[Trixi] Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:48:33 AM | |
[Trixi] Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:47:52 AM | |
[Head banger] Thursday, October 09, 2014 8:04:21 AM | |
on a different topic, I was half watching top chef duals last night while working on my laptop, when I hear something about heavy metal, I look up and they introduce not some twit from Korn or Poison but Scott Ian, Gary Holt and Rob Zombie. Very cool
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Wednesday, October 08, 2014 10:40:44 PM | |
I went twice to the portapotty and stopped drinking altogether!! No chance I was going to miss being up front for Priest because I had to wait in a ridiculous line to pee!! Well, I wouldn't have. I would have done like the one girl and dropped drawers in the corner with the guys! Now THAT was a sight!! Actually, I would have gone BEHIND the portapotty so my ass was only visible IF someone drove by behind them It was quite hilarious to see the guys peeing in the corner while Steel Panther was being interviewed on the other side of the curtained fence!! Perhaps they were giving their review of their set! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Wednesday, October 08, 2014 8:00:57 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Right back atcha HRMG! Also, I will CERTAINLY help you hunt down the idiots who put that event together. VIP...pffft! Granted no big lines for the bar but the EXTRA long lines for the VIP portapottys made you not want to drink!! Hell, I was moderating my intake before Priest.
Back in the day they would have given 1/2 hour for those lesser bands. KORN WOULD NOT STOP!!!! I remember Pine Knob when they had Metal Church on the main stage. Only a few of us there but, hell, I moved from the hill into the front seats with the 50 others who really liked them. What about the good ol' days?!?
BTW, gluten-free hotdog on a stick for me, please. Uploading the few photos I have as I type.
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I'm not sure if all festivals cut the headliners set short or not. I think that is bullshit myself. Why should Priest get the same amount of time as Limp Bizkit? FUCK THAT!! Seriously, I can't believe how many people were into that set. Definitely NOT my thing! Stone Temple Pilots was GREAT and the only band that I truly enjoyed seeing other than Priest. Korn kept playing and playing and I thought, If you go over and Priest has to play an even shorter set, I will HUNT YOU DOWN!!! It was really great to see so many people there to see PRIEST!! A lot of people in their 20's. I really think ROS has brought in a younger crowd which is awesome to see. The people around me knew ALL the songs too, not just the radio songs.
Yes, we definitely needed MORE PORTAPOTTYS!!! But with VIP, the food lines weren't as bad as the regular crowd had to endure and our line for the bar was almost non-existent AND we had somewhere to sit down to eat/drink/chat away from the wind. But the "gourmet" food? WHERE THE FUCK WAS THAT???!!! Like Spa, I would rather have had fried food on a stick than that overpriced crap they called "gourmet"! WHO THE FUCK puts an EGG on a GYRO??!!! BLEH!
The best part for me besides seeing Priest was hanging out with everyone - Ron, Bev, Vail, Randy, Spa and others that are not here on the board!! I truly love each and every one of you!
|  | Becks wrote: | | Loving all the reports back from Louder than Life! Sounds like a fabulous time was had by all. I think the setlist gives me an idea of what to expect when I see them at the Soundwave festival in February - they'll play 45 minutes - 1 hour, something like that? Not sure yet.
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | LOVE BITES is the other song they didn't play. They could have not done the sing along whoa whoa whoa and played Love Bites. Rob seemed unhappy about being rushed through the set. He really wanted to talk to the crowd but was unable to due to time - they only allowed Priest to play for 65 minutes. At one point, Rob looked over to the side stage and asked if he was allowed to talk saying, "Do I have time to talk?" Rob seemed dead set on proving just WHY he is THE ONE AND ONLY METAL GOD! He went for the highs with everything he had. Did he hit them all? No and I don't expect him to, but he hit most of them and when he did, the crowd ROARED with appreciation!! Rob was constantly moving - the back surgery obviously has done him wonders and he is able to move pain free again which is wonderful to see! He did not stand in front of the teleprompter, rather glanced at the words if he needed to and then looked up at the crowd to sing the words. I have always been impressed with Rob's humility and the fact that he is always a gentleman. He never puts others down in order to build himself up because he is strong and confident in himself and he lets his performance speak for itself. So for me this performance was a direct answer to both Paul Di'Anno and Bruce Dickinson's negative comments about him. All I have to say to Paul and Bruce is: JEALOUS MUCH??!!
It was a FANTASTIC weekend! We had an absolute BLAST! It was an honor to be a part of such a great group of people. We truly are a metal family here on the Board.
We made it home safely, stopping at a Waffle House for breakfast and Bilbo's in Portage for dinner. Damn I miss my Hobbit Stix and dill dip being so close in East Lansing!! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Just made it back home after the concert. GREAT!!! However, freezing cold and they played a VERY short setlist. No Jawbreaker, BTROD, Defenders of the Faith, March of the Damned and a few more that they did in New York. I am sure the rest of the posse can fill in some more. I'd have to look at the setlist myself to be sure but I am tired.
To the 11 or so of us who made it there, I hope you all made it home safely! Whatta blast!!! Great show, all in all. Can't wait until Detroit to "hopefully" see the full NY set.
JD. Could be your phone. You should see the link that says "Inbox" right above "Member:.... /Emai: .... " If you don't see THOSE, then my money is on the phone causing the error.
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, October 08, 2014 8:00:57 PM | |
Right back atcha HRMG! Also, I will CERTAINLY help you hunt down the idiots who put that event together. VIP...pffft! Granted no big lines for the bar but the EXTRA long lines for the VIP portapottys made you not want to drink!! Hell, I was moderating my intake before Priest.
Back in the day they would have given 1/2 hour for those lesser bands. KORN WOULD NOT STOP!!!! I remember Pine Knob when they had Metal Church on the main stage. Only a few of us there but, hell, I moved from the hill into the front seats with the 50 others who really liked them. What about the good ol' days?!?
BTW, gluten-free hotdog on a stick for me, please. Uploading the few photos I have as I type.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:23:52 AM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I'm not sure if all festivals cut the headliners set short or not. I think that is bullshit myself. Why should Priest get the same amount of time as Limp Bizkit? FUCK THAT!! Seriously, I can't believe how many people were into that set. Definitely NOT my thing! Stone Temple Pilots was GREAT and the only band that I truly enjoyed seeing other than Priest. Korn kept playing and playing and I thought, If you go over and Priest has to play an even shorter set, I will HUNT YOU DOWN!!! It was really great to see so many people there to see PRIEST!! A lot of people in their 20's. I really think ROS has brought in a younger crowd which is awesome to see. The people around me knew ALL the songs too, not just the radio songs.
Yes, we definitely needed MORE PORTAPOTTYS!!! But with VIP, the food lines weren't as bad as the regular crowd had to endure and our line for the bar was almost non-existent AND we had somewhere to sit down to eat/drink/chat away from the wind. But the "gourmet" food? WHERE THE FUCK WAS THAT???!!! Like Spa, I would rather have had fried food on a stick than that overpriced crap they called "gourmet"! WHO THE FUCK puts an EGG on a GYRO??!!! BLEH!
The best part for me besides seeing Priest was hanging out with everyone - Ron, Bev, Vail, Randy, Spa and others that are not here on the board!! I truly love each and every one of you!
|  | Becks wrote: | | Loving all the reports back from Louder than Life! Sounds like a fabulous time was had by all. I think the setlist gives me an idea of what to expect when I see them at the Soundwave festival in February - they'll play 45 minutes - 1 hour, something like that? Not sure yet.
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | LOVE BITES is the other song they didn't play. They could have not done the sing along whoa whoa whoa and played Love Bites. Rob seemed unhappy about being rushed through the set. He really wanted to talk to the crowd but was unable to due to time - they only allowed Priest to play for 65 minutes. At one point, Rob looked over to the side stage and asked if he was allowed to talk saying, "Do I have time to talk?" Rob seemed dead set on proving just WHY he is THE ONE AND ONLY METAL GOD! He went for the highs with everything he had. Did he hit them all? No and I don't expect him to, but he hit most of them and when he did, the crowd ROARED with appreciation!! Rob was constantly moving - the back surgery obviously has done him wonders and he is able to move pain free again which is wonderful to see! He did not stand in front of the teleprompter, rather glanced at the words if he needed to and then looked up at the crowd to sing the words. I have always been impressed with Rob's humility and the fact that he is always a gentleman. He never puts others down in order to build himself up because he is strong and confident in himself and he lets his performance speak for itself. So for me this performance was a direct answer to both Paul Di'Anno and Bruce Dickinson's negative comments about him. All I have to say to Paul and Bruce is: JEALOUS MUCH??!!
It was a FANTASTIC weekend! We had an absolute BLAST! It was an honor to be a part of such a great group of people. We truly are a metal family here on the Board.
We made it home safely, stopping at a Waffle House for breakfast and Bilbo's in Portage for dinner. Damn I miss my Hobbit Stix and dill dip being so close in East Lansing!! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Just made it back home after the concert. GREAT!!! However, freezing cold and they played a VERY short setlist. No Jawbreaker, BTROD, Defenders of the Faith, March of the Damned and a few more that they did in New York. I am sure the rest of the posse can fill in some more. I'd have to look at the setlist myself to be sure but I am tired.
To the 11 or so of us who made it there, I hope you all made it home safely! Whatta blast!!! Great show, all in all. Can't wait until Detroit to "hopefully" see the full NY set.
JD. Could be your phone. You should see the link that says "Inbox" right above "Member:.... /Emai: .... " If you don't see THOSE, then my money is on the phone causing the error.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, October 08, 2014 7:48:49 PM | |
HRMG I have to agree, ROS definately has caught the imagination of the younger generation....people up here young and old seem to LOVE the album too...ROS is a masterpiece.
There are far far more people who love it vs. people who dislike it......THAT is obvious.
I dont see how one COULDNT like it if they claim to be a fan of quality Judas Priest.
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Wednesday, October 08, 2014 11:23:52 AM | |
I'm not sure if all festivals cut the headliners set short or not. I think that is bullshit myself. Why should Priest get the same amount of time as Limp Bizkit? FUCK THAT!! Seriously, I can't believe how many people were into that set. Definitely NOT my thing! Stone Temple Pilots was GREAT and the only band that I truly enjoyed seeing other than Priest. Korn kept playing and playing and I thought, If you go over and Priest has to play an even shorter set, I will HUNT YOU DOWN!!! It was really great to see so many people there to see PRIEST!! A lot of people in their 20's. I really think ROS has brought in a younger crowd which is awesome to see. The people around me knew ALL the songs too, not just the radio songs.
Yes, we definitely needed MORE PORTAPOTTYS!!! But with VIP, the food lines weren't as bad as the regular crowd had to endure and our line for the bar was almost non-existent AND we had somewhere to sit down to eat/drink/chat away from the wind. But the "gourmet" food? WHERE THE FUCK WAS THAT???!!! Like Spa, I would rather have had fried food on a stick than that overpriced crap they called "gourmet"! WHO THE FUCK puts an EGG on a GYRO??!!! BLEH!
The best part for me besides seeing Priest was hanging out with everyone - Ron, Bev, Vail, Randy, Spa and others that are not here on the board!! I truly love each and every one of you!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, October 08, 2014 1:56:27 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Loving all the reports back from Louder than Life! Sounds like a fabulous time was had by all. I think the setlist gives me an idea of what to expect when I see them at the Soundwave festival in February - they'll play 45 minutes - 1 hour, something like that? Not sure yet.
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | LOVE BITES is the other song they didn't play. They could have not done the sing along whoa whoa whoa and played Love Bites. Rob seemed unhappy about being rushed through the set. He really wanted to talk to the crowd but was unable to due to time - they only allowed Priest to play for 65 minutes. At one point, Rob looked over to the side stage and asked if he was allowed to talk saying, "Do I have time to talk?" Rob seemed dead set on proving just WHY he is THE ONE AND ONLY METAL GOD! He went for the highs with everything he had. Did he hit them all? No and I don't expect him to, but he hit most of them and when he did, the crowd ROARED with appreciation!! Rob was constantly moving - the back surgery obviously has done him wonders and he is able to move pain free again which is wonderful to see! He did not stand in front of the teleprompter, rather glanced at the words if he needed to and then looked up at the crowd to sing the words. I have always been impressed with Rob's humility and the fact that he is always a gentleman. He never puts others down in order to build himself up because he is strong and confident in himself and he lets his performance speak for itself. So for me this performance was a direct answer to both Paul Di'Anno and Bruce Dickinson's negative comments about him. All I have to say to Paul and Bruce is: JEALOUS MUCH??!!
It was a FANTASTIC weekend! We had an absolute BLAST! It was an honor to be a part of such a great group of people. We truly are a metal family here on the Board.
We made it home safely, stopping at a Waffle House for breakfast and Bilbo's in Portage for dinner. Damn I miss my Hobbit Stix and dill dip being so close in East Lansing!! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Just made it back home after the concert. GREAT!!! However, freezing cold and they played a VERY short setlist. No Jawbreaker, BTROD, Defenders of the Faith, March of the Damned and a few more that they did in New York. I am sure the rest of the posse can fill in some more. I'd have to look at the setlist myself to be sure but I am tired.
To the 11 or so of us who made it there, I hope you all made it home safely! Whatta blast!!! Great show, all in all. Can't wait until Detroit to "hopefully" see the full NY set.
JD. Could be your phone. You should see the link that says "Inbox" right above "Member:.... /Emai: .... " If you don't see THOSE, then my money is on the phone causing the error.
[Becks] Wednesday, October 08, 2014 1:56:27 AM | |
Loving all the reports back from Louder than Life! Sounds like a fabulous time was had by all. I think the setlist gives me an idea of what to expect when I see them at the Soundwave festival in February - they'll play 45 minutes - 1 hour, something like that? Not sure yet.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Sunday, October 05, 2014 9:01:50 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | LOVE BITES is the other song they didn't play. They could have not done the sing along whoa whoa whoa and played Love Bites. Rob seemed unhappy about being rushed through the set. He really wanted to talk to the crowd but was unable to due to time - they only allowed Priest to play for 65 minutes. At one point, Rob looked over to the side stage and asked if he was allowed to talk saying, "Do I have time to talk?" Rob seemed dead set on proving just WHY he is THE ONE AND ONLY METAL GOD! He went for the highs with everything he had. Did he hit them all? No and I don't expect him to, but he hit most of them and when he did, the crowd ROARED with appreciation!! Rob was constantly moving - the back surgery obviously has done him wonders and he is able to move pain free again which is wonderful to see! He did not stand in front of the teleprompter, rather glanced at the words if he needed to and then looked up at the crowd to sing the words. I have always been impressed with Rob's humility and the fact that he is always a gentleman. He never puts others down in order to build himself up because he is strong and confident in himself and he lets his performance speak for itself. So for me this performance was a direct answer to both Paul Di'Anno and Bruce Dickinson's negative comments about him. All I have to say to Paul and Bruce is: JEALOUS MUCH??!!
It was a FANTASTIC weekend! We had an absolute BLAST! It was an honor to be a part of such a great group of people. We truly are a metal family here on the Board.
We made it home safely, stopping at a Waffle House for breakfast and Bilbo's in Portage for dinner. Damn I miss my Hobbit Stix and dill dip being so close in East Lansing!! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Just made it back home after the concert. GREAT!!! However, freezing cold and they played a VERY short setlist. No Jawbreaker, BTROD, Defenders of the Faith, March of the Damned and a few more that they did in New York. I am sure the rest of the posse can fill in some more. I'd have to look at the setlist myself to be sure but I am tired.
To the 11 or so of us who made it there, I hope you all made it home safely! Whatta blast!!! Great show, all in all. Can't wait until Detroit to "hopefully" see the full NY set.
JD. Could be your phone. You should see the link that says "Inbox" right above "Member:.... /Emai: .... " If you don't see THOSE, then my money is on the phone causing the error.
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, October 07, 2014 6:57:22 PM | |
He missed the $20 bandana and the fact that the shirts were two distinct colors: white with the JP name and red.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Tuesday, October 07, 2014 12:20:06 PM) |
[acolyte55] Tuesday, October 07, 2014 12:20:06 PM | |
[Head banger] Tuesday, October 07, 2014 8:10:56 AM | |
sounds a lot like the first, and last monsters of rock festival in calgary. Priest played, it was mostly a ozzfest lineup, with priest added. 90 min line to get in, missed the first band. bathrooms were ok just 20 min wait. Beer line over 2 hours. Burger 90 min, thankfully we went just before a thunderstorm, so were undercover for that. |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, October 06, 2014 7:11:34 PM | |
That friggin' GPS... 
You know what, though? I did a picture of that bridge shortly after you drove off, so your car MIGHT be in the shot. Should look closely.
Acolyte. Yup, that was the setlist. And yes, the VIP experience could've been better. More port-a-potties, to start. Took every fiber of my being not to squat and go while in line.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, October 06, 2014 11:31:31 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Glad to hear that all seemed to have made it home OK (sorry about that delay, Vail...did you see me drive across the bridge by the river?). Stupid GPS routed me about an hour out of my way but at least there was a Best Buy there so I stopped and bought a bigger memory chip for my camera! Oh yeah, been downing that vitamin C power with zinc like crazy. Hopefully, to fight off this start of a cold.
HRMG. Yes, no Love Bites... THAT bit. <==pun intended.
SPA Agree 100% VIP SUCKED THERE!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS SO VIP ABOUT IT?!? Shitty freakin' setup for that venue.
[acolyte55] Monday, October 06, 2014 1:24:12 PM | |
[guidogodoy] Monday, October 06, 2014 11:31:31 AM | |
Glad to hear that all seemed to have made it home OK (sorry about that delay, Vail...did you see me drive across the bridge by the river?). Stupid GPS routed me about an hour out of my way but at least there was a Best Buy there so I stopped and bought a bigger memory chip for my camera! Oh yeah, been downing that vitamin C power with zinc like crazy. Hopefully, to fight off this start of a cold.
HRMG. Yes, no Love Bites... THAT bit. <==pun intended.
SPA Agree 100% VIP SUCKED THERE!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS SO VIP ABOUT IT?!? Shitty freakin' setup for that venue.
[spapad] Monday, October 06, 2014 9:24:38 AM | |
Delays when your exhausted. REALLY REALLY SUCK!
I know the feeling. Once lost the connecting flight home in NY after our flight out of Greece made us too late to catch it. Spent 8 hours in the airport all jet lagged trying to get a room assignment from Olympic. Finaly got a room at midnight and had to be up and ready for our next flight by 5 am. Sucked bad.
Good to see you finally made it.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Monday, October 06, 2014 2:53:35 AM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | A pox on the guy/gal who set the Chicago Midway ATC place on fire! DELAYS SUCK!!! 
But yes, as one who had joined the "posse" at the Louder than Life festival, I can also confirm that JP played a really great show (and that it was COLD AS FUCK!!! As a thin-skinned Californian, it was unbearable). I wished that it could go on, but alas, the festival staff was dead set on finishing the day on time. Kept many of us from getting the half-dozen or so guitar picks on the floor. Highlights for me this set (and first festival, I might add) include Halls of Valhalla (freakin' great!!!), Victim of Changes and Dragonaut. Heck, just Rob's singing and Richie's solo in YGATC were incredible displays of power and talent. Although I think the biggest and best part was getting to spend the weekend with some really great 'Priest fans and really aweome people. Best mini-vacation I had ever taken. Could never have asked for anything better (aside from a longer set from JP, though... and no more Korn...heh).
Here, a pic of the band in action. <---- Vail = dunce for forgetting her good camera at the hotel.

Edited at: Monday, October 06, 2014 2:58:56 AM |
[spapad] Monday, October 06, 2014 9:20:32 AM | |
I'm finally awake and able to function. It was a great weekend and I really enjoyed meeting up with old friends and new and enjoying our time together. Loss of sleep and freezing my ass off were the negatives of the weekend.
The show was incredible but too short. Nothing Priest could do about that though aside from sending a hit squad to bump off Korn. That would have been a good idea. lol
Rob was in great form! He moved with an ease I had not seen in years and it was truly a blessing to see it. Glenn was fantastic, Scott was spot on, Ian was smiling and seemed at ease, and Ritchie was incredible too. I was shocked to hear Turbo Lover, but I found I didn't mind it. Valhalla was great! Rob nailed the part from low to high on that song! I'm not so good with breaking a set list down for individual reviews so I'll just say It was an awesome show and I just wish we could have heard them for another hour. I'm selfish that way.
This was the first Live and Loud Festival and it might be the last if the people who put this shit together didn't learn a thing or two. I have a list of compaints about the VIP experience there. I could care less that they hung chandaliers from the tent tops. What matters is this. Is there enough bathrooms to keep people from standing in line for far too long? NO. Is there enough casual seating in the eating areas? NO. Is the food advertised as Gormet good? NO I'd rather have state fair things on sticks. I know what to expect from that. Not a suprise gyro with egg. (yuck).
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, October 06, 2014 2:53:35 AM | |
A pox on the guy/gal who set the Chicago Midway ATC place on fire! DELAYS SUCK!!! 
But yes, as one who had joined the "posse" at the Louder than Life festival, I can also confirm that JP played a really great show (and that it was COLD AS FUCK!!! As a thin-skinned Californian, it was unbearable). I wished that it could go on, but alas, the festival staff was dead set on finishing the day on time. Kept many of us from getting the half-dozen or so guitar picks on the floor. Highlights for me this set (and first festival, I might add) include Halls of Valhalla (freakin' great!!!), Victim of Changes and Dragonaut. Heck, just Rob's singing and Richie's solo in YGATC were incredible displays of power and talent. Although I think the biggest and best part was getting to spend the weekend with some really great 'Priest fans and really aweome people. Best mini-vacation I had ever taken. Could never have asked for anything better (aside from a longer set from JP, though... and no more Korn...heh).
Here, a pic of the band in action. <---- Vail = dunce for forgetting her good camera at the hotel.

Edited at: Monday, October 06, 2014 2:58:56 AM |
[guidogodoy] Sunday, October 05, 2014 10:07:57 PM | |
Agreed about Rob (the band was freakin' out of this world as always) and glad to hear you made it back safe and sound. Next? DETROIT!!!! 
Hope to hear from others in the group. 'Twas an honor as always to be with y'all !
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Sunday, October 05, 2014 9:01:50 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | LOVE BITES is the other song they didn't play. They could have not done the sing along whoa whoa whoa and played Love Bites. Rob seemed unhappy about being rushed through the set. He really wanted to talk to the crowd but was unable to due to time - they only allowed Priest to play for 65 minutes. At one point, Rob looked over to the side stage and asked if he was allowed to talk saying, "Do I have time to talk?" Rob seemed dead set on proving just WHY he is THE ONE AND ONLY METAL GOD! He went for the highs with everything he had. Did he hit them all? No and I don't expect him to, but he hit most of them and when he did, the crowd ROARED with appreciation!! Rob was constantly moving - the back surgery obviously has done him wonders and he is able to move pain free again which is wonderful to see! He did not stand in front of the teleprompter, rather glanced at the words if he needed to and then looked up at the crowd to sing the words. I have always been impressed with Rob's humility and the fact that he is always a gentleman. He never puts others down in order to build himself up because he is strong and confident in himself and he lets his performance speak for itself. So for me this performance was a direct answer to both Paul Di'Anno and Bruce Dickinson's negative comments about him. All I have to say to Paul and Bruce is: JEALOUS MUCH??!!
It was a FANTASTIC weekend! We had an absolute BLAST! It was an honor to be a part of such a great group of people. We truly are a metal family here on the Board.
We made it home safely, stopping at a Waffle House for breakfast and Bilbo's in Portage for dinner. Damn I miss my Hobbit Stix and dill dip being so close in East Lansing!! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Just made it back home after the concert. GREAT!!! However, freezing cold and they played a VERY short setlist. No Jawbreaker, BTROD, Defenders of the Faith, March of the Damned and a few more that they did in New York. I am sure the rest of the posse can fill in some more. I'd have to look at the setlist myself to be sure but I am tired.
To the 11 or so of us who made it there, I hope you all made it home safely! Whatta blast!!! Great show, all in all. Can't wait until Detroit to "hopefully" see the full NY set.
JD. Could be your phone. You should see the link that says "Inbox" right above "Member:.... /Emai: .... " If you don't see THOSE, then my money is on the phone causing the error.
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, October 05, 2014 9:01:50 PM | |
LOVE BITES is the other song they didn't play. They could have not done the sing along whoa whoa whoa and played Love Bites. Rob seemed unhappy about being rushed through the set. He really wanted to talk to the crowd but was unable to due to time - they only allowed Priest to play for 65 minutes. At one point, Rob looked over to the side stage and asked if he was allowed to talk saying, "Do I have time to talk?" Rob seemed dead set on proving just WHY he is THE ONE AND ONLY METAL GOD! He went for the highs with everything he had. Did he hit them all? No and I don't expect him to, but he hit most of them and when he did, the crowd ROARED with appreciation!! Rob was constantly moving - the back surgery obviously has done him wonders and he is able to move pain free again which is wonderful to see! He did not stand in front of the teleprompter, rather glanced at the words if he needed to and then looked up at the crowd to sing the words. I have always been impressed with Rob's humility and the fact that he is always a gentleman. He never puts others down in order to build himself up because he is strong and confident in himself and he lets his performance speak for itself. So for me this performance was a direct answer to both Paul Di'Anno and Bruce Dickinson's negative comments about him. All I have to say to Paul and Bruce is: JEALOUS MUCH??!!
It was a FANTASTIC weekend! We had an absolute BLAST! It was an honor to be a part of such a great group of people. We truly are a metal family here on the Board.
We made it home safely, stopping at a Waffle House for breakfast and Bilbo's in Portage for dinner. Damn I miss my Hobbit Stix and dill dip being so close in East Lansing!! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, October 05, 2014 5:01:27 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Just made it back home after the concert. GREAT!!! However, freezing cold and they played a VERY short setlist. No Jawbreaker, BTROD, Defenders of the Faith, March of the Damned and a few more that they did in New York. I am sure the rest of the posse can fill in some more. I'd have to look at the setlist myself to be sure but I am tired.
To the 11 or so of us who made it there, I hope you all made it home safely! Whatta blast!!! Great show, all in all. Can't wait until Detroit to "hopefully" see the full NY set.
JD. Could be your phone. You should see the link that says "Inbox" right above "Member:.... /Emai: .... " If you don't see THOSE, then my money is on the phone causing the error.
[guidogodoy] Sunday, October 05, 2014 5:01:27 PM | |
Just made it back home after the concert. GREAT!!! However, freezing cold and they played a VERY short setlist. No Jawbreaker, BTROD, Defenders of the Faith, March of the Damned and a few more that they did in New York. I am sure the rest of the posse can fill in some more. I'd have to look at the setlist myself to be sure but I am tired.
To the 11 or so of us who made it there, I hope you all made it home safely! Whatta blast!!! Great show, all in all. Can't wait until Detroit to "hopefully" see the full NY set.
JD. Could be your phone. You should see the link that says "Inbox" right above "Member:.... /Emai: .... " If you don't see THOSE, then my money is on the phone causing the error.
[acolyte55] Saturday, October 04, 2014 3:50:53 PM | |
@Nupe, they have announced in Sweden i believe , finland i am sure will follow , if they are celebreting 30 years of DOTF then do it right , give us freewheel burning and the sentinel again, also it says "defenders of the faith" as a song , the last time i heard that was 1990 when it was the song that played when the lights came on , do they mean the "heavy duty" intro to DOTF?????
[Trixi] Saturday, October 04, 2014 2:19:35 PM | |
[Nupe The Ripper] Saturday, October 04, 2014 7:49:26 AM | |
Maybe this setlist is their way of celebrating the 30th anniversary of DOTF... man, there's some great live songs there! Can't wait for when they confirm European dates (they've visited Finland on every major tour since 2005 so I don't see why they wouldn't come here again).
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, October 04, 2014 12:40:32 AM | |
hey guido...where do I look to open a PM?..I can send them but cant open any if someone sends me one cause not sure where to open it...keep looking but no luck....perhaps posting from my phone is the problem? Makes me want to jump on a computer and check it out...hummm this forum sure got fucked up with this last upgrade of whatever...
I agree....why isnt the forum a part of judaspriest.com? why is our PMs fucked up?
Maybe Murray started smoking my pot? Lol
[guidogodoy] Friday, October 03, 2014 10:46:10 PM | |
Good sign when I got here. Guy in the elevator with me asks if I am in a band! LOL!!!! I guess I picked the right attire 'cause he said I sure looked like it!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, October 03, 2014 10:15:16 PM | |
it's very strange,out of all of these years Judas Priest since 1981 and for some unknown reason I've never gotten sick of metal gods...
Hell Bent For Leather,Living After Midnight,Breakin The Law,Youve got another thing comin....
those 4 are the ones that I get tired of......every other popular Priest song I can handle....except Turbo Lover ha........anybody have a clue where I need to look to open my PMS?
[acolyte55] Friday, October 03, 2014 7:08:42 PM | |
@ guido et al ,yup some great new songs to hear and ones we havent heard forever , but i just dont need to ever hear metal gods, living after midnight or breaking the law ever again , 17 albums to choose from........................
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, October 03, 2014 5:39:04 PM | |
spa nice to see you...I'd send ya a PM but I cant figure out how to check my PMs was going to ask guido but forgot... |
[spapad] Friday, October 03, 2014 10:28:58 AM | |
Got 10,000 things to do before I hit the door. Gonna be a great weekend! 
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, October 03, 2014 12:47:12 AM | |
guido I saw your request for them to play Dragonaut....hell yeah Im stoked too!
Fuckin Dragonaut man...no its not Priests best track(what is?) but damn it has one of the best "riffs" especially the riff played right when Rob kicks in...its fuckin head banging material man....
For the amount of "SHIT" I gave this band ....
(claiming Saxon the new Heavy Metal kings while Priest took a break and did Nostradamus)
......and every shit thing I said inbetween...
Redeemer Of Souls made me eat my words BIG TIME!! Shame on me and hail the almighty Judas Priest!!
[guidogodoy] Thursday, October 02, 2014 8:49:10 PM | |
Dragonaut to kick it off?! Are you shitting me?! I am already on cloud nine!!!!
[Vaillant 3.0] Thursday, October 02, 2014 6:32:25 PM | |
"Defenders of the Faith"
"Love Bites"
"Halls of Valhalla"
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Thursday, October 02, 2014 12:11:58 PM) |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, October 02, 2014 5:20:48 PM | |
I am actually excited to see it. LOTS of new stuff from Defenders that they haven't played in years!!! Can't wait (and won't have to come this weekend!).
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Thursday, October 02, 2014 12:11:58 PM) |
[acolyte55] Thursday, October 02, 2014 12:11:58 PM | |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, October 02, 2014 4:26:13 AM | |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, October 02, 2014 12:44:28 AM | |
man Glenn Tipton's solo in hell and the back is absolutely filthy its so bad ass!!! |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Wednesday, October 01, 2014 3:32:27 PM | |
[acolyte55] Wednesday, October 01, 2014 2:58:39 PM | |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Wednesday, October 01, 2014 2:39:39 PM | |
This doesn't surprise me one bit. Rob was NEVER the one that wanted to retire. I was at the HALFORD show in Grand Rapids, MI the very night Priest announced their retirement. It was clear to me that Rob was NOWHERE near ready to retire. People were pinning the retirement announcement on Rob and I came back from that show and put that idea to rest - saying there was NO WAY that it was Rob!! I was right. Rob isn't slowing down anytime soon!! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Monday, September 29, 2014 6:23:55 PM) |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, October 01, 2014 12:44:27 AM | |
You know I've been checking out the comments left behind about the new Judas Priest album since the album came out in July and at first the comments were very negative about the production about the title track even before July when I came out but now two months after the record is released it is hard to find negative comments about this magnificent glorious album.
30 years from now even this record will be deemed as one of the top three albums of Judas Priest.
I remember 30 years ago in 1984 when defenders of the faith was released there were some people skeptics that were calling the album a commercial failure but that was only a few and now 30 years later it's deemed as one of the best Judas Priest records there is.
[acolyte55] Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:58:28 PM | |
[acolyte55] Tuesday, September 30, 2014 3:28:11 PM | |
[acolyte55] Tuesday, September 30, 2014 1:09:06 PM | |
Thought you guys might like that!!!! |
[guidogodoy] Monday, September 29, 2014 7:45:58 PM | |
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, September 29, 2014 6:37:41 PM | |
[acolyte55] Monday, September 29, 2014 6:23:55 PM | |
[guidogodoy] Monday, September 29, 2014 5:37:04 PM | |
Mon Dieu!!! Old School Hockey!!!! Put on the foil !
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Monday, September 29, 2014 3:26:20 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/braden-holtby-head-bangs-his-mask-off-vs--montreal--video-073203712.html
headbanging like its 1983 at a Judas Priest concert!!!!
[Head banger] Monday, September 29, 2014 3:26:20 PM | |
headbanging like its 1983 at a Judas Priest concert!!!!
[acolyte55] Friday, September 26, 2014 12:52:46 PM | |
[acolyte55] Monday, September 22, 2014 12:34:27 PM | |
ThanksHRMG for the info ..............and HOPE!