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NEW Game!!! Story Association Game
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[Phantom A6] Monday, July 28, 2008 1:34:53 PM 
As Rob and the Legion leaving London behind a curtain
of a face-fucking-massacre, they start a holy war all over
the world. No boy and girl group survived. At the end of
the trip the goal is in, Rob's showing a new flag. We against
the celebreties.
[Phantom A6] Monday, July 28, 2008 1:11:45 PM 
Next day, Joan Baez walk over the Timesquare and singing
"Your ashes my friends is blowing in the wind".
Take that, not amused, indeed, try to start suicide as they
see Rob enter London with a Legion of Headbangers on his side.
[Phantom A6] Monday, July 28, 2008 12:22:59 PM 
He's catching this little freaking bastards and
nailed everyone of them on his own cross in the middle
of New Yorks Timesquare for everyone to see.
After a torture running time over 3 hours, Rob tell them:
"Look, guys, the crowd is amused" and set them on fire.
Meanwhile, Rammstein is there and used Rob's performance
and played "Benzin" ("Gasoline") live.

Edited at: Monday, July 28, 2008 12:42:51 PM
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