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[Schmeltzer] Tuesday, June 17, 2008 6:55:29 AM 
It's alright, DemonCat. I'm not too thrilled about this new release either. It's not that bad, but I think it's too long and a bit boring. Maybe this is the right moment to check out some of Halford's solo albums? These albums might give you more satisfaction than Judas Priest's "Nostradamus". Let's take Fight's debut album "War Of Words" for example. This album truly is a forgotten gem. "War of words" is definitely the way to go if you're looking for something heavier and more dangerous.

Hearing songs like "Nailed To The Gun", "Into To Pit" and "Kill It" for the first time I thought to myself "Wow, the Metal God is really pissed off!" This album is heavy for sure. But not every song is heavy, there are also a few slower songs on this disc. The awesome "For All Eternity" for example. Halford's vocals will kick your ass, Scott Travis is an animal on the drum kit and the other musicians are very talented as well. I payed a whoppin' seven bucks for this disc! LOL! Still sealed! Quite a bargain!

Check out the song "Nailed To The Gun" and see if it doesn't send you into spastic headbanging fits: 

Here's a song called "Immortal Sin". I really dig that grungy thrash sound:

The awesome heavy metal ballad "For All eternity":
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by DemonCat from Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:50:46 PM)
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