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[Demonizer13] Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:22:02 PM 
I have clearly been on the wrong thread!
Okay, my take on the Epic "Nostradamus" is this:

Brilliant! Amazing, diverse, musical genious! MASTERPIECE!
I have no idea why people are trying to compare it to Painkiller and others...this is nothing like anything that has come before it! WASP has something similar, Iced Earth just had a concept album, but this is different. The complexity of the music shows that Judas Priest are not just Heavy Metal musicians, they are Artists in music!

I new this CD was not going to be like anything they had ever done before, so I listened with an open mind. This could very well be a broadway musical soomeday, and I don't mean that in a durogatory manner.  I could actually see this being done as a movie! Like Phantom of the Opera and Sweeny Todd.

This is still heavy. It is a Heavy Metal Opera/Opus!
It's an emotianal rollercoaster!

If you listeded to the leak expecting Screaming for Vengeance, Painkiller, or even Angel, you would be disappointed to an extent. As the conceptual album it is, it is truely amazing! Musically, lyrically, and in it's presentation!
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