[scthree05] Monday, April 28, 2014 5:24:32 PM | |
Love the new track! My first listen was this morning driving home from work on my phone! I think the production value is great as always. The song is really strong. I can definately hear the Hell Patrol connection in it. It sounds to me like Glenn and Richie trade some licks in the lead. One very cool thing is I can hear Richie's influence in this. I'm just guessing of course but it sounds like Glenn wrote this one and Ritchie got to put some real input into it...i think that is a great sign for the rest of the album. |
[icecreamman] Monday, April 28, 2014 5:11:01 PM | |
I really think it's a "builder track". Like Hell Patrol which sits between Painkiller and All Guns Blazing, I think this track is a transition track between two in your face heavy metal tracks. I really like the song as is..... but on the album itself I am sure it will sound freaking bad ass just like Hell Patrol.
[guidogodoy] Monday, April 28, 2014 4:55:58 PM | |
I wonder if Wilkinson did the artwork again. Cdrtainly not one of my favs but, again, I have never had my original Painkiller poser framed. Always thought that it was a bit goofy. That and Priest...Live. I remember seeing that and thinking WTF?! Bunch of fingers and hands in the air? Couldn't think of anything better than that one? Both killer albums, though.
I also hear a lot of Hell Patrol in the new cut. I DO wish it built up to something (like the killer Hell Patrol does) but not a bad tune. Also glad to have so many (predicted) cuts on the new album. Kinda makes me wonder why they didn't think to split it into the "Twin Turbos" and release two separate albums.
Man, can't WAIT until July now!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, April 28, 2014 4:44:44 PM | |
Anybody that likes the song Hell Patrol has a much better chance at possibly liking the title track Redeemer Of Souls. Yes,this track could of easily been on the Painkiller album.
The response to this track is what I thought it would be,knew Budred wouldnt like it...Evans and Hellrider will trash it because it doesnt sound like the song Painkiller,ect.....thats all good.
I'm lucky today because I instantly like this track.Simplicity sometimes wins.
This track will fit in the album just fine without skipping it....17 more tracks to listen to! |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, April 28, 2014 4:28:25 PM | |
Blabbermouth's forum comments are split down the middle,half like it,half don't.... But the ones who do like it also say it reminds them of the same type of vibe/feel-sound that "Hell Patrol" has...if Hell Patrol would of been released right now instead of in 1990,we would be getting the EXACT same comments,so being a fan of the song Hell Patrol,this new track I am happy with!
This is nothing new: when Defenders was released peole were bithching about the single "Love Bites"....even when Painkiller was released,people in 1990 were bitching that it was "too havy".....you just can't win man. The thing I agree with,is that the art work isnt as good as it could be,but who cares at this point anyways...
This lp really wasn't supposed to happen anyways,Downing left and that was it....its Richie Faulkner .....he is the reason that we have a new album.....hail Richie!!! |
[Budred] Monday, April 28, 2014 4:28:10 PM | |
I was checking out the comments on Facebook. They seem fairly split as to whether people like it or not. I think on here HighwayTerror summed it up pretty good and that's why it's a little boring to me. A little guitar work in the middle but other than that it just goes on. The comment I made about it lacking punch seems to be a common gripe on facebook. One guy said pretty much the same thing I did here and he got 44 likes in a couple of hours so I don't think I'm alone on this one (other than in here). I listened to it twice more before I came here to post this so I wouldn't write something I regret. My personal opinion is that this isn't that great of a song and I really hope the rest of it is better. I understand the age thing and I'm not anti-Ritchie and I don't expect 70's/80's Priest but they can surely do better than this.
[acolyte55] Monday, April 28, 2014 3:07:55 PM | |
[acolyte55] Monday, April 28, 2014 2:56:20 PM | |
sounds like Priest!!!! cant be a bad thing , super happy just to hear something new AND a reasonable release date!!!!!!
[the highway terror] Monday, April 28, 2014 2:35:03 PM | |
I like the new song ok.
I've listened to it four times now and I can tell the track will grow teeth when played live
my only complaint is that the song doesn't have a very wide dynamic, meaning it just goes along at the same speed and tempo without any real time changes or breakdowns, no real climax to make it truly momentous
here's to Priest !
I hope they make it back to Ohio for some shows this fall, I haven't gotten to see Priest since AOR in 05
I must see them once again ( it will be #11 ) before they knock off for good |
[Becks] Monday, April 28, 2014 2:06:41 PM | |
I like it too! I see people around the place complaining saying oh it's boring but hey it's only the first track, they wouldn't release the most awesome tracks in a preview, and they are (besides Richie) getting on in years! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Monday, April 28, 2014 5:44:14 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Awsome! "Redeemer Of Souls" ...much much better than "Revolution" by far. I like it,remember don't make it out to be rocket science here,it's just a track.
This sounds like Priest alright,this track reminds me of the same feelings and style that the track Hell Patrol has,fuckin cool!
We are very fortunate that we even have this new album to even listen to,if it were not for Richie Faulkner,this would of NEVER happened.Keep this in mind too.
Judas Priest in 2014 still flying the flag for HEAVY METAL shutting down negative comments from impatient fans like me who said they were dead after Nostrafamus....alls I have to say is WOW!
Redeemer Of Souls....yeah,I like it! Edited at: Monday, April 28, 2014 5:50:10 AM |
[guidogodoy] Monday, April 28, 2014 10:35:12 AM | |
Holy shit!!! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Monday, April 28, 2014 6:42:09 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Holy shit,Tipton has confirmed on Blabbermouth that Redeemer Of Souls has "18" tracks of "pure classic Priest"!! Shit,we have 17 more tracks to listen to!
[Nupe The Ripper] Monday, April 28, 2014 9:46:01 AM | |
Hmm, on my headphones the production sounded quite beefy (which I like), and overall the song is quite good (though maybe it would work better if it was a bit shorter). Of course, we'll have to wait until the release to hear how it really sounds like. As Head Banger said the version here is probably quite heavily compressed to reduce the appeal to pirate it.
[Head banger] Monday, April 28, 2014 8:09:33 AM | |
I like it. my speakers are not great, and 4 people sleeping in the house, so not much volume. the version here is probably compressed a lot anyway. bud, I agree the drum sould could be more forward. still, if they folow in the vein of AOR and this isnt the best track then this should be a great album. fingers crossed. |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, April 28, 2014 7:03:28 AM | |
Budred,I know Painkiller isnt in your top 5 or even top 10 fav JP lps ...but I was just saying to my ears Redeemer Of Souls sounds like its in the vien of Hell Patrol,and sounds as heavy as Hell Patrol which is obviously on Priest's heaviest album under Rob.
And not saying because of it you should like the song because I know you never liked Hell Patrol either,I was just thinking how heavy do you want it to be? Any heavier it wouldnt much be Priest anymore..I like all tracks on Painkiller,but my 3 favorites are Between the Hammer & the Anvil,Metal Meltdown and Leather Rebel!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, April 28, 2014 6:42:09 AM | |
Holy shit,Tipton has confirmed on Blabbermouth that Redeemer Of Souls has "18" tracks of "pure classic Priest"!! Shit,we have 17 more tracks to listen to!
[Budred] Monday, April 28, 2014 6:40:43 AM | |
Sorry, one more. (it's a response)
@JD I'm not ready to say I don't like it yet I haven't heard it enough to be familiar with it and many many times over the years my initial reaction to music isn't always my final reaction. About Painkiller. This will sound like Blasphemy to the Priest camp but that's not one of my more favorite Priest cd's. It has three of my favorite Priest songs on it (Painkiller, All Guns Blazing and Nightcrawler) but if you remember awhile back when I posted about Priest cd's and skip tracks "Painkiller" had the most for me maybe(?) followed by Demolition which I praise. Go figure.
[Budred] Monday, April 28, 2014 6:28:54 AM | |
I'm starting to saturate this thread with the comments so I'll stop after this. I put on some decent headphones that have a fuller sound and deeper bass and it helps. That and a break between listens. It's not a bad song. I'm really not ripping it I just wish it was a little heavier, maybe emphasize the drums a little more or a little more crunch I don't know. Rob's vocals are good enough and I know the first track released won't be the best so come on July 15th.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, April 28, 2014 6:23:27 AM | |
You dont like it,so what Budred its all good.No need to "force" yourself to like it.
This Redeemer Of Souls track totally REEKS of and is in the vien of "Hell Patrol" ......"big time". But you can tell they didnt just rip off Hell Patrol,just a part of thier song writting.
Not sure how HEAVY you were expecting this to be Budred,this sure sounds like Hell Patrol,and could of easily been on the Painkiller album instead of Hell Patrol itself. Not saying you should like this track,but it could of fit on Painkiller,Priest's heaviest album.
[Budred] Monday, April 28, 2014 6:14:59 AM | |
@ JD. I don't think everyone will be bitching. Different fans like different styles and it isn't too bad of a song so it will get some praise. You know I'm a hard head but I don't think the others will be. I wish they would have called it "Taker of Souls". Redeemer makes it sound like they are waiting for one's soul I would rather them just take it. (lol)
[Budred] Monday, April 28, 2014 6:06:04 AM | |
I just gave it three listens in a row. Have to give myself a break and try again later. My initial reaction is that I really hope the rest of the cd has a little more punch to it. This reminds me of some of the bonus tracks on the remasters. A little boring and not heavy enough. If they wanted to feature Ritchie it doesn't really sound like they are. I wasn't super big on him during the tour because I thought he changed their sound and I wasn't used to it but I could tell he was talented and I think a worthy replacement so I was expecting a change and ready for it but I'm not hearing it on this track. It's only one though and that doesn't make a cd so we'll see. My opinions only matter to me and aren't meant to influence anyone.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, April 28, 2014 6:04:45 AM | |
I'm sure this entire board will be bitching about this song,the name of the album,the art work and everything else negative as well. This band has the toughest fans to please,while Iron Maiden can put out El Dorado and thier fans go nuts. Priest is damed if they do and damned if they don't. They can't win. Well, at least they have one member on board who likes this new track,hell yeah!
[Budred] Monday, April 28, 2014 5:44:48 AM | |
Was getting ready to leave for work and decided to check again. Looks like I won't have to wait after all. I'm not going to say too much negative or positive until I listen a few times but my initial reaction was complete excitement hearing a new song. It started to lose me toward the middle and end but I can't judge on one listen so I won't say more until I'm sure how I feel about it. The title doesn't do much for me but that may grow on me. July 15th isn't too long of a wait so that part of it is cool.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Monday, April 28, 2014 5:44:14 AM | |
Awsome! "Redeemer Of Souls" ...much much better than "Revolution" by far. I like it,remember don't make it out to be rocket science here,it's just a track.
This sounds like Priest alright,this track reminds me of the same feelings and style that the track Hell Patrol has,fuckin cool!
We are very fortunate that we even have this new album to even listen to,if it were not for Richie Faulkner,this would of NEVER happened.Keep this in mind too.
Judas Priest in 2014 still flying the flag for HEAVY METAL shutting down negative comments from impatient fans like me who said they were dead after Nostrafamus....alls I have to say is WOW!
Redeemer Of Souls....yeah,I like it! Edited at: Monday, April 28, 2014 5:50:10 AM |
[Budred] Monday, April 28, 2014 2:12:10 AM | |
According to Facebook we should get to hear a new track today. Like I don't want my work day to go fast enough already.
[bov1] Friday, April 25, 2014 6:41:48 PM | |
This 4 song they recorded also in 2011 year with K.K. In HAMMER magazine Rob say title of this song..
W?'ll Never Forget- a ballad, In Hell and Back-as a Grinder + Glenn giutar solo. Keep the Faith-song about Priest., Metalliser-many solo of 2 guitars.Work albim title - Metallizer. Early thay want Tom Allom producing. But Glenn do that. Later Priest re-recorded 4 song with Ritchie on guitar.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Shadownight from Friday, April 25, 2014 5:21:16 AM) |  | Shadownight wrote: | | 'ello ppl. God day to everybody. Where is the new info about "that song" to all ppl named Metallizer? I cant see nothing about....maybe Im losing in Judas Priest world. I dunnot. Well if have some info dont doubt put here please!. thanks in advanced. |
[acolyte55] Friday, April 25, 2014 1:30:51 PM | |
@JD , metallizer, the latest in a long line of characters ,nightcrawler jugulator,painkiller helion, sentinel, metallian..........wait a second lol
[spapad] Friday, April 25, 2014 9:24:17 AM | |
What's with the rain clouds on the top of the page? I hope there's something else to go with that later and that's just the background.
[Shadownight] Friday, April 25, 2014 5:21:16 AM | |
'ello ppl. God day to everybody. Where is the new info about "that song" to all ppl named Metallizer? I cant see nothing about....maybe Im losing in Judas Priest world. I dunnot. Well if have some info dont doubt put here please!. thanks in advanced. |
[Becks] Friday, April 25, 2014 3:37:56 AM | |
I'm hoping for sound clips soon too, man the wait it agonizing! Maybe that should be a title of one of the songs - Agonizer, not Metallizer, LOL!!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:15:25 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Actually thats not true,had more than 1 gripe about nosyradamus lo. I just wish there was another album 2 years later instead of 6 years later,but they had to do what was best at the time.I'm just an oldschool fan thats totally impatient when it comes to new material from Judas Priest.
Wonder when we are gonna get some sound clips.
[guidogodoy] Thursday, April 24, 2014 9:38:43 PM | |
Holy Crapatoli, Batman!! Outstanding! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Thursday, April 24, 2014 6:41:45 PM) |  | acolyte55 wrote: | | @Guido Holy crap !!!!! almost 7 years and it finally let me post a picture on here !!!!!! wow!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:48:31 PM | |
acolyte55,yeah I mentioned below that most if us have already hear of 2 confirmed names of songs "Metallizer" & "Never Forget"....perhaps they rumored Metallizer as being the album name,and they really dont know the name yet....however if Sabbath has Dehumanizer,Motorhead has Motorizer then I guess its cool that Priest have Metallizer,its still a cool enough name. |
[acolyte55] Thursday, April 24, 2014 6:41:45 PM | |
@Guido Holy crap !!!!! almost 7 years and it finally let me post a picture on here !!!!!! wow!!
[acolyte55] Thursday, April 24, 2014 6:39:23 PM | |
[acolyte55] Thursday, April 24, 2014 6:37:01 PM | |
[acolyte55] Thursday, April 24, 2014 6:34:33 PM | |
@Budred , i remember a post from some time ago on this site that mentioned that they had a few songs written and Metallizer was the name of one of them , and someone said"METALLIZER" are they even trying anymore ? or something to that effect , anyone else remember it?
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:15:25 PM | |
Actually thats not true,had more than 1 gripe about nosyradamus lo. I just wish there was another album 2 years later instead of 6 years later,but they had to do what was best at the time.I'm just an oldschool fan thats totally impatient when it comes to new material from Judas Priest.
Wonder when we are gonna get some sound clips.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, April 24, 2014 3:19:09 PM | |
Its just like "KISS".....sigh....yes I can't stand them ( still love the memories I have of loving them in the 70's when I was a kid ) and Paul & Gene are class A assholes I know....but they just don't give a fuck what other people think,they just stay true to what they think is true....I admire that.
Priest has done this with Nostradamus....showing fans like me who were skeptical of Nostra,they did what they thought was best for them.....my only gripe was that I wanted another lp much sooner than 6 years later ha.
If I end up liking this lp I will be fucking 100% stoked! |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, April 24, 2014 3:07:38 PM | |
It may have the dark textures of the nostradamus cover,but to my eyes this looks nothing like the Nostradamus character.
They are calling it Metalizer because everybody has long known there are 2 confirmed song titles,Metalizer and Never Forget....perhaps the facebook members chose the better sounding of the 2 titles. I hope the name of the new lp is something different,but if it is called Metalizer,I guess I can live with that.....that still sounds cool man.
No matter what they do,Priest will get bashed for this new album.Who cares.
[Budred] Thursday, April 24, 2014 9:56:21 AM | |
I guess I'm not the only one with the "Nostradamus" comparison. Quite a few comments on Facebook about it. Someone autocolored(?) the pic and it looks kind of cool. Some are calling it Pinhead ll. I have a question if anyone wants to guess, confirm or deny. Someone posted it was going to be called "Metalizer". Someone's wish???(I don't know). Anyone hear any rumors?
[Budred] Thursday, April 24, 2014 9:20:14 AM | |
Well we have a picture. Scared me for a second. I thought we were getting "Nostradamus ll".
[Budred] Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:59:54 AM | |
Yeah, change is good, usually. I just meant the surprise of it and not knowing what to do for a minute. I used to check in without signing in sometimes. Looks like that is gone. It guarantees I don't see some of the crap though so it's all good. It's probably stupid to go by this and I only do because of their ages but I can't help but think that if Black Sabbath can still put out such a quality cd then Priest should be able to also. I do have hope.
[Head banger] Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:56:23 AM | |
I see the new colors, thats fine and all. the cover posted looks like an ozzy cover to me. but, its not realy the color or cover that matters, the music matters. fingers crossed
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:44:30 AM | |
Hey Budred,I like change and glad to see the entire Epitaph aesthetics vanish ha. Yeah looks cool,we definately have a new mystical being thats been added to the legacy.
As I mentioned already but,just reminds me of 30 years ago when they revealed Defenders Of The Faith.....
man lets hope this kicks ass. It will be months before I will be able to rate this thing for myself....I do hope we all like the LP...even Evans and hellrider....well,hellrider may deem it as another skip track album like he says AOR is,but thats a given,maybe Evans will like it and make me eat my words,that would be fine by me.
Halford did mention there were elements of Painkiller styled tracks,SFV and even a touch of BS...with it's own character ect...yeah wouldn't that be the shit if every track ended up kick ass.... |
[Budred] Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:44:26 AM | |
I'm OK with the colors but it is hard to read the text. My first thought after seeing this was WTF but It's probably just a case of hating change. Hopefully I'm wrong about having to wait 2 months to be told we only have to wait a little longer. Seeing the blue and smoke as a header gives the impression of a hidden album cover just below. Kind of increases the anticipation. I so hope this is a good CD.
[Becks] Thursday, April 24, 2014 2:14:28 AM | |
I'm looking forward to it too!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5:23:55 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Hmmmm...
Not sure I'm liking this setup. BUT! Let's see what happens next week. Wooo! Can't wait for the reveal! 
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, April 23, 2014 9:32:43 PM | |
Yup, not a big fan of the layout now either. Been busy all day so this is the first I have seen it today. Colors are wonky. Can barely see the text on the buttons below. Hoping it gets a better facelift soon!
STILL, new album seems to be coming closer!! OPA!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5:23:55 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Hmmmm...
Not sure I'm liking this setup. BUT! Let's see what happens next week. Wooo! Can't wait for the reveal! 
[Vaillant 3.0] Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5:23:55 PM | |
Not sure I'm liking this setup. BUT! Let's see what happens next week. Wooo! Can't wait for the reveal! 
[acolyte55] Wednesday, April 23, 2014 5:20:12 PM | |
[acolyte55] Wednesday, April 23, 2014 12:33:03 PM | |
[Brian_Evans] Wednesday, April 23, 2014 11:20:37 AM | |
Wow! Nice new look!!  |