Those cars always remind me of the Road Warrior. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, July 20, 2008 5:28:20 PM)
spapad wrote:
You only hate it because it's not yours! Ever Seen an Old AMX limited edition, that thing was fast, furious, and wild! Had it's number printed on the dash. Looked like a hybrid Mustang! My old Boyfriend had it, bought it someone for next to nothing because they had it in the garage for years (Their son killed on war, the owner of the car) But it fell into my boyfiends capable hands and he changed all the seals and such. That Car Was Billiant. Had No back seat, just carpet.
That is the car I would Kill to own!
TIMBONI wrote:
And fast. Big enough engine to have a great top end, but small enough to get off the line pretty quick. Damn I hate that car ! HA !
spapad wrote:
Nope, firebird, looks alot like Javelin or aAMX, Ah well, shes a beauty