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What should fans expect on this 2011 tour?
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Songs never played live before etc...?


[Jorggee] Tuesday, June 14, 2011 5:03:13 PM 
 We jus have to expect nothing less but the glory of their latest tour ever, is they are truly awesome normally, this time they will leave us totally breathless and amazed, in each and every corner of the world.
[laliwitch] Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:36:15 PM 
Judas Priest was great at sweden rock festival!!!!. Rob Halford IS the Metal God,oh my god what a voice he has!!!
I was 16 y old when I first listened to Judas Priest.
Brought the record ''Defenders of the faith''And fell in love =)
Judas Priest forever in my heart.I love everything about them. Think Rob is the best singer ever!

Been a fan for 28 years and will be a fan for as long as I live!!!

Edited at: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 12:41:40 PM
[jgreenpromiseland] Monday, June 13, 2011 10:59:30 PM 
 I really NEED meet and greet passes for my dad! Priest is his favorite band and has never gotten to meet them! How can I obtain them, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone help!
[Maple Syrup] Monday, June 06, 2011 12:01:41 PM 
Just wondering what to expect from JP on this tour. Will we actually get something (anything?) that Priest has never played live before? Or the same old classics..I hope not. I still do not like the fact they are on again off again on whether this will be there last tour...Also, is Priest over estimating the demand to see this 2011 tour (especially here in the US) now that KK is no longer part of the lineup? Another thing to consider: Priest may have over saturated their market (especially here is the US again) since reuniting...every summer since 2006, two legs of AOR and the British Steel in its entirety. In between, a weak release = Nostradamus and you may have the average fan saying no thanks. I have a feeling their ticket sales maybe low as they have not released anything new or unreleased from the vault but are dubbing it as a farewell tour. Sorry but it doesnt add up to the consumer shelling out $75 - $125 to see Priest again playing the same tired setlist in this economy. Not trying to slag them, but these are different times and I feel the train may have already left the station (or has the sun already set) for Judas Priest. MpleSyrp 
Edited at: Monday, June 06, 2011 12:03:03 PM
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