Now ,how did that go again?5-7-8......holy fark man,this may take awhile!!
TIMBONI wrote:
Oh, one other thing. One of the coolest scales, in my opinion, is the combination of the Blues Scale and the Natural Minor Scale. The simple Blues Scale is 1-4,1-3,1-3,1-3,1-4,1-4. Try this one. Let's say we start on A on the 6 string. So, by fret, it goes 5-7-8, 5-7-8, 5-7, 4-5-7, 5-6-8, 5-7-8. With the addition of a little tail. If you start on the G string with the 4-5-7 you can then slide up to the 9th fret and finish it off with the blues scale on the B and E strings with 8-10, 8-10.
Very George Lynch.