[Trixi] Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:33:34 PM | |
I don´t send my stuff for you, I send my stuff for this page! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:57:22 AM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Not shit! Can you imagine what non-board members looking in think when they see this bullshit?! They say, fuck this place! Who wants to talk to an idiot? Priest only cares about this board when they have something they want to sell to us. Then they get Murray to make an announcement. THAT is the ONLY time Murray is here. Trix is for kids dreams of getting noticed by Priest by her constant stupid posts will go unrealized. They don't give a fuck, never have. This board is for US, the fans, to talk to each other and get to know one another and figure out which ones we NEVER want to talk to or meet!!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | 143 messages today so far and every one ignored. Un-fucking-believable. What a lunatic.
Murray, help us!
[Head banger] Saturday, June 29, 2013 2:27:03 PM | |
172 messages since last log in and about 10 by real fans. not fans with high feelings and no brains. what the fuck |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:57:22 AM | |
Not shit! Can you imagine what non-board members looking in think when they see this bullshit?! They say, fuck this place! Who wants to talk to an idiot? Priest only cares about this board when they have something they want to sell to us. Then they get Murray to make an announcement. THAT is the ONLY time Murray is here. Trix is for kids dreams of getting noticed by Priest by her constant stupid posts will go unrealized. They don't give a fuck, never have. This board is for US, the fans, to talk to each other and get to know one another and figure out which ones we NEVER want to talk to or meet!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:28:45 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | 143 messages today so far and every one ignored. Un-fucking-believable. What a lunatic.
Murray, help us!
[guidogodoy] Saturday, June 29, 2013 11:28:45 AM | |
143 messages today so far and every one ignored. Un-fucking-believable. What a lunatic.
Murray, help us!
[guidogodoy] Friday, June 28, 2013 8:12:28 PM | |
Anything for an (ahem...non-batshit crazy) fan AND friend. 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Friday, June 28, 2013 6:00:52 PM) |  | acolyte55 wrote: | | thank you!!!! |
[acolyte55] Friday, June 28, 2013 6:00:52 PM | |
[guidogodoy] Friday, June 28, 2013 4:08:52 PM | |
HA! Here is the link and the text for now...puregrainaudio.com/features/and-justice-for-art-a-look-back-to-some-of-judas-priest-s-album-covers-featuring-guitarist-kk-downing-and-designers-mark-wilkinson-doug-johnson-and-pete-alander
Without Judas Priest, Heavy Metal wouldn't exist as we know it today. Their influence in the development of the genre has been well-documented thanks to their four decade-long career. The same can be said about the mostly iconic covers accompanying each of their album's cover artworks. Whether they’re are portraying a fallen angel, a hand holding a razor blade, or an eagle ready to attack, the truth is that their impact on Metal aesthetics and popular culture in general is both undeniable and revolutionary.
We took 5 random Judas Priest covers and asked their former axeman and guitar god, KK Downing to share his memories about them. We also included the brief, but crucial opinions of legendary designer Mark Wilkinson (Painkiller, Metal Works, Ram it Down), and one of KK’s recent collaborators and Judas Priest connoisseur, Pete Alander. Let’s see what they had to say.
Sad Wings Of Destiny (1976):
KK Downing: To be honest I think it is my favorite Priest cover.
Pete Alander: I believe the Sad Wings Of Destiny cover has the thrill and the magic every Metal album needs. You got the Yin and Yang with Heaven and Hell thematic in it. You could still use the artwork today with almost every metal band that exists. It’s timeless piece of work that doesn't need an update at all. It could hang on the wall of any art museums. It could even be in religious context and still maintain its Heavy Metal perspective. One of the best metal album covers ever made!

British Steel (1980):
KK Downing: It simply says everything about British Metal in one image and it’s even more relevant the fact that (guitarist) Glenn (Tipton) actually worked at the company British Steel. As far as I can remember everyone totally loved it.
Pete Alander: I do believe it was a successful and honest way from Priest to say to the whole world they were British and they played razor sharp Heavy Metal. Slit your wrists if you didn't like them! It has so much street credibility even Absolute Vodka used it in one of their adverts. You got this hand holding a huge razor steel with black background. It is clean, simple and extremely recognizable.

Screaming For Vengeance (1982):
KK Downing: We gave (designer) Doug Johnson the title and he came up with the design. We liked it immediately, for me that fact that it was to the point made it a strong image.

Metal Works ‘73-‘93 (1993):
Mark Wilkinson: I was strongly influenced by comic art for that one. It worked really well having the Hellion and Painkiller having a fight in the air like that, it was a joy to work on. I think it was one of my best designs for them actually.
Pete Alander: Metal Works is a compilation album and usually bands tend to use a group or live pictures on them. Mark did really good job here combining old album covers together and especially making a dramatic battle scene between these two characters. I would like to know how it all ended. Which ones ass (or feathers) got kicked the most?

Angel Of Retribution (2005):
Mark Wilkinson: A metallic cyborg creature had become their signature emblem for awhile (ex. Painkiller, Jugulator). For Angel of Retribution, the band had the idea of referencing the famous Antony Gormley sculpture the Angel of the North located in Gateshead, England. So I took the basic pose and infused a more metallic chrome look to it, to bring it to life. The head was suggested by my son who had just bought a paintball helmet, so the mask became part of his head, Darth Vader-ish. I was approached by the airforce to use this as the nosecone art for a fighter jet - have yet to see the results of that.

[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by acolyte55 from Friday, June 28, 2013 2:33:42 PM) |  | acolyte55 wrote: | | check out this little blurb on www.puregrainaudio.com under "features"," and justice for art" probably nothing new , but still a read about our favourite band, now i am unable to copy and paste on here using google chrome HELP GUIDO!!!! lol |
[i flick my boogers] Friday, June 28, 2013 4:01:20 PM | |
Wasted ----------->>http://youtu.be/xBy1jx5PQxM |
[acolyte55] Friday, June 28, 2013 2:33:42 PM | |
check out this little blurb on www.puregrainaudio.com under "features"," and justice for art" probably nothing new , but still a read about our favourite band, now i am unable to copy and paste on here using google chrome HELP GUIDO!!!! lol |
[acolyte55] Friday, June 28, 2013 2:24:59 PM | |
Edited at: Friday, June 28, 2013 2:25:50 PM |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 2:24:19 PM | |
Ozzy would say lets get fucking crazy and shut the fuck up!!
I´m making my own decisions!
All my life I´ve been over the top, I don´t wanna stop! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, June 28, 2013 2:02:28 PM) |  | Trixi wrote: | |
Ozzy Osbourne "I Don't Wanna Stop" music video. Black Rain album. Heavy metal, hard rock, rock n roll.
|  | Trixi wrote: | | I adore Rob Halford you can´t stop my emotions, because I´m free and you can´t stop me in my enthusiasm about Rob and the boys!
If you don´t like him, go out of this fan page!
A fan page is here to adore someone, you know?
What do you think?
I don´t think about you, if I´m mad about Rob, are you silly?
Should I ask you, how much I can post?
I can post how much and whatever I want, but your fucking comments don´t fits on this page, I write this for all time, read it again, you memorizes this, I don´t repeat me all the time!!!!
You aren´t my father, you damn, fucking negative thinker, go out of my life!!!!
I hate regulations!
Rob said: Be free to be, what you want to be or who you want to be!!!
He is my idol, these are true words of the Metal God!
You don´t believe him? Get out of my life!
|  | Head banger wrote: | | Liar. you want to cause shit and upset people, you care not about acceptance, your actions prove that as well as if I could read your tiny mind
|  | Trixi wrote: | | I´m a really true fan of Rob and Kenny and I want to be accepted here on this page like the other ones, that´s all! |  | Trixi wrote: | | This is right, I post not only about Rob, there are also threads for other things here, I would like to use these to express my feelings, but I will write mainly about my favorite band and singer!
All clear? |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thats just it Trixi,boogie DOES NOT have the same passion that you do.....his posts are dull and short.....he says one thing to reel you in and you drop cover and believe him.
I can give a rats nut sack how much of a Rob freak fanatic over the top fan you are,its you posting so much of it in so many threads that have nothing to do with Rob.
No matter what boogie says you know as well as I do that Rob wouldn't want every thread about him or the band on this forum if he did read it.
boogie is not the fanatic that you are,he is fairly new to discover this band,probly in the past 5 years....but in no way shape or form is he on your level. Why don't you PM him untill you get the truth Trixi. |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 2:14:58 PM | |
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, June 28, 2013 2:02:28 PM) |  | Trixi wrote: | |
Ozzy Osbourne "I Don't Wanna Stop" music video. Black Rain album. Heavy metal, hard rock, rock n roll.
|  | Trixi wrote: | | I adore Rob Halford you can´t stop my emotions, because I´m free and you can´t stop me in my enthusiasm about Rob and the boys!
If you don´t like him, go out of this fan page!
A fan page is here to adore someone, you know?
What do you think?
I don´t think about you, if I´m mad about Rob, are you silly?
Should I ask you, how much I can post?
I can post how much and whatever I want, but your fucking comments don´t fits on this page, I write this for all time, read it again, you memorizes this, I don´t repeat me all the time!!!!
You aren´t my father, you damn, fucking negative thinker, go out of my life!!!!
I hate regulations!
Rob said: Be free to be, what you want to be or who you want to be!!!
He is my idol, these are true words of the Metal God!
You don´t believe him? Get out of my life!
|  | Head banger wrote: | | Liar. you want to cause shit and upset people, you care not about acceptance, your actions prove that as well as if I could read your tiny mind
|  | Trixi wrote: | | I´m a really true fan of Rob and Kenny and I want to be accepted here on this page like the other ones, that´s all! |  | Trixi wrote: | | This is right, I post not only about Rob, there are also threads for other things here, I would like to use these to express my feelings, but I will write mainly about my favorite band and singer!
All clear? |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thats just it Trixi,boogie DOES NOT have the same passion that you do.....his posts are dull and short.....he says one thing to reel you in and you drop cover and believe him.
I can give a rats nut sack how much of a Rob freak fanatic over the top fan you are,its you posting so much of it in so many threads that have nothing to do with Rob.
No matter what boogie says you know as well as I do that Rob wouldn't want every thread about him or the band on this forum if he did read it.
boogie is not the fanatic that you are,he is fairly new to discover this band,probly in the past 5 years....but in no way shape or form is he on your level. Why don't you PM him untill you get the truth Trixi. |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 2:02:28 PM | |
Ozzy Osbourne "I Don't Wanna Stop" music video. Black Rain album. Heavy metal, hard rock, rock n roll.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, June 28, 2013 1:45:38 PM) |  | Trixi wrote: | | I adore Rob Halford you can´t stop my emotions, because I´m free and you can´t stop me in my enthusiasm about Rob and the boys!
If you don´t like him, go out of this fan page!
A fan page is here to adore someone, you know?
What do you think?
I don´t think about you, if I´m mad about Rob, are you silly?
Should I ask you, how much I can post?
I can post how much and whatever I want, but your fucking comments don´t fits on this page, I write this for all time, read it again, you memorizes this, I don´t repeat me all the time!!!!
You aren´t my father, you damn, fucking negative thinker, go out of my life!!!!
I hate regulations!
Rob said: Be free to be, what you want to be or who you want to be!!!
He is my idol, these are true words of the Metal God!
You don´t believe him? Get out of my life!
|  | Head banger wrote: | | Liar. you want to cause shit and upset people, you care not about acceptance, your actions prove that as well as if I could read your tiny mind
|  | Trixi wrote: | | I´m a really true fan of Rob and Kenny and I want to be accepted here on this page like the other ones, that´s all! |  | Trixi wrote: | | This is right, I post not only about Rob, there are also threads for other things here, I would like to use these to express my feelings, but I will write mainly about my favorite band and singer!
All clear? |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thats just it Trixi,boogie DOES NOT have the same passion that you do.....his posts are dull and short.....he says one thing to reel you in and you drop cover and believe him.
I can give a rats nut sack how much of a Rob freak fanatic over the top fan you are,its you posting so much of it in so many threads that have nothing to do with Rob.
No matter what boogie says you know as well as I do that Rob wouldn't want every thread about him or the band on this forum if he did read it.
boogie is not the fanatic that you are,he is fairly new to discover this band,probly in the past 5 years....but in no way shape or form is he on your level. Why don't you PM him untill you get the truth Trixi. |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 1:45:38 PM | |
[This message has been banned] |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 10:13:51 AM | |
Now I´m embarrassed!
Thank you very much for your compliments, but don´t be in my shadow, I have this power through Judas Priest and you!
Diamond wants to eclipse you, I don´t accept this, you are also a huge fan than I´m, we complemented each other and we give us what we need through the might of Rob Halford!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Friday, June 28, 2013 9:51:54 AM) |  | i flick my boogers wrote: | | Jd diamond is right Trix.
i could never be the great fan you are.
im glad he pointed that out to me. Thank you jd diamond.
im just glad your here trix on Robs site and I can look at all
you're wonderful ppictures and read all you wonderful post.
there amazing !! Some of these pictures of Rob and the boys I've never seen.
takes me so high !!
jd diamond takes me so low, he's a weird man. |
[Head banger] Friday, June 28, 2013 10:01:58 AM | |
Liar. you want to cause shit and upset people, you care not about acceptance, your actions prove that as well as if I could read your tiny mind
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, June 28, 2013 8:21:10 AM) |  | Trixi wrote: | | I´m a really true fan of Rob and Kenny and I want to be accepted here on this page like the other ones, that´s all! |  | Trixi wrote: | | This is right, I post not only about Rob, there are also threads for other things here, I would like to use these to express my feelings, but I will write mainly about my favorite band and singer!
All clear? |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thats just it Trixi,boogie DOES NOT have the same passion that you do.....his posts are dull and short.....he says one thing to reel you in and you drop cover and believe him.
I can give a rats nut sack how much of a Rob freak fanatic over the top fan you are,its you posting so much of it in so many threads that have nothing to do with Rob.
No matter what boogie says you know as well as I do that Rob wouldn't want every thread about him or the band on this forum if he did read it.
boogie is not the fanatic that you are,he is fairly new to discover this band,probly in the past 5 years....but in no way shape or form is he on your level. Why don't you PM him untill you get the truth Trixi. |
[Head banger] Friday, June 28, 2013 10:01:15 AM | |
Ah. well then I fucked that up, didnt I . could be worse, I could be like the silly wabbit and her boytoy with mucus [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 8:12:46 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Yeah unfortunately I know Head Banger....I was being a smart ass and was hinting to keep that fat unemployed shit disturbing pile of fucktardation forgotton.(smiles).Thats all lol. |
[i flick my boogers] Friday, June 28, 2013 9:51:54 AM | |
Jd diamond is right Trix.
i could never be the great fan you are.
im glad he pointed that out to me. Thank you jd diamond.
im just glad your here trix on Robs site and I can look at all
you're wonderful ppictures and read all you wonderful post.
there amazing !! Some of these pictures of Rob and the boys I've never seen.
takes me so high !!
jd diamond takes me so low, he's a weird man. |
[i flick my boogers] Friday, June 28, 2013 9:39:27 AM | |
Show me where I said that liar. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 12:43:58 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Who the fuck is "Darryn"? And Head Banger is right,they are no Priest fans.
SOME Priest fan.
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 9:11:25 AM | |
I don´t think that you want to help, I think you want to bring us away from this page, isn´t it?
I wanted to trust you, but I can´t! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 8:17:31 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | And yes Trixi he won't PM you back and express his feelings....Trixi...why not send him a few more zPMs just to see if he will finally talk to you...maybe you could even get his phone number so you could talk outside the forum..... |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 9:00:59 AM | |
Everybody is talking about all and sundry here on this page, why we aren´t to be allowed to talk about our feelings and emotions about our favorite band, I don´t understand this!!!!
We are also fans and we want to be accepted, that´s all!
You are not the only fans here, besides the fans change all the time, there will come eventual other fans.
I chat with Tania and other fans on Facebook often.
I won´t lose Boogie and nevertheless I want to write about impressions and emotions!
I want to contribute only the best stuff, what I will find about the Priest, but not so much anymore, except I get a lot of amazing pictures, I will send these otherwise I can´t find it anymore on my Facebook page, you know?
I get not any paid for it, I do this in fact of my huge fan enthusiasm, you know? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, June 28, 2013 8:39:43 AM) |  | Trixi wrote: | | But it would be my greatest wish, but only by mutual consent! Have you evil intensions?? |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | And yes Trixi he won't PM you back and express his feelings....Trixi...why not send him a few more zPMs just to see if he will finally talk to you...maybe you could even get his phone number so you could talk outside the forum..... |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 8:39:43 AM | |
But it would be my greatest wish, but only by mutual consent! Have you evil intensions?? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 8:17:31 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | And yes Trixi he won't PM you back and express his feelings....Trixi...why not send him a few more zPMs just to see if he will finally talk to you...maybe you could even get his phone number so you could talk outside the forum..... |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 8:30:54 AM | |
Sorry, I don´t know what this is a zPM!
I gave him my e-mail address and phone number, he would have personally contact with me if he wants, but he won´t.
I must respect it, forget it, I´m not a stalker, but thank you for your help, or want you to screw me? I don´t trust you..... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 8:17:31 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | And yes Trixi he won't PM you back and express his feelings....Trixi...why not send him a few more zPMs just to see if he will finally talk to you...maybe you could even get his phone number so you could talk outside the forum..... |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 8:21:10 AM | |
I´m a really true fan of Rob and Kenny and I want to be accepted here on this page like the other ones, that´s all! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, June 28, 2013 8:16:28 AM) |  | Trixi wrote: | | This is right, I post not only about Rob, there are also threads for other things here, I would like to use these to express my feelings, but I will write mainly about my favorite band and singer!
All clear? |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thats just it Trixi,boogie DOES NOT have the same passion that you do.....his posts are dull and short.....he says one thing to reel you in and you drop cover and believe him.
I can give a rats nut sack how much of a Rob freak fanatic over the top fan you are,its you posting so much of it in so many threads that have nothing to do with Rob.
No matter what boogie says you know as well as I do that Rob wouldn't want every thread about him or the band on this forum if he did read it.
boogie is not the fanatic that you are,he is fairly new to discover this band,probly in the past 5 years....but in no way shape or form is he on your level. Why don't you PM him untill you get the truth Trixi. |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, June 28, 2013 8:17:31 AM | |
And yes Trixi he won't PM you back and express his feelings....Trixi...why not send him a few more zPMs just to see if he will finally talk to you...maybe you could even get his phone number so you could talk outside the forum..... |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 8:16:28 AM | |
This is right, I post not only about Rob, there are also threads for other things here, I would like to use these to express my feelings, but I will write mainly about my favorite band and singer!
All clear? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 7:28:04 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thats just it Trixi,boogie DOES NOT have the same passion that you do.....his posts are dull and short.....he says one thing to reel you in and you drop cover and believe him.
I can give a rats nut sack how much of a Rob freak fanatic over the top fan you are,its you posting so much of it in so many threads that have nothing to do with Rob.
No matter what boogie says you know as well as I do that Rob wouldn't want every thread about him or the band on this forum if he did read it.
boogie is not the fanatic that you are,he is fairly new to discover this band,probly in the past 5 years....but in no way shape or form is he on your level. Why don't you PM him untill you get the truth Trixi. |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, June 28, 2013 8:12:46 AM | |
Yeah unfortunately I know Head Banger....I was being a smart ass and was hinting to keep that fat unemployed shit disturbing pile of fucktardation forgotton.(smiles).Thats all lol. |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 8:10:32 AM | |
I wrote PM´S to him, he won´t to write PM´S and to write about private things, I must accept this, there´s no way out, but thank you. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 7:28:04 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thats just it Trixi,boogie DOES NOT have the same passion that you do.....his posts are dull and short.....he says one thing to reel you in and you drop cover and believe him.
I can give a rats nut sack how much of a Rob freak fanatic over the top fan you are,its you posting so much of it in so many threads that have nothing to do with Rob.
No matter what boogie says you know as well as I do that Rob wouldn't want every thread about him or the band on this forum if he did read it.
boogie is not the fanatic that you are,he is fairly new to discover this band,probly in the past 5 years....but in no way shape or form is he on your level. Why don't you PM him untill you get the truth Trixi. |
[Head banger] Friday, June 28, 2013 7:44:28 AM | |
you remember. our "buddy" from winnipeg [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 12:43:58 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Who the fuck is "Darryn"? And Head Banger is right,they are no Priest fans.
SOME Priest fan.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, June 28, 2013 7:28:04 AM | |
Thats just it Trixi,boogie DOES NOT have the same passion that you do.....his posts are dull and short.....he says one thing to reel you in and you drop cover and believe him.
I can give a rats nut sack how much of a Rob freak fanatic over the top fan you are,its you posting so much of it in so many threads that have nothing to do with Rob.
No matter what boogie says you know as well as I do that Rob wouldn't want every thread about him or the band on this forum if he did read it.
boogie is not the fanatic that you are,he is fairly new to discover this band,probly in the past 5 years....but in no way shape or form is he on your level. Why don't you PM him untill you get the truth Trixi. |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 6:58:31 AM | |
By the way, there were a lot of fans on this page who adore Rob, Kenny and Glenn nearly like Boogie and I adore the band! For instance Vaillant or Metal Goddess, they have also hot feelings about Rob and the boys, I have read it!!!!
Why we aren´t allowed to adore Judas Priest like another???
It´s just unfair!!!
We are able to continue our fan enthusiasm as well as anybody else!!!!
Anyway, if you want or you don´t want!!!!
You don´t respect us as really true fans and this is the problem here, nothing else! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, June 28, 2013 5:16:49 AM) |  | Trixi wrote: | | I saw in one Metal shop a really nice playsuit with the logo Screaming For Vengeance of Judas Priest, it makes me want to have a baby again!
You can think that I´m crazy, it doesn´t matter, I´m crazy! |  | Trixi wrote: | | I would be nice to have a Judas Priest baby, it would grow up with all the Judas Priest stuff, it isn´t to early to be a Judas Priest fan....lol!
The Judas Priest T-shirts are available in every sizes, there are also babygrows available with Judas Priest logos!
No problem! |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Sad but true. In her mind, she is already pregnant with a Booger. Can you imagine THAT offspring?
But it leaves me wondering, can anyone truly be this stupid??? "I ony write what Rob has said in interviews. These are not my words but Rob's, blah, blah, blah." Suuuuuure it is. Rob is an articulate speaker in every interview that I have read or heard. Broken English? NO TRIX, that's all you!! How about she shuts the fuck up and posts the interview instead?!
|  | spapad wrote: | | If hints were boulders this trickless bitch would be buried under a mountain of them and still be posting her drivel completely oblivious of any "hints". 
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | It's either a troll or Snot Man is a MINOR and getting his rocks off turning on some old broad! Ya know you can get arrested for that, right TRIX???? Jesus, it's like Lady (and I use that term VERY loosely) Bathtoy's obsession with Necro. Another one that couldn't take a fucking hint!! 
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Hey, Trix, notice that your "shitdisturber friend" is making it a point to spell "GEOFF Tate" wrong? Does THAT give you any sort of hint?!?
Come on, you cannot possibly be so blind. S/He is doing it on purpose just as s/he is avoiding any direct questions from you.
Send PMs. See how many are answered.
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 5:16:49 AM | |
I saw in one Metal shop a really nice playsuit with the logo Screaming For Vengeance of Judas Priest, it makes me want to have a baby again!
You can think that I´m crazy, it doesn´t matter, I´m crazy! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Trixi from Friday, June 28, 2013 5:09:14 AM) |  | Trixi wrote: | | I would be nice to have a Judas Priest baby, it would grow up with all the Judas Priest stuff, it isn´t to early to be a Judas Priest fan....lol!
The Judas Priest T-shirts are available in every sizes, there are also babygrows available with Judas Priest logos!
No problem! |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Sad but true. In her mind, she is already pregnant with a Booger. Can you imagine THAT offspring?
But it leaves me wondering, can anyone truly be this stupid??? "I ony write what Rob has said in interviews. These are not my words but Rob's, blah, blah, blah." Suuuuuure it is. Rob is an articulate speaker in every interview that I have read or heard. Broken English? NO TRIX, that's all you!! How about she shuts the fuck up and posts the interview instead?!
|  | spapad wrote: | | If hints were boulders this trickless bitch would be buried under a mountain of them and still be posting her drivel completely oblivious of any "hints". 
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | It's either a troll or Snot Man is a MINOR and getting his rocks off turning on some old broad! Ya know you can get arrested for that, right TRIX???? Jesus, it's like Lady (and I use that term VERY loosely) Bathtoy's obsession with Necro. Another one that couldn't take a fucking hint!! 
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Hey, Trix, notice that your "shitdisturber friend" is making it a point to spell "GEOFF Tate" wrong? Does THAT give you any sort of hint?!?
Come on, you cannot possibly be so blind. S/He is doing it on purpose just as s/he is avoiding any direct questions from you.
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[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 5:09:14 AM | |
I would be nice to have a Judas Priest baby, it would grow up with all the Judas Priest stuff, it isn´t to early to be a Judas Priest fan....lol!
The Judas Priest T-shirts are available in every sizes, there are also babygrows available with Judas Priest logos!
No problem! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:42:38 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Sad but true. In her mind, she is already pregnant with a Booger. Can you imagine THAT offspring?
But it leaves me wondering, can anyone truly be this stupid??? "I ony write what Rob has said in interviews. These are not my words but Rob's, blah, blah, blah." Suuuuuure it is. Rob is an articulate speaker in every interview that I have read or heard. Broken English? NO TRIX, that's all you!! How about she shuts the fuck up and posts the interview instead?!
|  | spapad wrote: | | If hints were boulders this trickless bitch would be buried under a mountain of them and still be posting her drivel completely oblivious of any "hints". 
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | It's either a troll or Snot Man is a MINOR and getting his rocks off turning on some old broad! Ya know you can get arrested for that, right TRIX???? Jesus, it's like Lady (and I use that term VERY loosely) Bathtoy's obsession with Necro. Another one that couldn't take a fucking hint!! 
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Hey, Trix, notice that your "shitdisturber friend" is making it a point to spell "GEOFF Tate" wrong? Does THAT give you any sort of hint?!?
Come on, you cannot possibly be so blind. S/He is doing it on purpose just as s/he is avoiding any direct questions from you.
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[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 4:57:25 AM | |
I don´t think so, somebody who has so strong emotions like I have and does express his feelings like I do, isn´t able to lie! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 4:37:50 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Just a news flash for you Trixi:
"boogie" doesn't give a shit about you,he is a computer nerd sitting behind his computer laughing his ass off at you Trixi,he is feeding you lies and just simply telling you what you want to hear,probly the same jack off geek who couldn't rate all of Maiden's albums....wake up Trixi....this guy is not your friend...go ahead and try and get some i formation from him that you really want to know.....you sure you didn't get a labotomy at Willoughby? |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, June 28, 2013 4:37:50 AM | |
Just a news flash for you Trixi:
"boogie" doesn't give a shit about you,he is a computer nerd sitting behind his computer laughing his ass off at you Trixi,he is feeding you lies and just simply telling you what you want to hear,probly the same jack off geek who couldn't rate all of Maiden's albums....wake up Trixi....this guy is not your friend...go ahead and try and get some i formation from him that you really want to know.....you sure you didn't get a labotomy at Willoughby? |
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 4:17:42 AM | |
You hear statements these don´t exist! Once: Boogie can only write on this page, he says nothing, you know?
Second: He had never ever written this fucking sentence, you are really certifiable and ill in your brain.....
I ask myself who should go to the doctor??? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, June 28, 2013 12:43:58 AM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Who the fuck is "Darryn"? And Head Banger is right,they are no Priest fans.
SOME Priest fan.
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 4:01:23 AM | |
Of course, DJ wake up! Rob wouldn´t read only your comment now! It is just ridiculous! 
You twist every single word of Boogie and me, you understand everything wrong, but I don´t want to explain every day the same opinions......it´s boring....... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, June 27, 2013 4:04:45 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | flick my boogers is crying like a little whining bitch that he is because J.D. created a Hammerfall thread on "Rob's" beloved site is how this jack off piece of shit puts it ha.
flick my boogers: What kind of invalid verbal vomit do you have to say about the other over 100 threads that have been created by over 100 different members that have fucking nothing to do with Judas Priest you fucktard?
Its ok for them to post non-related subjects to Priest you shit disturbing pile of fuck lol
Cant answer that properly with truth and without talking out your ass eithet lol fuck tard!
[Trixi] Friday, June 28, 2013 3:45:18 AM | |
So tell me why he doesn´t want to write me? Tell me his country, age and profession!
Do you know the private things of Boogie? When he doesn´t like to write about private things, he has a reason for it!
But I want to read it directly from Boogie, then I would it believe, otherwise it is a lie!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:11:12 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | No, J.D., I can''t. Fucking idiots think that THEY "picked" their friends? Don't realize that friends pick you? When just about everyone comes out begging them to stop, um...perhaps there is some truth to the fact that they are the sad shitdisturbers? Hundreds upon hundreds of saturating posts but only three friends?! How sad is that one? Trixi who gets all her "opinions" from watching Rob's interviews?! LOL! How about listening to the people who have spoken with Rob?! Many here know him and I am certain that most have SEEN Priest more than these egotistical shitheads. Oh, wait, that is "rude!" Ooooooh. I think that coming to a site where you irritate the hell out of everyone is much more offensive. Lack of respect for the band, lack of respect for the core fans.
As I said before, I think Trixi is dumber than a rock and just can't realize that Boogers if fucking around with her. I said before, PM ol' Boogie, Trix. Let's see how many replies you get. Know his/her sex yet? Where the "lone wolf lives?" What COUNTRY? Age? Occupation? Hmmm....I know you don't. Wonder why.
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Yes Guido,very odd indeed that one of his "FAVORITES" yet he sand bags the vocalist's name and the name of the album in spelling them correctly.
For christ's sake I could of spelled them correctly and I hate Queensryche(but talented band)?
Yeah,I call horse shit too...."Willoughby"? Did I spell that one correctly Guido? If I didn't at least it wasn't one of my "FAVORITES"(although I stll liked the episode)...lol...anyways, shouldn't suprise us that boogers isn't fessin to Trixiconian after all this is coming from a jack off that seems to think Rob Halford would have a problem with my Hammerfall thread because its simply not about "Rob" and his "beloved site" is how he put it.
flick my boogers thinks Rob Halford is a stuck up egotistical man who wants everything about himself...........Guido,can you believe this punk ass bitch? |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, June 28, 2013 12:43:58 AM | |
Who the fuck is "Darryn"? And Head Banger is right,they are no Priest fans.
SOME Priest fan.
[Head banger] Thursday, June 27, 2013 11:11:38 PM | |
Fuck, compared to him Darryn is a big shot.
I say ignore them. fuck I am not good at it, but these fuckers dont care about priest, they probably dont own a single album. just here to fuck with us. fuck them [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:19:56 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Not "trying" to act like a big shot....I AM a big shot when compared to an idiot like you.
And how am I lying? If Rob even were to read this(which he wouldnt) he is smart enough to see through your contradiction.
Bullshit .......you simply have not been listening to P.O.E. In 1981,no way....if you had,you would of said so by now,nice try shit head.
Care to explain to the rest of board how you can post crappy Queensryche posts on what you describe as Rob's beloved site...and how you have said anything but Priest related is contaminating the site.....care to explain shit for brains?
I didn't think so. |
[i flick my boogers] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:46:21 PM | |
Rob and the Boys on HBFL sounded even better in 79. |
[i flick my boogers] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:38:39 PM | |
I never said those nasty things about Rob.
never said and never will.
nice try big shot.
and POE sounded so good in 81. |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:37:35 PM | |
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by i flick my boogers from Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:19:47 PM) |  | i flick my boogers wrote: | | Rob and the boys------------->>http://youtu.be/lzG0gMmKJxk |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:28:43 PM | |
Shitdisturber ---------------->I Flick My Boogers
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:19:56 PM | |
Not "trying" to act like a big shot....I AM a big shot when compared to an idiot like you.
And how am I lying? If Rob even were to read this(which he wouldnt) he is smart enough to see through your contradiction.
Bullshit .......you simply have not been listening to P.O.E. In 1981,no way....if you had,you would of said so by now,nice try shit head.
Care to explain to the rest of board how you can post crappy Queensryche posts on what you describe as Rob's beloved site...and how you have said anything but Priest related is contaminating the site.....care to explain shit for brains?
I didn't think so. |
[i flick my boogers] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:19:47 PM | |
Rob and the boys------------->>http://youtu.be/lzG0gMmKJxk |
[i flick my boogers] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:17:51 PM | |
Rob and the boys------------>>http://youtu.be/V5PuYIsKbe0 Edited at: Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:23:11 PM |
[i flick my boogers] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:15:54 PM | |
Rob and the boys----------->>http://youtu.be/MoDbAd4fYBA
Edited at: Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:24:31 PM |
[i flick my boogers] Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:12:31 PM | |
Rob and the boys------------>>>>>>http://youtu.be/WRhZ5UX0-us
[i flick my boogers] Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:35:23 PM | |
Is this how 33year fans behave?
like you? Spreading lies and rumours that aren't true?
trying to act like a big shot?
so sad
i never said that about Rob.
and yes I was listening to POE in 81.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, June 27, 2013 4:04:45 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | flick my boogers is crying like a little whining bitch that he is because J.D. created a Hammerfall thread on "Rob's" beloved site is how this jack off piece of shit puts it ha.
flick my boogers: What kind of invalid verbal vomit do you have to say about the other over 100 threads that have been created by over 100 different members that have fucking nothing to do with Judas Priest you fucktard?
Its ok for them to post non-related subjects to Priest you shit disturbing pile of fuck lol
Cant answer that properly with truth and without talking out your ass eithet lol fuck tard!