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Spanish Lessons #2
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[SkyRideR] Wednesday, September 02, 2009 6:55:39 PM 
how do u say "enchilada"...
[Fishu] Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:43:44 AM 

i just had to deal with a cranky old lady so out of spite I won work anymore today, that´s why im going to give  spanish lessons by translating to spanish some of the greatest songs of priest. 
Today : Painkiller (tranquilizante,sedante,calmante) 

don´t take it to seriously if you are actually learning spanish since it´s argentine spanish,  with weird invented words and stuff nobody uses (?)

Here goes:

Más rápido que una bala (faster than a bullet)
Grito terrorifico (terrifying scream)
Re caliente y lleno de ira (enrage and full of anger)
Es mitad hombre mitad maquina (he´s half man and half machine)

Maneja el monstruo metalico (rides the metal monster)
Respirando humo y fuego (breathing smoke and fire)
Acercandose con venganza planeando aaaaaalto (closing in with vengeance soaring hiiiiiiiigh)

El es, el se-daaaaante (He is the painkiiiiiiler)
Este, es! El sedante! (This, is the painkiller!)

Planetas hechos mierda (Planets devastated)
Humanidad de rodillas (Mankind on it´s knees)
Un salvador viene de los cielos (A saviour comes from out the skies)
Respondiendo sus plegarias (in answer to their pleas)

A través de nubes de trueno hirviendo (through boiling clouds of thunder)
Relampagantes rayos de acero (blasting bolts of steel)
La maldad bajo ruedas mortaleeeeees (evil´s going under deadly wheeeeeels)

El es, el se-daaaaante (He is the painkiiiiiiler)
Este, es! El sedante! (This, is the painkiller!)

Más rápido que una bala laaaaaser (faster than a laaaazer buuulet)
Más ruidoso que una boooomba atooomica (louder than an aaatom bomb)
Cromio blindado metal hirvieeeendo (chromium plated boiiiiling metal!)
Mas brillante que miles de soooooooooles (brighter than an thousand suuuuuuuuuuuuuuns!)

(one of the best solos ever....)
chanan chananfiuuuUUUuU ...

Volando alto en éxtasis (flying high on rapture)
Más fuerte libre y valiente (Sronger free and brave)
Nunca más en cana  (Nevermore encaptured)
Han sido traidos devuelta de la tumba (they´ve been brought back from the grave)

Con la humanidad resucitada (with mankind resurrected)
Para sobrevivir por siempre (forever to survive!)
Vuelve del kilombo a los cieeeeeelos (returns from armageddon to the skiiiiiiiiiiIiIIeeeees)

El es, el se-daaaaante (He is the painkiiiiiiler)
Este, es! El sedante! (This, is the painkiller!)
Alas, de acero!! Sedante! (Wings of steeel painkiller)
Ruedas mortales!! Seeedante! (deadly wheels painkiiiiiiler!)

El es, el se-daaaaante (He is the painkiiiiiiler)
Este, es! El sedante! (This, is the painkiller!)

i hope you liked it =p though translating breaking the law was funnier.


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