[Becks] Saturday, September 20, 2014 8:25:58 PM | |
Right so here's my Redeemer of Souls review.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this album. Standout tracks for me are Sword of Damocles, Cold Blooded and Crossfire. As I've said before, Crossfire as a definite Rocka Rolla vibe, and Cold Blooded reeked of 80s era Priest. Halls of Valhalla is rip snorter of a metal tune too.
Least favourite tracks - ROS, March of the Damned. Not terrible songs, but just missing something in my opinion.
Overall, I give this album a 7.5/10 at first full listen through, that may change lol. A bloody good effort for a bunch of old metal legends!
[Head banger] Friday, September 19, 2014 11:21:19 PM | |
Hope you are right. fingers crossed
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, September 19, 2014 10:47:33 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Rob has said in interviews that there will be a second leg of the North American tour next year. He was on a Cleveland radio show and had said they would be playing Cleveland, but then there wasn't a Cleveland date on the tour. When asked about it, he said they would definitely play Cleveland and there are more dates to come for North America on the second leg of the tour. I'm sure they will put a bunch of Canadian dates on the second leg since they are hardly playing Canada on the first leg. Of course, it all depends on the promoters and how well the first leg of the tour goes. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and all my Canadian friends!
|  | acolyte55 wrote: | | @JD Crossing fingers because this will be it for tours i believe
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, September 19, 2014 10:47:33 PM | |
Rob has said in interviews that there will be a second leg of the North American tour next year. He was on a Cleveland radio show and had said they would be playing Cleveland, but then there wasn't a Cleveland date on the tour. When asked about it, he said they would definitely play Cleveland and there are more dates to come for North America on the second leg of the tour. I'm sure they will put a bunch of Canadian dates on the second leg since they are hardly playing Canada on the first leg. Of course, it all depends on the promoters and how well the first leg of the tour goes. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and all my Canadian friends!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Friday, September 19, 2014 1:22:04 AM) |  | acolyte55 wrote: | | @JD Crossing fingers because this will be it for tours i believe
[Vaillant 3.0] Friday, September 19, 2014 10:12:37 PM | |
Looking forward to your review. 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Friday, September 19, 2014 8:36:45 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Well today I finally gave in and bought a copy of ROS, rather than keep waiting for the deluxe edition to finally arrive. I've heard a good chunk already, but am listening through at the moment finally and I have to say I am enjoying what I hear. So far Sword of Damocles is a standout, will see what I think after hearing the rest of the album in it's entirety finally haha.
[Becks] Friday, September 19, 2014 8:36:45 PM | |
Well today I finally gave in and bought a copy of ROS, rather than keep waiting for the deluxe edition to finally arrive. I've heard a good chunk already, but am listening through at the moment finally and I have to say I am enjoying what I hear. So far Sword of Damocles is a standout, will see what I think after hearing the rest of the album in it's entirety finally haha.
[acolyte55] Friday, September 19, 2014 1:22:04 AM | |
@JD Crossing fingers because this will be it for tours i believe
[Vaillant 3.0] Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:05:53 PM | |
Maaaaan, what luck!!
Still, though. If JP ends up not making it to NZ again (Cheez-its forbid), at least you will have seen 'em in Australia. 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, September 18, 2014 2:34:04 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Super cool that you got to mee Acolyte, HB!
Well, after booking our trip to Brisbane, Australia to see Judas Priest play at the Soundwave festival, it got announced this morning that they are playing here in NZ for the first time at the Westfest festival about 3 days after we see them in Brisbane! Our budget doesn't quite stretch to include that show as well (it's a 7 hour drive to Auckland from where we are, or a not particularly cheap flight) but it's so awesome they're making it to our shores. |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, September 18, 2014 5:13:02 PM | |
acolytee55, I think that they WILL add Canada dates...this album is too good not to.
I think if the longer they hold out the more tickets they sell...fans worry( for good reason) that they will not be playing thier home town... flying in fans from all over to shows ....its all $ ect... but thats understanding ....
Richie said talking to Glenn "what you gonna do now just sit at home and read a magazine?"
They said fuck it...we are touring! But although its still not a world tour...I think Canada is too important to skip...they know thier long time fans harken throughout this vast Country so hang tight and they should announce a date...
But makes you wonder if the dates they may set would be farther to travel than Seattle....we will see
[acolyte55] Thursday, September 18, 2014 4:23:29 PM | |
always cool to meet Priest fans , we seem to be all cut from the same cloth, good people with a shared love for best heavy metal band ever!
[guidogodoy] Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:30:23 PM | |
Damn! I saw that announcement last night, Becks, and was immediately happy for you. NZ for the first time!!
Too bad it is too far for you. Ah well.....still "awesome they are finally hitting NZ as you say.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Thursday, September 18, 2014 2:34:04 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Super cool that you got to mee Acolyte, HB!
Well, after booking our trip to Brisbane, Australia to see Judas Priest play at the Soundwave festival, it got announced this morning that they are playing here in NZ for the first time at the Westfest festival about 3 days after we see them in Brisbane! Our budget doesn't quite stretch to include that show as well (it's a 7 hour drive to Auckland from where we are, or a not particularly cheap flight) but it's so awesome they're making it to our shores. |
[Head banger] Thursday, September 18, 2014 8:12:52 AM | |
Yes, Great to meet another member, I have been fortunate to meet 3 members of this board now. Still hopefull to meet more of you all.
[Becks] Thursday, September 18, 2014 2:34:04 AM | |
Super cool that you got to mee Acolyte, HB!
Well, after booking our trip to Brisbane, Australia to see Judas Priest play at the Soundwave festival, it got announced this morning that they are playing here in NZ for the first time at the Westfest festival about 3 days after we see them in Brisbane! Our budget doesn't quite stretch to include that show as well (it's a 7 hour drive to Auckland from where we are, or a not particularly cheap flight) but it's so awesome they're making it to our shores. |
[Vaillant 3.0] Wednesday, September 17, 2014 11:23:15 PM | |
HB, how cool that you and Acolyte got to meet up! 
[acolyte55] Wednesday, September 17, 2014 4:27:48 PM | |
@ JD @HEADBANGER That is an awesome story lol , we will see if they announce a canadian date, what has my attention right now is we are on the eve of the vote of Scottish Independence, as an emigree from Scotland , it is easy for me to say vote yes for seperating as i do not live there , but my feelings are this ...... dont be the only country to ever vote no for freedom and the right to control your own destinies and self governance, yes its scary but the rewards are worth it, SAOR ALBA !!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:42:24 AM | |
Ha! Dude totally yeah Ive still never flown lol "THAT" is some funny ass shit man! Hahaha |
[Head banger] Tuesday, September 16, 2014 10:28:11 PM | |
Accolyte, great to meet you also was very nice to meet another fan
JD, I think you were gonna drive. said you were scared to fly back then. HA!!!! |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, September 16, 2014 7:49:10 PM | |
acolytee55 ...that would be awsome! Of course Im scared of Head Banger lol (10 years ago in my drinking days I apparently told Head Banger I was going to hop a plane fly up there and kick his butt haha dont remember posting that but alot I dont remember ) lol yeah man that would rock |
[acolyte55] Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:09:39 PM | |
@Headbanger , Great meeting you yesterday and enjoying the sun and talking on the patio , we covered a lot of topics ,all of them interesting and look out JD you might have 3 of us coming to the Tacoma show
[acolyte55] Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:05:39 PM | |
@JD ok thanks, if they havent announced more canadian dates by now , i dont know if they will, tacoma is the last north american date and then australia Damn!!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, September 15, 2014 12:57:13 AM | |
Hey acolytee55, not sure about that...id figute it may be hard to move them. Yeah Priest may be heading your way coming up into next year...you never know... |
[acolyte55] Friday, September 12, 2014 3:33:30 PM | |
@ JD , if i were to buy 2 floor tickets for the Tacoma show and they announced a Vancouver date(earn in Canadian, should spend in Canadian) would you be able to help me move them? all i would want is face value for them ???? let me know please Cheers Acolyte
[acolyte55] Friday, September 12, 2014 3:25:41 PM | |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, September 12, 2014 6:31:26 AM | |
@acolytee55 yeah let me know what yer plans will be,yeah not missing anything with skipping Steel Panther but not knockin anyone who wants to see them for the intertainment ya know. Perhaps if you end up goin to the show we could meet up before we go in during S.P.playing and b.s. for a bit...so yeah just keep me posted on that.... |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, September 12, 2014 6:23:56 AM | |
@ Cooler, hey thanks man and its good to see you here too man...keep posting....keep this place alive |
[acolyte55] Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:57:02 PM | |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:27:48 PM | |
Hey acolytee55,yes of course I'll be at the Tacoma Dome that night with my girlfriend and another friend,we wont be at the show untill Steel Panther is almost finished,and its my girlfriend's birthday the same night so got things set up for after the show too but if you do go I'd like to find you before Priest comes on. and shoot the bull with ya...let me know... |
[acolyte55] Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:00:43 PM | |
i agree, arguably their best or one of their best albums ever(we could debate the point forever because we are all here because of their music) i would love to pick up the regular album in the jewel case , for the collection. the thing i love is that i have had it playing for almost 2 months straight now , and when i get a little tired of ROS , i can throw in a mini-break by having more brand new priest songs on the bonus disc!!!! i am a little sad no Vancouver date announced as of yet , however , Tacoma washington is only a 60-70 minute flight away , anyone going to that night????
[Cooler] Wednesday, September 10, 2014 7:52:02 PM | |
A-hole, no.
Hothead... oh, yeah! 
You know what it's said about opinions?
Still, nice to see you here, as always.
Certain amount of controversy is always a good thing!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, September 09, 2014 5:04:13 PM | |
Yeah perhaps. Yeah everyone has thier own take on rating JP albums, those who think Nostradamus is thier best are not wrong,its thier vision and opinions from the heart.
I always envey those people because I wish I liked it and "they" got a JP album to groove on and I didnt...you either like something or not ya know....
Im lucky this time around because Redeemer Of Souls to me is Judas Priest's 4th best album ....
Sad Wings Of Destiny,British Steel and Screaming For Vengeance...are like all three albums are #1........I can never decide which one is #1 #2 and # 3 Redeemer Of Souls to me ranks in at # 4 with Painkiller #5 with Defenders #6 and AOR #7
Its intresting how this band's material grabs us all in different ways. Never thought they would create an album that I would rank #4 especially without K.K.Downing yet in my eyes and ears they have.
Utterly amazing.
I love tracks 1 through 12 ,Dragonaut to Battle Cry are just supurb classic Judas Priest,even Metalizer I love too even with the bass too loud and solos not loud enough never skip it...I love the track and lyrics kick ass.
[Head banger] Tuesday, September 09, 2014 8:12:32 AM | |
I still have to listen more to it to realy rank it. but I like it. somehow I have only been able to give it a couple of runs thru.
They must have run out of paper cases, cause the jewel cases are a new addition. guess that means good sales.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Monday, September 08, 2014 7:48:44 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Ok didnt know they came in Jewel Case ,thought it was paper...lol Head Banger what a hell of an album huh? Awsome...Cold Blooded is probly the creepiest track since the Ripper....
its also got things that remind me of the Vengeance album "Devil's Child"...right before the solos....
Crossfire is so good it reminds me of Kllling Machine.... Id say the only 2 under par tracks are Metalizer because of the mixing of bass too loud and solos not loud enough...and Begining Of The End....the other 11 are supurb.
This may not be the BEST Judas Priest slbum but it sure as hell became "my favorite" Judas Prirst album.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, September 09, 2014 12:40:55 AM | |
All solo's are killer but Glenn's solo in Dragonaut is off the chart exellent....and his solo in Hell And Back is fuckin mind blowing...
Richie's solo's in Halls Of Valhalla,March Of The Damned and Cold Blooded are off the chart excellent!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, September 08, 2014 7:48:44 PM | |
Ok didnt know they came in Jewel Case ,thought it was paper...lol Head Banger what a hell of an album huh? Awsome...Cold Blooded is probly the creepiest track since the Ripper....
its also got things that remind me of the Vengeance album "Devil's Child"...right before the solos....
Crossfire is so good it reminds me of Kllling Machine.... Id say the only 2 under par tracks are Metalizer because of the mixing of bass too loud and solos not loud enough...and Begining Of The End....the other 11 are supurb.
This may not be the BEST Judas Priest slbum but it sure as hell became "my favorite" Judas Prirst album.
[Head banger] Monday, September 08, 2014 8:11:27 AM | |
JD, I just saw some deluxe editions in jewel cases at the local store. Where I got mine in the crappy cardboard case. |
[Becks] Monday, September 08, 2014 2:16:48 AM | |
It's on order apparently. Thanks for the offer Guido, but I think I might take JDs advice and just get the standard CD!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, September 06, 2014 11:11:06 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | WHAAAAAAT?!?
That's a freakin' long time to wait!!! Can't you ask the shop owner to order it for you?!?
|  | Becks wrote: | | Good to see you JD, glad you are loving the album and are getting to see them live this time around too!
My local music shop still doesn't have the deluxe album! I'm trying to hold out buying it full stop until it is available, I haven't even listened to the album in its entirety yet, some would say that makes me a bad fan I guess, no, it just makes me annoyed I can't have the version I want yet! Lol! I have heard most of the songs and am thoroughly enjoying it!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, September 07, 2014 5:27:10 PM | |
Becks, Id jump all over just getting the original CD with the 13 songs that makes up the official album if they have that.
The delux CD with the bonus Disc that have the 5 tracks on it....they are not a part of the album as you know, so to listen to ROS in its entirety would be to listen to the 13 songs.
And not sure if youd validate waiting as long as you have for the extra bonus disc B sided quality these 5 songs harness,I only have the original CD without the bonus tracks....
besides the delux version comes in the Digi- pack version(all paper and no plastic jewel case).
But if you want the delux version of the album I can see why for the curiousity and the collection of yours...then yeah Id hit up Guido's offer and have him buy one and mail it to you then obviously pay him back....it definately would be faster than what your music store is capable of....
Edited at: Sunday, September 07, 2014 5:36:47 PM |
[guidogodoy] Sunday, September 07, 2014 4:08:55 AM | |
Heck, I'll buy you a copy and mail it to you! Certainly faster!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 06, 2014 9:18:32 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Good to see you JD, glad you are loving the album and are getting to see them live this time around too!
My local music shop still doesn't have the deluxe album! I'm trying to hold out buying it full stop until it is available, I haven't even listened to the album in its entirety yet, some would say that makes me a bad fan I guess, no, it just makes me annoyed I can't have the version I want yet! Lol! I have heard most of the songs and am thoroughly enjoying it!
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, September 06, 2014 11:11:06 PM | |
That's a freakin' long time to wait!!! Can't you ask the shop owner to order it for you?!?
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, September 06, 2014 9:18:32 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Good to see you JD, glad you are loving the album and are getting to see them live this time around too!
My local music shop still doesn't have the deluxe album! I'm trying to hold out buying it full stop until it is available, I haven't even listened to the album in its entirety yet, some would say that makes me a bad fan I guess, no, it just makes me annoyed I can't have the version I want yet! Lol! I have heard most of the songs and am thoroughly enjoying it!
[acolyte55] Saturday, September 06, 2014 10:03:59 PM | |
[Becks] Saturday, September 06, 2014 9:18:32 PM | |
Good to see you JD, glad you are loving the album and are getting to see them live this time around too!
My local music shop still doesn't have the deluxe album! I'm trying to hold out buying it full stop until it is available, I haven't even listened to the album in its entirety yet, some would say that makes me a bad fan I guess, no, it just makes me annoyed I can't have the version I want yet! Lol! I have heard most of the songs and am thoroughly enjoying it!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, September 05, 2014 10:04:31 PM | |
Budred,yeah you pissed me off with yer comments on the ROS track ...I was "butt hurt" remember? (lol)
Yeah I left (and was locked out lol) but who the fuck am I anyways? Nobody.Thats who.
I like to argue,yeah Im an asshole and a hothead (PM any long time member here and they will tell you the same even if they like me..........
....and no,I wouldnt say that about them or you...you guys are opposite of me....but again,who the fuck am I to say anyways....I come and go here all the time so if Ive offended you which I probly have I apologize.
You dont have to leave,as a matter of fact I dont want to see you leave. Just read my Bull shit,post your comments and think Im a jerk(I know you dont think Im a full time jerk,but a once in a while jerk?No?..lol) I'll not beat a dead horse to death with it like Im known to do and carry on.
I fully stand by what I said about the production except I forgot to mention that the bass on Metalizer is way too loud...and then you have the solos not loud enough.They could of mixed this one track better or left it off. Still even if you disregard the track all together thats still 11 out of 13 songs on this lp that rule.
[guidogodoy] Friday, September 05, 2014 8:48:51 PM | |
Bud, if this is your true swansong and final "farewell" then I'll leave all but the following: I do NOT help people I don't like or respect. Plain and simple. You didn't fall into either category.
Fare the well, sir. Best to you and yours.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, September 05, 2014 6:28:11 PM | |
well...yeah I agree HRMG.Could the production be better? Yeah. But so could alot of Priest albums. Even if someone says its the worse sounding Priest album...its still a good production. I just dont get it.
I agree with you....people should get an eq
There are many albums that kick ass that I even tweek the eq to get the sound I want...I never bitch about it because its not even bad enough to bitch about. Its like to me,Defenders album's drums sound thin quiet and sounds like a programe drum machine but it still sounds good enough and doesnt bother me enough to complain about .
Not saying people cant have thier opinions but at this point "to me" its a "nit-picky" trend about this production.
Yeah these songs will kick balls live. Not saying everyone should hail it thier 4th best LP like I do(with Painkiller #5) some may not like it at all thats fine man but I doubt this record is in the top 10 if the production was indeed "that bad".
I doubt it would sell well past 100,000 copies by now if this production was "Craptastic". THAT IS A VALID POINT no matter how its looked at ya know? Lol
Love "Down In Flames'....again it reminds me of the Point Of Entry album with the lyrical spirit of Leather Rebel....imo
Hell And Back reeks of Hell Bent For Leather album(the end of Evil Fantasies but Hell And Back much better)
Dragonaut somehow reminds me of the Defenders album(dont ask me how) love the song R.O.S....reminds me of Hell Patrol but much better....Metalizer is ok too...(love these lyrics and pre chorus)
....and these tracks are worthy JP tracks that can stand alongside others in the same vien....
I dont like the 5 tracks on the bonus disc and glad they didnt make the album but thats just my opinion.
But imo the 7 that can stand alongside classics of old are Halls Of Valhalla,Sword Of Damocles,March Of The Damned,Cold Blooded,Crossfire,Secrets Of The Dead and Battle Cry. Name a top 10 Priest track of all time and these 7 "imo" can match them proudly with quality.
But like you said...maybe people should get an equalizer and adjust it if it means THAT much to them (I guess....jeeze)
Very proud of Judas Priest and extremely impressed with thier song writting and these songs are of magic that only JP can deliver. A+ in my books....
Edited at: Friday, September 05, 2014 7:02:49 PM |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, September 05, 2014 5:07:21 PM | |
Whether the production is bad or not, does it really matter considering every song will kick complete ass LIVE???!!!! ROS sounds fucking awesome on my stereo at home. In the car, well, with a shit stereo, it's not so great. Get an equalizer people!! I love ROS too. I listen to it at least once every single day and have been running to it. Definitely the best album since Painkiller. Painkiller will always remain number 1 for me I think, but that's just me. I can't wait to hear these songs LIVE!!! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, September 04, 2014 5:01:28 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | I think the supposed "poor production" is a "trend" that started with an idiot whining about it and got out of hand
(sorry Vail I read your review and I couldnt disagree more if I tried my hardest but thats your opinion I get that part)
When I picked this album up July 8th...I was fucking expecting a "poor production" as promised by these idiots.
Well, I put it in my stereo at home ( I have an old school "bose"....and low and behold....it kicks balls.
Hails to Glenn Tipton and Mike E. This albums production is better than Defenders album for example. Again,the only mistake on the lp was the mixing of the guitar solos on the song Metalizer.....other than that this album is kick fuckin ass.
I love Tipton and Faulkner's style of thier version of thier twin guitar melodies in "Down In Flames....great song....reeks of the Point Of Entry album......Sword of Damocles great twin solos too......
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, September 05, 2014 2:12:21 PM | |
Anyone who thinks this production on Redeemer Of Souls is poor is confusing it with being "Raw".
Maybe you and Vail should first go to the doctors and get your EARS cleaned out....then buy a new stereo...what are you listening to this through,a clock radio?
I even pulled out an old SHITTY stereo out an old cheap RCA 5 disc changer and it still sounds good.
One song only "Metalizer" where the solos are mixed not loud enough...every other track is FINE.
Thats the problem with todays fans....everything HAS to be fuckin perfect blah blah fuckin blah.
You think your opinions(you and vail) bother me now this album has sold approx. 35,000 copies in its first week just here in the states and has landed within the top 10 in the U.S. for the first time since 1982? Lol is your answer.
Apparently there are millions who think the production is fine. Hails to Glenn Tipton and Mike Exeter for producing a kick ass SOUND of an album.
[Budred] Friday, September 05, 2014 1:11:02 PM | |
I just sold my tickets to "Louder Than Life" festival. I'll still be attending the Pittsburgh show but the more I hear this album the less I'm liking it. I think it has some great songs on it and I agree with JD with the Painkiller comparisons but I guess I'm just one of those trendy idiots because I think the production is almost as bad as the production on "Jugulator". This album has so much potential but for some reason whoever did the producing held them back. Not sure if Glenn is afraid to let Richie showcase his skills or what the deal is but the guitars sound so low they sound weak. Then they turned the bass and drums up too much. You need to crank it to get good sound but then the bass and drums are too much. The first couple of weeks I couldn't get enough of this CD but now I have trouble even putting it on. I can't see spending close to a grand and not really enjoying who I wanted to see the most. I know Korn will kill it and so will a few others but I've seen more than 75% of the acts scheduled this or last year already so it still wouldn't be worth it.. I bought the new Avatar, Gemini Syndrome, Mushroomhead, and other (current band's) new discs and everyone of those CD's have better production quality than the new Priest cd. I think Val had a perfect review of "Redeemer". A few less songs would make it easier to listen to. In closing I'd like to say this may be my last post here. I won't mention names but I believe I drove at least a couple of people away from here and I know this will probably draw criticism which normally(for me) starts back and forths that no one wants so leaving will keep the peace amongst the remaining regulars. Becks, I'm glad you are finally getting to see "Priest". Soundwave would be an awesome experience even without them so you should get off on that. Guido, still not sure how you felt about me but negative or otherwise thanks for anything you helped me with. To anyone that's ever been decent with me thanks. Jimmy, Wow, where to start. My number one regret and something I still haven't lived down. To you I would like to apologize. To the rest, take care. Peace "all"!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, September 04, 2014 5:01:28 PM | |
I think the supposed "poor production" is a "trend" that started with an idiot whining about it and got out of hand
(sorry Vail I read your review and I couldnt disagree more if I tried my hardest but thats your opinion I get that part)
When I picked this album up July 8th...I was fucking expecting a "poor production" as promised by these idiots.
Well, I put it in my stereo at home ( I have an old school "bose"....and low and behold....it kicks balls.
Hails to Glenn Tipton and Mike E. This albums production is better than Defenders album for example. Again,the only mistake on the lp was the mixing of the guitar solos on the song Metalizer.....other than that this album is kick fuckin ass.
I love Tipton and Faulkner's style of thier version of thier twin guitar melodies in "Down In Flames....great song....reeks of the Point Of Entry album......Sword of Damocles great twin solos too......
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, September 04, 2014 3:06:29 PM | |
Gonna post about the production on ROS ....
THESE trendy idiots who bash the albums production are top 40 trendy fucks who need an extra polished PAINKILLER production or it is a failure...its a fuckin joke....this albums production is fine...Ive studied this over and over....the ONLY production flaw is in the 9th track Metalizer...the guitar solos were mixed to quietly and gets drowned a little....but other than that 1 issue the rest of the album is fine with nothing to bitch about.
Again going back to what I said...you can argue thst the SONG "Painkiller" is better than any song on Redeemer Of Souls...but take away the title track Painkiller ....take away one of the best tracks on R.O.S. "Halls Of Valhalla"....and Redeemer to me is better than Painkiller. Almost track for track.
Im utterly amazed at how GOOD the QUALITY of songwritting this album harnesses.
I think this is Priests 4th best slbum of all time with Sad Wings,Britidh Steel and Screaming For Vengeance the top 3. IMO
Fucking amazing album...I can hardly stop listening to it....Im going to see them SATURDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 22ND ! And congrats to you Becks you will love them...so will I...I havent seen them since 1988!
Edited at: Thursday, September 04, 2014 3:11:43 PM |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, September 04, 2014 2:54:35 PM | |
Greetings everyone. I picked up Reedemer Of Souls the day it came out July 8th
(which in my opinion is Judas Priest's best album since 1982's Screming For Vengeance....yes this album is better than Painkiller)
I absolutely LOVE every track 1 - 12 the only one I dont care for is track # 13 Begining of the end.
Anyways...I was going to post about the album in July but Ive been locked out somehow I couldnt post anything.I asked a girl from the Saxon forum to try and create an account here but she couldnt create one....said invalid email...the same it said for me.Not sure why it let me on today.
Guido...if I cant log on again for whatever reason...if you dont hear from me ...e mail me at
[email protected]
[Becks] Thursday, September 04, 2014 3:19:15 AM | |
Yep, first time haha. They're never been to NZ sadly.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Wednesday, September 03, 2014 7:04:36 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | HOLY SHIT!! FIRST TIME?!?!?!? WELL WORTH THE MONEY!!! HURRAH FOR YOU!!!! 
|  | Becks wrote: | | We have labour day in October :)
I have some exciting news! Craig and I bit the bullet, you only live once etc etc, and we've booked a trip to Australia to the Soundwave festival to see Judas Priest! I am so so excited, I will get to see the band I love most in this world live for the first time!
|  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Happy Labor Day to ma fellow 'Muricans!
Who else besides me is doing jack squat? 
[Vaillant 3.0] Thursday, September 04, 2014 12:25:12 AM | |
Plus, what everyone said. You're gonna LOVE ITTTT!!! 
Psst. Glenn's side is the best side.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Wednesday, September 03, 2014 3:18:59 AM)
Becks wrote: |
We have labour day in October :)
I have some exciting news! Craig and I bit the bullet, you only live once etc etc, and we've booked a trip to Australia to the Soundwave festival to see Judas Priest! I am so so excited, I will get to see the band I love most in this world live for the first time!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote: |
Happy Labor Day to ma fellow 'Muricans!
Who else besides me is doing jack squat? 
Edited at: Thursday, September 04, 2014 12:25:27 AM |