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[Tephra Rising] Tuesday, June 17, 2008 11:09:42 PM 
Suddenly I'm glad I took 4 years of French in high school!!!  Ha ha ha....

(That never made sense to me.  I grew up and live in the Pacific Northwest and the nearest French-speaking part of the world to us is........Quebec which is on the other side of the freaking continent from me. Real useful out here.  Who knew I'd one day find it came in handy for reading the liner notes to NOSTRADAMUS.......)

.......but let's not forget this ain't the first time Priest "Frenched" us.  Anybody remember "Saints In Hell" off "Stained Class"???

Abbatoir, abbatoir, mon Dieu quelle horreur.....
(translation:  Slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse, my God what horror)
and I am surprised I can remember that!!!
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