[guidogodoy] Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:50:13 PM | |
Ahhh....make fun or not...life is good! MSU 63 yards for TD#1 YEAAAAAAAA!!!!
Fight, fight, rah team fight, VICTORY FOR MSU!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:42:04 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Not making fun at all, my friend! I wish I were able to do what you do! Doo, Doo Doo waa.....HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | You best be making fun of the situation and not the plural of "roof" there, laughing boy! Nothing pisses off a man in my industry more than someone who thinks the plural works like the word "hoof" / "hooves." NOPE! Roofs! LOL!!!!
Now then, where is my game?? YEEEEHAAAAA!!! (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:43:36 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote: |
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roofs?? HAHAHAAA!! Chim Chimney Chim Chimney Chim Chim Chery....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lana my dear, I am very impressed! Well done! I have not had the pleasure of visiting Happy Valley myself, but I have been to Philadelphia. It was absolutely beautiful! I went to Independence Hall and all of that. Had a cheese steak on South St. Wonderful city!
And where I "come from", a buckeye is an insect....... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:45:15 PM |
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:35:29 PM |
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:42:04 PM | |
Not making fun at all, my friend! I wish I were able to do what you do! Doo, Doo Doo waa.....HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:34:37 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | You best be making fun of the situation and not the plural of "roof" there, laughing boy! Nothing pisses off a man in my industry more than someone who thinks the plural works like the word "hoof" / "hooves." NOPE! Roofs! LOL!!!!
Now then, where is my game?? YEEEEHAAAAA!!! (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:43:36 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote: |
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roofs?? HAHAHAAA!! Chim Chimney Chim Chimney Chim Chim Chery....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lana my dear, I am very impressed! Well done! I have not had the pleasure of visiting Happy Valley myself, but I have been to Philadelphia. It was absolutely beautiful! I went to Independence Hall and all of that. Had a cheese steak on South St. Wonderful city!
And where I "come from", a buckeye is an insect....... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:45:15 PM |
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:35:29 PM |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:34:37 PM | |
You best be making fun of the situation and not the plural of "roof" there, laughing boy! Nothing pisses off a man in my industry more than someone who thinks the plural works like the word "hoof" / "hooves." NOPE! Roofs! LOL!!!!
Now then, where is my game?? YEEEEHAAAAA!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:43:36 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote: |
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roofs?? HAHAHAAA!! Chim Chimney Chim Chimney Chim Chim Chery....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lana my dear, I am very impressed! Well done! I have not had the pleasure of visiting Happy Valley myself, but I have been to Philadelphia. It was absolutely beautiful! I went to Independence Hall and all of that. Had a cheese steak on South St. Wonderful city!
And where I "come from", a buckeye is an insect....... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:45:15 PM |
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:35:29 PM |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, October 25, 2008 2:27:00 PM | |
Crap! What am I coming home to see....Florida up on Kentucky 63-3?!? YIKES!! 
Oh, KY still has 6+ minutes, there is still hope. Heh... |
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:57:06 PM | |
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! No different than any other city after their team wins!!! I truly enjoyed my time in Philadelphia. I will always cherish the memories. Such rich history! I think that it was I enjoyed the most... the history. You could sense it in everything. Feel it. It brings your history lessons alive. I loved it. |
[mmmmmm] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:48:21 PM | |
DF --yep-Philly is a great place unless you & your great niece are going there for the Halloween events & get so TOTALLY lost thanks to mapquest & to top it all off--we got lost in Philly the DAY AFTER the Phillies won the NCLS & were going to the world series--that my friend was SO NOT the place to be when you get lost--a sea of red tshirts & sweat shirts--oh the horror--the horror--but their cheesesteaks are the best !! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:43:36 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roofs?? HAHAHAAA!! Chim Chimney Chim Chimney Chim Chim Chery....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lana my dear, I am very impressed! Well done! I have not had the pleasure of visiting Happy Valley myself, but I have been to Philadelphia. It was absolutely beautiful! I went to Independence Hall and all of that. Had a cheese steak on South St. Wonderful city!
And where I "come from", a buckeye is an insect....... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:45:15 PM |
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:43:36 PM | |
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roofs?? HAHAHAAA!! Chim Chimney Chim Chimney Chim Chim Chery....HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lana my dear, I am very impressed! Well done! I have not had the pleasure of visiting Happy Valley myself, but I have been to Philadelphia. It was absolutely beautiful! I went to Independence Hall and all of that. Had a cheese steak on South St. Wonderful city!
And where I "come from", a buckeye is an insect....... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:45:15 PM |
[mmmmmm] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:40:38 PM | |
Deep Freeze --just a little tid bit I thought you'd find odd--My Penn State NITTANY Lions are playing the Ohio State Buckeyes--now I don't know about your part of the country but from where I come from a buckeye is peanut butter /chocolate treat that's absolute hell to make ( I should know --I've ruined several batches --would be SO much easier to buy Reese's PB cups but anyhoo--that's what make me think of Ohio State's name --just a little tid bit of useless information [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:27:41 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Just what is a Nittany lion anyway???? HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | lana wrote: | | NO NO NO boys you have it all WRONG !!!
[guidogodoy] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:36:00 PM | |
Nope, I work the ROOFS! LOL!!!
With that...gotta run to grab my eats. Back by 2:30 central WITHOUT FAIL!!! C-YA'LL <---I am in the south, after all!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:21:17 PM) |
[mmmmmm] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:34:54 PM | |
Deep Freeze--Nittany is a word from the Native Americans meaning "single mountain "& it applies to the mountain that separates what is now Penn's Valley & Nittany Valley with the western end overlooking Penn State University
If you've never been there it is a breathtaking sight !!
So Nittany for my favorite college team means "sinlge mt" but the way my pea brain thinks is they are an inmovable force to be reckoned with --so far they are 8-0 !! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:27:41 PM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Just what is a Nittany lion anyway???? HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |  | lana wrote: | | NO NO NO boys you have it all WRONG !!!
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:27:41 PM | |
Just what is a Nittany lion anyway???? HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by lana from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:23:25 PM) |  | lana wrote: | | NO NO NO boys you have it all WRONG !!!
[mmmmmm] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:23:25 PM | |
NO NO NO boys you have it all WRONG !!!
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:21:17 PM | |
BWWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Chimney sweep???? You told me you worked "the street"..I had a whole other profession in mind! However, I do believe there would be a level of integrity there that would not be found in the music world! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and by the way:
GO SPARTANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:15:51 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I was just going to give a "good morning (afternoon...heh...I get up late) all" but that Necro post shot me from happy to sad in half a heartbeat. I'll not dwell on the subject but I do mean this most sincerely.
Football.....Michigan State vs. Michigan! Already planning on running out to grab some lunch at my fav sandwich shop in about 20 mins or so (best get out of my pjs, eh?) and be plopped in front of my TV for what I hope to be that once a decade win of MSU over U of M! Got my U of M grad sis already on speed dial for the rare gloating rights! I hope someone is here to watch it with me play-by-play.
Freeze, while you were right about that comment on some professions selling their souls to the Devil (aka. Ashlee Simpson, IMO. HAAAA!) we, the professional chimney sweeps, are known to show the utmost integity as the high office (heh) of my profession dictates! Chim chiminy chim!! |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Saturday is always a good day, isn't it?? Ah yes! College football and quiet! Does not get much better than this!!!!! |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:15:51 PM | |
I was just going to give a "good morning (afternoon...heh...I get up late) all" but that Necro post shot me from happy to sad in half a heartbeat. I'll not dwell on the subject but I do mean this most sincerely.
Football.....Michigan State vs. Michigan! Already planning on running out to grab some lunch at my fav sandwich shop in about 20 mins or so (best get out of my pjs, eh?) and be plopped in front of my TV for what I hope to be that once a decade win of MSU over U of M! Got my U of M grad sis already on speed dial for the rare gloating rights! I hope someone is here to watch it with me play-by-play.
Freeze, while you were right about that comment on some professions selling their souls to the Devil (aka. Ashlee Simpson, IMO. HAAAA!) we, the professional chimney sweeps, are known to show the utmost integrity as the high office (heh) of my profession dictates! Chim chiminy chim!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Saturday, October 25, 2008 11:59:28 AM)
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Saturday is always a good day, isn't it?? Ah yes! College football and quiet! Does not get much better than this!!!!!
Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:32:44 PM |
[Deep Freeze] Saturday, October 25, 2008 11:59:28 AM | |
Saturday is always a good day, isn't it?? Ah yes! College football and quiet! Does not get much better than this!!!!! |
[joedraper] Saturday, October 25, 2008 11:29:10 AM | |
Well... it's Saturday evening... heading into night over in Africa... I'm off to do some "work" soon. He he he... I'm working for a new magazine now doing reviews on local band so this should be fun... if only I hadn't booked a dinner date that ended at like... 2:30 Am this morning... I'll have to rely on red bull and caffiene to keep me up all night... On the other hand, if these bands are any good the last thing I should be feeling tonight is sleepy... |
[Necroticist] Saturday, October 25, 2008 7:20:14 AM | |
OMFG! LOL - laffin' so hard the tears are rolling down me trousers... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Friday, October 24, 2008 2:41:36 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | ROCK ON PEEPS...... LOL

[Deep Freeze] Saturday, October 25, 2008 7:19:52 AM | |
Good Saturday morning all!
Guido, I am afraid it is the same in just about every line of work. If there is a paycheck in it, some people will sell their professional dignity without a second thought!! |
[mmmmmm] Saturday, October 25, 2008 7:16:16 AM | |
That's too cute for words MG !!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Friday, October 24, 2008 2:41:36 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | ROCK ON PEEPS...... LOL

[guidogodoy] Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:45:33 AM | |
Flipping channels and catch this trainwreck of a pseudo-singer on TV begs the question: what is worse? Being Ashlee Simpson or the knobs in her band? LOL!!!!!
I argue the former would be better. After all, how would you like to explain to people that you are her guitarist? Her drummer? I believe I'd be tapping out a beat and thinking...kill me now, kill me now... Edited at: Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:46:32 AM |
[K2M] Friday, October 24, 2008 6:18:17 PM | |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Friday, October 24, 2008 2:41:36 PM | |

[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Friday, October 24, 2008 1:12:21 PM | |
LMAo @ Ambien... the sleepwalkers form of acid...bahhhhhhhhhhh.. anywase..
yes Guido you will prob see me out here late at nite.. I have logged on, I usally just get up and do stuff around the house.. or veg-out in front of the stupid tele...
Well tonight I know I wont sleep.. I have a funeral/ wake to go to @ 7pm.. Thats my big friday nite date..lol
Oh well.. see ya tonight...
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, October 24, 2008 8:15:39 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Happy Friday to one and all! Looks like a great weekend ahead!!!
Ambien stories! HA!!!!!!!! I have been taking Ambien for over two years and I have never had a problem. Well, as far as I know anyway! HA!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I can assure you that it is safe for most people. |
[Deep Freeze] Friday, October 24, 2008 8:15:39 AM | |
Happy Friday to one and all! Looks like a great weekend ahead!!!
Ambien stories! HA!!!!!!!! I have been taking Ambien for over two years and I have never had a problem. Well, as far as I know anyway! HA!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I can assure you that it is safe for most people. |
[spapad] Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:34:40 PM | |
That is true Guid! I know someone who changed their password to his work computer in the middle of the night and had not a clue what he made it, and that same person, got in his truck, drove halfway accross town and wrecked it in a ditch, totalling it. All because of Ambien. What they should tell you is you need a trusted friend to hide your keys and other things that my cause you harm if you take that drug. Imagine having to call a friend each day to find out where your keys have been squireld away. LOL [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, October 23, 2008 6:27:41 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | As official "Keeper of the Night," I guarantee that you are not the only insomniac on the boards. Ever read the extended warnings on Ambien? I have...scary! Tried Ambien CR and Lunesta (leaves the taste of CRAP in your mouth the next day and still doesn't work) and heard many a story about people sleepwalking and even sleepDRIVING! Had a buddy tell me a tale of how someone took an Ambien and apparently rang up the neighbors asking them to make him a hamburger at 3am. Too funny. I laugh as NOW even the commercials have to comment on such "colateral effects."
Ahh...just stay awake. DaVinci only took catnaps. Plus, I'll have some company late at night! |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Sleep. hmmm I have always said I guess I will finally get some sleep when Iam dead.. LOL I dont sleep either.
I go months.. then all of a sudden one day i crash and sleep for like 14 hours.. its weird.. I have tried ambien.LOL
I took it before a flight.. and grabed the guys leg next to me when i was woken up from turbulence ..lol he wink at me and said oh thats okay sweetheart.. I was like OMG.. I had taken it the day before and it didnt knock me out.. so when i took it before my flight.. i dont know what happend.. I was asleep right after take off.. and I dont even rember really taking off.. LOL anywase.. I get bored easy.. so when Iam awake at nite.. I usally clean.. or bake..
I fall asleep.. then I wake up every 40 minutes or so.. I dont know what is wrong .. But I see iam not the only one. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to sleep. I take Ambien (sleep aid) but the pain eventually wins and I find myself awake. I sleep a couple hours then awake then sleep again. You get the idea. (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:06:31 AM)
Necroticist wrote: |
Sleep - such an under-rated thing....yet it heals and calms not only the body, but the soul too. OK - crap over...lol - i hear ya, i recently set a new record, 4 days awake..it was hell, snapping at everyone...when i slept tho....12 hours straight then was drowsy all day...
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Darn! Sorry I missed you, Necro! I actually slept in today!!!!!
Necroticist wrote: |
Good day to all - i fear my tenure here is to be relatively short lived tho - til later - as i have to exercise my culinary talents yet again.. |
Edited at: Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:11:31 AM |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, October 23, 2008 6:27:41 PM | |
As official "Keeper of the Night," I guarantee that you are not the only insomniac on the boards. Ever read the extended warnings on Ambien? I have...scary! Tried Ambien CR and Lunesta (leaves the taste of CRAP in your mouth the next day and still doesn't work) and heard many a story about people sleepwalking and even sleepDRIVING! Had a buddy tell me a tale of how someone took an Ambien and apparently rang up the neighbors asking them to make him a hamburger at 3am. Too funny. I laugh as NOW even the commercials have to comment on such "colateral effects."
Ahh...just stay awake. DaVinci only took catnaps. Plus, I'll have some company late at night! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Thursday, October 23, 2008 6:03:40 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Sleep. hmmm I have always said I guess I will finally get some sleep when Iam dead.. LOL I dont sleep either.
I go months.. then all of a sudden one day i crash and sleep for like 14 hours.. its weird.. I have tried ambien.LOL
I took it before a flight.. and grabed the guys leg next to me when i was woken up from turbulence ..lol he wink at me and said oh thats okay sweetheart.. I was like OMG.. I had taken it the day before and it didnt knock me out.. so when i took it before my flight.. i dont know what happend.. I was asleep right after take off.. and I dont even rember really taking off.. LOL anywase.. I get bored easy.. so when Iam awake at nite.. I usally clean.. or bake..
I fall asleep.. then I wake up every 40 minutes or so.. I dont know what is wrong .. But I see iam not the only one. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to sleep. I take Ambien (sleep aid) but the pain eventually wins and I find myself awake. I sleep a couple hours then awake then sleep again. You get the idea. (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:06:31 AM)
Necroticist wrote: |
Sleep - such an under-rated thing....yet it heals and calms not only the body, but the soul too. OK - crap over...lol - i hear ya, i recently set a new record, 4 days awake..it was hell, snapping at everyone...when i slept tho....12 hours straight then was drowsy all day...
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Darn! Sorry I missed you, Necro! I actually slept in today!!!!!
Necroticist wrote: |
Good day to all - i fear my tenure here is to be relatively short lived tho - til later - as i have to exercise my culinary talents yet again.. |
Edited at: Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:11:31 AM |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Thursday, October 23, 2008 6:03:40 PM | |
Sleep. hmmm I have always said I guess I will finally get some sleep when Iam dead.. LOL I dont sleep either.
I go months.. then all of a sudden one day i crash and sleep for like 14 hours.. its weird.. I have tried ambien.LOL
I took it before a flight.. and grabed the guys leg next to me when i was woken up from turbulence ..lol he wink at me and said oh thats okay sweetheart.. I was like OMG.. I had taken it the day before and it didnt knock me out.. so when i took it before my flight.. i dont know what happend.. I was asleep right after take off.. and I dont even rember really taking off.. LOL anywase.. I get bored easy.. so when Iam awake at nite.. I usally clean.. or bake..
I fall asleep.. then I wake up every 40 minutes or so.. I dont know what is wrong .. But I see iam not the only one. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:10:37 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to sleep. I take Ambien (sleep aid) but the pain eventually wins and I find myself awake. I sleep a couple hours then awake then sleep again. You get the idea. (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:06:31 AM)
Necroticist wrote: |
Sleep - such an under-rated thing....yet it heals and calms not only the body, but the soul too. OK - crap over...lol - i hear ya, i recently set a new record, 4 days awake..it was hell, snapping at everyone...when i slept tho....12 hours straight then was drowsy all day...
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Darn! Sorry I missed you, Necro! I actually slept in today!!!!!
Necroticist wrote: |
Good day to all - i fear my tenure here is to be relatively short lived tho - til later - as i have to exercise my culinary talents yet again.. |
Edited at: Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:11:31 AM |
[momo] Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:08:55 PM | |
With todays economic situation, Halloween is going to be a disappointment
[Necroticist] Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:21:43 AM | |
Ya - i see. So you know what lack of sleep does. I have chronic insomnia - try to avoid meds tho, but if i have to i use hydroxyzine and/or amytriptyline....not prescribed for sleep, but after a few drinks.. = ZZZZZZZ [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:10:37 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to sleep. I take Ambien (sleep aid) but the pain eventually wins and I find myself awake. I sleep a couple hours then awake then sleep again. You get the idea. (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:06:31 AM)
Necroticist wrote: |
Sleep - such an under-rated thing....yet it heals and calms not only the body, but the soul too. OK - crap over...lol - i hear ya, i recently set a new record, 4 days awake..it was hell, snapping at everyone...when i slept tho....12 hours straight then was drowsy all day...
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Darn! Sorry I missed you, Necro! I actually slept in today!!!!!
Necroticist wrote: |
Good day to all - i fear my tenure here is to be relatively short lived tho - til later - as i have to exercise my culinary talents yet again.. |
Edited at: Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:11:31 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:10:37 AM | |
Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to sleep. I take Ambien (sleep aid) but the pain eventually wins and I find myself awake. I sleep a couple hours then awake then sleep again. You get the idea. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:06:31 AM)
Necroticist wrote: |
Sleep - such an under-rated thing....yet it heals and calms not only the body, but the soul too. OK - crap over...lol - i hear ya, i recently set a new record, 4 days awake..it was hell, snapping at everyone...when i slept tho....12 hours straight then was drowsy all day...
Deep Freeze wrote: |
Darn! Sorry I missed you, Necro! I actually slept in today!!!!!
Necroticist wrote: |
Good day to all - i fear my tenure here is to be relatively short lived tho - til later - as i have to exercise my culinary talents yet again.. |
Edited at: Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:11:31 AM |
[Necroticist] Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:06:31 AM | |
Sleep - such an under-rated thing....yet it heals and calms not only the body, but the soul too. OK - crap over...lol - i hear ya, i recently set a new record, 4 days awake..it was hell, snapping at everyone...when i slept tho....12 hours straight then was drowsy all day... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:58:44 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Darn! Sorry I missed you, Necro! I actually slept in today!!!!! |  | Necroticist wrote: | | Good day to all - i fear my tenure here is to be relatively short lived tho - til later - as i have to exercise my culinary talents yet again.. |
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:58:44 AM | |
Darn! Sorry I missed you, Necro! I actually slept in today!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:56:25 AM) |  | Necroticist wrote: | | Good day to all - i fear my tenure here is to be relatively short lived tho - til later - as i have to exercise my culinary talents yet again.. |
[Necroticist] Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:56:25 AM | |
Good day to all - i fear my tenure here is to be relatively short lived tho - til later - as i have to exercise my culinary talents yet again.. |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:39:31 AM | |
Good Morn/Afternoon.. to all my metal family...
Happy thursday to ya!
MG~ |
[Justin Kenny] Thursday, October 23, 2008 5:11:04 AM | |
....mornin' everybody....   If the smilies haven't made it evident, I'm still workin' on my first cup of coffee (just got into work)...
...thank God I'm on vacation next week.... |
[devils_child] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:40:09 PM | |
hahahaa i love that cat  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:48:44 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Happy Wednesday.. everybody.. kick back and relax.. Friday is almost here..........
[mesniu II] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:32:42 PM | |
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:48:44 PM) |  | MG_Metalgoddess wrote: | | Happy Wednesday.. everybody.. kick back and relax.. Friday is almost here..........
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:48:44 PM | |
Happy Wednesday.. everybody.. kick back and relax.. Friday is almost here..........
[Vaillant 3.0] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 9:56:27 AM | |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:16:16 AM | |
So true! I know the feeling, my friend. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:06:56 AM) |  | Necroticist wrote: | | TY. Hopefully will be a few weeks tops - my fellow gastronomes will miss my recipes....lol. And u are right...this should be the best thread for those who graduated 'noob' status - always seemed to me like 'grown up' chat..if ya get my point. You piss around elsewhere - but this is where the die hard core belong - jeez i been here so long i feel like part of the furniture....lol. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | I am so very happy for you and the Mrs. What a wonderful turn in your lives! I will miss you during your absence, however brief it may be! |
[Necroticist] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:06:56 AM | |
TY. Hopefully will be a few weeks tops - my fellow gastronomes will miss my recipes....lol. And u are right...this should be the best thread for those who graduated 'noob' status - always seemed to me like 'grown up' chat..if ya get my point. You piss around elsewhere - but this is where the die hard core belong - jeez i been here so long i feel like part of the furniture....lol. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:01:30 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | I am so very happy for you and the Mrs. What a wonderful turn in your lives! I will miss you during your absence, however brief it may be! |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:01:30 AM | |
I am so very happy for you and the Mrs. What a wonderful turn in your lives! I will miss you during your absence, however brief it may be! |
[Necroticist] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:56:12 AM | |
Haven't actually gone yet - i have no license so we relying on mates with cars etc....will be gone by next week - then comes my absence til i get cable installed. The new place to is a dream come true, all we ever wanted, i'd happily stay there til i die. Good to see you around too. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:44:23 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Necro!! So good to see you! How's the new home? You must be exhausted! I have been thinking about you, hoping you are well! |  | Necroticist wrote: | | There's still ppl here my friend - wish i was more regular, but in the middle of moving so my times are erratic.. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | I just realized that I am the only one that has posted here in a couple days!! What the hell happened to this Thread????? This used to be THE place to go! Has it simply "outlived" its usefulness???? Are so many of the older members gone that we no longer need this place? It is to weep, my friends. We had so many wonderful times in this Thread. So many great memories. Edited at: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:35:40 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:44:23 AM | |
Necro!! So good to see you! How's the new home? You must be exhausted! I have been thinking about you, hoping you are well! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Necroticist from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:42:35 AM) |  | Necroticist wrote: | | There's still ppl here my friend - wish i was more regular, but in the middle of moving so my times are erratic.. |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | I just realized that I am the only one that has posted here in a couple days!! What the hell happened to this Thread????? This used to be THE place to go! Has it simply "outlived" its usefulness???? Are so many of the older members gone that we no longer need this place? It is to weep, my friends. We had so many wonderful times in this Thread. So many great memories. Edited at: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:35:40 AM |
[Necroticist] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:42:35 AM | |
There's still ppl here my friend - wish i was more regular, but in the middle of moving so my times are erratic.. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:34:28 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | I just realized that I am the only one that has posted here in a couple days!! What the hell happened to this Thread????? This used to be THE place to go! Has it simply "outlived" its usefulness???? Are so many of the older members gone that we no longer need this place? It is to weep, my friends. We had so many wonderful times in this Thread. So many great memories. Edited at: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:35:40 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:34:28 AM | |
I just realized that I am the only one that has posted here in a couple days!! What the hell happened to this Thread????? This used to be THE place to go! Has it simply "outlived" its usefulness???? Are so many of the older members gone that we no longer need this place? It is to weep, my friends. We had so many wonderful times in this Thread. So many great memories. Edited at: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:35:40 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Monday, October 20, 2008 6:41:58 PM | |
Well, this has been quite a day! I had better get dinner going! WOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! |
[Deep Freeze] Monday, October 20, 2008 6:32:15 PM | |
Pookie Pie. I prefer Pookie Pie! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, October 20, 2008 6:28:46 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Sorry...perhaps you prefer to be called "Old Scratch?" Bwwahaaahah!!!!  |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Beelzebub???!?!? By Lucifer's beard I will get you for that, guido!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caron, I am so glad I could help! I just remembered the "little demons" and the 70's and sort of put two and two together, as it were. In any event, one mystery solved. Sorry I am unable to help on the other! Happy Monday, all!!!! |
[guidogodoy] Monday, October 20, 2008 6:28:46 PM | |
Sorry...perhaps you prefer to be called "Old Scratch?" Bwwahaaahah!!!!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Monday, October 20, 2008 8:18:13 AM) |  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | Beelzebub???!?!? By Lucifer's beard I will get you for that, guido!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caron, I am so glad I could help! I just remembered the "little demons" and the 70's and sort of put two and two together, as it were. In any event, one mystery solved. Sorry I am unable to help on the other! Happy Monday, all!!!! |
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Monday, October 20, 2008 6:11:04 PM | |
Lmao ....so I was just listening to the local news.. and some jack-ass in Winnipeg was bit in the face by a african pit viper snake..... Why cant people leave wild life in the wild... where they belong.. .. there are so many helpless animals at the shelters that need a home.. and yet these people insist on buying these dangerous exotic pets.
I guess thats why when these people do get bit.. such as this man.. I only wish he would have gotten bit in the balls!
LMAO Nuff.. said. ( usally amputation is ness. when people are bitten by these snakes)  |