Back when I was 18, I used to take this industrial side road that was essentially a shortcut through the area I lived. (I get to skip lights and slow roads) I would often speed through this road.
Well, one day I was doing just that (also smoking a joint), listening to Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law" when the part came up where the sirens came on in the song. I immediately looked back and saw a cop pulling out of the dead end sidestreet (speedtrap) that branched off of it (B).
I look ahead of me and I see the signals for the railroad crossing light up. I floor my puny little sunfire to make it past the crossing. I made it across the tracks, passing over them while the crossing guards were coming down (C).
Then of course the train came immediately after and I made my escape.
It was very surreal, and matched the peak of the song perfectly. The timing was impeccable.
Thank you Judas Priest! Edited at: Monday, April 09, 2012 10:33:31 PM |