Yep. One and the same. When her hubby went to prison for scamming off the religious PTL and busting Jim personally for having an affair with Jessica Hahn, all went to crap.
EXCEPT, for the great metal vid by Nuclear Assault which featured Jessica!!! A personal fav!
I've heard of Tammy Faye. Didn't she die from cancer or something? I saw her on TV once talking about that guy.
guidogodoy wrote:
Heard the song, right? Miracle man, got busted! Why, Jim Bakker. Holy Roller who had a horrible wife named Tammy Faye. Horrible in makeup, at least! Look him up, stole a lot of $ and was jailed. Thus, the lyrics. See? Like the Inca, we elders are here to pass on the (often horrible and sad) knowledge! HAAAAA!!!
Vaillant 3.0 wrote:
I don't know... Mr. Crowley?
guidogodoy wrote:
Keepin' Ozzy - Zakk now. Miracle Man. <===quick...who was it, Vail? No cheating!