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[Deep Freeze] Friday, June 13, 2008 10:40:10 AM 
Indeed. I fail to see how it is that you can even suggest that I have "attacked" you or anyone else for that matter. In fact, I clearly stated that you are entitled to your opinion of the new album, did I not? I could not care less if you have a "reaction" to me or not. I would quite prefer you ignore me. I see that you have been here five years and yet you have ONE friend?? It is no surprise.

I stand by my previous comments. Your remarks were NOT of a constructive nature but rather, they were meant to cause discord;  at this point and time I can honestly say I hate Judas Priest.  THAT is a musical opinion??? Perhaps you should spend a bit more time in class (or should have) to get a clearer understanding of the words we use in the English language? By any standard, you could certainly use a lesson or two in manners.

I do not believe that it was I who asked for you to "leave". I certainly do not care if you are here or you are not.  As I have mentioned before, it is not up to me and your ilk have come and gone so many times I have lost count. But, when one comes to an OFFICIAL site and expresses "hate" for the site's subject, I tend to believe it is not about having an opinion or exercising ones right to speech. It is an overt attempt to grab attention or agitate. (I will give you a moment to look those up as well)

Say what you will. You have that right. But there is no need to be a liar in addition to being a boor.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Rob Ward from Thursday, June 12, 2008 7:14:01 PM)
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