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[ron h] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 10:18:34 AM 

Sorry for having to leave so thinks there's a lot of good advice he passed on...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, November 04, 2008 8:08:59 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 8:08:59 AM 
If only Clinton would have heeded that advice. Ah well......
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ronhartsell from Tuesday, November 04, 2008 8:04:54 AM)
[ron h] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 8:04:54 AM 
I remember when Clinton won, and everyone's waiting for him to act on all his 'promises'...

In his first class...'Being the President 101'...(orientation)...he's standing there in front of Congress and receives proper applause, then is told to sit down and keep his mouth shut and watch how America is ran!!!  If anything, that is a situation I doubt McCain will have to endure, but if Obama wins...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:53:40 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:53:40 AM 
HA!!! I suppose so. They always grant that immunity, don't they? Oh well, not the worst thing that could happen.
[ron h] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:42:35 AM 
Just a little teasing on this most beautiful of Fall mornings.  

In all honesty, but from the time the 'old' Prez leaves and grants ALL his friends immunty and clemency to sveral hundred criminals and the'new' Prez takes over is probably the most action you'll see out of Washington for quite awhile.  Isn't the first order of business for the 'new' is to take a "well deserved" vacation to Camp David??

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:33:46 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:33:46 AM 
Sinister?? Me? Oh come now, my friend. I am no seer! I am merely evaluating the situation and giving an opinion! Nothing more..............
[ron h] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:31:42 AM 
Jeez DF, you sound a bit sinister in your know something I don't??
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, November 04, 2008 6:32:00 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 6:32:00 AM 
A fine Tuesday to you all. A very, very big day in America! Today, we Americans will make political history in our beloved country. I truly believe that there is not a one of you that does not know what this day is all about.

Rather than go on about my choice versus the other candidate/party, I thought I would comment on the state in which we find ourselves on this most important day. Not since the early 1940's has the US been in such a condition. The world is a far different place and, for old men like me, this day will quite likely be the day that changes our lives forever. It is a new time. A time when the values and issues of great importance are no longer what they were. A time when this entire country has morphed into something nearly unrecognizable to those of us that can recall those days gone by.

To try to compare what we are now and what we were is completely unfair, since it is such a subjective opinion. There are so many that feel we are in need of "change", That we are no longer "the strongest nation on earth". That we shouldn't be. That we should be more like the other countries in the world and try to blend into what they believe is the "right" course.

This world has indeed changed. In 1942, we came to save the "oppressed". To rescue the world from tyranny. Now, many say we are the tyrants. America has a "bad name" in the world's eye and we are too arrogant. Or so I am told.

I wonder how this world would be without the United  States? I know that sounds like a petty argument but if you can, just for a moment, imagine what this world would be like if America sealed her borders, cut off ALL aid to any and all foreign nations and decided to stay out of the affairs of everyone else? Can you even picture it? I just wonder what would happen?
I suppose I could speculate. Use conjecture and draw for all of you an image that I see in my mind. I will not bore you with such nonsense.

In a few short hours, this country will change. This country will take a new course. History will be made, one way or another. I can assure you all, even those of you in other countries, that YOUR lives will change too. Remember that. For today, you will witness history and you will soon know what that really means.

Edited at: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 6:38:55 AM
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, October 23, 2008 12:27:43 PM 
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kendall, my friend!  It appears we keep missing one another! I am doing a bit better. That evil, demonic doctor of mine has me in the gym every morning on a diabolical device called a treadmill. I believe it is something originally used during the Spanish Inquisition. HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in pain all the time but I do FEEL stronger, you know? It's hard to explain.

In any event, it is GREAT to see you! Please come back more often.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Kendall aka JudasRyche from Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:58:53 AM)
[Kendall aka JudasRyche] Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:58:53 AM 
FREEZE---Thanks! I haven't been around at all.  maybe twice in 5 months.  But I'll be around...feeling better ?   [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, October 17, 2008 3:28:52 PM)
Edited at: Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:59:19 AM
[Deep Freeze] Friday, October 17, 2008 3:28:52 PM 
KENDALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering what was taking you so long!!?!?!?!! So good to see you and I am glad you are still carrying the banner! Well done, my friend!
[Kendall aka JudasRyche] Friday, October 17, 2008 2:57:23 PM 
Blood..Well said!!!  The great pity is that everyone is NOT-informed and/or cares to look at WHO has made up and has been steering this great "business plan" of the "Brave New World".

It's just astounding to realize that something that I always knew really that the countries that went into fight supposedly national socialism and won, supposedly, came out of it as national socialist countries because the governments had taken over massive rights to rule farmers and all the infrastructure of the nation. Britain was the same. I used to laugh at Winston Churchill's replays of his old speeches when he told the British public to go off and fight to retain their way of life and their system, their ancient cherished system – while his own secretary released a book called "The Fringes of Power" and admitted that in his own particular peer class he was celebrating the fact that out of this war in Europe would come a united Europe, the dream that they'd had for ages. So we're all conned down the river, all of us and all those poor guys that go off to all these wars to fight for this socialist order never really figure it out afterwards. They're too proud of having done their bit. They can't see the big picture and they don't see where it's all going.
There's no doubt about it, even with Cecil Rhodes who started up the Cecil Rhodes Society that was meant to take over all the corporate interests and minerals rights of the world, coupled with Lord Alfred Milner's group, The Round Table Society, eventually merged together with Cecil Rhodes and became the League of Nations and then it became the United Nations/Royal Institute of Foreign affairs. They had it all planned then, to bring in this world socialist state, a state run by the fascists at the top, those who deemed themselves worthy of ruling the lessers and also the commoners would be run with masses of bureaucracies in a communistic fashion: The marriage of fascism and communism. That's what it's all about. The right and the left come together, planned 100-odd years ago, probably longer actually. At least the records that we now get access to are 100 years old.
That's what Alvin Toffler's book "The Third Wave"(the hero of Newt Gingrech) is all about, the coming together of the two systems. If you want to read Gorbachev's speech to the politburo, look up the Toronto Sun. Go back in its records and check Eric Margolis' write up on Gorbachev's last speech to them because he says to them "you'll hear that communism is dead. Don't believe it. We're simply moving into the next phase."
What does he mean by that? Go back in the writings of Lenin. Lenin said the dictatorship will last about 70 years and then we shall merge into the West. The system that will come out of it will be not quite capitalist and quite socialist. What he's talking about is this new – it's actually global socialism, a globalist fascist system at the top running the whole kit-and-caboodle. That's what it's all about and they have written about it, the big players wrote about it. They just haven't taught it in school. They've kept us all in the dark. They've taught everyone to be nice little social citizens, have a group-think, talk about what's on television and just play ourselves forever and purr like cats that have been fed and well stroked. That's how we've been trained.
This is what Aldous Huxley (the great eliteist psychopath)talked about, the methods into the Brave New World with his book that came out after it, which was "Brave New World Revisited".  He was quite confident that through a scientific means and scientific education all of their plans could be brought about, they could literally scientifically train billions of people across the planet not to notice the direction in which they were going. We could be trained to believe that everything that happens scientifically and where science would take us was all quite natural, by simply putting it out in front of us. Putting it into movies to make it exciting and we'd all go along with it and unfortunately, so far it's worked. He also talked about the ultimate destruction of the last vestige of the family unit, especially between male and female.
Now you have new redefined families of all kinds. They've been very successful with that too. Men really have been neutered and they're not men anymore. They sit and adopt the image that's given to them by television and pushed by the culture at the top. They pretend they just love sports and think about nothing else, swig beer and keep their mouths shut, because, after all, all the comedies say that they're dumb stupid creatures that are kept around as pets by the women who actually stay with them. That's what they've adopted. They've adopted a role projected by the media and the entertainment business and unfortunately, the marriage system is almost kaput. 

You destroy the family unit. You then separate the child from the family and as Lord Bertrand Russell (another elitist "liberal" leader) said that we always believed we've have to eventually take away the children all together at birth from their mothers and never allow them to know who their parents were, in order to recondition them into a brand new system. But by using experimental schools, he said, we found that through scientific indoctrination at kindergarten the parental influence won't work on the child. It will just bounce off the child. The scientific indoctrination will be stronger. Well, lo and behold, that's happened too. A couple of years ago when there was a strike of daycare workers in Ontario, maybe other parts of Canada, the women were in the streets with plaquards demanding that big brother, you know the big daddy there, the government, takes care of this for them. So here you have them demanding the very thing that the elitists wanted a long time ago. The mothers are demanding that the state take care of their children for them to get all this going because they had to get to work. When they split up the family unit, it was not because they liked women. They don't like women at all. It was to double the tax base, for one, and to destroy the family unit, number two, and so there was no one at home to have parental influence over the child. They might give them “contaminated ideas,” and that's the terms they use at the top. Contamination of ideas must not be passed on, meaning old fashioned values.

We are run, not by "parties" but by huge Foundations with major think tanks, ie the Royal Institute for Foriegn Affairs/Council for Foreign Relations with think tanks like the Club of Rome and Earth Council Alliance. Remember the "1,000 points of light" Bush 1 was talking about.  It's time for folks to start doing their own research and look into all the published books by these masters of "our" given reality.  It's quite simple to do.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by BLOOD SUCKER Esquire from Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:56:28 PM) Edited at: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:04:10 PM
Edited at: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:09:33 PM
[BLOOD SUCKER Esquire] Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:56:28 PM 
The great struggle in any democracy is to know when to open and close the public purse. Blair was of the mind to hold the Kingdom hostage at the expense of the unions. Saying that, I assume that moral decay sets in after a certain point, and this may also happen in America. It takes many years to crawl out of the cesspool that a governemnt of this style leaves for it's citizens when they are voted out of power. And it takes many years to recover from the damage that they leave behind. Pity the misinformed electorate.

a. Hammerstein
[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:45:57 AM 
Oh Freeze And Pain Kllr... I thank you for your fairness.. I only hope for the USA that things change.. It so disheartens me to see so many hard working americans, losing jobs, and homes, that some of you have worked so hard for. 

I only wish the best for everyone.. Its to bad that there isnt someone out there, that could seriousley come forward, and give the public a non-bias opinion.. and actually try and come up with a solution to the problems facing the future of the USA.. HEALER is right ....  Neither candate has really mapped out thier plan.. At least it would give the general public, a fair chance.. ( not that they follow through with these plans ever.) but then more people could beheld accountable.  For future elections..   Its the same here in Canada, as  far as politics go..  Harper wanted Conserv. run goverment.  so he called a election.. but he didnt get it.. 

I have family and friends that still live in the USA.. And I worry so much about them.. healthcare, retirement.. ect..

Thank you for beign so -open-minded.. I love you guys..  And Iam sorry If I got upset.. but my family is still in the USA.. and I worry.. 
It is a scary time for everyone.. And I hope for the best.. To all
And Painkiller... you can PM Me  I dont mind...LOL  Sean Hannity gets on my nerves.. He is rude to people. from both parties.. 

Hugs to you all and have a great day...

[Healer] Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:23:24 PM 
I think the point of this report was to drive the point that people really don't know who Obama is. Like Freeze has said, most of the general public would not know and issue from a tisuue (love that Freeze) and because the economy has tanked and everyone is scared they are blaming the current administration. For some reason they believe getting any Democrat in office is going to "fix" everything.  They are blindly voting for a man who grew up and was very close to a racist preacher and then knowingly associated with a demostic terrorist for years and only when called on it did he distance himself from these men.  Many people don't realize where most of his online contributions came from.  About half of the 8 million he raised has been traced to middle eastern countries.  Do you know how most of his college was paid for? Why are most of the middle eastern countries so interested in Obama becoming president? These are serious questions and people should be worried.  Another point is that Democrats already have the majority in Congress and it's looking like they may get the Senate too and now add a Democatic President in the mix and the Democrats have total power over our government.  This is never a good thing.  There needs to be some balance.  It's basicly giving Obama an open checkbook!  The American people, especially the young voters, should really take a close look at who they are voting for.  I didn't vote for either canidate during the primary and am now stuck with 2 disappointing choices but I know who I definitely don't want in office!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Soylentgreen4u from Sunday, October 12, 2008 6:39:56 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, October 14, 2008 8:43:45 PM 
My dear lady, regardless of how you feel about American politics, I would never resort to calling you a traitor or any other name. That would be rude and completely pointless. You are welcome to your opinion and I respect that. (By the way, it would be peace of mind...) HAHAHAHAHAA!!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Tuesday, October 14, 2008 4:26:25 PM)
[Painkiller1990] Tuesday, October 14, 2008 7:53:24 PM 
First, I apologize for sending you the IM. I wasn't intending to do that.
Now, your point is really weak because in terms of what the US brings in every year, the deficit is always measured in percentage of the GDP. So while it has gone up purely in numbers, in terms of percentage of the GDP, it's not a big deal.
Let's not forget, Clinton gutted the Military which is how he got a lot of money to pay for his social programs. And, let me remind you, it was the Republican Congress that brought him to the table kicking and screaming, forcing him to balance the budget.
Bush inherited a recession in 2000, and the "surplus" was never an actual surplus, it was a projected surplus... big difference.

Clinton was a doofiss, so is his Wife. But hey, enjoy your new life in Canada, seriously. I give you major props, I really do, atleast you actually changed your citizenship because of your dislike for the US. You walk the walk...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by MG_Metalgoddess from Tuesday, October 14, 2008 4:26:25 PM)
[Head banger] Tuesday, October 14, 2008 4:44:26 PM 

I think you might be confusing Debt and deficit.  a surplus is oposed by deficit.  debt is nearly always a constant in governments, like individuals with a mortgage.  in fact, most debts are mortgage type things.  its also hard to pin a specific president to any given state.  Looking at the graph, the day W took office the Debt took off.  he didnt have time to incure any costs, the first few years are inherited.  then you consider the world economy...


I dont want to debate US politics, not being there, I just hope its not someone who is blatently oposed to free trade, as that has helped both the USA and Canada.


[~ MG_Metalgoddess~] Tuesday, October 14, 2008 4:26:25 PM 
Well however you americans now like to look at things is your choice.. I was a reg Independent,,, And That graph is not from a spun democratic site.. it from a USA Goverment site.. so its coming from your goverment.. LOL

They graph doesnt show a surplus.. it shows a debt.. and as you can see reagan ran up a large one.. So for who-ever would have gotten in after Bush sr or Reagan.. 

Anywased I have nothing against any of you all personaly .. but Like the saying goes .. you reap what you sew.. 

And I have noticed that no-matter what party gets in they lay blame to the other one.. which is why things will never work out there in america.. The mentality to try and problem solve the econimcal and financial problems.. will never be solved because of all the closed mindedness..     sad but true..
And unfortunatley the media doesnt help people make rational desicions.

Anywase.. Like I said I am glad I dont live there anymore..  Call me a traitor call me what you want.. At least I know I will be able to retire with piece of mind..

Done with this subject..
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Tuesday, October 14, 2008 3:22:29 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, October 14, 2008 3:22:29 PM 
Oh my dear MG! I'm afraid I simply cannot sit quietly while your Clinton reference goes unchallenged. Please forgive me!
Bill Clinton presided over the largest financial surplus this country has ever seen and ran it into the ground. He was a bumbling fool that was completely inept in matters of security and thought only of himself. He was what we refer to as a "limp noodle" with regard to anything other than his extra-marital exploits.

Any financial positives Clinton may have enjoyed were a direct result of the work Ronald Reagan did for this country, NOT Clinton's efforts. Not Bush's.  He put this country in a position to be attacked on our own soil by his weaknesses. Do not be fooled by silly graphs and liberal spin! Billl Clinton was a cancer to this great nation, just as his wife is currently. They are a self-serving, power hungry lot that will do and say anything to get what they want. 

George W may be unpopular and not very bright, but I would take TEN of him over ONE Clinton. Period.
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