[guidogodoy] Saturday, May 31, 2014 11:59:35 PM | |
Man, more hints needed on this one?! Ok: "Who ons the Chiefs.....OOWNZES...OOWNZES...!"
THREE player's numbers given: "You, out. You, out, You out!" Sheesh. Someone want a piece of gluten-free toast with this one?!?
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:37:03 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Damn, I thought the last one was easy.
Ok, "I'm thinking of changing my name to Killer" #16, #17, #18. <==EASY!
[guidogodoy] Thursday, May 29, 2014 11:43:00 AM | |
Heck, me naming YOU specifically should be another huge hint.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:06:29 AM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | Sorry, I would have to phone a friend for help
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | What about this one? I even made it easier. Head Banger, where are you? The numbers? Jerseys! 3 of them? Come on!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Damn, I thought the last one was easy.
Ok, "I'm thinking of changing my name to Killer" #16, #17, #18. <==EASY!
[Head banger] Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:06:29 AM | |
Sorry, I would have to phone a friend for help
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, May 29, 2014 12:17:05 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | What about this one? I even made it easier. Head Banger, where are you? The numbers? Jerseys! 3 of them? Come on!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Damn, I thought the last one was easy.
Ok, "I'm thinking of changing my name to Killer" #16, #17, #18. <==EASY!
[guidogodoy] Thursday, May 29, 2014 12:17:05 AM | |
What about this one? I even made it easier. Head Banger, where are you? The numbers? Jerseys! 3 of them? Come on!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:37:03 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Damn, I thought the last one was easy.
Ok, "I'm thinking of changing my name to Killer" #16, #17, #18. <==EASY!
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:14:00 PM | |
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by METALMANJP from Wednesday, May 28, 2014 8:23:57 AM) |  | METALMANJP wrote: | | Yea, I think it was first used in a John Wayne movie and Escape from New York made it a joke.
[METALMANJP] Wednesday, May 28, 2014 8:23:57 AM | |
Yea, I think it was first used in a John Wayne movie and Escape from New York made it a joke.
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:58:37 PM | |
Right on, man. I knew you wouldn't let me down. They only repeat that line some 18x in the movie!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by METALMANJP from Tuesday, May 27, 2014 11:28:53 AM) |  | METALMANJP wrote: | | Escape from New York. Talking about Snake Pliskin !
[METALMANJP] Tuesday, May 27, 2014 11:28:53 AM | |
Escape from New York. Talking about Snake Pliskin !
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, May 27, 2014 3:37:03 AM | |
Damn, I thought the last one was easy.
Ok, "I'm thinking of changing my name to Killer" #16, #17, #18. <==EASY!
[guidogodoy] Friday, May 23, 2014 10:15:33 PM | |
"...I've heard of you. I heard you were dead."
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, May 07, 2014 11:41:59 AM | |
[METALMANJP] Wednesday, May 07, 2014 8:01:08 AM | |
Hedley Lamaar Blazing Saddles
[guidogodoy] Monday, May 05, 2014 11:21:47 PM | |
"gentlemen rest your sphincters"
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, February 05, 2014 11:38:06 PM | |
Now I also want to see "The Hunter" again. Just read what caused his death. Had no idea that "The Hunter" was his last film in 1980. "Paaaaapaaaaa!" Heh. Great film.
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, February 05, 2014 6:17:21 PM | |
Damn straight! Now I want to watch it again.
As I said, it was fresh in my mind because "Meet the Press" or some similar show used that quote to describe Obama.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by METALMANJP from Wednesday, February 05, 2014 9:28:55 AM) |  | METALMANJP wrote: | | Yes, I can't believe you nailed it. Watched it over the weekend, gotta love George !
[METALMANJP] Wednesday, February 05, 2014 10:39:55 AM | |
Not George Kennedy- Brenda Venus as George
[METALMANJP] Wednesday, February 05, 2014 9:28:55 AM | |
Yes, I can't believe you nailed it. Watched it over the weekend, gotta love George !
[guidogodoy] Tuesday, February 04, 2014 8:05:30 PM | |
Hard unless you run across a HUGE Steve McQueen fan!
I say (of course, no Google involved), "Bullitt!" He had a line pretty similar as they have been reporting it all over the weekend talking-head shows with regard to Obama.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by METALMANJP from Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:34:41 PM) |  | METALMANJP wrote: | | This will be a hard one. From a 1975 movie.
"He looks like he could change a 9 dollar bill. All in 3's"
[Brian_Evans] Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:56:49 PM | |
The Eiger Sanction? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by METALMANJP from Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:34:41 PM) |  | METALMANJP wrote: | | This will be a hard one. From a 1975 movie.
"He looks like he could change a 9 dollar bill. All in 3's"
[METALMANJP] Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:34:41 PM | |
This will be a hard one. From a 1975 movie.
"He looks like he could change a 9 dollar bill. All in 3's"