[Budred] Wednesday, February 27, 2013 3:49:15 AM | |
@Vail ...response to What Are You Listening to thread
That's funny. I was too focused on not making that mistake and made mine instead. Repeatedly too.
I looked back and saw that I've done it at least everytime I posted it during my "remaster" posts. Probably longer.
I think when I proof read it I was so focused on "(C)lass" that I overlooked the "Stain(D)".
...I posted here because I can't post there now. The little boxes aren't popping up when I go there.
Anyone have a clue what I may have done. Must be punishment for repeatedly spelling my "favorite" Priest cd incorrectly.
Surprised I didn't get corrected sooner. (maybe some thought it was funny)
Edited at: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 3:53:19 AM |
[Budred] Sunday, February 24, 2013 2:15:29 PM | |
...what??? ...same ol' dysfunctional lovable family we are!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Saturday, February 23, 2013 3:48:44 PM) |  | Becks wrote: | | Oh man I was out all day yesterday and came on here today and WTF lol. Someone call the men in white coats.
My FB is set to super private - people have been known to not be able to find me when searching lol.
|  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | And at the very, very least, know how to use FB's privacy settings.
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Just some examples of why NOT to get a Facebook account or at the very least, know who to BLOCK!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Um...I've been out of town for a couple of days. Did I miss anything? WTF?!?
[Stained_White_Trash] Sunday, February 24, 2013 10:33:02 AM | |
Hey Ysabella, how are you today? If you ever get your "stripes", which I doubt, come on over and play with the "big boys".  |
[Becks] Saturday, February 23, 2013 3:48:44 PM | |
Oh man I was out all day yesterday and came on here today and WTF lol. Someone call the men in white coats.
My FB is set to super private - people have been known to not be able to find me when searching lol.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:55:53 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | And at the very, very least, know how to use FB's privacy settings.
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Just some examples of why NOT to get a Facebook account or at the very least, know who to BLOCK!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Um...I've been out of town for a couple of days. Did I miss anything? WTF?!?
[Budred] Friday, February 22, 2013 3:46:48 AM | |
...nevermind, better left unsaid. Edited at: Friday, February 22, 2013 3:56:14 AM |
[guidogodoy] Friday, February 22, 2013 12:10:23 AM | |
Here I though the convo would have turned to matters such as "blade runner" Pistorius and his murder trial. Where is joedraper when you want a little insight as to law and South Africa? I both miss her and would love to hear her thoughts on him. MUCH better than CNN, Fox News or even the BBC.
[Vaillant 3.0] Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:55:53 PM | |
And at the very, very least, know how to use FB's privacy settings.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:44:45 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Just some examples of why NOT to get a Facebook account or at the very least, know who to BLOCK!
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Um...I've been out of town for a couple of days. Did I miss anything? WTF?!?
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:44:54 PM | |
@ you too, HRMG.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:44:36 PM)
Head banger wrote: |
nope, havent seen anything new worth mentioning
guidogodoy wrote: |
Um...I've been out of town for a couple of days. Did I miss anything? WTF?!?
Edited at: Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:46:39 PM |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:44:45 PM | |
Just some examples of why NOT to get a Facebook account or at the very least, know who to BLOCK!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, February 21, 2013 5:43:55 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Um...I've been out of town for a couple of days. Did I miss anything? WTF?!?
[Stained_White_Trash] Thursday, February 21, 2013 8:51:24 PM | |
Just some looneyTune posting weird stuff in the newbie section. Maybe you should go have a talk with this person. And thanks for the tip on a bigger screen! It would take one for that monstrosity of a picture below. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, February 21, 2013 5:43:55 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Um...I've been out of town for a couple of days. Did I miss anything? WTF?!?
[Head banger] Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:44:36 PM | |
nope, havent seen anything new worth mentioning
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, February 21, 2013 5:43:55 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Um...I've been out of town for a couple of days. Did I miss anything? WTF?!?
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 21, 2013 5:43:55 PM | |
Um...I've been out of town for a couple of days. Did I miss anything? WTF?!?
[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, February 17, 2013 5:28:57 PM | |
I do like songs by Halford but not enough to own them,its just me. I don't own Turbo,Ram It Down,Jugulator,Demolition,Nostradamus or any other album other than Unleashed In The East. Its just me though. All songs I like I can you tube them and pump them loud. Recently I have in the last 2 years got rid of "some" CDs in my collection. I counted my CDs and I have 146 CDs (original ...not burned) and there are actually 77 of them I like every track on. Then there are like 15 or so where I like every track but 1 song....then the rest I like at least 80% of the tracks..ect...I guess thats why I own them ha. Seriously.....where the fuck is this new Priest album? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, February 16, 2013 5:16:38 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Faulkner really did a marvelous job on the road. I stick to my comment in that you REALLY missed out by not seeing last tour, J.D. it was amazing.
Likewise, I can see that opinion has a lot to do with which guitarist (KK. or Glenn) one prefers. Like the eternal Mary Ann vs. Ginger argument! LOL! I seriously loved Glenn when I was 10 until I realized that I had them backwards! It was KK playing the solos I liked on songs like Jawbreaker. Glenn was technique, KK was Hendrix-y (how about THAT for an adjective!).
Obviously, while I prefer Priest, I can consistently run to Halford. "Live Insurrection?" Outstanding! Better than Made of Metal and I don't really care what Baxter has to say about the last Halford live being better than the aforementioned album. THAT was just a killer album with a killer tour. Resurrection as a come-back song alone? Hell, Rob at his best. Very few songs have ever had that effect of sending chills down my spine than the intro to Resurrection. Only one that comes to mind was, back in the day, Megadeth's vid of "Holy Wars." Had me running from the back of my trailer to see who the hell made THAT masterpiece! Bought the album the next day.
True story. Trailer and all. 
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Head Banger I agree. Yeah Biff & Saxon do have a passion for writting new material and putting out new albums,they have put out an album every 2 years since they started ect... ya know even though these Saxon albums are not better than old Priest...so what ya know,at least they are worthy heavy metal LPs,above average when compared to old Priest ect...
I just couldn't stand to see Priest tour one more time without a new LP. Guido....you mentioned how awkward it would be having an album without K.K. and I can see that to a certain point but its all a matter of opinion of course,myself I would of been more devistated if Glenn would of left. I love K.K. of old but ever since I was 10 years old till now I've always admired Glenn's solos so much better than Kens,not like I don't love K.K.s licks too but for me personally Glenn has always been my idol,he is the reason I started playing guitar.
But again this is only my opinion....and I agree with Head Banger about Priest LPs over the Halford band,I've never really cared for the halford band,don't have any CDs but thats just me. I actually am looking forwards to hearing Glenn's riffs mixed with Richie's....Richie's solos on the new album....I am fine with this "IF" the songs turn out kick ass in quality song writting. I'm starting to think that they are not going to release this new album this year....perhaps they are actually waiting to see if K.K. is going to change his mind....to be honest...I sure hope this isn't the case. I really want to hear this record with Tipton/Faulkner duo...... |  | Head banger wrote: | | Glad your doing better now my friend
I just dont see them having a passion for it. Saxon either has a passion or needs cash. Priest has neither.
I would rather one more Priest album than 10 halford albums regardless of the lineup. but thats just me I guess. |  | icecreamman wrote: | | You know what.... We will have a need Defenders of the Faith 30th Anniversery remaster before we get a new album. Hell, we may have the Painkiller Anniversery album before then!
[Vaillant 3.0] Sunday, February 17, 2013 4:10:30 PM | |
You can zoom out, too. Just hold down the Ctrl key (or Command key if you own a Mac) then press the (-) key until the pic becomes small enough to view without having to scroll from side to side. Only downside is that the lettering will be too small. BUT! Whatevs. Nobody pays close attention to what a person says anyway, right?
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, February 16, 2013 11:44:18 PM | |
Gee, I had NO PROBLEM. Guess YOU need to 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Stained_White_Trash from Saturday, February 16, 2013 5:06:33 PM) |  | Stained_White_Trash wrote: | | It's really annoying when someone posts a picture in here so big that you have to scroll back and forth just to read the other posts. Gosh!!  |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, February 16, 2013 5:19:30 PM | |
Buy a bigger screen.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Stained_White_Trash from Saturday, February 16, 2013 5:06:33 PM) |  | Stained_White_Trash wrote: | | It's really annoying when someone posts a picture in here so big that you have to scroll back and forth just to read the other posts. Gosh!!  |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, February 16, 2013 5:16:38 PM | |
Faulkner really did a marvelous job on the road. I stick to my comment in that you REALLY missed out by not seeing last tour, J.D. it was amazing.
Likewise, I can see that opinion has a lot to do with which guitarist (KK. or Glenn) one prefers. Like the eternal Mary Ann vs. Ginger argument! LOL! I seriously loved Glenn when I was 10 until I realized that I had them backwards! It was KK playing the solos I liked on songs like Jawbreaker. Glenn was technique, KK was Hendrix-y (how about THAT for an adjective!).
Obviously, while I prefer Priest, I can consistently run to Halford. "Live Insurrection?" Outstanding! Better than Made of Metal and I don't really care what Baxter has to say about the last Halford live being better than the aforementioned album. THAT was just a killer album with a killer tour. Resurrection as a come-back song alone? Hell, Rob at his best. Very few songs have ever had that effect of sending chills down my spine than the intro to Resurrection. Only one that comes to mind was, back in the day, Megadeth's vid of "Holy Wars." Had me running from the back of my trailer to see who the hell made THAT masterpiece! Bought the album the next day.
True story. Trailer and all. 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, February 16, 2013 3:22:53 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Head Banger I agree. Yeah Biff & Saxon do have a passion for writting new material and putting out new albums,they have put out an album every 2 years since they started ect... ya know even though these Saxon albums are not better than old Priest...so what ya know,at least they are worthy heavy metal LPs,above average when compared to old Priest ect...
I just couldn't stand to see Priest tour one more time without a new LP. Guido....you mentioned how awkward it would be having an album without K.K. and I can see that to a certain point but its all a matter of opinion of course,myself I would of been more devistated if Glenn would of left. I love K.K. of old but ever since I was 10 years old till now I've always admired Glenn's solos so much better than Kens,not like I don't love K.K.s licks too but for me personally Glenn has always been my idol,he is the reason I started playing guitar.
But again this is only my opinion....and I agree with Head Banger about Priest LPs over the Halford band,I've never really cared for the halford band,don't have any CDs but thats just me. I actually am looking forwards to hearing Glenn's riffs mixed with Richie's....Richie's solos on the new album....I am fine with this "IF" the songs turn out kick ass in quality song writting. I'm starting to think that they are not going to release this new album this year....perhaps they are actually waiting to see if K.K. is going to change his mind....to be honest...I sure hope this isn't the case. I really want to hear this record with Tipton/Faulkner duo...... |  | Head banger wrote: | | Glad your doing better now my friend
I just dont see them having a passion for it. Saxon either has a passion or needs cash. Priest has neither.
I would rather one more Priest album than 10 halford albums regardless of the lineup. but thats just me I guess. |  | icecreamman wrote: | | You know what.... We will have a need Defenders of the Faith 30th Anniversery remaster before we get a new album. Hell, we may have the Painkiller Anniversery album before then!
[Stained_White_Trash] Saturday, February 16, 2013 5:06:33 PM | |
It's really annoying when someone posts a picture in here so big that you have to scroll back and forth just to read the other posts. Gosh!!  |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, February 16, 2013 3:22:53 PM | |
Head Banger I agree. Yeah Biff & Saxon do have a passion for writting new material and putting out new albums,they have put out an album every 2 years since they started ect... ya know even though these Saxon albums are not better than old Priest...so what ya know,at least they are worthy heavy metal LPs,above average when compared to old Priest ect...
I just couldn't stand to see Priest tour one more time without a new LP. Guido....you mentioned how awkward it would be having an album without K.K. and I can see that to a certain point but its all a matter of opinion of course,myself I would of been more devistated if Glenn would of left. I love K.K. of old but ever since I was 10 years old till now I've always admired Glenn's solos so much better than Kens,not like I don't love K.K.s licks too but for me personally Glenn has always been my idol,he is the reason I started playing guitar.
But again this is only my opinion....and I agree with Head Banger about Priest LPs over the Halford band,I've never really cared for the halford band,don't have any CDs but thats just me. I actually am looking forwards to hearing Glenn's riffs mixed with Richie's....Richie's solos on the new album....I am fine with this "IF" the songs turn out kick ass in quality song writting. I'm starting to think that they are not going to release this new album this year....perhaps they are actually waiting to see if K.K. is going to change his mind....to be honest...I sure hope this isn't the case. I really want to hear this record with Tipton/Faulkner duo...... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Friday, February 15, 2013 8:01:00 AM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | Glad your doing better now my friend
I just dont see them having a passion for it. Saxon either has a passion or needs cash. Priest has neither.
I would rather one more Priest album than 10 halford albums regardless of the lineup. but thats just me I guess. |  | icecreamman wrote: | | You know what.... We will have a need Defenders of the Faith 30th Anniversery remaster before we get a new album. Hell, we may have the Painkiller Anniversery album before then!
[guidogodoy] Saturday, February 16, 2013 2:30:30 PM | |
Huh. Who woudda thunk it.
Interesting, indeed.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, February 15, 2013 11:36:30 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | It causes long bone syndrome. So his bones grow longer than they should, which is why his legs are so long. The testosterone is very important to their development, so getting them snipped too early causes a lot of problems. He was snipped at 4 months old which is way too early.
|  | Head banger wrote: | | so getting him fixed early makes him grow more? |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Hard to tell in a picture just how long his legs are when he is standing. When he lays down, you can see a little better so I'll try to get a picture of him stretched out. I'm 5' 7" and my hand touches his back when we are on a walk. And as we discussed ealier, I am NOT a female sasquatch, so my arms are of normal length! He also has a very very long tail and it curls - it reminds me of a quirrels tail. We are taking him to obedience classes with the breeder/trainer that we got Wolfgang from and she said he has the German show lines - roach back (looks like ^ instead of being flat) and the curly tail.
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I wanna see photos of the kangaroo-legged pooch!! I know I speak for millions (at least).
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[Head banger] Saturday, February 16, 2013 9:18:33 AM | |
interesting, who knew. so fix them at birth you might get a horse....
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, February 15, 2013 11:36:30 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | It causes long bone syndrome. So his bones grow longer than they should, which is why his legs are so long. The testosterone is very important to their development, so getting them snipped too early causes a lot of problems. He was snipped at 4 months old which is way too early.
|  | Head banger wrote: | | so getting him fixed early makes him grow more? |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Hard to tell in a picture just how long his legs are when he is standing. When he lays down, you can see a little better so I'll try to get a picture of him stretched out. I'm 5' 7" and my hand touches his back when we are on a walk. And as we discussed ealier, I am NOT a female sasquatch, so my arms are of normal length! He also has a very very long tail and it curls - it reminds me of a quirrels tail. We are taking him to obedience classes with the breeder/trainer that we got Wolfgang from and she said he has the German show lines - roach back (looks like ^ instead of being flat) and the curly tail.
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I wanna see photos of the kangaroo-legged pooch!! I know I speak for millions (at least).
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, February 15, 2013 11:36:30 PM | |
It causes long bone syndrome. So his bones grow longer than they should, which is why his legs are so long. The testosterone is very important to their development, so getting them snipped too early causes a lot of problems. He was snipped at 4 months old which is way too early.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Friday, February 15, 2013 7:19:38 PM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | so getting him fixed early makes him grow more? |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Hard to tell in a picture just how long his legs are when he is standing. When he lays down, you can see a little better so I'll try to get a picture of him stretched out. I'm 5' 7" and my hand touches his back when we are on a walk. And as we discussed ealier, I am NOT a female sasquatch, so my arms are of normal length! He also has a very very long tail and it curls - it reminds me of a quirrels tail. We are taking him to obedience classes with the breeder/trainer that we got Wolfgang from and she said he has the German show lines - roach back (looks like ^ instead of being flat) and the curly tail.
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I wanna see photos of the kangaroo-legged pooch!! I know I speak for millions (at least).
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[guidogodoy] Friday, February 15, 2013 9:53:24 PM | |
Nah, knowing me, I'd be reincarnated as a burro that some Mexican paints stripes on to look like a zebra (and yes, folks, sadly this happens).
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vaillant 3.0 from Friday, February 15, 2013 9:28:45 PM) |  | Vaillant 3.0 wrote: | | Ya better hope to get reincarnated as a pampered pet, then.
TGIF, peoples!!!
[Vaillant 3.0] Friday, February 15, 2013 9:28:45 PM | |
Ya better hope to get reincarnated as a pampered pet, then.
TGIF, peoples!!!
[guidogodoy] Friday, February 15, 2013 9:23:54 PM | |
HOLY crap! When I have to hit a "fit to screen" on a 17" laptop, that is one big puppy (or you have a really small sofa!) LOL!
Cute little sucker. I can only imagine how he is now. BTW, why is it that dogs get to sleep all day long? Why can't I? Oh yeah, gotta work in order to feed them!
[Head banger] Friday, February 15, 2013 7:19:38 PM | |
so getting him fixed early makes him grow more? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, February 15, 2013 11:22:40 AM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Hard to tell in a picture just how long his legs are when he is standing. When he lays down, you can see a little better so I'll try to get a picture of him stretched out. I'm 5' 7" and my hand touches his back when we are on a walk. And as we discussed ealier, I am NOT a female sasquatch, so my arms are of normal length! He also has a very very long tail and it curls - it reminds me of a quirrels tail. We are taking him to obedience classes with the breeder/trainer that we got Wolfgang from and she said he has the German show lines - roach back (looks like ^ instead of being flat) and the curly tail.
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I wanna see photos of the kangaroo-legged pooch!! I know I speak for millions (at least).
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, February 15, 2013 2:59:53 PM | |
HAAA! He isn't getting my thermal! When he jumps up, he can stand putting his paws on Mark's shoulders and Mark is 6 feet tall!! He is actually scared of other dogs, having had very little contact. I am trying to socialize him and the obedience class filled with other dogs is really helping. I had this pic of the night we brought him home at 6 1/2 months old and he was tall then! I think he is taller now, easily putting his head on our kitchen table. Most Shepherds have short thick legs. He is easily a foot taller than the mature shepherds in the class!

[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Friday, February 15, 2013 11:41:39 AM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Hey, maybe that Baxter thermal will fit HIM! HAAA!!!
Sounds like he would eat my rat terrier in a gulp. Calvin might make him take two bites. Love to see a pic when you are able.
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Hard to tell in a picture just how long his legs are when he is standing. When he lays down, you can see a little better so I'll try to get a picture of him stretched out. I'm 5' 7" and my hand touches his back when we are on a walk. And as we discussed ealier, I am NOT a female sasquatch, so my arms are of normal length! He also has a very very long tail and it curls - it reminds me of a quirrels tail. We are taking him to obedience classes with the breeder/trainer that we got Wolfgang from and she said he has the German show lines - roach back (looks like ^ instead of being flat) and the curly tail.
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I wanna see photos of the kangaroo-legged pooch!! I know I speak for millions (at least).
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[guidogodoy] Friday, February 15, 2013 11:41:39 AM | |
Hey, maybe that Baxter thermal will fit HIM! HAAA!!!
Sounds like he would eat my rat terrier in a gulp. Calvin might make him take two bites. Love to see a pic when you are able.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Friday, February 15, 2013 11:22:40 AM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Hard to tell in a picture just how long his legs are when he is standing. When he lays down, you can see a little better so I'll try to get a picture of him stretched out. I'm 5' 7" and my hand touches his back when we are on a walk. And as we discussed ealier, I am NOT a female sasquatch, so my arms are of normal length! He also has a very very long tail and it curls - it reminds me of a quirrels tail. We are taking him to obedience classes with the breeder/trainer that we got Wolfgang from and she said he has the German show lines - roach back (looks like ^ instead of being flat) and the curly tail.
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I wanna see photos of the kangaroo-legged pooch!! I know I speak for millions (at least).
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Friday, February 15, 2013 11:22:40 AM | |
Hard to tell in a picture just how long his legs are when he is standing. When he lays down, you can see a little better so I'll try to get a picture of him stretched out. I'm 5' 7" and my hand touches his back when we are on a walk. And as we discussed ealier, I am NOT a female sasquatch, so my arms are of normal length! He also has a very very long tail and it curls - it reminds me of a quirrels tail. We are taking him to obedience classes with the breeder/trainer that we got Wolfgang from and she said he has the German show lines - roach back (looks like ^ instead of being flat) and the curly tail.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:10:47 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | I wanna see photos of the kangaroo-legged pooch!! I know I speak for millions (at least).
|  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[Head banger] Friday, February 15, 2013 8:01:00 AM | |
Glad your doing better now my friend
I just dont see them having a passion for it. Saxon either has a passion or needs cash. Priest has neither.
I would rather one more Priest album than 10 halford albums regardless of the lineup. but thats just me I guess. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by icecreamman from Thursday, February 14, 2013 12:12:35 PM) |  | icecreamman wrote: | | You know what.... We will have a need Defenders of the Faith 30th Anniversery remaster before we get a new album. Hell, we may have the Painkiller Anniversery album before then!
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:10:47 PM | |
I wanna see photos of the kangaroo-legged pooch!! I know I speak for millions (at least).
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:06:03 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:06:03 PM | |
I bet your pups are BIG!! We had to put our baby boy down last June, he was 16 years old. We adopted a 6 1/2 month old German Shepherd from a rescue in November and he is HUGE!!! He is 10 months old now and over 80 lbs already. He has kangaroo legs, way too long because he was snipped too early in life. He is happy and adjusting and loves playing with the boys. It's really sad what people do to animals. This boy was never exercised and could barely run when we got him. He was owned by an elderly man that couldn't handle him or walk him...... he is much better off with us and I spoil him rotten, just like I spoiled Wolfgang.
I'm sorry to hear that you and Victoria fell on tough times. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better now.
I gotta admit, I'm getting quite impatient with Priest as well. This has gotten ridiculous. You are absolutely right, why can't they give us some news unless there isn't any...... I see Richie flying here and there, obviously not working on the album. So either they are mixing it or Glenn is going OCD on it. What happened to releasing a song on the website??? Yeah right. They did much better when they were pushing their albums through, one every year or two. Now they spend way too much time on them, overthinking them. I liked Nostra for what it was, but that should NOT be their last album FFS!!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:56:25 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:57:12 PM | |
Agreed there too!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:53:14 PM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | Agreed all the way around Guido! But keep Mike Davis on bass - he kicks ass and Ray was not nearly as good or as fun to watch!! 
|  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Nice, J.D. Sorry to hear that you were down for a while but glad to hear that things are better for you, Victoria and all the pups. Why a Gemini leads to not having internet, though, escapes me. I'd think a Libra would be balancing cost / benefit more.
Ah, you and your Saxon. How I miss it! LOL! Too true, though. Still sad that you rarely hear Saxon on OZZY'S Boneyard radio here. Even driving to work today, I hear the DJ saying that he didn't consider old music to be "classic" rock / metal as NEW material sucks! Then he breaks out with an "except for the new Breaking Bones song...." this time was featuring a Kiss tune. Really sad that Saxon NEVER enters the playlist despite their cranking out new albums.
You know I liked Nostra in general but I'd be lying if I said that I weren't anxious to hear new material. I say that with hesitation, though. JP album without KK? Man, that is tough. Don't know if I wouldn't prefer the OLD Halford band to get back together (yes, with Metal Mike and PATRICK LACHMAN!! Put Roy Z back to mixing duties).
What can you do, eh? Wait and hope. TC bro.
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:53:14 PM | |
Agreed all the way around Guido! But keep Mike Davis on bass - he kicks ass and Ray was not nearly as good or as fun to watch!! 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, February 14, 2013 7:39:24 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | Nice, J.D. Sorry to hear that you were down for a while but glad to hear that things are better for you, Victoria and all the pups. Why a Gemini leads to not having internet, though, escapes me. I'd think a Libra would be balancing cost / benefit more.
Ah, you and your Saxon. How I miss it! LOL! Too true, though. Still sad that you rarely hear Saxon on OZZY'S Boneyard radio here. Even driving to work today, I hear the DJ saying that he didn't consider old music to be "classic" rock / metal as NEW material sucks! Then he breaks out with an "except for the new Breaking Bones song...." this time was featuring a Kiss tune. Really sad that Saxon NEVER enters the playlist despite their cranking out new albums.
You know I liked Nostra in general but I'd be lying if I said that I weren't anxious to hear new material. I say that with hesitation, though. JP album without KK? Man, that is tough. Don't know if I wouldn't prefer the OLD Halford band to get back together (yes, with Metal Mike and PATRICK LACHMAN!! Put Roy Z back to mixing duties).
What can you do, eh? Wait and hope. TC bro.
|  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 14, 2013 7:39:24 PM | |
Nice, J.D. Sorry to hear that you were down for a while but glad to hear that things are better for you, Victoria and all the pups. Why a Gemini leads to not having internet, though, escapes me. I'd think a Libra would be balancing cost / benefit more.
Ah, you and your Saxon. How I miss it! LOL! Too true, though. Still sad that you rarely hear Saxon on OZZY'S Boneyard radio here. Even driving to work today, I hear the DJ saying that he didn't consider old music to be "classic" rock / metal as NEW material sucks! Then he breaks out with an "except for the new Breaking Bones song...." this time was featuring a Kiss tune. Really sad that Saxon NEVER enters the playlist despite their cranking out new albums.
You know I liked Nostra in general but I'd be lying if I said that I weren't anxious to hear new material. I say that with hesitation, though. JP album without KK? Man, that is tough. Don't know if I wouldn't prefer the OLD Halford band to get back together (yes, with Metal Mike and PATRICK LACHMAN!! Put Roy Z back to mixing duties).
What can you do, eh? Wait and hope. TC bro.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:56:25 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, February 14, 2013 7:26:51 PM | |
HAA! "New Painkiller remaster." Oh Lord, no. Defenders, i wouldn't actually mind, though. Hell, they should TOUR Defenders!!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by icecreamman from Thursday, February 14, 2013 12:12:35 PM) |  | icecreamman wrote: | | You know what.... We will have a need Defenders of the Faith 30th Anniversery remaster before we get a new album. Hell, we may have the Painkiller Anniversery album before then!
[Al-fons Blazing] Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:16:43 PM | |
I totally agree with you, Mr. Diamond. I think I'm losing my faith in a forthcoming new album...
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:56:25 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:56:25 PM | |
Thanks guys,I've been fine,Victoria and I couldn't be better and my pups are big HRMG,Linus is turning 2 this month and Lyla is a year and a half....to make a long story short sparing the details,we fell flat on our face broke ect....we didn't hit rock bottom but close...ect....but now things are good.
I am without internet right now.....I can aford it but have been procratinating for months lol I'm a Gemini what can I say? I have logged on to the site from time to time but when I see no new news it pisses me off! I hate to bring up Saxon in this (lol) but they have put out 3 god damn albums from late 2009 till now they will have Sacrifice out next month....why can't Priest give us one?
Its become a joke gone bad man. Retribution may of not been thier best but it was the last normal heavy metal album by Priest and that was 8 years ago! Fuckin a...Rob came back in 2003....10 years ago....and they have only givin us 1 album to chew on and I think that "SUCKS" big balls guys.
They mentioned a new album late 2010 in the works,2011 tehy said they are working on it by golly and then said it would be out 2012....and then said 2013 for sure...and now its the middle of Feb. and no new news? Not even a god damn song title? Album cover,album title...fucking anything? Its a Joke guys.....nothing we can do about it but I think it sucks. |
[icecreamman] Thursday, February 14, 2013 12:12:35 PM | |
You know what.... We will have a need Defenders of the Faith 30th Anniversery remaster before we get a new album. Hell, we may have the Painkiller Anniversery album before then!
[icecreamman] Thursday, February 14, 2013 12:08:41 PM | |
Totally agree J.D.! I am to the point of beliving there isn't going to be another album.....
[Head banger] Monday, February 11, 2013 8:04:34 AM | |
JD, welcome back, and I am with you, perfect voice or not, a new disc and a tour would be nice. betting against both for now though. |
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, February 10, 2013 7:36:58 PM | |
Wonderful to hear from you JD!! We certainly missed you. How are the puppies? I guess they aren't puppies anymore though, are they? How are you doing? We are all dying for SOME word on the new album, but nothing new as you can see.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, February 09, 2013 6:43:40 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Havent posted anything in nearly a year,a big hellow to Guido,Head Banger,HRMG,Spa,Becks,Budred,Hellrider... I guess Halford should post a message like a president: And for the new year 2013 read my lips: NO NEW ALBUM! lol.
Not even any news on any new tracks,ect.....makes one wonder if this supposed new album will be pushed into Jan 2014? It just shouldn't be this difficult to push out an album. I read a few posts here and there,still talk of Halford's voice
not being perfect and what not....I know outside the internet around here Priest fans could care less about his vocal range,they just want to see him live and want a new LP. JD
[Becks] Sunday, February 10, 2013 4:57:14 PM | |
Good to see you JD! Hope all is well with you 
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, February 09, 2013 6:43:40 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Havent posted anything in nearly a year,a big hellow to Guido,Head Banger,HRMG,Spa,Becks,Budred,Hellrider... I guess Halford should post a message like a president: And for the new year 2013 read my lips: NO NEW ALBUM! lol.
Not even any news on any new tracks,ect.....makes one wonder if this supposed new album will be pushed into Jan 2014? It just shouldn't be this difficult to push out an album. I read a few posts here and there,still talk of Halford's voice
not being perfect and what not....I know outside the internet around here Priest fans could care less about his vocal range,they just want to see him live and want a new LP. JD
[hellrider 31038] Sunday, February 10, 2013 12:13:19 PM | |
HELLO J.D DIAMOND THE COMMANDER.NICE TO SEE YOU. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, February 09, 2013 6:43:40 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Havent posted anything in nearly a year,a big hellow to Guido,Head Banger,HRMG,Spa,Becks,Budred,Hellrider... I guess Halford should post a message like a president: And for the new year 2013 read my lips: NO NEW ALBUM! lol.
Not even any news on any new tracks,ect.....makes one wonder if this supposed new album will be pushed into Jan 2014? It just shouldn't be this difficult to push out an album. I read a few posts here and there,still talk of Halford's voice
not being perfect and what not....I know outside the internet around here Priest fans could care less about his vocal range,they just want to see him live and want a new LP. JD
[Budred] Sunday, February 10, 2013 5:14:01 AM | |
If you're going to check out for awhile again let someone know mister!!!
No calls, no messages. You know we've all been worrying sick wondering what the hell happened to you.
OK but seriously, glad to see you post again. I have been (as well as others I'm sure) wondering what happened to you.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, February 09, 2013 6:43:40 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote: |
Havent posted anything in nearly a year,a big hellow to Guido,Head Banger,HRMG,Spa,Becks,Budred,Hellrider... I guess Halford should post a message like a president: And for the new year 2013 read my lips: NO NEW ALBUM! lol.
Not even any news on any new tracks,ect.....makes one wonder if this supposed new album will be pushed into Jan 2014? It just shouldn't be this difficult to push out an album. I read a few posts here and there,still talk of Halford's voice
not being perfect and what not....I know outside the internet around here Priest fans could care less about his vocal range,they just want to see him live and want a new LP. JD
Edited at: Sunday, February 10, 2013 5:16:01 AM |
[guidogodoy] Saturday, February 09, 2013 8:13:58 PM | |
Hey! Good to see ya, broham! Nice to hear from you and hope all is well.
You want a summary of what has been going in in your absence? Look at Hellrider's posts: NOT PARTIAL BUT FULLLLLLLLPOWWWWWWWWRRRREEEEEEE!
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, February 09, 2013 6:43:40 PM) |  | J.D. DIAMOND wrote: | | Havent posted anything in nearly a year,a big hellow to Guido,Head Banger,HRMG,Spa,Becks,Budred,Hellrider... I guess Halford should post a message like a president: And for the new year 2013 read my lips: NO NEW ALBUM! lol.
Not even any news on any new tracks,ect.....makes one wonder if this supposed new album will be pushed into Jan 2014? It just shouldn't be this difficult to push out an album. I read a few posts here and there,still talk of Halford's voice
not being perfect and what not....I know outside the internet around here Priest fans could care less about his vocal range,they just want to see him live and want a new LP. JD
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, February 09, 2013 6:43:40 PM | |
Havent posted anything in nearly a year,a big hellow to Guido,Head Banger,HRMG,Spa,Becks,Budred,Hellrider... I guess Halford should post a message like a president: And for the new year 2013 read my lips: NO NEW ALBUM! lol.
Not even any news on any new tracks,ect.....makes one wonder if this supposed new album will be pushed into Jan 2014? It just shouldn't be this difficult to push out an album. I read a few posts here and there,still talk of Halford's voice
not being perfect and what not....I know outside the internet around here Priest fans could care less about his vocal range,they just want to see him live and want a new LP. JD
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Thursday, February 07, 2013 11:30:54 AM | |
Mike Davis, the kick ass bassist for Halford is in a new band called Death Dealer. You can check out 3 song previews here. Their first album will be out in 2013. The other members of the band are Ross The Boss - guitarist (Manowar, Dictators), Sean Peck - vocals (Cage), Stu Marshall - guitarist (Udo), and Rhino - drums (Manowar). Check them out!!
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Thursday, February 07, 2013 11:21:18 AM | |
I don't believe so, at least I'd never heard that. Scott and Richie are employees and have no say in what Priest does. Rob on the other hand has a 1/3 vote now that KK is gone. Isn't Baxter suing Priest because they didn't pay Rob what he believes they owe him and therefore Rob can't pay Baxter his cut of that? I doubt they want to release anything while this is still going on so that Baxter can't get his greedy paws on any of the $$$$.
[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Thursday, February 07, 2013 7:49:17 AM) |  | Head banger wrote: | | I would bet the lawsuit is holding things up. baxter sued everyone who was even remotly priest related. heck he would have sued the membership here if he could have figured out how to do it.
now I wonder something. I heard on eddie trunk the other day that vince neil isnt a member of motley anymore, he is an employee, which he said was comon when someone quits a band and is brought back. is that the case with Rob? |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | We met up with friends at the show and they had been to Ripper's Tap House the night before. They asked him if he was going to the Priest show and he said he wasn't sure. Right then and there I knew that nothing had been planned for Ripper to go onstage. I really think that is a shitty thing to do to him. Without Ripper, there would have been NO Priest for Rob to come back to!! The other thing that pisses me off is when they say stuff like we'll be doing a song from every album or this includes our entire catalog.... Um, no it doesn't. They should say our albums/catalog with Rob, IMO.
Wow, I knew that they didn't let him write anything and I heard they told him how to sing, but I didn't realize it was THAT controlling! Well, once Rob left, Glenn completely took over. Had they let Ripper have some input in how he sang the songs, maybe the vocal lines would have been better. I love Ripper's voice, but there was always something not quite right about how he was singing on those two albums. This explains that for sure - you have to let the singer have some freedom in how they sing.
I wouldn't rip you about you saying that they need Ripper back even though I don't agree with it. Now I see why you said it. I really wonder if this Baxter lawsuit is holding up stuff with Priest as well....
|  | Budred wrote: | | Believe it or not that was exactly what I was hoping for in Cleveland. With Ripper being from Akron I was almost expecting it.
I also thought it was wrong not including any of his stuff on the last tour. After all he had absolutely nothing to do with the musical
direction they took. I got to meet Ripper a couple of times also. Once at a bar in Akron and he actually sat with us at a booth and
had a beer and was answering our questions. He never said anything negative about Priest but he did say that he didn't control
anything not even his singing style. He even joked about how bad he hated one of the jackets they made him wear. It was a
black leather(of course) jacket with mirrors all over it. I think Ripper is one of the most down to earth guys that I have ever met.
I believe he is as genuine as they come. Thanks for not ripping me for suggesting they need him back. |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | So that was YOU? I saw that, LOL! I had the privilege of finally meeting Ripper after the Dio Disciples show in Detroit at Harpo's. What a hell of a guy he is!! He has very fond memories of Priest and he strikes me as a very genuine man, so I doubt he is hiding anything. I asked him about the "Sold Out" sign on the '98 Meltdown CD and if it was from the show in Kalamazoo. He thought about it for a minute and said he believed it was and then got a HUGE smile on his face and said "That was a hell of a show!" I don't know about you, but I was really hoping that he was going to come out on stage and sing a duet with Rob in Cleveland. One thing that upset me is the fact that none of Ripper's stuff was represented in the Epitaph setlist. I just think that was wrong. Rob said he didn't have a problem singing the Ripper era stuff, so why didn't they at least do 1 song? Gotta say, I would have loved to have heard Rob and Ripper do a duet on Cathedral Spires!!!
|  | Budred wrote: | | I went to Ripper's facebook page and noticed a pic he posted of his days in Priest. I figured not but I asked him if he posted the pic
because of something going on between him and Priest. I also ask him how he felt about Rob's return and his dismissal from the band.
I was a little surprised to see that he actually responded to me. He said nothing was going on with him and Priest and he said he loved Rob
and had a great time with Priest. I thought it was cool that he answered me and I think it's cool he's still cool with Priest. (alot of cools)(lol)
I thought there might be a little animosity but I guess not unless he hides it. I doubt that though because he has a emblem at the top of his page
that says JP social club. |
[Head banger] Thursday, February 07, 2013 7:49:17 AM | |
I would bet the lawsuit is holding things up. baxter sued everyone who was even remotly priest related. heck he would have sued the membership here if he could have figured out how to do it.
now I wonder something. I heard on eddie trunk the other day that vince neil isnt a member of motley anymore, he is an employee, which he said was comon when someone quits a band and is brought back. is that the case with Rob? [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Wednesday, February 06, 2013 11:24:00 AM) |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | We met up with friends at the show and they had been to Ripper's Tap House the night before. They asked him if he was going to the Priest show and he said he wasn't sure. Right then and there I knew that nothing had been planned for Ripper to go onstage. I really think that is a shitty thing to do to him. Without Ripper, there would have been NO Priest for Rob to come back to!! The other thing that pisses me off is when they say stuff like we'll be doing a song from every album or this includes our entire catalog.... Um, no it doesn't. They should say our albums/catalog with Rob, IMO.
Wow, I knew that they didn't let him write anything and I heard they told him how to sing, but I didn't realize it was THAT controlling! Well, once Rob left, Glenn completely took over. Had they let Ripper have some input in how he sang the songs, maybe the vocal lines would have been better. I love Ripper's voice, but there was always something not quite right about how he was singing on those two albums. This explains that for sure - you have to let the singer have some freedom in how they sing.
I wouldn't rip you about you saying that they need Ripper back even though I don't agree with it. Now I see why you said it. I really wonder if this Baxter lawsuit is holding up stuff with Priest as well....
|  | Budred wrote: | | Believe it or not that was exactly what I was hoping for in Cleveland. With Ripper being from Akron I was almost expecting it.
I also thought it was wrong not including any of his stuff on the last tour. After all he had absolutely nothing to do with the musical
direction they took. I got to meet Ripper a couple of times also. Once at a bar in Akron and he actually sat with us at a booth and
had a beer and was answering our questions. He never said anything negative about Priest but he did say that he didn't control
anything not even his singing style. He even joked about how bad he hated one of the jackets they made him wear. It was a
black leather(of course) jacket with mirrors all over it. I think Ripper is one of the most down to earth guys that I have ever met.
I believe he is as genuine as they come. Thanks for not ripping me for suggesting they need him back. |  | HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS wrote: | | So that was YOU? I saw that, LOL! I had the privilege of finally meeting Ripper after the Dio Disciples show in Detroit at Harpo's. What a hell of a guy he is!! He has very fond memories of Priest and he strikes me as a very genuine man, so I doubt he is hiding anything. I asked him about the "Sold Out" sign on the '98 Meltdown CD and if it was from the show in Kalamazoo. He thought about it for a minute and said he believed it was and then got a HUGE smile on his face and said "That was a hell of a show!" I don't know about you, but I was really hoping that he was going to come out on stage and sing a duet with Rob in Cleveland. One thing that upset me is the fact that none of Ripper's stuff was represented in the Epitaph setlist. I just think that was wrong. Rob said he didn't have a problem singing the Ripper era stuff, so why didn't they at least do 1 song? Gotta say, I would have loved to have heard Rob and Ripper do a duet on Cathedral Spires!!!
|  | Budred wrote: | | I went to Ripper's facebook page and noticed a pic he posted of his days in Priest. I figured not but I asked him if he posted the pic
because of something going on between him and Priest. I also ask him how he felt about Rob's return and his dismissal from the band.
I was a little surprised to see that he actually responded to me. He said nothing was going on with him and Priest and he said he loved Rob
and had a great time with Priest. I thought it was cool that he answered me and I think it's cool he's still cool with Priest. (alot of cools)(lol)
I thought there might be a little animosity but I guess not unless he hides it. I doubt that though because he has a emblem at the top of his page
that says JP social club. |