[guardian angel] Saturday, November 27, 2010 3:01:22 PM
In searching Rob and opera, I came across this interesting article. The author sent 5 anonymous songs to a classically trained vocal teacher in New York, to have her analyze the singers. Rob of course is one of them, and it's interesting to see which song they picked and what she thought of it. It's always been my favorite song, so I was interested to hear her take on his vocals. She didn't tell us anything we didn't already know, though. That Rob is an amazing vocalist, and has a shockingly spectacular range & variety in his singing. I never get bored listening to him, whether it be Priest, Halford, 2wo, Fight or Christmas tunes! Thanks for sharing your gift with us Rob! XO http://www.invisibleoranges.com/2010/07/ask-a-real-musician-5-classic-male-metal-singers/
[guardian angel] Saturday, November 27, 2010 2:16:57 PM
I just saw Rob last weekend with Halford opening for Ozzy. It was AWESOME!!! Rob's pipes sounded great and I would definitely go see them again, if they toured by here. As for the Opera topic, regarding Rob, I had heard three of our best metal vocalists were talking (or joking) about doing something like the Three Tenors, except it was Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson and Geoff Tate, and they were going to call themselves The Three Tremors. I thought that would be great, and I would go see them, of course! Too funny.
[GLORIAROMANA S.-THE QUEEN OF METAL GOD-ROB HALFORD] Saturday, November 27, 2010 7:59:46 AM
Finnaly you got the point and you understood that a leo,like me,always will do what will want and i will always will say and will write and will show what i think and i feel for some or someone,at least as far as i do that with honesty and sincerity,and as far as i don't disturb the others,and that is not a shame,is a quality,which most people don't have it,or even if they have it,they hide this cause they are affraid about how the people would say about them,etc,but in that way,that good but hide quality in many people can be transformed finnaly in a deffect,because its not shown .
Finnaly,every of us we are free to think and feel what we want about any thing in this world such us:
If we like to live,work and die in a country other than in which we were born,we must be free to do that,not neing restricted about sucking visas to arrive out,if we have other religion or political view than the most people around us,we must be free to express that,not being throught out because of our appartenence,if we have other colour of skin or other sexual orientation,we must be free to show that,not being through away,if we like to laught or cry about some of for someone,we must be free to do that,not taked it in joke,if we like to have dreams and fight for them,we must to be free to do that,not be taked in joke or judged,so we the peoplea,we must be free to think and feel and do what we want in this world,as long as we not disturb the others freedom,health and happiness.
Finnaly, all of us we live on the same globe,so we are all the same,so we must be all equals,even if every of us we have also our unique way to be,which is also gived by our astrology natal chart. Finnaly,the world will arrive to shes's high level of spirituality just when on this globe will be a single country for all peoples,a single politic,a single religion,and without money,and when all the people will understand each other and will be free to match each other not matter of age,skin,sex,zodiac sign,just then the people will arrive to will live in peace and will not exist anymore criminals,stealers,prostitutes,guns,drogs,etc,ad the world will arrive to the coplete spirituality.
To God or to who created us!
Was not an complete astrological analize,was just a generaly fact that happen between leo and virgo,but for a complete analize of these signs,is needed more many details about both persons,such as the both date of birth,year of birth,hour and location of birth,to can build a personal astrology natal chart of both,and to enstablish the most important point at their charts,such as, the ascendante, since when start practicaly to build the personal natal chart of both,and which togeter with the planets which appears in all 12 signs,and all 12 houses and with all the aspects between the planets,in both charts,can result if really that two persons can have a friendship,or a bussines,or a love,or a marriage,etc,so this simple analize which i done to you,revels almost nothing,just a generality,thay is why some leos go with some virgos,and other leos not go with virgos,because is needed the all details to see if a specific leo really go with a specific virgo,ist about particularity.
After checking at the purpose of this thread, I felt like listening to the whole Nostradamus album. I've just finished doing it.
Rob used operatic style here and there. The more I listen to this album, the more I realize how great this band really is!
Thanks, astrologer Gloria for analyzing.
I have no regrets for my comments in this thread. If every JP/Rob fans acted the way she did in every JP related sites, that would've looked out of controll
but it didn't happen coz ppl have common sense not to do so.
If what you've been doing can be tolerable to others, go right ahead, do what you gotta do, Gloria.
Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:01:23 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:04:20 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:04:51 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:06:50 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:07:37 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:08:44 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:23:10 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:26:12 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:27:07 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:27:44 AM Edited at: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:29:11 AM
[Eternal Servant] Friday, November 26, 2010 10:36:44 AM
After checking at the purpose of this thread, I felt like listening to the whole Nostradamus album. I've just finished doing it.
Rob used operatic style here and there. The more I listen to this album, the more I realize how great this band really is!
Thanks, astrologer Gloria for analyzing.
I have no regrets for my comments in this thread. If every JP/Rob fans acted the way she did in every JP related sites, that would've looked out of controll
but it didn't happen coz ppl have common sense not to do so.
If what you've been doing can be tolerable to others, go right ahead, do what you gotta do, Gloria.
[guitardude] Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:54:53 PM
Personally, I don`t think anyone here should be judging anyone else for whatever reason, we are here in support of a band we love,not to bash each other, eloquently or not. Everyone has a right to post as much as the next, if there is a problem, there is someone here allready designated to handle that.
So EVERYBODY, just relax and be happy!
[GLORIAROMANA S.-THE QUEEN OF METAL GOD-ROB HALFORD] Thursday, November 25, 2010 3:58:05 AM
I was almost sure that you are a virgo,as Rob...
From the fact that you red my messages,from the way you observed all details in my words from my messages,and to the fact that you criticised my words,special the fact that you made me a lier cause i couldn't keep my own promise wityh myself,all these shows you are a virgo,the virgo is about true,honesty,sincerity,fidelity,un-compromises,atention at details in what other think and feel,criticised what other think and feel,etc,all these are qualities,but the last,is also the most big defect at all virgos,cause you are a pragmatic person,but also you have luck cause i am a leo sign,and i can handle with your way to be,cause i am close to your sign,me too i hate the lies,the unsincerity,the infidelity,the compromises,and me too i am interested in see in details what the people think and feel about some,even if they say or write about some,and me too i criticised what the people think and feel about some,when is about some bad,but also i not criticised at such big scale as you,cause i always try to understand the reasons why the people think or feel some way,and before to judge them,i always try to see myself first,which is a quality,cause i am most spiritual.
Ussualy,when a virgo comes in first contact with a leo,even if is a visual contact or a talk of distance just,they see nothing in each other,not the qualities,but just the defects,and just if they do the effort to continue the connection,and just after mounths or even years,they can arrive to see they are the same in fact,and then they can see the other qualities too,not just the deffects,and even if they also are not the same in all,the friendship or the love which was born and was during between them,will make them to do compromises one for other,to remain togeter as friends,or lovers,etc.
Fnnaly,the connection between a virgo and a leo,is not a match made in heaven,is not like the love at first sight,and is much better,cause these friendships or loves ussualy not during,the conection between these two signs depend by both effort to build some,a friendship or a love,etc and to keep that relation,and to do compromises for that,and all these can during lots mouth,or years,but when that friendship or love was enstablish,that can remain forever.
So was obviously like your first contact with me to be a negative one,but in time will be a positive one,like friendship of course.
But please don't tell me that you are born on 25 august ,as Rob,or that you was born on his 1951 year of pisces in chineze zodiac,or that you have Scorpio ascendante as him in your astrology natal chart over the european horoscope,cause i want to have a good day...
Edited at: Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:03:29 AM Edited at: Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:07:30 AM Edited at: Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:10:32 AM Edited at: Thursday, November 25, 2010 4:24:13 AM
[Eternal Servant] Friday, November 12, 2010 12:03:57 AM
Same as Rob, Virgo.
Its seems that you like to talk with me/or about me...
Just to know:
If i ever done a promise with myself,i have the right to broke it anytime i want that,without beeing judged,but its a big shame to do a promise to someone and broke it,and for that i can be judge by that person,so its a big difference between my promise with MYSELF,and my promise to OTHERS.
And also just to know:
I never promise nothing to noone related to Rob Halford such as to stop,all what i said was that i will try to stop,so its a big difference between to PROMISE to do some,and to TRY to do some.
But be very very sure that my promise which i done related to my dream and hopesa about Rob Halford,in all that messages,i will keep that forever and i will not broke it,but ofcourse you can't undertand and believe in this promise,cause this promise is inside of all those words in all my messages to Rob,and just Rob can read and understand the inside signs of these messages,so just him can understand and believe in my promise.
I hope that Rob will appreciate me cause at least i tried to stop and also will forgive me cause i couldnt' stop yet,and that cause i am sure that Rob knows how is to be in love.....
P.S.I am just curious what zodiac sign you are Eternal Servant...
Greetings from Romania,Arad...
Gloria Romana Suciu(Halford)
The Queen of Metal God
Has anyone noticed that my message to that Queen was harsh at the beginning but
at the end I really meant that good things could happen if she believes in?
Actually, I read her post everywhere at least once each time to understand her.
Even when I criticize some ppl, I always read them through.
I do not doubt her dedication to JP as I also mentioned in my previous post.
My point is, if she believes in her fate, just believe in it instead of spamming every single JP related board.
That dude who listened to Nostradamus non stop made miracle happened without spamming the boards.
A guy asked her to stop on MySpace and then she wrote apology on Rob's/KK's/Fight's/JP's pages promised to
stop doing it but again, look what happened. She starts doing it again and again.
She broke her own promise and that's why I raised this issue. It's simple as that.
She doesn't even understand what the word "threat" means. "Threat" means if she does something, I'll do something, right?
I'm not gonna do anything and did not say so in my first post. It's loud and clear.
Happy Halloween! I did something on 26th w/ the three-year-old boys who learn English from me. LOL
Yo, Michael, yup shit happens. I'm not surprised the way she responded.
Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:34:03 PM
Edited at: Friday, November 05, 2010 5:06:05 AM Edited at: Friday, November 05, 2010 5:07:22 AM Edited at: Friday, November 05, 2010 5:10:19 AM Edited at: Friday, November 05, 2010 5:10:52 AM Edited at: Friday, November 05, 2010 5:20:56 AM Edited at: Friday, November 05, 2010 5:22:20 AM
[Eternal Servant] Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:25:35 PM
Has anyone noticed that my message to that Queen was harsh at the beginning but
at the end I really meant that good things could happen if she believes in?
Actually, I read her post everywhere at least once each time to understand her.
Even when I criticize some ppl, I always read them through.
I do not doubt her dedication to JP as I also mentioned in my previous post.
My point is, if she believes in her fate, just believe in it instead of spamming every single JP related board.
That dude who listened to Nostradamus non stop made miracle happened without spamming the boards.
A guy asked her to stop on MySpace and then she wrote apology on Rob's/KK's/Fight's/JP's pages promised to
stop doing it but again, look what happened. She starts doing it again and again.
She broke her own promise and that's why I raised this issue. It's simple as that.
She doesn't even understand what the word "threat" means. "Threat" means if she does something, I'll do something, right?
I'm not gonna do anything and did not say so in my first post. It's loud and clear.
Happy Halloween! I did something on 26th w/ the three-year-old boys who learn English from me. LOL
Yo, Michael, yup shit happens. I'm not surprised the way she responded.
Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:34:03 PM
[Phantom A6] Sunday, October 31, 2010 8:24:09 PM
Yep!! My meaning was/is "It's a long time ago".
Round about two years.
Damn!! Need more practice!!
Am so really busy with many other things last time. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, October 31, 2010 7:02:57 PM)
spapad wrote:
Years ago would mean it's no longer here, or never was.
I assume you mean years ago like, water under the bridge.
(Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:49:59 PM)
Phantom A6 wrote:
Ohps... Sanae, sometimes shit happens, indeed!!
Think about one of your posting in the "U.F.O.-Topic"
and my reply to you!! Aww... years ago!! (Quoting Message by Eternal Servant from Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:00:54 AM)
Eternal Servant wrote:
Please stop writing same things everywhere on MySpace, Facebook , Kyte TV and here, Miss Gloria Romana.
Nobody in this planet has done things you did the way you did. Enough is enough.
On Oct.15, I could meet the Metal God for a minuite and his boyfriend a slightly longer.
Rob kindly said to me "Nice to meet you" and his boyfriend was a friendly guy.
I believed that someday I could meet my hero, life-saver for creating the metal I love.
Yeah, I believe you are a diehard fan of Rob Halford. If you believe in what you've been writing, why don't you sit back and relax.
Miracles can happen. Thank you for reading.
Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:53:47 PM
Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 7:04:41 PM
[spapad] Sunday, October 31, 2010 7:02:57 PM
Years ago would mean it's no longer here, or never was.
I assume you mean years ago like, water under the bridge.
Ohps... Sanae, sometimes shit happens, indeed!!
Think about one of your posting in the "U.F.O.-Topic"
and my reply to you!! Aww... years ago!! (Quoting Message by Eternal Servant from Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:00:54 AM)
Eternal Servant wrote:
Please stop writing same things everywhere on MySpace, Facebook , Kyte TV and here, Miss Gloria Romana.
Nobody in this planet has done things you did the way you did. Enough is enough.
On Oct.15, I could meet the Metal God for a minuite and his boyfriend a slightly longer.
Rob kindly said to me "Nice to meet you" and his boyfriend was a friendly guy.
I believed that someday I could meet my hero, life-saver for creating the metal I love.
Yeah, I believe you are a diehard fan of Rob Halford. If you believe in what you've been writing, why don't you sit back and relax.
Miracles can happen. Thank you for reading.
Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:53:47 PM
Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 7:04:41 PM
[Phantom A6] Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:49:59 PM
Ohps... Sanae, sometimes shit happens, indeed!!
Think about one of your posting in the "U.F.O.-Topic"
and my reply to you!! Aww... years ago!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Eternal Servant from Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:00:54 AM)
Eternal Servant wrote:
Please stop writing same things everywhere on MySpace, Facebook , Kyte TV and here, Miss Gloria Romana.
Nobody in this planet has done things you did the way you did. Enough is enough.
On Oct.15, I could meet the Metal God for a minuite and his boyfriend a slightly longer.
Rob kindly said to me "Nice to meet you" and his boyfriend was a friendly guy.
I believed that someday I could meet my hero, life-saver for creating the metal I love.
Yeah, I believe you are a diehard fan of Rob Halford. If you believe in what you've been writing, why don't you sit back and relax.
Miracles can happen. Thank you for reading.
Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:53:47 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:47:16 PM
Please stop writing same things everywhere on MySpace, Facebook , Kyte TV and here, Miss Gloria Romana.
Nobody in this planet has done things you did the way you did. Enough is enough.
On Oct.15, I could meet the Metal God for a minuite and his boyfriend a slightly longer.
Rob kindly said to me "Nice to meet you" and his boyfriend was a friendly guy.
I believed that someday I could meet my hero, life-saver for creating the metal I love.
Yeah, I believe you are a diehard fan of Rob Halford. If you believe in what you've been writing, why don't you sit back and relax.
Miracles can happen. Thank you for reading.
I think that any human of this earth don’t be judge until knwing him,so I don't want to judge you because of what you said to me,cause I dont know who you are,i dont know if you are a fan of Rob Halford,or a close friend of him,or a man who work for him,or if you are a just another crazy jelous man as the most many how i already met,mans who wanted to be with me,and because i refused them because of my love for him,they were such frustrated that they tried to make me to stop,sending me threats,but i didn't care,cause I am not affraid of them,so i don't want to say that you are such kind of jelous or frustrated man,but your behaviour into what you said to me,looks like that,otherwise i don't understand why you try to stop me with your threats.
I think that how every human on this earth is free to think and feel what he want and for who he want,that’s way I am free to think and feel what I want and for who I want,and I must be free to speak about that with any I want,and show that and post that where I want on internet on my own pages,as long as I don’t bother others,and sorry to say that but I don’t see how I can bother you personaly when my message was not for you,and when the only which should be bother about that and the only which should make me to stop, if he will consider,is the only Rob himself,not you,and not any other man,but if that also bother you or others,all you can do is to thought me out from internet social pages,that’s all,but you know that I can have tomorrow another page,and another,and so on,so I don’t see your point to tease me that way,cause also from my mind and from my heart ,you’ll never throught him out.
I think that in this ugly world full of chaos and agony in which we live,a world leaded by politic,religion,and money,all of us we need to escape sometime in a more beautiful world,a fantasy one,in which we can create our own dreams,so this is what I done me too into having that dream with Rob,and I know that nobody can’t understand my dream,neither you too,so you can call that how you want,crazyness,lunatic,obssesion,addiction,not matter,I already got lots kind of psedonims from many people who laughed on me,and that made me to think just at how unspiritual is the humanity,but if you really had such kind of big dream ever,then my friend….you will really understand my dream.
I know that actually Rob is involved and I know that his lover is a open man and friendly man,and as a plus,his lover is obsessed by Romania,so i respect his actual relation with that man,and I know that Rob is not free for any man,but also I know that even if Rob will return ever to womans,I know that he will do a much better choise, not me,,so all is just a fuckin dream,believe me ,even if I am a dreamer,I am also a realistic person,and I know distinguish the dream of realtiy,and I know how is possible to happen and what not,but ofcourse exist miracles too,out of our control.
So why you people which you are not capable to have your own dreams,can’t understand others who have,and why you tend to judge and be so bad?
Its not fair.
Poor God…
Definetly when the world will finish,will be so hard for him to forgive all of us,when in this world are so so many bad people.
P.S.If you will look carrefully on other topics too,you'll see that this mesage for Rob,was not my only message here,i also do comments on oher topics too,related to Judas Priest music,that means i am not just a death fan of Rob,but also a fan of Judas Priest,and a musician too.
Thanks for reading.
Greetings from Romania,the Dracula country.
Greetings from me,a woman which didn’t knew that she became such special related at how you said that I done about Rob,and related to the way I done.
Please stop writing same things everywhere on MySpace, Facebook , Kyte TV and here, Miss Gloria Romana.
Nobody in this planet has done things you did the way you did. Enough is enough.
On Oct.15, I could meet the Metal God for a minuite and his boyfriend a slightly longer.
Rob kindly said to me "Nice to meet you" and his boyfriend was a friendly guy.
I believed that someday I could meet my hero, life-saver for creating the metal I love.
Yeah, I believe you are a diehard fan of Rob Halford. If you believe in what you've been writing, why don't you sit back and relax.
Miracles can happen. Thank you for reading.
Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:35:05 AM Edited at: Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:38:33 AM
[Eternal Servant] Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:00:54 AM
Please stop writing same things everywhere on MySpace, Facebook , Kyte TV and here, Miss Gloria Romana.
Nobody in this planet has done things you did the way you did. Enough is enough.
On Oct.15, I could meet the Metal God for a minuite and his boyfriend a slightly longer.
Rob kindly said to me "Nice to meet you" and his boyfriend was a friendly guy.
I believed that someday I could meet my hero, life-saver for creating the metal I love.
Yeah, I believe you are a diehard fan of Rob Halford. If you believe in what you've been writing, why don't you sit back and relax.
Miracles can happen. Thank you for reading.
[GLORIAROMANA S.-THE QUEEN OF METAL GOD-ROB HALFORD] Saturday, October 30, 2010 6:45:07 AM
My dear soulmate
Robert John Arthur Halford
I dream to be your wife,have your child,die in your arms!You have a good soul,a wise mind,attractive body(your eyes)but imposible right?You date just with..and if you will be straight again,you will date just with celebrity womans!
I dream to sing with you,record an duet with you on an album,be your image on an video,sing an duet with you on stage!You have unique vocal timbre,long vocal scale,strong acute,but imposible right?You sing just with celebrity people!
I dream to be your friend,visit your house in Phx,your house in Uk,meet your mom,kiss her hand that she borned you,and wish you share me your feelings,your thoughts!You are the man about i want to know all,but imposible right?You choose carrefully the friends!
I dream at least to be your best fan,have all your discography,attend to as many concerts is possible,meet you,talk you,take a photo,an autograph.Is posible?
I thanks you cause exist,i miss you every morning when i wake up,every night when i sleep,i wish hold you in my arms,kiss you,make love with you,i am addicted to you,i could die for you now,no count what happen tomorrow,cause i love your soul,your mind,your body,not your situation,you can be tomorrow the most poor or sick man,i will stay with you till to death,cause in this way i see a true love,and if i can't show you this love,then i don’t want to show this love to any other man,at least i will show myself that i can keep the oath which i made with God,about that.
I ask you sorries cause i dared to have these dreams,but i wanted to believe these will come true,i prayed for these,i I fight for these and i hoped these will come true.
I wish to be God to spread all barriers between us(status,sex,religion,age,distance)to do a miracle for us,but i am not God,but if you are Metal God,why you cant do a miracle?
If you believe in destiny,soulmates,love,in me,think at this,life is so short!
I really love you!
Now and Forever!
Your soulmate
Gloria Romana Suciu(Halford)???
[Budred] Saturday, October 16, 2010 6:21:54 AM
I forgot to add...
...I knew that, I just never saw the youtube video...
I knew that(sounds smartass).(sorry) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Budred from Saturday, October 16, 2010 4:38:47 AM)
Budred wrote:
I knew that, I remember watching that live on TV. As a matter of fact I remember watching hours of crap just
to see the Priest perform 3 songs on TV. It was worth it. I'll never forget how cool I thought it was seeing Priest
at such a big event for the world to see.
K2M wrote:
US Festival San Bernardino 1983.
[Budred] Saturday, October 16, 2010 4:38:47 AM
I knew that, I remember watching that live on TV. As a matter of fact I remember watching hours of crap just
to see the Priest perform 3 songs on TV. It was worth it. I'll never forget how cool I thought it was seeing Priest
at such a big event for the world to see. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by K2M from Friday, October 15, 2010 12:33:37 PM)
K2M wrote:
US Festival San Bernardino 1983.
[pickthestrings96] Friday, October 15, 2010 9:36:51 PM
Hey guys i dont make a lot of posts but i just wanted to know iff anyone is going to see THE METAL GOD HIMSELF WITH OZZY OSBOURNE ON 12/1/10 AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN! if anyone is plz reply tanks
-pick Edited at: Friday, October 15, 2010 9:42:51 PM
[hellrider 31038] Friday, October 15, 2010 3:50:37 PM
[K2M] Friday, October 15, 2010 12:33:37 PM
US Festival San Bernardino 1983.
[Budred] Friday, October 15, 2010 5:22:03 AM
I thought this was a little funny. Hopefully some will enjoy. If you've already seen it, sorry, it's my first time.
[hellrider 31038] Friday, July 30, 2010 4:31:13 PM
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, July 29, 2010 5:02:53 PM
HELL YEAH MY METAL SISTER yeah pass the link around to hey that link works good . [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Thursday, July 29, 2010 4:52:45 PM)
spapad wrote:
hellrider 31038 wrote:
hey Spapad i was reading about that widget and its called a smart widget because it detects where the vote is coming from apparently something like that anyways lol.GO AHEAD AND VOTE ANYWAYS.WE WILL SHOW A DEMAND FOR THE METAL GOD AROUND THE WORLD
spapad wrote:
Hellrider, it would be helpful if you would give me your zip code. I don't think Halford will ever come to Rocky Gap. lol It seems to vote by zip code.
hey Spapad i was reading about that widget and its called a smart widget because it detects where the vote is coming from apparently something like that anyways lol.GO AHEAD AND VOTE ANYWAYS.WE WILL SHOW A DEMAND FOR THE METAL GOD AROUND THE WORLD
spapad wrote:
Hellrider, it would be helpful if you would give me your zip code. I don't think Halford will ever come to Rocky Gap. lol It seems to vote by zip code.
[hellrider 31038] Thursday, July 29, 2010 4:01:07 PM
hey Spapad i was reading about that widget and its called a smart widget because it detects where the vote is coming from apparently something like that anyways lol.GO AHEAD AND VOTE ANYWAYS.WE WILL SHOW A DEMAND FOR THE METAL GOD AROUND THE WORLD [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, July 26, 2010 8:50:51 PM)
spapad wrote:
Hellrider, it would be helpful if you would give me your zip code. I don't think Halford will ever come to Rocky Gap. lol It seems to vote by zip code.
Has anyone outside of fb or youtube seen this commercial with Rob in it???
[spapad] Tuesday, July 27, 2010 3:11:31 PM
I saw it on TBS the other night, and absolutely loved it! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by ron h from Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:37:03 PM)
ron h wrote:
Has anyone outside of fb or youtube seen this commercial with Rob in it???
[ron h] Tuesday, July 27, 2010 2:37:03 PM
Has anyone outside of fb or youtube seen this commercial with Rob in it???
[paorcamp] Monday, July 26, 2010 11:52:51 PM
now that you mention it...I would like some beer as well...
[spapad] Monday, July 26, 2010 8:50:51 PM
Hellrider, it would be helpful if you would give me your zip code. I don't think Halford will ever come to Rocky Gap. lol It seems to vote by zip code. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Monday, July 26, 2010 8:39:42 PM)
I'm here at work, with 40°C outside, no holidays for next three weeks, no metal concert to see, no Halford concert foreseen, and that's only because I'm in Italy. yeah, I know, we have sun, spaghetti, mandolino and many other fuckin stupid things, but I WANNA ROCK !!!!
OK, good for you. Enjoy Rob Halford and one think to the pour souls which cannot satisfy their need of good music.
[Budred] Sunday, July 25, 2010 10:19:22 PM
Just reading that has me excited.
Aug. 19, Pittsbugh(Burgettstown), Pa. I can't wait. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN from Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:38:56 PM)
Soylentgreen4u a.k.a. theWOLFMAN wrote:
[Soylentgreen4u] Sunday, July 25, 2010 7:38:56 PM
[rockchick4077] Saturday, July 24, 2010 1:05:30 PM
Those pics are totally awesome!!! The coolest rocker in the universe!!
[hellrider 31038] Friday, July 23, 2010 8:17:56 PM