[devils_child] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:45:31 PM | |
**Turns on Harder, Faster - WASP**........ Come here Ron...... I got a little surprise for you... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by lana from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:40:33 PM) |  | lana wrote: | | OMG DC !!--he just turned up the cd player & it's Marc Anthony now --this man needs serious help that only us sinful gals can dish out
WASP lyrics are good !! (especially at a time like this )
(Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:38:26 PM)
devils_child wrote: |
He's locked himself away with Ricky Martin on the CD player..... Shhhh i think i can hear him... Hahaha we'll have to track him down like an animal thats on the run... God now im quoting WASP lyrics.
lana wrote: |
DC--I see you're well prepared but no Ron in sight --do ya think we scared the big baby away or is he just off listening to Ricky Martin in privacy ?? (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:34:40 PM)
devils_child wrote: |
He was here earlier toting about how he was bought up with spankings... so i had to try extra hard to impress him... So i've brought along the 4 rowed cone studded leather belt with me today.... He's gonna have spots on his backside from the studs. If that don't do the trick i will bring my spikes... oh yes, Spikes... may draw blood.. haahaha Ron you have been warned. Where's MG?? she's usually up for a trick or two..
lana wrote: |
Sure--DC---I'm ready to serve --I thought we got "rid " of him last night 'cause all I found this morn was his eyebrows but he's back & trying to warn other helpless men of his pain & torture --so I'll hog tie him & you gag him Ok ??
devils_child wrote: |
Ever trod on an electrical prong?.... i had one go into my foot... that was paiiiiiinful i tells ya. Lego kills like a b*tch too.
Heyyyy Lana!! Help me gag Ron, i don't want anyone to find him and attempt a rescue, we may end up in a hostage situation of they hear him yelp.
hellrider 31038 wrote: |
im sure it is not as bad as stepping on studs with the prongs facing up.lol
paperflowers wrote: |
LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch.
devils_child wrote: |
Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.
ronhartsell wrote: |
You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ...
devils_child wrote: |
Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:37:21 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:41:50 PM |
[mmmmmm] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:40:33 PM | |
OMG DC !!--he just turned up the cd player & it's Marc Anthony now --this man needs serious help that only us sinful gals can dish out
WASP lyrics are good !! (especially at a time like this )
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:38:26 PM)
devils_child wrote: |
He's locked himself away with Ricky Martin on the CD player..... Shhhh i think i can hear him... Hahaha we'll have to track him down like an animal thats on the run... God now im quoting WASP lyrics.
lana wrote: |
DC--I see you're well prepared but no Ron in sight --do ya think we scared the big baby away or is he just off listening to Ricky Martin in privacy ?? (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:34:40 PM)
devils_child wrote: |
He was here earlier toting about how he was bought up with spankings... so i had to try extra hard to impress him... So i've brought along the 4 rowed cone studded leather belt with me today.... He's gonna have spots on his backside from the studs. If that don't do the trick i will bring my spikes... oh yes, Spikes... may draw blood.. haahaha Ron you have been warned. Where's MG?? she's usually up for a trick or two..
lana wrote: |
Sure--DC---I'm ready to serve --I thought we got "rid " of him last night 'cause all I found this morn was his eyebrows but he's back & trying to warn other helpless men of his pain & torture --so I'll hog tie him & you gag him Ok ??
devils_child wrote: |
Ever trod on an electrical prong?.... i had one go into my foot... that was paiiiiiinful i tells ya. Lego kills like a b*tch too.
Heyyyy Lana!! Help me gag Ron, i don't want anyone to find him and attempt a rescue, we may end up in a hostage situation of they hear him yelp.
hellrider 31038 wrote: |
im sure it is not as bad as stepping on studs with the prongs facing up.lol
paperflowers wrote: |
LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch.
devils_child wrote: |
Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.
ronhartsell wrote: |
You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ...
devils_child wrote: |
Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:37:21 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:41:50 PM |
[devils_child] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:38:26 PM | |
He's locked himself away with Ricky Martin on the CD player..... Shhhh i think i can hear him... Hahaha we'll have to track him down like an animal thats on the run... God now im quoting WASP lyrics. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by lana from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:36:38 PM) |  | lana wrote: | | DC--I see you're well prepared but no Ron in sight --do ya think we scared the big baby away or is he just off listening to Ricky Martin in privacy ?? (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:34:40 PM)
devils_child wrote: |
He was here earlier toting about how he was bought up with spankings... so i had to try extra hard to impress him... So i've brought along the 4 rowed cone studded leather belt with me today.... He's gonna have spots on his backside from the studs. If that don't do the trick i will bring my spikes... oh yes, Spikes... may draw blood.. haahaha Ron you have been warned. Where's MG?? she's usually up for a trick or two..
lana wrote: |
Sure--DC---I'm ready to serve --I thought we got "rid " of him last night 'cause all I found this morn was his eyebrows but he's back & trying to warn other helpless men of his pain & torture --so I'll hog tie him & you gag him Ok ??
devils_child wrote: |
Ever trod on an electrical prong?.... i had one go into my foot... that was paiiiiiinful i tells ya. Lego kills like a b*tch too.
Heyyyy Lana!! Help me gag Ron, i don't want anyone to find him and attempt a rescue, we may end up in a hostage situation of they hear him yelp.
hellrider 31038 wrote: |
im sure it is not as bad as stepping on studs with the prongs facing up.lol
paperflowers wrote: |
LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch.
devils_child wrote: |
Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.
ronhartsell wrote: |
You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ...
devils_child wrote: |
Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:37:21 PM |
[mmmmmm] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:36:38 PM | |
DC--I see you're well prepared but no Ron in sight --do ya think we scared the big baby away or is he just off listening to Ricky Martin in privacy ?? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:34:40 PM)
devils_child wrote: |
He was here earlier toting about how he was bought up with spankings... so i had to try extra hard to impress him... So i've brought along the 4 rowed cone studded leather belt with me today.... He's gonna have spots on his backside from the studs. If that don't do the trick i will bring my spikes... oh yes, Spikes... may draw blood.. haahaha Ron you have been warned. Where's MG?? she's usually up for a trick or two..
lana wrote: |
Sure--DC---I'm ready to serve --I thought we got "rid " of him last night 'cause all I found this morn was his eyebrows but he's back & trying to warn other helpless men of his pain & torture --so I'll hog tie him & you gag him Ok ??
devils_child wrote: |
Ever trod on an electrical prong?.... i had one go into my foot... that was paiiiiiinful i tells ya. Lego kills like a b*tch too.
Heyyyy Lana!! Help me gag Ron, i don't want anyone to find him and attempt a rescue, we may end up in a hostage situation of they hear him yelp.
hellrider 31038 wrote: |
im sure it is not as bad as stepping on studs with the prongs facing up.lol
paperflowers wrote: |
LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch.
devils_child wrote: |
Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.
ronhartsell wrote: |
You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ...
devils_child wrote: |
Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:37:21 PM |
[devils_child] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:34:40 PM | |
He was here earlier toting about how he was bought up with spankings... so i had to try extra hard to impress him... So i've brought along the 4 rowed cone studded leather belt with me today.... He's gonna have spots on his backside from the studs. If that don't do the trick i will bring my spikes... oh yes, Spikes... may draw blood.. haahaha Ron you have been warned. Where's MG?? she's usually up for a trick or two.. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by lana from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:29:55 PM) |  | lana wrote: | | Sure--DC---I'm ready to serve --I thought we got "rid " of him last night 'cause all I found this morn was his eyebrows but he's back & trying to warn other helpless men of his pain & torture --so I'll hog tie him & you gag him Ok ?? |  | devils_child wrote: | | Ever trod on an electrical prong?.... i had one go into my foot... that was paiiiiiinful i tells ya. Lego kills like a b*tch too.
Heyyyy Lana!! Help me gag Ron, i don't want anyone to find him and attempt a rescue, we may end up in a hostage situation of they hear him yelp.  |  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | im sure it is not as bad as stepping on studs with the prongs facing up.lol |  | paperflowers wrote: | | LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch. |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[mmmmmm] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:29:55 PM | |
Sure--DC---I'm ready to serve --I thought we got "rid " of him last night 'cause all I found this morn was his eyebrows but he's back & trying to warn other helpless men of his pain & torture --so I'll hog tie him & you gag him Ok ?? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:25:18 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Ever trod on an electrical prong?.... i had one go into my foot... that was paiiiiiinful i tells ya. Lego kills like a b*tch too.
Heyyyy Lana!! Help me gag Ron, i don't want anyone to find him and attempt a rescue, we may end up in a hostage situation of they hear him yelp.  |  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | im sure it is not as bad as stepping on studs with the prongs facing up.lol |  | paperflowers wrote: | | LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch. |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[devils_child] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:25:18 PM | |
Ever trod on an electrical prong?.... i had one go into my foot... that was paiiiiiinful i tells ya. Lego kills like a b*tch too.
Heyyyy Lana!! Help me gag Ron, i don't want anyone to find him and attempt a rescue, we may end up in a hostage situation of they hear him yelp.  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:17:56 PM) |  | hellrider 31038 wrote: | | im sure it is not as bad as stepping on studs with the prongs facing up.lol |  | paperflowers wrote: | | LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch. |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:17:56 PM | |
im sure it is not as bad as stepping on studs with the prongs facing up.lol [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by paperflowers from Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:13:58 PM) |  | paperflowers wrote: | | LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch. |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[mmmmmm] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:17:13 PM | |
DC--you didn't start without me did ya ??----no gimp mask but we have to gag him --you know so we don't scare the other guys off [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:16:04 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hahahaha gimp mask..... no i want to see your face when i dish out the whipping oh and no gag.. i want to hear you scream. U better believe i got good aim... of course you will get a few smacks on the back of your thighs, just to amp it up a bit.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You know no bounds and I hope you have good aim you're not making me wear a gimp mask or anything, are you??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[paperflowers] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:13:58 PM | |
LOL my brother and I used to do that!! The worst feeling in the world is stepping on legos. Fucking ouch. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:00:01 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[devils_child] Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:16:04 PM | |
Hahahaha gimp mask..... no i want to see your face when i dish out the whipping oh and no gag.. i want to hear you scream. U better believe i got good aim... of course you will get a few smacks on the back of your thighs, just to amp it up a bit.  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:07:40 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You know no bounds and I hope you have good aim you're not making me wear a gimp mask or anything, are you??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[ron h] Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:07:40 PM | |
You know no bounds and I hope you have good aim you're not making me wear a gimp mask or anything, are you??  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:00:01 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[devils_child] Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:00:01 PM | |
Hot Wheels tracks.... me and my brother used to fight with those. They freakin hurt! Well since your such a seasoned veteran I'll use my studded belt for that extra sting.  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:53:53 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[ron h] Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:53:53 PM | |
You're talking to a guy who's the oldest of 5 kids and had a Dad who believed in 'capital punishment'. His favorite 'educator' of choice was his weightlifting belt and a Mom who knew how to weild a Hot Wheels race track (remember the orange ones??)!!!
So give it your best shot ... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:02 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[devils_child] Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:02 PM | |
Hey Ron..
You know i just remembered, I have the biggest thing for hitting people on the arse (only a matter of time before i get arrested for sexual harrassment) anyways... i was at work one day, indulging myself in a few spankings. I hit my boss on the backside so hard she came up to me the next day and said she still had the hand print on her butt when she got home that night. LOL... apparently i can smack really hard. I've got a very very bad reputation....... Maybe I'll leave you with some hand prints, One on each cheek? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM)
ronhartsell wrote: |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker
devils_child wrote: |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished.
Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies!
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:41:39 PM |
[ron h] Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:36:33 PM | |
What's up folks??
DC...my butt's as pink as a pig...I think we can get it a few shaders darker  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:38:02 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished. |  | Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: | | And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies! |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return. |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | cya later....HEY...WAIT...YOU FORGOT TO LET ME OUT OF THE HANDCUFFFFFSSSS!!!!!!! |  | devils_child wrote: | | Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
Byyeeee! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at??? |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[devils_child] Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:38:02 PM | |
LOL.... Well now you've met the ladies of the sinful thread, you just know there's more of us around. But always remember the Priest Girls are the best in the business. 
So Ron.... how's the sore butt?.... I can dish out another spanking if your not satisfied. Hahaa Oh and i didn't lose the key... it's in my hot little hand, but you can't have them just yet. I'm not finished. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:35:11 AM) |  | Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: | | And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies! |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return. |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | cya later....HEY...WAIT...YOU FORGOT TO LET ME OUT OF THE HANDCUFFFFFSSSS!!!!!!! |  | devils_child wrote: | | Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
Byyeeee! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at??? |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:12:59 AM | |
Well lets see ... today I only got up 2 hours late.. still shutting off the damm clock.... thank god I work from home..
My puter was backed up with files... to be recieved... AGAIN.... LMAO................
I need to move the clock... Hopefully I will remember to do this ...... LMAO
Have a wonderful day everyone...
MG~ |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:03:20 AM | |
Good MORN...... Why Darth... whatever are you talking about....LMAO  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Thursday, November 13, 2008 8:43:45 AM) |  | Darth_Painkiller_0870 wrote: | | I have to admit, you girls are bad. |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Thursday, November 13, 2008 8:43:45 AM | |
I have to admit, you girls are bad. |
[mmmmmm] Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:45:24 AM | |
POOR RON--NOTHING LEFT BUT HIS PONY TAIL--I THINK WE DID A GOOD JOB SINFUL LADIES !!--ONTO THE NEXT POOR SAP !! ( AH I MEAN CHAP ) [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:03:38 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Have a great night at work Lana...chat with ya in the am...if anything's left of me...I will fight back!!!! |  | lana wrote: | | me thinks he'd like whatever we did to him
hate to leave but must get ready for work--just when I was starting to have some fun !! |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Thursday, November 13, 2008 5:47:49 AM | |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:35:11 AM | |
And here I thought it was only my g/f and I who had such Evil Fantasies! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:29:58 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return. |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | cya later....HEY...WAIT...YOU FORGOT TO LET ME OUT OF THE HANDCUFFFFFSSSS!!!!!!! |  | devils_child wrote: | | Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
Byyeeee! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at??? |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[ron h] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:32:48 PM | |
well, i guess i'm not going anywhere then...take care and don't lose the keys!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:29:58 PM)
devils_child wrote: |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return.
ronhartsell wrote: |
devils_child wrote: |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
ronhartsell wrote: |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at???
devils_child wrote: |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...
guidogodoy wrote: |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC! 
MG_Metalgoddess wrote: |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby...... |
Edited at: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:33:57 PM |
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:29:58 PM | |
Hahaha the keys are down the front of my corset.... sorry you're gonna have to wait for my return. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:27:19 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | cya later....HEY...WAIT...YOU FORGOT TO LET ME OUT OF THE HANDCUFFFFFSSSS!!!!!!! |  | devils_child wrote: | | Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
Byyeeee! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at??? |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:28:21 PM | |
We like to mix it up around here...... Well i'm off now.. You can reorganise the topics while i'm gone.  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:26:24 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | HAAAA!!! Sounds like you are right back on that bloody peanut butter cup topic again (ewwwww...what an image).
"You got Sinfulness in my Blah!" "You got whitey tighties in my What are you listening to now!" |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[ron h] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:27:19 PM | |
cya later....HEY...WAIT...YOU FORGOT TO LET ME OUT OF THE HANDCUFFFFFSSSS!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:24:46 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
Byyeeee! |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at??? |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:26:24 PM | |
HAAAA!!! Sounds like you are right back on that bloody peanut butter cup topic again (ewwwww...what an image).
"You got Sinfulness in my Blah!" "You got whitey tighties in my What are you listening to now!" [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:16:39 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:24:46 PM | |
Exactly.... This is it. Time to compare notes. - Hate to leave but i must get my business in order before i head off to work. Shower, lunch, go to bank.... all the boring essentials. Was good talking to all... hehehe I shall return. 
Byyeeee! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:19:12 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at??? |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[ron h] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:19:12 PM | |
Well then, the Ladies have their thread and the Guys have theirs...where are we suppose to meet in the middle and check out our differences at??? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:16:39 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:16:39 PM | |
What's the matter?...can't handle a bit of "Sin" in your blah blah blah?.... Ron seems to have adjusted quite well...  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:13:00 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:13:00 PM | |
Speak for yourself! I am a blah blah blaher in this thread! HAAA!! Stop with that thread leakage, already!
CYA soon and ON TOPIC!   [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:10:17 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:12:17 PM | |
Iam saving mine for Scott..... Its edible... LMAO
Good nite...... LMAO [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:10:29 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | MG hand me some of that massage oil that heats up when you rub.... Ron needs a full rub down. |
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:10:29 PM | |
MG hand me some of that massage oil that heats up when you rub.... Ron needs a full rub down. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:09:05 PM) |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:10:17 PM | |
Okay sinful people... I must go ... for it is a full moon.... I have to Sharpen my teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have someone in mind I want to take a bite out of.........LMAO..
BArk at the Moon BAby......
[ron h] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:09:05 PM | |
The class project is half naked and cold...let's heat this thing up...... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:02:24 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good advice.... I still have much to learn. I'll get my practice up with Ron. He won't mind.... Time to take you to bondage school Ron, your the class project.
Have a good one at work Lana! Think sinful thoughts - Laters! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Riding crop always comes first.. then when its nice and raw.. you break out the whip............  |  | devils_child wrote: | | U want me to use the riding crop or the leather whip?..... cat o nince tails maybe?...*rumages through box of tricks* |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | I cannot go to bed yet... LOL I want to see ron get whipped .... LMAO |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Alright Ladies...Let's get this party started...    |  | devils_child wrote: | | Were going to give you a sinful make over.... bust out the leather, whips, chains, massage oil.. haaha |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Damn Woman...what more do you want from me??? I've already lost my 'vitals', what more can a man give ya'll??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good.... you're not going anywhere Ron, were not through converting you. 

|  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Yep...still here...don't know if my cajones are, but I'm here   |  | devils_child wrote: | | Yup, that's our best kept secret. .... Ron..... you still with us?? Lol..... still speechless. |  | lana wrote: | | And we're not gonna tell ya we use during the week |  | devils_child wrote: | | You ventured into the Sinful thread?... it is quite the experience. Now this one goes out to all my fellow sinful ladies
 |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Can't stop laughing about what I saw and read in the other thread!!!  I am very rarely left speechless...I have been humbled... |
[ron h] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:06:58 PM | |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:03:52 PM | |
Good nite lana..... Have a good one.. I must go soon too for real this time..... I woke up 3 hours late this morning..
LMAO... I shut off the clock instead of hitting the snooze button... I guess I will just blame it on a man.. WHy not.. LMAO [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by lana from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:59:30 PM) |  | lana wrote: | | me thinks he'd like whatever we did to him
hate to leave but must get ready for work--just when I was starting to have some fun !! |
[ron h] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:03:38 PM | |
Have a great night at work Lana...chat with ya in the am...if anything's left of me...I will fight back!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by lana from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:59:30 PM) |  | lana wrote: | | me thinks he'd like whatever we did to him
hate to leave but must get ready for work--just when I was starting to have some fun !! |
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:02:24 PM | |
Good advice.... I still have much to learn. I'll get my practice up with Ron. He won't mind.... Time to take you to bondage school Ron, your the class project.
Have a good one at work Lana! Think sinful thoughts - Laters! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:59:09 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Riding crop always comes first.. then when its nice and raw.. you break out the whip............  |  | devils_child wrote: | | U want me to use the riding crop or the leather whip?..... cat o nince tails maybe?...*rumages through box of tricks* |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | I cannot go to bed yet... LOL I want to see ron get whipped .... LMAO |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Alright Ladies...Let's get this party started...    |  | devils_child wrote: | | Were going to give you a sinful make over.... bust out the leather, whips, chains, massage oil.. haaha |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Damn Woman...what more do you want from me??? I've already lost my 'vitals', what more can a man give ya'll??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good.... you're not going anywhere Ron, were not through converting you. 

|  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Yep...still here...don't know if my cajones are, but I'm here   |  | devils_child wrote: | | Yup, that's our best kept secret. .... Ron..... you still with us?? Lol..... still speechless. |  | lana wrote: | | And we're not gonna tell ya we use during the week |  | devils_child wrote: | | You ventured into the Sinful thread?... it is quite the experience. Now this one goes out to all my fellow sinful ladies
 |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Can't stop laughing about what I saw and read in the other thread!!!  I am very rarely left speechless...I have been humbled... |
[mmmmmm] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:59:30 PM | |
me thinks he'd like whatever we did to him
hate to leave but must get ready for work--just when I was starting to have some fun !! |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:59:09 PM | |
Riding crop always comes first.. then when its nice and raw.. you break out the whip............  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:56:08 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | U want me to use the riding crop or the leather whip?..... cat o nince tails maybe?...*rumages through box of tricks* |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | I cannot go to bed yet... LOL I want to see ron get whipped .... LMAO |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Alright Ladies...Let's get this party started...    |  | devils_child wrote: | | Were going to give you a sinful make over.... bust out the leather, whips, chains, massage oil.. haaha |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Damn Woman...what more do you want from me??? I've already lost my 'vitals', what more can a man give ya'll??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good.... you're not going anywhere Ron, were not through converting you. 

|  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Yep...still here...don't know if my cajones are, but I'm here   |  | devils_child wrote: | | Yup, that's our best kept secret. .... Ron..... you still with us?? Lol..... still speechless. |  | lana wrote: | | And we're not gonna tell ya we use during the week |  | devils_child wrote: | | You ventured into the Sinful thread?... it is quite the experience. Now this one goes out to all my fellow sinful ladies
 |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Can't stop laughing about what I saw and read in the other thread!!!  I am very rarely left speechless...I have been humbled... |
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:58:51 PM | |
Party time..... 
 [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:53:59 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Alright Ladies...Let's get this party started...    |  | devils_child wrote: | | Were going to give you a sinful make over.... bust out the leather, whips, chains, massage oil.. haaha |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Damn Woman...what more do you want from me??? I've already lost my 'vitals', what more can a man give ya'll??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good.... you're not going anywhere Ron, were not through converting you. 

|  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Yep...still here...don't know if my cajones are, but I'm here   |  | devils_child wrote: | | Yup, that's our best kept secret. .... Ron..... you still with us?? Lol..... still speechless. |  | lana wrote: | | And we're not gonna tell ya we use during the week |  | devils_child wrote: | | You ventured into the Sinful thread?... it is quite the experience. Now this one goes out to all my fellow sinful ladies
 |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Can't stop laughing about what I saw and read in the other thread!!!  I am very rarely left speechless...I have been humbled... |
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:56:08 PM | |
U want me to use the riding crop or the leather whip?..... cat o nince tails maybe?...*rumages through box of tricks* [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:54:57 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | I cannot go to bed yet... LOL I want to see ron get whipped .... LMAO |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Alright Ladies...Let's get this party started...    |  | devils_child wrote: | | Were going to give you a sinful make over.... bust out the leather, whips, chains, massage oil.. haaha |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Damn Woman...what more do you want from me??? I've already lost my 'vitals', what more can a man give ya'll??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good.... you're not going anywhere Ron, were not through converting you. 

|  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Yep...still here...don't know if my cajones are, but I'm here   |  | devils_child wrote: | | Yup, that's our best kept secret. .... Ron..... you still with us?? Lol..... still speechless. |  | lana wrote: | | And we're not gonna tell ya we use during the week |  | devils_child wrote: | | You ventured into the Sinful thread?... it is quite the experience. Now this one goes out to all my fellow sinful ladies
 |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Can't stop laughing about what I saw and read in the other thread!!!  I am very rarely left speechless...I have been humbled... |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:54:57 PM | |
I cannot go to bed yet... LOL I want to see ron get whipped .... LMAO [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:53:59 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Alright Ladies...Let's get this party started...    |  | devils_child wrote: | | Were going to give you a sinful make over.... bust out the leather, whips, chains, massage oil.. haaha |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Damn Woman...what more do you want from me??? I've already lost my 'vitals', what more can a man give ya'll??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good.... you're not going anywhere Ron, were not through converting you. 

|  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Yep...still here...don't know if my cajones are, but I'm here   |  | devils_child wrote: | | Yup, that's our best kept secret. .... Ron..... you still with us?? Lol..... still speechless. |  | lana wrote: | | And we're not gonna tell ya we use during the week |  | devils_child wrote: | | You ventured into the Sinful thread?... it is quite the experience. Now this one goes out to all my fellow sinful ladies
 |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Can't stop laughing about what I saw and read in the other thread!!!  I am very rarely left speechless...I have been humbled... |
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:54:16 PM | |
   - Sticky [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:53:02 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | I like to go to bed sticky......... bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh |
[ron h] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:53:59 PM | |
Alright Ladies...Let's get this party started...    [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by devils_child from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:51:50 PM) |  | devils_child wrote: | | Were going to give you a sinful make over.... bust out the leather, whips, chains, massage oil.. haaha |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Damn Woman...what more do you want from me??? I've already lost my 'vitals', what more can a man give ya'll??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good.... you're not going anywhere Ron, were not through converting you. 

|  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Yep...still here...don't know if my cajones are, but I'm here   |  | devils_child wrote: | | Yup, that's our best kept secret. .... Ron..... you still with us?? Lol..... still speechless. |  | lana wrote: | | And we're not gonna tell ya we use during the week |  | devils_child wrote: | | You ventured into the Sinful thread?... it is quite the experience. Now this one goes out to all my fellow sinful ladies
 |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Can't stop laughing about what I saw and read in the other thread!!!  I am very rarely left speechless...I have been humbled... |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:53:02 PM | |
[ron h] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:52:03 PM | |
[devils_child] Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:51:50 PM | |
Were going to give you a sinful make over.... bust out the leather, whips, chains, massage oil.. haaha [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:49:51 PM) |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Damn Woman...what more do you want from me??? I've already lost my 'vitals', what more can a man give ya'll??  |  | devils_child wrote: | | Good.... you're not going anywhere Ron, were not through converting you. 

|  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Yep...still here...don't know if my cajones are, but I'm here   |  | devils_child wrote: | | Yup, that's our best kept secret. .... Ron..... you still with us?? Lol..... still speechless. |  | lana wrote: | | And we're not gonna tell ya we use during the week |  | devils_child wrote: | | You ventured into the Sinful thread?... it is quite the experience. Now this one goes out to all my fellow sinful ladies
 |  | ronhartsell wrote: | | Can't stop laughing about what I saw and read in the other thread!!!  I am very rarely left speechless...I have been humbled... |