[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, July 22, 2013 10:36:45 PM | |
"Cambridge"? Hmmm...I guess.
Oh! They should call him "Hey You".
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, July 22, 2013 10:31:14 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I think they should leave it at "Cambridge." Beautiful name. Beats "Soda-Pop," "Pony-Boy" or "Eggert."
|  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Bears, Eggerts, rabid fans...oh, my!
And now royal brats. What are the odds that this kid will be named "South East", or "Carrot"?
Otherwise, have a happy Monday! Or Tuesday...or Wednesday...
Hi Becks!!!
[guidogodoy] Monday, July 22, 2013 10:31:14 PM | |
I think they should leave it at "Cambridge." Beautiful name. Beats "Soda-Pop," "Pony-Boy" or "Eggert."
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Monday, July 22, 2013 10:22:27 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Bears, Eggerts, rabid fans...oh, my!
And now royal brats. What are the odds that this kid will be named "South East", or "Carrot"?
Otherwise, have a happy Monday! Or Tuesday...or Wednesday...
Hi Becks!!!
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, July 22, 2013 10:22:27 PM | |
Bears, Eggerts, rabid fans...oh, my!
And now royal brats. What are the odds that this kid will be named "South East", or "Carrot"?
Otherwise, have a happy Monday! Or Tuesday...or Wednesday...
Hi Becks!!!
[guidogodoy] Monday, July 22, 2013 12:33:26 PM | |
Between bears and our stories of being crushed in mobs.....HI BECKS!! How nice to see you again! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, July 21, 2013 10:47:23 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Well hello again everyone! I've been away for a week with limited internet access at my mother in laws place, our hallway floor was getting fixed so I thought it was best to take Ada away to visit family while the builders did their thing :) how is everyone?
[Budred] Monday, July 22, 2013 11:05:47 AM | |
What's funny is how you realize in those situations how much things don't bother you that normally would. For example, being pushed and shoved. I was so worried about getting crushed i didn't mind it at all. Being kicked in the side of the head by crowd surfers, I got kicked and just pushed their foot away and waited for the next one. No security so you can guess which row got the brunt of that. Rubbing up against sweaty people. Normally I would be like don't freakin' touch me, but I was like fuck it I'll shower. Being groped from behind by girls in the crowd....OK so that doesn't really bother me but I was with my wife and I thought it was excessive. One girl was complimenting the tattoo's on my back and I think it was her. I swear this is true, at one point I looked at my wife and said their pulling my pants all the way down. Thank goodness I wore a belt. Lastly putting my hands on the stage. For the first three bands I kept it to to an absolute minimum. The carpet was old and stained and had gum all stuck in it and it was so hot all the bands were dripping sweat on it as was the crowd up front. When the chaos was happening I was palms flat pushing as hard as I could and didn't even care what I was putting my hands into.Having water and beer and whatever poured and splashed and sprayed all over me would normally get me pissed but I was soaking wet (literally) and didn't even remember how until later at McDonald's the wife and I were discussing it and I kind of started remembering some of it. Overall crazy experience. I say all the time I'm getting too old for this shit, maybe I should listen to myself! ...or just say fuck it you only live once! (lol)
[METALMANJP] Monday, July 22, 2013 9:02:52 AM | |
Bud, that reminds of a story my friend told me about the 1980 BS tour
Priest played the Erie County Field House Erie, Pa
No seats on the floor standing room only with a steel bar across the front of the stage.
He was with the biggest dude from our school and lucky
because same thing as soon as Priest came out everyone pushed forward and he would have been crushed
if not for the big brute holding people back.
[METALMANJP] Monday, July 22, 2013 8:55:32 AM | |
Nice pics HB. I hope to get there some day.
[Head banger] Monday, July 22, 2013 7:53:42 AM | |
I am guessing the noises might have been either something the cub was hunting, or 2 cubs fighting. if momma bear was after you and actualy pissed, you would have scars at this point. I guarantee, on your fastest day you cant outrun the average bear. then again if there are 3 of you, you dont have to outrun the bear, only your slowest friend.
Running is generaly the wrong move. bears like to chase things.
stand tall, open your jacket, spread your arms. talk loudly and back away if they come at you toss your backpack towards them and keep your ground its called a bluff charge. you only see black bears there I think, those your even a little beter off fighting back, they dont like to hunt things that punch. Grizzly on the other hand, hunt more, are more aggressive, and weigh twice as much. they are the ones that you curl up into a ball, and hope they like your backpack
beter yet is to know what the heck to do with bear spray.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Monday, July 22, 2013 4:15:51 AM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I'm not sure if I told this story here or not but since bears were brought up I'll share again. I was 18 and with 2 friends walking on a trail called "Falls Trail". It was on "Red Rock" mountain (big hill) in north eastern Pa. It went down one side of the (hill) and back up the other with nearly 30 sets of water falls along the way ranging from a couple of feet to more than 90 feet. Very cool walking trail. Along the way we were surprised by a deer drinking out of the stream that we spooked and it darted right past us. Guys being guys (you know, "macho") we started talking about what we would do if we saw a bear. "I would hit it with�a stick", "Yeah. well I would throw rocks at it to fuck with it", "shit, I would chase his ass". Comments like that but I don't think we really expected to see one. At the top of the trail we started hearing a high pitched kind of squeal and then something like a loud hiss. Then we heard something that sounded like something scratching a tree and more squeals. We get to the very end where you step out of the brush and into a field that led to the center where we were going. Anyway in a line of three the first guy opens up a brushy area to walk out ont the open field and he stopped in his tracks. he started stuttering "there there's a bear" and the other two of us looking over each side of�his shoulder saw the bear. No sticks, no rocks and no chasing, just a flat out sprint by all three of us until we got to the center about a hundred yards away. So headbanger, even if just a guess can you explain the noises. The bear we saw was a cub. I'm guessing we were about to be mauled.(lol)
Edited at: Monday, July 22, 2013 4:20:14 AM |
[Budred] Monday, July 22, 2013 4:15:51 AM | |
I'm not sure if I told this story here or not but since bears were brought up I'll share again. I was 18 and with 2 friends walking on a trail called "Falls Trail". It was on "Red Rock" mountain (big hill) in north eastern Pa. It went down one side of the (hill) and back up the other with nearly 30 sets of water falls along the way ranging from a couple of feet to more than 90 feet. Very cool walking trail. Along the way we were surprised by a deer drinking out of the stream that we spooked and it darted right past us. Guys being guys (you know, "macho") we started talking about what we would do if we saw a bear. "I would hit it with�a stick", "Yeah. well I would throw rocks at it to fuck with it", "shit, I would chase his ass". Comments like that but I don't think we really expected to see one. At the top of the trail we started hearing a high pitched kind of squeal and then something like a loud hiss. Then we heard something that sounded like something scratching a tree and more squeals. We get to the very end where you step out of the brush and into a field that led to the center where we were going. Anyway in a line of three the first guy opens up a brushy area to walk out ont the open field and he stopped in his tracks. he started stuttering "there there's a bear" and the other two of us looking over each side of�his shoulder saw the bear. No sticks, no rocks and no chasing, just a flat out sprint by all three of us until we got to the center about a hundred yards away. So headbanger, even if just a guess can you explain the noises. The bear we saw was a cub. I'm guessing we were about to be mauled.(lol)
Edited at: Monday, July 22, 2013 4:20:14 AM |
[Budred] Monday, July 22, 2013 2:56:34 AM | |
The whole time this shit was going on all i could do was wonder where is security? There was none, and I'd be amazed if no one got hurt.
[Becks] Sunday, July 21, 2013 10:47:23 PM | |
Well hello again everyone! I've been away for a week with limited internet access at my mother in laws place, our hallway floor was getting fixed so I thought it was best to take Ada away to visit family while the builders did their thing :) how is everyone?
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, July 21, 2013 10:37:56 PM | |
First of all, I am glad you had such a great pre-show experience with the band!! That would be fantastic to be at sound check. Their meet and greet sounded like a blast too. I love it when bands treat their fans well, with sound check/meet and greets, etc. That is the way it should be..... HINT ..... HINT...... HINT to JP management!! I've been to a lot of shows where there is that full force push forward and if you are at the rail, you get smashed. But usually, it's just once or twice and the assholes figure out they aren't getting any closer and stop! In the couple of times they kept on doing it, the security guys climbed up, pointed at the offenders and then security came up behind them and threw them out. Stupid of the venue to not put a stop to it, because someone could have gotten seriously injured and they would be at fault. Very scary! I'm sorry that it ended so badly!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, July 21, 2013 1:57:09 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I have a concert experience to share that i think some here will actually enjoy hearing. I went to the MRH "Oldschool" show last night and what started out as a fantastic event turned into my worst concert experience ever. Got early entry to watch the sound check and that was pretty cool. Only got to see a couple of songs but there were only about 100 people so we could see great and it was comfortable and it was cool seeing them play not wearing masks or costumes. They offered a food spread and then went to an outside fenced in patio area to meet and talk with everyone. Got to get pics with everyone and they gave us tshirts and posters and we had them signed. Went back in and got a spot right up by the stage. Thought it was going to be great but during the last band before MRH the crowd started pressing forward. I was up front for them before so I thought I was prepared for what was to come and stayed up front. During the intermission the crowd started thrusting forward and I had to use the stage as leverage to hold everyone back. By time the lights went down I was reduced to using my knees pressed against the stage and palms flat on it to hold people back and was in a postion where I couldn't get out of the crowd. It got so bad that I could only turn my head to look at wife and I told her I didn't think this was going to go well. When the band started it was chaos and a everyone behind us was pressing forward. I ended up flat against the stage screaming out in pain because my legs were getting crushed and I was totally spent and couldn't do anything. All I could do was reach for the band and ask for help. At first I think some of the members just thought I was trying to touch them and ignored it. Then one was over top of me using a hose to water the crowd and he noticed me in anguish and he tried to pull me up. I was getting smashed so bad I couldn't move and he started trying to push people off of me and he was giving it everything he had. Finally I felt a gap and I pulled myself up on stage. Then some of the other members just thought I jumped up and were trying to get me to jump into the crowd. Then the crowd was yelling at me to jump and I just stepped in. Then people trying to help were like why didn't you jump. I couldn't hardly breath or talk and just shook my had. Luckily trying to get out of the crowd people were just shoving toward the back. My wife had to be pulled right after me. Yeah it sucked. Moral of the story. Lift weights if you want to be up front at a MRH show. Fuck!!!
[Head banger] Sunday, July 21, 2013 10:20:52 PM | |
assholes. being 2 feet further from the stage shouldnt bother them that much
[Head banger] Sunday, July 21, 2013 10:20:19 PM | |
Yeah, that bear is not huge. probably a 1 or 2 year old. I have seen way bigger, from closer, but like I said, I had no idea where momma was, and I dont fuck with momma
[guidogodoy] Sunday, July 21, 2013 2:50:30 PM | |
Crap! Dangerous situation. I was in Brazil during their "penta" (5th) win of the World Cup. Went way to the north to the city of Recife. When they won it (I believe the US hosted!), the city was as close to Carnaval as you could imagine. TONS of people flooding the street, trielectricos (giant busses with dancers and massive sound systems), parades...all night long. Following day, I head out walking to the beach like any other day and I see the streets filling with people all running one direction. I stop someone and ask what is goin on, answer? The team is passing through on parade! Weeeellll, of course I join in the run! Got a nice spot in the front row then decided, thanks to being in concerts like you describe, that it would be best if I moved back a row or three.
Yup, first row starts to be pushed back by walking police. Then another wave of police with more people coming up to see from behind (think "futebol' isn't a passion in Brazil?). Then comes a row of police on horseback KICKING the front row back. Whole time people crushing from behind. Some guy with a bike was close to me and, when he went down, it was all I could do to keep from being smashed onto his offroad bike that had also gone down.
Moral? I just jumped and snapped some shots as the team passed by sitting on a bus and put them together with names in the newspaper the following day. Hopefully, the only casualty was the bike. Fork literally bent in HALF by the pressure of the crowd.
Man, I gotta find those pix. Really impressive. Dangerous but talk about fans...wow!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, July 21, 2013 1:57:09 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I have a concert experience to share that i think some here will actually enjoy hearing. I went to the MRH "Oldschool" show last night and what started out as a fantastic event turned into my worst concert experience ever. Got early entry to watch the sound check and that was pretty cool. Only got to see a couple of songs but there were only about 100 people so we could see great and it was comfortable and it was cool seeing them play not wearing masks or costumes. They offered a food spread and then went to an outside fenced in patio area to meet and talk with everyone. Got to get pics with everyone and they gave us tshirts and posters and we had them signed. Went back in and got a spot right up by the stage. Thought it was going to be great but during the last band before MRH the crowd started pressing forward. I was up front for them before so I thought I was prepared for what was to come and stayed up front. During the intermission the crowd started thrusting forward and I had to use the stage as leverage to hold everyone back. By time the lights went down I was reduced to using my knees pressed against the stage and palms flat on it to hold people back and was in a postion where I couldn't get out of the crowd. It got so bad that I could only turn my head to look at wife and I told her I didn't think this was going to go well. When the band started it was chaos and a everyone behind us was pressing forward. I ended up flat against the stage screaming out in pain because my legs were getting crushed and I was totally spent and couldn't do anything. All I could do was reach for the band and ask for help. At first I think some of the members just thought I was trying to touch them and ignored it. Then one was over top of me using a hose to water the crowd and he noticed me in anguish and he tried to pull me up. I was getting smashed so bad I couldn't move and he started trying to push people off of me and he was giving it everything he had. Finally I felt a gap and I pulled myself up on stage. Then some of the other members just thought I jumped up and were trying to get me to jump into the crowd. Then the crowd was yelling at me to jump and I just stepped in. Then people trying to help were like why didn't you jump. I couldn't hardly breath or talk and just shook my had. Luckily trying to get out of the crowd people were just shoving toward the back. My wife had to be pulled right after me. Yeah it sucked. Moral of the story. Lift weights if you want to be up front at a MRH show. Fuck!!!
[Budred] Sunday, July 21, 2013 2:06:11 PM | |
...it looks like it's not the editor but the page.
[Budred] Sunday, July 21, 2013 1:59:50 PM | |
...this is why i hate this freakin' editor. now I can't read everything I just posted and if i shorten the length of the sentence and hit enter it gives me a big gap in between lines.
[Budred] Sunday, July 21, 2013 1:57:09 PM | |
I have a concert experience to share that i think some here will actually enjoy hearing. I went to the MRH "Oldschool" show last night and what started out as a fantastic event turned into my worst concert experience ever. Got early entry to watch the sound check and that was pretty cool. Only got to see a couple of songs but there were only about 100 people so we could see great and it was comfortable and it was cool seeing them play not wearing masks or costumes. They offered a food spread and then went to an outside fenced in patio area to meet and talk with everyone. Got to get pics with everyone and they gave us tshirts and posters and we had them signed. Went back in and got a spot right up by the stage. Thought it was going to be great but during the last band before MRH the crowd started pressing forward. I was up front for them before so I thought I was prepared for what was to come and stayed up front. During the intermission the crowd started thrusting forward and I had to use the stage as leverage to hold everyone back. By time the lights went down I was reduced to using my knees pressed against the stage and palms flat on it to hold people back and was in a postion where I couldn't get out of the crowd. It got so bad that I could only turn my head to look at wife and I told her I didn't think this was going to go well. When the band started it was chaos and a everyone behind us was pressing forward. I ended up flat against the stage screaming out in pain because my legs were getting crushed and I was totally spent and couldn't do anything. All I could do was reach for the band and ask for help. At first I think some of the members just thought I was trying to touch them and ignored it. Then one was over top of me using a hose to water the crowd and he noticed me in anguish and he tried to pull me up. I was getting smashed so bad I couldn't move and he started trying to push people off of me and he was giving it everything he had. Finally I felt a gap and I pulled myself up on stage. Then some of the other members just thought I jumped up and were trying to get me to jump into the crowd. Then the crowd was yelling at me to jump and I just stepped in. Then people trying to help were like why didn't you jump. I couldn't hardly breath or talk and just shook my had. Luckily trying to get out of the crowd people were just shoving toward the back. My wife had to be pulled right after me. Yeah it sucked. Moral of the story. Lift weights if you want to be up front at a MRH show. Fuck!!!
[Budred] Sunday, July 21, 2013 1:35:33 PM | |
Cool pics. ...but that looks a little bigger than the small bear I (thought) you mentioned. Whoever the chick is that's funny. Obviously someone with a sense of humor...or no shame!(lol)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 20, 2013 10:54:51 PM | |
Not if you read the stunin black messages in Trixi's smoothe word game. How witty.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, July 20, 2013 10:28:05 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | I dunno, Guids. I'm looking through HB's pics of Yellowstone on Facebook, and they are pretty awesome. Heck, I'd even say that they are "stunnin" enough to help you get over your lost love.
But if not, then there's no need to worry, for time heals all wounds...or so I hear.
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Sure, send away. However, I don't know if anything will help me get over this betrayal.
|  | Head banger wrote: | | too bad it was cloudy.
Vail, shitloads more on FB. Randy I can pm you the album if you want to see more. might help you get over boogie
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | NIIIIIICE! Thanks! 
|  | Head banger wrote: | | old faithfull.

[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, July 20, 2013 10:28:05 PM | |
I dunno, Guids. I'm looking through HB's pics of Yellowstone on Facebook, and they are pretty awesome. Heck, I'd even say that they are "stunnin" enough to help you get over your lost love.
But if not, then there's no need to worry, for time heals all wounds...or so I hear.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, July 20, 2013 5:44:15 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Sure, send away. However, I don't know if anything will help me get over this betrayal.
|  | Head banger wrote: | | too bad it was cloudy.
Vail, shitloads more on FB. Randy I can pm you the album if you want to see more. might help you get over boogie
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | NIIIIIICE! Thanks! 
|  | Head banger wrote: | | old faithfull.

[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 20, 2013 5:44:15 PM | |
Sure, send away. However, I don't know if anything will help me get over this betrayal.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, July 20, 2013 5:02:30 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | too bad it was cloudy.
Vail, shitloads more on FB. Randy I can pm you the album if you want to see more. might help you get over boogie
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | NIIIIIICE! Thanks! 
|  | Head banger wrote: | | old faithfull.

[Head banger] Saturday, July 20, 2013 5:02:30 PM | |
too bad it was cloudy.
Vail, shitloads more on FB. Randy I can pm you the album if you want to see more. might help you get over boogie
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, July 20, 2013 4:57:22 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | NIIIIIICE! Thanks! 
|  | Head banger wrote: | | old faithfull.

[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 20, 2013 4:57:22 PM | |
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, July 20, 2013 4:39:39 PM | |
Awesome pics, HB!!! 
[Head banger] Saturday, July 20, 2013 3:36:06 PM | |
Great fountain geyser, on the firehole lake drive. not as frequent as old faithfull, but worth trying to see.

[Head banger] Saturday, July 20, 2013 2:55:35 PM | |
old faithfull.

[Head banger] Saturday, July 20, 2013 1:35:01 PM | |
that didnt post well, and I couldnt shrink the photo
sigh here is the "bear"

[Head banger] Saturday, July 20, 2013 1:32:57 PM | |
the first bear of yellowstone, folowed by a "bear" at a half hour construction delay

[Head banger] Saturday, July 20, 2013 12:12:33 PM | |
trying the new editor in IE 10 whatever, starting to get used to chrome, using it for more sites than just this but it works\
[guidogodoy] Friday, July 19, 2013 11:22:26 AM | |
Yeah, I've got that message at the bottom of the screen but have never had to use it. Running latest version of Firefox with all Java updates. Editor has been the same as always.
[Head banger] Friday, July 19, 2013 7:58:04 AM | |
what browser? I was having trouble, no option for a new editor so I switched to chrome, which worked.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Friday, July 19, 2013 1:26:40 AM) |  | Budred wrote: | | Here. When I click on to post a message I can't write anything. Underneath it says if you are having trouble with the standard editor then click the newer version. Everything is different on the new editor and I keep making mistakes.
[Tania2194AD] Friday, July 19, 2013 4:33:43 AM | |
[Budred] Friday, July 19, 2013 1:32:39 AM | |

Amon Amarth
[Budred] Friday, July 19, 2013 1:26:40 AM | |
Here. When I click on to post a message I can't write anything. Underneath it says if you are having trouble with the standard editor then click the newer version. Everything is different on the new editor and I keep making mistakes.
[guidogodoy] Thursday, July 18, 2013 6:58:06 PM | |
You speaking of YouTube? Nothing here has changed.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Thursday, July 18, 2013 6:29:03 PM) |  | Budred wrote: | | freakin' new editor or whatever it's called sucks Edited at: Thursday, July 18, 2013 6:32:27 PM |
[Budred] Thursday, July 18, 2013 6:29:03 PM | |
freakin' new editor or whatever it's called sucks Edited at: Thursday, July 18, 2013 6:32:27 PM |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:00:30 PM | |
Same. I was a VERY late adopter of the CD.
I still get laughs when I say that I ran to "the first side of album X." Quite sad that "recordings" don't have "sides" anymore. There was a true art to picking the first / last songs of both sides.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Thursday, July 18, 2013 2:16:59 AM) |  | Budred wrote: | | My first cd was "Painkiller". I wouldn"t buy them when they first came out. I loved my albums and didn't want to switch up.
[Budred] Thursday, July 18, 2013 11:58:52 AM | |
I can't wait to hear the debut from "Newsted". I saw them @ Gigantour last week and thought they kicked ass. Some of their stuff reminded me of early Metallica. They were selling a signed EP at the show but I already bought the new Megadeth and later when I decided to buy it it was sold out. (my luck) Last friday at "Mayhem Festival" I saw a couple of bands that I thought were really good live that I didn't care to see and only watched becaused nothing else was going on. I was only expecting to like Rob Zombie/5 Finger Death Punch on the main stage and Machine Head on the side stages but got a few surprises instead. First surprise was Mastodon. I saw them before but didn't care for them. I thought they rocked out at Mayhem. Another surprise was Children Of Bodom. I listened to them before and I thoughtI didn't like them but they were great live. I love their guitar work. Great guitar players. Lastly Amon Amarth. Never cared for so called "Viking Metal" or whatever you want to call it but they were badass. Great guitar work and I didn't mind the vocals and of course the giant viking ship was cool. I'll post a pic. Motionless in White wasn't bad but I'm still not sure I like them. Friday's concert put over 250 shows I've been to and over 400 different bands I've seen live. ...and I'm supposed to be slowing down. (lol)
[Budred] Thursday, July 18, 2013 2:16:59 AM | |
My first cd was "Painkiller". I wouldn"t buy them when they first came out. I loved my albums and didn't want to switch up.
[guidogodoy] Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:12:42 PM | |
45 messages since last I last visited and ONE message comes through! This one1 
Yeah, I'll give you that Dr. F. was ok, I bought the cassette on day one but only have songs from "Shout at the Devil" and "Too Fast for Love" on my ipod. In that order! Couple of good raw songs on Too Fast but the big breakthrough was Shout. Had the videos to match and, to boot, that was the very first CD I EVER bought (broke my cherry from the LP, IOW).
Yes, I still have a working turntable, still buy and play LPs but that is the honest truth. "Shout at the Devil" was my first CD EVER.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:44:08 AM) |  | Budred wrote: | | I'm glad you brought this up. I was going to argue the point with you just for the sake of it and i got my ipod out just to look at the songs and i realized that you are right. my only disagreement would be that "Dr. Feelgood" is good also and I can find 3 or 4 songs that at worst are listenable but basically I agree. One reason that I'm glad you brought it up is that when I checked my ipod I didn't have "Dr. ..." on there. I need to correct that. And the more I think about it (and I like Motley Crue) the more I realize that they only had about three really good albums and have survived off of that all these years. ...i think I was played. (lol)
[Budred] Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:44:08 AM | |
I'm glad you brought this up. I was going to argue the point with you just for the sake of it and i got my ipod out just to look at the songs and i realized that you are right. my only disagreement would be that "Dr. Feelgood" is good also and I can find 3 or 4 songs that at worst are listenable but basically I agree. One reason that I'm glad you brought it up is that when I checked my ipod I didn't have "Dr. ..." on there. I need to correct that. And the more I think about it (and I like Motley Crue) the more I realize that they only had about three really good albums and have survived off of that all these years. ...i think I was played. (lol)
[guidogodoy] Monday, July 15, 2013 8:02:16 PM | |
Just watched Crue "Behind the Music." I don't care. Dr. Feelgood SUCKED! "Kickstart my Heart" was the only track that was decent and it had a lot to do with the video. HATE when it slows down (3:00 minute mark) - sounds childish. Had a good riff and Mick delivers otherwise,
[i flick my boogers] Monday, July 15, 2013 7:15:29 PM | |
Rob is the greatest of all time
He rocks hard and rides free on stage
-------------------->>http://youtu.be/cichNMedym8 |
[Head banger] Sunday, July 14, 2013 10:04:04 AM | |
its every 600 to 800 thousand years. roughly. its 640 since the last major eruption, although the west thumb of the lake was carved out by an explosion 125K years ago.
if it does go, you might be as well off to be in it as not. places like denver are directly fucked. places on the atlantic seaboard would see deaths due to ashflow. in between, all wind dependant you would probably see 70% of US cropland wasted, starvation looming, certainly deaths over 10 million, could be 100 million.
as to bears, I am far to familiar with them to get myself into trouble. I supose never say never, but they dont scare me, I know how to avoid close encouters of the ursine kind....
if you can find a way, sleep in a van or tent, whatever, go see it. its realy different from anything else you could see, [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Budred from Sunday, July 14, 2013 9:38:09 AM) |  | Budred wrote: | | @Headbanger.
I was going to wish you well on your trip before you left but after that awful curse you left on us ...you know The "Trixi can post for you" one (thank goodness for ignore) that�I was hoping for more of a bear encounter than just seeing a cub from a distance.(lol) I was going to remind you that Yellowstone is an active volcano that goes off like every 100,000 years or someshit and that it's in a rough timeframe of a due explosion but if something happened then�I may tend to feel bad if you were blown up in a volcanic explosion so I'm just going to say that I hope you had a good time. Yellowstone is a place I'd like to visit also. Life's short and so is cash so i'll probably never make it though.
Edited at: Sunday, July 14, 2013 9:40:33 AM |
[Budred] Sunday, July 14, 2013 9:38:09 AM | |
I was going to wish you well on your trip before you left but after that awful curse you left on us ...you know The "Trixi can post for you" one (thank goodness for ignore) that�I was hoping for more of a bear encounter than just seeing a cub from a distance.(lol) I was going to remind you that Yellowstone is an active volcano that goes off like every 100,000 years or someshit and that it's in a rough timeframe of a due explosion but if something happened then�I may tend to feel bad if you were blown up in a volcanic explosion so I'm just going to say that I hope you had a good time. Yellowstone is a place I'd like to visit also. Life's short and so is cash so i'll probably never make it though.
Edited at: Sunday, July 14, 2013 9:40:33 AM |
[Trixi] Sunday, July 14, 2013 5:17:05 AM | |
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Sunday, July 14, 2013 3:10:14 AM) |  | Trixi wrote: | | Wow, you are very clever! You are so funny and very intelligent! |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Yup, I'm actually Nostwadamus.
Yeah. That's wight.
I can see evewything. Fwom the past, to the pwesent to etewnity...

[Trixi] Sunday, July 14, 2013 3:10:14 AM | |
Wow, you are very clever! You are so funny and very intelligent! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Saturday, July 13, 2013 9:33:47 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Yup, I'm actually Nostwadamus.
Yeah. That's wight.
I can see evewything. Fwom the past, to the pwesent to etewnity...

[acolyte55] Sunday, July 14, 2013 12:38:34 AM | |
@headbanger ok cool thanks for checking on the beta fuel for life when you get back |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:47:27 PM | |
Damn bears. Never do what you want.
Hey, I posted plenty of photos of me hiking / skiing at 10,000 ft+ (damn climb out of that crater with trade-winds blowing in was a task) so I expect to see a few shots when you get a chance. Old Faithful at least!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, July 13, 2013 11:19:40 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | there might have been, I didnt have a good angle, and he never stood up. honestly, you have seen better mountains, but the guysers are amazing. the grand canyon of the yellowstone is cool, uncle toms trail is hard work but worth it. everything is a little harder over 7000 feet though. |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Wonderful! I've never been. Thanks for the advice. Like when you used to be able go go down into the Hoover Dam for a buck!
I shall move it higher on my list. No little bow tie on the small bear, though, eh?
|  | Head banger wrote: | | I survived my trip (well back as far as great falls) and even saw a bear. I think it was a young black bear. it was a long way away, was small and I couldnt see mommy, so I didnt try to see anything more.
if you havent seen yellowstone, get on it. if you can, drive over the bearstooth pass to the northeast entrance, leaving you should go west, then north to the lewis and clark caverns. take the tour. $10 per person gets you an hour underground. great stuff to see. |