[spapad] Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:06:42 PM | |
Oh, are trix and boogers still around? I wouldn't know. I never see a single thing they post. lol
My computer at work does not have a password protection on it. It's an old XP and the old computer guy we had years ago set it up and I've never had a password option. So, I can't do that and I also did not know I needed to do that since my office door is supposed to stay locked all weekend and the only people with keys are RNs. Which narrows the list of suspects significantly.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:02:37 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Welp, you know how lovey-dovey it gets here sometimes. *cough*trixiandboogers*cough*
Maybe if you change the password to your work computer?
|  | spapad wrote: | | Hummmm, even odder at that. My home PC never gives me that MetalHead dating thingy. It gives me sites I've bought stuff from. So someone (and it sure ain't me) apparently surfs the dating websites on my work PC when I'm off on the weekends. Which means someone who is NOT supposed to be sitting at my desk and using my things is. Now I'm pissed.
|  | spapad wrote: | | I know this will sound stupid. But does anyone else get the big advertisment at the top of the topics list? Mine keeps saying something about a MetalHeads Dating service...................Really? How stupid is this?
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:02:37 PM | |
Welp, you know how lovey-dovey it gets here sometimes. *cough*trixiandboogers*cough*
Maybe if you change the password to your work computer?
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:51:53 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | Hummmm, even odder at that. My home PC never gives me that MetalHead dating thingy. It gives me sites I've bought stuff from. So someone (and it sure ain't me) apparently surfs the dating websites on my work PC when I'm off on the weekends. Which means someone who is NOT supposed to be sitting at my desk and using my things is. Now I'm pissed.
|  | spapad wrote: | | I know this will sound stupid. But does anyone else get the big advertisment at the top of the topics list? Mine keeps saying something about a MetalHeads Dating service...................Really? How stupid is this?
[spapad] Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:51:53 PM | |
Hummmm, even odder at that. My home PC never gives me that MetalHead dating thingy. It gives me sites I've bought stuff from. So someone (and it sure ain't me) apparently surfs the dating websites on my work PC when I'm off on the weekends. Which means someone who is NOT supposed to be sitting at my desk and using my things is. Now I'm pissed.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:48:30 PM) |  | spapad wrote: | | I know this will sound stupid. But does anyone else get the big advertisment at the top of the topics list? Mine keeps saying something about a MetalHeads Dating service...................Really? How stupid is this?
[spapad] Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:48:30 PM | |
I know this will sound stupid. But does anyone else get the big advertisment at the top of the topics list? Mine keeps saying something about a MetalHeads Dating service...................Really? How stupid is this?
[Budred] Tuesday, July 15, 2014 9:36:51 AM | |
I think I may have gotten lucky. There are only two pricing options available. I checked for 2 seats at the higher price and they are the same section I'm already in row d. Quite honestly I think I made out. I spent nearly $40.00 less per ticket and I'm only 4 rows farther back. I'm guessing that I am 8 rows back.
[Budred] Tuesday, July 15, 2014 9:27:37 AM | |
Looks like they're playing bigger venues than I thought. The Pittsburgh show has a capacity of 12,000. I got floor 1 seats row H. Probably asking to much on my part to only be 8 rows back. I really don't have a clue how good or bad though. I doubt they sell 12,000 tickets so I may have a little flexibility. Tickets were $57.00 and $95.00 plus ticketmaster kickbacks. I got the $69.00 $57.00 tickets (lol) I'm basing that ticket sales guess on last tour's ticket sales. They may do better this time with the new disc out.
[Budred] Monday, July 14, 2014 10:51:11 AM | |
To each his own and I could probably do it if I had no choice but that's a little pricey for me. If I had to pay more than a hundred dollars to see Priest I wouldn't do it. They just released a Pittsburgh date today and after seeing ticket prices for the other shows I may pass. I'm paying 100.00 for two days @ Louder Than Life Festival and I'm going to see about 10 bands that I want to see and the opportunity to see more if I feel I can stomach them. The venues that they're playing at are midsize to small so realistically any seat should be fine. If I can get a ticket for less than or around 50.00 I'll do it, otherwise I'll need to seriously consider skipping it. I'd rather not blame Priest but I think whoever is setting the price it's a little much. I skipped Van Halen's first re-union tour with David Lee Roth because the cheap seats were $90.00 and that's one of only two bands I regret not seeing in my life. I'll probably be at the Pittsburgh show but I know it won't be up front.
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, July 14, 2014 8:44:31 AM | |
I'm sure that idiots price will go down when they don't sell. All the others for sale in the pit around us are $241-$333 (pit 3). God knows we paid way more for our front row tix to Epitaph ($400 each X 4), but it was sooooo worth it!!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, July 13, 2014 9:48:51 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | CRAP! Screw that price. Even if I was considering, it was pit or nothing. Hell if I can travel, take off work AND pay big $ for nothing but PIT.
See a NON scalper price by you, send me a PM!
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | We got 5th row pit tickets baby!! Seems there were a lot of fans that bought their tickets immediately when they went on sale and then realized a couple minutes later that they couldn't make the show so they put them up for sale 3 - 4X face value. Some asshat with tickets next to us wants $1000 EACH! God, I had no idea we had such AWESOME seats! I'm not paying scalper prices when we were able to get 5th row pit, thanks to the fan presale. But if you are interested, they are out there.
[guidogodoy] Sunday, July 13, 2014 9:48:51 PM | |
CRAP! Screw that price. Even if I was considering, it was pit or nothing. Hell if I can travel, take off work AND pay big $ for nothing but PIT.
See a NON scalper price by you, send me a PM!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, July 12, 2014 2:12:49 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | We got 5th row pit tickets baby!! Seems there were a lot of fans that bought their tickets immediately when they went on sale and then realized a couple minutes later that they couldn't make the show so they put them up for sale 3 - 4X face value. Some asshat with tickets next to us wants $1000 EACH! God, I had no idea we had such AWESOME seats! I'm not paying scalper prices when we were able to get 5th row pit, thanks to the fan presale. But if you are interested, they are out there.
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, July 12, 2014 2:12:49 PM | |
We got 5th row pit tickets baby!! Seems there were a lot of fans that bought their tickets immediately when they went on sale and then realized a couple minutes later that they couldn't make the show so they put them up for sale 3 - 4X face value. Some asshat with tickets next to us wants $1000 EACH! God, I had no idea we had such AWESOME seats! I'm not paying scalper prices when we were able to get 5th row pit, thanks to the fan presale. But if you are interested, they are out there.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:23:59 AM) |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:23:59 AM | |
REALLY thinking about it..At the FOX?!? I saw Ozzy's "Goodbye Tour" there some 20+ years ago! HAAAA!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, July 04, 2014 5:59:57 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Already got our VIP tickets to the Louder Than Life festival in Kentucky for Saturday. VIP = VIP bathrooms/bar/food/seated and standing viewing area. Not sure how close it is to the stage though since I can't find a festival map. We will go to the DEEEEETROIT ROCK CITY show too. Fingers are primed and ready for the presale tickets on the 8th. I really hope they did this right and completely screwed over the scalpers for once by forcing the tickets to be picked up at will call with a valid ID of the person on the account and making them NON TRANSFERABLE!! THAT is how it should be done. We'll see what happens on Tuesday.
I haven't listened to the album yet either and won't until it is in my hands!! Then I'm going to CRANK THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!!   
We have the vinyl preordered too! I'm hoping somehow, someway to get it signed!!
|  | Budred wrote: | | I'm so glad Priest is playing smaller venues on their fall U.S. Tour. Half empty arenas aren't the ideal concert atmosphere. HRMG, looks like a Detroit show, should be easier for you than going to Kentucky. When I saw the dates I thought I may have jumped the gun but no local shows so I'm glad I bought LTL Festival tickets. They probably have a link here but I didn't look. They have a link on Facebook to stream the album if anyone cares to listen to it. Sounds crazy but I'm going to wait until July 8th. I'll listen to it when I buy it. I've liked most of what I've heard but I'm still a little nervous about how good it will be. Too many songs like "Redeemer of Souls" would ruin it for me. I really hope that if this is the last hurrah it's a good one. (fingers crossed!)
...what's in the package???
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:22:42 AM | |
Oh, screw you! I was in the Plaza Mayor of Salamanca watching that disaster. ----yeah, I am just skimming the messages I missed last week.
Spaniards, oddly enough, were more for Germany too. I got a free drink with my three new Brazillian friends, though. Consolation, to be sure.....
Bud...I have just returned from Spain! No worries. I'll soon clutter the board when I recover from a 30 hour commute! LOL!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:35:27 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Huh? What?
Oh. Sorry. Was too busy freaking out over the World Cup semi-final games. Yeeeaaahhhhh, Germany!
Among other things, of course.
I bought the Deluxe version of the CD today, but hopefully I'll have more time to listen to it in full tomorrow. Sounds like it'll be a hoot to listen. Can't wait!  |  | Budred wrote: | | I knew this site was dying but I didn't think it was dead yet. It's release day and I'm the only person in the whole country that had time to come here and post? I'm shocked. Facebook finally killed JP.com. Sad day.. (lol)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:16:05 AM | |
Just got back from Spain. Madrid-->Burgos-->Valladolid-->Salamanca. Up 30 hours (oh yeah, AIR EUROPA and MIAMI Airport both SUCK!!!). At least the Spanish Embassy paid....
MY new JP wiill only arrive next TUES!!!! CRAP!!! Avoiding the board comments until I listen for myself. Funny as Amazon.ES is RIGH where I left .... um.... today?...yesterday? HUGE store. Stopped at a Best Buy on the way in looking for the LP (no luck) but the album was all over the end-caps of CDs and I even had the pleasure of listening to the interview by Breuer and Rob/Ritchie/Glenn on XM. Gotta get a copy of that one. Good interview from Jim who is a genuine fan.
[acolyte55] Thursday, July 10, 2014 10:14:39 PM | |
I was hoping it was going to be "okay", but the new album has surpassed my expectations !!!! there are some really good tunes on this album!!!!, I will have more to say when I have listened to mit for a week straight!!! some really good guitar work , some essence of early priest , which is fantastic to hear, ladies and gentleman..........This is a Metal album!!! |
[Becks] Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:26:25 AM | |
According to a store website I looked at, it gets released tomorrow here, so the 11th. In the middle of the US and UK release dates lol.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:31:53 AM) |  | Budred wrote: | | @Becks, just guessing but probably the 15th (Tues.) for you. The 8th for the U.S. and the 15th for the U.K.. Not sure where that leaves you, guessing U.K.. There's a link on Facebook, maybe here also, that will allow you to stream it if you want to hear it.
[Budred] Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:31:53 AM | |
@Becks, just guessing but probably the 15th (Tues.) for you. The 8th for the U.S. and the 15th for the U.K.. Not sure where that leaves you, guessing U.K.. There's a link on Facebook, maybe here also, that will allow you to stream it if you want to hear it.
[Becks] Wednesday, July 09, 2014 2:13:27 AM | |
I've been distracted by the world cup too! YES GERMANY! What an amazing game!!
I haven't bought ROS yet, I'm not sure if it's out here yet, but I will be looking for it this weekend!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:35:27 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Huh? What?
Oh. Sorry. Was too busy freaking out over the World Cup semi-final games. Yeeeaaahhhhh, Germany!
Among other things, of course.
I bought the Deluxe version of the CD today, but hopefully I'll have more time to listen to it in full tomorrow. Sounds like it'll be a hoot to listen. Can't wait!  |  | Budred wrote: | | I knew this site was dying but I didn't think it was dead yet. It's release day and I'm the only person in the whole country that had time to come here and post? I'm shocked. Facebook finally killed JP.com. Sad day.. (lol)
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:35:27 PM | |
Huh? What?
Oh. Sorry. Was too busy freaking out over the World Cup semi-final games. Yeeeaaahhhhh, Germany!
Among other things, of course.
I bought the Deluxe version of the CD today, but hopefully I'll have more time to listen to it in full tomorrow. Sounds like it'll be a hoot to listen. Can't wait!  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Tuesday, July 08, 2014 6:42:07 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I knew this site was dying but I didn't think it was dead yet. It's release day and I'm the only person in the whole country that had time to come here and post? I'm shocked. Facebook finally killed JP.com. Sad day.. (lol)
[Budred] Tuesday, July 08, 2014 6:42:07 PM | |
I knew this site was dying but I didn't think it was dead yet. It's release day and I'm the only person in the whole country that had time to come here and post? I'm shocked. Facebook finally killed JP.com. Sad day.. (lol)
[Budred] Monday, July 07, 2014 6:22:16 PM | |
@HRMG. The LTL festival should be pretty cool. If it's set up like ROTR they'll have bands overlap each other on the side stages so you won't have to watch every band. They usually have contrasting styles at the same time so you'll usually just miss bands you don't care to see. There will be someone you'll have to miss but it usually works out good. I'm no expert on festivals (ROTR only) but if you haven't been to one and if they do this right you'll have the time of your life just watching the craziness. This is the inaugaral event and I've already read complaints of two lanes in and out for traffic and possible parking issue's so it may have it's drawbacks. I thought you would be happy to hear a Detroit date. Nothing else close to me and I really hate Steel Panther so I'm thinking the festival will be enough for me. You'll probably get a longer set in Detroit so I'm a little jealous of that though. Lastly, I've went to ROTR 5 years in a row. With few exceptions there is always a large exodus of people before the headliner and it will probably happen to Priest. The crowd will be younger and spent from the craziness (pits, crowdsurfing, etc) and will cut out before or during Priest. It will happen to Kid Rock the next night too. Just telling you this so your not shocked or upset seeing it. I think the organizers set it up this way to ease people out. Have a blast.(at both)
[Becks] Saturday, July 05, 2014 2:06:27 AM | |
Wow that sounds so awesome HRMG, I am very jealous.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, July 04, 2014 5:59:57 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Already got our VIP tickets to the Louder Than Life festival in Kentucky for Saturday. VIP = VIP bathrooms/bar/food/seated and standing viewing area. Not sure how close it is to the stage though since I can't find a festival map. We will go to the DEEEEETROIT ROCK CITY show too. Fingers are primed and ready for the presale tickets on the 8th. I really hope they did this right and completely screwed over the scalpers for once by forcing the tickets to be picked up at will call with a valid ID of the person on the account and making them NON TRANSFERABLE!! THAT is how it should be done. We'll see what happens on Tuesday.
I haven't listened to the album yet either and won't until it is in my hands!! Then I'm going to CRANK THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!!   
We have the vinyl preordered too! I'm hoping somehow, someway to get it signed!!
|  | Budred wrote: | | I'm so glad Priest is playing smaller venues on their fall U.S. Tour. Half empty arenas aren't the ideal concert atmosphere. HRMG, looks like a Detroit show, should be easier for you than going to Kentucky. When I saw the dates I thought I may have jumped the gun but no local shows so I'm glad I bought LTL Festival tickets. They probably have a link here but I didn't look. They have a link on Facebook to stream the album if anyone cares to listen to it. Sounds crazy but I'm going to wait until July 8th. I'll listen to it when I buy it. I've liked most of what I've heard but I'm still a little nervous about how good it will be. Too many songs like "Redeemer of Souls" would ruin it for me. I really hope that if this is the last hurrah it's a good one. (fingers crossed!)
...what's in the package???
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, July 04, 2014 5:59:57 PM | |
Already got our VIP tickets to the Louder Than Life festival in Kentucky for Saturday. VIP = VIP bathrooms/bar/food/seated and standing viewing area. Not sure how close it is to the stage though since I can't find a festival map. We will go to the DEEEEETROIT ROCK CITY show too. Fingers are primed and ready for the presale tickets on the 8th. I really hope they did this right and completely screwed over the scalpers for once by forcing the tickets to be picked up at will call with a valid ID of the person on the account and making them NON TRANSFERABLE!! THAT is how it should be done. We'll see what happens on Tuesday.
I haven't listened to the album yet either and won't until it is in my hands!! Then I'm going to CRANK THE SHIT OUT OF IT!!!   
We have the vinyl preordered too! I'm hoping somehow, someway to get it signed!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Tuesday, July 01, 2014 1:46:50 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I'm so glad Priest is playing smaller venues on their fall U.S. Tour. Half empty arenas aren't the ideal concert atmosphere. HRMG, looks like a Detroit show, should be easier for you than going to Kentucky. When I saw the dates I thought I may have jumped the gun but no local shows so I'm glad I bought LTL Festival tickets. They probably have a link here but I didn't look. They have a link on Facebook to stream the album if anyone cares to listen to it. Sounds crazy but I'm going to wait until July 8th. I'll listen to it when I buy it. I've liked most of what I've heard but I'm still a little nervous about how good it will be. Too many songs like "Redeemer of Souls" would ruin it for me. I really hope that if this is the last hurrah it's a good one. (fingers crossed!)
...what's in the package???
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, July 01, 2014 6:56:07 PM | |
Ahhhhhhhh.....gotta give me a referent, man!
John's package (sounds anatomically wrong to say this!) turned out to be NOTHING! Freakin' unsigned picture and a pic! BASTICH! While I am glad to have them, it looks like they were sent out by his promo company. I REALLY hope to see him in person one day. I may bust out some of my other blackmail pix of him I have as a kid!
On the other hand, who DOES sign for me?? One of my all-time favorites both behind and in front of the screen, Mel Brooks. He doesn't sign for hardly ANYONE! Check it out:
The man is 87!!! Really equalized the big letdown from John. HE owes me $ and we still have mutual friends. I'll catch up with HIM sometime! Never catch up with Mel Brooks, though.... 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Tuesday, July 01, 2014 4:32:39 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I mean the package you got sent to you from Mr. 5.
As for the tickets I'm guessing you mean LTL Festival tickets. Ignore the seat numbers. ROTR does that too. Maybe to keep track of tickets sold?
[Budred] Tuesday, July 01, 2014 4:32:39 PM | |
I mean the package you got sent to you from Mr. 5.
As for the tickets I'm guessing you mean LTL Festival tickets. Ignore the seat numbers. ROTR does that too. Maybe to keep track of tickets sold?
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, July 01, 2014 2:53:19 PM | |
Hell if I know, Bud! Really odd. Got the physical tix yesterday. "VIP GA" but with a seat number?!? Can't find a word about it online. As HRMG suggested, perhaps a private bar / private bathroom!
I best get a tag or something!
Man...I'd really like to go to a Detroit show to give a last "hurrah" if, in fact, that is going to be it. I am also with you on the album, Bud. Only listened to the snippets and Redeemer of Souls. I'll avoid everything else until the album (won't be hard as I am off to Spain this week...it best be waiting when I return!).
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Tuesday, July 01, 2014 1:46:50 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I'm so glad Priest is playing smaller venues on their fall U.S. Tour. Half empty arenas aren't the ideal concert atmosphere. HRMG, looks like a Detroit show, should be easier for you than going to Kentucky. When I saw the dates I thought I may have jumped the gun but no local shows so I'm glad I bought LTL Festival tickets. They probably have a link here but I didn't look. They have a link on Facebook to stream the album if anyone cares to listen to it. Sounds crazy but I'm going to wait until July 8th. I'll listen to it when I buy it. I've liked most of what I've heard but I'm still a little nervous about how good it will be. Too many songs like "Redeemer of Souls" would ruin it for me. I really hope that if this is the last hurrah it's a good one. (fingers crossed!)
...what's in the package???
[Budred] Tuesday, July 01, 2014 1:46:50 PM | |
I'm so glad Priest is playing smaller venues on their fall U.S. Tour. Half empty arenas aren't the ideal concert atmosphere. HRMG, looks like a Detroit show, should be easier for you than going to Kentucky. When I saw the dates I thought I may have jumped the gun but no local shows so I'm glad I bought LTL Festival tickets. They probably have a link here but I didn't look. They have a link on Facebook to stream the album if anyone cares to listen to it. Sounds crazy but I'm going to wait until July 8th. I'll listen to it when I buy it. I've liked most of what I've heard but I'm still a little nervous about how good it will be. Too many songs like "Redeemer of Souls" would ruin it for me. I really hope that if this is the last hurrah it's a good one. (fingers crossed!)
...what's in the package???
[Becks] Friday, June 27, 2014 8:17:10 PM | |
Thanks everyone.
On another note, I finally listened to the teaser to the new track Crossfire - very bluesy and has a definite Rocka Rolla feel to it IMO!
[JudasPriest WebMaster] Wednesday, June 25, 2014 11:50:08 AM | |
Hi All,
Please note the new website address for the Noticeboard of http://noticeboard.judaspriest.com/
I suggest you bookmark this URL so you can access the Noticeboard directly at this address.
JudasPriest.com WebMaster |
[Head banger] Wednesday, June 25, 2014 8:08:27 AM | |
Becks, all the best to you and your family
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, June 24, 2014 6:43:58 PM | |
So sorry to hear, Becks. 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 23, 2014 2:21:17 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Well it's been a rough week here, hence my not posting at all. My Nana (mums mother) died suddenly on tuesday. We farewelled her in a lovely funeral today and she is now buried with the ashes of her husband, my Pop. Feels nice that it's all over, the period building up to a loved ones funeral is awful.
[METAL MELTDOWN] Tuesday, June 24, 2014 1:35:47 PM | |
Great holy fuck!! This place is still here!!! Hello and condolences, Becks.....
[acolyte55] Monday, June 23, 2014 9:01:06 PM | |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Monday, June 23, 2014 12:42:41 PM | |
I'm so sorry Becks. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I've always dreaded those days before the funeral too.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 23, 2014 2:21:17 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Well it's been a rough week here, hence my not posting at all. My Nana (mums mother) died suddenly on tuesday. We farewelled her in a lovely funeral today and she is now buried with the ashes of her husband, my Pop. Feels nice that it's all over, the period building up to a loved ones funeral is awful.
[guidogodoy] Monday, June 23, 2014 11:23:41 AM | |
Agreed, Becks. The buildup to a funeral is absolutely awful. My condolences.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Monday, June 23, 2014 2:21:17 AM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Well it's been a rough week here, hence my not posting at all. My Nana (mums mother) died suddenly on tuesday. We farewelled her in a lovely funeral today and she is now buried with the ashes of her husband, my Pop. Feels nice that it's all over, the period building up to a loved ones funeral is awful.
[Becks] Monday, June 23, 2014 2:21:17 AM | |
Well it's been a rough week here, hence my not posting at all. My Nana (mums mother) died suddenly on tuesday. We farewelled her in a lovely funeral today and she is now buried with the ashes of her husband, my Pop. Feels nice that it's all over, the period building up to a loved ones funeral is awful.
[guidogodoy] Friday, June 20, 2014 7:49:07 PM | |
[acolyte55] Friday, June 20, 2014 6:19:52 PM | |
[acolyte55] Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:40:22 AM | |
reminds of a band i seen in Hawaii,with a big red headed polynesian, probably 6'6' 350lbs and absolutely shred Santana on a Ukelele!!! could barely see the Ukelele in his hands , one of the best solos i have ever seen !!
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, June 17, 2014 5:59:58 PM | |
Damn straight, bro! Guy was even playing a pear-shaped mandolin like mine! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Tuesday, June 17, 2014 12:35:48 PM) |
[acolyte55] Tuesday, June 17, 2014 12:35:48 PM | |
[Jugulator2] Monday, June 16, 2014 8:12:06 AM | |
Does anyone know when the next song clip will be released and what It might be? Thanks for any info.. |
[Budred] Sunday, June 15, 2014 8:33:03 PM | |
I liked it too. I love In This Moment and Maria Brink and thought she did good. I thought it was funny they did it so well. It sounded a little out of whack when it first started and figured Brian would laugh thinking they f**k'd it up. If he's not too biased he might dig it. They are one of the reasons I want to hit that festival.
[guidogodoy] Sunday, June 15, 2014 12:19:35 PM | |
Well, THAT blows monkey balls!! I'd drop a line to Murray to see if something can be done. Far too many hoops to jump through.
As for the vid itself, I actually liked it! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, June 15, 2014 7:33:03 AM) |  | Budred wrote: | | @Guido, that's how I used to do it until they made changes here and now I have to switch editors. I just tried it with this video. hit source, pasted, hit source. Text disappeared. Did it twice to make sure it wasn't me. Then I did it my way (sucks) I got text and this is the edit. Video should be up. ...P.S. this video is for Brian, should make him laugh. It did me. Edited at: Sunday, June 15, 2014 7:38:27 AM |
[Budred] Sunday, June 15, 2014 7:33:03 AM | |
@Guido, that's how I used to do it until they made changes here and now I have to switch editors. I just tried it with this video. hit source, pasted, hit source. Text disappeared. Did it twice to make sure it wasn't me. Then I did it my way (sucks) I got text and this is the edit. Video should be up. ...P.S. this video is for Brian, should make him laugh. It did me. Edited at: Sunday, June 15, 2014 7:38:27 AM |
[Budred] Saturday, June 14, 2014 12:54:05 AM | |
I was just on Priest's facebook page. I'm noticing two things. One cool and one not so cool.
Cool: They have an ad for their appearance on Rockline. The photo attached has a photo of MRH. (Sorry, my two favorite bands, I love it)
Not so cool: I try to not let the criticism bother me and commented to J.D. to try to do the same but I spent twenty minutes reading comments and the majority seem so critical. I'm not really sure what people are expecting from them. It won't be a highlight from their career but it sounds like a good effort to me and a good way to go out.(if that's the case.)
[Becks] Friday, June 13, 2014 8:25:43 PM | |
Hmmm, I like it. It's heavy, pretty catchy, not bad at all IMO.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Friday, June 13, 2014 2:20:26 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I'm not sure if anyone has posted this here or not. I haven't been here daily as of late.
Edited at: Friday, June 13, 2014 2:21:09 PM |
[guidogodoy] Friday, June 13, 2014 3:09:03 PM | |
Huh. That IS insane, Bud. Wish I knew more about your current OS/browser. Me? I just get an "embed" code, go to "source" above, paste, hit source again and voilá.Five-second operation.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Friday, June 13, 2014 2:27:58 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | It's crazy what I have to do to post a video here. If anyone else has trouble posting videos try this.
Click new editor, paste embedded video, click allow when little box appears(clipboard). Click post. Click view post. Now you'll have a comment and a link that you can't click onto. Click edit, switch back to standard version. Message box will be black. just click on the box(anywhere) and don't do anything else. Now hit post and when you go back to your comment your video will be up. Don't know how the hell I figured that out or if there's an easier way but that's how I have to do it. It sucks!
[Budred] Friday, June 13, 2014 2:27:58 PM | |
It's crazy what I have to do to post a video here. If anyone else has trouble posting videos try this.
Click new editor, paste embedded video, click allow when little box appears(clipboard). Click post. Click view post. Now you'll have a comment and a link that you can't click onto. Click edit, switch back to standard version. Message box will be black. just click on the box(anywhere) and don't do anything else. Now hit post and when you go back to your comment your video will be up. Don't know how the hell I figured that out or if there's an easier way but that's how I have to do it. It sucks!
[Budred] Friday, June 13, 2014 2:20:26 PM | |
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this here or not. I haven't been here daily as of late.
Edited at: Friday, June 13, 2014 2:21:09 PM |
[Deep Freeze] Wednesday, June 11, 2014 10:40:59 AM | |
Tee hee..... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, June 08, 2014 12:15:23 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Please, try to keep those voyeuristic eyes under control, viejo. I don't want to have to get the law involved. Heh...
|  | Deep Freeze wrote: | | *peek* *peek*.... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! |