Well said, JD. Very well said, indeed. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Monday, June 16, 2008 5:15:15 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
MELTDOWN, my friend at work burned this CD for me and I did listen to the entire CD,and I have to say that I fully 100% agree with you and your post. I do not like this CD with the exceptions of the song "Nostradamus" and a couple of intros....Visions was "ok" ...but the over all opinion of mine....I just do not care for it but it is well put together,I give them full credit,its just that you can't please everybody...some people out there do not like Angel Of Retribution....but to me with the exception of Lockness the only song I don't care for off the album...the other 9 tracks are classic Judas Priest....
You could even throw out Revolution if ya wanted and still have 8 classic Judas Priest songs that make an albums worth....Judas Rising,Deal With The Devil,Worth Fighting For,Demonizer,Wheels Of Fire,Angel,Eulogy and Hellrider ..........Angel Of Retribution I think is far better work than Nostradamus...but I am not going to bash the album to bits,I've liked this band to long to do that,and this is not like Turbo....I think Deep Freeze said it best when he said that he has never been dissappointed with thier effort that the give. I do think that this new album is done with the bands full 100% and not some half assed effort,no...this is thier heart and soul poured into this and I hail them for that alone.I am just into the traditional british heavy metal sound....some of this reminds me of new "Blind Guardian" from Germany....with the synths everywhere......its just the "song writting" that I don't care for...not the pace of these songs....... I as well wanted the whole album to be more in a Painkiller/Angel Of Retribution/Screaming For Vengeance with a touch of Sad Wings Of Destiny.
Judas Priest will always be my all time favorite band from 1980 when I first heard Breaking The Law up till now and beyond.That will never change even if the band stays into this new style...so be it.
Afternoon folks....I am going to say that I did listen to a few minutes of each track and I was somewhat dissappointed. I say that because I have been waiting for another "Painkiller" or "British Steel" on each and every album. I am not knocking the album but I was hoping for an album of barnburners in the vein of Painkiller and half of AOR. I do think that, in time, this will grow on me but at the moment I do feel a little let down. It may be because my musical direction has taken a turn towards more progressive power metal, IDK. I did order the 39 buck package and had it expressed in. It should be in today as they emailed and said it shipped last friday. I really will not be able to tell completely without giving the entire CD a listen but I have the feeling that I am not going to like it too much.....Sorry