said that he has at least two accounts. Big jack and War machine. Well, Ive reported both as offensive. Lets just wait and see. Im sure we wont have to wait long. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, December 25, 2008 1:32:50 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
pathetic (adj) : pitifully inferior or inadequate. Marked by melancholy or sorrow
Now then, having more accurately defined the word, shall we look more closely at the behavior before we use it? Writing a poem is pathetic?? AH! Such a sage you are, lawn dwarf! Perhaps an examination of behavior is really in order?? I should think being a coward that preys on women online while hiding behind a computer is a much more fitting description of pathetic, no? Of course , to completely understand what I am saying would require at least minimal intelligence and some sort of education and I fear we are not dealing with such a person at this point. One should always truly understand the meaning of the words one chooses to use in a public forum, lest one find himself being ridiculed. I assume you are used to that, though. Wonderful laughing at you, lawn dwarf. How proud your parents must be!
Big Jack wrote:
Corny no you need a life! Nothing better to do than think of switching words for a web site PATHETIC!
spapad wrote:
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Thursday, December 25, 2008 1:42:19 PM
Love to all... MG~
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, December 25, 2008 1:32:50 PM
pathetic (adj) : pitifully inferior or inadequate. Marked by melancholy or sorrow
Now then, having more accurately defined the word, shall we look more closely at the behavior before we use it? Writing a poem is pathetic?? AH! Such a sage you are, lawn dwarf! Perhaps an examination of behavior is really in order?? I should think being a coward that preys on women online while hiding behind a computer is a much more fitting description of pathetic, no? Of course , to completely understand what I am saying would require at least minimal intelligence and some sort of education and I fear we are not dealing with such a person at this point. One should always truly understand the meaning of the words one chooses to use in a public forum, lest one find himself being ridiculed. I assume you are used to that, though. Wonderful laughing at you, lawn dwarf. How proud your parents must be! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Big Jack from Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:34:42 PM)
Big Jack wrote:
Corny no you need a life! Nothing better to do than think of switching words for a web site PATHETIC!
spapad wrote:
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[Big Jack [Banned]] Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:34:42 PM
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[_strat_] Thursday, December 25, 2008 8:59:04 AM
I would suggest that you and everyone else just hits the "report offensive message" button. That way we will be rid of that idiot very soon. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by jimmy7 from Thursday, December 25, 2008 7:06:49 AM)
jimmy7 wrote:
[jimmy7] Thursday, December 25, 2008 7:06:49 AM
[Apocalypse] Thursday, December 25, 2008 5:12:19 AM
maybe there should be a seperate thread for people who feel the need to vent. what's your problem war? all alone at xmas? no wonder you sad excuse for a human being. go sit in the gutter with your relatives. christ, i wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. you epitomise all that's wrong with the internet.
[War Machine! [Banned]] Thursday, December 25, 2008 2:08:04 AM
[This message has been banned]
[Necroticist] Thursday, December 25, 2008 1:01:57 AM
Merry xmas everyone! It's the big day! (thought i'd get up early and get my salutations in before her ladyship wakes and makes me busy...hehe).
[spapad] Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:01:24 AM
Twas the night before christmas and all through the board
Not a creature was stiring, not even the Guid
The Metal was hung on the thread with care
Hoping St. Rob would soon be there
The bloggers were snuggled in their beds
while visions of Priest played in their heads
The Sinful thread Silent , the Blah also had no chatter
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the window and threw out the sash
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
gave the luster of midday from the truck lights below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Mack truck and my favorite band with their gear!
They played Nostradamus so lively and quick
I knew in a moment I must be delusional and sick
More rapid than eagles the solos they came
And Rob whipped them, and shouted, and called them by name
Now KK, Now Glenn, Now Ian and Scott!
It's Christmas Night and we're playin' it hot!
To the top of the volume! To the top of it All!
Now, Play away, Play away, Play away ALL!
Cant get any cornier than that! LOL
Goodnight Metal Family,
Merry Chirstmas! Edited at: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:07:52 AM
[Bazookajoe_666] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:08:03 PM
Merry Christmas everyone. Have a good time tonight and lots of presents tomorrow!
[ron h] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 6:31:54 PM
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!
[Head banger] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:39:44 PM
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. see you all later, and hope you have a great time.
[_strat_] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 5:21:16 PM
Ok, by Central European time its already 20 minutes into the 25th... So, I guess I can wish a merry christmas to all those of you that celebrate it.
For the rest of us, lets just enjoy the day off.
[Justin Kenny] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:33:03 AM
Good Lord!! And thank God nothing did go wrong....
...that's gotta be the scariest time for parents...when their children are so young...so innocent....so curious, and don't understand the harm that can come to them when they're away from those who can keep them safe and secure.
That elderly gentleman was definitely a guardian angel of sorts Joe...no question....thank him in your prayers, and thank your own Spirit Guide for sending him her way!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by joedraper from Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:51:31 PM)
joedraper wrote:
Feck! Where does all the time go?
Lately I haven't had as much time to be here as I'd like to have but I've still had a peek in everyday to see how my metal family are.
It's been a tough week in Draperville.. On Saturday I had to go shopping and something so scary happened. I was busy paying for something and we got distracted, in the confusion my two year old daughter sort of walked out of the store we were in without anyone noticing. It took about 20 seconds to realize that she was missing> I dropped everything, ran out the store and about 5 stores up from where we were, I saw an elderly gent leading her away from me. First, I froze in terror and then ran toward them and grabbed her away from him. As I got closer and before instinct took over and I grabbed her, I did hear him saying to her 'Is that your mommy?' as he pointed to ladies in his vicinity. So luckily for us he was a good samaritin trying honestly to find her parents. When I realized that I was watching two strangesr walking away in a mall, I realized how fast and how easily an abduction can take place. To any outside observer, they could have so easily passed for grandfather and granddaughter. What scared me the most is how trusting and comfortable she was with a total stranger! I still feel very freaked out over the incident and I always thought of myself as a very vigilant parent but, I guess this is how these things happen. You think that, I took my eys of her for a second, what can go wrong in a second.. a lot can go wrong.
[METAL MELTDOWN] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:03:20 AM
Hi all...I wont be around tomorrow so I will do this now........
[scorpion01] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:22:00 AM
Deep Freeze wrote:
So good to see all the warm and wonderful wishes from our membership. This time of year, we think of those that mean so much to us. Our family. Our friends. Isn't it wonderful that we all have one another? The happiness this place brings. The frustration! HA!!!!!! The warm and true friendships! I am so grateful for you all. I know I have said this , many times many ways...I truly cherish you ..All of you
Over the years, Christmas time has been relatively slow around here. I am glad. This is a time we should spend with our loved ones. Although I do love you all, it is important that we do not find ourselves "glued" to our computers! I have tried to be a bit more attentive to the Princess the last couple days. We went to dinner last night and we are going to her sister's tonight. Sharing the holiday. Being together. With family.
And so, with all the love and warmth in my soul, I wish for each and every member of Judas Priest.com a wonderful and very Merry Christmas! (That includes you, Murray..HA!!!) Thank you guys for making me laugh. For making me smile. For being here when I needed someone. You are always here. I can count on that. Tomorrow when we begin opening our presents, I will pause, close my eyes, and think of my family here on the Board. For just a brief moment, we will be together and we will share just as any other family shares and then I will open my eyes and continue with our Christmas celebration. I just wanted all of you to know that.
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:17:23 AM
So good to see all the warm and wonderful wishes from our membership. This time of year, we think of those that mean so much to us. Our family. Our friends. Isn't it wonderful that we all have one another? The happiness this place brings. The frustration! HA!!!!!! The warm and true friendships! I am so grateful for you all. I know I have said this , many times many ways...I truly cherish you ..All of you
Over the years, Christmas time has been relatively slow around here. I am glad. This is a time we should spend with our loved ones. Although I do love you all, it is important that we do not find ourselves "glued" to our computers! I have tried to be a bit more attentive to the Princess the last couple days. We went to dinner last night and we are going to her sister's tonight. Sharing the holiday. Being together. With family.
And so, with all the love and warmth in my soul, I wish for each and every member of Judas Priest.com a wonderful and very Merry Christmas! (That includes you, Murray..HA!!!) Thank you guys for making me laugh. For making me smile. For being here when I needed someone. You are always here. I can count on that. Tomorrow when we begin opening our presents, I will pause, close my eyes, and think of my family here on the Board. For just a brief moment, we will be together and we will share just as any other family shares and then I will open my eyes and continue with our Christmas celebration. I just wanted all of you to know that.
[scorpion01] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:28:52 AM
joedraper wrote:
Feck! Where does all the time go?
Lately I haven't had as much time to be here as I'd like to have but I've still had a peek in everyday to see how my metal family are.
It's been a tough week in Draperville.. On Saturday I had to go shopping and something so scary happened. I was busy paying for something and we got distracted, in the confusion my two year old daughter sort of walked out of the store we were in without anyone noticing. It took about 20 seconds to realize that she was missing> I dropped everything, ran out the store and about 5 stores up from where we were, I saw an elderly gent leading her away from me. First, I froze in terror and then ran toward them and grabbed her away from him. As I got closer and before instinct took over and I grabbed her, I did hear him saying to her 'Is that your mommy?' as he pointed to ladies in his vicinity. So luckily for us he was a good samaritin trying honestly to find her parents. When I realized that I was watching two strangesr walking away in a mall, I realized how fast and how easily an abduction can take place. To any outside observer, they could have so easily passed for grandfather and granddaughter. What scared me the most is how trusting and comfortable she was with a total stranger! I still feel very freaked out over the incident and I always thought of myself as a very vigilant parent but, I guess this is how these things happen. You think that, I took my eys of her for a second, what can go wrong in a second.. a lot can go wrong.
[adrianaec_88] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:28:19 AM
I wanna wish to everyone of this metal family a Merry Christmas!!! Be safe, take care and don't eat that much ...
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Edited at: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:28:44 AM
[scorpion01] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:24:48 AM
[Metallark] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:08:04 AM
Here's hoping everybody has a safe and joyous holiday! Merry Christmas to all. Edited at: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:08:26 AM Edited at: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:09:02 AM
[Udo Sapper] Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:39:12 PM
I'd like to wish everyone here a Merry Metal Christmas and Happy Heavy New Year!
As you've probably noticed I haven't been online here very often in the last few weeks due to the fact that I'm pretty busy on another Metal Forum. It also is pretty hard to keep track here because of the time zone difference in Germany - you guys just get up a bit earlier and we could do a bit more talking! Well, in any case I'm still here - although not that much physically but in heart and soul and I'm very excited about the upcoming tour!
I just can't wait for the Metal Gods to blow me away in Stuttgart next year!
So, I hope everyone gets what they deserve - shit, I meant "wished for"...
CU soon!
Fuck The World
Hail And Kill
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:47:14 PM
If I don't hop on either tomorrow or Thursday, I would like to say this now:
Merry Christmas to everyone here! Be safe. Be cool. Drink and eat and be merry. Cherish those around you this holiday, and remember to slip some Judas Priest in the CD player with the XMAS music to stir the pot a little!
[K2M] Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:21:31 PM
Breath Deeply. Count it as A Blessing. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by joedraper from Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:51:31 PM)
joedraper wrote:
Feck! Where does all the time go?
Lately I haven't had as much time to be here as I'd like to have but I've still had a peek in everyday to see how my metal family are.
It's been a tough week in Draperville.. On Saturday I had to go shopping and something so scary happened. I was busy paying for something and we got distracted, in the confusion my two year old daughter sort of walked out of the store we were in without anyone noticing. It took about 20 seconds to realize that she was missing> I dropped everything, ran out the store and about 5 stores up from where we were, I saw an elderly gent leading her away from me. First, I froze in terror and then ran toward them and grabbed her away from him. As I got closer and before instinct took over and I grabbed her, I did hear him saying to her 'Is that your mommy?' as he pointed to ladies in his vicinity. So luckily for us he was a good samaritin trying honestly to find her parents. When I realized that I was watching two strangesr walking away in a mall, I realized how fast and how easily an abduction can take place. To any outside observer, they could have so easily passed for grandfather and granddaughter. What scared me the most is how trusting and comfortable she was with a total stranger! I still feel very freaked out over the incident and I always thought of myself as a very vigilant parent but, I guess this is how these things happen. You think that, I took my eys of her for a second, what can go wrong in a second.. a lot can go wrong.
[joedraper] Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:51:31 PM
Feck! Where does all the time go?
Lately I haven't had as much time to be here as I'd like to have but I've still had a peek in everyday to see how my metal family are.
It's been a tough week in Draperville.. On Saturday I had to go shopping and something so scary happened. I was busy paying for something and we got distracted, in the confusion my two year old daughter sort of walked out of the store we were in without anyone noticing. It took about 20 seconds to realize that she was missing> I dropped everything, ran out the store and about 5 stores up from where we were, I saw an elderly gent leading her away from me. First, I froze in terror and then ran toward them and grabbed her away from him. As I got closer and before instinct took over and I grabbed her, I did hear him saying to her 'Is that your mommy?' as he pointed to ladies in his vicinity. So luckily for us he was a good samaritin trying honestly to find her parents. When I realized that I was watching two strangesr walking away in a mall, I realized how fast and how easily an abduction can take place. To any outside observer, they could have so easily passed for grandfather and granddaughter. What scared me the most is how trusting and comfortable she was with a total stranger! I still feel very freaked out over the incident and I always thought of myself as a very vigilant parent but, I guess this is how these things happen. You think that, I took my eys of her for a second, what can go wrong in a second.. a lot can go wrong.
[LORD of TEXAS] Tuesday, December 23, 2008 1:58:05 PM
Have great Festivus LORD OF TEXAS.......
[Justin Kenny] Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:59:47 AM
....Evanescence!!? I'm not about to chastise anyone who may enjoy their music or anything....like what ya want..but Christ on His Throne....that's HARDLY headbanging material...I'm sorry (and I know what I'm talking about...my eldest daughter is quite the devotee to said group).
...I don't know what tomorrow has in store for me...so...just in case I find myself to busy to visit...allow me to say now a Merry Christmas to any/all who observe....and a Joyous Holiday season wish to those who do not. PLEASE be safe and take care in your travels (if you do) and watch for the OTHER guy...and whatever you do...do NOT become that 'other guy...' we have enough assholes traversing these highways/bi-ways/interstates, tyvm....adding to that quotient is not an option.
...and no....I don't anticipate getting "Nostradamus" for Xmas.... ...'s'been a rough 5 months...
Hee hee hee, had to post this for all, having to share it, and knowing that no-one in my house would get it...
Headbanging has been branded a "health hazard" by the first ever study into the sacred heavy metal ritual.
A report, published in today's British Medical Journal by Declan Patton and Andrew McIntosh from the School For Risk And Safety Sciences at the University Of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia concluded that headbanging leaves participants with "similar effects to whiplash."
The pair conducted an extensive study of headbanging, attending numerous concerts and observing various headbanging techniques. They were then able to come up with a biomechanical analysis and a "theoretical headbanging model".
The study showed that a typical death metal song has approximately 146 beats-per-minute, which, combined with headbanging arcs of at least 45 degrees, will more than likely "cause mild head and neck injury." They also warned that faster tempos and wider arcs provide a "definite risk of mild traumatic brain injury."
And don't just take their word for it, doctors believe that in 2005, Evanescence guitarist Terry Balsamo suffered a stroke from headbanging too hard.
(and Good evening to all!)
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:22:51 AM
Merry x-mas everyone... I hope everyone has a joy-us and safe holiday,
Merry Metal x-mas..... To all my metal family... I truley appreciate all of you,
As Cheech and Chong would say..... I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hee hee hee, had to post this for all, having to share it, and knowing that no-one in my house would get it...
Headbanging has been branded a "health hazard" by the first ever study into the sacred heavy metal ritual.
A report, published in today's British Medical Journal by Declan Patton and Andrew McIntosh from the School For Risk And Safety Sciences at the University Of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia concluded that headbanging leaves participants with "similar effects to whiplash."
The pair conducted an extensive study of headbanging, attending numerous concerts and observing various headbanging techniques. They were then able to come up with a biomechanical analysis and a "theoretical headbanging model".
The study showed that a typical death metal song has approximately 146 beats-per-minute, which, combined with headbanging arcs of at least 45 degrees, will more than likely "cause mild head and neck injury." They also warned that faster tempos and wider arcs provide a "definite risk of mild traumatic brain injury."
And don't just take their word for it, doctors believe that in 2005, Evanescence guitarist Terry Balsamo suffered a stroke from headbanging too hard.
(and Good evening to all!)
[Head banger] Monday, December 22, 2008 9:46:38 PM
so, watching Ramseys kitchen nightmares (the crapy american version, not the good british one) and dee snyder is on. cool. a one minute spot, rides up on bike and rides off, but cool
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, December 22, 2008 5:04:19 PM
Oh so that explains why my ex-boyfriend was such a ass.... Brain damage... LMAO [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by kiamat from Monday, December 22, 2008 1:41:38 PM)
kiamat wrote:
Hee hee hee, had to post this for all, having to share it, and knowing that no-one in my house would get it...
Headbanging has been branded a "health hazard" by the first ever study into the sacred heavy metal ritual.
A report, published in today's British Medical Journal by Declan Patton and Andrew McIntosh from the School For Risk And Safety Sciences at the University Of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia concluded that headbanging leaves participants with "similar effects to whiplash."
The pair conducted an extensive study of headbanging, attending numerous concerts and observing various headbanging techniques. They were then able to come up with a biomechanical analysis and a "theoretical headbanging model".
The study showed that a typical death metal song has approximately 146 beats-per-minute, which, combined with headbanging arcs of at least 45 degrees, will more than likely "cause mild head and neck injury." They also warned that faster tempos and wider arcs provide a "definite risk of mild traumatic brain injury."
And don't just take their word for it, doctors believe that in 2005, Evanescence guitarist Terry Balsamo suffered a stroke from headbanging too hard.
(and Good evening to all!)
Hee hee hee, had to post this for all, having to share it, and knowing that no-one in my house would get it...
Headbanging has been branded a "health hazard" by the first ever study into the sacred heavy metal ritual.
A report, published in today's British Medical Journal by Declan Patton and Andrew McIntosh from the School For Risk And Safety Sciences at the University Of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia concluded that headbanging leaves participants with "similar effects to whiplash."
The pair conducted an extensive study of headbanging, attending numerous concerts and observing various headbanging techniques. They were then able to come up with a biomechanical analysis and a "theoretical headbanging model".
The study showed that a typical death metal song has approximately 146 beats-per-minute, which, combined with headbanging arcs of at least 45 degrees, will more than likely "cause mild head and neck injury." They also warned that faster tempos and wider arcs provide a "definite risk of mild traumatic brain injury."
And don't just take their word for it, doctors believe that in 2005, Evanescence guitarist Terry Balsamo suffered a stroke from headbanging too hard.
(and Good evening to all!)
[kiamat] Monday, December 22, 2008 1:41:38 PM
Hee hee hee, had to post this for all, having to share it, and knowing that no-one in my house would get it...
Headbanging has been branded a "health hazard" by the first ever study into the sacred heavy metal ritual.
A report, published in today's British Medical Journal by Declan Patton and Andrew McIntosh from the School For Risk And Safety Sciences at the University Of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia concluded that headbanging leaves participants with "similar effects to whiplash."
The pair conducted an extensive study of headbanging, attending numerous concerts and observing various headbanging techniques. They were then able to come up with a biomechanical analysis and a "theoretical headbanging model".
The study showed that a typical death metal song has approximately 146 beats-per-minute, which, combined with headbanging arcs of at least 45 degrees, will more than likely "cause mild head and neck injury." They also warned that faster tempos and wider arcs provide a "definite risk of mild traumatic brain injury."
And don't just take their word for it, doctors believe that in 2005, Evanescence guitarist Terry Balsamo suffered a stroke from headbanging too hard.
(and Good evening to all!)
[Deep Freeze] Monday, December 22, 2008 9:59:29 AM
Buenos Morning, Darth!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Monday, December 22, 2008 9:53:18 AM)