[Head banger] Wednesday, August 27, 2008 8:44:44 AM | |
well, I dont love nost, but I do think that its beter than RR. RR is just too soft IMO. but, they change, and some like it, some dont. if you want the same thing every album, put the cd player on repeat, or buy the maiden discography. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Dime/UNDER BLOOD RED SKIES!!!! from Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3:48:03 PM) |  | Dime/UNDER BLOOD RED SKIES!!!! wrote: | | See this is something i really wanted to talk about,Ive heard alot of people voice there opinion on the new album and i was really suprised to hear negative things about it. Some going as far to say that the new album is not metal. Not Metal? what the hell, how can you say that this album is not Metal, sure that alot of mellower sounding songs, they're not all out balls out hardcore heavy metal songs like the title track, but that was the concept they chose to sing about. Nostradumas couldnt have had that exciting of a life he was just a fortune teller. I think the title track well for me is very reminiscent of painkiller( not as brutal, or as insane an ending) For someone to say that Judas Priest one of the few God fathers of Heavy metal have shied away from the sound that they helped create is i think pretty ignorant. A big example would be point of entry.I bet when that album came out alot of fans were disappointed, i sure was when i bought it, it grew on me after awhile but comparing that album to the one before would have been kind of the same situation. British Steel compared to point of entry? I'm sorry but there's no contest there for me. British steel is one of the all time greatest Metal masterpeices of all time, point of entry well im not sure where that would fit in. The lyrics on that album were extremely disappointing compared to the previous album, and i wonder if alot of fans were saying the same thing back in what was it 81? I wouldnt know personally because it was four years before i was born. To the non believers of Nostradumas, well thats your opinion, but dont go saying that because this album isnt heavy metal to you that the band wont continue to make the music that they themselves helped define. Halford, Tipton and Downing have molten Heavy Metal flowing through there veins, for me the new album is a wicked example.
I wonder if those bitching about the new album consider Rocka rolla a Heavy Metal album? That was about as Mellow in points as Nostradumas without the insanley heavy main title track.
[Metal god/Electric eye! [Banned]] Wednesday, August 27, 2008 6:22:36 AM | |
Like i [posted earlier!] The change in the album is good it took a while to grow on me! But these people saying best priest Ever! OPEN YOUR EARS IT IS NOT HEAVY METAL, OR DO YOU NOT KNOW THEY HAVE OTHER ALBUMS,I KNOW EVERYBODY HAS AN OPINION,BUT BE REALISTIC! PAINKILLER,DEFENDERS,SCREAMING,HELL BENT STAINED CLASS TO NAME A FEW! |
[PointOfEntry66] Wednesday, August 27, 2008 2:16:52 AM | |
[Dime/UNDER BLOOD RED SKIES!!!!] Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3:48:03 PM | |
See this is something i really wanted to talk about,Ive heard alot of people voice there opinion on the new album and i was really suprised to hear negative things about it. Some going as far to say that the new album is not metal. Not Metal? what the hell, how can you say that this album is not Metal, sure that alot of mellower sounding songs, they're not all out balls out hardcore heavy metal songs like the title track, but that was the concept they chose to sing about. Nostradumas couldnt have had that exciting of a life he was just a fortune teller. I think the title track well for me is very reminiscent of painkiller( not as brutal, or as insane an ending) For someone to say that Judas Priest one of the few God fathers of Heavy metal have shied away from the sound that they helped create is i think pretty ignorant. A big example would be point of entry.I bet when that album came out alot of fans were disappointed, i sure was when i bought it, it grew on me after awhile but comparing that album to the one before would have been kind of the same situation. British Steel compared to point of entry? I'm sorry but there's no contest there for me. British steel is one of the all time greatest Metal masterpeices of all time, point of entry well im not sure where that would fit in. The lyrics on that album were extremely disappointing compared to the previous album, and i wonder if alot of fans were saying the same thing back in what was it 81? I wouldnt know personally because it was four years before i was born. To the non believers of Nostradumas, well thats your opinion, but dont go saying that because this album isnt heavy metal to you that the band wont continue to make the music that they themselves helped define. Halford, Tipton and Downing have molten Heavy Metal flowing through there veins, for me the new album is a wicked example.
I wonder if those bitching about the new album consider Rocka rolla a Heavy Metal album? That was about as Mellow in points as Nostradumas without the insanley heavy main title track.
[Watkins] Tuesday, August 26, 2008 10:52:45 AM | |
It is a decent metal album but nowhere near as good as DOTF, SFV or Painkiller. In my humble opinion. |
[crypticangle] Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:44:32 AM | |
I couldn't agree with you more --you wrote everything I wanted to say--Judas Priest are so diverse & that's why I like them--every cd is so different from the last & so unique in it's own.---Nostradamus being the best so far ?--that's to each person's own personal opinion. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by WhiskeyWoman from Saturday, August 16, 2008 4:23:14 PM) |  | WhiskeyWoman wrote: | | While it's hard to say anything is the best of anything ... the best band ever? ... the best song ever? ... Topics of discussion that are always up for debate ... So, while I believe there is no such thing as 'best' when it comes to art, of which "Nostradamus" unapologetically is, it is one of the 'best' albums of all time for me.
That being said, "Nostradamus" is nothing short of an epic masterpiece -- as it encompasses all their skills, ranges and abilities. We have the metal, the opera, and the orchestra... which is a true marriage that simply showcases their talents and how diverse they really are. Hopefully it also tells us we get better with age... (I can only hope, lol.)
I think we see a glimpse of this, a long time ago, in "Sad Wings of Destiny" -- Dreamer Deceiver. Anyone else out there think so?
PS -- i play the violin & guitar, or used to until a recent, very unfortunate accident to my L-hand... anyway, in the credits of "Nostradamus", they credit the violin as "real strings". I thank them for that. 
[Metal god/Electric eye! [Banned]] Tuesday, August 26, 2008 4:31:29 AM | |
Have you listen to any other PRIEST albums its good ,not there best work that is an insult to the band! [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Vinther from Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:39:05 PM) |  | Vinther wrote: | | Nostradamus is my favorite metal album ever! |
[Vinther] Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:39:05 PM | |
Nostradamus is my favorite metal album ever! |
[scorpion01] Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:07:46 PM | |
Whiskey Woman, I think you hit it dead on. I think Nostradamus is awsome. Their best?? To me Sad Wings is their best, but after that it depends on my mood. That is what I love about Priest. Every album is great and special in its own way. Edited at: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:10:35 PM Edited at: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:10:51 PM |
[Soylentgreen4u] Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:07:26 PM | |
MY THOUGHTS ALSO...BOTTOM 3 TO 5 FOR ME TOO...I DON'T HATE IT,BUT WHEN I'M IN THE MOOD FOR PRIEST...THIS ONE'S NOT GONNA BE JUMPING OUT OF THE TOASTER AT ME REALLY QUICK... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by metalmaz from Wednesday, August 20, 2008 12:00:00 PM) |  | metalmaz wrote: | | Not for me. I think it's in their bottom 3.
I've tried so hard to get into it, but I can't. There are a handfull of good songs, like War and the title track, but on the whole I think it's overblown and boring.
[metalmaz] Wednesday, August 20, 2008 12:00:00 PM | |
Not for me. I think it's in their bottom 3.
I've tried so hard to get into it, but I can't. There are a handfull of good songs, like War and the title track, but on the whole I think it's overblown and boring.
[Painkiller01] Tuesday, August 19, 2008 9:06:01 PM | |
I though this album was really cool, but its not my favorite. I'm not very into opera, but it's still awsome. |
[WhiskeyWoman] Saturday, August 16, 2008 4:23:14 PM | |
While it's hard to say anything is the best of anything ... the best band ever? ... the best song ever? ... Topics of discussion that are always up for debate ... So, while I believe there is no such thing as 'best' when it comes to art, of which "Nostradamus" unapologetically is, it is one of the 'best' albums of all time for me.
That being said, "Nostradamus" is nothing short of an epic masterpiece -- as it encompasses all their skills, ranges and abilities. We have the metal, the opera, and the orchestra... which is a true marriage that simply showcases their talents and how diverse they really are. Hopefully it also tells us we get better with age... (I can only hope, lol.)
I think we see a glimpse of this, a long time ago, in "Sad Wings of Destiny" -- Dreamer Deceiver. Anyone else out there think so?
PS -- i play the violin & guitar, or used to until a recent, very unfortunate accident to my L-hand... anyway, in the credits of "Nostradamus", they credit the violin as "real strings". I thank them for that. 
[crypticangle] Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:33:00 AM | |
I can't say it's their best so far but it's in the top 3--the best concept cd though. |
[FullBoor] Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:21:58 AM | |
Its a good concept album but best ever is a stretch. |
[Return_of_Darth_Painkiller_0870] Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:19:44 AM | |
Not their best ever, but you can make a case for their most ambitious and it definitely makes a lot of Top 5 Priest albums ever lists I would think. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Monday, August 11, 2008 2:44:06 PM) |  | Phantom A6 wrote: | | Yes, indeed, it is. |
[Phantom A6] Monday, August 11, 2008 2:44:06 PM | |